#manifest show
girlpog · 9 months
I was shadow banned the last time I made this so let's try it again!
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jvstbrokenglass · 7 days
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happy death date to those who celebrate
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crimefightingcutie · 10 months
I don’t care that this man has betrayed everyone in the show at least once he pitches in for the team when it matters mostly then runs like he threw a grenade and I can’t get enough of his chaos demon energy, like his redemption arc looks like a rollercoaster but we got there. I knew there was good in him, mostly from the jokes he’s a funny funny man
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03jae · 1 year
manifest has finally ended... (s4p2 spoilers)
heres some of my thoughts.
first of all.. it sucks how some of them lost so much. like yes, ben gets grace back - cal is rid of all of his trauma - michaela gets zeke - saanvi gets alex. but what about the rest? tj and olive's relationship is lost; jared and drea's baby is gone (i mean yes they met again, but still). ben and vance's friendship is gone. I really would love it if we get a spinoff / alternative ending plotline where the plot of before they went back in time is continued. imagine how beautiful it could be. AHHHH this show put me through so much emotion, i cant believe its over.
AHHHHHH i wanna cry in my pillow because i hate the ending but also i love it - its hard to end a show like that anyway - and im so glad they remember what happened and could still have each other left.
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I've been watching Manifest with my husband and we've just reached the omega sapphire part so I cannot take the show seriously any longer. My mind is so ruined but it's just like. A sapphire for omegas. A sapphire used specifically to give omegas callings. An omega sapphire.
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starlighz · 3 months
The journey of watching Manifest episode 1-6
"They skipped 5 years? Oh, that's interesting"
"They have a voice giving them tipps? Prophecies?"
"Uh, relationship drama!"
"Relationship Drama: Electric Boogaloo. With marriage!"
"Oh, shit, this passenger was murdered. Surely it was the government. They wanted to keep all the passengers after all."
"Ok, they didn't"
"The boy is special?"
"The boy met whatever is causing all of this?!"
"He is connected to the other passengers?"
"Wait, the government drugged this guy?"
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foreveranevilregal · 5 months
Manifest predictions that’ll piss me off if they come true:
1. All the passengers were dead the whole time
2. Michaela and Jared end up together after all
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rattrapdadfigure · 1 year
So I’m watching a show on Netflix called “Manifest” and it’s very Christianity coded. But it’s so mixed with fantastical happenings that you’re not sure what exactly it is?
So I have this AU of this show. Since the dawn of time this supernatural *thing* has existed. No one knows what it is or how many it is.
So when mankind and other hominids evolved, these beings were able to be perceived by a higher intelligent species. A deer wouldn’t know what god looks like, you know? Anyways. These supernatural beings would sometimes accidentally or otherwise interact with humans. Sometimes they would send a warning (out of vibrations, sound, something?) and we would perceive it as words. Since words are just noises we give meaning.
Humans thought this warning was the name of god or a god. And the supernatural happenings that didn’t send a warning were deemed evil or the devil because they didn’t say the “name of god”.
So when an ‘angel’ said *RUN* humans were just like it’s god! Write this shit down in a book or something. But in reality it was just the unknown chaos being/s being polite.
So when people died from these supernatural things if they were “from god” it was a blessing but if they weren’t then it was the devil or divine punishment or something.
But it was just humans attempting to make sense of this unidentifiable supernatural THING that kept killing, changing, and harming humans.
Like sometimes it would abduct people or vaporize them. Bam. ‘Aliens’
And sometimes like in my au, it would gradually change people into creatures of unimaginable horror. Of course it would start with deja vu, or ‘quick reflexes’ but then you start becoming telepathic or you jump through time, and then your body starts to change into something you don’t recognize anymore. And oh don’t worry it’s just heaven ran out of angels and they need more now.
Just imagine something dangerous and eternal tries to warn you of it’s presence but you can’t understand anything it’s saying. And it’s original message gets garbled until it is unintelligible even to itself and it comes out all wrong like some kind of twisted game of telephone. And the first humans to hear it spoke a dead language that was mistranslated and misinterpreted as time passed and ultimately generations told their children to worship this unknown thing that could denature universes or turn you inside out atom by atom. And the unknown thing stopped trying to warn them because it didn’t seem to do any good but sometimes if it felt bad it would try but in a different way and that’s how we get ghost sightings or people spontaneously combust.
Anyways just thinking about how gods are just things in the fourth dimension we can’t perceive and our only defense is to get on our knees and beg or follow specific patterns in hopes of appeasing whatever the hell it is we can’t understand. Fucking love this shit.
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timbitsteehee · 2 years
When I tell you I broke down at the end of season 4 of Manifest 😭😭😭
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girlpog · 1 year
Alright time for a real one
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proverbialpuzzler · 1 year
Manifest Opinions
I don't usually do this either.
I have so so many issues with this show. The premise is so good and promising. But the writing is so frustrating. My opinion is that half the plot line is great but the other half is... infuriating.
I started writing out my opinions character by character and I realize that, in my opinion, as individuals their arcs are decent. But together it's a hot mess. Maybe there just isn't enough... "meat" in the relationships for me. Most of the pieces just fit too loosely.
Having no actual intimate moments inbetween the action just feels wrong.
The moments with characters like Angelina (absolutely hate her) feel more important than the relationships between main characters, like the Stone family members. Hardly together unless it relates to the Callings. It feels like their relationships don't matter to the story.
But the Callings imply that the relationships between people are, usually, the important piece or the point of them.
I just... I need these characters to care about one other like they imply.
And give me a proper Zeke story. Don't give an addict in recovery an empathic skill and make that his whole story.
The lifeboat doesn't make sense with the passengers either.
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riyaisnotonfire · 2 months
call me Michaela Stone because I love both Jared Vasquez and Zeke Landon
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grntaire · 10 months
“their miracle was so big bc crowley used to be an archangel” have u considered that aziraphale and crowley love each other so much that their love alone could move the tides just by staring at the ocean for too long. have u considered that they did the miracle not really to protect gabriel but to protect what they had, what they’d built with each other. and that was them barely even trying
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montereybayaquarium · 3 months
Make a great first shrimpression with these shrimpeccable looks 🦐✨
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Whether you're shrimply fabulous or krilling it on the runway, these shrimpspired outfits will have you feeling oh-so-shellfishly chic! 🦐✨
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