#mafia boss!Bucky x Rancher!Reader
eat-limes-bitches · 5 months
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Farmer Socrned
PAIRING: Female Rancher! Reader x Mafia Boss!Bucky Barnes
SUMMARY: When his lover is snatched from her ranch, everyone better watch out, and not for the reason they all thought.
WARNINGS: Cannon-level violence, mentions of blood, fighting etc.
Word Count: 1284
A/N: Wow here we are! My first AU! I had this idea while I was a work the other day and thought it was funny. Sorry if it is not that coherent but I tried. If you guys want to see more of this pairing send me some ideas! I'd love to try some more of these two!
Enjoy! <3
Divider by Rookthorne
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James Bucky Barnes was known for many things, brilliant, cold, ruthless, fierce ruler of the Brooklyn mafia, amongst many other things. One thing he was not known for was his cool temperament when someone he cared for was in danger which is why his two most trusted men, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson hesitated outside of their boss's office door, not sure how they would break the news. After sucking a deep breath, the pair walked into the room. Bucky sat at his sturdy redwood desk, feet propped up as he leaned back in his lavish office chair. His gaze snapped from the contract to his men standing in the doorway before returning to the papers in his hand as he spoke.
“How may I help you, gentleman?” His deep voice reverberated across the room.
“They’ve got her, boss,” Sam stated evenly, ice dancing across each word. Bucky was on his feet in an instant, staring down the mean in front of him.
“What?” He hissed, any other person in his company would have shivered at the venom lashing out of his words, but it just caused Steve to sigh looking his boss, his dear friend in the eyes.
“They got Y/n at the farm this morning. They just sent in a live video feed that Stark has pulled up in the conference room no-”
Before the words could finish leaving Steve’s mouth, Bucky was shoving past them and all but running down the hall to the conference room. He burst into the room to see Tony messing with the camera feed while the rest of his most trusted men sat around the table, staring at Bucky waiting for his reaction. Bucky walked over to his chair placing his hands on the back of it as he stared at the screen playing the live video feed of Y/n sitting there, tied to a chair with some plastic-coated twine, no doubt from the truck she was in earlier that morning.
Bucky’s eyes traced over her frame, looking for any injuries. If there was so much a hair out of place he thought as his ringed fingers gripped the plush material even harder, causing his knuckles to turn white. As he continued his assessment he landed on her face and it was then that he sucked in a breath, taking notice of how her once soft lips were now busted up and the small gash across the bridge of her nose. What caused him to let out a breath was the overall look on her face. She was livid. Her jaw clenched tightly, her once sparkling eyes dark with fury, he could practically see the rage pouring off of her. Evidently, the guards standing on either side of her took notice as they began to shift uncomfortably.
She's going to be fine. Bucky thinks to himself as he lets out a small sigh of relief.
Bucky pulled out his chair and sat down calmly, catching everyone in the room, including Steve and Sam who had joined the room just a few moments ago, off guard. He cocked his head sideways,
“Will you let them know that we are all present Stark? That seems to be what they are waiting on.” He spoke, his tone even and calm causing everyone to share looks as Tony patched in the audio.
“Afternoon Barnes.” A voice called out as a figure walked around from behind the camera revealing Brock Rumalow, the leader of the rival mob who had been fighting with the Barnes Corp. For many years.
“Looks like you are starting to slack, she was an easy grab.” Rumalow sneered as he approached Y/n, walking around her chair as he ran his hand up her arm and wrapping a hand around the back of her neck causing an even more crossed look to appear on her face.
“Such a shame, I don’t understand why you would let such a pretty little thing out of your sight.”
The atmosphere in the conference room was tense. Everyone knew about the sweet little cattle rancher Bucky fell in love with many months ago. He had finally brought her around during the Christmas party last month where she was loved by everyone who was able to talk with her. However, she was new to this world, his world and so everyone was worried about her the moment they heard she was taken, but watching her now, she didn’t seem the least bit scared, more annoyed than anything, causing confusion to ripple through the air, but no questions were asked as Rumalow continued speaking,
“I believe she has a few things to say to you, James.” He crowed walking away from Y/n with a pat on her cheek, returning to his position behind the camera while she let out a loud huff.
“Yeah, I got some things to say alright. If you aint here in the next hour, I’m gonna be walking home myself. I got a mare due any day now and these asswipes didn’t bother to close the cattle gate after they got me so now all the cattle are probably running amuck stressing out poor Parker.”
Bucky let out a soft chuckle, only Y/n would be worried about her poor farm hand while she sat tied down to a chair by her boyfriend's rival gang.
“I got the location of the camera Buck,” Tony calls out from behind the computer, “It’s only a few blocks away, in that old warehouse on the junction of 5th Avenue and Bakers Street.”
Bucky brushed invisible dust off his pants and started to speak when there was a large commotion coming from the video feed.
Everyone watched in pure shock as Y/n snapped the twine holding her in place, jumping up and kicking a chair at one guard and wrapping the now wrecked twine around the other's neck yanking him down to the ground, his skull hitting the floor with a sickening crack.
Once the guards were dispatched, Y/n glanced to her left before darting off in that direction, the shock of her escape must have finally worn off of Rumalow because everyone, except for Bucky, jumped to their feet as gunshots began ringing out behind the field of view of the camera. There is a loud metallic “thwang!” before Y/n returned to view, holding an old shovel with a small smattering of blood on it and an even more disgruntled look on her face as she examines her once clean cream and blue plaid shirt that was now ruined by a few small patches of blood.
Bucky smiles as he hears a few curses leave her mouth along with a “I just got the blood out of this shirt”.
Y/n then walks up to the camera, letting out a huff as she picks it up and starts making her way towards the side exit. She glances down at the camera before she starts speaking,
“By the looks of it, you have 45 minutes to get here before I start walking, which believe me you do not want me doing that. ‘Cause I swear to God and all that is holy James Buchannan Barnes if that foal is on the ground by the time I get back I’m whooping your and everyone else in that room's asses.”
Bucky chuckles and stands up looking at Sam and Steve as he motions for them to come with him to the garage to pick up Y/n.
“It looks like she had them after all.” Bucky muses as they enter the elevator. The other men nod in agreement as Sam then says, “Remind me to never piss her off.”
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eat-limes-bitches · 5 months
PAIRING: Female Rancher! Reader x Mafia Boss!Bucky Barnes
SUMMARY: AGAPE 1. noun: selfless love of one person for another
WARNINGS: ANGST (tinge of fluff too), talking about death,
Word Count: 910 (tbh I thought this was way longer lol)
A/N: Music is honestly such a strong catalyst. It's crazy to me how one line from a song can inspire such angst in me, but here we are. Don't forget to like, comment, and reblog if you enjoyed!!
Enjoy! <3
Divider by Rookthorne
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Y/n narrowed her eyes at the man who sat in the recliner near the bookshelf staring at his book. She knew there was no way that Bucky was reading right now, the strongest point of proof being that he had been staring at that one page for over half an hour. He had been acting weird all day, more weird than his usual self. She had caught him sending her longing glances all day but never approaching. Normally, when he wanted to be with his girl, he would snatch her up and carry her off, but not today. He seemed to be avoiding her like the plague. She watched him in silence for a few more moments before she closed her book with a groan and caught his gaze as he looked up to see what she was doing.
“Ok James, what on Earth is going on with you?”  Y/n asked, shifting her weight on the loveseat so she was now facing him. Bucky raised his eyebrows, fening innocence as he replied, 
“Whatcha talkin' ‘bout doll?” His attempt was in vain because she could see right through him.
“Don’t pull this shit with me.” She growled slightly, “You have been acting weird all day! Staring at me with some strange look on your face, what’s that all about, Buck?” She waited for a response but all Bucky did was stare at her, that same look she’d seen all day starting to appear on his face causing her to point and exclaim, “Look! You’re doing it now!” 
Bucky blinked once and then sighed, closing his book and placing it on the little table next to his chair before returning his gaze to the woman. He swallowed heavily, opening and closing his mouth a few times before just closing it again. This was enough to switch Y/n’s frustration to concern, causing her to sit up straight. 
“Bucky? Baby, what's wrong?” Bucky flinched lightly at her words.
“D-don’t call me that.” He whispered. Her heart rose into her throat, her stomach filling with icy dread.
“Wh-what?” She asked watching as Bucky stood up and began pacing around their small shared living space.
“I don’t know if I can do this anymore!” Bucky cried out, stopping in front of Y/n, a look of utter hopelessness and desperation coloring his features. She felt her throat start to constrict as she tried to speak,
“What are you talking about? Y-you told me just yesterday that my being in your life made you the happiest man alive! Her voice cracked as she whispered, “Was it all a lie?”
Bucky’s eyes widened as he made his way over to kneel in front of her taking her smaller hands inside of his.
“N-no! Not at all I just-” Tears started to stream down his face as he scanned her face looking for something before he started speaking again.
“The mission we went on recently, do you remember that?” She nodded.
“The building was rigged to explode. I-I was waiting for you and you told me to go without you. I told you there was no way in hell I was leaving you there a-and do you remember what you said to me?” Y/n shook her head, brows furrowing together as Bucky’s grip tightened around her hands.
“You said ‘If you really love me, then you'll leave right now. You are of too much value to go out this way. Let me save you this once’." More tears poured down his face as her heart broke. She removed her hands from his tight grip to cup his face, his hands following to keep them there, desperately needing that touch. 
“I don’t think you understand what that did to me.” He whispered, watery eyes boring into her own. He takes a deep breath trying to calm himself, his Adam's apple bobbing as silent pleas left his lips with each breath before words finally caught the air escaping his lungs.
“I just can’t let that go.” He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers as he spoke softly.
“Baby I'm clutching at straws. For I'm so scared of losing you, and I don't know what I can do about it.” He pulled back a little to look her in the eye as he asked, “So tell me how long, love, before you go and leave me here on my own.”
Y/n took a shaky breath, “It was an intense moment. I was just as terrified of losing you. At that moment I decided that if one of us had to die, it was going to have to be me. You have become so much of my everyday life that if I had the choice, I was going to go first.”
She stroked the stubble decorating his face as she paused to take a breath before continuing. 
“However, in this moment, right now, you feel my hands on your face. I’m right here.” She cooed. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Bucky melted in her hands. He dropped his hands off of hers and wound his strong arms around her waist, pulling her into him as he smooshed his face into her stomach, breathing in her scent, further grounding himself.
“I don't wanna know who I am without you.” He whimpered. 
Y/n ran her fingers through his soft chestnut locks, “As I see things right now, I don’t think you have to worry about that my love.”
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