#lung damage
tarfeeder · 2 months
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 11 months
Whump Prompt #1174
Anon Asked:  Any prompts for a character who suffers from TB (tuberculosis) and as a result, has a tendency to cough up blood?
(Also please don’t quote me on my medical knowledge, I’m using multiple sources for this - listed at the end)
The coughing starts gradually, passed off as allergies/a cold.
As always, it gets worse, and harsher. They start coughing up phlegm. 
Their chest hurts, as it would. They can hardly sleep and their fever starts affecting everyday life. Their throat always hurts so they hardly eat.
The weight loss and tiredness is when people start to notice. 
Maybe they become more agitated - maybe they make mistakes at work. 
Then the blood starts. Just a little in their phlegm at first, but it gradually becomes more than they can just wipe away with a tissue. The metallic taste makes them gag. 
At this point, the blood vessels in their lungs have become eroded, and have begun to bleed. 
Or they’ve aggravated their throat so much, they’ve caused minor damage. 
Either way, its going into their lungs and causing breathing difficulty.
And permanent lung damage is no good for anyone, especially with residual scarring - perhaps leading to ‘pulmonary fibrosis’ which leads to many complications. 
But then theres the breathlessness/passing out/gagging on blood/chest pain etc
Pulmonary Fibrosis |  TB (ALA) | TB (NHS) | Human Health Project (Just an interesting article)
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whumpookies · 1 year
Aşk-ı Memnu 60. Bölüm Başır continues to suffer with his illness..
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lungs-in-trouble · 2 years
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Smokedaddy in the locker room
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dailyworldecho · 8 days
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kauveryblogs · 5 months
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drforambhuta · 8 months
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While considering lung transplantation for older individuals, several distinct challenges must be carefully addressed:
Coexisting Health Issues: Older adults often present with a range of underlying health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and renal dysfunction. These comorbidities can complicate the evaluation process before a lung transplant and the subsequent post-transplant care. Thorough assessments of these conditions are essential to determine the patient's suitability for lung transplant surgery and to optimize their management.
Frailty Concerns: Frailty is a common issue among older adults and can potentially affect their ability to withstand the physical demands of transplantation and the recovery period that follows. Implementing pre-transplant interventions, such as customized physical therapy and nutritional support, can enhance physical resilience and readiness for the surgical procedure.
Immune System Changes: As individuals age, their immune system naturally weakens, increasing the risk of infections and rejection following lung transplant procedure. Managing immunosuppressive medications in older recipients becomes a delicate balancing act, requiring vigilant monitoring to strike the right balance between preventing rejection and minimizing the risk of infection.
Limited Donor Availability: Older recipients may experience extended wait times for compatible donor organs, primarily due to the scarcity of older organ donors. Exploring innovative solutions, such as considering extended criteria donors, exploring donation after cardiac death (DCD) options, and intensifying public awareness campaigns about organ donation, is crucial in addressing this challenge.
Post-transplant Complications: Older adults may face a higher risk of post-transplant complications, ranging from infections to graft dysfunction. Vigilant monitoring and swift, precise intervention are imperative to effectively address and manage these potential issues.
A lung transplant procedure is recommended for end-stage lung diseases or severe lung damage. You can contact some of the best transplant surgeons at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in Delhi to assess your condition and check if you are eligible for a lung transplantation. The cost of lung transplant in Delhi may increase in case of older patients having co-morbidities.
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clanoffelidae · 10 months
I wonder where my mom got her supplemental oxygen backpack. I was fine walking everywhere during the cooler months (like I could walk around for literal hours no problem) but with the ridiculous heat and humidity I’m barely able to walk outside for more than 5-10 minutes before I’m really struggling to breathe. I’ll have to ask her about that. I’m sure I can talk to the pulmonologist about that lol but that’s gonna be a while and it’ll be cooling down a bit by then asdfghjkl
Still, it’s not like this is going to be going away any time soon, so still worth looking into. I feel like that would really help a lot, cause physically I can still walk for ages just fine; I very much have the H in ADHD, bouncing around is my normal state of being; it’s just that with this much heat and humidity my lungs can’t keep up right now
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kristy-kuar · 1 year
Is vaping bad for your health?
Unraveling the Facts: Is Vaping Detrimental to Your Health?
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Welcome to our comprehensive blog post where we dig up deep into the subject of vaping and its potency impact on your health. As a trusted authority in the field, we place to provide you with evidence-based insights and shed light on the ongoing deliberate surrounding this controversial topic. Through an undefined of scientific research, expert opinions, and analysis, we aim to help you work an familiar decision about vaping.
Understanding Vaping
Vaping, also renowned as e-cigarette use, has gained popularity in Recent epoch years as an choice to traditional tobacco smoking. This practice involves the inhalation of vapor produced by an electronic undefined known as an e-cigarette or vape pen. These devices typically hold a battery, a warming element, and a cartridge or tankful filled with a liquid solution, often referred to as e-liquid or vape juice.
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Examining the Ingredients
E-liquids in general consist of a admixture of propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), flavorings, and nicotine, although nicotine-free options are also available. Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin act as carrier liquids, providing the base for the vapor produced. While these substances are considered safe for ingestion, the long-term effects of inhaling them are still organism studied.
The Impact on the Respiratory System
One of the primary concerns associated with vaping is its potential bear on on the respiratory system. Research indicates that inhalation of e-cigarette aerosols can top to the deposition of harmful particles in the lungs, potentially causing inflammation and respiratory issues. Furthermore, studies have identified various chemical substance compounds in e-cigarette aerosols, more or less of which are known to be toxic or carcinogenic.
Nicotine dependance and Dependency
Nicotine, a highly habit-forming substance found in e-cigarettes, raises concerns just about the development of nicotine addiction and dependency. Although vaping is often marketed as a smoke cessation aid, it is important to note that many individuals who start vaping as a substance to quit smoking terminate up using both e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes concurrently.
Potential Health Risks
While long-term studies on the wellness effects of vaping are still ongoing, several potency risks have been identified. These include:
1. Respiratory Issues: The breathing in of e-cigarette aerosols may top to metabolic process symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
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2. vessel Effects: Some studies suggest that vaping may have adverse effects on vas health, possibly increasing the risk of heart disease.
3.  Popcorn Lung: Although rare, exposure to certain flavoring compounds in e-cigarettes has been joint with a severe respiratory condition known as bronchiolitis obliterans, or "popcorn lung."
4. chemical substance Exposure: Vaping exposes users to various chemicals, including fickle organic compounds and heavy metals, which may have detrimental effects on health.
Misleading Marketing Practices
The marketing strategies employed by more or less e-cigarette manufacturers and retailers have come under scrutiny due to their potential to attract young individuals and non-smokers. The tempting flavors, sleek designs, and strategic advertising campaigns have raised concerns about the normalization of vaping among vulnerable populations.
Regulatory Measures and Guidelines
Recognizing the require to address the potential wellness risks associated with vaping, regulatory bodies worldwide have enforced measures to regulate the sale, advertising, and use of e-cigarettes. These measures target to protect public health and ensure the safety of consumers, particularly youth individuals.
In conclusion, the question of whether vaping is bad for your health cadaver a complex and evolving topic. While vaping may submit careful risks and concerns, more extensive research is necessary to understand its long-term personal effects fully. As a responsible for resource, we encourage individuals to set about vaping with caution, specially those who are non-smokers or youth individuals. It is crucial to stay informed, look up healthcare professionals, and work decisions based on the latest scientific evidence.
Remember, your health is a precious asset, and understanding the potency risks joint with vaping empowers you to work choices that support your well-being.
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tarfeeder · 1 month
2 packs are not enough
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verdanturfwind · 1 year
How did the WHO declare covid no longer an emergency at the exact same time I found out my asthma has given me permanent lung damage. Please I need to keep my covid-free track record
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whumpookies · 9 months
Legacy bölüm 578
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Yemin escapes only to collapse with the after effects of the gas still in his body, time is running out to save Nana...part one Here
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
What Does Vaping Do? New Research Shows Damage and Addiction
SOURCES:  Jake Warn, Winslow, ME.  Mary Lou Warn, Winslow, ME. Tobacco Control: “Nicotine supply and cigarette equivalents from vaping a JUULpod.” Maine Department of Health and Human Services: “Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey.” CDC: “Tobacco Product Use and Associated Factors Among Middle and High School Students – National Youth Tobacco Survey, United States, 2021,” “E-Cigarette, or…
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healthtipsonclick · 1 year
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Winning the Battle Against Interstitial Lung Disease
If you’re wondering how to win the battle against ILD, there are a few key factors that will give you an advantage in overcoming this condition. First, you’ll want to find out what form of ILD you have and what caused it — this will help you tailor your treatment accordingly.
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drforambhuta · 8 months
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For individuals in the advanced stages of lung disease, primarily due to severe and irreversible damage caused by infections or other factors, lung transplantation offers a lifeline. Lung transplantation is a complex surgical procedure where either one or both diseased lungs are surgically replaced with healthy donor lungs. This procedure can offer a renewed lease on life, allowing end-stage lung disease patients to regain their ability to breathe and lead more fulfilling lives.
Nonetheless, lung transplantation presents significant challenges and limitations. The foremost issue is the scarcity of suitable donor organs. The demand for lung transplants greatly surpasses the available supply, resulting in lengthy waiting lists. Additionally, strict criteria must be met to ensure that recipients are suitable candidates for transplantation, considering factors like overall health and compatibility with the donor organ.
Moreover, post-transplant care involves a lifelong commitment. Recipients are required to take immunosuppressive medications to prevent rejection of the donor lung(s). These drugs suppress the immune system, reducing its ability to react against the transplanted organ. While essential for preventing rejection, immunosuppressive drugs can lead to potential side effects, including an increased susceptibility to infections and certain cancers.
Advancements in Lung Transplantation Progress in medical science and technology has significantly enhanced the success rates of lung transplantation in recent years. Key developments comprise:
• Refinements in Surgical Techniques: Surgeons have improved their approaches to lung transplantation, resulting in reduced surgical complications and quicker recovery times for recipients.
• Enhanced Donor-Recipient Matching: Advances in tissue typing and compatibility testing have enabled better matching of donor lungs to recipients, thereby reducing the risk of rejection.
• Immunosuppressive Medications: The development of more effective immunosuppressive drugs with fewer side effects has enhanced the long-term outcomes for transplant recipients.
There are many good hospitals where you can undergo a successful lung transplant procedure. One such hospital in Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, where you can be detected and treated for lung failure or lung damage early, before the condition becomes life-threatening. The cost of lung transplant in Delhi will vary depending on several factors like the severity of the condition present, the health of the patient, the type of lung transplant performed, and the doctor and hospital chosen for treatment.
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