#maelle von cannes
felixcosm · 1 month
Alice and Maelle.... what a pair. It was never going to work and both of them are worse for having met each other.
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neverendingparable · 5 months
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One has a sword and one will kill you
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August 11th - Part III
The second hit was unsuccessful. The spikes barely grazed him and next thing she knew, Alice was flat on her back, her chest torn, ribs splayed open like an invitation to the fleshy, soft organs beneath.
Dmitri would’ve taken them up on the offer too, if Asim hadn’t appeared and stuck the blade of his dagger right between Dmitri’s own ribs, trying to pierce through to his heart.
He snarled and yanked away, trying to dislodge the blade while Alice screamed at her assistant.
Dmitri wrenched free and grabbed the dagger from Asim, snapping it hard enough for the handle to spit splinters in each direction.
The Convoyer had enough time to throw a healing charm in Alice’s direction before Dmitri was on him, ripping his head clean off his shoulders.
He lapped hungrily at the bloody fountain spurting from the gap. But the blood’s properties only held a weak taint of magic, not enough to keep Dmitri interested in finishing this meal.
He turned his attention back to Alice, who was on her feet now and searching for the bat.
In front of her were Isra and Cerberus. They both held weapons, determined.
“Just distract him a bit,” Alice called. She grabbed the bat and checked the nails. The white was flaking off but it was enough for another shock stunt if she could just get near enough-
Reflexes kicked in before her mind registered what had happened.
She swung the bat as a dark shape hurled straight towards her and Isra’s head stuck on the metal spikes, squirting a bit of warm blood onto her cheek.
The body followed mere seconds afterwards.
Dmitri was busy with her brother, gnawing eagerly at Stanley’s severed neck in attempt to taste the magic rubbed off by his collar. It was gone, along with his head, having transported it back to safety.
What a useless waste of flesh my brother is, Alice thought, annoyed at being abandoned by everyone now. She watched in disgust as Dmitri devoured mouthfuls of blood and splintered bone that had the lingering trace of her and Maelle’s magic.
A peculiar smell of burning flesh caught her attention. She glanced back to the bat in her hands and saw Isra’s head in flames, skin and flesh melting away as the spikes fried her brain from long exposure.
Wrinkling her nose in utter disgust, the Acolyte tossed it aside, where it collided with the wall. In the next second, the head exploded, sending sharpels of bone everywhere.
Dmitri’s head snapped up from his meal. He stared down Alice, now defenseless and alone.
“My brother isn’t that good of a snack, hmm?” She asked absently, backing towards the door.
Screw you Chione, for alerting him.
The mutant dropped Stanley’s body.
“If you want something tastier, you better catch up with me. Come on, Diamongal!” She took off, through the Vault’s door and Dmitri followed close behind, simply tearing one of the doors down as they threatened to close on him.
Alice ran up the stairs and into the hallways, using her magic to outrun him but even then she could feel his hot breath on her shoulder blades through her dress.
She ran past the staircase leading to the second floor, into the very last room which had been refurnished like a lot of other places in their Office.
Slamming the charmed doors shut, Alice made sure to lock them and activate the spells that prevented him from tearing them down too. While Dmitri raged outside, she lifted her skirts and grabbed a long silver key from the tool belt around her waist.
As Alice approached the only other door in the room, she couldn’t help but feel a spark of pride.
The only one still here, still standing and about to stick a fork in it all. She hoped Maelle was watching.
Before Dmitri managed to smash a hole into the wall beside the enchanted doors, Alice unlocked the cell and threw it wide open.
She smirked at the person inside of it, who glowered back with empty eyes.
“Thank you again for volunteering, Ms Maelle. Your sacrifice is respectable.”
Maelle’s alternate staggered up, body glowing with rage.
“You think a pair of chains can hold me?” She began, every word dripping with poison. “I’ll make you regret you ever met me, Alice-”
“Of course~” The Acolyte gave her a mock little bow and disappeared, just as Dmitri stepped into view.
He found, with delight, that smell inside the cell promised delectable food, quite enough to gorge himself on to his heart’s content.
The Maelle’s fury melted in confusion and slight apprehension as the small figure approached her.
Her chains kept her from teleporting away or using any power trapped inside of her, from the endless of deals her Office had supplied her with.
“Who are you?” She demanded and got only a growl in response.
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employee210 · 5 years
andstanleypushedabutton replied to your post “andstanleypushedabutton replied to your post ““Look, I’m not...”
"Well, you are essentially forming your opinion about me based on my alternates, who have done absolutely nothing productive in their life, feed off their friends Von Cannes and have the audacity to act innocent so the humans will spare them. They love to shove the blame to 'evil' Maelle, because they are simply too cowardly to stand up for their own flaws."
“So if I had to choose between a wimp and a man who shamelessly eats babies, don’t expect me to choose the baby eater.”
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curiouscompanions · 6 years
‘’Maelle Von Cannes became an actual monster.’’
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eyes-of-mercy · 6 years
Frank Maddison [X]
Alice Nero
Cornelius de Grammont [X]
Stanley Sommers
Maelle Von Cannes
Oriol Datura Metel
Stanley Freeman
Jonathan Von Sales
Maelle Von Cannes
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neverendingparable · 6 months
Yesterday was Maelle's birthday. Most of them don't really celebrate it, at least not with other people. Usually they tend to spend the day alone, painting or wearing an extra dramatic outfit.
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neverendingparable · 7 months
Can you imagine if Maelle were a herbo...
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neverendingparable · 2 years
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Maelle is shaking hands with Aurora as we speak. Just a couple of Girlbosses doing absolutely nothing to be helpful.
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neverendingparable · 2 years
The funny thing is Stellan was never actually alone. Maelle knew there was an intruder in the Office but do you really think she’s going to stop her painting just because a Stanley’s getting stabbed to death? Come on now.
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neverendingparable · 2 years
Jonathan's shout echoed through the hall of the Athenaeum, his Office's museum. 
Anything related to the Parable had been removed and tossed aside like garbage, redecorated to the only inhabitant’s liking. Instead of game models, there were statues of long lost gods and fallen heroes. Towering pillars growing up out of the white tiled floor provided the rooms with an antique charm. In the center of the room, a massive water fountain bubbled happily to itself, a place of respite in the otherwise cold, sterile environment.
But all of that wasn't the main attraction of this place. Hanging on every wall, some taller than an average person, others as small as a child, were paintings. Dozens of beautiful, near life like paintings of people.
Some of them were as expected. A painting of Jon, reading. One of Stanley, smiling cheerfully to himself. Stellan, asleep on the couch. Friends that came to visit them often, captured by the artist. A Bradley with a tall blonde man covered scars. A certain alien with floating black hair and kind green eyes. A polite scientist. A woman with grey eyes and a suit, holding a cat. A Narrator with a bag of teeth.  A being with fifteen eyes, hanging partially out of a computer. A smiling woman with glasses, frozen in mid conversation. A tall man with half his face split into darkness.
Everyone who has ever visited the Narrator's Office would find a picture of themselves here, hung up to be admired by no one.
"Maelle, where are you?" Jon shouts again, knowing he'll have hell to pay later for coming in here disturbing her. But at this moment he was too angry to care. 
The artist in question was in the far back, working on another painting silently. She didn't look up when Jon caught sight of her and made his way over quickly.
Maelle Von Cannes, clearly from the same species as Jon, was a sight to behold. She was taller than Jon and much stronger in appearance, built like a tank and just as willing to destroy what was in her path. She was never seen without fine jewelry and make up accentuating her sharp features, her own version of war paint. Long, dark hair spilled over her shoulders and onto the ground behind her as she sat on her stool and painted. Her dress was already covered in tiny flecks of paint but she didn't seem to notice it.
No response, except for a quick glower. If he wasn't going to start talking, she would throw him out of the room.
Jonathan took a deep breath, trying to calm himself but those images of Stellan gutted still floated around his head. The sadistic message written in his own blood. The smile on his attackers faces when they watched him die.
"Did you know? About the intruders? Stellan was attacked last night and they- the things they did to him, completely without reason! Stanley and I were out of the Office so we couldn't have known what was happening!"
"I know. I saw them." Maelle replied simply.
"Why didn't you do something, Maelle? Why didn't you help him? You could've easily protected him from them- they- you- you have a sword!" Not to mention she could've snapped them in half with little effort.
Maelle paused in her painting once more to give Jonathan another look. One that made him feel stupid. As if he was just wasting her time for nothing of importance.
"Genevieve. He has died before. At your own hands. He came back. Because, if I might remind you, you've implemented the restart system in your Office. If he can deal with being blown up, crushed to death and forced to throw himself off a platform repeatedly, he can deal with being stabbed by another human."
"It is pretty much the same thing. Perhaps you should focus on making the security in your Office better, instead of bothering me with your problems." It wasn't so much a suggestion as a command. Get the hell out of my sight before I throw a paint can at you.
Jonathan's face fell. He had wanted to hear something else from her. A promise that she would look out for them, protect them. She was far more capable than him at keeping intruders in check, even with extra security. If he knew she was their security, he would've slept easier at night. But she couldn't care less about who died in this Office.
He disappeared wordlessly, to sit in his control room and fret about the safety of his protagonists.
Maelle rolled her eyes, annoyed at having been interrupted for practically nothing. 
Picking up the paint brush again, she mulled over her newest work, wondering if she's caught the details well enough for her liking. 
A painting of a man holding his child looked back at her from the easel, grinning proudly at their sweet smile. It would've been heartwarming picture too, if both of them wouldn't be dripping with red, red blood.
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neverendingparable · 2 years
They would never be friends because Maelle would never let herself be seen with someone as soggy as Rex, I want to say but Maelle would force him to look better. She’d take one look at him, wrinkle her nose in disgust and immediately take out her make up kit. 
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felixcosm · 8 months
I mean if you want a cold Dom who can physically overpower you and knows their way around weapons and kinks, Maelle is right there.
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neverendingparable · 1 year
💭for Jon
Send 💭 to see one of my muse’s earliest memories or a flashback to a pivotal moment in their life!
"Stop worrying."
"Stop. Worrying." Maelle puts down her brush and looks up at Jon who is pacing nervously around the Athenaeum, wringing his hands. He's been like this ever since they got back from the Grimdark Office.
Seeing the Keeper has shaken him up more than he let on at first. Or it wasn't even about the Keeper, but what She asked from them. The sacrifice of human lives for the sake of the Story. So that Stanley Sommers will stay asleep for as long as Jon needs him to.
"What if we made a mistake, Maelle." Jon continues, unable to help the doubt creeping up in his voice. "What if this is all wrong. The humans- I never wanted this for them. I just thought- Maelle, I just wanted to tell a story-"
"And you'll tell your Story." She cuts in, annoyed at his whining. "Just make the replacement already. Stanley two point oh or whatever you will call him. I don't have time for your second guessing and I am not going back there just because you got cold feet."
Jonathan looks crestfallen. He wants to offer to go back there himself and tell the Keeper he changed his mind but….but She scares him. The whole Office scares him. The grimdark Narrator and the eldritch language he speaks…there is no way he dares to go back in there by himself.
Besides, he really does want to tell his Story. He wants an obedient Stanley who will enjoy it as much as he does. Is that too much to ask?
He glances back at Maelle. She's painting again, not looking at him but if he interrupts again, she might just throw something sharp at his head. With a heavy hearted sigh, he looks back at his own hands.
Time to do this.
Jon closes his eyes and imagines this perfect Stanley.
It's Stanley Sommers….but not quite. He smiles more. He is engaging, friendly. He thinks the Story is interesting. He thinks Jon is interesting. He is curious and lively, he is happy to be here, happy to be alive, happy to be with Jon. His entire being reflects that.
When Jon opens his eyes again, Stanley is standing in front of him, smiling. He looks up at Jon without fear or disgust and he waits patiently for an order.
Immediately the guilt and regret fades from Jon's mind as he looks at this new creation and realizes all the potential that lies ahead of them. They can make something beautiful together.
He'll never have to think about the real Stanley Sommers ever again.
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neverendingparable · 1 year
lilac— is there anyone you currently miss right now? if so, who?
For Jon!
Dad!Jon wipes his hands on his apron, staring off into space for a moment. His eyes get a bit dimmer as he smiles sadly.
"I miss Maelle, sometimes. She was a horrible friend, tried to kill me, manipulated me for years and thought very little of me, so in retrospect I should be glad she is gone. And I am, now that I am older. I recognize having her out of my life is a positive development. But I do miss the feeling of knowing she's there. Sometimes I go to the Athenaeum* to look at her paintings.
The early parable days were not as glorious as they are in my memories, but I do miss those quiet evenings when she would paint for hours and we shared coffee together."
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neverendingparable · 11 months
List of Characters with their shipping status.
Please note I only ship with chemistry. I don't do established relationships. Every ship, whether friendship, romantic, or rivaled needs to be built from the ground up.
Last updated: 11/16/23
The Narrators
Jonathan Von Sales - current timeline Open for: friendships, romantic ships, rivalries. Pandemiromantic.
Dad!Jon - standard verse Exclusive with Damien van Dievoet. Open for friendships
Starnarrator Jon - starnarrator verse Exclusive with Stanley Freeman Von Sales. Open for friendships.
Evil!Jon - evil!jon au Open for: friendships, toxic ships, rivalries. Aromantic sex repulsed
Archivist!Jon - archivist au Open for: friendships.
John Katzenbach - backwards au Open for: friendships, romantic ships. Hetreoromantic sex repulsed.
Harem!Jon - harem jon au Open for: ships only with Stanley. Stanleyromantic Stanleysexual.
Dmitri Von Diamongal - glass narrator au Crushing on Curley Spencer. Open for friendships.
The Curators
Maelle Von Cannes - current timeline Open for: rivalries. Pandemiromantic, leaning towards femmes.
Molly Von Cannes - starnarrator au Exclusive with Mariella Eddington. Open for friendships (but watch out)
The Protagonists
Stanley Sommers - current timeline Open for: friendships, relationships. Bisexual
Stanley Maddison - standard verse Exclusive with Frank Maddison. Open for friendships.
Lee Sinners - starnarrator verse Relationship status unknown. Semi open for friendships.
Stellan Sommers - current timeline Open for: friendships, romantic ships, sexual flings. Demiromantic bisexual.
(Cowboy!)Stellan (Sommers) de Grammont - standard verse Exclusive with Neil de Grammont. Open for friendships.
Estelle Sommers - her own verse Open for: friendships, rivalries, ??? Demiromantic bisexual. (also watch out)
Lost!Stellan - starnarrator au Exclusive with the Amazing Lounge. Loungeromantic(??)
Marcel Sommers - evil!jon au Exclusive with Cryley Spencer. Open for friendships
Maso(n) Paines - evil!jon au Exclusive with Phos Umbris. Open for friendships
Bradley Spencer - backwards au (current timeline) Currently inactive. Homosexual
Bradley Spencer - backwards au (other timelines) Open for friendships, relationships, flings. Homosexual
Stanley Spencer (Crowley/The Protagonist) - backwards au NOT open for friendships. Open for worship and adoration
Cryley Spencer - hour au Exclusive with Marcel Sommers. Open for friendships.
Curley Spencer - his own verse Crushing on Dmitri. Open for friendships.
BRADLEY.EXE - ???? Open for: manipulation, toxic ships
Oliver Mshai - standard verse Open for: friendships, relationships. Omnisexual
Mariella Carter - evil!jon au Open for: friendships, maybe relationships(?). Bisexual
Mili Agnes Von Sales - standard verse Open for friendships, rivalries and relationships. Bisexual
Ezra Jaxden - backwards au Open for: friendships
Ulmar Deluxe - ????? au Open for: provider-client relationships, friendships and...who knows?
Joshua Egbert - homestuck au Open for: fatherly relationships, ships with similar aged muses
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