tragedykery · 2 years
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[ID: a meme with stick figure gore and violence. text reads, “girls when she loves mai more than she fears azula,” in all caps.]
guess which episode I’m rewatching
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tragedykery · 2 years
mai and ty lee are in love btw. if you even care
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tragedykery · 1 year
the idea of mai being absolutely weak for ty lee's puppy eyes is incredibly funny to me. the most stone-faced girl ever breaking .3 seconds into a staring contest because well. it's ty lee and grumbling her acquiescence. ty lee never uses her puppy eyes against mai in public because they've got a reputation to uphold but once they're alone? free game baby, and boy does she use her powers for evil
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tragedykery · 1 year
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tragedykery · 1 year
I think mai could develop complicated feelings towards ty lee's decision to leave for the circus. on one hand she'd be happy for her, but also envious that she's able to get away while mai can't. and I think, maybe, she could also hold the slightest bit of resentment (and maybe even sadness) towards her, not for leaving the court behind, but for leaving her behind. I think the main thing it would depend on is if ty lee told her she was leaving, or if she just. left
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tragedykery · 2 years
mailee is about childhood friends to lovers. mailee is about running away together. mailee is about the grumpy one being soft for the sunshine one. mailee is about masks and appearances and being your true self only with the other. mailee is about learning to heal together. mailee is about having a bond no one but the two of you quite understands. mailee is about pining. mailee is about knowing you love each other but not saying it because it terrifies you. mailee is about being able to read each other like an open book. mailee is about uncertainty & vulnerability & trust. mailee is about wordless moments and quiet acts of love. mailee is about lesbians in love and I’m being soooo normal about it
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tragedykery · 1 year
mailee. that’s it that’s the post
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tragedykery · 2 years
okok same person who asked for ur fav mailee fics what about top 5 mailee fics!!!
you’re getting 6 because I can’t choose but here are, in no particular order:
teach myself how to die by sinkburrito
such a good exploration of mai & ty lee’s own relationship and theirs with azula, really nails the concept of secret feelings that fits mailee so well. sharp and aching
headaches by zukkadads
just sososo beautiful. a look at mai & ty lee both in the present and the past. it’s about tenderness & secrecy & characterisation that shows through the subtle lines and little things!!!
hyacinths that come back every year by nobamakii
running away together is Thee mailee theme and I just. love this so much. sweet and tender but also raw and emotional. complicated and confusing thoughts and feelings and trying to work through those together <3
never say what you mean. by sokkaesque
in mai and ty lee’s shared cell after the events of the boiling rock. it’s about the Implications! about Subtlety! about knowing what the other means even if they don’t *say* it!!
of all the stars, the fairest by GallifreyanFairytale
long but sososo worth it. their relationship is messy in a very realistic way and I love how it portrays the complicated relationship between mai and her family. also it’s fake dating. need I say more
The World Falls Away For You by ayyna
the mailee longfic of ur dreams indeed!!! a trip through canon that focuses on mai & ty lee’s relationship but also them as characters themselves. the characterisation is top notch and the writing is gorgeous
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tragedykery · 2 years
mailee playlist by your resident mailee enthusiast
art by @silima. the songs are about mailee together, but also about them individually and about their relationships with other characters, as well as a few songs I just think they’d like. enjoy :)
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tragedykery · 2 years
more mai kissing the back of ty lee’s head, more mai braiding ty lee’s hair as they cuddle, more mai clinging to ty lee when she has to get out of bed at the crack of dawn to train, more ty lee turning her head to kiss mai on the cheek, more ty lee drawing patterns on mai’s arms and playing with her fingers, more mai massaging ty lee’s shoulders when they’re sore from training (ty lee telling her about her day as she does so), more them lacing their fingers together and resting their heads in the space between the other’s neck and shoulders and falling asleep holding each other
more them being able to express their feelings and love the way they want to, to allow themselves to hold and be held and not feel shame for it
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tragedykery · 2 years
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low spoons day
[ID: a digital sketch of modern au mai and ty lee cuddling in a bed, eyes closed. they’re both lying on their sides, facing each other. ty lee’s head is resting on mai’s chest. her hair is down, while mai’s hair is in a low bun. mai’s lines are coloured purple and ty lee’s are pink. the blanket is blue, and the pillows are yellow. /end ID]
@atlasapphicweek day 2: disability
(please click for quality)
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tragedykery · 2 years
would you mind giving me some of ur favorite mailee fics?
sure thing!! I have these and these fic rec lists already, and was planning on making a third anyway, so I’ll just post it here :)
basically anything by @zukkaoru (ao3), @headaching (ao3), @jaanii (ao3), @that-was-anticlimactic (ao3), @muppet-on-a-spit (ao3), @justoceanmyth (ao3), and @zukkacloud9 (ao3) (all in no particular order)
another few favourites of mine are never say what you mean., (love you) in a panic, you’re still my favorite girl, so kiss me, and gonna shine tonight.
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tragedykery · 1 year
mai & ty lee being aunts to izumi is something that can be sooo personal
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tragedykery · 1 year
mailee pink in the night for the wip ask game? 👀
the document is a mess of unfinished sentences so I tried to finish a few of those instead of writing three new ones. those make very little sense without context tho so have a few that I wrote uh. in august last year probably? (it was meant for sapphic week but I. did not finish it)
Ty Lee doesn’t seem to notice Mai sneaking glances at her, focused on the psychology textbook in front of her. She writes down notes with a steady hand, occasionally tapping the pen against her lip with a thoughtful expression or grabbing her pastel pink highlighter to mark important words. It’s simply unfair how beautiful she looks, even after a full day of classes and studying for exams. She always looks beautiful, though. Mai can’t remember a time when the sight of her didn’t set this something aflutter in her chest; a soft-petalled flower blooming inside her heart.
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tragedykery · 2 years
there’s this mailee comic that I’ve had in my head for a While now but am not nearly good enough an artist to draw
okay so it’s inspired by “cherry” by rina sawayama and specifically the lyrics “in the subway / you looked my way / with your girl gaze / that was the day / everything changed / couldn’t stay the same.” it’s basically a modern au mailee first meeting
the first panel would be of the subway, the train, blurry with speed, racing past the platform. (it would probably be a white train with teal and maybe purple shading/accents to balance out the pink of ty lee’s panels?)
mai waits on the train, putting in her earbuds and you can see the song is playing on the screen of her phone/ipod/whatever.
a new train arrives on the platform. mai gets in. she’s mostly weary and bored. it’s late and she’s had a long day
in the train, another girl (ty lee) slings her bag over her shoulder, ready to get out
they accidentally make eye contact. ty lee’s face is just neutral, mai is wide-eyed and Realising (tm)
ty lee smiles brightly, while mai blushes and looks away
a shot of the platform from mai’s point of view, ty lee is clearly visible in the crowd
a closeup of mai’s face. still blushing, she smiles slightly
(the next time they cross paths, ty lee has a note with her number ready to slip into mai’s hand)
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tragedykery · 2 years
mailee’s love language is bitching about and making fun of others <3
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