#major 2nd
mochi-colors · 22 days
I think Major 2nd will get a 3th season once the middle school arc is finished in the manga.
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naycelium · 2 years
Cult of The Lamb is really cute! 🐑⛧
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yunogf · 10 months
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NCT 127's Sticker (2021) as Michael Crichton's science fiction western Westworld (1973)
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popsicle-stick · 4 months
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sincerely-sofie · 3 days
Just realized The Present is a Gift's birthday is in under 2 months. And the anniversary of when the fic started being posted is pretty much 7 months away. That's like, 3 weeks in ADHD time you guys.
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mossmanthemossman · 9 months
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@highly-invested ok I've decided to make a seperate post for this
So I'm not sure if coping mechanisms is quite the right term for it but i don't know what else to call it so I'll just describe it. They're all different ways of tying your happiness and self worth to something else, and specifically not dealing with your trauma (which is something that gets resolved as you go through the ideals). I feel like lightweavers are the most obvious example , with their thing being "I can be happy so long as I never ever think about what happened". You also have windrunners (and possibly also edgedancers in a way but I've not read the novella so idk) where it's "I can be happy so long as I can stop the thing that happened to me from happening again to me or to anyone else"
Which brings us to the skybreakers, who I think are really interesting if analyzed like this, because they would be either "I have faced injustice and I have to rise above that" and them sort of overcomitting to that at forst, or even more interestingly "I myself have done some extremely fucked up shit so I cannot be trusted to make subjective judgements about morality."
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tracksidequeen · 1 year
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Please, I can’t stop laughing bahahah
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thunderon · 2 years
heyyy thunderon, i wasnt sure who to ask about this so i figured I'd go to you cause you seem to pick up on a LOT of things in tlt. Do you have any idea of the significance of the icons at the start of the chapters in NtN? It's really killing me that i have absolutely no clue why certain skulls show up when they do.
im very flattered you thought of me!! and ill give it a go. i haven’t gone through every chapter and im not confident, but i think a lot of the headers are meant to sorta signify a character/event in that chapter? this is potentially me giving meaning where there is none, but here’s me tentatively picking at some examples:
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the 3rd House skull appears as the chapter header on chapters 8/13. chapter 8 is when nona makes the fake radio call to crown and chapter 13 is a crown-centric chapter where she takes care of judith.
chapter 16 (tower symbol) is when ianthe + gideon (aka the Tower Princes) appear on the broadcast.
chapter 20 (1st house skull) is when ianthe arrives (on God’s behalf) and reunites with crown. chapter 21 (3rd house fractured skull) is when we find out crown bugged ianthe.
imho each symbol sorta corresponds with a major event of the chapter, and i think particularly the split house skull image holds a meaning of its own. i think it could sorta symbolizes that tear between allegiances and identities (and identity is a HUGE theme in the novel.) and it actually repeats:
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chapter 5 is when we get a HEAVY hint that it’s harrows body. chapter 22 is when nona disguises herself as harrow. chapter 24 is when nona finds gideon. chapter 25 is when gideon wakes up, and we kinda get that sense that she’s not quite what we left with. continuing on:
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chapter 23 is when camilla and pal duel (and defeat) ianthe. chapter 28 is when they die and become Paul.
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chapter 14 is a regular nona chapter with some hints about her identity thrown in. chapter 19 is when nona has her tantrum and part of alecto’s old memories (fighting with a two-hander) are unleashed. the open tomb symbol also appears again on chapter 32 (when the tomb is actually opened).
maybe its a coincidence or im just forcing it to have meaning, but that’s kinda my take on it at the moment. i might think some more on this later… very interesting!!!
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sn0wbat · 4 months
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sparkle on, tiberius ✨
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
*spoilers to TP under the cut, for real like if youve not played it dont click this*
brb gotta write lu twilight related stuff now, he may not be a blorbo but now i have the power to write this man properly
Also i totally understand why its most peoples faves
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morganhopesmith1996 · 2 months
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Kuze Edited Screencaps by morganhopesmith1996
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ladystoneboobs · 5 months
A memory prodded at Theon. In one of his rare curt letters, Lord Balon had written of his youngest brother going down in a storm, and turning holy when he washed up safe on shore. -Theon I, aCoK
this little glimpse of balon/theon's strained long-distance relationship kinda fascinates me now. can't believe i'm going to defend balon as a father to theon in any way, however small, but i feel like hindsight has kinda blinded fandom into thinking balon gave up theon for dead and gone the moment he gave him away as hostage. this also carries the underlying assumption that balon was always going to rebel again making theon's life already forfeit to him.
thing is, while balon undoubtedly called his banners before theon came home, that also coincided with robert and ned both being recently dead, making that 2nd war seem really opportunistic. as if the only thing balon learned from his first rebellion was that king robert was strong enough to defeat him, the only man capable of defeating the great balon. so when that enemy dies, balon's crown is all but won in his mind, and with the death of ned too he could use his next war to take revenge on the (dead) man who took his son from him. maybe with robert's lifestyle he could have hoped to outlive him despite being older than robert, but robert and ned together? that must have seemed like a miraculous chance straight from the drowned god himself, a chance to rise up and take revenge that it was his duty to take for his people, even if it meant risking the life of his youngest child who'd been gone for 10 years anyway.
but before all that, even if robert being still alive was the real deterrant keeping him from warring again, he was, in effect, not only keeping theon safe by paying the hostage-ransom of keeping the peace, he was also keeping up a bare minimum connection with theon through rare and curt correspondence updating him on family events like aeron getting born again (and i'm assuming that's also how theon knew what asha's ship was named). idt we should so easily ignore that this is a society which views kinslaying as a grave offense regardless of circumstances or personal feelings, and one which greatly values male heirs over female heirs. i doubt balon was so much a feminist girldad that he just switched 12yo asha into the son slot right away as soon as all her brothers were lost. imo it was more likely a gradual process done not so consciously as asha proved herself worthy growing up and theon's time in the north stretched on and on. all until such point as asha had achieved son status and only son status at that, (maybe also coinciding with alannys leaving him so he had even less reason to keep up with her baby boy?), and then theon could be written off as belonging to the enemy, no longer ironborn or a son of balon, so sanctity of greyjoy life no longer applied to him. (real ironborn greyjoy son already killed by darth greenlander theon, from a certain point of view.) only then could balon be a not-father to theon, not welcoming him back home or even giving him a chance to prove his loyalty by providing intelligence on the northerners and the lands they were about to invade. (which could have made balon's war plans a touch less stupid. see, it all comes back to criticizing him in the end.)
in fact, come to think of it, i wonder if one thing ned and balon had in common is just not thinking of the danger of theon being executed as a hostage, not taking ownership of that possibility bc it hadn't happened yet. and hey, if it ever did come to that they could each tell themselves it would be the other guy's fault really, i was just doing my duty to my king/as a king to all my proud people. and that meant their actions didn't have to be obviously at odds with ned's view of himself as a good man opposed to killing children or balon's view of himself as great greyjoy patriarch and victim of the greenlanders (who could ofc prevail against them all if given the right chance).
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Jane's Pets Chapter 97: Miracle (Season Finale)
TWs in tags
Puppy regrets nodding about Bunny killing Master almost immediately after she does it. This is what anger does, makes her act irrationally in ways that will get others hurt. She shouldn't have encouraged him, it can only make things worse.
She shakes her head immediately after she nods, but Bunny doesn't seem nearly as impacted by that as he was by her nod.
Master lets her and Bunny bring Kitty upstairs and take care of them. They’re hardly injured at all. Just some acid burns on their toes. It’ll make it hard to walk, but Puppy won’t mind helping.
They’re really out of it, so she and Bunny get them set up all cozy on the couch with some snacks.
“I’m sorry.” Bunny whispers over and over to them. “I’m so sorry, I won’t let this happen ever again.”
After Kitty’s settled in, Bunny pulls Puppy aside.
“I think you’re really brave, you know. And strong. And I want you to know I love you no matter what happens.”
He's going to do something really stupid. That's the only reason he'd say that.
Her worry must be visible on her face, because Bunny looks sad.
"It's all going to be okay." He hugs her tightly, then runs off to his room. He can't use his hands, so hopefully he won't be able to do anything too stupid…
She really doesn't want to have to watch him get his hands and tongue cut off. She should supervise him, just to make sure he didn't find a way to cast without hands, but Kitty also needs supervision.
She thinks that if Kitty tries to get themself hurt, she'd be able to stop them, but she's not sure about Bunny. So she stays in the living room where she knows she can be useful, as much as leaving Bunny to his own devices pains her.
You've just had the most wonderful idea.
Everything has magic in it, first of all. Barron (you'll just have to push through the discomfort and think about it) and its books tended to only use twigs, leaves, and rocks, but theoretically anything could be used to cast, especially if it's less refined and closer to nature. And Puppy communicated to you that Jane's blood is important… it only makes sense to use that to cast. You're a genius!
If you manage to kill her, you probably won't be able to cast anymore, but you're okay with that. Magic no longer existing is a small price to pay in order to be free of Jane.
Oh, does that have something to do with how she's not usually affected by magic? If she was made immortal by the same thing that made magic possible, it doesn't seem too crazy to think she wouldn't be impacted by magic in the same way everything else is…
Wait. Wait wait wait wait- her blood has to do with her immortality. Her immortality has to do with the creation of magic, which means that her immortality (and therefore blood) is connected to why magic doesn't work on her the same way. So maybe, if she had enough normal blood in her body… magic might work normally on her, and she might be able to die!
"Jane! Jane! I have an idea on how to kill you! Jane!"
Jane appears sitting on your bed. "My stupid Bunny has an idea? Don't hurt yourself."
"Shut up. Have you ever tried to replace your blood with a mortal's?"
"Yes. Do you really think no one's thought of that before you?"
That's a bit demoralizing, but you continue. "Have you ever had someone cast magic on you while there was mortal blood in you? Oh, oh! And had someone cast using your blood, at the same time? So like, there's a spell on the normal blood and a spell on the immortal blood?"
Jane blinks. "I… not at the same time…" She regains her composure swiftly. "But I have tried those separately. Why would doing them at the same time work?"
You've got her. There's no way she won't want to try. "Well it would probably be impossible to replace all your blood with mortal blood, so it makes sense why that one wouldn't work on its own. As for using your blood to cast… well, did it have any effect when you tried it on its own? Or did nothing happen at all, like when I tried to make you intangible?"
"Nothing happened." Jane is sounding more and more annoyed.
"What spells did you try? I guess that since your blood works different it wouldn't be able to cast the same things the same way…"
"...What makes you so sure that my blood works different?"
Shit, you don't want to get Puppy in trouble. "It doesn't matter. What spells did you try?"
She rolls her eyes, but luckily she doesn't seem to care enough to push it. Maybe she already knew, or figured it out (did you ask Puppy while Jane could've been listening? You can't remember). "Any spell that had even a tiny chance of killing me."
"Hmm… and you cast it? Or did someone else?"
"Someone else. I can't cast, at least not the way mages can. Which I know because I tried, many times."
Oh, it's a good thing you asked, since she talks about it saying 'I' instead of 'we.' You suppose it does make sense for her to think about mortals that helped her in the past as just extensions of herself.
Another idea is starting to form. You've been forcing yourself to think about Barron a lot lately, and its death (along with the others') is fresh in your mind after thinking Kitty was dead. You think 'what would Barron do?' You think about your first time meeting it. 
"Well… your blood, uh, makes more of itself only while it's inside your body, right? So maybe using it to cast would only work if it was still inside your body? I could… I could carve a rune into a rock, then like… cut you open and put it inside you and cast, so that it would have the normal magic of the rock and the weird magic of your blood." Man, this is a pretty gory conversation… Living here has really desensitized you.
Jane tilts her head to the side. "...worth a shot."
"Wha- you've never tried that before?" You were expecting to have to give more justifications as to why it would be different this time.
"I have reason to believe my blood maintains its properties while it's outside my body, but you're right that it only replicates while it's in my veins. So it's worth a shot, even if nothing comes of it. Come downstairs."
Jane vanishes.
This could go very, very bad, but you leave your room and go down the stairs to the basement anyway, purposefully avoiding looking at Puppy and Kitty's reactions.
Jane is setting up some kind of scary looking contraption. You instinctually step back when you see it.
"Relax, it's not for you. You've seen how instantaneous my healing is, this is to hold my arm open while you… hey, your hands are still broken! Go grab Kitty and Puppy, you can instruct them on how to carve your runes or whatever. That works out better anyway, I'd have to cut off your hands if you did it yourself, or no one would believe my threats again."
You run back upstairs. You can't stop the smile starting to form on your face. This might work. This might actually work! Even Jane thinks it might work!
"You guys need to come downstairs. Not for a punishment! Probably. I suggested a way to maybe kill Jane and she agreed! But I need your help cause I can't use my hands right now. Um, Puppy, could you help me get supplies from my room?"
She looks skeptical, but follows anyway. Kitty wordlessly goes down the stairs into the basement, walking on their heels.
You direct Puppy on what materials to grab, and then you and her go down into the basement too.
Jane is sitting in a chair that wasn't there before, with the scary contraption beside her. "Alright! Tell them what to do. You two, do what Bunny says for now."
You take a moment to gather your thoughts. Your plan is complicated, so you're afraid you'll miss a step. 
You direct Puppy on what rune to draw on a leaf (you've decided engraving a rock would take too long) and have tell Kitty how to cast a healing spell with the stuff you've already got prepared. Their magic makes you taste sour candy.
You feel the bones in your hands mend. "Perfect, thank you Kitty. First I want to try casting with your blood. I want to see if it can do things like healing and teleporting, since those are the magic things you can do."
Jane scoffs. "My magic doesn't heal me. It keeps me in the state I was right before- it keeps me in this specific state. To call any of my powers healing is ridiculous, the entire point is for me to suffer."
You gasp. She said that so casually, like it wasn't the last piece of the puzzle. Has she said that before? Maybe she has, and you didn't realize the importance.
She's tried so many different ways to kill herself. If the purpose of her magic isn't to make people miserable, what could it possibly be?
Magic responds strongly to intention. Her blood, her magic… what if it only works if the end result is more suffering? 
Okay, drop the replacing some of her blood with yours idea. You just need her blood. "Do you have, like, a bloodbag in your void?"
"I have everything in my void." Jane sets up a blood draw quickly herself. "Will that be enough?"
You nod. You shouldn't need much at all. You know why using her blood to cast didn't work when she tried it before…
Well, you don't know. Which is why this first step is important. You set the blood bag aside. "Puppy, hand me that leaf you drew on like I told you."
She hands you the leaf, her expression unreadable.
Jane laughs. "You know that if this doesn't kill me I'll have to cut off your hands and tongue, right? Since you're casting it yourself."
"Yep." You examine Jane's contraption. "So how does this work?"
"It'll cut and hold the flesh open while you stick the leaf in there. You'll have to do it as fast as possible. Are you ready?" She puts her arm in the contraption and holds down a lever.
You position the leaf right above where it looks like the contraption will cut. "Ready."
She releases the lever and the contraption slices and pulls, ripping skin and then muscle and holding the rip open. You can see the flesh trying to reunite, straining against the contraption. Ew. Jane doesn't flinch.
You thrust the leaf forward into the wound (ew ew ew ew) and chant the spell words, then yank your hand away and pull the contraption off. Her skin mends around the leaf.
Magic responds to intention. Usually that means that it doesn't work unless you have the right intentions, but it can benefit you too. You want the force-field to hold her in place while leaving a hole for magic to get through, and it does. Instead of being a sphere around her, it's shaped the same as her so that she can't move, with a hole over her chest.
"...why did you do that?" Jane looks more confused than anything.
She teleports, but once she reappears across the room the force-field is still around her. It worked! You can't cast spells on her, but you can cast spells on the area around her, and since the leaf's inside her it will move with her, so the spell is always on the area around her! And she can't teleport it out, and she can't cut it out because she can't move her arms. It really worked! So long as you keep the spell up, she won't be able to hurt anyone.
You watch as the realization dawns on her. "Ha ha. So clever. Except the spell will still only work until you lose focus, and with your brain damage I doubt I'll have to wait long… And if I told my Puppy to attack you, she would, and you'd lose focus even faster."
"I know. I just needed… insurance. I need you to not be able to hurt anyone while I try this. Sit back down, I think my idea will work."
She appears back in the chair and rolls her eyes. You pick the blood bag back up.
"Puppy… I need you to cast this spell for me. You… her magic, it only causes suffering right?"
She nods hesitantly.
"That's it's purpose?"
She nods again, and you feel giddy. You were right! Puppy confirmed it!
"So if we want to cast with her blood, it has to be to cause suffering. And I think… you're the only one who can try to kill Jane and see it as a cause of suffering. I think that you're the only one here who's even capable of processing Jane's death as a bad thing." You're not positive, but based on the way she acts around Jane, and some of the things that Kitty's told you… it's possible. Her hatred for Jane doesn't seem to be as strong as yours and Kitty's, at the very least.
Tears well up in her eyes, and she nods slowly.
You hand her the blood bag. "Okay, I need you to, like, fingerpaint with the blood." You describe the rune to her and she dutifully paints it on the floor.
"And then… you need to say the spell words." There are probably other ways to cast without the ability to speak, but you don't know them.
Jane has been watching silently, but when Puppy looks at her pleadingly she speaks up. "I'm not going to give you permission to speak. If you actually think this is going to work, you don't need my permission, because I won't be able to punish you. And if you don't think it'll work… you have no reason to do it."
Tears stream down Puppy's face. You don't know what to do– if it doesn't work, you don't want Puppy getting hurt because of you.
Kitty has been mostly quiet, but now they speak up. "...Puppy. You've got this. If it doesn't work… we'll keep trying, and she won't be able to hurt you– or anyone, because of the forcefield. And… if your worry is about us getting hurt… we're willing to risk that. Right, Bunny?"
"Please, Puppy… I can't do this anymore. I can't– I wouldn't be able to go on knowing that we had a chance and we didn't take it. Please."
Puppy wipes her eyes, unclips and removes her muzzle, and hesitantly takes off her collar. Jane doesn't say anything.
You quickly tell her the spell words, and she repeats them. Her tears mix with the blood on the ground.
When she's finished, Jane goes unnaturally still. Her eyes lose focus. Despite how hopeful you were, your first thought is oh, she's fucking with us.
If it worked… she shouldn't be able to heal (or whatever she wants to call it) anymore, right?
You take one of the many knives laid out in the basement and drive it through the hole in the forcefield, into her chest, then pull it out. The wound doesn't heal.
"Guys- guys!" You drop the forcefield and slit her throat. It bleeds and it keeps bleeding and there's not even the slightest pull bringing the flesh back together.
"She's dead. Jane is dead. She's- she's-"
It doesn't feel all that different to when you killed other people under her orders. You feel kind of… numb. Everything feels too quiet. You've daydreamed about this for so long, but you don't feel triumphant like you expected. Just… tired.
And you always pictured dying right after. Sacrificing your and Jane's life for Puppy and Kitty's. But you're alive. You're alive and Jane is dead.
A/N: Everything so far has built up to this... I hope it's at least a little good! Let me know if I should tag anything else, or if you want to be added to or removed from the tag list! Season 4 will begin April 22nd at 5:00PM EST.
Tag list: @eatyourdamnpears @whump-in-the-closet @scp-1296 @thecosmicmap @quins-whump-stuff
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syrupyyyart · 1 year
you had a grape oc right? that design was my fav <3
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Yes! Here's the final designs for the antagonists :]
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fox-guardian · 1 year
what the fuck would Cecil Palmer's fursona be. my first instinct would be some kind of desert animal but night vale animals are weird so what would they even look like
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berryblu-soda · 3 months
lmao art style range
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