#male ghostface x male reader
malertop · 2 months
!poly Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Male Reader
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Gif is not mine!
Stu,Billy and Y/N were secretly dating,Stu Macher was obsessed and overprotective with Y/N just like how much Billy was.Y/N was now in one of Stu's famous parties,Y/N wasn't the type of person to go to party,he liked reading books,study,quite..or otherwise you can just you say he was a big nerd,but that didn't stop Billy and Stu to date him and (love) like him.He owns them,they own him and that should be known.But today the party was different because in this party Stu wanted to lose his virginity to Y/N and he made sure he wanted to as much as possible,he called Y/N and told him to go to his room to find something for him which was obviously a lie but he had to get him in his room so he could have sex with him.Stu just entered his room now and saw Y/N sitting in his bed and when he just made eye contact with Stu,Stu just jumped and started kissing Y/N roughly but with love,a lot of love.As him and Y/N we're kissing Stu started to undress himself,Now Stu was shirtless which confused Y/N by his actions and why he is undressing himself,after 5 more minutes of kissing Y/N finally pulled and said "Stu...Stu..." he said while trying to catch his breath "Why are..are you undressing yourself..and..you took all my breath oh my god" Y/N was still out of breath as Stu watched him with a smirk and while Y/N was taking deep breaths he started stripping Infront of Y/N which just shocked him,now Y/N shocked and Stu naked we're next to each other in his king size bed.
"Y/N you don't know how long I've waited for this" Stu said with a smile while Y/N was confused,shocked and all blushy like a tomato "w-wait what,waited for what?" Y/N said with a confused look while Stu was still smiling and then the smile turned into a smirk "for you to fuck me of course!" Stu said as he turned and now Y/N was facing Stu's ass "please Y/N pull that cucumber out of my pussy~" Stu said with a smirk and Y/N could tell by the way he said it,Y/N then grabbed the little peace of the cucumber that was left and couldn't fit inside of his ass and started to pull out while Stu was kind of moaning,Y/N pulled out the whole cucumber out of Stu's asshole which now was wrecked and very much opened "now it's..it's open just for you...so..so fuck my ass and let me lose my virginity Y/N..please!" Stu started begging as he was also taking his breath while Y/N started to get hard then Stu turned to face the other male who was with him.
Stu looked at him in the eyes and after a second he started to kiss Y/N again,while kissing he grabbed Y/N's hand and started rubbing his fingers all around his ass,teasing him and hiss asshole at the same time and fuck he enjoyed it,after more of the rubbing and Y/N out of breath he stopped and pulled out from the kiss,now he was looking at Y/N and then lay down on his bed and put his legs in the air revealing his pink little asshole "C'mon Y/N" as Stu said that he slapped his hole with his hands and continued to talk "fuck that pink little hole and make it into a mess just like that cucumber made it" Stu slapped his hole again "just let me have that cum of yours" he slapped his hole again "all over my ass and all over it" he slapped his hole "PLEASE Y/N JUST FUCK MY PUSSY DUDE!"
Stu said in a tone that sounded like he was about to cry which obviously he used just to get what he wanted and needed,Y/N just looked at his lover and just couldn't handle it and so he pulled of his pants and underwear leaving himself only with his shirt which revealed his big thick dick which shocked Stu completely then Y/N started getting closer to the male who was smiling,Y/N was now facing the laying Stu face and his ass "C'mon dude,just fuck my cunt with your big...big..big dick" Stu said as Y/N's dick hipnotized him and just after a second Stu's eyes winded up as he moaned "oh fuck!" Stu moaned as Y/N started to enter inside of him.
Y/N was thrusting more and more inside of Stu's ass while Stu was just basically loosing his mind,moaning and begging for Y/N to be faster and Y/N just followed his order "Fuc-Fuck it hurts so good" Stu said as his head fall back from the enjoyment "Fuck that pussy Y/N~" Stu said as his eyes rolled from the enjoyment "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,fuck my cunt deep just like that Y/N, of fuck fuck fuck fuck my cunt..oh my fucking cunt!" Stu said as Y/N's dick could have been seen inside of Stu's stomach "Fuck your wrecking me baby..wrecking that boy pussy so bad..so fu-ungh..ungh oh-oh-oh ye-ye-yeah" Stu kept moaning as Y/N was about to cum soon "Stu..Stu I think i will cum" "Cum inside me,make that pussy pregnant Y/N...fuck,make that pussy pregnant with you seed!~" as Stu said this Y/N couldn't help it but cum inside of his asshole while Stu kept moaning feeling Y/N's seed flowing inside for his asshole,but the cum didn't stop and Y/N eyes crossed as he moaned abd took his dick with one hand and pushed out of Stu's ass thinking it would stop but he continued to cum on Stu's ass "oh fuck" Y/N said as his cum finally stopped,Y/N came in Stu's ass,on top his ass and even in Stu's blanket "Fuck...that was amazing" Stu said as his own ass gaped and pushed out Y/N's seed "fuck...Y/N...you ruined my boy cunt...fuck my boy cunt is ruined" Stu said this as a joke,even tho it was and wasn't with a weak voice,he enjoyed every second of it "..You know...Billy wants to lose his virginity too.." Stu said panting as well as an offer and then Billy entered "I am so not walking tomorrow...am i?" Y/N said in a tired voice while Billy was already started to undress him"Nope" Stu said and looked at Billy who smirked while looked at Stu's gaping hole and then looked at Y/N and said "Oh babe..i am just the next Stu~".
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kunazz · 9 months
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slashers who are ready to be at your service whenever you ask them. Who cares if they’re outside? Fuck them in the bathroom or bend them over the hood of your car once you guys are in a somewhat secluded area. Make the sex rough and quick, like you just wanna get it over with, make them feel as though they’re nothing to you, just a perfect hole for a perfect guy. They absolutely love that shit.
Bite their necks and tell them how dirty they are, how others would react if they saw the two of you at that moment, your cock buried deep inside their ass, filling them up until it was almost unbearable.
Humiliate them.
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theres-a-body-here · 3 months
Love Letter Aftermath
First part
The realization of receiving a love admission sinks in for the killers
Characters: Oni, Trapper, Deathslinger, Mastermind, Cannibal, Ghostface Warnings: Some spice Male!reader
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The Oni - Kazan Yamaoka
He's angry
Angry at you for giving him that damn letter
And angry at himself for keeping it
He keeps it on his shrine
Even while he tries to distract himself with training between trials, your letter is all that's on his mind
At least once a day, for a couple of minutes, he stares at the letter while working up the courage to crumple it and dispose of it
He never can
When Rin found the letter, his heat sunk
She thought it was cute, but rolled her eyes at how Kazan was acting
The days following the letter, you've noticed in trials with Oni, he never downs you with his Kanabo anymore, only his Katana
Even during chases, when he's activated his blood fury right behind you, he stampedes off somewhere to down anyone else
And when he carries you to hooks, you've noticed how gently he holds you
But he never stays after hooking you and seems to avoid your gaze
Strangely, Rin has been giving you some leeway during trials as well
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The Trapper - Evan MacMillan
When he got back to his realm after the trial, he immediately went to work on making a box for the letter
Yeah, a whole keepsake box for a single letter
He places it next to the box where he keeps his old drawings
Whenever he sees you in trials, he still gets those butterflies
If you step in one of his traps, he's immediately rushing to where he heard you scream
If he sees any other survivors trying to free you, he swats at them
Evan gently pulls at the jaw of the trap and pulls it apart, letting you retract your injured foot
He's trying his hardest not to ogle your legs
"Sorry," he mutters gruffly, his hands holding your leg softly while he inspects the damage
He picked up some gauze that one of the others dropped and begins to bandage your wound
He can feel your gaze burning holes into his mask as he works
He's the one to break the silence
"I've killed you... and your friends, over and over."
There's a long pause on your end before you respond
"I know"
You two leave it at that
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The Deathslinger - Caleb Quinn
Caleb keeps the letter under the bar counter in his realm
Whenever he returns from an exhausting or lost trial, he looks at it
A small part of him still thinks you're messing with him
He's way too nervous and skittish around you now to do anything, so you're gonna have to initiate everything
In trials, you do your best to spend time with him
Especially when you insist that he treats you no different
When he carries you to hook, you take the moment to touch him
You turn your head to plant a kiss on the back of his neck
Caleb visibly shivers and lets out a groan
"Yer tryin' ta kill me, ain'tcha?"
"Is it working?"
Despite you asking otherwise, he tends to leave you alone when he can in trials, opting to hide the others
If you confront him about it, he'll deny it
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The Mastermind - Albert Wesker
He keeps your letter in the inner pocket of his jacket
You definitely have his full attention now
Don't expect any special treatment, because he's not gonna give it
In fact, he seems to actively seek you out first if he knows you're in his trial
Wesker gets angry when you can't loop him for more than a couple of minutes
"Are you even trying? Pathetic"
While carrying you to a hook, he's lecturing you all the way
"You didn't run it tight enough. You were too greedy with the pallet. You didn't check your blind spots."
He'll get even more irritated if you start to tear up
Can't you see he's trying to help you?
Wesker refuses to have someone so vulnerable as an admirer
So you better get to it
If you do manage to improve and become better in trials, his attitude changes
It goes from scoldings to rewards
He takes off his gloves to hold your chin and pull you close
You feel his lips ghost over your cheek and shiver when he tightens his grip on you
He stares at your face, drinking up your reactions
And then he lets you go, watching as your face twists from dazed to confused
"What? Were you expecting a kiss?"
You're gonna have to do a lot more if you wanna get a smooch from him
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The Cannibal - Bubba Sawyer
He tapped your letter to the side of his chainsaw
He gets all giddy when he glances at it during his sweeps, especially if he manages to down a survivor
It's his good luck charm
If he spots you in a trial, he'll literally drop everything to rush over and give you hug
Bubba would honestly hug you all trial if you let him
He's definitely become a bit more protective over you, maybe even prone to jealousy
He doesn't even let anyone work on gens with you, revving his chainsaw if anyone gets too close
Once everyone gets the message and leaves you two be, he'll sit behind you as you work and hug you
Expect lots of nuzzles
Bubba whines when the gen is completed and you have to stand up to find a new one
He follows you like a puppy until you find the next one and the process begins anew
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The Ghostface - Danny Johnson
Danny doesn't really have anywhere he can store the letter safely
So he does the logical thing and memorizes it's contents, word for word
He doesn't care what happens to the paper
Sometimes during trials, he'll tease you by reciting it during chases
Even adding things you're certain you never added
"And I promise to always let you smash whenever and wherever you want," he says, mimicking your voice as you dangle from the hook
Being her favorite, The Entity doesn't care if Danny spares you every trial
But he won't
Because he's a meanie
"No hard feelings, right boo?" He coos as he plunges his blade into your back
If you're sore about it, he's more than happy to make it up to you
He'll run his cold leather-gloved hands under your shirt, pressing you against a wall as you try to stay angry
"Come on, don't be like that," he mutters into your ear, squishing your sides
If you fold now, he'll tease you for being whipped
But if you stay strong, he'll pull out the big guns
He buries his masked face into your neck, slowly grinding his hips against yours
"You feel that, baby? You feel how sorry I am?" He growls, pressing his hard-on against you
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dominantslasherking · 8 months
Billy and Stu with dominant Male S/o
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+. Backstory: You always manage to catch Billy and Stu's eyes on you, whether it be in the college classroom, or when you're purchase horror stuff, they always seem to follow you. Even in your house you still feel their gazes
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The dimly lit college classroom was buzzing with chatter, but not loud enough for the professor to call on anyone. Minding your own business as you were taking notes and sketching little side characters on your notebook out of boredom. Eyes were lingering on you, It wasn't the typical glance or side glance.
The lingering eyes were strong and made you feel a cool sensation run down your spine. With a simple turn of the head, you spotted the two. Billy and Stu, how could not know them? Not only did they garner attention all over the college campus. You would always, always catch them staring, although they may be fast to react and look away.
It can't be a coincidence they just always stare at you, not to mention being in the areas you were, your favorite locations, dining areas.
But the really not-so-funny part is, every time you do end up making a friend at this college, they end up disappearing. It had gotten so bad that even your fellow students grew weary of you, believing you were the infamous 'scream' killer.
However after a night in jail and the kills were happening when you were locked up, you were cleared of suspicion but of course not from the college students.
Once the class ended. You made your way out slinging your bag over the shoulder and sighing.
Almost meticulously, with severe calculation Billy had bumped straight into you. He gave a pretty smile as Billy watched you pick up his books. "Thanks, hah," Billy said his eye gleaming with an intense undertone of desire and pure want.
"It's my fault, I should watch where I was going...lost in thought." Your husky voice mutters, stacking Billy's books neatly in your hand before returning them, noticing the subtle hand movement of Billy where his hand brushed against yours.
Turning your gaze to Billy's friend Stu. Stu was silent, his eyes roaming you. The typically loud and humorous friend was silent strange enough, he licked his lips and gave a big smile. "Wow! I love that shirt!" Billy's face fell at Stu's words, elbowing him in the stomach, not enough to cause him severe pain but make him go 'ow'
"What was that for?!" Stu muttered with a pout. "You idiot, his shirt is just plain gray! what do you mean you like it?" Billy scolded, hinting that he knew Stu was checking [Name] out, and now you probably knew that Stu was eyeballing you.
"Ohhh." Stu muttered, as they continued to whisper and bicker among themselves.
Your chuckle made them pause. "sorry, sorry, you guys are just--funny that's all." You spoke softly, you thought they were cute. Bidding them goodbye, you walk out of the classroom.
Billy stared at stu.
"Whattt? Not my fault he's so sexy!" Stu grumbled out.
Later that day. You were at the DVD shop, looking through the thriller/horror second, making sure to get your hands on some classics.
With a loud and abrupt clank, your gaze faltered on the row across from you.
"Oops, did I ruin your guy's peeping session?" Randy had asked Billy and Stu. Stu gritted his teeth, Billy gave a urked glare. But the two of them knowing, your gaze was on them resisted doing something they were dying to do. They would just have to get back at him later.
"Wow! [Name], Thriller & horror movies? Nice dude!" Stu cheered pretending as if he didn't already know that about you...
Stu had started to chitter-chatter with you, while Billy was shooing and waving Randy off. Soon after Randy complied (after rolling his eyes and snarky comments) leaving the three of you alone.
"Ehm,--Well Billy and I, we love those types of genres!" Stu happily said as Billy's attention was now drawn to you, his feverish gaze landing on your lips every time you spoke. Taking a pause you spoke, "Really? why don't you two, come over sometime, we can watch them together?" You ask, as the two slashers freeze, slowly turning to look at each other and then back at you.
"What's the matter?...you don't want to---" Before you could finish what you wanted to say, Billy cut you off. "No-! No, we would love to."
Nodding you smiled, "Sure next time in class, we should set up a time and date." After bidding farewell, and purchasing the movies you got, you left, leaving Billy and Stu to celebrate together.
Pausing the movie, you itched the back of your neck, a feeling of a sense of dread washed over you. You had it again. Like someone, was watching, analyzing, observing you.
"Fuck." a whisper, under your breath, as you got up to check your popcorn. Walking to the kitchen, you take out the bowl of popcorn, setting it down as the phone rings.
"Hello?" "What's your favorite scary movie, [Name]?"
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whorrorfix · 2 months
i think ghostface holding a knife to my throat as he fucks into me would solve all my problems
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2kiran · 7 months
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MULTI YANDERE 香菸 ── `` amab reader. suggestive.
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sparring with SLASHER!YANDERE . . . he's personally training you in case you need to defend yourself when he somehow can't be there. his foot sweeps your ankles, ending with you on your back and with him in your lap.
his hand secures your wrists, panting through his mask. "fuck..." you grunt from the impact of the fall, but he's more 'worried' about something else. "(name)..." he laughs, "are you hard?" he subtly rocks his hips. "wha– no. it's just–" he grounds himself down on you. "just what? don't tell me fighting's got you all excited."
you shake your head, face warming. "t'awww, it's okay, baby. you can tell me. you like this, don't you?" he grinds against you again, grinning. his tone was teasing, almost like he was scolding you for it. "'s okay. 'm not mad, sweet thing. let me help you, yeah?"
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sunny-mercya · 10 months
Ours not Yours.
Poly!Billy Loomis & Stu Macher x Male Reader
Fandom -> Scream 1996
Requested by -> @jaythes1mp
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Billys rage of jealousy was at a boiling point and ready to burst into anger. Throwing some fists or perhaps even gutting someone sounds more than pleasing appealing to Billy right now.
Slamming his locker shut, Billy turned his head to the side, taking a narrowing glance at the group a few meters ahead of him.
Tyler Gillery, one of the school main jocks, was the sole reason of Billys displeasuring anger. The teen was next to you, couldn't keep his hands off—one was always placed on your hip, as if you belong to him—from you. How Tyler could bring a laugh out of you, with his stupidity of jokes, how he managed to make you smile—the genuinely one with radiating happiness and love—and overall keep you from them, your actual boyfriends.
Billy scoffed, shoulders his bag and walked towards them. Bumping hard into Tylers shoulder, ignoring Sidney and Tatums confused faces and whatever they are about to say. Billy wasn't in the mood for their girlish complaints. He thought about pulling you along and away from them, but Tyler had a good grip on you and by god—that smug arrogant smile Tyler gave him, was making Billy even more furious.
«Damn, whats up with Billy? He looked mad.»
«hah, he's just being a silly moody mopey» joked Tyler, laughing boastfully and well too loud.
You elbowed Tyler in the rips, hard enough to have his grip loosen on you. Facing him, you gave him a frown. Tyler, in a mock surrender, holds his hands up, taking just a few steps of distance from you.
«chill, was just a joke, pretty boy.»
Your frown deepens, turning more into a scowl. Taking your bag into your hands, you gave a short goodbye to Sidney and Tatum.
«Hey hey, we're still going to do some studying later?»
«Maybe. If you're not being a silly asshole moody mopey.» your reply was flavoured with a disdain—biting bitter curtly—in your tone.
You liked Tyler. You too were acquaintances, counting him to a friend level, in and outside from school. He's a good guy by heart, but sometimes he can be a unnecessary mean little shit.
Stu grinned. Amused by Billy's little fit of jealousy and upcoming bloodlust towards Tyler. Stu gets it, really, seeing you constantly with Tyler—all friendly and almost lovely dovely—gives him too a rumbling of jealousy, but his and Billys jealousy were two different things.
Stu's jealousy was subtle, more of a teasing and hovering near you. Holding your hand for a week and showering you with compliments and jokes.
Whilst Billy's jealousy was a merciless possessiveness. Brooding glares, keeping you at hips bay, always near him and at the end of the day, marking your body with visible love bites and making your body limp in his hold.
«Ya know, rumours has it, that the Nurse office is at this time unoccupied and how about we give [Name] some health check up?» Stu's grin got wider, licking over his lips, leaning against some lockers.
«I'm this fucking close to gut Tyler out. The asshole had the actually audacity to have his filthy jock hands on [Name]'s hips.»
Stu only hummed in agreement, that he was listening to his boyfriend angry ranting. Being on a lookout for you, to catch you in his arms and "kidnapping" you into the nurse office. Doing it in school is a thrilling thought of excitement.
Billy and Stu hadn't meant to go this far. Didn't mean to cover your skin with so many love bites—bruising your skin into a purplish bloody hue, leaving marks, visible, of teeths all around every inch of your body—decorating your skin with it as if you were a trophy.
They both felt almost guilty about it, once they saw how dazed—one the verge of passing out—and shakily you are. Almost though.
Billy and Stu laid with you on the medical-bay bed, cramped together and with you in the middle. Prepping you face with kisses and showering you with praises till you dozed off into a short nap.
It was entirely your fault, that they had to go such length. This could have been avoided, if you didn't have acted so naughty.
For 2 whole weeks you have ditched and kinda avoided them, to hang out with Tyler—doing school projects or something like this. Leaving your boyfriends for themselves and it was getting on their nerves.
You were theirs, their precious little darling. You are Billy and Stu's priced possession. They will kill for you, if it means to protect you.
If they could, they would have collard you up, showing everyone who you belong to—even though they all know by now, that you're the boyfriend of Billy and Stu. Though since they couldn't do that, Billy and Stu have settled for a far better idea—giving love bites, the ones which would fade after weeks.
Exhausted with sleep, you limped through the empty school corridors. Billy and Stu walking on each side next to you, one holding your hand and the other your bag.
A pleased smile full of smugness and overconfidence on their lips. You rolled your eyes, muttering something about being impatiently needy under your breath. Honestly, they could have waited till you were at home, but then again, your boyfriends liked to be experimental (risky).
«Boys, once we're home you're gonna get me some Mcdonalds and KFC,»
«'course babe, everything you want my prince!»
«Yo, [Name]!» Tyler called out for you, jogging towards you, once he saw you stepping outside the school. He ignored the glaring stares of Billy and Stu, thinking about challenging them—too see who could win you over more, even though Tyler knows that you're already in a relationship with the two—but he always liked a good match or gambling.
Tyler stared at your neck, gulping his spit when he saw the amount of hickeys on your neck. Tired and disheveled you looked and Tyler wonders what you three has done and somehow he knew what you did, but didn't want to imagine it.
Because Tyler knew all too well that you belonged to only Billy and Stu. They have made that more than once perfectly clear.
«Are you....uh still up for some studying?»
«No, sorry, maybe tomorrow perhaps. I'm about to fall asleep any second soon,» you shook your head, mumbling out another apology to him as your eyes threatened to close themselves again. Staying awake was hard and the more you walked around the more exhausted you gotten.
«You heard [Name], maybe tomorrow Tyler. Now, if you so kindly would piss off now»
Tyler nodded, watching how Billy put an arm around your middle, pulling you close to him and giving Tyler—like he has done before—a smug grin.
There might be no killing tonight or in the next few weeks, but that doesn't mean Billy and Stu wouldn't give Tyler a good fucking scare anyways.
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redcoralpot · 7 months
Eleganti - Poly!Stuilly x FTM!Reader
If you saw this before it was reposted, no you didn't.
Warnings: Implied internalized homophobia.
Summary: The heat has managed to affect all of you, and the only solution? A date at Stu's house with a dash of nail polish. You're sure they were both thrilled.
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The summer heat truly had gotten to the three of you, with not even a cool breeze to give you relief. Rich boy Stu Macher’s parents were away for the weekend, again, which left his house the ideal place to take shelter in. If you had to be honest, you did not mind the temperature– kind of. The bottles of nail polish in your bag clinked together as you walked up the stairs; you knew Billy would be able to sit still long enough for it to dry. Stu, on the other hand, you weren’t so sure of. Not without heat and plenty of air flow.
Speaking of the devil, Billy glanced up from his book as you creaked the door open, leisurely spread on Stu’s bed. He raised an eyebrow at your appearance, before going back to reading, shifting a little to the side so you had more room to sit down. A smug grin slowly spread over your lips as you set your backpack down on the bed and unzipped it, making a show of the little, colorful bottles you displayed inside. You scooched beside it, and after setting down a towel in front of you, cracked open the first container.
Seeming to catch the smell, Billy spoke up, “Nail polish?”
“Yeah, want some?” He watched as you meticulously picked the colors you wanted, his mouth pursing.
“Not right now.”
You shrugged, applying a lavender base to your fingernails, “Suit yourself!”
Your hand flinched as the door was shoved open, smearing the liquid down your skin, only to be greeted by the eccentric figure of Stu. Upon seeing the predicament he caused, he bounced his shoulders and held up his hands beside his head, with an exaggerated frown. 
“Uh… whoops!”
He sauntered over, pressing his face into your shoulder. In response, you slapped the towel onto his face after wiping the spilled polish on the material. Stu grumbled something; it was ineligible. 
It eventually slid off on its own, with a little help from the teen shaking his head, “Suffocate me, why don’t you?”
Chuckling, you said, “You were the one who made me mess up, tough guy.”
“I totally meant for that to happen.” He slipped his arm over you, hanging like a sloth.
“If you meant it, then you have to be my test subject!”
Stu made a noise, contemplating. You wouldn’t force him to wear it, of course, but it was funny threatening something so harmless anyway. After just a few seconds, you felt the weight on your back release; Stu had moved in favor of shoving your bag into Billy to make space for himself. Then, the noodle of a guy flopped across from you, sitting criss-crossed with the most shit eating grin you have ever seen. Billy scowled at the rough treatment, but the expression was covered by the other’s knee.
He leaned forward, “Gimme orange.”
“Good choice!”
To prevent smearing, you blew on your covered nails as best you could, before bright orange coated the tiny brush in your hand. Stu seemed giddy as you took his hand, peering down, applying the cool liquid with precision. It was such a contrast to what his hand felt like; rough and as warm as a furnace. In the corner of your eye, you could see Billy’s eyes watching over Stu’s jeans, his book long forgotten. Finally, you finished, and allowed the fidgety boy to hold up his palms. His eyes were wide as he admired your handiwork, flexing his fingers with pride.
Stu tapped the top of Billy’s head with his elbow, “Hey, dude, want some of this?”
You snickered, “I knew you’d crack.”
Billy rolled his eyes and leaned on Stu, holding out a hand. He shivered when you made a slight mistake, and gave you an unimpressed look as you fixed it with the edge of your towel. You could only complete one hand before he stopped you.
“Look who’s gonna be Cruella this Halloween!” Stu sneered, poking the other’s nose.
“Hey, hey, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” You shut the bottle, carefully sealing them all back in your bag, “Fuddy duddy William could be making a new trend.”
“Never call me that again. Is this enough for you two?”
Stu cocked his head, “Lemme think… nope.”
You stretched your body out, setting your belongings on the ground. Opening Stu’s own closet, you ran your fingers over the variety of shirts and robes the guy had. In the very back, there was a band shirt, obviously too small for Stu; he grew out of it by the time he was sixteen. You held it out, studying it, before shrugging and taking it off the hanger. Your shirt flew over your head and smacked Stu in the face, but the air soothed the sweat that was gathering under your double sport bras, at least for a moment. Then, the newer shirt covered everything back up, and the dark material banned anyone from clocking the extra layers underneath.
“Why don’t we go out for ice cream?” you suggested.
Stu pumped his fist, even though your shirt was still clinging to his body. Billy shook his head, a little smile playing on his lips when Stu ran out the door, presumably to get his car keys. You, on the other hand, hesitated when you saw a shadow underneath the shirt, where your chest lay. The only other boy left in the room must have caught on, because you felt a passing hand on your shoulder and a whisper in your ear.
“You look fine, it’s normal.”
He met your gaze. However, someone was getting impatient, as a muffled shout rang through the closed window, “Coming? I’m totally getting pistachio this time, and you gotta be here to see me try it!”
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onmyyan · 8 months
Kiss the goat
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A/N: Horror isekai? Horror isekai, here's part one of the Scream chapters, unedited, hope you like cuz it was so much fun writing
Pairing: Yandere Poly Ghostface x reader
It was such an odd sensation, you don't think you'd ever truly get used to it, no matter how many times it washed over you.
It was always the same, tranquil lull, and it always started in your lower tummy, like this wave of ice cold water suddenly replaced all the blood in your veins.
Whenever you first 'woke up' somewhere new, that damn feeling was always the first thing you noticed, and the only warning you'd get.
This time though, something was different. There was this mix of fear, confusion, and awe tossed in with the lull because you clocked your location immediately.
Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum
For a moment all you could hear was the the blood pounding in your eardrums, slowly , as you forced yourself to breathe, the surrounding noises faded in, at first it was just the chatter of a busy school, then you noticed the shuffle of feet dragging on concrete, with your heart pounding furiously against your rib cage, you pinched your thigh through your baggy blue jeans and began walking, focusing on forcing your feet to move, rather than the millions of other thoughts buzzing through your skull. Why? Well because there you stood, dropped right before the soon-to-be infamous Woodsboro High.
As you walked amongst the crowd of people there were a few things you noticed immediately about yourself, at least this version of yourself, which seemed to change with every new plot you were forcibly thrown in.
The jeans you wore were loose fitting and well loved, small holes in the denim here and there  gave you a typical 90's degenerate vibe, the soft cotton of the band T-shirt you were in felt comfortable against your skin, around your waist hung a oversized burgundy flannel with accents of mustard yellow, the fabric looked old and smelled of weed, a sigh rolled through your chest at the familiar smell, it was a bittersweet reminder of your life before this insanity began.
Glancing down at your outfit made you breath out a sigh of relief, at least you dressed better in this one. In the small shirt pocket, you felt a book of matches, the scratchy texture of telling you what it was without needing to pull it out, good to know.
Shaking your head you try your best to look as bored and uninteresting as possible, you've found these things were best tackled from a stealthy perspective. As you finally enter the school, the second you step through the open doors, there's this intense, hair-raising feeling that washes over you, everything in your gut is saying run away, turn around, but you don't.
Instead, you swallow the fight-or-flight instincts and continue your pace as if you hadn't noticed the predatory stare on you. It didn't surprise you, after all, the self-proclaimed directors of this twisted movie were bound to notice a new player being introduced so suddenly, you just hadn't yet gotten used to the uneasy feeling of being in the presence of a murderer.
Or in this movies case, murderers.
The stares you received from the rest of the student body helped to distract you from the heavy stares burning into you, as you leisurely walked down the halls people either mean-mugged you or ignored you, it helped to get a better feel for the role you'd been assigned, depending on how well you played said role was going to determine whether or not you ended up on the kill count.
For now, you kept it pushing, your hands resting comfortably in the pockets of your jeans, your right hand, which you only now noticed was covered in rings, brushed against the cool touch of something small and metal, you quickly pulled out the object to reveal a switchblade, the handle a glossy white with a simple heart scratched into the surface, quickly you tucked it back where you'd found it.
The grin that had stretched across your face as you traversed the halls was downright wicked, in your mini search you'd also come across a crinkled class schedule and a pack of gum. Curious (e/c) eyes diligently scanned the face of every student that passed, searching for any clue as to when exactly you'd popped in, having a clear timeline in mind made these things run so much smoother.
Casey Beckem gave you that answer in the form of a cliché shoulder check as she rounded the corner. She made a point to dust off the area that had touched you, and her scoff of 'Watch it freak.' made a snort leave your nose, god you loved the 90s, even the bullying was better.
Considering she was still amongst the living, you gathered this was before the start of the movie, fantastic. You pushed forward, far too wrapped up in your building excitement to pay any mind to the very dangerous man you'd caught the sight of.
You found your first class a few minutes early, thankfully the school's layout wasn't too hard to navigate, you were intent on taking proper inventory and prepping as well as you could. The teacher took you in with a surprised noise, clearly judging your character on your appearance.
You'd gotten pretty good at handling your, particular situation, so good in fact you'd begun to relax a little. Taking a seat by the window in the back felt very final girl of you, the thought making you giggle to yourself. Whatever entity responsible for isekaing you into this movie flashed between a real asshole and a slightly smaller asshole with each reincarnation, this time it looked like they were feeling nice as you started with a weapon. 
Your inner workings were put on an abrupt pause as Randy Meeks burst in through the door earning a glare from the otherwise silent teacher. The bright-eyed male made a beeline for you, his expression was akin to a puppy who just had its bone taken away.
"What the Hell San Francisco? I spent the last 15 minutes running around like some mook looking for ya'." he paused to sit down at the desk directly on your right. "You ask a guy to show you around then ditch em'? Cruel, undeniably cruel." You learned pretty quickly to just roll with it whenever someone from Canon spoke to you.
"My bad Meeks, I'll make it up to you." At this, the energetic man rolled his eyes, now leaning even closer. "Oh yeah? Meaning what- you'll actually take me up on my offer instead of responding with that cold familiar brand of cynicism? C'mon, it'll be funnnn." He trailed off in a whine. "Whoever told you begging was an option for you lied." You laughed, shaking your head at the way he visibly deflated.
You kicked your faded black Converse all star's on the back of the seat before you, legs bouncing as you allowed yourself to ponder your answer, the nervous habit had developed sometime between this movie, and one of your earlier incarnations and subsequent deaths.
This was a little more complicated, see the omnipotent fuck who put you here liked to screw with you, very much into the concept of seeing you mix with whatever plot that laid before you, so much so that anytime you fought against whatever scenario you were thrust into in any way you died horribly. The first time you'd been plopped into a movie was the original My Bloody Valentine,- a chill ran through your body like a punch to the gut at the thought, yeah you'd come a long way since then in terms of working the system but nothing was set in stone.
You figured whatever this offer from Randy was, would no doubt tie you into the plot, knowing better than to fight the waves, you pretended to think about it before shrugging. "Sure. I'll bite." The simple statement had him shooting out of his chair to fist pump before quickly falling back in his seat.
"Yessss-okay it's super easy, I spend my time rewinding the utter garbage the general population consumes on a daily." He was practically buzzing in his seat as he spoke. "Once in a while, the boss leaves for an extra long lunch break and I get to watch whatever I want- Child's Play, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street- you name it I got it." The redhead spoke proudly, leaning back against his chair with a self-satisfied look.
"You should be a salesman Meeks." The male bristled beside you, a tinge of red on his cheeks. "Yeah yeah, whatever Frisco- don't come crying to me when you don't have anyone to sit with at lunch." He teased, leaning over his desk, you smile toying with the ring on your hand, popping your neck with a sigh you took a second before responding, "Oh god, how will I ever survive sitting alone, whatever will I do." you spoke in a dead tone making the male at your side pout.
"You're cold (L/n), couldn't even pretend to care about my threat huh?"
You looked over with a teasing grin, "Course' not- I'm not a liar Randy.", it was then and only then that you noticed the tall Blonde unashamedly staring you down from the door.
Stu Macher had made his appearance earlier than expected but you didn't sweat it, or the almost hungry look he was giving you. Nope, not sweating at all. Instead, you quickly averted your eyes, praying he hadn't caught your stare.
He had, naturally.
The taller male nearly took up the entire door frame, he looked a lot more intimidating in person. The playful look on his face was all the more haunting the more you thought about who he really was underneath it. What he was hours away from doing.
Randy, feeling the sudden rise in tension, refused to be left out, and tried to not so subtly block Stu's vision of you by standing up and not so casually sitting on his desk, his back to the future killer. "Anyway Frisco', I don't want you mixin' in with the wrong crowd okay?" He made a point to flick his eyes back towards the now pouting blonde, "Bad company makes for bad times. Just stick with me I'll show you the ropes." He made sure to mutter that last part, his expression drenched in fear for the briefest moment.
Before you could respond Stu had rather aggressively climbed his way over a few desks to plop into the seat in front of you.
His dimpled grin was rather infectious.
"Now that's no way to talk about your friends Randy." He almost seethed out his name making the shorter male curl in on himself like a rabbit, he turned to face you with flare.
"Hi, there hot stuff- Stu Macher, bad company." He took your hand in his much larger one, completely enveloping your own, the tension was broken by the comical handshake, how hard he shook it up and down dispelled all previous bad vibes, his devious little grin only grew at your response, "Hi Stu, I'm (Y/n). Worse company."
"So whatcha' running from in San Francisco? Girl's like you don't just show up outta nowhere for no reason." He didn't even try to hide the way he was checking you out, his half-lidded eyes eagerly drinking in every inch of the alluring stranger before him.
"Who says I'm running big guy? I might be the one doing the chasing." Maybe teasing a soon-to-be serial killer wasn't the smartest move, but you just couldn't help it, he leaned his head into his palm, the wide toothy grin promising nothing but trouble. "I think I like you- come sit with us at lunch."
"You askin' or telling?" You met his heated gaze with a cold indifference that only fueled the ever-growing fire burning in his belly. The larger male quickly fell to his knees from his seat on the chair, bringing his hands together in a dramatic motion, "Pretty pretty please hot new kid come sit with meee." The laugh tumbling past your lips was real, you quickly ushered him back to his seat, "As nice as ya look on your knees- this is embarrassing please get the hell up I'll sit with you."
He backed off with a victorious grin not knowing you'd just lied through your teeth, there was no way in hell you'd willingly put yourself in Billy's cross hairs, Stu was unavoidable apparently, but Billy? You'd hold out as long as you could, when lunch rolled around you managed to convince Randy to eat on the roof, and used the friendly conversation to get more information out of him.
It was during this conversation you discovered in this world, whoever you were, was Randy's new neighbor.
After the school bell had rung for the final time, you made a point to linger around Randy, usually, when you spawned in one of these things the plot was well into swing, but this time you were here early, and the change in routine felt all the more dangerous.
Thankfully, Randy came to your rescue, you tuned back into the conversation just in time to hear him say,
"-if you even want to that is- we'd mostly be watching the classics." He finished nervously glancing to and from, you managed to space back just in time to greet him with a half smile and a shrug. "Lead the way, Meeks."
"It's so cool how you live next door- when you told me at first I thought you were yankin' my chain." He said bouncing his way down the road.
Randy had stumbled home with sleep in his eye sometime around midnight, you weren't too worried for the guy as you knew they hadn't started their spree yet.
That was until the phone rang. 
For a moment all you did was stare. You knew who was on the other end it just didn't make any sense. 
Swallowing the thick ice cube of fear suddenly in your throat, you caught your breath as casually as you could.
As if on autopilot your hand scooped up the house phone, you surprised yourself with how calm your greeting was.
"Hey there sweet thing- you're up awful late aren't ya?" You tried to look as casual as you could, steadily making your way to every door, and securing each entrance, but it was hard to ignore the twinge of accusation in his tone.
"You're up too.." Was what you managed to get out, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Hm, that's fair. What were you up to? Have some fun with your boyfriend?" The last word sounded harder than the rest, with no humor in his tone, almost as if it was said through gritted teeth, like whoever spoke it spat the word out.
So he was definitely watching you, your mind racked with the best answer to keep Randy from harm's way.
"Just watching some scary movies with a friend- you like em'?" You asked leaning against the island in your kitchen. "Oh, honey- you've got no idea." Before you could respond he continued, "I will see you later gorgeous." and then he was gone
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malertop · 2 months
Ethan Landry x Male Reader
Wet & Naked
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Gif is not mine!
Help I got this idea at 3 am..literally,so idk if it's my idea or i have seen a fanfiction of that but well it might be mine and I just my brain and it might be not and I don't remember anything!
Y/N and Ethan we're known as the most cute and dorkiest couple by the cour five (With Y/N it's gonna be five) and by the Kirchis Family.Ethan is a shy,dorky,horror movie fan and the boyfriend who is a total freak who is sometimes way too shy or awkward..and the one who has abs and is strong,and Y/N is the shy,cute,selfless little guy who doesn't believe in himself,and also the shorter boyfriend..and the one who doesn't have abs or anything (but if you read this and have abs then you just do).Chad,Ethan and Y/N are in the same dorm and that couldn't make Ethan happier.
But the little problem in their relationship is that Ethan always barges/enters Y/N's room at any time just to talk to him about something,no metter if he's doing his homework,is playing,is sleeping,is trying to sleep,eat and more more.
As Y/N was changing after he got out of the shower he started to prepare his clothes and as he finally decided what he will wear he just got his pj since it's literally 9 PM and it's dark.He put his pj in his bed and was about to change when he heard his door opening
"Y/N you won't believe wha-" Ethan entered and said that while going inside his boyfriend room "Ethan!" Y/N yelled as then Ethan looked at the boy who had nothing but a towel that he tried to use to cover himself "Oh My God,i-i am so sorry i promise i won't look,i will leave right now!" Ethan said as he closed his eyes and headed to the door but as he did he tripped and accidentally grabbed Y/N's towel without his knowledge."Ow that hurt" Ethan said as he then opened his eyes just to see Y/N naked Infront of him,Y/N's cock was big and long without it being hard as water dropped from it,he was probably already 7 or 8 whole inches without even being hard and his upper body was wet from the water as his whole naked body parts were shining because of the lamp's in his room."God i-i am sorry!" Y/N said as he fastly run out of his dorm to run in the bathroom passing Ethan who was on the floor.
-After 10 minutes Y/N was still in the bathroom hiding as Ethan and Chad are together watching TV-
"What was that kind of yelling?" Chad asked Ethan who stopped back from his shock "Huh?What yelling?" Ethan said confused "You know..the one that happened over 10 minutes ago..You and Y/N kind of yell and then I saw him go into the bathroom..I mean only him closing the door but yeah" Ethan then started blushing like a tomato or a strawberry,he just saw Y/N naked,his boyfriend who is Y/N was naked and he saw him naked.Ethan was flustered as his face got hotter "dude are you...blushing?" Chad said looking at Ethan who then instantly just looked at him and said "W-What?" "Dude you are blushing as a tomato!" Chad said as Ethan whispered yell "shut up!" defensively,Chad chuckled as he made fun of the dork "And why is dork blushing?" Chad teased Ethan "I am not a dork!" Ethan replied again defensively but not as the last time,Ethan looked at Chad who was waiting for the answer "I..I um..I saw Y/N naked,BUT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I PROMISE!" Chad's smile even got bigger as he was ready to literally bully him "and what,I mean you guys have been dating for 4 months already,not a big of a deal" Chad said as he tried not to make fun of the dork who was blushing like a tomato "or..you just started at his dick and was amazed" Chad then couldn't take it anymore and just started laughing as Ethan blushed even more "dude his dick wasn't even hard and was already 7 or 8 inches." Chad then stopped laughing right away and looked at his roommate "Wait What" Chad asked again from shock "Yeah um..I slipped and I accidentally grabbed his towel and i saw his dick,and i don't know if he noticed but umm...I think that's why he is hiding" Ethan said as he started to get hotter and hotter once again "Wait..so you're telling me that you saw the shyest and shortest guy from all of us..naked..and his di-" "yes Chad I am saying that" but as Ethan said that they both heard the TV and looked over there just to see Y/N in his pj's watching TV on the couch."Okay well you need to stop blushing,or oh wait,his dick and body is on your mind!" Chad started to laugh quietly "Shut up dude..not funny" "It sure is to me" Ethan then looked at Y/N "i wish i could have seen more..or...do something more" he thought in his mind
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sethcertified · 1 year
Poly Billy & Stu x Male Reader
Where reader has been canceling plans and spending time with Randy when the three promised to hang out or just generally ditching them for him and they’re hella jealous? Like wanting to keep reader on a leash so he can’t run away anymore jealous.
「 JEALOUSY KILLS ! 」 . . . 📁
scream : billy loomis, stu macher
w.c: 3.2k
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⊹˚.⋆ synopsis . . . Billy and Stu confront you, raging in jealousy, after seeing you with Randy at Stu’s party; the man you had been ditching Billy and Stu for
⊹˚.⋆ starring . . . billy loomis, stu macher, & male reader
Macher parties were your least favorite. They always consisted of the people you hated the most: snobbish highschoolers that didn't give anyone below their social standards the time of day unless it benefited them somehow. You were bare witness to this in real time as a highschooler yourself.
You could usually count on the company of Billy or Stu to keep you occupied. For a while, at least. Yet they developed the habit of seemingly forgetting your presence as the party raged on. They would hang out with you for the first couple minutes of the party, but leave you alone at one point or another. Usually to hang out with Sidney or Tatum. It had happened again and again, and by now, you were sick of it. Standing alone in the corner as people you hate surrounded you was not fun in the slightest.
So you invited Randy.
Billy sat on the living floor, beer in hand, as Stu sat beside him. Billy was used to having Stu as company, and don't get him wrong, Stu is his best-friend, but there's a limit as to how much Billy can listen to the other man ramble. "Can't believe Will was able to do that! A keg-stand with one hand? I wish I could do that. Whadda ya think, Bill?" Billy's name escaping Stu's mouth caused Billy to look to the blonde boy who had been talking to him for... awhile.
Billy felt himself down the last few drops of beer as he cleared his head. It wasn't common for him to zone out. In fact, he would consider himself to be a great listener. Although, you kinda have to be when being not only best friends but also boyfriends with Stu Macher. But today, something else had caught his attention completely.
Stu flops against the wall as he realizes just how much Billy had been listening for. His gaze flickers to Billy, catching a glimpse of what had ruptured Billy's attention for the past half hour.
You, in all your glory, sipping on your drink in the most angelic way possible. A dark blue sweater draped over your body in a simple but beautiful way. Blue is your color, Stu thinks. No wonder Billy was staring at you. He looks back over to said man, watching as his eyes darken and his jaw tense. Confused, Stu looks back to where you stood, noticing the thing that was bugging Billy. "Is that?"
"Randy," says Billy, in a way that makes it seem like what he's looking at is the most absurd and repulsive thing he's ever seen. Stu mouth falls agape as his eyes catch sight of you, laughing as you touch Randy's forearm. "What is he doing with [Name]?"
Billy lets out a sarcastic chuckle. "What do you think?" Stu's eyes narrow as you laugh at some joke Randy made. He had noticed you two getting closer recently. Hell, you even ditched Billy and Stu to hang out with him more than once! But there was no way you two were-
Maybe you were. "They're not- right, Billy? [Name] wouldn't date Randy." Stu asked, panic and jealousy apparent in his tone. Billy sighs as he lips press into a stern line. "I don't know."
"What if they are?" Stu asks.
"We kill Randy," Billy says nonchalantly but there's something dark underlying his words. "Give [Name] a shoulder to cry on, make him ours. Simple." Stu nods along to Billy's words, but doubt still clouds his mind. "What if that doesn't work."
"It will. And if it doesn’t… I’ll put him on a leash if I have to," is all Billy says before going silent once more. His gaze is glued to you and Randy. You are still smiling at him and talking. But that's okay, Billy reasons. When you're comfortable with someone, you love to talk. You could spend hours rambling about the latest movie you saw or the newest episode of your favorite tv show. That doesn't mean you're dating him. Right?
And smiling? That was nothing. You smile at everything. Something both you and Stu had in common. Hell, you even smile at strays. And, to Billy, Randy was extremely familiar to a stray, wild, animal.
Can't be wilder than you and Stu though. Or did you forget who you are, ghostface?
Billy frowns at the thought. You didn't know. Both Billy and Stu had guaranteed that. But what if you did? What if that was the reason you had started to ditch them for the likes of Randy? Everything you had done with them was stuff you were know doing with Randy, after all.
The first time you had ditched them for Randy was on your weekly movie night. After you had yet to show up after an hour, they had gone out looking for you. They eventually found you sneaking him into a movie theater to see the new Hellraiser movie. Something you had promised to watch with Billy and Stu.
As you began to ditch them more and more, they continued to see what you were doing instead of hanging out with them, and every-time you were with him. Doing stuff you always did and/or promised to do with Billy and Stu. Watching stupid movies to make fun of their absurdity, sneak onto the roof to just talk until the sun crept over the horizon, etc.
It drove them insane. Sure, you didn't owe the two anything. You didn't sign a contract saying you had to spend every waking moment with them. But that didn't make the two any less jealous. Especially when Randy wouldn't leave your side.
"Bill, I can't do this anymore, watching them is driving me nuts, man!" Stu whined as he chugged down some of his beer. For a second, Billy was taken aback. He had completely forgotten Stu's presence (again) while glaring holes into Randy's back. "Maybe we should go up to him?" Stu asks.
Billy clears his throat at the suggestion but glares at Stu. "Does it look like we could with Randy clinging to him? Don't be stupid." Stu pouts as he glances back at you and Randy once more. You're laughing at something he said, again. Stu's pout quickly turned into a frown. He was the only one to ever make you laugh that much.
Was he being replaced by Randy? Could Randy do everything he could? Better, even? The paranoia racking Stu's brain makes him sure he's going crazy. Surely, you wouldn't replace him. Right?
"I'm going up to him," says Stu. Billy gives him a pointed look. "Tell me how that goes."
"You should come with me," Stu replies. Billy feigns ignorance to Stu's words as he lifts the empty bottle of beer to his lips. "C'mon man, before it's too late."
Before it's too late.
The sentence echoes in Billy's ears. He didn't want to lose you. He couldn't lose you. Not to the annoying guys at school, not to the girl who always insists on being your partner whenever she gets the chance in English, and especially not to Randy. Billy wouldn't let that happen. Never. Not to anyone.
You were his and Stu's. No one else's.
Before he even can process what he's doing, Billy's standing up off the floor and walking to the kitchen. Stu right beside him with a satisfactory smile across his face.
You chuckle at something Randy says before you notice Billy and Stu walking towards the both of you. Your smile quickly drops. Now they chose to come say hi?
Stu swings his arm around your shoulder, "Hi, [Name]." His tone was flirty in the charismatic Stu way that would usually make your knees weak. Billy creeps up besides Stu. He gives Randy a quick glance before saying, "Hey" to you.
It was impossible not to notice your sour mood. Even Stu felt his confidence falter. You were pissed. Randy clears his throat, causing all three of you to turn your attention to him. "Sorry, Randy. Anyways, what were you saying?" You completely disregard Billy and Stu, focusing all of your attention on the brunette man in front of you.
Randy's gaze flickers to Billy and Stu before sending you a confused look. The two of you do a bit of eye communication as the tension between all four of you gradually increases. "So," Randy finally clears the air, "Have you guys seen the new Hellraiser movie? Me and [Name] saw it the other day."
As soon as those words leave his mouth, both Billy and Stu look like they want to rip his face off. They already knew of you ditching them for Randy, but to hear it out of his mouth made both men want to take you far, far away from the world. Make you theirs and only theirs.
"Not yet." Says Billy as his brown eyes lock onto you. The feeling of his stern gaze makes you swallow awkwardly. Randy didn't know you were going to see it with Billy and Stu. He also didn't know about your repeated ditching to hang out with him. Every word that could and had come out of his mouth was putting you one foot in the grave.
Randy laughs awkwardly, "It sucked. Didn't miss out on much." Billy just nods his head, not interested in what Randy had to say. "But [Name] can make any movie good. I never laughed so hard in a movie theater before."
"We get it." Billy says, annoyance clear in his words. Your eyes widen at Billy. You knew he never liked Randy that much, but he seemed to always tolerate him when you all hung out together. It made sense, so you never bugged Billy about it since Randy made his crush on Sidney very obvious.
Your gaze lingers on Billy, trying to decipher his abrupt aggressiveness. His face is contorted angrily. If looks could kill, Randy would be six feet under.
"So, Randy, you still got the hots for Sid?" Stu suddenly asks. It doesn't sound genuine at all. What were they up to? "Stu!" You whisper-yell at him. His blue eyes meet with yours. "Why would you ask that when Billy's right there?" It seems odd to you the fact you have to remind Stu that mentioning Randy's crush on Sid is a bad idea when Billy's right there. Unless he had something up his sleeve?
"Uh," Randy stutters, now slightly scared of what Billy will do if he answers truthfully. It doesn't help that Stu was staring down at him like a vulture. "A little, I guess." Your lips pull awkwardly back as Randy avoids eye contact with Billy and Stu. Why were the treating Randy like this?
Stu laughs at Randy, "I can't believe you would actually admit that when her boyfriend is right there!" His laughter quiets down but chuckles still escape his mouth. "Are you that stupid?"
"Dude! Stop being a dick," you whisper to him. Stu squints his eyes at you as if he's trying to figure out why you're defending Randy so hard. Stu frowns but continues on his taunts. "Is that why you came? To sneak a peek of her?"
"What? No!" Randy responds. "I came to hang out with [Name], so he isn't alone. He invited me in the first place."
You smile at his words. It didn't take much to notice; however, how Billy's jaw tensed and Stu's hand against your shoulder clenched. If the only people in the room were you four, you wouldn't doubt either of the boys breaking a beer bottle on Randy's head.
"Well, he isn't alone anymore, so you can leave." Billy says. Randy nervously chuckles, "I mean, I could. But I'm already here with [Name], and I like hanging out with him."
"I like hanging out with you too." You tell him, desperate to make him feel less uncomfortable when there's two men right in-front of him who look like they could slit his throat if given the chance.
"You know what's more fun to hang out with? The door. You should go check it out and while you are at it, get your ass out of here." Billy says without any hesitation in his voice.
"Billy!" You gasp. This wasn't cool anymore. "Can I talk to you?" Your gaze flickers to Stu. "Both of you. In private?" You send Randy an apologetic smile before grabbing both Billy's and Stu's hands and dragging them the hell out of here, without waiting for a response from the two.
Billy stops for a moment to speak to Randy once more, "The door is right there. Feel free to use it while we're gone." You curse under your breath as you pull him with you and take him up the stairs, eventually pulling the two into Stu's bedroom. Your hand doesn't leave theirs 'til you shut the door and can only hear the faint noise of the party raging on downstairs.
You let go of them to cross your arms over your chest, "What the hell are you two doing?"
Billy's the first to respond. "Showing Randy his place," he says, without an ounce of guilt for what he had done.
Stu nods and you glare at him. "C'mon, you guys. He's my friend. What's the problem with him hanging out with me? It's better than me being alone in the corner as I watch everyone around me make out and drink booze." It's your turn to be upset, and you hope your feelings get through their thick skulls.
"I don't care if he's your friend," Billy says, putting a strange emphasis on the word friend. Your brows contort in confusion and anger at his words. "What the hell is wrong with you? There was no reason for you to be that rude to him!" You snap. "I really like him, okay? And I don't want to lose him to you two being major assholes."
"Oh, so now you like him, huh?" Stu says and you sigh. Both of them were being so stubborn about this. "He's my friend, Stu. Of course, I like him."
"What about us? Do you like us?" Stu asks and your mouth falls open in shock.
"Yes? Why wouldn't I like you? You guys are quite literally my best friends."
"Then you shouldn't have an issue hanging out with us instead of Randy," Billy says. You close your eyes in frustration. The three of you were just going in circles at this point.
"Is it 'cause he likes your girlfriend? If so, that has nothing to do with our relationship." You ask and the expression on both of their faces makes you immediately regret your words.
"No. I don't care about Sid, okay? And it has everything to do with your... relationship." Billy pauses before saying the word like it's the most disgusting thing he's ever said.
"Yeah, man!" Stu chimes in. "He's weird. His hair is weird. And his clothes. And... and the way he looks at you! You shouldn't be around him."
"What? You two are behaving like children, right now! What is up with you two?" Your eyes widen as you suddenly put the pieces together. "You're jealous!" You place your palm over you mouth as your gaze flickers between the two. "You're jealous of Randy!"
"So what?" Billy says.
You inch closer to them, "You two are jealous because I've been hanging out with him so much. Oh my god. This whole time, I thought-"
"You thought what?" Stu asks.
"I thought you guys just didn't like him because he likes Sidney. But... why do you guys care that much if I hang out with him so much?" You ponder as you sit on the edge of the bed, no longer standing in front of them.
"Because you're ours, okay?" Stu says as he looms over you. Your eyes widen but he goes on. "We know you've been ditching him for us, [Name]. What did we do wrong?" He wraps his long arms around you as he moves to sit besides you on the bed. His hold is tight, possessive, but strangely enough, oddly comforting.
The room is silent for a moment before you speak. "You guys have been ditching me too, you know? At these parties, you'll talk and hang out with me for a little bit, but sooner or later, you leave me alone in some random room surrounded by people I don't know or don't like. Even at school! I didn't want to be clingy, so I made a new friend. I just didn't want to cling to you guys like some dog."
Your eyes show your hurt and Billy and Stu share a look. That was the reason? It never had even processed to them that that could've been the reason. But the same hint of relief in their eyes shone brightly. You didn't know.
"[Name]," Billy says as he walks to you. You gaze up at him as Stu rests his chin on your shoulder. He stands in-front of you before grasping your chin between his thumb and pointing finger. Flushed at the feeling of his intimacy, you avert your eyes. Before any of you know what's happening, Billy closes the distance between you. As your lips met his, everything else went into a standstill.
Too shocked by the action, you fail to respond to the kiss. This wasn't happening. There was no way Billy Loomis was kissing you. Did he-
Suddenly, all your worries turn into mush until the only thing you can think about is his lips on yours. And you finally realize this is what you had wanted for the longest time. To be with him. No- to be with them. They were the only ones in your heart. Stu's body warmth spreads through your body and captures your soul, making you part away from Billy.
Turning to Stu, your eyes bore into his, asking the question that wouldn't dare leave your mouth. Are we about to kiss? Stu answers the question immediately, pressing his lips against yours. The feeling that rushes through you is almost identical to the one you felt while kissing Billy. Your brain fogs, only focusing on him until the necessity to breathe arose, causing you to pull away.
"That was," you pause as your mind tries to find the words. "Unreal." You stare up at Billy dizzily. He takes the eye contact as a positive, sending you a rare but genuine smile. Stu practically jumps on to Billy as he springs up from the bed, wrapping his long arm around Billy’s neck, putting him into a headlock. “Sorry, Bill, but he was talking about our kiss. Not yours.”
Billy pushes him off and you can’t help but chuckle at the two. Billy punched Stu shoulder playfully but still with impact. “I can make them say that about more than kissing. Too bad, you can’t do the same.”
“And how would you know, smart guy?” Stu asks but you can feel the sexual tension start to build up between them. Billy suddenly pulls Stu’s head back by his hair, “Cause you can only take dick.” Stu bites his lip in arousal and you can tell that this was by no means something that they hadn’t done before.
Billy turns to you, Stu still in his grasp. “Do you want this?”
Your mouth opens in response, “I-”
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✎ notes . . . to be continued… my favorite type of endings!! if this does well, I will write a part two that is SMUT AHHH
©️ sethcertified 2023
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theres-a-body-here · 4 months
Recieving a love letter
Part two
You decided that the best time to give it to them (pause) is during a trial
Characters: Oni, Trapper, Deathslinger, Mastermind, Cannibal, Ghostface Warnings: Internalized Homophobia, Death, some spice Male!reader
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The Oni - Kazan Yamaoka
Impossible... You're both men
Kazan cannot accept this
This simply wasn't acceptable during his era
He immediately smashes your head in with his Kanabo on instinct
Gay panic defense
The evil has been dealt with, Kazan lets out a deep exhale
But...his eyes wander to the letter, still within your cold, stiff grasp
Advantages come from all angles... Don't they?
Kazan takes the letter, convincing himself he'll use whatever information he finds inside against you
It smells like you... Not that he checked
(He did)
A red wax seal holds the letter closed
Kazan looks closer
You had carved his family crest into the wax
Something foreign invades his body, something other than rage
It's nervousness
He opens the letter, making sure to keep the seal intact
For no reason in particular
(He's pocketing that mofo)
Instantly, he's impressed by your penmanship
So organized, clean, and sharp
But its contents are even more eye catching
The love letter is short and sweet
But what follows is even sweeter
A haiku
Kazan feels his heart skip a beat
He checks it once, then again, and one more for good measure
Yep, no mistakes
The loud pop of a gen echoes through the trialground, snapping him out of his trance
Kazan whips his head all around, looking for witnesses
Finding none, he pockets the letter
He stares at your lifeless body, feeling something else flutter in his chest
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The Trapper - Evan MacMillan
Evan stares at you as you hold your letter out for him to take
After a long, uncomfortable silence, he takes it
He brings it to his face, inspecting it through the holes of his mask
Evan has absolutely no idea what to do here
He looks back at you
"Do you...want me to fuck you?"
Romantic gestures are new territories for Evan, so he honestly thinks this is just your way of asking for dick
Whichever the case, he has a job to do
He puts you down without hesitation and hooks you up, leaving without a second glance
He's still holding the letter
Part of him wants to rip it up, and the other is curious to know what you wrote
He sloppily tears the letter open, reading it hastily as he walks to the next gen
Evan stops when he reads a bit more
You weren't asking for a ball slapping, eye watering, toe curling, deep dick fuck...
You were asking for his heart
You wanted all of him, hooks and all
Okay now he feels a bit bad
Evan reads some more
You actually drew a portrait of him within the letter, saying you learnt of his knack for art from Philip
Now he feels even worse
He lets the others save you without hiccup
In fact, he basically leaves for alone for the rest of the trial
He stops chasing and hurting the others occasionally to stare at you from afar, observing that focused look on your face as you work on gens or heal a teammate
Evan feels butterflies and he no longer has the strength to swat at them
It doesn't matter if he kills all your friends or if they opened the gates and left; Eventually, you're alone with him
He holds your letter out, watching as confusion sets on your face
"I'm dirty and sloppy... I'll ruin it"
He sounds vulnerable, waiting for you to respond
You curl your hand over his, folding the letter into his palm
"I want you to keep it," you say softly, as of talking to an apprehensive deer
He doesn't know what to say
Whatever he was going to respond with gets stuck in his throat as you lean in to kiss the cheek of his mask
He watches as you leave through the exit gate, glancing down at the letter in his hand
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The Deathslinger - Caleb Quinn
Obviously you're joking... Right?
Cuz there's no way you'd be attracted to someone like him— Old, beat-up, and grumpy
You'd have to push him some more if you want him to accept the letter
Convince him you're being genuine
Eventually, he gives in and takes the letter from you
He glances around nervously, like he's expecting the other survivors to jump out and laugh at him for falling for the joke
He opens the letter, stunned when he sees there's actually things written inside
A blush creeps into his face as he reads, only deepening when he reads more
After he's done, Caleb can't even meet your gaze
After a few moments of silence, he speaks
"I can.....uhhh....keep this... right?"
Talk about awk as hell
Even after the trial, he lies awake thinking about it
Caleb rereads the letter over and over
You're gonna have to be the one to seek him out outside of trials since he's way too embarrassed now
"Yer serious 'bout this, ain'tcha?"
He decides to let his guard down just a bit to let you in
Be prepared to give him lots of reassurance
"Yer sure ya ain't mistaken?"
Caleb isn't one for words, so instead of writing you a letter, he makes you trinkets out of scrap metal
If you kiss him as thanks, he'll actually die on the spot
So please don't... unless you're evil as hell
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The Mastermind - Albert Wesker
Wesker makes you kneel as you give him the letter
After snatching it out of your hands, he scans it meticulously
"I see you've made eleven spelling mistakes"
He enjoys the way you tense up instantly, like a puppy waiting to be put on punishment
"How adorable"
He ALLOWS you to watch him put the letter in his inner coat pocket
He would never admit it, but this certainly boosted his ego to new heights
Albert lifts you off the ground and tosses you over his shoulder
He carries you to the basement
"Stay here while I deal with your companions"
He leaves to kill the rest of your friends
After every hook, he pats his chest to make sure the letter is still there
He'll deny he ever did that if you ask him though
Once he returns, Wesker will bombard you with questions, expecting an answer within 5 seconds or less
What took you so long? What do you like most about him? Would you choose him over your friends? How can you satisfy him?
He loves how easily you crumble under his interrogation, blushing and stammering like a fool
Once he's had his fill, he picks you up again
He carries you to hatch
Before he lets you go, he grips your chin and makes you look at him
"I suppose I ought to leave you with something"
Wesker reaches into his coat and pulls out a pair of sunglasses
"I hope you can explain this to your allies," he chuckles
Before you can protest, he puts them on you and drops you into the hole
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The Cannibal - Bubba Sawyer
Freezes in place and gasps when he sees you hold out your letter
He lets out a happy squeal before dropping his hammer and chainsaw to the ground
Bubba takes the letter from you gently, treating it like glass
He immediately plops onto the ground
He tears open the envelope carefully and take out the letter
He's completely forgotten about the trial
He reads the letter, shaking with excitement
It's sappy, sweet, and everything he's ever wanted
Even when the sounds of popping generators ring through the trial grounds, Bubba doesn't take his eyes off the letter for a second
He occasionally stops reading to either make a sound of happiness or cover his face out of embarrassment
Once he's finished, Bubba will stand up and pull you into a bone-crushing hug, lifting you up a bit and swaying you around like a ragdoll
You're definitely leaving this trial unharmed
He grabs your hand tightly, marching over to the hatch or exit gates and lets you leave with a goofy wave
The Entity doesn't even punish him for it since his joy was so great it made up for the lack of bad emotions from the survivors
He immediately works on writing a letter for you after the trial is over
The next time you see him, expect another bear hug followed by a letter being shoved in your face
It's messy, sticky, and covered in glitter
Crudely drawn hearts cover the inside as the letters are shaky and almost intelligible
But you can tell Bubba put his whole heart into it
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The Ghostface - Danny Johnson
Instantly smug as hell
"Oh, what's that? That for me?"
He takes it from you and immediately tears it open, tossing the envelope behind him nonchalantly
His mask moves as he visibly reads through the letter, occasionally chuckling and shaking his head
Danny finds this scenario so fucking funny— A survivor having a crush on a killer
After he's done, he looks up at you
"Do you have daddy issues or something?'
He laughs loudly when he sees a hurt expression flash across your face, walking over to wrap an arm around your shoulders
"I'm just messing with ya, cutie"
Danny marches over with his head high to one of the hooked survivors, waving the letter in their face
You stand to the side awkwardly, unable to meet your friend's bewildered look
"Your homeboy is down bad for me. Whaddya think about that?"
The survivor grits their teeth struggling to keep the Entity's claw from puncturing their chest
"I think....Gah!...they.... have daddy issues...fuck!"
You're never living this down
He goes around the map showing off your love letter to the others
After he finishes gloating, Danny hooks you
What? He's the Entity's favorite! He can't his reputation be tarnished
Outside of the trial, he follows you around like a shadow
He deadass interrupts your conversations with the others to tell you he wants attention, and you'd better deliver
Your love letter was basically an invitation for him to claim you as his own, whether you regret it or not
You're his now
Like a housecat that swats at others who get too close to their owner
"That kiss factory better be open, pookie"
He says shit like this in front of any survivor or killer
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gatorbites-imagines · 8 months
Kinktober day 15
Stu Macher + edging and/or milking
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I always love jock reader, so im running with it again this time, hehe.
On another note, I’ve realised lately how I’ve come to really love dark chocolate, which is funny, cuz I remember hating it as a kid.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist
Stu was splayed out on your bed as you did push-ups in the middle of your room, the carpet under your hands rough under your palms from age and whatever abuse you’d but it through during all the time you have lived in this room.
Since everyone had been ordered to stay home because of the killings happening around town, you hadn’t gotten to go to football practice the few days, so you felt lazy and jittery, like you needed to let off the steam you normally got out during practice. You had no idea how long you’d been working out, as your arms and core burned and sweat ran down your shirtless torso, but you still felt like you needed to do something.
At some point, Stu had wandered into your room. Your parents weren’t home, so you assumed he had just used the key hidden under the plant near the door, like you’d shown him. He had sat at the edge of your bed and watched you work out, rambling about his day and about the killings around town, he had even placed his feet on your back like some kind of stool, in an attempt to get your full attention.
But after a while of not getting it, your boyfriend had groaned obnoxiously and thrown himself back onto your bed, kicking his shoes off in the process and splaying out like a starfish. He quickly grew bored of staring at the posters on your walls or humming different tunes he had heard on the radio, so Stu had dug his upper torso under your bed to look for the dirty magazines he knew you kept there.
They were kept hidden, since most of your teammates wouldn’t react well to you being gay, and magazines filled with shirtless or naked men kinda gave that image. You had been so consumed by your push-ups that he didn’t even notice what Stu was doing, the familiar jingle of a belt not even registering in your head.
It was only when he started moaning that you finally noticed, stretching your arms out to push your upper body up enough to look up at Stu on the bed. A snort left you as you saw him, his pants and boxers pushed halfway down his thighs as he lazily jerked off, flipping through one of your favourite magazines. Of course Stu would start jerking off when he didn’t get attention, but you also didn’t wanna give him the satisfaction, it was a matter of principle.
Instead, you switched to doing sit-ups, making sure you grab a look at your lover every time you sat up, letting your eyes linger as his hips stuttered as he rolled his palm over his tip. “You better not finish that” you hummed as you watched his hips jolt in a way you knew meant he was close.
It was kind of a rule that had appeared between the two of you, if the other was around you didn’t get to cum until the other did it for you or told you. You couldn’t remember what it started but the reminder had Stu whining as he forced himself to let go of his hard prick, clenching his hand into a fist against his abdomen.
As you kept up your exercise, you met Stus eyes over the top of the magazine. He hadn’t actually been looking at any of the pictures, instead he had just been watching you as your muscles flexed, as it was better than anything on the magazine’s pages.
Stu kept touching himself, his noises growing more needy as his length started darkening in colour, as you made sure to remind him to stop when he got close. You couldn’t help but push your exercise longer than you normally would, just to watch as his thighs shivered and twitched, or how his hips jumped off the bed into his hand from sensitivity. He was a leaking mess, leaving his hand glistening and slick.
He let out a warbled moan as you got to your feet, a glimmer of hope appearing in his eyes, begging through his noises and half moaned words for you to help him. The moan turned into a whined sob as you started doing lunges instead, a grin on your face as you kept your eyes glued to him and his twitching hands as he seemed to struggle to even touch himself without bursting.
“Come on Stu, you were so confident earlier” you teased, at this point not even taking the workout serious as you almost didn’t want to blink, not wanting to miss the way Stu stopped the magazine on his chest to wrap both his hands around himself. He was squeezing at his base to keep from cumming, the other hand sloppily twisting around the deep red head, shaking gasps leaving him as his head fell back onto the pillow.
You could see his eyes shut as he clenched his teeth, as when you saw a tear running down the side of his face you finally decided to have some mercy on him. With one last lunge, you finally moved up to the bed, crawling up onto the bedding until you were above where he was aching the most.
Stu looked down at you with wet eyes as you batted his hands away, shooting him a heated teasing look before you leaned in, sucking his dripping tip in between your lips. The noise Stu let out sounded almost like you’d shot him, his back arching off the bed in a beautiful bow as he came, his toes curling and fingers digging into the sheets, his entire body twitching and jolting as he choked and whimpered.
It took a while for him to calm down from his release, and the entire time you just kept him between your lips, neither sucking nor teasing him with your tongue, not wanting to torture your boyfriend more than you already had. It was only when he finally went limp onto the bed that you released him, swallowing the white fluid hed spilled across your tongue as you crawled further up the bed, flopping down beside him.
You leaned in, kissing at his cheek and chin, making Stu whine louder as he shoved at your face, laughing as he made comments about you smelling like a school locker room because you were gross and sweaty. After a few more jokes you got to your feet, immediately catching Stus attention as you pushed off your pants and boxers. “Fine, fine. I’ll go shower, I guess you wont wanna join me, if I stink so bad” you hum, turning on your heel and sauntering towards the bathroom, grinning to yourself as you heard Stu almost fall out of bed to follow after you, more than interested in continuing what you had started.
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g4yforethan · 7 months
the helper
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pairing: billy loomis x male!reader
summary: reader is billy’s accomplice and billy repays him for his hard work
warnings: cursing, top!billy, bottom!reader
a/n: thought of this in class and realized i have never made a fic for billy so here it is and hope u enjoyy! also happy halloween to those who celebrate!!
"billy i'm scared." "don't be. remember it'll be quick and easy." you drove passenger side next to billy as you were headed towards casey becker's house. you both arrived two blocks away and grabbed two ghostface costumes, an anonymous phone, and a voice changer. "okay just stay here and i'll tell you when it's time to go." billy reassures you as he goes towards the front of the house. you called casey's home phone number and talked to her through the voice changer. she couldn't recognize it was you even though you sat next to her in physics. after minutes of being on the phone, you hear a crash through the window and a scream following soon after.
“GO GO BACK TO THE CAR.” you hear billy scream as he runs towards you taking off the costume. you both run down the block and speed out of the street. “WOO! good job there y/n. i’m proud of you.” you blush at his comment as his hands reach for your thigh. “hey how about we head back to our place and wash up for the night?” you agree and the two of you head back to his house. once you both get there. the two of you quietly sneak upstairs to his room. billy takes off his shirt and lays on his back in bed. you sit down next to him as he stares at the wall, thinking about earlier that night.
“wow we really just did that! this is crazy. i’m proud of you.” he turns his head and stares at you. “thanks i mean i didnt do much besides calling her.” he laughs in response. “yeah but it’s more than that. you committed to it y/n. you committed to me.” you blush and turn away so he doesn’t notice this but he did. he gets up and pulls your face so you’re staring at him face to face. “thank you billy i don’t know what to say.” you continue staring at each other. “you don’t need to say anything pretty boy.” he grabs your face and presses his lips onto yours. his hands reach for your waist as yours reach his back. he moans at the taste of your lips and savors every moment of it. he takes a moment to take his shirt as do you too and the two of you move onto the bed.
billy lays you on your back and starts to kiss along your neck. his hands reach for your nipples as he starts to stimulate them. you moan which turns him on even more. he starts to kiss your chest and begins to suck on your nipples. you start to roll your eyes back as his fingers reach for your mouth. you suck in his fingers for a few minutes before billy lays on his back. you start to kiss his neck and chest before unzipping his pants. his long dick, already dripping with pre-cum, enters your mouth. you suck on his cock for a few all while his moans fill the room. "fuck fuck stop i'm gonna cum." you stop because you know billy wants more of you.
"i wanna fuck you so bad baby boy." "billy please." he unzips your pants and underwear and lays you on your stomach. he starts to tease your hole by licking it and putting one finger in and then another in as well. "billy please i want your dick inside of me." "easy there baby i'm getting to it." he spits on your hole before slowly sliding his cock inside of you. he groans as his dick is hit with your tight hole. he goes at a slow and soft pace, allowing you to relax and get adjusted. he leaves kisses on your back and grabs ahold of your waist as he starts to go a little faster. he digs deeper inside of you and hits your prostate which leaves you rolling your eyes back into your head. "fuck billy right there."
he knows he's hitting the spot as he goes even faster pounding your hole until your fingers are gripping the bedsheets. his sweat combined with yours melt onto the bed as billy pulls on your hair and grabs your neck. "i'm gonna cum baby." he moans as he fills your hole with his cum. he lays on his back and wipes the sweat off of his face. "fuck baby you felt so good." you blush and move next to him and give him a kiss on his neck and lips. "thanks billy so who's next on our list?" he smiles and kisses you before reaching to hold you in his arms.
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seretoningghost · 22 days
Stu Macher x Male Reader x Billy Loomis
Ghostface!! :D
(Can be read as a continuation of sorts of my last one, not directly after but still.)
WARNINGS : SMUT! Body Shot(Belly Button), Threesome, sloppy (kinda even sloppily written), established relationship with Stu and Billy, cheating (Stu and Billy on their gfs, it's hardly even mentioned.)
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Inspired by Hollywood Undead’s Everywhere I Go  ;)
Stu groaned quietly, chuckling drunkenly as Y/N pushed him onto the pool table. His back thudded against it quietly.
The pool balls quietly clack as they get pushed aside, Y/N pulling Stu’s shirt up further, exposing his lean stomach.
Y/N’s beer clunking against the table as he sets it down a bit strong handed.
Y/N grinned as he reached out for the vodka bottle being handed to him by some random.
Leaning in close as he pours the vodka into Stu’s belly button, it overflowing a bit, Y/N just chuckles.
Leaning in down, he slurps the vodka up. The crowd of party ragers cheering and jumping at that.
Grinning teasingly as he glances up to Stu, sticking his tongue out as he laps up the overflowed vodka, swirling his tongue around Stu’s belly button.
Stu grins widely, already feeling his dick reacting.
Y/N’s touch lingers a moment longer than it should, before he pulls back, hand sliding up Stu’s abdomen.
Y/N grinning as he hands the vodka back to the party goer, grinning.
“Told you I would!” Y/N grins, saying it loud enough to be heard over the music.
Leaving Stu to sit up on his own, a little more than excited.
“Haha! That's kinda gay y’know!” They laughed.
Y/N chuckled.
“You know Stu has a girlfriend, right?” Chimed another party goer.
Y/N grinned.
“So what? It's just a body shot.” Y/N shrugged, grabbing his beer and downing the last of it.
A trickle of the honey gold liquid dribbling down his chin, and down his neck.
Stu’s eye caught on it, grinning, holding himself back from licking it up.
Standing up and tugging his shirt down.
Y/N put the empty beer down, sighing contently before making his way to the booze table.
Grabbing a shot, downing a few.
Stu slinked his way through the tight crowd, grinning as he pushes his body against Y/N’s.
Taking a shot from Y/N’s hold and downing it with a grin, Y/N grabbing a beer with a huff.
“Y/N, how about you and me ‘disappear’~?” Stu grinned, whispering in Y/N’s ear.
Y/N grinned at that, it meant one of two things, and Stu was too drunk for the ladder. And Billy was nowhere to be found at the moment.
Y/N hummed, thinking it over. Before biting the air in Stu’s direction.
“Your lucky your ‘girlfriend’ isn't here tonight~.” Y/N teased.
Stu grinned, mind spinning with lust.
Y/N took a drink off his beer quickly.
“My buds bedroom is upstairs, I stole his key so I could fuck with some bad bitches.” Y/N grinned, pulling a key on a ring out of his pocket.
Giving it a playful spin on his index.
“Guess you’ll just have to do..” Y/N teased, grinning as he walked to the stairs.
Stu gasped, huffing as Y/N walked past him, his blood boiling as he hesitated. Trying to not make their association obvious.
After a minute or so Stu went up the stairs, seeing Y/N leaning against one of the doors.
There wasn't really anything upstairs, so no one at the party went up there.
Y/N grinned, spinning the key before undoing the door with a quiet click of the turning key.
Y/N opened the door, the two stepping inside. He shut the door behind them.
WIthin a heartbeat Y/N had Stu pinned to the wall, the two making out feverently.
Tongues slobbering together, rubbing against each other. Stu tasting honeyish beer, and blueberry vodka that burned his taste buds on Y/N.
Y/N tasting raspberry, and wildberry vodka, tequila, and salt on Stu.
Y/N pressed his body closer, Stu groaning at the squeeze. Y/N could taste that Stu was the drunker of the two, not that Stu cared.
Y/N’s head spun at the sloppy mess, sucking at Stu’s tongue he just couldn't get enough.
The two are already feeling their pants growing tighter.
Stu groaned as he broke the kiss, spit dripping down boths chins.
Stu tilted his head, dragging his tongue along where Y/N had beer dribbling down before.
Releasing an excited breath against Y/N’s neck at the muted beer flavor, salty with sweat, smiling against the skin.
Y/N groaned lovingly, feeling his length throb in his pants, tilting his head back slightly. Letting his boyfriend at more of his skin.
After a few more moments of Stu lapping at his skin Y/N grabbed hold of Stu’s thighs, picking him up gently with a huff.
He tossed Stu onto the bed, the springs squeaking at it, and Stu groaning.
Y/N climbed up onto the bed, crawling over Stu, looming over him as he took a messy swig from his beer.
Putting the bottle down on the bedside table with a clunk, leaning in to Stu, kissing him again.
This time beer being shared between their mouths.
Stu moved his tongue greedily against Y/N’s, lapping the beer happily.
Y/N pulling back with a groan once the beer was swallowed, most swallowed by Stu.
“Mm, he might have a few condoms in the bedside table..” Y/N mumbled quietly to himself, leaning over as he rummages through the table.
Brows furrowed.
Stu panted quietly, his excitement waning slightly as his mind brought up Y/N’s comment earlier.
Y/N groaned, huffing as he put a condom between his teeth.
“This should do..” He mumbles, returning his attention to Stu as he undos Stu’s pants.
“You excited baby~?” Y/N grins, pulling off Stu’s pants and boxers, well, only able to remove them fully from one leg, whatever.
Quickly undoing his own pants, pulling them down along with his boxers enough to free his length.
Grabbing the slightly slobbery condom from between his teeth, undoing the wrapper with a crumple, tossing the trash aside.
Rolling the neon blue condom down his length, groaning frustratedly as the condom only manages to roll halfway down.
“Dudes got a small dick..” Y/N huffs quietly, before leaning back into Stu, mouthing at his neck.
“This should be fine, right?” He pants against Stu’s skin.
Stu nods, and Y/N nibbles and licks at Stu’s skin as he pushes in slowly.
Stu’s entrance gives moderate resistance, but complies quickly, still moderately lubed from his and Billy’s activities from not too long before the party.
Y/N pants and groans quietly, excited at the sensation. Beginning with slow shallow thrusts, holding Stu close gently.
Y/N looked up at Stu, Y/N groans, eyes softening at the sight.
Stu, with tears pooling in his eyes, hand over his mouth, teeth gritted, crying quietly to himself. He was practically bawling like a baby. 
Those beautiful puppy dog eyes sadly looking at Y/N.
“Whs’ wrong baby?” Y/N asked with a groan.
“Does it hurt?”
Stu stayed quiet, moaning softly at the gentle movements, nodding no.
“Y-Y/N… y-you don't have sex with ‘nybody else.. right?” Stu asks, sounding like he’s distraught, a few quiet moans slipping through.
Y/N felt his heart calm, chuckling quietly in his throat.
Stu really was too drunk for his own good, sober Stu would have got that it was just a jab.
“I-I mean s-sides’ Billy..” Stu added, a bit meekly.
Y/N pushed his face to the crook of Stu’s neck, hiding his smile.
“No baby, no one but you n’ Billy…. but right now’s bout’ you baby, just you.” Y/N reassures Stu, knowing it would just save time to indulge him rather than explain.
Stu sniffs quietly, feeling much better.
Y/N accentuates his words with a harder trust, Stu clutching to Y/N’s back with a moan.
“Now quit cryin’ babe..”
Stu nods feverishly, biting his lip, using the back of his hand to wipe his eyes, his other hand clutching hard onto the back of Y/N’s shirt.
“Harder…” Stu whimpers.
Y/N indulges him, speeding his hips up, and going harder.
Soon enough the room was hot, the air hot with sex.
Wet slaps from their actions resounding through the room, probably hardly audible outside the door thanks to the loud party.
The two panting loudly against each others skin, clutching each other close.
Stu’s legs locked around Y/N’s hips, Stu having clawed Y/N’s shirt up, his nails trailing over his bare skin.
Stu’s head tilted back as he let out jumbled moans, Y/N mouthing and biting at his neck.
That's when the door opened, the two stopping in their tracks, panting.
Y/N made sure to block Stu’s body with his own, glancing back at the door.
Y/N panting, eyes wide, before he noticed it was Billy.
Eyes narrowing with a grunt.
“Y-You… you just gonna stand there?” Y/N growled, panting between words.
“Someone could see us dude.” Y/N added.
Billy shut the door behind himself, locking it. Huffing as he walked over to the bed.
Sitting on the edge of it, eyeing the two over.
The duo's chests rising and falling, panting loudly.
“I couldn't find either of you at the party, and I just knew you two would’ve found somewhere to slink off to, even if it was just behind the house at a dark corner the porch lights didn’t reach.” Billy grinned, leaning close to Y/N.
Y/N scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Oh please.. we're not that obvious. Sides’, you’ve joined us like that every time.” Y/N growled.
Y/N could smell the alcohol on Billy, in his breath fanning over his face.
Billy glanced over the duo, the fucked out look in Stu’s eyes, how quickly they were panting.
How Y/N’s shirt slid down slightly as he sat up a bit, the angry red scratch marks littering his back, how messy their hair was.
“Y’gonna join or what? Or are you fucking cuck chairing? Like cmon, I was getting close..” Y/N groaned, unamused.
Billy grinned, leaning in close to Stu, putting a hand on his cheek, the two making out sloppily.
Y/N hesitated as he watched, getting entranced in his two boyfriends as they made out.
Billy tried to keep the kiss neat, but Stu was too drunk for that slow passionate shit. With a groan, Billy gave in, letting the sloppy happen.
After a minute Y/N groaned, giving a hard thrust, making Stu jolt, moaning.
Y/N began to thrust again, going harder and faster than before.
Stu enjoyed this thoroughly, whimpering and moaning against Billy’s lips.
After a moan Billy pulls away, narrowing his eyes at Y/N as he undoes his pants. Revealing his erect length.
Billy climbs up on the bed, positioning himself on his knees, practically straddling Stu,  his cock practically pressed against Y/N’s lips.
Y/N glances up to Billy, who’s biting his lip teasingly.
Y/N grins, giving a soft kiss to his tip.
“M’gonna make Stu fuck you after we’re done.” Y/N groans quietly, grinning, cuing in that he did in fact know that Billy fucked Stu earlier.
Billy hesitates, but a soft shudder runs up his legs, gently bucking his hips against Y/N’s lips.
Y/N parting his lips at the push, letting out a soft breath against the skin, pre cum smearing over his lips.
Not stopping his thrusts as he opens his mouth for Billy’s cock, happily taking the humps Billy gives.
If anything getting more excited, and harder at the sensation of being mouth fucked.
The trio continued, the room getting even hotter, smelling even stronger of sex.
Y/N taking Billy’s cock with ease, moaning softly around his length, spit dripping down his chin.
Billy’s eye catching on it dripping down his adams apple.
Stu whimpering and moaning, watching from between Billy’s legs the outline of his cock pushing down Y/N’s throat effortlessly.
And in turn feeling Y/N’s big cock pounding him relentlessly, filling him up.
Billy could feel Stu’s hands clawing at his thighs, it was practically piercing through his pants… Somehow it added something.
The trio panting, moaning, and groaning.
It wasn't long before they all finished, Y/N riding through his orgasm as he humped his hips against Stu.
Groaning as he swallowed around Billy’s cock, groaning quiet curses around his flesh.
His tongue lapping against Billy’s sensitive skin.
Stu having mewled as he spilled his load all over his abdomen, shuddering and whimpering at the warmth of Y/N’s release.
Billy pulling his hips away from Y/N, Y/N panting loudly as he slowed his movements to a halt.
The trio calming down for a few minutes.
Before Billy with a groan moved, laying down on the bed beside Stu.
Panting quietly Y/N pulled out slowly, Stu whimpering quietly at the loss.
Y/N huffing before pulling the condom off his flaccid length, struggling to tie the condom off due to its size.
But succeeding after a minor fumbling, tossing it away in the close by waste bin.
The trio laying together on the ‘smaller than three people’ bed, listening quietly to each other panting, and the muffled music downstairs.
After a good while of silence Y/N grinned, looking to Billy, laid on the other side of Stu.
“Alright Billy, now Stu’s gonna get to fuck you.”
Stu lit up, grinning - although a bit tiredly, but that never stopped him before.
“Wait.. what?” Stu grinned.
Billy groaned, glancing away, hiding his smile.
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magicalbunbun · 4 days
Y/n puts the red ribbon on stu and Billy!
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Very happy!
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Not so happy
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