#making it possible to use our adaptability to help others get a second chance
I'm going to write a science fiction series from the point of view of an alien and humans are going to show up but instead of being known for their horrible, war like ways they'll be known for 1) their tendency to try to live in places they Should Not and yet still somehow surviving, and 2) their universal goal of helping in the resuscitation of species made at risk due to unnatural causes.
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yuurei20 · 11 months
Leona Info Compilation part 7: Unique Magic and Power
When Leona’s unique magic is first seen Jack says, “Everything the Housewarden touched is turning to sand”, but Leona may not need to touch something to disintegrate it (as seen in Halloween and Book 6).
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Leona’s “King’s Roar” is the only unique magic (thus far) that is the same in verbal command, hidden meaning and the English adaptation.
We do not see Leona attempt to use his unique magic on the Charon (wearing anti-magic armor) who kidnap him in Book 6 or the anti-magic doors inside of STYX, though he says he would “turn ‘em to sand” otherwise.
King’s Roar might be difficult to aim: he says that STYX’s researchers being in the way during the fight against an over-blotted Idia would have made his unique magic “a lot harder to use,” but since they were gone he was able to “sand most of the minions in the area” without issue. He refuses to use the spell on the cages in Tartarus as doing so would run the risk of sanding Grim, and/or the ID card that they needed in order to continue.
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We have yet to really see the extent of what Leona is capable of, though Grim says “for as lazy as that guy is…he seemed insanely strong.”
Jack says that Leona’s “magical might” is “in a league of its own”, and Leona is the only person we’ve seen capable of defending against Riddle’s unique magic. (Despite being, objectively, one of the most powerful students in the school, Leona says “power alone ain’t enough to make waves in this world”, in reference to how he will never fulfill his only dream no matter how strong he is. Unaware of Leona’s inner turmoil Jack comments, “How can someone so powerful give up on everything?”)
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Jack is often commenting on Leona’s magical strength saying that “Leona’s magic is way more powerful than any of ours” while he, Ruggie and Floyd battle the mine monster with Leona teasing Ruggie about getting tired out.
Idia explains that Leona likely received “top-notch magic instruction as a kid”, saying that Leona’s “casting speed’s off the charts, and his magic pool is huge. He also knows how to be efficient he tailors his defense spells to match the potency of enemy attacks. He hardly wastes any magic at all. Which means he barely accumulates any excess blot.”
Ortho follows with, “Because he typically exhibits great mental fortitude…when he does experience intense emotions it could cause a drastic spike in blot accumulation.”
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Leona might be particularly adept at defensive magic, saying, “I aced my protective magic classes in my sleep”, which makes the two instances that Ruggie is able to apply his unique magic to Leona (in Book 2 and during Halloween) very interesting.
Leona can defend against Riddle, who is probably stronger than Ruggie. So it can be assumed that the times that Ruggie successfully used “Laugh with Me” on Leona were only possible because Leona consciously allowed it.
We get a rare chance to compare Leona’s strength to that of the other students directly in Book 6:
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Both Vil and Riddle are unable to lift, aim and utilize their thunder spears simultaneously on their own, with Vil asking for help from Epel the player and Rook, while Riddle asks for help from Azul. Leona, however, both lifts and aim the spear alone, then even uses its magic without any help from Jamil (who we see attacking the Titan independently with his fire magic, away from the spear).
Jamil is surprised by Leona’s ability to sleep after the first titan fights, but we learn Riddle also took a nap at that same time.
Vil again gets help from Epel and Rook (and presumably the player) during the second titan fight, saying he “can’t move another step” while he and Epel fall asleep almost instantly after reaching a safe location (Rook possibly remained awake).
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Riddle also gets help from Azul for their second titan fight, getting injured in the process and expressing concern over his magic, stamina and blot.
Azul falls asleep quickly afterwards, despite previously claiming that, as an octopus, he could never sleep in such a situation.
For their second titan fight Leona, again, uses the thunder spear entirely on his own without help from Jamil, collapsing to his knees from exhaustion.
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Immediately afterwards he has enough energy for banter with Jamil.
Leona asks for Jamil’s help in the final fight.
They are forced to bow out due to an over-accumulation of blot, not from over-using their magic but because of the blot escaping the Underworld with Ortho.
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blindbeta · 2 years
Hello! In the fantasy story I'm writing, one of the main characters is blind. He uses a cane to navigate - and he's also a magitech engineer, with a lot of leeway for personal projects. So without worrying about magic limitations and such, what do you feel would be fun ways to magically improve a cane's function that won't disrupt something else that's necessary for it? Anything you definitely don't want to see?
Enhancing Canes With Magic
One idea I have is to research the WeWalk cane. TheBlindLife has some videos on it here and here. The website can be found here. Maybe it could serve as inspiration.
In the videos, Sam from TheBlindLife demonstrates a Smart white cane that pairs with a smart phone. It has a bulky white handle with a speaker and light on it, but is otherwise similar to other folding canes. In the second video, Sam reveals WeWalk has partnered with Ambutech to improve the cane’s design and rolling marshmallow tip. Sam demonstrates using the cane, which vibrates when detecting obstacles. He demonstrates the accessible app that pairs with the cane to allow for navigation to listed nearby restaurants and public transportation using an accessible map, clock directions, and progress tracking. The cane has a speaker on it, which is sometimes hard to hear. It can be paired with headphones.
A good magically engineered cane should still locate obstacles, shorelines, and provide tactile feedback about the ground and objects with which the cane comes into contact. It should also act as an identifier for blind people, so that others know they can’t see and aren’t going to get out of the way. It should fold or not fold according to preference. It should offer vibration feedback, audio feedback, and be light enough to carry. TheBlindLife lists a con of the WeWalk, which is that it is heavy. I also think the handle is too bulky, the voice is too hard to hear, and the vibration alert for obstacles could get tiring and confusing. Keeping these in mind may help avoid similar issues in your fictional cane. A good cane should allow one to interact with obstacles, rather than avoid them.
As long as it does what it is supposed to do in our world, the cane can be magically improved in many different ways. Some ideas I have include:
1. Something that allows stickers to stay without falling off. I have posted about stickers on the blog before and how they are fine to add to a cane. However, the rounded surface of the cane makes it difficult to keep them on.
2. Canes that are instantly customizable in color and visual design would be fun.
3. Canes that have the option of lighting up in the dark (which the WeWalk cane has), both for extra visibility at night and possibly for flashlight purposes for those with residual vision. It should be customizable and easily controlled for those with light sensitivity and so those without light perception don’t accidentally leave it on all the time.
4. Cane tips that adapt to the environment and needs of the blind person. For example, according to the landscape, a blind person may carry different cane tips with them, such a Dakota disk, to navigate more easily. A cane tip that transforms with magic would make it easier on blind characters who don’t have, can’t afford, or forget extra cane tips when they go out.
5. Customizable vibration control would be useful for those who have joint pain or sensitivity to tactile sensations. While some vibration may be necessary, a magic cane that allows for customization in this area could be useful. It is certainly not something we have much chance to change in the real world.
6. A landmark tracker and finder could be useful for specific landmarks people want to remember. These are usually done through observation and route memorization, but it is also possible to make notes of landmarks someone wants to remember. I’m not sure how a land mark tracker would work and I’m thinking one would need a way to store individual routes, but it could be a fun idea for when one is just starting to learn a route or just learning cane skills. Or possibly someone with memory difficulties.
7. Detection for objects at head height or objects that are otherwise above ground. Unfortunately, canes can only detect objects near ground level. I’m not sure if the WeWalk can detect objects above the ground, but it would be nice for a magic to do so, perhaps using a different alert system. This might allow blind characters to avoid objects like tree branches, equipment out in the open, etc. This can also be somewhat accomplished with a Sunu Band, it would be nice to have a cane that serves this function as well.
As for what I don’t want in a magically enhanced cane, I feel that as long as it does what a cane is supposed to do, it’s good. I think most of the problems center around no cane at all or canes doubling as weapons. Or objects, such as umbrellas or swords, used as canes instead of actual canes. One thing I would advice against is creating canes that give sight or allow for any visual feedback the blind person wouldn’t otherwise have already. The person using the cane should still use adaptive techniques rather than having magic erase their blindness.
If anyone has any other suggestions of what they do and don’t want, feel free to share them.
This has been cross-posted on WordPress.
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sinisterdenial · 4 months
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A four-part online series, taking you from first trance to skilled 'tist.
Buy your tickets here!
Over 5 weeks, Imaginatrix and Sinister will give you every tool you need for mind-blowing scenes as you dive into the world of hypnokink. Four intensive workshops will cover everything from the very basics to deep dives on more advanced approaches - all designed to give you a flexible toolkit that you can use in the bedroom and beyond! Two 2-hour drop-in sessions will give you the opportunity to ask any questions you have or troubleshoot your approach. There will be a Discord server set up only for participants, where Trix and Sinister will be able to provide coaching and advice over the five weeks of the course. Each workshop will be recorded for attendees to watch back, or catch up on the course in their own time.
Add yourself as attending on Fetlife!
The schedule is (all times GMT):
Sunday February 25th, 6-8pm - The Basics
What erotic hypnosis is and how it works. The general structure of a trance, and a solid grounding in the techniques required for starting to play. A thorough exploration of how to negotiate such scenes along with the consent and safety issues. A framework on which you can build.
Sunday March 3rd, 6-8pm - Improving Inductions
Exploring the wide variety of ways we can get someone into trance. How you can make the induction a part of your play. How to adapt your approach for your subject. The principles of how and why inductions work, so you can improvise them on-the-fly.
Thursday March 7th, 8-10pm - Drop-in #1
Come by at any point with questions or requests for demonstration, or let us help you with any issues you've been having.
Sunday March 10th, 6-8pm - Suggestions that Stick
Looking at how you can best frame suggestions to have the biggest impact. The best ways to ensure that they're as safe and reliable as possible, and how to adjust things when they don't quite go according to plan. How you can use language and framing to have long-lasting, powerful hypnotic effects.
Sunday March 17th, 6-8pm - Bringing it All Together
A study of how deepeners can be best used in your play, and the role they have in enhancing the trances you construct. Then looking at how to make the hypnotic experience as a whole feel coherent and easy. Then we'll share our principles for flow in our play - how and when to break the rules we've given you so far, and how they can make for more flexible, effortless hypnosis.
Sunday March 24th, 6-8pm - Drop-in #2
A chance to ask any final questions you have, or again work through any techniques you need help with.
Can't make one of the dates? No worries, the recordings of each class will be released well in advance of the next one, so you'll always be able to catch up.
About the presenters:
Sinister has been experimenting with, teaching, and generally passionate about hypnosis for five years. She now produces hypnotic videos as one half of the production company Mesmerotic, and runs a second studio, EdgeSluts, focused on her other area of expertise: orgasm control. She's enthusiastic about teaching hypnosis and helping it to be as accessible as possible to newcomers or giving scene veterans new tools to use in their play. She practises more general kink alongside hypnosis in her daily life, and delights in finding new ways to combine them. She offers professional sessions, tuition and other services online and off, in addition to her paid and free content on Patreon and OnlyFans. She is in a 24/7 ownership dynamic with Trix.
Imaginatrix has a passion for hypnotic hedonism. As well as being a ride or die kinkster, Trix works full-time as a hypnotic content creator, Domme, and BDSM educator. An eternal switch, her hunger for hypnosis is boundless, whether she's melting minds or being mesmerised.
She is a certified hypnotist trained in Integrative Hypnosis Sexual Freedom Hypnosis® techniques, and organises the only monthly erotic hypnosis class in the UK. She makes up the other half of Mesmerotic and brings her erotic hypnosis to OnlyFans and Patreon. She loves deep-diving into hypnotic technique and thinks hypnosis is an incredible tool for connection and pleasure. She is also Sinister’s possession, and hypnosis is a core part of their dynamic.
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scarletred79 · 2 years
Anti-Social Artist (Glamrock Freddy x Fem Reader) Chapter 6: Restless Sleepover Pt. 3
I had dealt with restless children before, other than Moondrop. Either they had too much sugar, managed to steal caffeine from a desk, or ingested a sun drop candy instead of the other that helps you sleep. The possibilities were countless! But I wasn't after a child. It was a young adult running away from getting the help she needed and deserved. The poor thing was starving herself, for whatever reason it might be. I intend to find out her intentions as long as she is willing to share. I wouldn't force our superstar to make herself uncomfortable. Or, maybe the daycare attendants could help.
Either way, right now, I had to find her, but how? An unknown source blocks her location, and I don't know where she is. If I tried to ask everyone else's help, they would be willing or unwilling to participate in the search party. But Beckett left me in charge on Y/n until she's in good hands, which goes for me to search alone.
'I hope I find you soon.'
Was it masochistic to listen to sad music at your worst? Maybe, or maybe not, who knew? It was a habit of mine, yet I learned to live with the pain throughout my life. In that case, it is unfortunate to adapt to living in misery, but I've rarely known anybody to live their life in true happiness. It sounds like a different reality when you think about it. People in your family support you, not losing your friends for being "selfish," not being called names by simply existing, respected; the list goes on for those so-called "born lucky."
I, on the other hand, ran away. It's not the best solution since your problems will find you eventually or are always following you until you solve them. I don't know how long I've been running, and I can't remember when I started or how I stopped. It looks like I stopped here, in this building, and it's one of the few places that made me feel safe, excluding strangers.
The main stage always felt so peaceful when we were closed, and I had no one asking questions, giving me unwanted stares, coworkers to talk to or greet, and no disturbances.
Sometimes I like to make new friends, or at least there were. It always felt like I was a bit "too much" for everyone. I took jokes too literally to the point that people got fed up with trying to correct me. I wouldn't say it was their fault since that time was before I got diagnosed. I only figured it was unnecessary for those who didn't need to know.
My mother, on the other hand, didn't deserve to know. I shouldn't have told her about my diagnosis in the first place. That was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I shouldn't have thought about trusting her even after everything she did. I always gave her second chances, only because she acted kindly towards me after every fight. She'd always say she felt guilty about it, then try to win me back by giving me hugs, kisses, buying things for me, you name it.
I had no choice but to be friendly toward her whenever she acted agreeably. Because then people would think that I'm the bad guy.
My mother wasn't the bad guy either. She's a woman who grew up differently compared to me, learned things differently, and has her perspectives and opinions. But it's for damn sure she has no right to demand respect when she hardly did the same for me whenever I "talked back" or not do what she thought was right. As long as I behave, then I get the so-called respect.
Looking around the empty mall, I breathed, trying to stay calm, "In through the nose and out of the mouth... Everything will be fine; you'll be fine and okay."
As I turned around, a shiny glint of an instrument caught my eye. An electric guitar on its stand, coated in a marigold orange with three black stripes spreading across.
I whistled as I stepped toward it, my fingers strumming the strings gently before picking it up. "You must be Gator's baby, aren't you a beauty?"
On my last few ounces of energy, before I would be swept away to the Daycare, I wanted to sing and play, just once, to let it all out. I was using unhealthy habits for two weeks to de-stress, and I had my reasons.
I knew that using people's things without their permission was wrong, and I didn't mind the consequences. If Monty wanted to get mad at me, that was understandable. I will not disrespect his choices on who he does or doesn't like.
'I may be an asshole at times or look or sound like one. People called me selfish many times before, in moments I never was in the first place. Now, I'm going to be very, very selfish.'
I strapped the guitar around me and approached the microphone on the stand before turning it on. The high-pitched noise kicked in through the speakers but barely flinched due to the tiredness kicking in a little. No matter how much energy I had left, I would use everything, and I needed this.
Plugging in the guitar, I began the song's intro by humming close to the microphone and strumming the chords on the guitar. By the sounds of it, Montgomery tuned it, thankfully.
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, starting at a low volume, just like the song. Raising the magnitude of the sound as the second went by, I imagined the drums playing along in the back to keep me focused. No music felt complete without its key instruments, except for some covers on YouTube.
"Save some face; you know you've only got one.
Change your ways while you're young!"
"Boy, one day, you'll be a man.
Oh, girl, he'll help you understand!"
"Smile like you mean it!"
My hearing sensors couldn't believe what I was listening to, a rock song. An intruder singing on the main stage? At this time of night?
I was close to shutting down in my newly installed pond near the golf course. Good thing the higher-ups let us expand our play areas to have some space for us to enjoy. It was getting old and boring to see the same things every day.
The last thing I wanted was someone singing at two o'clock in the fucking morning!
"Are you seriously skinning me alive? Now? Right now?"
Swimming towards the edge of my pond, I decided to say fuck it and walk around with my wet trunks. Even if the floor were going to get soaked, I would still teach this punk a lesson.
"Smile like you mean it!"
The words coming out of my mouth hurt me, knowing what they meant exactly. It wasn't about the drugs, a relationship, none of that.
"Looking back at sunsets on the East side."
"We lost track... of the time."
You are looking back, smiling, and accepting your choices, even at the worst and bad times.
"Dreams aren't what they used to be.
Some things slide by so carelessly.
Smile like you mean it!"
You eventually get through the hard times and smile at the end, but even the pain's still there.
"Smile like you mean it!"
I continued playing the notes, fingers sliding side to side, back and forth, changing to different positions on the strings. It felt like this rush within me, and the sudden motivation and passion pushed this sort of adrenaline to keep going, not backing down now.
I felt alive.
"And someone is calling my name from the back of the restaurant.
And someone is playing a game in the house that I grew up in.
And someone will drive her around down the same streets that I did.
On the same streets that I did."
Opening my eyes again, I couldn't see through the tears as much as I tried to blink them away. "Smile like you mean it!"
As I was on the verge of breaking down, I couldn't bring myself to stop playing. I was so close to finishing!
"Smile like you mean it!"
'Come on, y/n, just a bit further!'
"Smile like you mean it!"
Leaning one leg back while the rest of my body bent forward, I smiled wide before I sang louder, "Smile like you mean it!"
"Oh no! Oh no, no, no!"
"Oh no! Oh no, no, no!"
Tapping my foot, I imagined the drums playing in the background again, finishing the song in its final few seconds until I raised my fist high, forming the rock-on sign. "Thank you, Washington County, goodnight!"
'Fuck, everything hurts-'
The clapping sounds broke my train of thought, leaving me to scan the room. And that was when I spotted a standing figure covered in yam orange fur.
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customhome-builder · 5 months
Custom Home Builder
Several well-known structures were built by Greyton Construction. Connecticut's beach houses are reminiscent of those on Block Island and Watch Hill. Why? Greyton Construction provides high-quality services to both commercial and residential clients. Because of its adaptability, Greyton Construction has been successful in a variety of building endeavors. At Greyton Construction, working late is more the rule than the exception. Your new home will be built promptly and affordably, and that's a promise custom home builders ri Some advice is about to be offered to you, and it will be very useful. No amount of money can buy you the sophistication that comes from elegant design.
Please write us an email with your thoughts, whether positive or negative.
It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make Greyton, South Africa, your permanent home. Greyton is in urgent need of support right now. Follow-through on management directives is more probable if workers think doing so will boost their standing with upper management. Mystic, Block Island, and Watch Hill are among the most popular tourist destinations in Connecticut and Rhode Island, respectively.
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rodge-18 · 8 months
The First day journey as "Balik aral" Student on my new school and new environment.
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Hi there, readers! It's been quite a while since I last set foot in a classroom. My name is Rj, and today I want to share with you the rollercoaster of emotions and experiences that come with returning to school as a "Balik Aral" student. Buckle up, because this is about to get real!
I believe in the phrase that says "All of us have different timelines" suggests that each person's journey through life and the events that unfold for them are unique and happen at their own pace. Makes me realize and it emphasizes to me that comparing ourselves to others is unnecessary because we each have our own path to follow.
A year ago, I made the difficult choice to step away from formal education. Life threw some curveballs, and I had to prioritize other responsibilities. But now, following my passion and with a renewed determination, I find myself ready to dive back into academics.
But walking through those school gates on my first day gives me a mixed feelings.The hallways seem like an intricate maze, and the sea of new faces is both daunting and intriguing. I take a deep breath, reminding myself that everyone else is likely feeling the same mix of emotions. But I couldn't help but question how I would fit in among my peers, many of whom had been together for years. The fear of being an outsider loomed, overshadowing my excitement. However, I quickly realized that this was a chance for me to explore new opportunities, make new friends, and dive into fresh experiences. Remember, it's never too late to start over!
Navigating the school environment anew was overwhelming, to say the least. The hallways felt like a maze, and the chalkboard was a distant memory. As I sat through my first classes, I couldn't help but realize just how much I had missed out on but in the other hand a ray of nostalgic memories flashing in my mind. Signaling the start of the school day, the sound echoes through the hallways, and a flurry of movement takes over. I navigate my way to my first class, anxiously wondering if I'll make friends, if the teachers will be friendly, and how I'll fit into this new environment.
Interacting with classmates who had formed friendships long before my arrival was undoubtedly challenging but I know just like an ice that is slowly melting, there will be connection and friendships will form. I know that making connections with new classmates is crucial, especially as a returning student. But we will never know who could become a lifelong friend or a helpful mentor. That's why I need to remind myself to expect that things might be different from my previous experiences. I need to embrace the change and be more open-minded. Remembering that learning is a lifelong journey, and each school brings its unique opportunities and challenges that's why staying adaptable and embracing the new school culture is a must.
As the day progresses, I realize that adjusting to this new school isn't as daunting as I first thought. Each class provides a fresh opportunity to learn, and teachers are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible. I start to see that this new environment offers exciting challenges and possibilities for personal growth.
As the teacher said "Goodbye and see you tomorrow." drawing my eventful first day of school to a close, I reflect on the rollercoaster of emotions I experienced. While there were nerves and uncertainties, there were also moments of excitement, friendship, and newfound confidence. Although this journey is just beginning, I know that with each passing day, I will embrace this new school with an open mind and a determination to make it my own.
My story as a "Balik Aral" student is far from over, but I can't help but feel immense gratitude for this second chance. Returning to school has taught me the value of education and the strength of the human spirit. To all those embarking on a similar journey, know that it's never too late to chase your dreams and shape your own future.So, to all the "balik aral" students out there, embrace the journey and make the most out of your new school year! Remember, starting fresh brings endless possibilities.
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diversityintoys · 1 year
Importance Of Introducing Diversity To Kids
How many neighbors do you have that have lived in the same city for generations? Chances are, a little! Most people rarely complete their education in the same city or town. We often move for work, looking for better opportunities, or because the world is now a global village, and we can only grow by exploring it.
It means that we are bound to be surrounded by diversity, and our kids will be exposed to different kinds of people from a very young age. In a country as vast and diverse as the USA, appreciating the differences is critical to a thriving and adapting society.
Fortunately, no one is born inclined toward any language, culture, tradition, or food. All children tend to accept whatever they see in their surroundings. However, bringing up these conversations is crucial to ensure your little ones are always clear and calm.
Notice The Differences
Different food habits, languages, and clothes don't matter where we live; we will see these differences in our everyday lives. Your neighbor might have another language and may follow different traditions than you do. It could even be the case in your home, where you and your significant other come from different cultural or religious backgrounds.
It would be best if you didn't shy away from pointing out these differences to your kids. It would help if you always used them as an opportunity to have a healthy conversation with them about all the differences they see daily. It will help you get your kids accustomed to the diversity of people around them.
Diversifying The Playroom
Most children tend to learn more about the world around them via play. Hence, you must have toys that help make room for possibilities they might encounter in the real world. Diversity toys can help open your kids up to an exciting conversation around differences, from skin tones to body types.
Introducing Diversity In Everyday Life
Diversity lets you have Italian one day and Mexican the next or enables you to wear traditional clothes with the same confidence level as you would wear formal. Introducing variety in your children's toys and wardrobe enables them to enjoy this diversity. You can find a wide range of diversity crafts to help your children understand the real world.   
If you generally speak one language in your home, you can always teach your kids a second language. Explain how it will help them watch more films, speak with more people, or read novels in other languages. All this will eventually make their lives more enjoyable.
Multicultural Media
Media is also a way for parents to introduce diversity to their children. You can find various TV shows and movies that feature characters and stories from different ethnic backgrounds. It allows your kids to connect with people who don’t share the same traditions or skin color as you. after watching, speak with your kids about all the differences they noticed in the film and try to clear any doubts they might have. It will surely help you better prepare your children for the real world.
As we get increasingly global, it is simply intelligent parenting to ensure your children are well-adjusted global citizens.
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Learn Advanced First Aid, CPR, AED and Survival Medicine:
During a moment of TV watching, I saw people suffering through their incurable and painful diseases and thanked God for my health and asked Him why they have to suffer. Then I thought of how we "healthy" people abuse our bodies with unhealthy diets, smoking, drugs, alcohol and activities (or lack of) and how much those suffering people would give anything for what I have. When our health is impaired, the only thing we can think about is getting better. Suddenly nothing else matters, and all the things we had hoped to get done that day, week, or month go up in smoke. All too often we take for granted the one thing that we'd pay our life's savings for in a second and do just about anything to get back if we ever lost it; our health. This very minute on this very day, make a committment to change any lifestyles, or stop any habits, that negatively impacts the health of your body. You will feel [physically] better for it. Precautions: Take all safety and sanitatary precautions necessary to prevent, or reduce the severity of, illness or injury like good personal hygiene, clean water, proper food handling, good diet, exercise, Vitamin D, good ventilation in gathering areas and follow recommendations to prevent contracting and spreading germs. This may sound very elementary, and it is, but complacency drops our guard and that's when things happen, excluding those risk-taking actions that are done intentionally. If you play with fire, you are likely to get burned but if you carry a fire extinguisher (a precaution), the chances of getting burned are less likely or less severe. Build Your Own Non-Lethal Medicine Cabinet for Disease Prevention and Treatment Training: Naturally, when disaster strikes, people will be injured as a result and normal health issues, sickness and injuries will still occur. In a public emergency, chances are great that medical facilities and first responders will be overwhelmed. Whether in crisis or normal routine living, everyone should be ready to handle their own personal medical conditions(s), first aid and serious injuries without the aide of trained medical personnel. Taking classes on basic, and advanced, first aid (online or in class) is the first step in preparing for a real emergency. Stock up on basic first aid medicines/supplies and prescriptions for family members/pets. Invest in a good Survival Medicine Handbook and well supplied first aid kit. Learn to use CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). They will also be very helpful and is recommended training for everyone. Learning how to sew (suture) is another skill worth learning for severe wounds. Suturing is not for bleeding-control but to reduce the chance of infection and dirt/debris and giving the wound a better chance to heal faster and reduce scarring. Other methods of infection and healing control (bandaging) should be used before considering suturing. DIY Special Bandages: Bandages are a luxury in a survival scenario, so make the best possible use of them when necessary. Especially on the hands, fingers, and knuckles, traditional bandages just don't work (conform) well. To make them more flexible and adaptable, cut a center slice through each of the adhesive strips long-ways, from the ends up to the bandage portion. Now, with four adhesive strips instead of two, the bandage can be applied more effectively to stubborn body parts. Butterfly bandages are adhesive bandages that can be used in place of sutures to close a laceration under some conditions. A laceration is a break in the skin caused by a sharp object or puncture of some kind. Butterfly bandages are easy to make and use. Improvised Ways to Close a Wound [DIY Butterfly Bandage 1] [DIY Butterfly Bandage 2] Other Actions to Consider:
Stockpile Over-the-Counter Meds
Learn About and Grow Medicinal Herbs when conventional medications are unavailable
Learn Home Remedies
Learn about household items for first aid [Alt Resource]
Research Pet Meds as Substitues for Human Meds
Storing Medications: While bandages and instruments may keep acceptably in a variety of environments, medications are another story. Generally, avoid Heat, Moisture and Light. Store all meds in a cool, dark, dry condition. [Reference Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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pclean956 · 1 year
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Office Cleaning Service near Edinburg Mission McAllen Texas | Price Cleaning Services McAllen
A hygienic workplace keeps your employees productive by protecting them from the threat of germs and making sure they can find the resources they need to complete essential tasks. Something as simple as a build-up of dust can be enough to increase the risk of respiratory problems for your workers or make them dread visiting your work environment.
At the same time, the cleaner your professional space is, the more likely your customers are to view you as a reliable, competent business, ready to serve their needs. On the other hand, a messy workplace might send clients running in the opposite direction.
Unfortunately, while you might be well-aware of the value of a cleaning company, the chances are that you don’t have the time or resources to handle it yourself. Business leaders and employees have too many tasks to worry about each day to add dusting and vacuuming to their to-do list. That’s why experts like Price Cleaning Services McAllen step up to offer the reliable assistance you need.
Price Cleaning Services McAllen delivers exceptional office cleaning services throughout the San Francisco area, which can be adapted to suit your schedule, requirements, and more. We’ll make sure that your office is clean and tidy, so you can focus on the other aspects of running your business.
Best Price Cleaning Services McAllen only do we make it easy to choose flexible office cleaning appointments that suit you, but we also work with the most skilled professionals on the market. That way, we can make sure that you get the results you deserve, every time.
After all, McAllen is the cultural, financial, and commercial hub of McAllen. When your clients come to you, they expect your office to reflect the nature of your business. That means every corner and desk should be gleaming from edge to edge!
Since every office is different, we customize our services to suit your needs. Simply fill out our handy booking form with the details of your job, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible to confirm your appointment.
We believe that our attention-to-detail and custom office Janitorial services help to set us apart from other cleaning solutions in San Francisco. By listening to your expectations, standards, and requirements in detail, we ensure that we leave our customers smiling, every time.
You can even start scheduling repeat appointments, so you don’t have to waste too much time in your busy schedule worrying about your cleaning!
Whether you’re a thriving accounting business in the heart of the Financial district, or you’re the next big technology startup paving the way to the future from McAllen, you can organize the ultimate office cleaning service with Price Cleaning Services McAllen within a matter of seconds. We’re the ultimate house cleaning service & Janitorial company in the McAllen area.
We offer a range of packages to suit every need. Perhaps you have clients coming to your office soon, and you’ve just realized how much dust there is on top of your desks. Maybe your employees are complaining of a strange smell in the dining room. Whatever is prompting your need for maintenance services, the Price Cleaning Services McAllen crew is here to help.
What’s more, our Price Cleaning Services McAllen maintenance professionals in McAllen will even bring their own supplies and equipment with them, so that you don’t have to worry about keeping chemicals stored somewhere on-site. You can rest assured that we’ll only use the very best equipment and cleaning materials when looking after your office.
Here at Price Cleaning Services McAllen, there’s nothing more important to us than a satisfied customer. Our janitorial services throughout San Francisco are delivered according to the strictest standards for quality and hygiene. We know you rely on your office to be spic and span so that you can thrive in today’s competitive market. We take our part in helping you succeed very seriously.
Over the years, Price Cleaning Services McAllen has built a strong reputation throughout McAllen for our rigorous process, and our friendly, confident attitude. We carefully vet every cleaner that we bring onto our team, to make sure that you can feel comfortable about the people that you’re welcoming into your office. What’s more, we take your feedback very seriously, so if you have any issues at all, please feel free to contact us. Check out our about page for more information about us.
By communicating constantly with our customers, we can make sure that your McAllen Office cleaners are:
Professional and experienced
Easy to talk to
Reference and background-checked
Fully vetted for security
Highly-rated by other customers (just like you!)
As a local McAllen cleaning company, we know how much our clients rely on our services to keep them ahead of the competition office cleaner in McAllen. Over the years, we’ve severed hundreds of local  companies, from small businesses to growing corporations. With over 870 thousand residents living in McAllen today, can you afford to not to invest in making the ultimate first impression?
Our experience with the vast commercial industry of McAllen makes us the ultimate partner for offices that need exceptional, quick and reliable services at the click of a button.
For years, we’ve been delivering next-level services to the McAllen area. One session with us, and you’ll wonder how you lived without Price Cleaning Services McAllen Janitorial office services to spruce up and maintain your business spaces.
You can even book from your smartphone if you’ve forgotten to get that last-minute cleaning sorted out before a big meeting. Whatever you need, Price Cleaning Services McAllen is here for you.
Let’s make your business shine!
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CONTACT US: PRICE CLEANING SERVICES MCALLEN (956) 429-3412 Monday to Sunday 7 am – 11 pm http://maidservicemcallen.com/ Edinburg Mission McAllen Texas
SERVICE AREA: Alamo TX | Alton TX | Brownsville TX | Donna TX | Edcouch TX | Edinburg TX | Elsa TX | Granjeno TX | Harlingen TX | Hidalgo TX | La Joya TX | La Villa TX | McAllen TX | Mercedes TX | Mission TX | Rio Grande City TX | Raymondville TX | Palmhurst TX | Palmview TX | Penitas TX | Pharr TX | Progreso TX | Progreso Lakes TX | San Juan TX | Sullivan City TX | Weslaco TX | Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572
BEST CLEANING SERVICES IN EDINBURG MISSION MCALLEN TEXAS: Post Construction After Renovation House Building Cleaning Office Cleaners Maids Housekeeping Services Home Cleaning Commercial Residential Cleaning Company Best Cleaning Services Move In Out Janitorial Services
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RGV JANITORIAL SERVICES (956) 587-3486 http://www.rgvjanitorialservices.com/
RGV CLEANING COMPANY (956) 587-9628 http://cleaningservicesmcallentx.org/
RGV HOUSEHOLD SERVICES (956) 587-3487 http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/
A1 CLEANING OF MCALLEN WESLACO (956) 429-3412 http://mcallenhousekeeping.com/
PRICE CLEANING SERVICES MCALLEN (956) 429-3412 http://maidservicemcallen.com/
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hospitality12 · 2 years
Why Serta Mattresses Are Right For You
Haven't been resting soundly? Chances are, your sleeping pad is at fault. It very well may be an ideal opportunity to dump the bygone one and pursue a pristine dozing experience kindness of Serta. We've all been there - thrashing around, experiencing sleep deprivation, counting more sheep than we naturally suspected others consciously conceivable. More often than not, we don't understand that something easy to fault. All things considered, we go to outside factors: we're stressed over cash, our occupation is worrying us, our children are causing problems at school, and our sweetheart may swindle. When your head stirs things up around town, there's such a great amount to possibly stress over that we never stop to feel that the wellspring of our fretfulness could not have anything to do with our cognizant existence, really unpleasant. In some cases, the offender is basic: our bedding just isn't helping us. Sleeping pads have made some amazing progress in a couple of years, and nowadays, you can modify your bed to turn it into your paradise (rather than the jail it can feel like when you can't rest). Nowadays, innovation has made it feasible for your sleeping cushion to be redone precisely to you - whether you're searching for adaptable padding or something firmer, whether you need a warmed segment and a cooler segment, or one segment that ascents while the opposite side waits. Finding a decent sleeping cushion can be a distressing errand all by itself, yet when you go with Serta, you'll observe that everything the difficult work is finished for you.
 Serta has been making creative beddings since its origin, and the organization keeps on carrying out new items that are helping individuals all around the world rest better, empowering them to stop counting sheep and hit the hay. Serta was established in 1931 by 13 sleeping pad producers who met up and authorized the Serta name. It's the second biggest bedding brand in the United States (after Sealy) and offers two primary kinds of sleeping pads: plastic and internal spring. Verification that Serta has the best beddings around? Lodging networks Hilton Worldwide and Wyndham Worldwide use Serta beddings in the entirety of their properties. For north than 75 years, the organization has been driving the way towards better rest - relieving sleep deprivation in each house in turn. Is it true that you are prepared to exchange your old sleeping pad and find the Serta bedding that is ideal for you? You've come to the ideal locations. We should stroll through a couple of incredible choices given by Serta. You're headed to a superior night's rest as of now.
 Serta Perfect Sleeper Distinction Super Pillowtop Mattress
 Serta's Perfect Sleeper series is the top-selling bedding in North America - so you realize you're all getting something that others have purchased and delighted in. This bedding has won the Consumer Digest Best Mattress Award and is the authority bedding of the National Sleep Foundation - so you can believe you're getting something that others have adulated. It's won that multitude of grants which is as it should be! The Distinction sleeping pad joins two of the top-rated highlights from Serta: Outlast and Visco Memory Foam. This bedding highlights Advanced Comfort Quilt, Fire Blocker, Convoluted Foam, two layers of Comfort Foam, solace pads, Visco Memory Foam, an innerspring with 532 loops, and a Stabl-Base establishment. To put it plainly, it gives all that you could need in bedding, so you can begin getting a decent night's rest.
 Other extraordinary characteristics that you'll find in a Serta sleeping pad? Every one of Serta's sleeping cushions includes Outlast texture Technology, which assists with managing temperature by answering and helping balance the impacts of your internal heat level swings. On the off chance that you're one of those people who finds they sweat when they get under the covers, stress no more! Serta's sleeping cushions are made for you. Outlive Technology deals with the development of intensity by retaining overabundance heat and permitting your bed to keep a fair temperature under the covers, adjusting to your exceptional internal heat level. What could be better?
 Serta beddings are likewise open-fire safe and are made of filaments that are intended to help "relax" away intensity as well as dampness, keeping you cool and agreeable throughout the evening. The tangled froth in Serta beddings assists with easing strain in your shoulders and hips, permitting you to settle in while you voyage into Neverland. The froth pads the body, focusing on key regions to lessen pressure focuses - so you won't simply stay asleep from sundown to sunset, you'll rest soundly. On the off chance that you're hoping to patch up your resting experience and get a decent night's rest without precedent for years, Serta sleeping cushions are the best approach. They're genuinely amazing, and they're here to assist you with halting counting sheep for the last time. Say farewell to sleep deprivation, and rest for a bit, with Serta.
Hospitality1 is a direct wholesaler to the hospitality market with over 20 years experience in the hospitality industry. We customize the right solution for each individual hotel with our wide array of available products from top Hospitality Serta Mattresses Book now.
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icecrown0 · 2 years
New mamas are definitely part of a special club. Shinier hair, fuller lips, and a visible radiance are all part of an incredible nine month journey. These pregnancy perks may go hand-in-hand with a few other surprises. The very same hormones that create a gorgeous mother-to-be glow can cause hair growth in unexpected places. From belly hair to peach fuzz, this extra hair might have you looking for safe and gentle ways to get back to your smooth-skinned self.
Consider this your guide to maternity waxing. Our expert tips will have you looking and feeling your best as you prepare for the big day ahead.
Do create a waxing schedule.
Do use a pregnancy-safe wax.
Do work with your bump.
Do ask a partner for help.
Don’t wax irritated skin.
Don’t exfoliate right before.
Don’t wait until the third trimester to try your first wax.
Yes, a mother-to-be may confidently wax up until her due date. Choosing when and how to wax is entirely up to her. Be mindful of a growing baby bump and the chance that skin may feel extra sensitive during this time, thanks to those helpful hormones. The goal of maternity waxing is to help women feel pampered and cared for.
As a new mother, you’ll most likely have everything organized for your baby’s arrival. It’s a fabulous idea to create a waxing schedule that fits your pregnancy timeline. Have a plan for how you want your bikini area to look, so you feel empowered and ready.
We don’t suggest waxing for the first time during your third trimester. Try waxing earlier on. You’ll be more comfortable with the process and get to enjoy smooth legs, bikini, and underarms for weeks without worrying about stubble.
It’s important for expectant mothers to use clean, pregnancy-safe products.
Since ingredients can be absorbed through the skin, choose a wax that is free of any harmful phthalates, parabens, or fragrances. Always carefully read product labels.
Parissa waxes are all suitable for pregnant women. Organic Sugar Wax, our gentlest wax, is a maternity waxing favorite. Fragrance-free, this USDA Certified Organic formula is infused with chamomile and easily washes away with water.
We already know the benefits of waxing include gentle exfoliation and skin that feels smooth and even for weeks at a time. Pregnant women and first-time mums may especially love these long-lasting, low maintenance results.
That said, do not wax fragile skin. A mama-to-be glow sometimes comes with new sensitivities. Entirely Go Here For the Details and common among pregnant women, melasma is a hormone-related condition that looks like patches of discoloration. It is best to avoid waxing irritated skin, including varicose veins brought on by temporary swelling.  Instead, take a moment to appreciate your strong and powerful pregnancy bod.
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An added baby bump means you might have to adapt your regular waxing routine. The goal is to make the process as easy as possible. Wax Strips are a great choice for quickly tidying up belly hair or your bikini line. For a barer look, settle in with our strip-free Brazilian & Underarm Hot Wax.
The number one rule is to find a comfortable position. If you find it difficult to bend down, simply sit down on a chair, sofa, or bed. Drape some towels to catch any runaway wax. Work in small sections. Support your back with pillows and make sure that you can reach exactly where you wish to wax.
Ask your mom, friend, or partner for waxing help if working around your bump is too difficult. This helper can be your second set of hands as you keep skin taut and zip off your strips. Guide them on where to apply wax and instruct them on how to gently yet quickly remove it.
Communication is key to waxing with a partner. Sharing this moment of the pregnancy journey may actually be a great bonding experience. A fabulous benefit of a waxing helper is the extra emotional support, which is always a wonderful thing. 
Create an inviting environment before you begin. Treat the moment like a relaxing at-home spa. Play relaxing music and burn a favorite candle. Wear a cozy robe and slippers. Hydrate with a delicious aftercare oil. You may even want to throw a girl’s night to sample different products.
For effortless at-home waxing, upgrade to the Parissa Mini Pro. A wax warmer will save you trips to the microwave, and you won’t second guess the perfect temperature. Gently exfoliate 48 hours before you wax. A relaxing bath will open up pores and reduce the chance of ingrown hair. To soften skin, try our Parissa Ultra Soothe Oil, a multitasking aftercare oil that prevents inflammation and improves elasticity.
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yourcooladdiction · 3 years
i didn’t have a back-up plan | bucky barnes
summary: reader x bucky break-up but nothing one of tony’s infamous galas can’t fix ;)
pairings: bucky barnes x female reader
warnings: 18+ only pls!! (smut, unprotected sex, public sex), angsty, little bit of fluff, jealous bucky, cuss words
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You’re sitting at the kitchen table with your head cradled in both of your hands. Your cheeks are stained from the hour's worth of tears and for a second you are so glad you didn’t put on any mascara this morning. You hear the screeching sound of a chair pulling out across from you and you refuse to look up. You’ve been going at it for hours now.
He just got back from a three-month-long mission, and everything had been fine until he told you how long he was going to be gone this time. You couldn’t do another three, four, maybe even five months without seeing him. You’ve been together for almost two years, yet it seems like you’ve only physically been with him for maybe 4-5 months. You didn’t expect much from this relationship. You knew when you met him it was going to be hard, and if you’re being honest, you didn’t think it was going to last this long…but there was something about him you couldn’t get over. You fell for him hard and now you are dealing with the consequences. You weren’t accustomed to his lifestyle, and you knew you’d never adapt to it. Being an Avenger isn’t something you just sign up for and it’s certainly not for everyone. He didn’t force the lifestyle upon you, he never forced you to Tony’s lavish parties even though he wanted you to but he knew you’d be too uncomfortable. He loved you. You knew that. You loved him. He knew that. But you knew he deserved more, someone like him, and you deserved someone more like you, with nothing too special about them.
“You want to yell at me some more?” You ask.
“Doll...” His tone is cold and emotionless. You know where this is going. You both have known where this is going.
“Do you think we need to break up?” the words escape his lips, and you finally glance up at him.
“If that’s what you want.” You state.
His shocked response is not what you were expecting.
“What do you want? Do you want this to work? Do you love me?” His tone now filled with sincerity. Where the fuck has this been the past two hours you think to yourself. You could’ve sworn you were taking the words out of his mouth, you wanted to beat him to it. But his puzzled look is telling you otherwise, telling you he doesn’t want this at all.
“Bucky, we haven’t been doing well for so long. It’s just... it’s just not working. Our lives do not mesh together anymore. You are all over the place and I can’t drop everything when convenient for you.” You explain your decision and he sits back in his chair.
“I’ve never once expected you to ‘drop your life for me.’ Jesus fucking Christ.” His tone back to irritated. There he is. There’s the Bucky that you’ve been dealing with for the past few hours and the past few months.
“We fight all the fucking time! That’s all we’ve done for months! When you’re gone it’s over the phone or in text, when you’re here it’s in person. Nothing has changed. Nothing helps. It’s not fucking working.” Your voice cracks and his eyes begin to water.
“I... I love you, I don’t want this to end. We can work on this. I can work on this. I can tell Sam I need a break and take some time off.” He attempts to save himself and you shake your head.
“Buck – I love you but I’m holding you back. You need to be with someone who understands your world and I- I’m just not that person.” You try to fight back the stream of tears and he drops his head in defeat.
He attempts to save himself one more time as his mouth opens but nothing comes out. You stare deeply into his piercing eyes. Trying to memorize his face. Trying to memorize him.
He stands up from the table and stops beside you. He reaches down and squeezes your hand. You squeeze back and glance up at him one last time. His eyes fill with tears once more and he takes off to the door. You sit there and force yourself to stare at the now empty seat across from you. You hear the door shut and the floodgates of emotions hits. You sit there for the longest time. Tears and tears flow down your face. Your heart has found a new home in the pit of your stomach. Your eyes eventually dry up and you know that this was the right decision. It was never going to work…
You are pulled out of your poorly timed reminiscing when your date reaches out and grabs ahold of your hand,
“Ready babe?” He asks.  
You force a smile and step out of the car.
You find it oh so incredibly ironic that your work is co-hosting one of Tony’s infamous charity galas. After you and Bucky broke up you landed a big-time PR job which involved working the one and only…avengers. You haven’t seen Bucky since the breakup but he had to know that you were practically working for the team by now. You had wondered how long you two could avoid each other, it was bound to happen eventually.
Nevertheless, 8 months post break up...here you are. The guy you’ve been seeing, a stockbroker on Wall Street was more than eager to be your date to this event. He wouldn’t shut up about the networking opportunity, and a chance to “meet the avengers.” Eyeroll.
You, on the other hand, didn’t want to go. You’ve been staring at the guestlist for weeks, well, you’ve been staring at one particular name on the guestlist for weeks. You’ve been racking your brain on why he would come to this event. He usually never goes to these stupid gala events, but yet he is attending a random gala…that you are in charge of…come on. You also find it convenient that he had a plus one beside his name. Of course, he does. He’s Bucky Barnes, why wouldn’t he have a date.
You and your date walk the imitation red carpet that’s laid out. You are the chair of this event so you have to pose for pictures and stop for questions. You hated this part of your job, you just wanted to be behind the scenes but unfortunately, people love you and your work, so they want to know all about you at all times.
You make it through the interviews and pull your date inside. He is enjoying this publicity a little too much. You find some co-workers/friends and push him off on them, and quickly head to the bar to get the strongest drink possible.
You order a dry martini with extra gin and take a sip.
“Some things don’t change, hm doll?”  
You stand there frozen. The accent. The beautiful Brooklyn accent that you miss every fucking day. Those six words send chills down your back. The way “doll” flowed off his lips. This fucker. You take a deep breath and pray your makeup has remained in tack and your hair looks good from behind.
You slowly turn around and are met with those deep blue eyes. His hair was much shorter than the last time you saw him, but still so damn handsome. The scruff along his chin almost makes you drool because you miss the feeling of it against your skin. Your eyes make their way back up to him and he is smiling.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hi.” You say back.
“You look...fantastic,” he smirks.
You bought this dress specifically for tonight. For this moment. You got it in his favorite color because you wanted him to see you and admit you looked good. You give yourself an internal high five before responding to him.
“Thank you, so do you.” You gesture at his tux. One of your favorite looks on him.
“I-uh-I hope that it’s not weird that I am here,” he says as he takes a step into you.
“Oh, no. Not at all. I am glad you’re here.”
You quickly realize what you said and try to recover,
“SO you can take part in the donations! The more avengers the merrier!” You laugh nervously  
You idiot.
He chuckles at you and shakes his head.
“Is there somewhere more private we can talk?” He asks.
“Uh-I shouldn’t. I have to-“
“Oh right, yes, of course, you’re working. Well, maybe we can meet up before the night is over? I would love to catch up,” his voice is almost a whisper as he is only a few centimes from you. You can smell his unique scent. You used to joke that if he could bottle it up and sell it he wouldn’t have to run off and save the world every other day.
“Yeah, mhm, enjoy your night!” You respond and walk off.
An hour or so passes as you get caught talking to other donors before you can make your way back to your date. He is completely sloshed and making a fool of himself. Great. You call him an Uber and tell him he has to leave. He doesn’t take this very well and begins yelling at you. You and a few co-workers manage to get him outside as you wait for the Uber but he continues yelling at you.
“You’re just a fucking bitch! Get over your fucking metal-arm freak of an ex and you will be happy! I could make you so happy!” He says as he points a finger in your face.
Before you can respond a man quickly jumps in between the two of you and slams him into a wall
“Call her a bitch again and I will kill you, yeah?”
Your date's eyes go wide, and he runs off to the Uber as it pulls up.
“Bucky, what in the absolute fuck is wrong with you?” You yell and he chuckles.
“Really? I just helped you with that fucking asshole and you want to yell at me?”
Without thinking you take ahold of Bucky’s hand and pull him inside and off to a side room. You slam the door behind them both of you and he takes a few steps inside before turning around to face you. You cross your arms along your chest and tell yourself to be calm, give him a chance to explain himself, but as he opens his mouth you cut him off.
“What the fuck are you doing here, James?” You question
A smile splays across his face as you use his first name. He takes a few steps towards you, attempting to close the gap. You slowly take a step or two back still allowing the distance between the two of you. He smirks as he realizes what you’re doing.  
“Well doll, if you must know. I needed to see you He says. His accent was thicker than before, which is a clear indicator he’s been enjoying the open bar or some Asgardian liquor or both.
“What about your plus one? Where is she, hm?” You question.
“You mean Sam? Yeah, I’m sure he’s having a great time in there.” He chuckles.
Of fucking course it’s Sam.
“Why was Sam not on the – oh forget it, we aren’t together anymore Buck, you don’t get to just show up and call me doll and pretend that everything is normal.” You sigh.
“Why not?” He asks playfully.
“We broke up, Bucky.” You sigh once more.
“Yeah and?”  
“And!? And YOU walked away” You scoff
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me, doll?” His voice irritated.
“No, I’m not fucking kidding ‘you.” You tilt your head and mock his accent. His eyes narrow and the muscles in his jaw clench. You forgot how fucking sexy he is when he’s mad.
You two stare at each other for a few seconds as if you’re having a contest. Your emotions begin to overwhelm you and you feel the tears swelling in your eyes. You look down in defeat and you hear him let out a small sigh.
“Love.” His voice cracks. Fuck. You can’t hold the tears back any longer and you feel them fall down your cheek. You look back up at him and his eyes are bloodshot too.
“I fucked up, doll.” He mutters.  
“Yeah. You did.”  
“I know I did! I know! I should have stayed and fought for you. I know that now. I am sorry. But I’m here now. I’ve been working on this little plan for weeks now, to see you and –“
“No! No, no. You can’t do this. You don’t get to do this.” You interrupt, you wipe a tear away, and turn around to leave.
“It wasn't just me, doll! What about you, huh? You couldn’t adjust to my lifestyle yet you’ve been parading around all the other avengers for the past 8 months. Helping Tony with these bullshit galas!” He challenges.
You spin around and narrow your gaze at him.
“It’s my job.” You defend yourself.
“Yeah? I was your fucking boyfriend, not a lot of effort given there though?”
“Oh, fuck you, Bucky. Fuck. You.” You ridicule.
You both stare at each other down. Waiting for the next one to say something. You are soon questioning why you were so excited to see him tonight. Why you picked out this specific dress. Why you enjoyed it when he defended you against your douchebag date. You feel another tear fall and you quickly wipe it away.
“I should’ve tried harder. I’m sorry. I couldn’t handle the distance and I gave up on us too easily because I was scared and I’m sorry.” You finally confess.  
He stares at you. Contemplating what you just said. His jaw is still clenched, and both of his hands are stuffed into his pockets. The silence is almost deafening, and you turn to leave as your heart can’t take this anymore. 8 months later and you’re still not over him. You’ll never be over him.
Bucky grabs your hand as you begin to turn and spins you back around to face him.  
“Doll, I miss you. God, I fucking miss you.” He croaks.
Before you can speak his lips crash against yours. He quickly has you pushed against the wall as he deepens the kiss. You moan as you feel his tongue enter into your mouth. You wrap your hands in his brown locks and attempt to pull him further into you. He slides a leg in between yours and you moan as he grazes your sweet spot.
“Buck, we’re in public-“ you let out a raspy moan.
“I need you, please.” He groans.  
And with that, you’re gone. You give in to whatever he wants. He slips off the straps of your dress and you step out of it, he takes you in as if it was the very first time seeing you. You attempt to cover yourself up, you haven’t been this exposed since the last time you were together.
“Don’t,” he demands.  
He lifts your chin with his finger and places the sweetest kiss on your lips.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers.
“Buck, I haven’t- I haven’t been with anyone else.” You admit.
“Me either, baby. I couldn’t bring myself to think about anyone but you. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. Let me show you how much I've missed you."
This time the tears swelling in your eyes were happy ones. He smiles as he finally renders you speechless. He wipes the tear away and kisses you once more. The kiss goes back to heated and passionate. You reach for his belt buckle, and he groans as your hands brush up against his erect member. He pulls his bow tie off and quickly unbuttons his shirt. He slips off his pants and underwear and once again has you pushed against the door. He begins kissing down your neck as he slips off your bra. He hooks a finger into your underwear, and you moan as his hands slide down your thighs.
“You ready?” He asks
All you can do is nod as the sight of him is enough to make you come.
He hoists you up against the door and you wrap your legs around him as he slips himself inside of you.
“Fuck, baby girl.” He groans.
“Buck – Jesus.” You cry out as he fills you up. He stills as he thinks he hurts you and pulls away to check on you,  
“Move, please.” You giggle and he nuzzles his head into your neck and begins peppering kisses along your collarbone.
He thrusts himself in and out of you at an unrelenting pace. Anyone else would probably be embarrassed with how quickly you’re about to fall apart but you don’t care. You’ve missed this touch for months. You’ve craved it for months. You knew you needed him again. You just needed to realize it.
“Y-you close baby? I’m so close. Fuck.” He moans.
You attempt to speak but all that comes out is a loud moan of his name. He smiles at how easily you fall apart for him. He’s always loved this effect he’s had on you. Even though you held your own, there was something about Bucky that made you putty in his hands. He knew he had to get that feeling back. He knew the second he walked out he wanted to come back. He almost did. He stood outside your door for the longest time but couldn’t bring himself to knock. He knew you’d come back to him. He knew he’d find you again and you two couldn’t help but get back together. You were meant to be.
“Fuck, I’m-“ is all you get out as your orgasm takes over.
“That’s it, doll. Let go. Fuck. I love you. I love you so much.” He praises you as you clench around his cock.
Your head spins as you see stars. With a few more sloppy thrusts, Bucky is moaning your name as he lets go inside of you. He slowly places you back down on the ground and kisses you all over.  
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“I love you.” You say as you lean up to steal a kiss.  
He smirks against your lips and wraps his arms around your waist. You two stand there in each other’s embrace.  
“Can we make this work? Can you be mine again?” He whispers  
“Yes.” You smile.
“Good, I didn’t have a backup plan if you said no.” He smirks and you laugh.
“Let’s get dressed. I’m sure everyone heard us.” You roll your eyes.
“Hey that’s never bothered you before,” he teases.
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kenfetti-week · 2 years
Kenfetti Week 2022: Prompts 
The reviews are in and the prompts are here!
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Just like last year, we’ve combed through all the responses we got (over 200—even more than last year!) and combined them under umbrella themes that we hope will be enjoyable and engaging for Kenfetti creators of all stripes!
(Full text under the cut)
Day 1 - Pride & Pretensions
“Two households, both alike in dignity/In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,” we all know the drill. Putting on airs, contrived circumstances, canon compliance to Regency AUs, meet-uglies to menacing politeness, basically both of our favorite assholes being as prideful and pretentious as they can be. Fake relationships and culture clashes, academic rivalries and arranged marriages, mistaken identities, matchmaking, and more! Even something as simple as a kiss on the hand or a shared dance, anything goes when these two butt heads.
Day 2 - Twice In A Blue Moon
A once in a blue moon occurrence is all well and good, but twice? How novel! It's a strange time full of strange happenings—rituals and artifacts, celestial bodies, time-travelers, loops in time, and dimensional portals around every corner. Second chances are abound, fix-its are on the horizon, and the Force is behaving in ways it never has before. Who knows what could happen...
Day 3 - Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
Fighting, fleeing, fucking—all possible when it comes to tricky situations, martial competence, the endurance of hard times, and anything with a touch of spice to it. The push and pull of dominance and submission; the adrenaline rush of enemies becoming lovers and lovers becoming enemies; the shock and fear of finding oneself in an unfamiliar place full of unknown challenges. The spoils of war, a hunt for a spouse, an outside influence altering perceptions, there are so many delicious possibilities just ripe for the picking, and not all of them require a touch of fear. There’s sweetness in sugar, satisfaction in a job well done, quiet moments of intimacy, a deluge of kinks to be discovered, an increasingly thin line between love and hate, and, frankly, anything could happen.
Day 4 - A Step To The Left
There are stars, there are wars, and you recognize it but it’s undeniably different. One thing, or many things, are simply out of place, as if you're a step to the left. A change in genre (western, horror, noir, cyberpunk) or location (a Mandalorian empire, a mirror ‘verse, a different dimension) or even point in time (pre-canon, post-canon, Old Republic). A tongue held, a decision unmade, a life lost now lived, or a touch of Force where there wasn’t before, this is the place of unlimited possibility.
Day 5 - The Sith Sense
A rasped “Execute Order 66”, a malevolent spirit, betrayal, yellow eyes, artifacts and temples abandoned or well in use, double agents and galactic domination—there’s so much hidden potential in the shadows. Something dark is afoot in these stories, from Jango or Obi-Wan being an actual Sith, to murder, cults, serial killers, or a slow, creeping corruption. Anything dark, anything creepy and horrifying, and just not quite right will unfold today. This night is dark and full of more than just terrors.
Day 6 - Wings and Things
Someone has wings, a new body, new genetics or powers, or simply a touch of the alien. This is the perfect day for myths, folklore, fairy tales, and the fantastical, as well as strange biology, transformations, and symbolism. From exhilarating dragon rides to creeping eldritch horrors, from monstrous changes to the mundanity of souls walking alongside their bodies, this is the day for things to get a little weird, a little terrifying, a little magical.
Day 7 - The Get Along Shirt
We all know that couple that simply refuses to play nice, and sometimes we wish we could just make them. Force bonds or binders, stranded together or sharing a cell, working together or working to escape each other, whatever it takes to make it work because they sure as hell need the help. Sometimes they’re soulmates and sometimes it’s just business. Undercover work might be a necessity, reluctant team-ups are always fun, and that awkward moment of realization ("Oh my god, is my taste really this bad?”) is never disappointing. Maybe they need therapy, or maybe they will need therapy after everything is said and done—just someone please do something, the tension is killing us.
So! We hope you’re all as excited to participate as we are to see what you come up with and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send in an ask/submission or DM this blog.
Remember, all submissions are due to the Kenfetti Week 2022 Subcollection by May 15th and acceptance of late submissions is at mod discretion. Tag each submission with the corresponding prompt (e.g. Day 1-2022) and we will reveal submissions in the collection by Day from May 25th-May 31st. For those unfamiliar with AO3 collections, we will be posting a tutorial soon for how to submit and edit your works in the collection.
May the Force be with you and Happy Kenfetti!
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liltaz-asatreat · 3 years
Day 24 of @taznovembercelebration : Scent, sleep
There’s a knock on the door, and Barry excuses himself from the crowd of people gathered in their living room. After a few moments, Lup hears Merle’s voice shout over the noise of conversation, “Am I late to the party?”
Lup smiles and leans over the arm of the couch to shout down the hallway, “No, you’re just in time for the present giving. There’s left over cake on the counter in the kitchen if you want any.”
“Okay! Let me come and see you first.” Merle and Barry walk into the living room, and Lup stands up to greet them. She and Merle meet in the middle, and he gives her a big hug. “Congratulations again on the baby! Parenthood is really something special, and I know you and Barry are going to enjoy it.”
Lup smiles even wider and closes her eyes. “Thank you for helping to make it possible. I didn’t think this was ever going to be a possibility for me.”
“I think we should give credit where credit’s due. Yeah, Merle helped, but it wouldn’t be possible without more transmutation.” Taako says from the floor, and Lup laughs.
“I’ve already thanked you, like, a dozen times, dingus. Let Merle and I have this nice moment!”
Lup pulls away to look at her brother who’s sticking his tongue out at her before he gets pulled away into a conversation with Kravitz and Magnus.
Barry hugs Merle too before leading him away to grab some cake, and Lup sits back down on the couch. Davenport scoots his chair closer to her and clears his throat. “It’s been a while since we’ve actually had a chance to catch up. How have you been? Besides being pregnant and all that.”
Lup places a hand gently on her belly and smiles softly. “To be honest? I’ve been a bit bored. Now that I’m a bit further along, The Raven Queen has granted me leave of duty for now, so I don’t put the baby in danger, but that means I have little to do all day. Especially the days Barry’s at work. And I’m kind of nervous? I mean, I’ve done a lot of amazing shit in my life and helped save all of existence, but I’ve never done something like this before.” She bites her lip and goes quiet for a moment. “How did you do it, Davenport?”
Davenport laughs. “Do what?”
“Well, you were basically the dad of our family for a hundred years. How did you manage it? How did you manage us?”
“Ah,” Davenport says. He looks pensive for a bit. “A lot of it was trial and error, I’m going to be honest with you. For the first few years, I was still getting to know you all and how you worked, and it took a bit to figure out how to best help everyone work together as a team and to grow. It takes a lot of patience and listening and kindness. And it takes time. You’re not going to have the right answers right away, and there are going to be times where there doesn’t seem to be a right answer at all. You’ll have to be adaptable and receptive to change, and sometimes you’ll have to admit that you are wrong. And one of the things I still struggle with is...” He pauses for a moment. “Forgiveness isn’t the right word because sometimes some things happen that...” He trails off and looks down for a second.
Lup glances over at Lucretia who’s quietly eating her cake but listening intently to Magnus recounting a story of a recent event at his dog school. “Yeah,” Lup says softly. “I get it.”
Davenport takes a deep breath before looking back up at her. “For other people... for your loved ones... if you want to keep up a relationship with them despite what they may or may not have done, you’ll have to accept that what’s done is done and you have to be willing to work with them to continue moving forward and to keep the kindness and love for them that you have in your heart. And maybe something that’s harder than that... you have to be gentle with yourself too. You’re going to make decisions that maybe aren’t the best and maybe you didn’t listen when you should have, but you have to learn how to let that go. And that takes practice. Gods know I’m still trying.” He chuckles to himself at that, and Lup smiles at him softly. He puts a hand on her knee and looks her in the eyes. “I know you and Barry are going to make great parents. Maybe even better parents than I was.” He winks, and Lup laughs.
“Thank you, Dad’n’port.”
“Okay! I’m back with my cake! I heard there was talk of presents?”
Lup, Davenport, and the rest of the party look up at Merle and Barry as they walk into the room. Merle sits down on the other couch next to Magnus, and Barry walks over and gives Lup a quick kiss on the lips before moving to sit down next to her. “Yeah, are we doing that now?” Lucretia asks, looking over at her and Barry.
Lup shrugs. “Sure, now that we’re all here. Let’s do this!”
“I want to do mine last!” Taako says, and everyone laughs.
“Should I do mine first then?” Kravitz asks, and Lup snorts.
“You two got two separate things? I mean, thank you, but it would have been fine if you two teamed up.” Lup says.
“I had something different than what Kravitz had in mind though. You’ll see.” Taako says, and Lup shrugs.
Kravitz gets up and grabs a large bag from the corner of the room and brings it over to Lup and Barry. “I hope these are okay and will fit alright, but I guess you can adjust the sizes using magic if you need to.”
Lup takes a peak inside before smiling and grabbing the first onesie out of the bag. She shows it to Barry before showing it to the rest of their family, and Barry bursts out laughing. The front of the onesie says Scarier than the Skeletons in my Closet and it has a picture of a skeleton peaking out from behind a door.
“That’s really cute; I love it,” Barry says, and Kravitz smiles in relief.
Lup pulls out another one and laughs. This one says Mommy’s Little Raven, and it has a picture of a little raven under it.
Barry reaches into the bag as she’s showing it off, and pulls out one that says Daddy’s Star Child with a picture of the Starblaster underneath it. He tears up a little and holds it up in delight.
“How did you get a picture of the Starblaster?” Davenport asks, turning to Kravitz.
Kravitz laughs. “You all literally have t-shirts with different designs from your travels including the Starblaster,” He says.
“I found them in storage a while back, and I tried to let everyone know. You never came to pick up yours though.” Lucretia says quietly.
There’s a small awkward silence before Barry picks up another onesie and bursts out laughing again. He holds it up, and everyone else starts laughing too. There’s a picture of two red robed liches, and above it are the words Baddest Child of a Lich!
“The rest of the clothes are mostly just different skeleton, raven, and star designs,” Kravitz says, and Lup nods before taking the bag from Barry and putting it on the floor beside the couch.
“Thank you so much for the clothes. They’re wonderful.” Barry says.
“My turn! My turn!” Merle puts down his plate of half eaten cake and pulls something out of his bag. “I think you’re going to love this,” He says before passing it down to Barry.
Barry takes it from Lucretia, and Lup leans against him to look at it too. It’s a photo album with flowers, vines, bees, and other soft nature designs. The cover reads Baby’s First..., and when they open it up, they see that the book has some blocks of text every few photo sleeves that say things like Baby’s first smile and Baby’s first steps with blank spaces to add the date. Lup closes the book gently, and Barry holds it up for everyone else to see before Lup takes it from Barry to hug it to her chest. “Thank you, Merle!”
“That’s not the only I’ve got you. The other thing is a spell though.” Merle scratches at his beard thoughtfully. “It’s called Hallow, and I can cast it in the baby’s room, and it’ll last until I dispel it which doesn’t have to happen ever. Basically what it does is it makes the area holy, and celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead creatures can’t enter the area or charm, frighten, or possess anyone in it. I can make sure it doesn’t harm you two though and Kravitz and anyone else of that nature who you want to be able to enter their room. I know you two tend to piss off some folks because of your job, so it should act as an extra little safe haven if anyone ever finds this place while you’re away.”
Lup’s mouth drops open a little as she turns to Barry who also turns to look at her. Then Barry turns back to Merle with a huge smile and says, “That’s really thoughtful of you. Thank you!”
“Huh, we must be on a similar wave length,” Lucretia says as she takes out her bag, “because I got something with a little protection magic too.” She pulls out a small blanket and a stuffed bunny and hands them over to Barry for him and Lup to examine. “The spell isn’t as strong or as specific, but it should provide general protection up to five feet around it, and it’s portable because it’s a blanket and stuffed animal.”
Lup laughs as she takes the bunny and blanket. “This baby is going to be the most well protected person for the next few miles.” She looks up at Lucretia, beaming. “Thank you, Luce. This really means a lot.”
Lucretia blushes a little and looks down at the floor. “It’s the least I can do.”
“Magnus, do you want to go?” Davenport asks, looking behind him.
Magnus shakes his head. “No, that’s okay. You can go ahead of me.”
Lup notices that he looks happy but a little vacant, but before she can say anything, Davenport opens up his bag and pulls out a one foot by one foot cube that’s rounded at the top and hands it to her.
“There’s a switch on the side to turn it on,” He says pointing to where it is.
Lup flips it on, and light projects out of the top. She looks up at the ceiling and gasps. The ceiling is lit up with stars and constellations, and the positions of the stars seem to change in a slow cycle. The different positions of the star seem familiar, but...
Barry gasps and points at the ceiling. “Are they the different stars from the different realities we’ve been to?”
Lup looks back down at Davenport who nods excitedly. “It took a while to remember the approximation of where all the stars went in each cycle, but I think I got it pretty accurate.”
“This is amazing! The baby is going to love it!” Barry says in awe.
Lup shuts off the light and places it to her side before leaning in to hug Davenport. “Thank you.”
“Uh, I guess that means it’s my turn,” Magnus says, “since Taako’s going last. Hold on a second.” He stands up, reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his Pocket Workshop. Then he opens it up in the middle of the living room and walks in. When he comes back out, he’s holding a beautiful black oak rocking chair. It’s the most beautiful piece of woodwork Lup has ever seen, and he sets it down gently on the floor. “I made this a while back and... You can try it out if you want.” He says. His voice is a little shaky which concerns her, but she figures if he wants her to try it out, she can indulge him. Plus, it is a really comfortable looking chair.
She gets up to walk over and then sits down on it, and it is as comfortable as it looks. It’s smooth and has great back support, and it rocks gently really well. It even smells good. Like-
“I used a lavender polish before the final lacquer,” Magnus says, and Lup smiles.
“Yeah, I can definitely smell that. It smells really nice!”
She looks up to see Magnus smile, but his gaze is still far away. “Yeah, I thought- You know when you’re putting a baby to sleep, you want it to be pleasant for all the senses like rocking the child, singing to them, and also the pleasant scent of lavender.”
Lup glances down for a second; the gears in her head are turning. “You said you made this a while back. Is this... Was this for Julia?”
It’s dead silent in the room now as everyone looks at Magnus. He gives her a watery smile and says, “Yeah, but... she’d want you to have it too.”
Lup stands up and so does Barry, and they both hug him for a long time. “Thank you, Magnus. This means a lot. Really.” Lup whispers.
“Yeah, you didn’t have to do that, bud,” Barry says, and Magnus chuckles a little before his breath hitches slightly.
“Yeah, but I wanted to. You guys deserve the best, and I think Julia would agree now knowing who you are and who you are to me.” Magnus says.
Lup kisses him on the forehead, and they all pull away. Magnus wipes his eyes, and turns to go sit down. Barry lifts the rocking chair to put it in a corner for now as Lup goes to sit down too. Lucretia hugs Magnus to her side, and he closes his eyes as he leans against her. Then Taako clears his throat.
“Well, I guess that leaves me, and I think you’re really going to love this one,” Taako says.
Lup smiles and wipes at her eyes a bit. “Bring it on, bro.”
Taako pulls out something from his bag and walks over to hand it to her. It’s a handmade book with Taako’s handwriting. Lup looks up at him with a start. “You actually wrote something with your own hands?” She teases, and he rolls his eyes.
“Did you read what it is yet, dummy?”
Lup looks down at the book again and deciphers his decidedly untidy scrawl.
The Complete Works of Aunt Chalupaa
Lup’s mouth drops open as she carefully opens the pages and looks through it. There’s a table of contents with titles for every story their aunt ever told them. All of it is written in Taako’s handwriting, and she could tell he tried really hard to make it legible. The only things she’s ever seen him write down for himself are notes for his spell book and the occasional letter to their aunt when he was missing her more than usual. And this book is big. Looking down the table of contents and flipping through the book, she could see that he transcribed literally every single story she told them when she was alive. Every single word.
“Taako,” Lup whispers, “this...” She flips to the end of the book before closing it and looking up at him in awe. His ears are red and pointed back a little, and he looks at her a little uncertainly.
“I know you loved her stories, and... we don’t tell each other them much anymore, but I know they must still mean a lot to you. And I figured you’d want a copy to read for yourself and to read to the baby, so you can help keep her memory alive in them. It’s not the same as having her back, but... it’s a piece of her. And she would have loved to be able to meet the baby, so this part of her kind of gets to, in a way.” Taako says, biting his lip.
Silent tears stream down Lup’s face as she hands Barry the book who looks it over curiously, and she stands up and pulls Taako into a tight hug. She buries her face in his shoulder, and he buries his face in hers too. They’re silent as they cry together, and they hold each other for a long time. “This is the second best thing you’ve ever given me. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” They stay like that for a few more moments before Taako pulls back abruptly. “Wait a minute. Second best?”
Lup looks up to see him frown in slight annoyance and she laughs. “Well yeah! The first best thing is helping me be able to have this baby in the first place, dummy!”
They laugh and hug again, and then they return to their seats. “Thank you again, everyone, for the gifts and for coming!” Lup says, wiping her eyes.
There’s a general reply of you’re welcomes and being glad to be here, but Lup stopped paying attention to that. She grabs the book from Barry again, and she hugs it to her chest and leans against his side. This is the best baby shower she could have ever hoped for, and she feels loved by everyone in the room and by her aunt who she desperately wishes could be here, but having a record of her stories is enough.
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mistressemmedi · 3 years
Måneskin: "Different from whom?"
Greetings from Miley Cyrus - phenomenal numbers.
The streams of Zitti e Buoni are growing by the second, and ahead of Muse, on the top of the English charts, twelfth in the Spotify Global Chart. We almost tripled followers after Rotterdam (from 1.4 to 3.3 million, ed). Contagious and universal madness: T-shirts and merchandise sold out in 10 minutes. Like records, tickets for a tour that adds dates and expands on maps. They are even looking for us in festivals where the Rolling Stones have played. - Thomas
After the whole cocaine scandal that was started against us from France, which was later denied by my drug test, in Spain there people have been making murals with my face saying "No drugs". Some tweets made us laugh: «Congratulations, Italy! I have never been so sure that four people have fucked each other ". Miley Cyrus started following us. "You are great". “You are more” . - Damiano
From rags to riches - what a story
It was only 2016, and we were playing in restaurants, on the streets, in via del Corso (famous street in Rome). Damiano without a microphone, Thomas's guitar with broken strings, Ethan drummed on a cajón. At the occupations of the high schools in Rome (Kennedy, Virgilio, Mamiani) we had our first gigs and half an hour of fame, between those who criticized us and those who said "these guys are so cool". One of the rare times in which they offered to pay us to play - 50 euros each - we offered that money to those after us, in exchange for the chance to play during their time slow, as we knew there would have been a bigger crowd. We already understood then how it worked. That visibility was worth more than the money. We still think so ». - Victoria
The intimacy of rock - Choice of a genre
Music allows is this miracle which allows one to talk about very personal and private topics, even difficult and delicate ones. They are and remain deeply yours, but at the same time they become a confession that reaches a wider audience, and in this passage which is like a delivery, they also find their place in you, their elaboration. They are overcome, they are accepted. One moment it feels aggressive, one moment later a (soft) ballad. It's very cathartic. - Damiano
Against panic - The stage as therapy
I have suffered a lot from anxiety and panic attacks, it is a problem that I have worked on thanks to a course of psychotherapy, to my friends and family. Playing has helped me not to let myself be paralyzed by my fears, not to be limited in my private and professional life. I have learned to accept, to live with this side of me. I don't hide it. I no longer feel ashamed. - Victoria
This belief that only crazy people go to the psychologist is widespread ignorance. Nobody is born learned. And it is often difficult to understand why we are here, let alone the derivation and direction of our desires. It is a long and legitimate journey towards one's clarity. - Damiano
Essere fuori di testa – Ma diversi da loro (Be out of your mind - But different from them)
Already feeling a strong passion for something that is not a 'regular' profession but an artistic language, it puts you on a level where you're an anomaly, and while you're neither superior nor inferior to others, it places you in the condition of what breaks the mold but you're also being at a loss, leaving it to you to be bold and to take risks, hoping that they will pay off and land you somewhere. "What good is it if you don't stand out on your own?". You want to give it an aesthetic to your artistic dream, but to others it boils down to " You dress differently! You must be gay! ”, I'm 22 now and it makes me laugh, but at 17 it had an effect on me too. - Damiano
The beauty of being unique - Of believing in that and defending it
After all, we are all different not because we want to be alternative but because really no one is the same. Justice is being judged on what you do and not what you are. Justice is equality, respect, beauty. - Ethan
Fluid sexuality - Pride is freedom
We appreciate heels on men, we kiss each other, we have an open, extended mind, and we are proud of it. The horizons become vast, beyond the oppression of conservative families. With information on the web, knowledge is enriched and with it the possibility that minorities will be fewer and fewer, because majorities will be fewer and fewer. This will lower the volume to insults and bullying. If social networks can reach a village of 50 souls to reveal to someone, who is afraid of the darkness, that someone has felt that same fear.. There is no longer the need to give it a name, to define that "something" to fear, to brand it with labels that only limit you. Definitions have always had this effect on me. Gender should not even be considered in a person's judgment. Let alone orientation ". - Victoria
Sexism - A culture to be dismantled
Emma (Italian singer) dropped the bomb:" When I went to Eurovision, they insulted me over a pair of shorts. Damiano - half naked and in heels - was never criticized ". The judgment against women is constant, ferocious, and demeaning (if I have a lot of sex I'm cool but Vic a whore, where I show myself strong I'm a leader she is domineering and pain in the ass, who is successful because only because of her looks [and not the hard work she puts in]). As a male I am privileged, the harassment I suffer is not comparable to that experienced by a woman, the comments on my aesthetics are focused only on my aesthetics and do not insinuate anything about my professionalism and my competence, while women are victims of this kind of thinking in a systemic way. But I did find myself in a situation, out of nowhere, with someone who, pulling close to her for a selfie, started licking my face ... "What do you want, did you ask me?" Consent exists, and it is a must ». - Damiano
To grow as a person - The only rule to follow
For me, to conform is the total opposite of educating oneself, and the asphyxiation of one's expression (of freedom). Fortunately, I did not suffer heavy bullying, to the point where I felt I needed to change to adapt to how others saw me. But the matrix of who I am and the aggression that marks me is the same. If I'm a kid who dances and loves dolls, then allow me the freedom to do so. I used to be a kid who wanted long hair and played with Barbies. My friends, as a teenager, looked my long hair and teased me: "You have to find yourself a girl with a short hair to make up for it". My grandparents took the dolls away from me and said: “Stop it, they're not for you” ». - Ethan
“I was six and I already could not tolerate the distinctions between masculine and feminine. I've always had strong ideas about how I wanted to be. I refused things typically defined as feminine as a child, and they made fun of me for skating, for playing soccer, for not wearing skirts, for giving myself the chance to be as I wanted to be. I suffered a little, as I was bullied, but I had courage to stay true to myself, and today thanks to that courage I know that I could have been much more hurt, or I would have risked leaving the most important decision to others: the one about being just me". - Victoria
Love - music and girlfriends
I've been married to music for the past 20 years. I cannot wait to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary. - Ethan
Everyone goes through their own experiences, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, but it's never other people's business." - Thomas
When, for the first time, I developed feelings and attraction for a girl it was a bit disorienting because I had never had the courage to go beyond the limitations I had imposed on myself. For society, being heterosexual is the norm and therefore often one automatically pegs himself in that way, giving up the freedom to experience many different shades and facets of love. Once I got over the initial insecurity of having to question one's own certainties, I lived my sexuality in a very natural and free way, as it should be for everyone. - Victoria
I had paparazzi under my house morning and night. So, after four years of relationship, I finally revealed her name. I still have the paparazzi under my house morning and night, but at least I don't have to hide anything anymore. - Damiano
The value of the group - Protecting each other
But the real relationship, the real family, is between us. Our band. We believed in it from the first day, even before calling ourselves Måneskin (moonlight in Danish), even before Ethan drew a giant moon, on the poster for our first concert. We share everything, even the pain of the tragedy of Seid Visin, who committed suicide at 20 because he was a victim of racism. Being a group is what we should all do together: stay united and not retreat in the slightest in the face of abuses generated by a distorted vision of someone "being different|. - Thomas
Non ho l’età – like Gigliola (It references Gigliola Cinquetti who won both Sanremo and Eurovision with her song "Non ho l’età" which translates to Not old enough)
Before us, the only one to win Sanremo and Eurovision together was Gigliola Cinquetti (in 1964). Is there is something for which I feel I am not yet old enough for? No, honestly no. Maybe for kids. I'll be honest, I'm not enough to be a dad. - Damiano
Reached the sky - What fears still remain
We are more than in the dream, we have conquered the dream. To fly high this high, there is the risk is to fall and get hurt, but we will try not to end up like Icarus, who burns his wings with the sun. Everything is in our hands. And this - somewhat presumptuously - reassures us rather than frighten us ". - Damiano
[Please note that I have changed some words or structure sentence, trying to make it so that the interview made more sense lol - I skipped the first two paragraphs, which was basically the interviewer gushing over how pretty the band is lmao (relatable).
Any mistakes in the translation are sorely mine, nothing was proofread, so apologies in advance]
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