#mac campbell
littlewomenpodcast · 4 months
Jo March's Love For Stout Men (Video Essay)
When Friedrich becomes Jo's sexual awakening in the book, she pays attention to his big hands and his big feet, and she's lusty over him. In "Jo's Boys" When Dan comes back to Plumfiled, he has grown a beard. For those of you who have not read Jo's Boys, Dan was one of Jo's and Friedrich's students. When he comes back, he asks Jo if he should shave the beard off, and Jo is like "Don't do that. It makes you look so manly and handsome" It is so funny because both Friedrich and Dan's characters are based on Henry Thoreau. Mac's character in Rose in Bloom also has the same body type. He's blonde and he's younger. In Eight Cousins where he's a preteen, he's described as a bit chubby, but then in "Rose in Bloom" Mac has a growth spurt and suddenly he's taller and he got broad shoulders. Rose is surprised and she begins to see him more attractive. All these men are described to have blue eyes, which is an interesting detail because Henry David Thoreau had blue eyes. In every Louisa May Alcott story that I have read, the leading male character, let's call him the Friedrich Bhaer archetype is a plus-size man. There is a story called The” Queen of Hearts” The leading male character is a German gentleman called Augustus Bobb, and he is a large man, the female character who very much resembles Jo, is over her heels in love with Mr Bobb. In one of Louisa May Alcott's thrillers, Long Fatal Love Chase, we meet Henry David Thoreau, This time he is father Ignatious, who is a big man and he has a beard. The Friedrich Bhaer archetype is a very kind man, he is a gentle soul so I would say that Louisa May Alcott's male characters are very body positive.
This is a quote from Jo's Boys, and Jo's Boys is a sequel to Little Women and it takes place when Jo is in her 50s and she is a famous writer by then. ”It was one of the family jokes that Jo was getting fat, and she kept it up, though as yet she had only acquired a matronly outline, which was very becoming. They were laughing over the impending double chins when Mr Laurie came off duty for a moment” According to Louisa May Alcott, Jo gained weight and grew double chins and then we have Greta Gerwig making fatphobic comments on Little Women.
Louisa May Alcott was not a particularly skinny person herself, especially at the end of her life. She became very ill after the Civil War, and she was treated with mercury the mercury treatment very likely messed up her hormone levels and caused her to gain weight. Jo is not fuzzy about weight, she finds Friedrich's dad-body very attractive, not to mention, the narrator writes how Jo's family members make jokes about Jo's appearance, all except Friedrich who is constantly convincing Jo that in his eyes, she is still the most beautiful woman on earth. How hypocritical is this from Greta Gerwig to make fat-phobic comments about a fictional character, when both Jo and Friedrich in her book are constantly being judged and made fun of by their weight? Not to mention Louisa May Alcott constantly faced fatphobia. In her diaries, she writes how fans came to see her and then they were disgusted when they saw her because she didn't look like a 15-year-old.
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sailforvalinor · 9 months
“Not all men,” you’re right, Alexander Mackenzie Campbell of Louisa May Alcott’s Rose in Bloom would never do this
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novelmonger · 3 months
4 for Alphonse Elric and 5 for Mac Campbell?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? (Alphonse Elric)
Ooh, this is hard, because he's already in just about every kind of media there is - manga, anime, live-action movies, video games, novels...what's left?
Okay, I've got it. I would have someone make an FMA musical, and Al would get a solo for the whole Lab 5 debacle, and there would be a song that keeps getting a reprise at regular intervals that's for the Elric brothers, and they would harmonize with each other. It would be great! XD (Alchemy would be portrayed by a mix of creative lighting choices and interpretive dance.)
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? (Mac Campbell)
Well, this was the first one that came to mind, but maybe you can tell me if you think it fits!
"She Is the Sunlight" by Trading Yesterday/David Hodges
And if loving her is Is heartache for me And if holding her means That I have to bleed Then I am the martyr And love is to blame Cause she is the healing And I am the pain
Character ask game
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nerdyrevelries · 1 year
Rosella: Rose in Bloom’s Italian Adaptation
Back in August of 2022 when I was doing Alcott Adaptation August (a month where I watched and reviewed every single adaptation of Little Women that I could reasonably find; still need to finish my reviews of 2019 and 1978), I was scouring IMDb for anything that Louisa May Alcott had a writing credit on. I found something really surprising: A 1964 Italian TV mini series called Rosella. Could this be an adaptation of my favorite underappreciated Louisa May Alcott novel, Rose in Bloom? Naturally, I had to know more.
The IMBd page tells us very little. In addition to Louisa May Alcott, there is one other writing credit, Anna Maria Romagnoli, who wrote the screenplay. Then we have a director, Lelio Golletti. It was produced and distributed by RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana and filmed in black and white. Finally, we have a cast list: Rosella is played by Laura Efrikian, Marco is played by Enzo Cerusico, Carlo is played by Marino Masé, Stephano is played by Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Febe is played by Angela Cavo, Zia Clara is played by Loredana Savelli, Arci is played by Paolo Modugno, Giacomino is played by Marco Paolini, Zia Myra is played by Anna Maria Ackermann, Debora is played by Vittoria Di Silverio, Zia Jessica is played by Delia Valle, Zia Pace is played by Donatella Gemmò, Zio Frank is played by Gerardo Panipucci, and Dottore is played by Carlo Lombardi. Based on my nonexistent Italian, I would guess that Rosella is Rose, Marco is Mac, Carlo is Charlie, Stephano is Steve, Febe is Phebe, Arci is Archie, Zia Clara is Aunt Clara, Zia Myra is Aunt Myra, Zia Jessica is Aunt Jessie, Zia Pace is Aunt Peace (who might have been combined with Aunt Plenty to make the cast more manageable?), Debora is the cook who is sometimes called Debby and sometimes called Dolly in Eight Cousins, and Zio Frank must be one of the uncles, though it’s unclear which one. However, I was stumped by Giacomino and Dottore. 
The wonderful @thatscarletflycatcher​ offered to do some research for me as she’s a Spanish speaker, which is a lot closer to Italian than I am, and she managed to find some promo images with captions that she translated for me. I’m including them below the cut since there are some pretty big spoilers.
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Rose (Laura Efrikian) is a girl from a good family that became an orphan early in life. She is taken away from school and received in the home of Aunt Peace. It is there that she receives the visit of her cousins that give her a welcome.
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Rose’s aunts consult with each other to restore confidence and serenity to the girl left so soon deprived from the affection of her parents. But their cures don't give good results and raise the skepticism of Uncle Alec.
According to this, there is a “zio Alec” who was not listed on the cast list. Which means that Zio Frank can’t be Uncle Alec. My guess would be that he’s Uncle Mac, but I’m not sure.
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Now it is Uncle Alec, her guardian (Gianni Agus), who thinks of another remedy. With a lot of tact, he tries to accustom Rose to a sporty and healthy life in the open air and to share joys and sorrows with her cousins.
So, here we have proof that Uncle Alec was not on the cast list and also that he was played by Gianni Agus.
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Even Deborah (Vittoria Di Silverio), the old cook of the house, and Phebe (Angela Cavo), who helps her with the domestic chores, get together to help Rose, and Phebe confides to Deborah that they have already become friends.
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Aunt Myra (Anna Maria Ackermann) tells her nephews that she's worried about the health of her nephew Mac, who risks losing his eyesight from reading too much. It will be Rose with her thoughtfulness the one to help Mac.
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Uncle Alec has prepared a ship trip to Campbell’s Island. Rose is a bit afraid. Then, uncle and niece reach land happily. Uncle Alec, taking Rose's hand, walks onto the island. "To be happy," he says, "each man must have an island. But... there's someone roasting something over there. Who are the pirates on Campbell’s island?" (Gianni Augus: Uncle Alec; Laura Ephrikian: Rose)
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The island is, in fact, inhabited. Then in fact Rose's five cousins appear to give her, noisily, a welcome. Rose pretends to be angry: "Is it possible that it must always be you the ones to surprise me?" "If only the smell of the roasting fish had not betrayed is..." Archie answers. (Marino Masé: Charlie; Enzo Cerusico: Mac; Paolo Modugno: Archie; Vittorio Mezzogiorno: Steve; Marco Paolini: Jamie)
This caption gives us confirmation that the cast has been condensed to some degree. Rose now has five cousins instead of seven. (The cuts are, of course, Will and Geordie, which is the correct choice since they have no narrative function except to add some extra numbers.) I’m also now pretty sure that Giacomino is Jamie.
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The aunts get together to discuss Rose's future. Deborah takes the opportunity to get help making butter. The discussion is lively. Aunt Clara exclaims, moved: "Rose's future is as dear to me as it is to you." And Aunt Myra adds: "In the meantime, her education has decidedly worsened." Timidly, Aunt Peace replies "But Alec's experiment isn't over yet..." (Vittoria Di Silverio: Deborah; Anna Maria Ackermann: Aunt Myra; Donatella Gemmò: Aunt Peace; Loredana Savelli: Aunt Clara)
The fact that Aunt Myra seems to be rather concerned with education makes me think that the Aunt Myra of Rosella may be a combination between the Aunt Myra of the book and Aunt Jane, just as the Aunt Peace of Rosella seems to be a combination of the Aunt Peace of the book and Aunt Plenty.
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Rose has found her cousins Archie and Charlie smoking. She's scandalized: "It is bad for your health, and you don't like it, so why do you keep doing it?" "Why shouldn't we?" Charlie answers fast. "It is for the sake of your health that I say it to you," Rose replies, "and to please me." To which Charlie retorts, "Would you give up your earrings if we gave up our cigarettes?" Archie wavers a little. "Don't be cruel! You know how much she cares!" he tells his cousin. But Rose has not a single moment of doubt: "I care more about you than about my earrings. I accept the deal."
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Phebe tirelessly copies a page from the almanac. Caught as she is in her difficult task, she doesn't hear Rose enter the room. When she realizes it, it's already too late. "What are you hiding, Phebe?" Rose asks. "I am just trying to study a little," the girl answers embarrassed. "I am so ignorant". Rose: "Would you like me to be your teacher?" "That would be marvelous!" Phebe replies. "But Deborah always needs me."
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The greeting of Aunt Peace has turned into a party. They have gathered together to give their welcome to Uncle Alec, Rose, and Phebe as they come back from their trip to Europe. Rose is moved: "I cannot believe I love this house so much," she says. "I think I only want you, Aunt Peace." (From the left, Phebe: Angelia Cavo; Rose: Laura Ephrikian; Archie: Paolo Modungno. Standing, from the left, Charlie: Marino Masé; Mac: Enzo Cerusico)
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Phebe, sitting at the pianoforte, sings an old folk song. Archie listens to her enraptured. When the song ends, Charlie and Mac applaud vigorously. Only Archie remains in the same fixed position he was at the beginning of the song. Phebe stands up confused and happy.
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At the small table prepared for two, Rose and Uncle Alec have a meal. Rose has decided, to make Aunt Clara happy, to dedicate herself for three months to a worldly life. She tells this news to Uncle Alec, who, a bit shocked, exclaims: "And so, you will have three months of trial. Three months are not much, but they can be just enough." (Uncle Alec: Gianni Agus)
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Rose, dressed in white, makes her triumphal entrance into Aunt Peace's drawing room, which has been turned into a ballroom for the occasion. The girl has her "card" filled with names, and the gentlemen fight over her. Charlie is the most insistent, and they form an splendid couple indeed.
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Charlie and Rose meet at the park. Charlie wants to communicate to his cousin his decision to depart for Calcutta to start a new business and redeem himself in her eyes, after having frightened her, one evening, when he showed up at Aunt Peace's house completely drunk. "Yes, I'm determined," he says. "I cannot resist. I have too many bad habits." "When will you go, Charlie?" Rose asks. "In a month," the youth answered.
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Charlie, having fallen off a horse, has suffered a spinal injury. He's in a very grave condition, and Rose runs to his bedside. The young man asks her humbly to forgive him for having disobeyed her. The disgrace did indeed happen because Charlie, during a goodbye lunch with his friends, had drunk a lot. (Charlie: Marino Masé; Rose: Laura Ephrikian)
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Charlie dies. A little later, Rose opens an orphanage for poor children to which she devotes her full attention. One day, searching after two little ones in the forest, she's caught in a storm. Pneumonia is the consequence. The affectionate letters from Mac, her other cousin, and the visit of Phebe, help the girl recover fast.
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To completely recover, Rose is invited to spend some time on the mountains. Mac joins her. The affectionate conversation is rekindled between the two. Rose is persuaded that her cousin has talent, and motivates him to write a book. "Your very letters were the ones that have revealed something about you to me," she says, "something that perhaps you yourself don't even know. You were born to be a writer, Mac." The young man is moved but a little disappointed. He rather expected from Rose different words. "Do you want me to?" he asked.
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Archie goes to pick Phebe up at the convent where the girl now lives. He proposes marriage to her, but Phebe cannot accept becoming part of the Campbell family if they don't want her. (Archie: Paolo Modugno; Phebe: Angela Cavo)
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Rose has restarted her activities at the orphanage. Uncle Alec is in charge of the healthcare of the children. The little ones enter three-by-three, and doctor Alec studies them attentively: "Come on, tongue out!" And turning to Rose he adds: "It will almost be disagreeable to me to give this job to my successor, Dr. Mac Campbell. It is not a very profitable one, this position, but it brings a lot of satisfaction." (Uncle Alec: Gianni Agus)
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Aunt Clara has conceded, and Archie and Phebe get engaged. During the party, Mac intervenes. He tells Rose that he has a secret to tell her, and he gives her a poetry book he wrote. "This is half of my secret." Rose is happy. "And the other half?" She asks trembling. "I will have to employ my whole life in telling it to you," Mac says. "Would you like to hear it?"
I’m not sure if this is meant to imply that Archie is Aunt Clara’s son in this version or just that she was the biggest objector to Phebe marrying in and with her acceptance, there was no one among the Campbells who was still against their marriage. 
From these screenshots and descriptions, it would seem that the adaptation covers events from both Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom. Otherwise, there are still many things that are mysterious about it. I’m still not sure which uncle “zio Frank” is supposed to be, and I have no idea who Dottore is. Neither Scarlet or I have been able to find out if this adaptation still exists somewhere or if it’s lost media. Scarlet kindly wrote an email on my behalf (since my Italian remains nonexistent) to the company that made and distributed the adaptation to try and figure this out, but thus far she’s been passed between email addresses for different people and departments and we don’t seem to be any closer to an answer.
Still, if this is the only information we ever get about this adaptation, it still makes me happy to know that it at one point did exist. Perhaps there’s some 90-year-old Italian woman who tuned into the slot that ran Rosella, TV Dei Ragazzi (the TV of children), in 1964 and fell in love with the characters and story just as much as I did. I will never meet this Italian woman, and even if we did, we wouldn’t be able to communicate unless she had learned English at some point, but it’s cool to think how the same story can touch people all around the world. They may never know each other, but for at least one moment, their hearts are connected throughout time and space. 
And personally, I think that’s pretty cool.
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accidental-spice · 7 months
Trick or treat!
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Happy Halloween!!
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iscahmckrae · 9 months
me to my husband: YOU just quoted! Jess! about Mac and I need to KISS you now!
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weltonboys · 5 months
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i don’t know why i bite
unknown / tusk - fleetwood mac / gods country - ethel cain / foreword to homer’s odyssey - emily wilson / isles of dogs (2018) / summer sons - lee mandelo / the dream thieves - maggie steifvater/ bite the hand - boygenius
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squash1 · 11 months
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goldduststevie · 6 months
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Fleetwood Mac photographed by Randee St. Nicholas - 2018.
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camellcat · 6 months
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fun extras since this took me FOREVER!!
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anddd finally, here's a playlist of the music I listened to while working on this! it's definitely not my usual tunes but I swear I was just so much more productive and better at drawing him when I switched to these hahaha
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littlewomenpodcast · 1 year
Rose In Bloom Cover Art Analysis
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I think this cover of Rose in Bloom perfectly describes the character dynamics. At the beginning of the novel, Charlie says to himself that he would like to marry Rose for her money. Charlie comes from a wealthy family, but with Roses's money, he could continue living his lavished lifestyle (after his own money has run out). He is leaning closer to her with a sly smile.
Mac is standing next to the fireplace, admiring Rose from afar. What is typical in Louisa May Alcott's books, is the love interest, in this case, Mac, wants to give the female lead some time to get to know them and themselves before choosing them (Friedrich Bhaer and Jo under the umbrella).
Charlie, like Laurie, wants the answer right away, and puts pressure on the female lead, to choose them, but also wants them to save them, pet them and ends up hurting the women, because of their selfish intentions. In Laurie's case, he took responsibility of himself, but Charlie never does that. Charlie in the cover is looking at Rose like he owns her. Mac is standing on the distance. He doesn't want to own her. He wants them to be partners.
These Laurie/Friedrich archetypes (or if you prefer Mac and Charlie archetypes) can be found in pretty much all Louisa May Alcott novels.
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
Mac Campbell, AKA Alcott's Most Delightfully Unhinged Love Interest Ever
Nearly made himself blind (literally) by reading too much at an overcrowded family gathering
Once tried to study romantic love as if it were an illness and went around asking anyone who would give him the time of day what being in love was like. When it was suggested to him that he might have to come down with the "illness" to know, he asked how one would go about catching it.
Played escort to Rose (his eventual love interest) at a party, danced with her once (horribly), ran into a geology professor and proceeded to get so distracted talking shop that he accidentally ignored Rose for the rest of the party, walked part of the way home with the aforementioned professor STILL talking about geology and forgot Rose, leaving her to be escorted home by her friend’s mom, and when he got home and suddenly remembered Rose he freaked out and ran the three miles to the party to see if she was there, then ran three miles her house—all at midnight in January, no less—without a coat to make sure she was alright. He was so conscience-stricken that when Rose, perfectly safe and sound, offered him hot chocolate, he asked if she had any hemlock lying around.
Once accidentally implied that he would rather parade the streets as an organ grinder than dance with Rose. Proceeded to flee the premises dramatically quoting Cassandra when the error was realized.
Broke three chairs learning to dance properly to make up for the escort incident
Knocked his brother’s wineglass out of his hand and halfway across the room at a party for trying to coerce their cousin, who was struggling with alcoholism, into drinking; then proceeded to explode at the room of 20-something men for peer-pressuring his cousin and called them all cowards for leading him into temptation that he’s trying to avoid. And then apologized for the mess and left.
Adopted a child in fulfillment of a dying woman’s last request that he was caring for while working at a hospital, succeeded in rescuing the girl from horrifically destitute circumstances—but then abruptly realized that he had no idea how to take care of a child. Showed up on his mother’s doorstep with a distraught three-year-old like “MOM HELP”
Turns out, when he catches the “illness,” he becomes both shockingly romantically eloquent AND fond of really terrible puns in equal measure.
When he was rejected, completely undeterred, he declared he would go make himself worthy of Rose’s love, if he could. Proceeded to become a famous poet in six months. Still thought he hadn’t done enough.
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novelmonger · 1 year
For character bingo, perhaps Mac Campbell and a Link of your choice?
Mac Campbell:
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"They're deeper than they seem" could probably go for all the Campbell boys, really. Mac is introduced as just a bookworm with no social skills because he's too busy studying, but there's a lot more to him than that. And of course, like all of the Campbell boys, he's vastly improved when he's alongside Rose. She brings out the best in all of them ^_^ Mac is one of my favorites, I think. Definitely in my top three, alongside Archie and Jamie.
And for Link, I'm going with Ocarina of Time, which is my favorite Zelda game and consequently my favorite Link ^_^
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Adult Link looks especially cool, of course ;) And I know it's due in large part to the nature of the games, what with the silent protagonist and everything, but I still feel like I interpret Link's personality in OoT really differently than most other people - including the manga! A lot of people make him rather carefree and mischievous, especially when he's a kid...and that is not at all how I've ever seen him in this game. I see him as lonely, quiet, introverted, and selfless. Especially in the beginning, my heart breaks for the poor kid :'(
I was going to circle "they've never done anything wrong in their life," but then I remembered that he's kind of responsible for Ganondorf taking over Hyrule and turning it into a hellscape, soooo.... XD
And one thing I love about Link is that he almost always has a companion of some kind. Especially in OoT, when he starts out so alone, it's just so wonderful that he gets (in my humble opinion) the best companion out of all the games: Navi!
...wait, what's that? No one asked for my controversial opinion on Navi?
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Yeah, so everyone who says Navi is annoying is flat-out WRONG, because she's amazing and wonderful and so helpful and exactly the friend Link needs who showed up at exactly the right time. They need each other. They're better when they're together. They're lesser when they're apart. Do you think you could've beat all those bosses without Navi helping you target? I DIDN'T THINK SO.
Navi is like Link's big sister and mother rolled into one, even if she is just a little fairy. Sure, she can be bossy at times. Sure, sometimes she reminds him of things he already knows. But she's also there for him every moment of every day. After an entire childhood of being ostracized and/or set apart from every single person he knew, where every day only made it more and more obvious that he didn't belong...now Link has a friend who is with him all the time. He is never alone again. You know, until the awful, gut-wrenching ending, but we don't talk about that T_T
Er, um...*cough* Yeah, I'm totally normal about OoT Link and Navi. I totally didn't write a 100 Themes fic about their friendship. Yep, nothing to see here <_<
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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Christine McVie Dead at 79
- “She was the best musician anyone could have in their band and the best friend anyone could have in their life,” Fleetwood Mac says
Fleetwood Mac’s Christine McVie has died “following a short illness,” her family said in a statement.
McVie died Nov. 30 in a hospital with her family nearby. She was 79.
“We would like everyone to keep Christine in their hearts and remember the life of an incredible human being, and revered musician who was loved universally,” McVie’s family said.
“Gutted to learn about the passing of Christine McVie,” Garbage said in a statement. “Just gutted. Songbird forever.”
“This is so unbelievably sad,” Foghat wrote on Facebook. “RIP, Christine McVie. Such a beautiful soul.”
Born Christine Perfect, the singer/songwriter/keyboardist played first with Chicken Shack. She joined Fleetwood Mac after contributing to 1970’s Kiln House and was the band’s third-longest-serving member after Mick Fleetwood and her ex-husband John McVie.
“We cherished Christine deeply, the band said in a statement.
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“She was truly one-of-a-kind, special and talented beyond measure,” Fleetwood Mac said. “She was the best musician anyone could have in their band and the best friend anyone could have in their life.”
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McVie played alongside every member of Fleetwood Mac save for Peter Green and appeared on all but four of the band’s 18 studio albums.
Living Colour’s Vernon Reid eulogized McVie as his second-favorite Mac member after Green and quoted her lyrics to “You Make Loving Fun” as some of her best.
“No other voice … captured that feeling of the narcotic stage of love better than Christine McVie,” Reid said.
“What a tremendous loss to the music community,” Bret Michaels said on Twitter. “My deepest condolences to the family, friends and fans of Christine McVie.”
She recorded three solo albums between 1970 and 2004 and released a 2017 duo album with Lindsey Buckingham that was followed by a tour.
Her death is “terribly heartbreaking” and an “enormous loss,” Ron Sexsmith wrote on Twitter.
“She wrote my favorite Fleetwood Mac songs and I also loved her solo work,” he said.
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What everyone else sees:
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What I see:
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Oh nevermind, I just photoshopped a couple of people out of the picture because I‘m completely obsessed with John and Christine McVie…
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