#manka answers things
crystalsnow95z · 5 months
My ideia is when Jjangu ( Jin dog ) die the member comforts him I forgot to say This part It makes him cry a lot
I'm Only guessing this is the correct day he got the news, and if I'm wrong please forgive me.. it just seems most likely after hours of looking.
“Army have you eaten?” Yoongi asks the crowd, who answers with no, making him frown. They were chatting with fans before preforming.
“Did you eat breakfast?” Jin asks hoping the fans ate at least something before coming to meet them.
The crowd asks if he ate.
“Yeah I ate already.” Jin replies
"We had Kimbap heaven.” Yoongi informs the crowd.
“You need to eat to survive.” Jin tells the crowd in a slight pout.
“What would you like to eat?” Taehyung asks.
The crowd start yelling different things, the members trying to listen in to what they were saying.
Jungkook's eyes grow wide as he tries to pick up their words. “Chicken fried rice?” He asks with confusion making army giggle.
“Jungkookie will treat you!” Taehyung teasingly promises the crowd, making the members giggle, Jin wrapping his arm around Jungkook.
“Jungkook-Ah please sing go go.” Jin asks with a smile when Jungkook
“Spend spend spend~” Hoseok starts singing to help encourage him to not be shy about it, Jungkook joining in, dancing along.
Yolo Yolo Yolo.” Jungkook sings with a big shy smile.
“What should we do if army really wants to eat hamburgers?” Hoseok goes right back on the topic of food, trying to save Jungkook from feeling shy.
The members go to tease Jungkook about him paying again, but the mankae volunteers before they could say anything past his name.
“If that's the case? When will this happen?” Jin asks,putting his arm on Jungkook who looks flustered by the question.
“when an opportunity comes..” jungkook says with flushed cheeks when he hears the crowd cheering for him.
“Hyung! Aren't you going to go to jungle?” Hoseok saves Jungkook from the spot light, changing the attention to Jin, promoting the variety show Jin went to.
“Where?” Jin asks clearly knowing what he meant, by his reddened ears.
“You're not going to the jungle this time?” Hoseok asks again.
“It's the first time in my life i saw someone like the jungle so much.” Yoongi chuckles.
“Jin hyung really liked the jungle.” Hoseok agrees, giggling the words.
“Our Jin hyung is law of the jungle~” Jungkook starts singing to the tune of DNA, the others joining in.
“It's Byung man's law~” Jin sings with a smile.
“It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it.” Jin admits with a shy smile.
“You really liked it? You should go on variety shows more often then.” Jungkook suggests, wanting Jin to enjoy himself.
“It's too tiring, so I decided not to go.” Jin turns down the offer, knowing his limits.
“very good.” Hoseok giggles, shaking his hand and pulling him to give him a friendly shoulder bump.
Jin quickly looks for a new target to tease, choosing Jimin. “Jimin-sii Why is your hair so curly today?”
Jimin acts cute, pretending to question why himself.
“Its very…hold on..” Jin looks more closely, smiling when he sees Jimins parted bangs make a heart shape. “Can a camera zoom in just a little? Isn't his hair making a little heart?” he gestures to Jimins bangs pulling him close to him. “This is a heart for army. He backs up to get a better look, reaching to touch them.
Jimin blushes at all the attention, pushing Jin's hand away when he tries to touch them some more.
“Since Jin hyung said it it's even funnier.” Jungkook smiles.
“Why? Why? Can't I say something romantic?” Jin continues to tease.
“It's just like going back to ‘jungle.’ “ Namjoon tries helping to explain.
“I don't know about other people,but when hyung says it, it sounds like a joke..” jimin says.
“What? What do you mean? I'm being very earnest!” Jin argues with a pout, making Jimin laugh.
“That's why on stage you shouldn't mention things like going on Law of the Jungle.” Namjoon tells him.
“I said I wasn't going!” Jin dramatically pout, then changes to a serious tone. “When I'm serious, I'm a very sincere person.”
Jimin laughs at his reaction, falling forward a bit.
The seven boys were having fun just chatting with army unaware about the tragedy that was about to unfold later that day.
Jjangu passed away..
Jin looked at his phone screen in disbelief, reading the text a second time, then a third just to be sure he was seeing it correctly. He could feel the hard lump forming in his throat, his eyes stinging with tears. His whole body tensed up, his heart sinking into his stomach. No..no.. he can't be gone..
“Jjangu..” The name comes out as a soft whimper, just hearing his name from his own lips causing tears to pool down his cheeks.
Jjangu was a maltese him and his family rescued and nursed back to health when he was still a young teenager. Jin buries his face in his hands, sobbing into them. I didn't even get a chance to say a proper goodbye.. Are my parents okay? Were my parents home when it happened?
Jin's heart shatters at the thought wondering if anyone was with him in his last moments or if he died alone, his knees going weak, legs collapsing from underneath him.
“Hyung? Are you okay?” Jimin rushes over when he sees Jin on the ground, face completely hidden by his knees that he pulled to his chest.
“Jim..jim..jiminie..” Jin picks up his head, tears streaming down his cheeks like waterfalls.
“Aiigo, hyung.. what's wrong? Why are you crying?” Jimin uses this thumbs to try to dry his tears, but new tears keep forming. I've never seen him this upset before.. he's hardly breathing..
Jin tries to speak to Jimin, to tell him the news of his beloved childhood pet, but he couldn't get a breath in. “J-J..J…” he stumbles over the letter, but his voice breaks into another sob, burying his face in Jimin's shirt. “Jjj..a..h.. hes..hg..g…ne..”
“Hyung..hyung you need to calm down.. I have no idea what you're saying. Please take a deep breath.. hyung you're hyperventilating..” Jimin tries to keep himself calm,his heart thumping hard in his chest to see Jin so broken up, unsure how to help him when he didn't even know why he was so upset.
Jimin continues to try to calm down but the tears wouldn't stop. “Hyung..Hyung please.. don't cry.. you're breaking my heart.. it's okay.. we can figure this out.."
Yoongi rushed over, sensing something was wrong, running to them when he noticed Jimin and Jin were on the floor, Jin clinging to Jimin for dear life, Jin's body being shaken by his coughing. Yoongi kneels on the other side of Jin. “Why? Why are you crying? What's wrong?” His voice is in full of concern, rubbing Jin's back in an attempt to help his coughing.
Jin sniffles, coughing on the deep breath he tries to take, Jimin running his hand up and down Jin's broad back. He tries to take another deep breath, forcing the words out.“My Jjangu..” Jin says in a high-pitched whimper.
“Oh Hyung.. I'm so sorry..” Jimin understood, hugging Jin closer to him. Jjangu was getting old, the Maltese not even able to see anymore. Something had to have happened. “I'm sorry.. Is he..?"
Jin nods, unable to say the words out loud.
This is such bad timing..I wish he found out later after the show so he had the privacy to grieve in peace..plus we have another song to perform..
Yoongi wanted to help, but all he could do was watch him bawling into Jimin's shoulder. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't do anything to change the fact Jjangu was gone.."I'll go get you some water, and once Namjoon is done with the interview, we can talk about what we'll do about Mic drop.” he quickly moves to get water, motioning to Namjoon when he walks near him.
Jin's stomach churned, closing his eyes tightly to try to stop the tears. That's right.. I still have another show to perform. I need to get a hold of myself.. this isn't the time..
Namjoon looks over to the other members, motioning Yoongi to take over the interview, bowing to the camera to wait a minute.
Yoongi nods, bringing the water to Jin. “Ah. Taehyungie.. help me..I don't know what to say..” he says shyly, not wanting to do it alone.
“Of course Hyung.” Taehyung pulls Yoongi to the steps to do the interview, taking a deep breath to calm himself. He felt more at ease with Taehyung, his random thoughts great for lightening up the heavy atmosphere.
Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook go over to Jin. “Jimin what happened?” Namjoon asks, sitting in front of Jin.
“Jjangu passed away..” Jimin tells the others, cursing himself for saying it so loudly when he feels Jin hold him tighter, whimpering softly adding salt to the open wound. “Ah, I'm sorry hyung.”
Jin shakes his head looking up at them and sniffling trying to stop the snot from dripping down his nose.“N-no..th..they..they needed t..to know..” his voice comes out nasally and weak.
“Poor hyung..that's awful..” Jungkook feels his the pull on his heart strings, making him feel like a guitar with the strings strung too tightly, about to burst with the simplest touch. I can't cry.. I need to be strong for hyungie, if we cry he'll only feel worse..
“Oh Hyung..I'm sorry.. I knew how special he is to you..” Hoseok frowns, thinking about his own beloved pet, pushing his own emotions down. “Will you be okay? Do you want to wait back stage when we go on?”
“No..I. i..don't w-want to let Ar-army down..” Jin wipes his face,sniffling. “I..i..can do it..it..it's not the..the same w..without seven..”
“But hyung..you're not even able to stop crying..” Namjoon frets over Jin, dabbing his sleeve on Jin's swollen eyes.
“I..I just need..a little time..” Jin sniffles, leaning into Namjoon's touch.
Jimin opens the water bottle for Jin. “Here, you need to at least drink a little..”
Jin let's Jimin help him drink, taking in a few mouthfuls of water before pushing it away, the water feeling like a Boulder weighing down his stomach, wiping away his tears again.
“I don't k-know if I can..can stop..” Jin says in a shaky breathless whisper.
Jimin notices the two Deagu boys were finished the camera looking for him and Jin to interview, quickly rushing over to buy a little more time for Jin.
Yoongi and Taehyung go back by Jin.
“Hyung.. hyung what if we skip rehearsal and just do a perfect shot the first time? Then we can leave and mourn together.”Namjoon offers, knowing full well every member would agree to this without talking it through.
“Just.. just one run through?” Jin asks hopefully, wanting to perform and get it over with.
“Yeah, we've practiced it so many times already, we can do it perfectly in one go. I promise. Don't you worry. We can do anything we set our minds to.” Hoseok promises, looking at the other members to back him up.
“For you, I'll do it perfect. I promise.” Taehyung holds out his pinkie with a sad smile, that fades quickly when Jin takes it with a shaky hand.
“Alright.. I'll do it..” Jin says, drying his eyes one last time, pushing his emotions deep into his stomach. They believe in me.. so I just have to trust them..
Everyone except Jin goes on stage, still trying to calm himself enough to go on stage in front of army. Jungkook says the first thing to come to mind.
Hoseok plays along, pretending to reel in a fish.
Jin takes another deep breath, staff touching up his make up while he listens to the other members messing around on stage to cover for him. The medicine he took for his headache hasn't kicked in yet, but he knew they could only buy him so much time.
I can do this.. Taehyung performed when he got the news about his grandmother.. it wouldn't be fair to him if I sat on the sidelines.. especially since this isn't a tour, it's just one song..
Jin rubs his stomach, trying to ease the knots inside. He was happy to eat earlier, but now his meal felt heavy in his stomach.
“Are you okay Seokjin-sii?” Staff asks him.
“Yes. I'm fine..”Jin wanted to smile to reassure him, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He took another deep breath, trying to keep his emotions buried deep down, walking onto the stage.
As soon as Jin steps on stage the boys stop their small talk.
“Everyone Mic Drop are you ready?” Hoseok asks the crowd. “Let's start!”
The members quickly get into position, the music starting. Jin already felt like he was sweating underneath the stage lights, feeling dizzy. He tried to hydrate himself properly, but he ended up crying once more when he saw how stressed his members were because of him. When he tried to drink water again he couldn't get more than a few sips before it made him nauseous.
It's less than five minutes, I can do this.. everyone is trying their hardest to do this perfectly for me, I can't be the one to mess this up.
Jin could get the choreography down, but he couldn't get his facial expressions to change. I can hardly keep myself from crying..what am I going to do when my part comes? I can hardly keep my breath under control.
Jin takes a deep breath when he hears Jimin, singing his part right after. He could hear it in his voice that he was giving it his all. They're putting all their energy in this one shoot.. I won't be the one to mess it up..
Jin pushes through the song, biting back his emotions, but he knew when the camera zoomed in on him that his puffy bloodshot eyes would show.
I won't cry.. I won't cry..
He kept repeating in his mind until he heard the song end, hardly remembering to say goodbye to the crowd before getting off the stage, feeling all his emotions washing over him once more when he was away from the stage.. away from all the cameras.
I did it..
Jin rushed to the room they used to change, going to the corner of the room, pulling out his phone to look at the last picture his parents sent of his beloved Jjangu, his eyes blurring with tears.
“hyung..” Hoseok enters the room everyone except for Namjoon rushing to gather around Jin.“hyung it's okay.. it's okay you don't have to cry all alone..we're here..”
Jin reaches for the closest member, hugging Hoseok, burying his face into his shoulder. “Oh Hoba..he's gone…he's..he's gone..” he sniffles, his voice coming out higher than usual.
“I know hyung.. I know..” Hoseok kisses the top of his head. “My poor Hyungie.. I don't think I'd be able to do what you did if I got that news about Mickey..you did so good.. now just let us take care of you..”
“Hyung..hyung just remember..he's not suffering anymore now.. he can start a new life.. where he can see again and make new good memories.” Taehyung tries to comfort him, rubbing his hand on the back of Jin's neck.
Jin nods, unable to get any words out. His breath came out as little gasps, clenching Hoseok's shirt as another wave of nausea hit him,making him feel dizzy. He started coughing, trying to catch his breath.
“Hyung..Seokjin..Seokjinnie-hyung try to take deep breaths, if you get too worked up you'll throw up..” Yoongi warns him, gently sitting him up from burying his face.
Jin sniffles,coughing on the mucus that pooled in his throat, pointing to a waste bin. Jungkook quickly fetches it for him, putting it on the floor for Jin to spit in.
“are you okay? Are you going to be sick?” Jungkook asks with concern, his eyes widening.
“i..i..don't think so..my..my stomach hurts, but not..not like that..” Jin tries to communicate with his members to try to calm them, but it hurt to talk,a phlegm filled cough coming out in between words. It feels like someone's pressing on my throat, it's hard to breathe..
“Do you want some water?” Jimin asks, ready to jump to his feet.
Jin shakes his head.“Where's…where's Namjoon?”
“he had to deal with the cameras.. he should catch up soon..” Yoongi answers him. “don't worry..”
“I'm sorry..we didn't do a..a proper go..goodbye..” Jin says softly, more tears forming.
“that's not important. We talked with army plenty today. I'm sure they'll understand. All that matters is you..” Hoseok says sincerely, the others agreeing.
Namjoon enters the room, rushing over to Jin. “It's all taken care of. Once we get changed we're ready to go home.”
“could..could..I stay like..this a..a..l..lit..”
“Sure hyung. I'll stay as long as you need..” Yoongi says, holding Jin a little closer, staying like that until the tears finally stopped, the oldest member crying himself to sleep.
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shabre-legacy · 4 months
Stolen Home Chapter Ten
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The next day started far too early for Leikael’s taste. It wasn’t as bad as back on Ord where the cannons and shit had been loud or the starship where she was sharing a bed with that farmboy who was too kriffing perky in the mornings. All loud greetings and bright eyes and asking her if she slept well, even though he knew the answer because he’d been right kriffing next to her and… She was stopping that line of memory right there and not thinking about it. It was still too early and she could hear Corso doing something in the next room. 
It wasn’t going to be easy, they’d be diving back into the depths of the Coruscant underworld, going deeper then they already were and they were already deep. Normally, she’d say it was fun. But she couldn’t seem to think anything was all that fun right now. There’d been no comforting weight of a Manka Lynx on her feet as she slept, no peaceful hum of a starship engine reminding her she was home and safe and free. The only thing she had was a mercenary she was paying to help her out until he got his own revenge. 
Not particularly fun, but she’d find her mischief here. She always did.
She drags herself out of bed and all too soon, the two of them got word that Darmas had arrived and they headed down to his room for an update on what he’d learned and where to go next to hunt down that scumsucker and her precious ship.
It should have surprised her to see Darmas with a drink in his hands at this early of an hour. But it didn’t. He was a broker covering as a professional card player. He had to keep up appearances and get to work early when work was to be done. She’s been around enough to tell though, that the drink he had as the remains of breakfast were cleared away, wasn’t alcoholic. It was mostly for show. He invites them both in as a droid pours out a few mugs of caff. She takes one, sighing in relief at the heat as she sips the drink and feels it hit her system, helping to shake off the drowsiness that her troubled sleep had left,
“Well, my dear, I hope you slept well. My contacts were hard at work through the night, so I’m sure you’ll have plenty to stay busy with today.”
She smiles, full of false charm. “I’m glad to hear it. I’m not made for the ground and the sooner I get my ship back and a blaster through the thief, the better.” “Oh I can tell. A woman beautiful as you belongs with the other wonders of the galaxy.” His smooth tone, sounding just as sincere as the day before, yet there was something… He was just too smooth.
“So what have these mysterious contacts of yours dug up?”
“My sources reveal Skavak is doing business with the Black Sun Gang. A dangerous friendships for all sorts of reasons. Black Sun is notorious for keeping holorecordings of all their meetings. No doubt they’ve preserved the highlights of Skavak’s visit.”
Leikael tilts her head as she leans against the large projector near Darmas’s couch. “I doubt Black Sun lets just anyone peek at their holos. Bad business.”
“Black Sun fragments its recordings over several computers to prevent unauthorized viewing. You’ll have to assemble the relevant footage by accessing each computer.” Leikael groans internally, of course Skavak couldn’t have normal, boring friends who’d make things fast and easy. The sooner she got to shoot him, the better.
She spends another few minutes trading banter with Darmas before she heads out, Corso on her heels. “Stop for Caff on the way?”
“Please. The room doesn’t have a caff machine and we’re going to need it down there.”
It was for her. He was agreeing for her. She’s seen that he didn’t need caff in the mornings. He preferred it, but didn’t need it if it would slow them down. Stupid farm boy and his up early in the morning ass. She still stops at one of the small carts on the way into the sector. She spends the extra credits to get herself a fancy caff that made her feel a bit better about the whole situation as she made her way along the roads into trash-strewn streets of the black sun controlled territory. This place had been abandoned by the republic. There seemed to be no efforts to police the streets, to clean anything, to take care of the people here. It was just another abandoned sector of Coruscant.
The streets of Coruscant are full of people desperate for something, anything to get through the day. Some food, some spice and some searching for sick forms of entertainment. The announcement that the gang was playing games of chance with bombs and lives was frustrating and filled her with anger and pity. She agrees when the security officer asks her to help.
Corso smiles slightly as she agrees. Why was he smiling? This is not ok, she isn’t ok with him showing any positive feelings that isn’t work related. That will just make it harder to kick him off when he stops being useful. And she will be kicking him off her ship when she gets it back, regardless of what Nuri thought about it. She doesn’t do things like her friend suggests anymore.
Disarming bombs though, that was great. It was a thrill and she got something useful out of it. Sure, carrying bombs was a delicate task, but she was sure they’d find a use for them eventually, There was always a use for explosives in their line of work.
Piecing together the recordings was rage inducing. The two fought for every meter and every scrap of recording.
Corso frowns as the recording plays. It still stung to see the traitor’s face. He’d never been close to Skavak, but they’d talked and he wouldn’t have thought him capable of stabbing them in the back the way that he had. Stealing his blaster was lower than low and he couldn’t wait to deck him in the face for it. And after all that, he’s negotiating hits on lawmen. The man was looking to get killed, how he wasn’t already serving multiple life sentences didn’t make any sense. “Might be this lawman knows how to find Skavak, Captain. Best go bust up that party at the spaceport.”
The whirlwind that things had become since he’d left with the captain for the volcano seemed to not be slowing down anytime soon. It was making his head spin and he wasn’t struggling to keep up, but he was finding the mental toll of the whiplash from Ord Mantell to Coruscant to be more tiring then he’d like. The Captain sure made up for it though. Shoot-outs in the streets, a bit of dancing and gambling, listening to her hum through her morning. It was turning into a fun trip. If they could just get the breaks to go a bit longer between fights or he could get a good blaster with some punch to it, then they’d be having a lot of fun. His cheap one still needed work, it wasn’t holding up to this level of action as well as he’d like and his antiques aren’t really something he wants to risk in this environment unless he ends up needing to.
The trip back to the spaceport near the Senate is a rush. Their feet pounding across the durasteel and concrete as they try to get back to beat the Black Sun. By the time they get there, the tall Cathar gangster already had his men in the hanger and the Sullustan lawman at gunpoint. Leikael had a ready quip already, like she always did. Corso was sure it was some kind of gift from the galaxy. “You see those ears? Sullustans have excellent hearing.”
The Cathar, Urbax, growls to his men. “I thought I told you idiots to watch that door?” Do I have to do everything myself?” His growl turns to Leikael and Corso hefts his blaster. “You don’t belong here little girlie. Better leave before you break a nail.” Corso couldn’t help but laugh. Sure, the captain ran around in that crop top jacket and little bra that left her waist exposed and those tight pants that left nothing to the imagination and was far too tempting all of the time, but that didn’t mean she cared about petty things like her nails. This guy was too stupid to see the pit he was digging; but Corso could, he could see the small shift in tension, the way her fingers flexed and he wondered when he’d become familiar enough to notice that?
The Sullustan interrupted before Leikael snapped back, requesting that they assist him and deputizing Leikael. Admittedly, the captain being a law obeying person of any kind was another funny thought. She puts a hand of her hip as she shifts her weight. “Do I look like a deputy to you?”
The continued reference to her as an upstanding citizen has the smuggler and her mercenary chuckling, “You heard the man, lawbreakers. Surrender now, or else.” He liked this side of Leikael, the side that wasn’t trying to pick a fight, but was willing to join one to help someone out. If this kind of thing was what he’d be in for long-term on her crew, he could easily live with this.
“You really are as dumb as you look, aren’t you? Kill them both.”
He would have been dead anyways for that. Leikael was pissed, if there’s one thing she cannot stand about the criminal underworld, it’s the comments and the dismissal of her just because she’s a woman. They never did this to any of the men she’d traveled with and it got under her skin. But she got to kill these ones and that did make her feel a bit better.
The Sullustan lawman was something else though. Miel Muwn, tracking Skavak for jewel theif, seemed like a nice enough guy, except that he couldn’t seem to get the hint that she wasn’t an ‘upstanding citizen’ and calling her that would tank her rep here. Then again, maybe he was intentionally ignoring it so there wouldn’t be any legal complications with helping her. If that was the case, well, all the more reason to help out. The fact that he was willing to not mention her to republic security, leaned towards the later.
Just as she’s about to suggest they leave, she hears Corso from off to her right. “Let’s not be here when local security shows up. We don’t have time to answer questions. Maybe we should go see if Darmas has anything new about Skavak?” It seems as good an idea as any other so she swiftly agrees and they sweep out of the hanger, leaving Miel to handle cleanup.
The republic security are too busy rushing past to notice them as they enter the main areas of the spaceport and start to make their way to the exit, but she notices the tension, the way Corso glances around and keeps his hands close to his holsters. “Expecting someone?”
“Skavak's proven to like his dirty tricks. An ambush set up elsewhere, just in case, seems like his style. This is the most likely place to accidentally run into any other bounty hunters sent by Rogun. A starship captain is expected to stay close to spaceports when they can. It’s pretty common.”
Leikael shrugs. “You’re not wrong. But relax, this is Coruscant. Everyone here has to maintain at least the appearance of civility when in public on these upper levels. We’ll be fine until we get back down to the lower levels.”
Corso nods, but doesn’t seem all that convinced. “We should still be careful.”
Leikael nods with a smile, “Of course we’ll be careful. I’m always careful.”
Corso rolls his eyes with an answering smile. “I’m not convinced you and careful are acquainted.”
That makes her laugh outright as they make their way back to the speeders and start back towards the cantina. “I guess that’s why I get the good jobs.”
They continue their light banter through the streets and into the cantina, both agreeing it would be best to check in before they stopped to eat, just in case they’d need to run again. The little hall they passed through to get to Darmas’s room was rarely empty, but this time it seemed to have something different then the usual assortment. Instead three kids, barely twenty if that, were hanging around. The girl was the one to notice them and speak first.
“See, what did I tell you? It’s the captain from Rogun the Butcher’s bounty posting. Are we lucky or what?”
Leikael rolls her eyes internally as she came to a stop, Corso standing next to her. The young man that the girl had spoken to was clearly besotted over her and it wouldn’t have surprised Leikael if bounty hunting was her idea and he went with it to stay close. The one who was more focused on the job was the blond who stepped into their path. The hair covering his face had to be one of the worst cuts she’d ever seen. “You two make me sick. Hold it right there, captain.”
She openly rolls her eyes at that. They were really going to try this? With that hair? “Is that a hairstyle or did a womp rat die on your head?”
Corso laughs next to her as the blond kid stutters. “Come on, you two. Let’s cremate this fool and get rich!”
Oh the naivety, these three hadn’t learned the most vital skill of bounty hunting according to Nat, how to evaluate your opponent and know their strength vs your own before you fought. “You kids run home to your mommas before I spank you.” They were too young and stupid for this line of work.
She seemed to touch a nerve with the kid with stupid hair. “All right, that’s it. Let’s roast this stupid nerfherder.”
The darkhaired one seemed to have more sense, studying the way Leikael stood, the way she stared them down, almost bored. “Hold it Scorch. There’s something about this captain. She might be more trouble than she’s worth.”
Scorch was too arrogant, lanuching into a spiel towards the girl, it was enough to make both the criminals facing them roll their eyes. Well, if they were only after credits, she could use that to make them go away and make Skavak’s day a bit worse. “If you want credits, I know a better way to earn them. This is a fight you can’t win, save your blasters for a better target.”
At this point, most of what the blond says isn’t even sinking in, it’s all boast and bluster after all.
“Ever heard of a Starship thief named Skavak?” That seemed to catch their attention. “I just saw Skavak in the Black Sun hideout.” They argued for a moment before leaving. “Don’t forget. Shoot to kill.” Corso joins her in chuckling at them as soon as they’re out of sight. They end up leaning on each other.
“What ya think, 2 hours till they get knocked out?” Corso laughs.
“If that, they’re not cut out for this line of work. Black Sun should knock some sense into them.” They eventually straighten and catch their breath
Corso isn’t sure how it happens, but by the time they enter Darmas’s room, he already knew what had happened. As soon as Leikael approaches, he starts speaking. “Trouble with bounty hunters, Captain?”
Leikael flops gracefully onto a nearby couch, kicking her feet up and folding her arms behind her head as Corso leans against the couch next to her. “I can’t help it if I’m popular with all the wrong people.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, my dear. All the right people find you charming too.” Corso grumbles under his breath at the flirting. At this point, it seemed like Darmas couldn’t get out a complete sentence without a flirt towards the captain. He knew at least part of his frustration was due to his attraction to her, but a large part was how it seemed to delay them finding Skavak and playing catch up. He hates playing catch-up. It makes him feel stupid, and he gets that enough from the people around him when they decide to talk fancy and make a lot of noise about their fancy educations.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as though the flirting would be ending any time soon as Darmas continues. “I hear Black Sun is on an emergency recruitment drive and you had an altercation at the spaceport. I take it my lead was worthwhile.”
His captain smirks in response, before her expression turns nasty and vengeful. Corso knows he should NOT find that as attractive as he does. His mother would be ashamed. She’s his employer, and maybe his friend and that was all. He was supposed to be helping her, not falling for her. “Skavak will be writhing on the floor before this is over.”
Despite having dealt with her two days now, Darmas still looks a bit nervous at that. “That’s quite the vicious streak. It seems he brings out the worst in people.” Darmas leans forward, a small smile cutting the lines of his face. “While we wait for Skavak to make his next move, perhaps we could play a little Sabbac.”
Now, Corso has learned to read faces. He may not be good at cards, but he’s good at faces, it’s part of his job. He knows Darmas is messing with his captain, testing her, it’s a open proposition, she can take him up on the blatant inuendo or on the cards where Darmas expects to win. But what Darmas doesn’t know is just how good the captain is. Corso though, he got to watch her a handful of games. He knows how good she is. Wouldn’t do to let Darmas know too soon, he can have some fun with this. He drops his head into one hand as he shakes it. “Should have seen that one coming.”
“Corso, don’t be such a spoilsport. What do you say, captain?” The way he purrs that title sets Corso on edge, but he has no place interfering here. “First game’s on me.” Oh, he knew Darmas would regret that one when Leikael took everything he put on the table.
The devilish smirk on the captain’s lips confirmed it. Darmas was in for it now. “What’s the harm in a friendly game of cards.”
‘What’s so friendly? She’s gonna eat you alive Darmas.’ He chuckles to himself. ‘Hope you’re ready to lose all your credits’ He plays along with her little scheme though. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you captain.” He can’t keep the laugh out of his voice, Darmas cutting his eyes over to him like the professional card player he is.
“Get us a round of drinks, won’t you Corso? There’s a good man. Let’s deal some cards.” Darmas stands and gestures to the large sabbac table. Corso waits until his back is to them before he grins and places their drink orders as the crowd of admirers and contacts around Darmas gathered around the table along with various individuals who caught sight of the game as they passed. He has the serving droid take Darmas and Leikael’s drinks to them, holding his own as he slips in among the crowd. This would be a good chance to make some fast credits. He makes his way close to the front to where he can see and takes note of the captain’s face. He could be wrong, but if he had to guess how she’d play this, lose one hand to bait him in and then win the rest. Darmas likely wouldn’t be able to resist a few more rounds after that, and he’d build up the pot, and get thrashed.
“Twenty credits Darmas wins this one.” He mutters to a group of watchers, a few taking him up on it.
It played out just as he thought, with Leikael just narrowly losing and baiting Darmas into another hand. He places another bet on Darmas, smaller this time, enough to comfortably lose as Leikael scrapes a win and Darmas offers ‘just a few more rounds while they wait.” Another two rounds pass with narrow wins before Leikael leans forward, crossing a leg and resting her chin on her fist. “200 credits the spacer wipes the floor with him.” He smirks at the crowd that had formed around the table, eagerly betting on the outcome, a known bookiee in the crowd starting to keep track of the bets.
The game was about as intense as a round of Sabbac could get, both Darmas and Leikael studying the other and looking for the smallest tells, but as Leikael tosses down her winning hand, she drops her ‘rookie’ sabbac face and smirks and Darmas slouches back in his chair, sounding mildly distressed.
“You win again Leikael.” He doesn’t like how familiar that sounds in Darmas’s drawl, but between the two they made quite the profit and he can’t be mad about that. “That was… Very impressive.”
Corso chuckles as he collects his winnings and steps to his captain’s side, handing her a fresh drink. “Impressive? The captain just cleaned your chrono, Darmas.”
Darmas stands and gestures back to his lounges as the crowd disperses, sensing the show was over. “Hmm, I’d say you’ve played this game before.” He settles back into his couch as Leikael sits in hers.
She grins over at him, almost as predatory as her earlier smirk had been, but with additional smugness. “I never said I was a beginner.”
Darmas acknowledges that with a soft incline of his head. “Then I am a victim of my assumptions. Well played, my friend.” He leans back. “Some lunch? We should be hearing from my network any moment now.”
Leikael shrugs and tilts her head for Corso to join her on the couch. “I’d like that Darmas.” They’d be on the road again soon enough.
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cinlat · 2 years
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I actually worked on a thing! Thanks @starknstarwars​ for the tag. I legit have no idea who is writing or drawing atm because my life is utter chaos, so I’m going to throw some names into the wind. If you’d like to use this as an opportunity to share your WIP, please use me as a tag.
@dingoat​ @kunoichi-ume​ @dimigex​ @chaosandwonder​ @sleepswithvillains​ and anyone else who wants one
Now calmer, Fynta walked into the room where Aric sat on his bed, legs folded and eyes closed. He still wore military fatigues, and Fynta eased onto her bed to watch the rise and fall of his chest. He looked at peace, which is probably why she’d never been good at the meditation part of wielding the Force. 
The caf maker chimed, and Aric’s ears twitched. Fynta watched the Cathar inhale deeply, then sniff the air. Finally, his eyes opened. “Caf?”
Fynta chuckled. “I assume you want some?”
Aric answered in a yawn, then rubbed his face with one hand. “How long until Taris?”
“Just waiting on landing permissions.” Fynta didn’t move from her spot, watching the way Aric’s muscles relaxed into his posture, how the stress from their earlier disagreement had faded. “Does meditation actually work?”
The Cathar blinked at Fynta, then down at the hands resting in his lap. “I guess. Never thought about it. Meditation is something all Jedi are expected to master as Padawans.” When his gaze drifted up, Fynta felt the weight of it. “Is that not something Sith do?”
“Of course.” Fynta waved a hand and found a reason to look somewhere other than at Aric. “I believe I’ve already explained that I was a terrible student. Never could get the hang of sitting still that long.”
The low rumble sent a chill up Fynta’s spine, and she cut her eyes back to Aric. It had almost sounded like a laugh, but the man’s mouth never opened. Pulling her legs into a position to match Aric’s, Fynta offered a bemused stare. “Tell me your secret, Jedi. What makes meditation so important?”
“It calms the mind,” Aric answered with the immediacy of indoctrination. Then, his lips quirked into a smile. “Something you might benefit from.”
Fynta knew that Aric was referring to their brief encounter on Rishi, where she’d dropped her defenses with enough speed that he toppled into her thoughts. It had been a childish thing to do, a way to scare him away. The damn Cathar had only become more determined to join her on the quest to kill Nox. Now that they were well into the journey, Fynta was glad that he had.
“Okay, so what do you think about when you meditate?” Fynta straightened her spine and propped her hands in her lap. “Teach me your ways, oh wise one.”
Aric’s scowl didn’t budge, but he did answer Fynta’s question. “The goal is to clear the mind. Don’t actively think of anything, but reach for peace in the moment.”
“Peace is a lie,” Fynta quoted, though her joke only earned an eye roll from the Jedi. She cleared her throat. She cleared her throat and beat down her amusement. “Sorry, what do you do with this peace once you find it?”
Instead of answering Fynta, Aric closed his eyes. “Do as I do and listen to my breathing.”
Fynta obeyed, schooling her features to match Aric’s and expanding her senses to reach him. Each breath drew longer, and Fynta felt her muscles relaxing. The galaxy gradually drifted away, leaving Fynta weightless with only Aric’s presence as an anchor. She felt the air in his lungs as if it was her own, the stretch and relaxation of each muscle with the effort. Cool serenity surrounded Fynta, and it sparked a memory of the pool she and Theron had discovered on Rishi. They’d decided to bathe and wash their clothes, then one thing had led to another and—
Aric snarled. “Damn it, woman.”
Fynta realized her mistake too late and peeked one eye open to find the Cathar glaring at her. “Oops.”
Unfolding himself, Aric shoved from his bunk. “I can see why you never mastered the art of meditation. Your thoughts are like a herd of manka cats.”
“Yeah,” Fynta agreed. There was no defense if it was the truth. Slapping her hands on her thighs, Fynta pushed herself upright and headed for the other room. “It was worth a shot, how about that caf?”
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sinsbymanka · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme
I got tagged by the always amazing @kunstpause! <3 
Most popular oneshot
Most popular multichapter
Actual worst part of writing
How you choose your titles
Do you outline
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?
Callouts @ Me
Best writing traits
Spicy Tangential Opinion
Name: Manka to almost everyone, but if you’re looking for usernames @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold of tumblr/discord/AO3, manka on Pillowfort and also AO3, and @cartadwarf on Twitter. 
Fandoms: My true love for the past several years has been Dragon Age, but I dabble in consuming other Fandoms at times. I’ve always had a love for FFVII, Avatar the Last Airbender, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Mass Effect. 
Most Popular Oneshot: The Ambassador’s Vices. I saw a kinky prompt somewhere on tumblr for “Josephine dominated by her Qunari girlfriend and loving it” and I was kinda drunk and thought ‘SOLD’. It’s pretty rough, kinky femslash smut. And er... absurdly popular for being written while tipsy. 
Most Popular Multichapter: This is still my finished Long Fic Of Miracles and Heroes which I’m kind of embarrassed by because I’m sure the writing is AWFUL. It’s a 95 chapter epic that spans the end of DA2 through just past the end of DAI and focuses on three characters: Fenris, Varric, and Varania. It’s got Fenris/FemHawke, Varric/FemCadash, and Varania/Blackwall and sets up a lot for my favorite Long Fic I’ve written - The Viscount’s Mistress.
Actual Worst Part of Writing: The plot. I am built for exploring characters and intricate worldbuilding and smut. I do not know why plot is also important. I feel like I honestly build my plots around everything else because I’d rather do the other things, so whenever I have to stop and be like “UGH PLOT” it’s enough to make me whine. I usually fix this by building as much worldbuilding and character exploration into the plot as I can.
I also viscerally hate editing with a passion, more than any writer I know. I hate it so much I don’t even consider it part of writing. 
How You Choose Your Titles: I actually love titles. I usually have hilarious working titles that sometimes I’m convinced/enabled to keep. The Dawn Will Come, Tell the World I Came at Chateau Haine, I Knew I Had You Pegged, and Friendly Neighborhood Carta Kidnapping are all things I just came up with that were never meant to be kept, but I and/or other people got attached to them and couldn’t let them go. Sometimes I can’t decide on one because I have too many ideas and I struggle to choose. 
Do you outline: Yes. I never stick to it and I’m constantly adjusting but I do outline religiously. I even do mini outlines for short pieces. It’s force of habit now. 
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice: I fully intend to get around to all of my ideas. The ones I’m currently refusing to start, however, are: 
Already Titled Prequel to Girl with the Arrow Tattoo: The story of Reyna Hawke in an urban fantasy setting, and her rise and fall in the City of Chains. It would of course be a FenHawke piece but would honestly feature heavily in side pairs that would eventually finalize into Seb/Bethany, Meribela, Bianca/Varric and an Anders/Amell/Zevran polyship. 
Already Titled Sequel to Girl with the Arrow Tattoo: What happens AFTER GwtAT and Solas’ secret comes out. Basically the Trespasser DLC but URBAN FANTASY GUYS. 
Callouts at Me: If I start one more goddamn side project for this fandom I need put in fandom jail I swear to god. I am running @sunshineandnugs, what is going to be the annual @a-paragon-of-their-kind dwarf exchange, and @dasmutquisition the new DA Smut Exchange which will probably happen yearly as well. I am TAPPED OUT. 
Best Writing Traits: I think I really manage my character development and everyone’s unique voice/perspective well. I’m actually very much a perfectionist on this and will nitpick at a piece of dialogue or an internal monologue until I think it’s right. I think the best characters are complex and morally ambiguous - I like people to sympathize with them even when they make a bad decision. But I also love making my characters grow and change. I’m using a lot of my long fics to explore healing from trauma and what that messy process looks like, the importance of supportive relationships, and forging ahead no matter what. That means that my characters definitely are on a journey and the decisions they make at the beginning don’t reflect what they do at the end. And I personally think that’s very sexy. 
Spicy Tangential Opinion: Every single kudo, like, reblog, or comment is special. I know it’s easy to focus on the “quantity” of them - but each one represents a real person that one of my stories has emotionally resonated with. Every day we write and post we’re affecting real people behind our stats, which means we can treasure every single one. Talking about the numbers and engagement erases that fact, and I wish more people treasured every individual interaction for the meaningful gesture about their work it is. Each one is a little spark of ‘you are loved’ in the world. 
Throwing this out into the world! Tag list below (authors only this time, sorry my lovely artist friends) but feel no obligation to do so! Also sorry if you already got tagged!
@hollyand-writes, @musetta3, @corylion, @another-rogue-trevelyan, @jellydishes, @jennserr, @kunstpause, @charlatron, @pikapeppa,  @kemvee, @heroofshield, @sunspott, @enigmalea, @tessa1972, @wizardofozymandias, @goblin-tea, @jacklyn-flynn, @wickedwitchofthewilds, @ladynorbert, @noire-pandora, @queen-kass-the-writer, @visceralcoma, @serial-chillr, @wardenari, @barbex, @solas-disapproves, @blarfkey, @shadowcrow, @curiousthimble, @midnightprelude,  @alyssalenko, @jarakrisafis, @lauraemoriarty, @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul,  @lucyrne, @lostinfantasies38, @fasterpuddytat,@kittimau @elveny, @rpgwrites, @imakemywings, @fandomn00blr, @in-arlathan, @parera-zuul-jar, @laraslandlockedblues, @nug-juggler, @acrononymous, @jentrevellan, @a-shakespearean-in-paris @hobo-apostate
49 notes · View notes
Star-Crossed: Bound by Blood
Chapter One
Master List
Pairing: Mando/Din Djarin x OFC Baast’Mal
Warnings: I'm making this up as a go, Canon divergent from the series during chapter 13, mild violence
A/N: I make this stuff up as I go along, if I screw something Star Wars-y up, apologies in advance, I didn't do it on purpose, but I'm new to this Fandom. I will be cross posting this story between AO3 and Tumblr except the smutty bits. Those chapters will only be available to registered users on AO3. (I'm trying something new for people who want to read here on Tumblr, but to also avoid the smut for minors controversy. We'll see how it goes.)
*I do not have a tag list* Please follow the story on AO3 if you want email updates, or follow @tilltheendwilliwrite-library where I post the new/latest chapters of all my stories.
In the sweltering heat of the jungle, Din Djarin crouched to better scan for tracks in the rotting foliage at the base of the tall trees. Pools of light made it difficult to adjust correctly for the shadowy depths; add in the thermal activity of the plants and animals in this stinking sewer of a planet, and he was having a hard time tracking his quarry. 
When he'd accepted the puck, he hadn't known what he was getting into as her chain code was surprisingly sparse. The only additional information he had was her name - Taa Marel - her last known location and face. 
And what a face. Even on a holo, she was stunning, not that the Mandalorian would let that sway him one way or the other. 
He'd tracked the stolen ship from Bogano, where she'd initially been hiding out to this skug hole of a world that was made to torment men in beskar, causing them to swelter in their helmet.
The kid, however, loved the place. 
Constantly cooing, riding in his pouch, he touched everything he could get his chubby green fingers on. Leaves, flowers, bugs; those, of course, went straight in his mouth. By this point, Mando accepted the womp rat could and would eat just about anything.
Upon arrival, they'd found the ship nose down, destroyed, and abandoned, but the crash landing had created just enough space for Mando to set the Razor Crest down. Then the hunt began.
After three hours of slogging through the heat, he was ready to kill her. After four, he decided death was too good for someone who made him sweat this hard. After five, he was determined to make her suffer. But they were closing in. He could feel it like an ache in his bones.
Tracks led forward, but something didn't sit right with that. They were too obvious. After hours of following such a well-covered trail, this was an insult to his skills. Footprints led straight down a game trail like a beacon meant to lure him astray.
It wasn't right, too easy by far, and the skin on his nape crawled.
He looked up, straight into the eyes of the woman he was hunting. Even through the distorted colour of heat vision, he could see they were a vibrant green.
He moved on instinct, whipcord shooting out, wrapping around her shoulders, and dragging her out of the tree.
She screamed the battle cry of a hunting cat, an inhuman sound before she twisted mid-air and landed lightly, crouched but on her feet. 
"Taa Marel, I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold," he warned her, hand hovering over his blaster.
"That is not my name. And I choose option three."
Her voice kicked him in the groin and made his dick twitch. Stunned, he could only watch as her hands came up and nails like talons shredded his whipcord. 
Someone had left a few things out of her chain code.
"Put the child down."
Mando blinked. "Why would I do that?" 
What did she want with his foundling? Had she heard about him? Would she attempt to take him? 
"I intend to kick your ass, Mandalorian, but I do not hurt children. Put him down."
Surprised, Mando reached for the strap across his chest instead of his blaster. "You're not going to run?"
She lifted a proud chin. "You will continue to hunt me. I would rather die than return to that hell hole, but I will not go easy. I will fight."
She was beginning to impress him with more than just her face. 
Din lifted the strap over his head, his eyes fixed on the target, studying her outside of the holo he'd memorized. 
She stood with her chin raised, body slightly turned in a stance that bespoke proper training. If one could call it that, her green tunic had no sleeves, crossed over her breasts, tied just beneath them, and ended a few inches thereafter, baring the wealth of sun-darkened skin over tightly packed muscles. Pants hugged slim hips, billowed at her thighs, and tied tight to her calves thanks to the soft, short boots that went to her knee. 
Sweat gave her a sheen that made her glow, her vibrant eyes shadowed behind thick, long lashes. Her face was a treasure trove of sculpted brows, sharp nose, and high cheekbones over lips that looked like ripe fruit, begging for teeth. 
A mass of hair, the colour of sand, fell in heavy waves to her hips. It began to darken toward the tips until it was as black as the deepest corner of space.
As he moved the kid, she untied a thin cord from her wrist and slowly began to bind her hair in a low tail.
He'd never met a woman like her, a bounty like her, ever. This one - fugitive or not - had honour in her.
The kid cooed and waved. Her lips twitched into a smile as she winked and waved back.
"Fear not, Mandalorian. Should I kill you today, I will raise your foundling as my own."
Din's blood ran cold. "You won't get the chance."
He hung the child's satchel on a low tree knot and drew the beskar spear from his back in the same motion. Though he'd won the spear from magistrate Morgan Elsbeth on Corvus and helped the Jedi Ahsoka Tano defeat her forces, the Jedi held no answers when it came to the kid. Though, Din wondered if that had more to do with him than the little green monster. She'd told him to seek another Jedi, someone with more training than she, but had given him no direction in which to search.
"He is rather cute," she smirked. "But his kind age so slowly. You will be long dead before he is grown."
Mando paused. "You know of his kind?"
She arched a brow. "You do not?"
He lowered the spear and held up his off-hand. "I am tasked with returning him to his people."
Her posture never changed, but her eyes filled with sorrow. "He has no more people. The last of his kind, or what was thought to be the last, died some years ago. Master Yoda was his name."
"I'm to help him find the Jedi," Mando murmured.
Her eyes lost their sadness. "I cannot help you."
"Will not."
"They are one and the same," she whispered. 
Lightning fast, she rushed him. Mando barely blocked the first swipe of her claws before the second clanged off his pauldron. He used the spear's shaft to knock her back, even as she kicked him in the ribs, bypassing the beskar.
"Do you know the life you condemn me to, Mandalorian, if you return me to that horrible place?" she asked, crouched once again, a few feet away.
"You're a bounty. I don't make deals," he stated, watching his quarry while keeping his body between her and the kid. His ribs smarted, but he'd had worse.
"No. You just work for the people who Purged your planet!" she spat, leaping and clawing. 
She was fast, damn fast. Barely able to keep up, it was all Mando could do not to lose ground until he saw an opening and swept the butt of the spear at her leg.
She jumped back, breath coming hard.
"I didn't ask who the bounty was for." Greef Karga offered him the chance for a big payday, and right now, they could use it.
"You work for the Empire," she sneered. "Returning me to torture and experimentation. Do you think I was always like this!?" She stood and held out her arms, flexing fingers tipped in dark claws. She bared her teeth, revealing wicked-looking canines, then lifted a portion of hair to reveal a sharply pointed ear.
Again he paused, a thing unheard of, to ask, "What are you?" Her chain code said human, but she was certainly not that.
Her proud chin lifted in defiance. "Do you know what a Zentari is, Mandalorian?"
Din inhaled sharply. "That's not possible. They were wiped out."
"All but one. I am Baast'mal, last of the Zentari. The Empire took me as a child and used my gift to ruin me. They bound my blood to the Corellian Sand Panther and Manka Cat. They have so thoroughly defiled my biorhythms that if the constellations were kind enough to cross my path with that of my mate, I do not know if I could bond with him." Pain flickered across her features. "I am sullied, broken. I am a monster," she whispered before shaking herself free of the melancholia and raising that proud chin once more. "So kill me if you can, Mandalorian, for I will not go willingly."
The beskar spear fell from his fingers as Din dropped to a knee and bowed his head. "I am a Child of the Watch. I must offer aid, Zentari. This is the Way."
"The Way?" She took a step back. "The Mandalorians no longer follow the Old Ways. They no longer conceal their face from all but their riduur and ad. The creed is long dead."
He shook his head. "My Tribe is one of zealots. We hold to the old ways of Mandalore. I only recently learned of this as I was raised with them in hiding. The Purge took much, but the ways of the Zentari are remembered in the covert."
She hesitated, eyes wary. "I have faced Mandalorians before. They knew not the Way."
Din stripped his gloves from his hands and held them out, palms up as if catching water. He raised them above his head and brought them down over his helmet, appearing to another as if he washed with air. "Zentari of the Bright Star, may the constellations bless this warrior with a treasure greater than beskar that they would be mine. Cyar'ika. Ka'rta. Riduur."
She inhaled sharply. He watched her fight tears, lip trembling before she closed the distance between them and knelt. She dipped her fingers into his cupped palms as if they held water, brought them to her brow and stroked them down over her eyes and out along her cheeks. 
Her hands shook as she lifted them toward his helmet and laid her palms lightly on the sides of the beskar. 
His hands gently grasped her wrists, her skin warm and soft beneath his fingers. She wouldn't remove it, that he was sure of, but it was an instinct he couldn't deny when someone touched his helmet.
Her voice was whisper soft when she spoke. "Mandalorian, Holder of the Creed, blessed of the constellations. May you raise warriors strong in the Way and find your riduur. Your cyar'ika. Your ka'rta." 
"This is the Way," he murmured, shaken by the encounter.
"This is the Way," she agreed as she drew him forward until his helmet lightly kissed her brow.
The shudder that raced through her raced through him with equal intensity. The Zentari race was a myth, a legend, a beautiful dream. They were so lost to time Din felt like his heart would burst with joy. 
"Have you ever removed your helmet, Mando?" she asked softly.
The shortened form of address made his heart skip. "Not before any living thing." The Droid on Nevarro didn't count, and no matter what Bo'Katan said, the creed was his way. He would never show his face to any besides his wife or children. 
Let Koska scoff as she liked at his traditions. She had not found a Zentari. She likely wouldn't know what to do with the Zentari if she did.
Din rocked back on his toes and pushed to his feet, surprised when she followed him with equal grace. "Zentari, we should return to my ship. The Alor will want to meet you. The covert will rejoice."
He froze as her hands landed lightly on his beskar covered chest. "What?"
"To you, I am Baast." She stared into his visor as if able to see his eyes. 
"Baast," he murmured, wishing he could speak her name without the modulator.
"Yes, Din Djarin," she smiled. 
He still held her wrists, and his hands became her shackles. "How do you know that name?" he demanded.
Long lashes swept her cheeks, a coy smile curling her lips. "Grogu told me."
His grip tightened more. "Who is Grogu?" 
She tilted her head to look past him at the kid cooing at them. "He is Grogu."
"You can understand him?" Din asked, his shock registering even through the modulator. 
"Not in words, but he speaks to those who can listen. Images. Impressions. The Force is strong in him," she smiled at Grogu. "He loves you."
"He's okay." Mando was grateful for the helmet that hid his foolish grin.
"You fool no one," Baast chuckled. She gently twisted her wrists, reminding him of her bondage. 
He let her go and stepped back to pick up the spear. 
"You are a man blessed of beskar," she murmured. "You must be a great hunter."
"Something like that," he murmured. It still shamed him how he'd acquired his armour, but if he hadn't turned in the kid - Grogu - he wouldn't have been as well-equipped to get him back and keep him safe as they ran from the Empire.
Baast headed for Grogu, her smile growing as she lifted down his carrier and situated the baby against her chest. Grogu giggled and babbled something Mando didn't understand.
"Oh, I see," Baast chuckled, casting a side-eye his direction.
"What?" Mando muttered.
"Clan of the Mudhorn. A clan of two." She flicked her claws over his sigil. "I wondered. Grogu explained."
Mando glared at the kid- Grogu. "Don't tell her all my secrets."
Grogu cooed. Baast cuddled him and smiled slyly. By that look, he was pretty sure it was too late for his secrets.
He turned to go, heading back the way he'd come. It would take hours to return to the Razor Crest, and it was already getting dark. 
They didn't make it back to the ship before nightfall, but he found a hollow tree in which to spend the dark hours. Creeper vines had choked the life out of the behemoth, leaving them in a cage of vines and dry, dead bark with a wealth of firewood to choose from. 
The fire burned brightly, drafting well, casting shadows across Baast's face and keeping the larger predators at bay. She slept curled around Grogu, lips gently parted. The air had finally cooled at sundown, but now he could see the shivers and goosebumps developing on her flesh. 
Slowly, he leaned forward to remove the cape from his back. Then, just as quietly, he rose, rounded the fire, and draped it over her and Grogu. She stirred but didn't wake, and Din returned to his watch on the far side of the fire.
A Zentari. He could scarce believe it.
She was a myth made flesh—a beautiful dream. Once, when Mandalore still followed the old ways, Zentarus was where many warriors sought their mates, their most cherished riduur. 
A Zentari was always fast and strong and incredibly rare. They grew quickly but aged slowly, their years stretching out into eternity, some said. Fine in face and form, when they met their match, they bonded, taking on traits of the other and giving a few as well. 
A Mandalorian could live a very long time with a Zentari mate. 
But most Mandalorians came home empty-handed as a bond with a Zentari could not be forced, but those who the stars smiled upon, those most blessed with a cherished mate, bonded in ways that grew legends. It was said their children were the most incredible of warriors.
Baast'mal was everything he imagined when told stories of Zentari as a child new to the Tribe. It didn't hurt that she was the most mesh'la female he'd ever seen. Fast. Strong. Deadly. He wondered at what the Empire had done to her, how they could force the blood bonds on Sand Panthers and Manka cats, and just what other mutations they'd caused.
He also wondered at her Force sensitivity. What she felt or even what she could do had not been discussed, but Mando knew there was more to her than he had yet discovered. 
But it was the ache in him, the growing need to once again touch her skin that concerned him. 
It was primal. Feral. It clawed at him. It had him itching to be closer - much closer - to her. He wanted to show her his face and hope she found him as pleasing as he did her. 
Din had nothing to go by in comparison. He'd seen his reflection before, of course, but he had no way of knowing if a woman would think him handsome. He'd had encounters before, ones in which everyone walked away satisfied, some paid for, others freely offered, but the helmet and the beskar never came off.
With her, he wanted to be bare, stripped off all trappings. Din wanted to feel his naked skin against hers. He wanted to taste it.
"You are a very loud thinker," she mumbled, bright eyes glowing softly beyond the fire. 
Mortification filled him. "I'm sorry, I-"
"I do not know your thoughts, Mando," she clarified, "just feel a gentle buzzing from the beskar. It restricts what I pick up from you."
Relief almost had him sagging. Baast closed her eyes, but he was loath to let the conversation end. 
"How old are you?" She looked young, maybe twenty-five.
Her brow twitched, amusement in her smile. "It is rude to ask."
"I wondered how long the Empire had you," he explained. 
Shadows darkened her eyes. "Forty years."
"But they've only been around for thirty," he frowned.
She gave a hollow laugh and sat up. "They have been around much, much longer. I remember the day they came for us. They slaughtered all who fought, men and women. Every child they could catch was rounded up and taken away." She looked away, down at dark claws. "I was the only Zentari to survive the experiments."
"I'm sorry." He was. "I know what it's like to lose everything."
She tilted her head. "You were a foundling."
It wasn't a question, and Din didn't answer her.
"They began experimenting with my blood almost immediately. I was ten when they bound traits of the Manka to me. I was fifteen when they brought in the Panther."
"How? Why?"
Her eyes burned into his. "Because they could." She flexed her fingers. "Because they are depraved. Because they are monsters, who turn others into abominations."
"You're not."
She looked at him in surprise.
Din shifted until he stood and made his way around to her side, where he offered his hand. Baast took it and joined him in the shadows as he led her a few steps away from Grogu. He stripped his gloves from his hands, the need to touch her no longer under his control.
Slowly, he reached up to caress her cheek. He pushed her hair back, revealing the pointed tip of her ear. Her eyes gleamed from behind heavy lids when he stroked his fingers down her tricep and finally cupped her elbow.
He closed his opposite hand around her nape; his thumb pressed to her spiking pulse. "You are no monster."
"My blood is sullied."
"Perhaps. But you remain unbroken," he murmured. "You lived. You escaped. Mesh'la, you are a beacon of shining hope to my Tribe. If there is one Zentari, perhaps there are others."
She closed her eyes. "There is not."
"How do you know?"
A tear trickled down her cheek. "I felt the last die three years ago. It was what gave me the strength to escape."
"Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore," he murmured, rubbing his thumb on her pulse.
"Pressure makes gems; ease makes decay?" A small smile twitched her lips. "Am I a gem, Mando?"
She arched an amused brow.
"You are something more precious than any gem," he murmured.
Colour dusted her cheeks. "A Mandalorian who has a way with words? I truly have seen it all," she teased.
He sighed and made sure it echoed through the modulator. "Get some rest." He attempted to move away, but she grabbed him by the belt.
"Stay." She took his hand, led him closer to Grogu, encouraged him to sit against a fallen chunk of tree, and then curled up beside him, tucking herself under his arm.
"The beskar is too hard," he worried.
"No harder than a prison cell, and you are much warmer. I have not known the comfort of another since I was seven," she admitted.
He sighed again but gave in, curling his arm around her.
"Thank you for your cape."
Her chuckle was more of a low purr. When it rippled through him, Din swore he felt something inside him purr back.
Next Chapter
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hollyand-writes · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme!
I’ve been tagged by so many people over the last 2 days that I figured I really ought to do this 😂 
Thanks so much to the following lovely people for tagging me, and I was delighted to read (and reblog!) your answers! @inquisitoracorn, @barbex, @another-rogue-trevelyan, @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold, @noire-pandora and @kunstpause ❤️  (I think that’s everyone, sorry if I missed anyone off!) 
Most popular oneshot
Most popular multichapter
Actual worst part of writing
How you choose your titles
Do you outline
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?
Callouts @ Me
Best writing traits
Spicy Tangential Opinion 
Name: Holly or Hollyand; neither is my real name. 
Fandoms: I only write for Dragon Age 2, but I lurk in Frozen fandom. 
Most popular one-shot: “A Growing Lack of Disgust”, my M!Hawke/Arishok crackfic. Rated Teen/Mature. 
Most popular multi-chapter: “A Chance Engagement”, my Regency AU Carver/Merrill homage to Pride & Prejudice. Rated Teen. 
Actual worst part of writing: The writing, LOL. Particularly when it just won’t come. Someone (Dorothy Parker, apparently!) once said “I hate writing, but I love having written” and I feel exactly the same way. Having said that, there’s nothing better than writing when you’re in the flow, and that’s when I DO love writing - but that doesn’t happen to me as often as I’d like, haha!
How do you choose your titles: I don’t have a set way as you can see:  
The “does what it says on the tin” approach (A Marriage Of Convenience; A Fake Date at the De Launcet Mansion; Carver and Merrill Go On A Picnic (Along With Everyone Else); The Templar And The Blood Mage; Truth Or Dare) 
A newspaper title that inspired a prompt (Local Man Returns From Trip, Discovers Boyfriend Adopted 25 Cats)
After an artwork (The Courtship of Daisy and Junior)  
Shit puns or wordplay (A Shit Time To Be A Templar; Employer Relations; Open Book) 
A phrase from the fic that best sums the whole thing up (A Pirate’s Touch; A Chance Engagement; You Are Cordially Invited; A Growing Lack of Disgust; To Rule Over Him; The Maker’s Will; like twine unravelled and many more)
Overall subject (Cupcakes; Poker Face; The Masquerade; Pancake Day; Table For Two; Touch; Major Arcana) 
A quote from Dragon Age 2 (Hook Hands Make For Awful Penmanship) 
and much more rarely, adapted from a book or song title (Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?; Sweet Like Chocolate; Bright Lights, Big City, Blind Date) 
Do you outline: Not for one-shots - but I try to for longfics after coming hopelessly unstuck in the first one I attempted and having to abandon it. 
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice? So many, OMG. Hot Maths Professor Carver (inspired by real-life hot maths professor turned model Pietro Boselli) and University Student Merrill, maybe? I have a whole load of shit maths puns and innuendoes especially about modelling wet steam flow for that fic idea 😂 
EDITED TO ADD: This, by the way, is Pietro Boselli: 
Tumblr media
Callouts @ me: Just write the fucking thing; your writing is nowhere near as bad as you think it is (and if it is? Well, then, go and improve it! Don’t sit on your arse and whine LMAO). 
Best writing traits: Thanks to my job as a professional writer/editor, I have a thick skin and can take constructive criticism... although I must add that so far the very rare times I’ve had any criticism on my fanfic, it has often been so far from being constructive to be totally useless 😂  (I will forever be known as the writer who “didn’t write Fenris sexily enough” in a Carver/Merrill fic.)
Spicy Tangential Opinion: To quote @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold: ‘Every single kudos, like, reblog, or comment is special. I know it’s easy to focus on the “quantity” of them - but each one represents a real person that one of my stories has emotionally resonated with.’ 
Manka puts this much nicer than I would, although I gotta add that I am fed up of the entitled attitude of many writers I see on this website, who don’t take much care over their writing or don’t take much care to be kind or encouraging to their readers, and then blame and berate their readers and audience (or potential readers and audience) for not giving them the exact validation or feedback they expect. Respect goes both ways. If you shit on your audience, then don’t be surprised when you eventually don’t have one. 
I can’t remember who has been tagged or not so I apologise in advance, but I will tag.... let’s see.... @pinkfadespirit, @varghaxa, @lesetoilesfous, @hawkeish, @in-arlathan, @uchidachi, @midnightprelude, @veorlian, @blarrghe, @natsora, @charlatron, @lauraemoriarty, @jentrevellan, @laraslandlockedblues, @kagetsukai and anyone else who wants to do this! ❤️ 
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stolen-pen-name23 · 3 years
25, 26, and 27 for the fanfic writer asks if you want 😊 (hope you are going well Katie!!! <333)
Ahhh thanks Jess! And I'm doing well! <3
(From these fanfic asks)
25) favorite line you’ve ever written
This is a tough one, but I really liked the confrontation between Dooku and Anakin in All You Have is Your Fire. The line I liked most is the last one, but I put the two before it for context:
“Obi-Wan is too weak, too scared to see the merits of letting you use your full power,” Dooku continued. “He controls you. He brings you down to his level. It’s sad really. Like someone trying to defang a Manka cat.”
“Oh, and you wouldn’t just try to control me yourself?”
“Oh no, my boy, you misunderstand me. I don’t want to remove your fangs. I want to sharpen them.”
26) story you're most proud of
The story I'm most proud of is Like Flowers in Bloom, which I wrote for the Chaos Company fic exchange. I write primarily for myself, but I really like writing things for other people, especially if that person is a friend and I can tailor it to them. I feel like, because I was writing it for a friend, I put a lot more care and heart into it than I might have if I was writing it just for myself. Can you tell yet that my love language is acts of service?
27) best review you ever got
I answered this one here, but I will say that in general, my favorite reviews are either the ones that quote back to me what the reader's favorite lines and parts were. I also love the reviews that tell me the reader had some sort of physical reaction to what I wrote. If you tell me you laughed out loud or you gasped or you cried, I will feel content in my writing and I will love you forever.
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lo-55 · 3 years
Tilt The Hourglass Ch. 13
Siolo Ur Manka had lived in the Jentares system for nearly seventy years by the time their ship, still on loan from a Mandalorian named Silas, touched down on the planets soft soil. It was overrun with thick jungle, and it sang with the Force. With life, and light, in the bird songs and the ambling hum of great beasts that marched through the foliage with thick soled feet and swinging necks. 
And in it’s shadow death and darkness, beneath the undergrowth and in the fanged mouths of predators. 
Maul’s vornskr trotted behind him, their tails raised like tiny black flags. 
“Ahsoka, Ezra, Ben, keep up,” Maul warned over his shoulder. Ben, a biggest and also the most troublesome, turned his face away from a fluttering insect to chirp at Maul. Ahsoka batted his should and knocked him back in line. 
Kenobi, on Maul’s side, had his little lizard hanging from his hair. He’d named her something silly. Boba? Boga. She was tasting the air curiously while Kenobi looked around them in no small degree of wonder. If he’d never left the Temple before Bandomeer then there was no way he’d ever been to a planet with this much foliage on it. 
The air was thick and humid and Jango looked miserable where he tramped through the brush after them. 
Not that it was easy to see with his helmet in place, but Maul was getting better and better at reading his body language.
  Jango still confused him. 
For a lot of reasons, not the least of which was the fact that even though Maul had accidentally shoved nightmare fuel memories into his skull he still wanted to adopt him into his family. He was lucky that Jango thought they were only visions of the future, and not memories of Maul’s past. 
Even if Jango knew that, would it matter? 
The people Maul had killed before still lived, for one thing, so for all intents and purposes for everyone that wasn’t him they might as well have been visions. Everything he knew was true and detailed, but insubstantial and subject to change. He’d changed Kilindi and Daleen after all. 
Maul was probably lucky that he’d been found by a Mandalorian. Anyone else would have had to many questions up front, or would have tried to force him into the life of a child. Maul would have had to kill them, and cover that up too. It would have been annoying. 
Maul kept an ear out for anything dangerous as they neared the clearing where Siolo made his home. 
Maul had been here years ago, five years in the future, and killed the old twi’lek master. He was a powerful Jedi, and deeply entrenched in the Force. Maul had only beaten him through trickery, and he could teach Kenobi that if it became necessary. 
Maul shook his head. Since when was he seriously considering teaching Kenobi anything? He’d offered, once, to help him harness his anger and turn it into a tool. But Kenobi was too Jedi already to accept it. 
A shame. He could have made a powerful Sith. 
Maul shook the thought off. He was already too attached to too many people. He’d even begun gravitating towards Jango against his will. 
He didn’t need a father, and he had years more experience than the Mandalorian did. 
All the same, there was a part of him that still was ten years old, one that Maul ignored most of the time, that wanted what he could offer. It was faint, beaten down by the Maul that inhabited a body he’d long outgrown, but the longing was there. 
They came into a clearing. 
Siolo Ur Manka was just as Maul remembered him. And elderly twi’lek with mossy green skin, his lekku were draped around his shoulders. He wore the brown robes of a jedi, and he was sitting peacefully, entrenched in his deep meditation. 
The three sentients came to a halt half the field away from him. Ezra, entranced by the thick swirls of the Force around the master, left the safety of their group and trotted over to him. Maul hissed at him, but he was ignored. Ezra’s eyes were caught by the minute twitching of one of Siolo’s lekku. 
“We should probably warn him,” Jango mused as Ezra crept closer, his chest to the ground. Maul watched him. His posture was poor, but that would come with time. His butt wiggled as he stretched himself closer and closer to the Jedi Master. 
“No need,” Maul waved his hand flippantly. 
When Ezra made to pounce he was caught in the air, gently, by the Force. Siolo opened his eyes to looked at the vornskr, who bared his tiny teeth at him and tried to growl. His tail lashed uselessly. He was much too young to properly poinson the Jedi Master. 
“I believe,” Siolo said in his Rylothian accent, “That this is yours?” 
Maul used the Force to pluck the small predator out of his grasp and bring him back to his side. 
“That was poor technique,” he chided gently. Ezra chirped at him and crawled into his shirt instead of answering. Maul didn’t fight him. Ahsoka jumped up onto his shoulder with ease and bumped her cheek against his, as if apologizing for her littermates mistake. She was undeniably Maul’s favorite. She was already scarred, and already a fighter, and she’d destroyed three mouse droids on the way to the planet. She was going to be vicious and unstoppable once she was bigger than a bread box. 
Siolo looked over his assembled audience. He gripped his cane and stood, slowly. Maul was not fooled. He may be retired, but he was still a dangerous adversary. He was one of the few beings that Maul had ever run from in his life time, even if it was for only a few days while he built his lightsaber. 
It felt strange to stand before him without it, and in fact without any conflict between them. He was not here to kill Siolo. 
It was a weird feeling, to seek someone out without the intention of taking their head off their shoulders. Maul was still getting used to it. He was no less deadly than he once had been, but he saw more use in letting people live than killing them outright. 
“Do not see every enemy as an enemy. See them instead as an ally, whether they know it or not."
Mauls cheek twitched but he didn’t otherwise acknowledge the woman’s voice. This was getting old. He was certain it had something to do with the shattered holocrons. He needed to get back to Malachor and find them again, if for no other reason than to make the random voices of unwanted advice shut up. Every time he heard someone speak to him his palm itched where the small scars were pressed into his skin. 
Siolo looked over each of them in turn. Maul could feel him mentally brushing against Maul’d shields, and when Obi Wa- Kenobi stiffened Maul was certain he felt the same thing. If Jango wasn’t wearing his helmet it might well have happened to him too. 
“I don’t get many visitors out here. Certainly none as… unique, as you are.” 
“We look for a Master for Obi Wan,” Jango touched Kenobi’s shoulder lightly and urged him forwards. Kenobi took a deep breath and squared his shoulders when he approached. Once he was close enough he bowed deeply to the older Jedi. 
“Venerated Master,” he said politely. “I am Obi Wan Kenobi, of the Coruscant temple, and the AgriCorps. “ 
“Yes, the Force tells me as much,” Siolo inclined his head. “It also tells me you have great potential. Show me your abilities, young one.” 
Kenobi perked up, bouncing up on his toes. “Yes, Master! Um, do you have a lightsaber?” 
“I have not carried one in many years,” Siolo shook his head and brushed his robes out before he rose to his full height and lifted his walking stick. “Shall I repeat myself? Show me, young one.” 
Kenobi looked dubious, but he drew his lightsaber all the same. Maul sat on a fallen tree, and Jango took up residence at his shoulder. He stayed standing, his visor fixed on the two Jedi. Kenobi hesitated before he swung at Siolo. 
The old jedi parried the blow with his walking stick, reinforced with the Force. 
It was a trick that Maul had never quite gotten right. 
“How did you know this Jettii was here?” Jango asked while Kenobi went in for another blow. 
Maul hummed. 
“I was once sent to kill him. “ 
“Yet, here he stands. And he doesn’t seem to know you.” 
Maul shot him a grin with far too many teeth. “I don’t take orders well.” 
Jango huffed a laughed just as Obi Wan was knocked to the ground. Siolo was much gentler with him than he had been with Maul, though looking at him now Maul realized that the old master had been gentle with him as well. He could have killed him, if he really wanted to. 
Even if Maul had tried to flee, Siolo could have cut him down with a single parry when he was a boy of but seventeen. It rankled his pride, but in the end that mercy had been his downfall. 
Jedi weakness. 
(Maul ignored the phantom feeling of warm arms and cooling sand and blue eyes that did not hate
He ignored the refusal to kill and two blue blades, and sharp, predator teeth held back. How much harder it was not to kill the clones on the Tribunal (Or why he listened to Tano in the first place) 
Mercy stung at him and it was so much more difficult than cruelty)  
Kenobi got up, bowed to the Master, and started again. Siolo trounced him soundly each time, and while Maul could feel Kenobi’s frustrations building, he never yelled or threw his weapon down or demanded to know why he kept losing. Maul didn’t know if that was a good sign or not. 
“Aren’t you going to go fight?” Jango asked, nodding towards Siolo. Kenobi had at least given him enough challenge that one of his lekku fell out of place. 
Maul shook his head. He knew how he compared to the Jedi Master. “We’re looking for a Master for Kenobi. As you said, I will have no other Master.” 
Jango placed his hand on Maul’s small shoulder and squeezed it. Maul looked at it, but didn’t knock it away like he might normally have. 
“No,” Jango agreed. “Never again.” 
They sat together until Kenobi had worked himself up, sweating and panting, and Siolo called for a halt to their spar. He barely looked rumpled. 
“That’s enough, young one. You fought well. Was that Cin Drallig’s style I saw?” 
Kenobi nodded quickly. “Yes, Master. He teaches all the younglings their lightsaber forms.” 
“It shows. You’ll have to practice being more adaptable than he is, but I can see your potential. Both with a lightsaber, and the Force. Here.” 
Siolo handed him a water skin, one that Kenobi drank eagerly from. Jango leaned forwards on his knees when the two Jedi started making their way over. Maul made himself stay seated, and kept his hand off of his modified blaster. Siolo’s eyes stayed on him, and Maul was reminded that the old twi’lek had once told him that others had come before he had. Siolo eyed him, but if he could sense the depths of his darkness he didn’t give it away. 
“You keep strange company, Initiate Kenobi,” Siolo mused. “A pair of Mandalorians are unusual companions for a young Jedi.” 
“I promised I’d help him find a Jedi Master,” Jango said evenly while Kenobi flushed in embarrassment. “Maul heard you lived here.” 
“You’re right,” Siolo inclined his head. “And he shows great promise as a Jedi. I have felt few so strong in the Light in recent years.” 
Kenobi sucked in a startled breath. “But, Master! I was angry in our fight,” he argued, his shoulders hunched in shame. “I was upset when you kept beating me so easily.” 
Siolo looked faintly amused. He touched Kenobi’s shoulder. “I would expect so. You’re young, and you will grow out of that if you try. I didn’t sense any true attempt to hurt me, even when you were angry.” 
“But anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the darkside!” 
“So it does,” Siolo inclined his head. “But we are Jedi, not droids. We still feel. Even the greatest of Masters is not immune to anger. The important thing is that we do not act on it, or give it control over us. Do you understand?” 
Kenobi’s brows furrowed. “I… I think so.” 
“Your Master will be able to explain it further to you.” 
Kenobi startled, confusion on his face. “But, I have no Master. That is why we came here, to you!” 
“I know,” Siolo said kindly. He squeezed Kenobi’s shoulder. “But I am too old to raise a Padawan properly. I am retired from fieldwork, and your education would be skewed if I were to try. You deserve better than an old twi’lek for your master, child.” 
“But- I’m almost thirteen,” Kenobi’s blue eyes glittered. 
“Yes?” Siolo looked confused. “I was almost fifteen when my Master took me on.” 
Kenobi gaped at him. “But thirteen is too old to be a Padawan? For human’s and species with comparable life times.” 
“Is that what they’ve decided these days?” Siolo shook his head. “I heard talk about making a cap of youngling’s ages a few decades ago, but I hadn’t known they’d made it a solid rule.”
“Why would they do something like that?” Jango asked, frowning at Siolo. 
Siolo shook his head. “I couldn’t tell you. Something about the other branches needing more members, but it seems silly to force younglings into them if they don’t want to be.” 
Jango inclined his head. “You’re sure you won’t take the boy as your student?” 
Kenobi was trying desperately to look brave and self assured, but it wasn’t working well. He looked crushed. Like each time he got his hopes up they were dashed upon the ground. 
“As I said, it wouldn't be fair to Young Kenobi for me to take him on. But there are plenty of other Masters in the order. Come, have supper with me, and I’ll see if I can’t think of a few names.” 
Siolo motioned for them to follow him to a hut that was almost completely hidden by trees. Kenobi followed first, then Maul, with Jango behind them. He was saying something into his comlink, but he was too far behind for Maul to hear exactly what it was. 
Maul stepped into a hut that felt far too warm and smelled like stew, and the galaxy turned on. 
Far off in the stars, dozens of comlink lit up with a new order. 
The Mand’alor required a Jedi, and they were to find him one. Gently. 
‘Gentle’, for Mandalorians, was a rather subjective term. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Mace was intensely grateful that Depa was sitting at his side. 
Her Padawan braid hung long down her shoulder, it’s beads glinting faintly in the dim light. It was almost time for the braid to be cut off. Depa was more than ready to be a Knight, and her trials were slated for the next week. She was busily writing on her datapad, apparently absorbed in the last of her coursework. 
Mace wasn’t fooled. 
He could tell from the faint furrowing of her brows that she was listening carefully to what was happening in the council chambers. 
They all were. 
As Mace’s padawan she had a privilege to sit in on council meetings, unless they were more high security. This meeting was troubling, to be sure, but it wasn’t an emergency meeting. 
Not yet, at least. 
“Certain of this, you are?” Master Yoda asked, his normally light voice deep with concern for their newest loss. Mace carefully let his irritation flow into the Force. It was something he had a lot of practice doing, unfortunately. Depa glanced at him curiously before she bent her head over her data pad again. It was balanced on her lap, while a few others were stacked next to the small chair that she was afforded beside his own. 
“Yes, Master,” Qui Gon Jinn’s face was smooth now, but Mace could see the faint remnants of lines etched in with grief and frustration. Mace could only imagine. He’d lost his former Padawan, fallen or otherwise, and his prospective future Padawan all in the span of a single night. “The boy had training, but not from any Jedi, and he was powerful in the Darkside. He was not half grown and he cut down Xanatos with almost no effort at all. Before the night was over he and the Mandalorian had taken Initiate Kenobi and left the planet.” 
It was sparse at best, and there were so many gaps in the story that Mace could have ridden a Bantha between them, but so too were all of Jinn’s reports. Those that didn’t involve a simple end to the story and the rest was filled with ‘I followed the Will of the Force’. 
Mace was not his biggest fan.  
“I fear that the dark child plans on corrupting Kenobi. The boy is already prone to anger and aggression.” 
That was true, but the same could have been said about Mace when he was Kenobi’s age. 
“And the Mandalorian?” Tiin asked, a deep frown on his face. 
“I could not say why he would aid in taking Initiate Kenobi,” Jinn admitted, bowing his head. 
“Perhaps it was for revenge,” Sifo Dyas offered up, his mouth turned in a grim line. “Many Mandalorians were injured during the battle on Galidraan. Perhaps the battle was not enough.” 
A grim thought. 
Mace’s stomach turned. Depa’s grip on her stylus tightened. Through their training bond Mace could feel her intense concern for the youngling. 
“Either way, I will pursue them and uncover the truth,” Jinn announced. 
The room fell quiet. Mace exchanged a look with Yaddle and Giiett. Tyvokka didn’t look any more happy about it than anyone else felt. 
“That may not be the best idea,” Poof said gently. “You are grieving, Master Jinn. Perhaps it would be best if you stayed at the temple for a time.” 
“I do not need time,” Jinn said swiftly. “Initiate Kenobi needs someone to find him, immediately, and I am the only one who knows the Mandalorian and the Darksider.” 
Eeth Koth looked to Tyvokka, who in turn shook his head. 
“You were not the boys guardian, Qui Gon. And he is not your Padawan. You are too emotionally invested in this matter,” Tyvokka said gravely. “We should send another.” 
None of them mentioned it, but everyone had heard about how devastated Kenobi had been when Jinn had refused to take him as his padawan after the show he put on at the Initiate competition a month or so earlier. Now Kenobi had fought off pirates and draigons at Jinn’s side, and he still referred to the boy as ‘Initiate’. Anyone else would have taken the boy for their padawan in a heartbeat. 
Many would have already, except… 
“Unacceptable. I will find Initiate Kenobi,” Jinn insisted. “And I will bring him back.” 
Finally, Yoda spoke again. 
“Feel that you have failed the boy, you do. Choose to pursue him, for Obi Wan’s best interest or your own redemption. Which do you seek?” 
“I cannot allow a random knight to go after them,” Jinn argued. “The Mandalorian and the dark child are more dangerous than you can imagine!” 
“According to you, the Mandalorian also fought by your side against the draigon’s.” And according to some of the miners they had contacted before Jinn gave his report, he had also helped him disable bombs set to destroy the planet. Curious that Jinn didn’t see pertinent to mention that. 
“That was to save his own life. We have no idea what a Mandalorian would do to a Force Sensative child, let alone a Jedi Initiate. We need to rescue him.” 
“You’re right,” Mace said evenly, catching Jinn’s eye. “We need to. Poof is correct. We all know that Xanatos was important to you, whatever may have happened in recent years. Stay home for the time being. Rest in your chambers, visit your friends, sit in the creche. Trust in the council to retrieve Kenobi.” 
“Have faith in your fellow Jedi, you must,” Yaddle added. Jinn drew himself up to argue before it all seemed to deflate. For just a moment his shields slipped, and the grief and guilt came rippling out to wash over the Council members. Depa gasped quietly at his side. 
“Yes, master’s.” 
Mace could count on one hand the number of times Qui Gon Jinn had actually listened to them. He could only watch the maverick Jedi bow to them and leave, his shields drawing back up around him. 
The door closed soundly behind him. 
“He really should speak to a Mind Healer,” Poof said sadly. Mace had to agree. They’d tried to get him to do as much after Xanatos first left the Order, but Yoda had advised them not to push him on the matter. 
They’d listened. 
Now, Mace wondered if that was the best idea. 
Speaking of Yoda… 
“Why was Initiate Kenobi sent to Bandomeer without an escort?” Mace asked suddenly, drawing all attention to himself. He was the youngest in the room by far, not counting Depa. “When Initiates are assigned to one of the corps they’re typically escorted by a Knight, or a Master who already belongs to them, aren’t they? So where was Initiate Kenobi’s?” 
“Going to Bandomeer as well, Qui Gon was. Look after the boy, he did,” Yoda said helpfully. 
“Yes, and that worked so well,” Koth frowned at the Grand Master. 
“Circumstances we could not have foreseen, there were,” Yoda pointed out. 
“True, this is. Yet still, more caution we should have used,” Yaddle argued. “Did this one purpose, didn’t you? To push the two together, yes?” 
Yoda’s ears drooped minutely. “A good pair, they would make. Show me, the Force did.” 
“This is why you asked that other Master’s interested in the boy not act?” Tyvokka asked with no small degree of unhappiness. The master was well known for his care of Younglings, something that his own apprentice had inherited. Somedays Mace wondered how neither of them were full time creche masters. 
Depa looked to Mace, startled. He frowned at her, but nodded once. It was true. Yoda had staked an unofficial claim on the boy. He wanted him for his own current lineage, and while Dooku was unable to take a Padawan while he had Komari Vosa, and Feemor had been undercover as a shadow until only a week ago, Qui Gon was the only one who could have done it. 
Mace let his irritation flow into the Force. 
The old Jedi’s meddling was getting out of hand. Had the Council of Reassignment even authorized Kenobi’s transfer to Bandomeer, or had Yoda gone over their heads in this scheme of his? 
“A great Jedi, Kenobi will be,” Yoda said again, tapping his walking stick on the council room floor. 
“If he returns,” Sifo Dyas said grimly. 
“We need to send someone after him quickly. In that Qui Gon was no wrong,” Koth admitted. 
“It will have to be someone who is good at laying low, and good at tracking to get close enough to the Mandalorian and the ‘dark child’ he spoke of,” T’un mused. 
“Perhaps Tholme and his new Padawan?” Omo B’ouri suggested. “Vos is one of the Kenobi’s old creche-mates.” 
“Much darkness I sense in Vos,” Yoda argued, shaking his head. 
“...Feemor,” Mace said suddenly. “He has Shadow training, he’s recovered from his last mission, and we don’t have another lined up for him yet.” 
On top of that, suggesting Feemor would get him closer to getting Yoda to agree, since Feemor was Yoda’s Grandpadawan. 
Or should be, if Qui Gon hadn’t publicly disowned him. It was one of the biggest reasons Feemor had asked to train as a Shadow, instead of continuing on his Councilor path. 
Whether Feemor was still Yoda’s Grandpadawan by rights or by sentiment, Mace’s suggestion did the trick. 
Yoda nodded, slowly. 
Good. Trying to go against Yoda as council meetings was light trying to fight the tide. The Grand Master had much sway over the rest of them. 900 years of being with the Jedi would do that. 
“Very well. Send Knight Feemor after Initiate Kenobi, we will. Retrieve our lost Initiate, we must. Learn more about this ‘dark child’ too, we shall.”
No one disagreed. Mace took a data pad from Depa and started writing up new mission orders for Feemor, as well as arranging for his funding for the mission. Hopefully it wouldn’t be a long one, but the Force was tilting around them. New shatterpoints appeared and disappeared everyday. 
Only time would tell where the future would lead. 
Mace commed Feemor to come receive his new mission.  
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coryfirelion · 3 years
Another Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @incorrectly-quoted-queers Thank you n.n
Nickname: Cory. On the internet and IRL, I’ve always been called Cory, I almost don’t answer to my real name XD
Zodiac: Leo >:3
Height: 5′7.7″ or 1.72 m
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw here!
Last thing i googled: Work in chiclayo
Song(s) stuck in my head: “The One” from Kodaline.
Number of followers: *checks it...89(??????) (not sure how did i get here x_x but thanks??)
Hours of sleep: from 2 to 4 hours in a bad/normal day; 5 to 6 hours in a good day.
Lucky number: 7
Dream job: As *fandomly* as it could sound, I want a Coffee Shop, a coffee shop with fresh baked goods -w- <3
Currently wearing: sleevless blue shirt and frannel blue pants :3
Favorite fanfic authors (I’m a cheater): @natsora has my whumper heart on her hands and @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold elevates the slow burn to a level so HIGH that it becames torture (love you Manka, please don’t hate me <3)
Favorite instrument: I loooove violin and guitar, I can’t play them, but i love them -w-
Aesthetic: I’ve been tagged many times in this kind of posts and I still don’t know what to put in this part... like... cozy? a bit rustic? with some white and blue tones, maybe purple too.
Favorite song: “Bird set free” by Sia and “Birds” from Imagine Dragons. (Yes, I love Birds)
Favorite animal noise: Birds singing.
Random: I have 12 pets -w-
Tagging: @cassandra-pentughasst @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @natsora @halesfire22 @wickedwitchofthewilds @persephonespatience @acrononymous @blarfkey @pip-n-flinx and everyone else that wants to play! (also, no obligations! :D)
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wardenari · 3 years
3,5, and 7 for the writer asks!
Hey, hey -- remember that time you sent me an ask on Tumblr and then it just sat for months in my inbox. Yeah, I'm the worst!!!
Anyway, this is from this ask (cause whose gonna remember from back then LOL) Seriously, I need to get more on top of things!
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
Usually I write front to back. If there's something REALLY stuck in my head, I'll write it out quickly in a draft and pull it back in to the story later/polish it up. But I've found if I have this thing in my fic I REALLY want to write -- leaving it unwritten until I get to that part of the story helps motivate me to keep writing. You know like "Ok Ari, write all this shit about the missions away from Skyhold so you can get to writing this couples declaration of their feelings!!"
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
Cullen. Not because I didn't like him - I've been watching his journey since DAO and he's one of my faves. Just because I feel like SO MANY people have already written him, and better than I do (that's not me putting myself down it's me saying there's lots of REALLY talented writers in the DA fandom). Also felt like his story has just been told so many times in the DA fandom that like "What could I add to it?" But then I had this idea of him being with someone that already knows his demons (literally and figuratively ) so he never has to hide that part of himself for fear of rejection. And "Imperfect Timing" was born - which I also love cause seems like when he's paired with a HoF it's Amell, so having him with Cousland was just my own spin.
7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
Well -- online with other DA fans, I'm excited. But in person, or with people I know in RL - I keep mum. It's not because of the fanfic part, but because of the sex/smut. Most people look down on that, or shame people for it. And where I live is the very edge of the Bible belt so people can be pretty conservative about sex anyway. And so my husband is the only person I know in Real Life (who isn't also part of the DA Fandom) that knows that I write fanfic.
Also, I know Manka will get this - but anyone else reading this - I'm not really beating myself up about not answering sooner. It's just sarcasm and self-deprecation is my "go to" for humor :D LOL
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tracingdreams · 4 years
Why Tasuki Hates Women: Fushigi Yuugi Special Story: Part 6 (Final) - Miaka
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“The reason why I started hating women” 
(Ore ga Onna-girai ni Natta Riyuu)   PART SIX (Final)
~From Fushigi Yuugi Perfect World compendium, Vol 6, 2005
(Author Nishizaki Megumi, who also wrote the Gaiden novels. Original work and illustration, Watase Yuu)
Translation is mine, any errors are also mine.
Above image of Tasuki and his sisters - Eimin (centre), Rin’an (top right), Manka (bottom left), Aidou (bottom right) and Fuyou (top left).
The Seishi are en route to Hokkan (yeah, before all the nasty kicks off) and they’re taking a break. Tasuki is recovering from his seasickness, and Miaka is keeping him company in the way only Miaka can - by eating lots and asking him probing questions. Miaka tries to figure out Tasuki’s perfect woman and Tasuki explains his childhood traumas - all five of them ;)
This is a longish story so I am splitting it into parts where there are natural divides.
At the end of part 5, Tasuki’s sister Aidou had just noticed something...
“Shun’u. By the way, what’s that?” Aidou asked.
“There. That thing on your right arm that looks like a character.”
Everyone turned to stare at the place on Shun’u’s arm.
“……For real.”
“It says ‘wing’.”
“Hey, is that the thing that you mentioned that time way back, Ma?”
“No way…”
“It can’t be…Shun’u is…”
Everyone was speaking at once.
“Are you…the Suzaku Stellar Warrior, Tasuki?!”
Shun’u himself stared at the character on his arm with wide eyes of disbelief.
When the country was on the brink of destruction, a priestess would come from another world, and, along with seven stellar warriors, would save the nation. Was he really one of these individuals?
In the blink of an eye he realised that he would be released from his way of life up until then.
“Right, because I’m Suzaku’s…”
“The Seven Stellar Warriors can die in battle, though, right?”
“Even if he isn’t killed, up till the time Suzaku is summoned, he could be taken away.”
“No way. This is a problem…”
“It’s a real bother, honestly. How can someone become a stellar warrior just because they can run a bit fast?”
“Are you sure you didn’t just write it on your arm yourself for a joke?”
One by one everyone examined Shun’u’s arm.
His mother and his sisters were making a hysterical fuss about it all, but eventually, they came to a collective decision.
“Until such time as he’s called away to be a Stellar Warrior, we should make Shun’u work even harder!”
Crestfallen, Tasuki poked at his arm.
“...It was at that moment that I decided to run away from home.”
“So that’s what happened.” Miaka said to Tasuki, who, by this time, had begun to get fed up.
“But Tasuki, your older sisters are healthy and pretty cool, really. And your mother’s a really good cook.”
“My older four sisters are all married now and have left home. They just come back when they get hungry for sukiyaki.”
“In that case, I like the hunger bug!” (NB This seems to be a play on words with suki and sukiyaki. It fails in English – it’s also joking on Japanese vocabulary knowledge).
Miaka sat up proud, answering like a proper examination entry student.
“That reminds me, Tasuki, do you not have a father?”
“I do. Now you mention it, he hasn’t come up in any of my stories so far, has he? He’s the kind who fades into the background so much that I never know what he’s doing.”
Tasuki continued.
“Apparently, though, in the past, my father had an active physique and a muscular body. But as the number of daughters increased, he had the life force sucked out of him by his womenfolk. I absolutely didn’t want to turn out like him. Although, the day that I left home, my father was the only one who covertly followed me in order to see me off.”
“I had the feeling that Dad was saying to me, you’re the only boy, go and live your life however you want to.”
“I see. So then you joined the mountain bandits..?”
Miaka gave a small laugh.
“Tasuki, the first time we met, you lied to me and didn’t tell me who you really were.”
“Yeah. Because Reikaku-zan was more important to me than being a Stellar Warrior.”
“Because you hated women, you thought, like hell I’m gonna obey some priestess, right?”
“Something like that.”
“And yet, you’re here anyway. Well done.”
Tasuki stretched his body out.
“I wonder why I felt that way. I think it’s a bit mysterious even now.”
“I think that in the meantime, Tasuki, you’ve become able to find a woman you like now. Honestly, I don’t think it matters what your perfect type might be. If you fall in love with her, you’ll suddenly love everything about her anyway.”
“……Is that how it works?”
Grinning, Miaka nodded her head, and Tasuki stared at her intently.
“On the other hand, you really can eat a lot, can’t you, for a woman? Leave some for me!”
Tasuki reached out a hand to take one of the butaman, but Miaka pulled it out of his reach.
“Nope. That one’s the last one, after all.”
“What are you talking about? It’s fine, let me eat it!”
“No way, no way!”
They both climbed up onto the sideboard and the last butaman rolled around and around as they fought over it.
“But Tasuki, I thought that you were seasick!”
“Huh?” Tasuki stood still for a moment, then said, “now you mention it, I feel better.”
“That’s good. In that case, I’m gonna take lunch to Tamahome.”
With a big smile on her face, Miaka waved her hands in a wave, then turned, hurrying away in the direction of the ship’s main chamber.
 Hating women, huh…
Tasuki allowed a rueful smile.
With Mum and five sisters, I really had enough of women.  
And my dream is to become a man amongst men, like Hakurou had been. So why exactly am I here like this? Even though I had absolutely no interest in the Suzaku legend.
Tasuki’s gaze fell in the direction that Miaka had gone.
Maybe because you’re a kind of woman that, until now, I’ve not had around me?
That was it.
Idiotically direct.
Someone who doesn’t make a fuss about herself.
Clumsy, but always hard working.
Although carrying the burden of being Suzaku’s priestess, always trying her best.
Maybe it’s because that priestess is you.
It’s not as though I’ve stopped hating women.
But the priestess…no, Miaka…I’ll protect you and you alone.
No matter what happens, I’ll gamble this life and protect you, so don’t worry about a thing.
 On board the boat heading for Hokkan, and through all the hardships they would face ahead, Tasuki felt a different wind beginning to blow.
 The End 😊
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avigilantthrust · 4 years
A New Friend
Surprise it’s fan fiction. It’s short, and also my first posting any fanfic to tumblr. I would ask to go easy on me, but honestly if it makes you chuck your device in disgust that is valid.  
Anyway, this is during KotFE and just a headcanon I have about my JK and Theron. Please enjoy!  
“No time to talk, gotta go.” That was all Theron Shan heard from Leah Randrea aka his girlfriend as she rushed past him, as well as most of the Alliance, with a mysterious blanket bundle. A part of him considered leaving well enough alone, finding out later tonight what enthralled the Jedi’s attention. However, he couldn’t shake his innate curiosity as to what was in the that small blanket and why it required such urgency. So, he shut his terminal off and quietly slipped out of the war room and headed towards their... well her room. By now it had become routine that every night ended with him and her curled up in the same large bed. As Theron entered, he saw the Alliance Commander crouched next to said bed while making a bizarre ‘pspsps’ sound.
“Uh, what are you-“ he started but was quickly interrupted.
“Shh! Come here.” She waved him over. Cautiously, he walked over and knelt next to the Jedi and peered under the bed. A set of golden eyes stared back at him.
“I found a cat.” She said, answering a question he hadn’t even asked.
“Don’t you mean a loth cat?”
“No, a cat.”
“Like a manka cat?”
“Just a cat, look.” She stretched her hand out and made the same ‘pspsps’ sound. The creature seemed to creep further toward her fingers, but paused as Theron shifted his feet. It was a small thing, with a shaggy tabby coat and clearly malnourished.
“I saw it rummaging around in a dumpster and I just couldn’t leave it, y’know?” She said as she rhythmically drummed her fingers, trying to get the cat’s attention.
“Yeah.” He replied, a small smile growing on his face at the thought of a fearsome Jedi Knight chasing this cat.
“Please tell me this was after helping Leeha?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t endanger an animal like that.” Well, thank the Force for that, though the image of her with cat in hand taking on the Zakuulan Empire forced him to stifle a chuckle.
“Why don’t you try?” She gestured to the cat.
“And do what?”
“See if she likes you.”
“Trust me. Just let her sniff your hand.” Theron had better things to do, both of them did. Yet there he was, taking off his gloves and reaching his hand into the darkness under the bed in the vain hope this animal didn’t bite his fingers. He observed the cat gingerly sniffing, its nose flaring. Then, it crept forward and licked his index finger. At first, Theron wanted to recoil but also figured that a sudden movement like that would be more traumatic to the cat than his own reservations. Instead he slowly pulled his arm back out and let the cat follow.
“Aww, she does like you!” Leah cooed.
“Yeah right.” Theron said, before the cat rubbed its--no her cheek on his thigh.
“I told you.” The Jedi muttered as she reached out to pet the cat.
“I’m keeping her, by the way.” She added. The cat had now curled up next Theron’s leg and was actually purring.
“Good.” He smiled.
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yandere-society · 5 years
(Redid my hybrid question) hybrid mankae line reacting to their s/o smelling like another male.
Hope you enjoy!! -🐯
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One of Jimin’s favourite things was your scent. It sent him wild if he got even a faint whiff; it was intoxicating. If he was around you, then he’d be sure to have his nose buried in the crook of our neck. And if he wasn’t then he’d have a jumper of yours he’d stolen pressed to his face.
So he was bound to notice when your scent had been tainted. Jimin had discarded your upper the second you entered the room, hurtling over to you excitedly. It had been an especially long day at work for you, and an even longer day for Jimin, since he had to spend it alone waiting for you. That’s why his greeting was even more overboard than usual.
You were pushed down to the mattress immediate, Jimin’s frame practically crushing you. The purrs escaping his throat were erratic as he snuggled into you, his nose taking its designated place against your neck. His purring ceased instantly.
He pulled his face away from you, staring at you with a look of utter despair, his ears pulled back. “Y/n…what happened to your scent?!” He whined, alarmed at the disruption of his favourite smell. “Why do you smell like another man?! You can’t! I don’t like it!”
You were prepared to scold the male, but the shear worry in his eyes pulled at your heartstrings, and you ended up stroking his hair comfortingly instead. “Sorry, Jimin, I didn’t realise. I can go take a shower if you-”
“No!” He protest, clinging onto you, “Don’t leave! We’ll just cuddle instead. You’ve been gone too long to just leave me alone again…”
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You had never pegged Taehyung to be one of those scent-obsessed hybrids that you’d heard about. He seemed too chill to get panicked over that type of thing. And you were right; most of the time, Taehyung wasn’t too bothered about your scent.
However, at certain times- the lead up to his heat, for example- it was all Taehyung thought about. Well, that and his desire for sex, but even that came down to how good you smelt all the damn time.
Unfortunately for him, you had expressed quite clearly your dislike of overly-possessive hybrids who scented their lovers. He knew you’d never let him get away with it, and not scenting you only made him more nervous. His mind was plagued with worrisome thoughts of someone else claiming you because he hadn’t. The night you came home smelling like another man, Taehyung decided to finally do something about it.
While you were fast asleep, he spent the night washing your clothes. But he made sure that they wouldn’t have dried in time for you to go out again tomorrow. That way, you’d have no choice to either just stay at home (which was the preferable option) or to wear his clothes.
You were annoyed at him when you found out you basically had nothing to wear, but still insisted on going out.
Taehyung tried to hide his grin, kindly offering a solution to your problems. “Angel, what if you borrowed some of my clothes for now? It’s only your friends you’re meeting with, right? They shouldn’t care if you smell like me,” His tail wagged behind him- he knew he wouldn’t mind at all.
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You knew Jungkook was very territorial, especially of you, his mate. It had been obvious even before your relationship had began. At first, you had found his possessive behaviour amusing, and had tried teasing him. Needless to say, that didn’t work out so well.
Jungkook always took extra precaution to make sure you were his, and his alone. Equally, you took precautions to try and protect the few male friends you did have. Jungkook knew about all of them, and while he wasn’t happy about them being anywhere near you, he accepted it- with conditions.
The first was that he had to know about them, and their exact relationship with you. If there was ever any past feelings or tension, he wouldn’t allow them to meet you. His second rule was that you could never meet with one of them alone. There had to be either him, or at least three other people with you.
You hadn’t told Jungkook where you had been all day, not even stopping to wonder if he’d mind if you spent time with your brother. That was your grave mistake.
The growls that entered your ears when you walked in were terrifying. The male stood leaning against the doorframe, dark eyes narrowed as you tried to side-step him.
He grabbed your wrist, pinning you against the wall before you could blink. “Why do you smell so bad?” He growled out, eyes dark and wild with fury. “Who the hell have you been speaking with?! I don’t recognise their scent, and you know our rules.” When he doesn’t receive an answer, his anger seems to grow tenfold. He slams his hands beside your head, ignoring the way you flinch. “Answer me!”
“My brother, Jungkook. I met with my brother. I didn’t think you’d mind. Clearly I was mistaken.” You answered, locking eyes with him in an attempt to show dominance over the angered pup.
He took a moment, as if processing your words, before he replied to you with a sigh, “Oh. Sorry, I didn’t know. Go take a shower and then we’ll talk,”
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sinsbymanka · 3 years
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so. I uh. keep feeling overwhelmed by things for no good reason, took a few days off tumblr, and came back to so many @’s for WIP whenever day! I’m still feeling pretty overwhelmed by tumblr but I finally got a chance to I think go through and look at everyone’s lovely things <3 if I missed something please let me know! I had to throw them all in a queue so they’ll all get reblogged soon! 
I also have... completely lost track of who tagged me. I’m sorry. I don’t have the spoons to go back and find them, but I appreciate it <3 <3 
Here is something I’ve been working on. It’s a non-smutty snippet of a smut piece in the works that will be Chapter 2 of Ink and Other Stains on a Page. I slipped and made Solas/Maria Cadash/Varric Tethras a Throuple. My bad.
“There’s something empty about the library when you and Dorian aren’t sniping at each other,” she continues. She doesn’t look up at him as they slip through the door into the narrow open hallway ringing the courtyard. In fact, she makes a great show of closely examining the doll like figures below them. “And I missed you. We both did.” 
Solas is glad she’s not looking, he fears he cannot hide the yawning grief her words inspire. She missed him, they both did, and someday he’ll leave them. He has no choice. 
He should never have given into this weakness. Her gray eyes and their striking ferocity hiding her vulnerability, Varric’s rich laughter and endless stories. He should have left them in their own orbit. 
Instead he’s fallen into it like a fool. 
It's a small comfort that no matter what, they will have each other. And he… he will be left with this memory. Her crimson hair in the sunlight, the catch in her voice, the way her eyes suddenly swing to his when he steers them towards the room Varric still keeps for the illusion of propriety. 
If he is to be left only with memories of this happiness, he wants them to be worth remembering.
if you think I’m not dead serious about this throuple nonsense there’s a moodboard now I won’t be taking comments. 
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Anyway since I’ve lost track of tags completely, consider yourself tagged or tagged back for the next one if you want to be! <3 
@hollyand-writes​, @musetta3​, @corylion​, @another-rogue-trevelyan​, @jellydishes​, @starsandskies​, @jennserr​, @kunstpause​, @charlatron​, @pikapeppa​,  @kemvee​, @heroofshield​, @thefoxinboots​, @sunspott​, @enigmalea​, @tessa1972​, @wizardofozymandias​, @goblin-tea​, @jacklyn-flynn​, @wickedwitchofthewilds​, @ladynorbert​, @pookydraws​, @noire-pandora​, @queen-kass-the-writer​, @visceralcoma​, @lavellanvibes​, @tightassets​  @schoute​, @serial-chillr​, @wardenari​, @resjade​, @barbex​, @solas-disapproves​, @blarfkey​, @scharoux​, @shadowcrow​, @curiousthimble​, @midnightprelude​, @zuendwinkel​, @padme4000​, @alyssalenko​, @biowarejnky​, @jarakrisafis​, @lauraemoriarty​, @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul​, @tevivinter​, @lucyrne​, @lostinfantasies38​, @fasterpuddytat​, @lethendralis-paints​, @kittimau​ @coffeebird-eccentric​ @criticallyours​ @ashalle-art​, @elveny​, @rpgwrites​, @imakemywings​, @tuffypelly​, @varghaxa​, @fandomn00blr​, @in-arlathan​, @parera-zuul-jar​, @laraslandlockedblues​, @paisleybees​, @nug-juggler​, @acrononymous​, @lavalampelfchild​, @jentrevellan​, @a-shakespearean-in-paris​ @hobo-apostate, @theharlotofferelden​
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Too Much Information: Character Interview (Luhcy)
Thanks you very much for the tag @a-muirehen​ ! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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At some point between Nathema and Ossus.
► Name ➔  Luhcy. But the full name would be probably “Lethana Luhcy Kallig-soon-Shan”. I have wear a lot of titles if you want to know all the full subject, Outlander, Commander of the Eternal Alliance,  Darth Occlus, Force-walker, Conqueror of the Dread Master... *wave her hands*
► Are you single ➔  It depend, if-. (When she heard a coughing behind her, she added fast) Sorry I’m taken.
► Are you happy ➔   I guess?
► Are you angry ➔ Right now not, but very often yeah. Even more this last few month.
► Are your parents still married ➔ I just hope they are both dead now.
► Birth Place ➔ Ziost.
► Hair Color ➔  Plum.
► Eye Color ➔ PowderBlue. Don’t ask me what it is. Some shade of light blue.
► Birthday ➔ Are you trying to know my age? It’s not a question for a Lady. Tssk.
► Mood ➔ Positive, right now.
► Gender ➔ I’m a woman.
► Summer or winter ➔ Winter. I don’t like heat.
► Morning or afternoon ➔ I’m absolutely not a Morning Person when we’re not on war.
► Are you in love ➔ *sighs happily and smile heavily* Yes! ~
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ It already happen so, yes.
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ I depend of the point of view. If the break with Theron for few month count, Theron. More globally, it was me. I’m still sorry, Nik and Cass.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Yes.
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ No. It’s more reassuring.
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Sure! ~ So many people. So many times!
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Probably.
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ *her face darkened*
► Love or lust ➔ Why should I choose between the two? Both, totally.
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Iced tea.
► Cats or Dogs ➔ Definitively nexu and manka cats. *some purr and roar on the background agreed*
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ One part doesn’t exclude the other.
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Both, again.
► Day or night ➔ Night!
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Yes of course.
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Maybe...
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yes. Fiest, freedom for my father influence. And then, at the begining, after Manaan. And Ziost. *shrugs*
► Wanted to disappear ➔ So much. *whispers* and right now too.
► Smile or eyes ➔ Smile. Oh damn Theron’s and Nik’s grin always draw me mad.
► Shorter or Taller ➔ Taller. *grin heavily*
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Attraction?
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ Relationship, now that I’m not in danger every minute of the day.
► Do you and your family get along ➔  It’s.. complicated.
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Messed isn’t a strong enough word.
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ Yes
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ *Clench her fist and do not answer*
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ I don’t think so? I didn’t think about anyone right now. But, maybe.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ They earned my trust and my affection. So yeah.
► Who is your best friend ➔ Oh Force. I will have problems if I answer. So I will said Andronikos.
► Who knows everything about you ➔ Andronikos. And he understand me like no other.
Thanks for the tag! ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺
I’m tagging: @comraderex​ @nusaran​ @melissagt​ @greencrusader13​ @lumielles​ @starknstarwars​ @verbose-vespertine​ @made-of-starr-dust​ and @elaphaemourra​
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vespertine-legacy · 5 years
Too Much Info: Character Interview
(Tagged for Round 2 by @starknstarwars​)
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Let’s go for Mena this time. Jaesa and Vette sit on either side of her to keep her from saying anything stupid. Well, to try to, anyway.
► Name ➔  “Lord Atmena Jenkari’uul, the Empire’s Wrath.” (Vette and Jaesa both sigh.) “Fine, yes, everyone just calls me Mena.”
► Are you single ➔ At this, she smiles, placing a hand on Jaesa’s knee. “I am not.”
► Are you happy ➔ “Decently so.”
► Are you angry ➔ “Oh, always.”
► Are your parents still married ➔ “I don’t suppose they technically are. My mother died when I was born, but my father never remarried, and I doubt he ever will.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Dromund Kaas.”
► Hair Color ➔ “It’s quite a lovely shade of red, wouldn’t you say?”
► Eye Color ➔ “They’re gold. They weren’t always though.” (Vette and Jaesa stare at her in disbelief. She smirks in response.) “They started out yellow. It was a boring change.”
► Birthday ➔ “The first day of the fifth month. And I do like presents.”
► Mood ➔ “Currently, rather pleasant.”
► Gender ➔ “Female.”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer.” (Vette: “She does much better in the heat. Even though she generates her own. I don’t know how she didn’t melt Hoth.”)
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “If those are my only choices, then morning.” (Jaesa, knowingly: “She prefers evenings.”
► Are you in love ➔ “If I don’t say yes, I think I’ll be in trouble.” (She raises an eyebrow and grins, Jaesa pinches her side.)
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Maybe not love at first sight, but definitely attraction or connection at first sight when it’s true.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔”He did (well, it wasn’t so much a relationship). When he betrayed me. And tried to have me killed.” (Mena gets a far-off look in her eyes, and Vette grips her hand. “Ooookay, we’re gonna move on to the next question now.”) 
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Oh, definitely.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Not at all.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ (Vette answers this one. “For someone called ‘Wrath,’ she hugs entirely too much.”)
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Mena grins. “Yes.” (At the same time, Jaesa: “No!”; Vette: “Jaesa, it was not a secret.”)
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I don’t like this line of questioning anymore.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Lust is rather fun. But love.”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Tea, but hot.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Cats. I’m quite fond of nexu and manka.” (Vette: “I’m not, please stop trying to bring them home.”)
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Just a few good friends is sufficient.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “A crazy night out with her (points to Vette), and a romantic night in with her (kisses Jaesa’s cheek).”
► Day or night ➔ “Night.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “I don’t sneak. I go where I like, and if I get caught, I am very good at acting like I belong where I am and getting out of trouble.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “I do not fall. I am graceful.” (Vette and Jaesa both roll their eyes, but remain silent.)
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Yes, but I tend to get what I want, eventually.”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Oh, but I can.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ Mena growls quietly. (Jaesa and Vette, in unison: “Next question!”)
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Can I say both? I like intelligence, but there has to be that spark.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “If you’d asked me maybe even just a year ago, I would have said hook-ups. But, relationships are kind of nice, aren’t they?”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “I love my father very dearly, but he and I do disagree on a lot of things, so I spend more of my time with the family that I made for myself. My father and I both know that we won’t have each other forever though, so we don’t let our differences of opinion get in the way too much.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “I wouldn’t. Some might.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Never from home. Wanted to run away to home once or twice when I was a schoolgirl and an acolyte, but that’s quite different, isn’t it?”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I’m usually the one doing the kicking out.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “If I hate someone, they will know it, and they are not my friend.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “No, I have very few ‘good friends,’ I think.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Probably these two.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Sija. Or my mother - she’s a ghost, can’t they be everywhere and all that?”
Don’t know who to tag anymore; @astrifer-bound​ - wanna do it for Vidi since you did one for Eve?
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