#manny mayans mc imagine
I Love You - A Manny/Reader Smut Drabble.
Just a lil’ something I threw together, besties!
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Words - 212
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
“There, is that what you needed, baby? Needed to get on me, yeah?”
Lord, after the day you’d had, how you needed nothing more than to take one look at Manny, tear off his clothes, push him down onto the couch and slide down on his long, fat, perfect cock. 
“Yeah, ahhh, fuck. You feel amazing,” you hiss, his teeth closing around your nipple, his hands bracketing your waist as he begins to meet every downward motion of your body with a sharp upward thrust. The stress begins to melt away, pleasure crackling up your spine, his breath hot and ragged at your neck as his teeth move to leave bite marks there next. 
“Yeah, mamas, You fuck all that stress away. I want you to ride me until you lose your goddamned mind and forget what got you so pissed off in the first place,” he encourages, hands clasping your face, kissing you with hunger. “Don’t even matter how bad life gets, because... ahhh, fuck, that pussy feels incredible... whatever happens, I’ll love you with every beat of my heart, baby.” His words are beautiful, steeped in his undying adoration for you, his grin wicked, his eyes darkening as he grips your neck gently. “And every fuckin’ inch of my dick.” 
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ravennaortiz · 1 month
Your Boyfriend is a Bitch Headcanon -Mayans Version
Summary: How the guys would react if they overheard some guy hitting on you and saying that your boyfriend is a bitch. Inspiration came from the song below.
Taglist: @keyweegirlie @hatersaremymotivators @meera10 @kikijackson-blog @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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A hint of mischief is in Coco's eyes as he turns to you after knocking the guy out who had went from telling you how beautiful you were to telling Coco he was a bitch and he could steal you away if he really wanted to.. "My bad ma" he states with a smile. You had been begging for a normal date night away from the clubhouse and brothers. As much as you loved them and the club sometimes it was nice to have a quiet dinner at a nice restaurant outside of town. You couldn't help the smile and laugh as you shook your head as you reached for his hand quickly moving to your car. "I can't take you anywhere. Always getting me in trouble" he continued as the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.
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"Oh, really? You think you have a chance of taking me?" inquired Angel his voice casual as he turned to the younger guy who had sat down at your table. The guy had been chatting you up since you had stepped into the packed clubhouse looking for your man. Not taking a single word you had said to heart as you told him to back off and that your boyfriend was not one to play with. You watched as the mans eyes widened as he took in Angel and his eyes flickered over the patches. Angel was an imposing man sitting down but when he stood up the guy took off. "Thought I was the bitch?" laughed Angel as he sat back down looking at you.
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Short king Bishop oozes big dick, don't fuck with me energy. Which is why you are stunned into silence as well as Gilly and Angel at what the new prospect has just said to him. The air is tense as Bishop contemplates the young man who had just dared to say he could fuck you better than him. "I assume you only said this because you think my beautiful goddess of a wife is a club girl correct? " asked Bishop as he gently taps your hip. Once you have stood up off his lap he stands up and walks to the new prospect who has decided now to shut his mouth. "I'll help you out son. There is no correct answer" states Bishop as he grabs the guys arm and leads him out the door.
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Manny is all slow blinks and tight smiles as he listens to the man next to him at the bar describe all the ways he would do you as they wait for EZ to get them beers. "Said she has a boyfriend, dumb bitch doesn't know what she's missing out on. He's obviously a winner since he left her alone." states the man as he nudges Manny who chuckles darkly. "Yeah, the mother of my four beautiful girls over there sure is missing out" he states before punching the guy in the face. "Also im her husband not her boyfriend" states Manny before making his way to you. "This is why I don't bring you out ma. Always got me acting up" joked Manny as he pulled you too him for a kiss.
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Guero is all angry forehead press and fists the minute the guy grabs your arm to turn you too him. The two of you had been taking a break from dancing and wee making out in the back of the packed clubhouse. You had mentioned to Guero earlier that the guy had been hitting on you and said he could take your boyfriend in a fight when you mentioned you were not single. Guero had wanted to put his fist through the guys face then but you had been so amused he had pushed the idea down so that he could keep that smile on your face. Now though it was on. No one touched what was his.
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The moment your sweet Teddy Bear said excuse me and stood up you knew the guy was done for. It never ceased to amaze you how many people thought it was fun to poke the grizzly bear of a man that was Gilly. You smiled as he blew you and your daughter who was cooing away in your arms kisses before grabbing the back of the guys neck and walking him out of the clubhouse. "Still getting guys in trouble, four days after giving birth" chuckled Coco, making you laugh, as he stood up. "I'll make sure he doesn't kill the kid"
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Creeper is silent as he watches you and the guy go back and forth. You have just as much blood on your hands as he does, he knows you can handle yourself. He won't hesitate to step in though if you want him too. He patiently waits for your cue as he sips his beer, chuckling when the guy says he can do you better and asks what position you like. "Do you like having your ass fucked?" you inquire as you tap Creepers arm. "As her bitch of a boyfriend I like to watch her fuck guys in the ass" he states as he looks the guy up and down.
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"Who's the bitch now?" growled Bottles as he stood over the guy he had just punched in the jaw much to the shock of everyone. The guy had been following you like a scenthound, not taking your rejection of an offer to dance or to sneak off to a more private area. Even when you stated your boyfriend was a Mayan he was undeterred, going so far as to push you into a wall saying your boyfriend must be a bitch if he wasn't with you. Pushing Guero out of the way as he congratulated Bottles you pulled him to you demanding he take you home to bed now.
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EZ is willing to let the guy slide. He's drunk and clearly overcome by your beauty. Who wouldn't be? He could not blame the guy for coming over and hitting on you. He probably figured you two were just friends sitting here having a drink and a chat. Its an easy mistake if you are new like he was. The two of you shared a look and small chuckle when the guy said your boyfriend was probably a bitch. He was going to let hat slide too but when the guy angrily slapped your beer out of your hand.....letting anything slide was out the door.
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imagineredwood · 3 months
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7. Macarons 🍪
Summary: Manny likes you, has for a while, but he's gotten mixed signals from you and isn't sure if the feeling is mutual. That's ok though. Nothing a few laced cookies can't solve.
Pairing: Manny x female reader (did he have a last name? Can’t remember)
Warnings: 18+ MDNI Sexual content, they do not have sex, just grinding and touching, Dark!Manny DRUGGING - the reader is drugged without her consent with a 'truth serum' type drug in her gifted macarons to get her to tell him how she feels. The reader does like him and does want to be with him/be sexual with him, she's just been shy and didn't dare to be upfront; the drug helps it come out. So their interactions are technically consensual, but she has been drugged against her will/knowledge and is under the influence. Just want to make that clear for everyone. If it's not your cup of tea or triggers you or anything like that, please don't read it. I would never want anyone to be upset by/hurt/triggered by my work, but at the same time, we're also responsible for the content that we choose to consume. So if it doesn't sound like something you would like or enjoy reading, please don't read it. I won't take it personally if you sit this one out. Also please let me know what other tw I should tag it as if there are any you feel it should be under
Word count: 1.6K
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You beamed as you looked into the box, the selection of pastel treats looking delightful. They were expensive for their size, one of the main reasons you never really splurged on them. You'd had one or two here and there, but a box of 24? You had never spent that kind of money on a cookie. That didn't mean that you couldn't admire them though. You'd saved some aesthetic tiktoks of them, opting to one day spoil yourself with a beautiful box of them. You hadn't ever told Manny about your desire to have them, knowing that if you merely mentioned it, he would've splurged on the most beautiful and expensive ones he could find. He was just like that when it came to you. So you'd kept it to yourself, deciding that you would get yourself a small box for Valentine's Day, seeing as you didn't have a Valentine. 
But Manny had beat you to the punch. 
He grinned as he watched your eyes light up, happy that his gift had paid off. At first, a few months ago when he was trying to plan out what he would do for the special day, he wasn't sure if the treat was one you would be into. He wanted to make sure that whatever treat he got you for Valentine's Day, was one you would enjoy and preferably one you would remember.
When he saw the saved tiktoks, he was thankful that he'd had the idea to hack your phone a few weeks before. 
His intentions had been innocent enough, really. He just wanted to be able to know what you liked. He always got you gifts, eager to please. He had already decided he was going to put together a Valentine's Day basket for you, but he needed to make sure everything was perfect and to your liking. He needed you to see how much he cared about you and wanted you to be happy. Wanted you to be his. All of his previous gifts had warmed you and gotten you closer to him, but you still weren't his. His hope was that this gift would change that. 
So scrolling through your likes and saves, he'd found a handful of videos of the delicate treat and knew then that was his way into your heart. And right he had been. 
You smiled eyes raking over all of the colors, the sweet aroma wafting up to your nose in a swirl of vanilla and raspberry and cinnamon and-
"I'm glad you like it."
The Mayan looked proud as he eyed you, happy with his decision. Your mouth was practically watering at the smell and he knew you couldn't wait to try them. 
"Go 'head, mama. Let me know how they taste."
Your fingers hovered around the box, all of them looking so good you were having trouble picking which one you wanted. You settled on a baby pink one and picked it up, admiring it. 
"This one looks just like one I saw a video of." 
Manny nodded, knowing the exact tiktok you were speaking of. He didn't say that though. He knew that was the one you were going to have picked first. He knew you'd be excited and enthusiastic to dig into them.
That was why he had paid to have a little something slipped into the filling. 
He wasn't going to hurt you, of course not, he would never do that. He just wanted you soft and compliant. Honest. Needed to know if you felt the same way. Needed to know how you felt about him wanting you to be his and only his. So he'd gotten the idea from one of his brothers, 'truth serum cookies' he'd called it. The company made desserts for different purposes. Some had aphrodisiacs for couples to ramp up their sex life, others like the ones he had ordered had a drug known to make people relaxed and forthcoming, perfect for those who struggled with shyness when it came to dirty talk. 
In Manny's case, he just wanted you to be relaxed and open enough to tell the truth about if you wanted him as much as he wanted you. He needed to know if you would be his, and if you didn't want to be, then why. He'd brought it up to one of the Yuma brothers and he'd sold him on the idea. 'She won't even know. You can't taste it, no one would buy them if they tasted weird. They crush it up and mix it with some sugar, then add it to the cookie's filling. She won't have a clue. And you'll get to figure out whether she wants to have your crazy ass or not.' he had said.
He watched as you brought the macaron to your mouth and took a bite, catching a crumb in your hand as you licked the rest from your lips. Manny licked his own instinctively, eyes raking over your face as he watched you eat, almost in a trance. You smiled, covering your mouth as you chewed, not wanting to make more of a mess. 
"It's delicious." 
He smiled, then shook his head as you held it up to him for him to take a bite. 
"Not a fan of raspberry. Enjoy it." 
He lied cooly, and you bought it, taking another bite. You pushed the box towards him and motioned for him to take one as you both stood there at your kitchen counter. He obliged, not wanting you to suspect anything, and grabbed the cream-colored one with light brown filling, taking a bite. 
He held it out for you to take a bite of your own and you did, enjoying that one just as much as the other. You both stood there together, eating and chatting, a whole row missing before you knew it. You'd eaten most of them, and he wasn't worried about being affected. He didn't have anything to hide. You let out a yawn, and grabbed the lid, covering up the box with a laugh. 
"The crash after a sugar rush always sucks."
Manny nodded, his eyes on you as he watched your eyes grow a little heavier, your lids moving a little slower as you blinked. 
"Maybe we could go chill on the couch." 
You nodded and offered him a relaxed smile, that idea sounding wonderful. 
"Yeah, that sounds good." 
He followed you as you walked, hands itching to grab your hips as they swayed in front of him. You were a goddess in his eyes. A treasure that was meant to be his, but was always just out of his reach. But he was also a gentleman, despite his unorthodox methods of gaining the truth. So he kept his hands to himself, sitting down beside you on the couch. He angled his body towards you slightly like he always did, except this time it was because he was keeping an eye on you. 
Your eyes were soft, your face smooth and relaxed. He looked you over, not worried about you thinking he was weird or creepy for how long he stared at your face. He took in the angle of your nose, how your lashes fluttered on the tops of your cheeks. The softness of your lips. Your voice was gentle when it spoke, and his eyes were watching your lips as they parted, but it still caught him off guard. 
"Do you think I'm pretty, Manny?"
There it was. The serum already going into effect. His eyes drifted away from your lips and locked with yours.  
"I do, mama. I think you're gorgeous." 
You smiled softly. 
"I hoped you did." 
He inquired even though he knew exactly what you meant. 
"Hoped I did what?"
You shrugged, head tilted to the side as you gazed at him. 
"Hoped you found me pretty." 
He swallowed, his fingers wiggling as they screamed to touch you. 
"Well, I do. I think you're the prettiest little thing I've ever fuckin' seen." 
He watched as your throat moved, your swallow audible and pulling a smile from him. 
"What about you? You think I'm handsome?"
You didn't hesitate to nod. 
"I think you're very handsome. I think you're sexy." 
He adjusted himself in his seat, pants starting to feel a little snug. 
"That so?"
You stared at him, fingers twiddling with the hem of your shirt. 
"I wanna sit in your lap. If that's ok." 
He melted, his nod sharp as he lifted the arm that was toward you, inviting you in. 
"C'mon then."
He felt his pulse quicken as you crawled over, a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself as you tossed your leg over his and then settled down in his lap, his eyes peering up at you. Your hands rested on his chest, fingers reaching up slightly, the tips tracing over the tattoo on his throat. 
"Wanted to sit like this for a while." 
The Mayan allowed his hands to finally drift over onto your hips, fingers digging in ever so slightly into the plush skin. 
"Wanted you to sit like this for a while too." 
Your giggle was breathless and it took everything in him not to start dragging your hips back and forth on him. 
"Anything else you been wanting?"
 You looked at him, fingers still stroking the ink. 
"Been wanting you to touch me."
Manny groaned, his hands gripping you tighter. 
"Oh yeah? Where?"
You shrugged and he shook his head, sucking his teeth. 
"Nah, none of that. Where you want my hands at, pretty girl?"
He slid his hands down further, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass, gripping and pulling at your cheeks. 
You nodded, your hips rocking slightly. You pulled one hand away from his throat and instead gripped your own breast, your nipple hard under your palm already. 
"Maybe here too." 
He cursed quietly under his breath and pulled only one hand away to replace yours, squeezing at the soft swell of your breast, feeling like he was in heaven. 
"Yes ma'am." 
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General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous   @gangstaliciou06
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon​  @abunnykisses​ @briana-mishell24​  @wrcn9fvlcver​  @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @krysiewithak​  @appropriate-writers-name​  @blessedboo​  @megapeacelovemusic-blog​ @emoengelfurleben​ @blowmymbackout​ @abby-splace​ @kola95​ @black-repunzel99​ @redpoodlern​  @myakai13​
@cruzwalters​  @danimals1096 @po3ticb3auty​ @lyly00​ @im-just-a-mississippi-girl​  @angel-121​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @90sisthenew80s​ @lovelytricia @librarian1002
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westcoastcreative · 1 year
Saturday Morning Sex With Manny
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He wakes you up with soft kisses on the back of your neck that turn more open when he knows you’re awake, allowing in the wet warmth of his tongue.
The tip of his nose nudges against your ear from behind, a few whisps of your hair tickling it as you brace for the tingle of his breath against your lobe you know is about to come.
“Good morning gorgeous,” he rasps.
He waits a second or two to hear your happy exhale before grinding his hard cock against your tailbone, nuzzling his nose at your shoulder, then biting it.
His hand grabs the side of your asscheek, fingers gripping with just enough firmness to make your heartbeat skip and the familiar, yearning sparks deep inside you catch heat.
“You want it, baby?” Manny reaches around you to run the well-padded tip of his long, handsome pointer finger up the length of your slit.
You arch your back, stretching and preening in his hold.
“You know I do, papi,” your voice makes him dopey with its sweetness as it surrounds him for the first time that day.
You bring a hand down to encourage his further into your folds and a growl rises from Manny’s chest.
“I know you do,” he bites down on your earlobe before turning you around and onto your back.
“And you know Imma need to see your beautiful face while I give it to you.”
You soften at that, adjusting yourself comfortably against the pillows and bending a leg up and open to welcome his promised fucking—which was, as always, sure to be otherworldly in its experience.
Manny smiles in that wild-meets-giddy way he often does in the bedroom and presses against the knee of your bent leg, stretching it farther back, opening you up.
“Your beautiful face and that pretty little pussy.”
Manny fills you deliciously, the angle just right from the first thrust. And he keeps on until you come with a quiver and stifled scream three times before rest of the day begins.
(Thank you to those who have given my page/work a follow. And read and ❤️ed. It means so much to know you enjoy!)
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For the 1,000 followers event (which I am so freaking happy for you about! Congratulations!) Can we get #3 with Manny? Please and a great big thank ya! 😘🩷
Red Light Blue Light
Contains: Mentions of sex, friends to lover, angst with a happy ending, car accident, mild injury, hurt/comfort, fluff. Takes place in a universe where there's no war with the Sons.
2.3K words
More than 19,000 people are injured annually in California hit-and-run accidents.
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"Come on Querida, I know it means you'll miss your show but you record it anyway." Manny called you just as you finished work, and you knew when you heard his tone what he would be asking for.
You sighed, "Why not. You better make missing the biggest scandal in reality TV since Willam cheating on Drag Race worth my while."
Manny chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you have a great time, I'll even buy you dinner at that Taco place a few streets away."
You rubbed your face, "Ok, fine, but next time you want to hang out, you're coming to my place. I'll cook for you and you know I have that fancy craft beer you won't admit to liking."
"Done, that's a fair trade. I'll see you tonight." He sounded so smug.
"Ok Manny, see you tonight."
Manny got off the phone and grinned at Coco, "She coming?" Manny nodded, "Alright, good, I haven't seen her in ages. Are you planning a repeat on the last time, or have you jumped back on the just friends train?"
Manny sighed, "It was one time man, and we agreed that it wouldn't happen again."
Coco tutted, "She didn't just fall on your dick dude. Give it a chance, she might feel the same way."
Manny shook his head, "You see many old ladies around here? You and Hope are the only ones who aren't fucking struggling."
Coco raised an eyebrow, "We'll see. This time next month, she'll be your old lady."
Manny had been smiling like an idiot ever since the call and his excitement only grew as sunset drew closer. He and Coco were out on the road, coming back from a day trying to lock down the prisons after Iron War filled the void that the Sons had left.
Coco waved his hand to grab Manny's attention and pointed to the road ahead of them before raising his voice above the roar of the bikes, "Is that y/n?"
Manny nodded, "Yeah." He chuckled, "Her and that car, she might as well wrap it in bubble wrap." Manny would laugh every time you compared his bike with your car and its side airbags and superior crumple zone.
"She must be on her way to the clubhouse, do you think we'll catch up with her?" Manny could see that Coco was calculating the distance between their bikes, your car and the next light.
Manny shook his head, "Nah, we'll just miss her." Sure enough, the light turned green and you slowly pulled into the intersection as they got going too.
It happened in a flash, and Manny could hear the revving of a car before he saw a flash of silver, then an all mighty crash as a vehicle slammed into the driver's side of your car. To make matters worse, the offending vehicle only stayed idle for a moment before reversing and speeding off.
Manny was stuck still as he tried to process what he saw and his mouth opened before he could think, "Go after the car."
Coco was already racing after the pickup truck and Manny sped towards the wreck. He was off the bike so far he almost fell over and then he wrapped his fingers around the twisted metal as he tried to pull the door free, "Y/n, Querida. Talk to me."
He heard a groan but the airbag hanging from the roof stopped him from seeing your face, "What happened?"
Manny relaxed, if only a little, "Someone slammed into you, Coco's got after them…."
A quick look at your legs showed you weren't trapped, but there were more pressing matters, "Manny, I can smell gas."
"Shit, I'm going to pull you through the window, cover your face." Manny took his blade and beat in the corner of the already shattered window before pulling it out of the housing entirely, "Grab on to me."
You stretched across the seat and grabbed your bag before you wrapped your arms around his torso as he leaned into the car and wrapped his around your waist and he let out a breath when he saw your legs were free despite the damage to the car. The movement was fast and left your head spinning as awareness of the pain you were in suddenly flooded into your consciousness as your feet touched the ground, "Ow fuck."
"I know but we gotta get away from the car." He dragged you across the street and the sound of another bike distracted you as Manny called for help.
Manny could tell by the look on Coco's face that he didn't manage to catch up, "I got the plate but the fucker was driving right for the station."
Manny was still holding you up as he finished the call, "Help's on the way. I take back everything I ever said about that car, I think it saved your life."
Coco chuckled, "That thing was a fucking tank. Those fucking pickups, I swear they flatten everything they run into."
"I don't think I'm that hurt. But a fire just caught." Sure enough, when they looked over, flames had started to flicker from the puddle of gasoline.
Manny and Coco shared a look, "The firefighters and EMTs will be here soon, just hold tight."
You nodded, "Can I sit down, my legs hurt?"
Manny shook his head, "Nope, just in case you've rattled your brain we gotta keep you awake."
Before you could say more, the sound of sirens drowned you out and people were rushing everywhere before the rush of water put out the growing fire.
A paramedic came into view and you did your best to disconnect from Manny and stand up straight, "I'm ok, the car took all of it."
The paramedic chuckled, "I can see that, we gotta get you checked out anyway."
You looked to Manny for support but he shook his head, "Go on, I know you've got good insurance. I'll follow you."
You sighed, "Alright. My poor car, I loved that thing."
"I know, but you can replace that, we can't replace you." He sounded more relieved than worried.
The paramedic nodded, "Your friend is right, ma'am, that was a very close call."
Manny pulled up to the hospital just after the ambulance and waited in the waiting room while the doctors looked you over. To his great relief, it didn't take long before a woman in a white coat came out, "Your friend is fine. Her thighs are bruised, and she has a sprained knee and a bruise from the airbag. Other than that, nothing is wrong. I don't believe in miracles, but this is as close as it gets."
Manny felt the weight lift from his shoulders, "So I can take her home?"
The doctor nodded, "Yep, we've given her a few days of meds so she can get some rest but other than that the only thing she needs is time."
"Thanks doc, I'll take her home now." Manny knocked and pushed the door open when your voice floated through the wood, "You ready to go?"
You nodded, "Yes but not on your bike."
Manny chuckled, "I had the prospect bring the car."
Once the hospital was out of view, Manny took a moment to look over your face before speaking, "Do the cops want to talk to you?"
You shook your head, "No, I wasn't drunk or high and I didn't see the car. There's nothing I can tell them, I can give my statement whenever I want so I can get my insurance payout and that's the end of it."
"I'm sorry, if I hadn't pushed you to come out tonight, this wouldn't have happened." You could hear the guilt in Manny's voice.
"You couldn't have known, this isn't anyone's fault. I'm ok, really." You hoped you'd sounded convincing but the look on Manny's face told you something different, "I want nothing more than to have a nice hot shower, take a few pills and get some sleep. Please don't beat yourself up about this, it isn't your fault."
Manny smiled softly, "Ok I won't but you gotta let me check in on you over the next few days."
You sighed, "Sure, if it will make you feel better."
The rest of the ride was had in conversing about the TV show you missed and by the time you pulled up to your home, Manny was just as pissed as you, "How could he cheat on someone so amazing? With a woman like that too. What's wrong with him?"
You shrugged, "He's a worm with a moustache."
Manny chuckled, "Well, I'll watch the reruns with you tomorrow. I spoke to Bish while you were getting checked out and you've got the whole day with me."
You huffed, "You could have let me know that while we were still in the car, I would have gotten snacks."
Manny placed his hand on your lower back and walked you inside, "We can do that anytime, you need to get some rest."
The weight of the day hit you just as you threw on your sleep shirt and hobbled to bed. Manny placed the pillow under your knee and brushed a strand of hair from your face, "You good Querida?"
You nodded softly, "Yeah, very sore but other than that, I think I'll be fine, the shower did wonders."
Manny took a deep breath, unsure how to break the news he got while you were bathing, "The guy that hit you's been done five times for drunk driving. The club's on it now."
"Figures, that explains why he ran." You rubbed your face, "the fact that you said the club's on it makes me think the cops aren't interested."
Manny shook his head, "No, they're not. He used to be one of theirs. Do you need anything else? Name it and it's yours."
"Please stay, I don't want to be alone tonight." You regretted it the second you said it, you had agreed after that night to keep things simple.
Manny smiled softly, "Sure, you want me to take the couch or.."
"Here's fine, if you want to, that is, it's not weird to share a bed with a friend." The way that Manny was looking at you made you think you might be more than that.
"I'm pretty sure I still have a pair of sweatpants around from that time I helped you paint your kitchen, can I have a quick shower and change before I climb into your nice clean bed?" Manny was always so thoughtful.
You nodded, "You do, they're in the bottom drawer and thank you."
Manny smiled, "What are friends for."
Manny was quick, leaving the door open to talk to you while he washed up. His chest was bare when he emerged and you flicked your eyes right to his to avoid gawking, "I can throw on my shirt if you want?"
You shook your head, "No, that would defeat the purpose of showering. I've seen you shirtless plenty of times Manny."
Manny dropped the subject and climbed into bed next to you, "Are you comfortable?"
You thought for a minute before turning on your side and facing him, while Manny repositioned the pillow, "I am now."
Manny smiled softly, "Good." There was a pause as you stared at his chest just inches before you and then you made a decision, one of which Manny seemed to come to simultaneously because just as you went to nestle into his arms, he was stretching them out to wrap around your body.
Nothing was said as sleep came over you, not even a good night but you swore as the last bit of awareness faded that you heard an "I love you" whispered into your ear.
The next day was spent smoking weed and eating while Manny's attention stayed glued to the TV so he didn't miss one second of what led up to the big scandal you had told him all about. He got a phone call just after six and hurried to the backyard to take it, coming back with a small smile on his face, "I've got good news."
"Ok, what is it?" You could tell by his tone it wasn't good news for someone.
Many sat down and popped a chip in his mouth, "We found the guy that hit you. Needless to say, he won't be hitting anything in a very long time."
You exhaled through your nose and shook your head, "I don't want anyone getting into trouble for me."
Manny smiled, "He did it to himself, we just gave him a push. Well, Coco did, but everyone else helped."
You took a moment before making your next statement, "I heard you last night and we need to talk about it."
"I meant what I said and I'm not upset heard me. I know we agreed to let go of what happened that night but I don't want to and you almost dying hasn't exactly made it easier to keep my feelings to myself." He had moved closer to you, his leg almost touching yours.
"And if I return your feelings, what then?" You knew what would happen.
His hand came to stroke your cheek, "What do you think Querida?"
Your eyes close unconsciously at his gentle touch, "I love you Manny."
He leaned in, his lips barely brushing yours in a soft request for persimmon before you closed the gap and sealed your lips to his. When you pulled away, his pupils were blown so wide that there was hardly any brown left and his tongue darted out to lick his lip, "As much as I would like to keep this going and have a repeat of that night, I am very bruised and it's not going to be any fun."
Manny scrubbed his hand over his face and huffed, "You're right, plus, I want to watch the whole series before the next episode airs and we don't have a lot of time."
You pecked his cheek, "I love you."
His nose nuzzled your skin as he returned the gesture, "I love you too y/n."
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ingeniousmindoftune · 2 years
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The Sextape, Part Two.
Sometimes, it’s not always good to play games. Because someone might just be willing to play them better.
Words; 2,162.
Warning(s); some aggressive sex, some domestic wordings.
You just stared at the man you loved wholeheartedly. That you trusted. Than looked back at the door, just thinking about his side piece coming in your home, where you lay your heads, fucking herself in your bed to your sextape! Not to mention, how he slip and let his bitch get into your home? You glared at him once more with disgust. You were lost for words.
“C’mon mama, it’s not what you think,” the same ole line You’ve heard a thousand times.
Shaking your head. “The same ole’ bullshit line? You going to give me?? Me? That fuckin’ line.” I slapped him hard as hell, earning a mug from him. He rubbed the side of his face and clenched his jawline. “Y/n..” he spoke calmly reaching for your hands to keep you from hitting him again, he must’ve felt it coming on because you were itching to hit him again. Hurt was the understatement of the year. You were furious.
“So let me just get this straight, your so called business trips and business meetings were you sleeping with a woman, that’s not your wife? Am I correct?”
Rio didn’t utter a word. He just looked at you, waiting for you to get it all out before he spoke. “And then you led the woman to our home, a place where you and I share and lay our head. Putting not only you, but me in danger,” you continued. “And then she has the nerve to show up in our home? What else am I missing here? Cause obviously, she was invited here right? Or wait, you’re becoming reckless because you’re clouded by your dick? Yeah?”
“Y/n. She’s business. That’s it. That’s all she is to me.”
You scoffed. “Don’t give me that bullshit. You could handle her without putting your dick in her. I know you, you don’t just go around swinging dick to just anyone and you cheat on me. ME, Rio!” You shouted again. “Why? Why would you do this to me? To us?” Rio stepped to you, you put your hand up. “No. Just stop. Don’t come near me.” This was a man you trusted, loved, the whole nine and he do this?
“Okay. Yes. I did sleep with her. I admit that, but in my defense it was during the time you and I had split and you went to stay at your mothers.”
Laughing, you shook your head. “So you sleep with her? Rio, for you to be so damn smart you talking stupid.” You were growing annoyed. Part of you no longer wanted an explanation. You knew what you knew. Your husband was a cheater and for the first time, a liar because you all never split, you only left to clear your head... And he was sleeping with Beth Boland. And he obviously had feelings for her. “You have feelings for her?” You asked. He snapped his neck at you. “What?”
“You heard me. Do you have feelings for her?”
You already knew the answer. But one thing about you, you weren’t the sharing type. And you loved to get even, you just smirked. “That’s okay. Don’t answer. Two can play that game.” You walked off. “Wash those sheets!” You shout, slamming the bathroom door and locking it. He wanted to step out? Play games with you? You were about to play them too. You had men banging down your door for months. But you’ve always chose Rio. But Rio couldn’t keep his dick in his pants, so why should you not get dick in yours?
“Open this fuckin�� door!” He shouted from the other side.
You dropped the last of your clothes to the floor, stepping inside the shower. You wasn’t done with Rio, but you sure as hell wasn’t done with Beth Boland. One thing about you, you were going to get even with both sides and Rio wouldn’t see it coming. You know him, so you know how he moves, thinks and does business. You know his people. So, you knew how to maneuver without getting caught unless you wanted to.
“You really want to play with me? You want to test me?” He shouted with a clenched fist and jawline as he burst into the bathroom door, knocking it off its hinges
You looked back at the door. “You’re fixing that, not me. Know what, don’t bother. I’m moving out.” Not giving him one glance, you let the warm water run down your face and back only to screech when freezing cold water covered your body. You ran from the three shower heads, and out the shower, close to falling. He stopped you dead in your tracks before you could hit the floor, wiping your face, you looked into his cold, dark, dreamy eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I cheated and betrayed your trust. That’ll never happen again. Beth doesn’t mean nothing to me but if you go out here doing something stupid, imma have to get stupid. Yeah?” He warned
“You think sorry is gonna make things okay?” You smirked. “No. It’s not.”
It wasn’t like Rio to be silent so you knew you had struck a nerve. “Oh baby?” I looked back at him as he walked away, “If I were you… I would hide Beth, because if I find her,” you smiled. “I won’t be nice.”
Some weeks later,
Your moans sounded off as you bounced up and down on the man lying beneath you’s harden member, he felt so good inside you but wasn’t nothing compared to your husbands. It’s been a couple of weeks, you were still on your revenge trip.
Rio had hurt you and you wanted nothing more than to return the favor.
And that’s exactly what you’ve been doing. Rio was never one to chase, he acted like none of this bothered him— But in fact, you knew that it did. Your coming home late at the late hours, he would even do pop ups at your job, making sure to show you affection whenever a male coworker passed but that didn’t phase you. If he wanted you back, he would have to do better than ‘ I’m sorry and I’ll make it up to you’ yeah, no. This was had just begun. You held grudges. Oh, did you hold grudges. He’s lucky you didn’t pack up your bags and divorce him. But him being him, he would never let that happen- at least not without a fight. The man loved you. He loved you entirely.
But he had feelings for Beth and no matter how many times he wanted to deny it, he couldn’t.
He slept with her twice, maybe more. At least to your knowledge, and that? Yeah, that wasn’t about to go unpunished in your book. “Uhh yess! Fuck me, Ez! Fuck me!” You moaned even louder, slowing your rhythm, lying back on his chest, slowly moving your ass up and down as you grinned on him and rode him for dear life, your pussy clenched his dick like it was holding onto a branch, she loved his dick. And boy, you did too.
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It didn’t take long for you to find someone who you knew would get under his skin. Your ex. Ez Reyes. Boy, he couldn’t stand him at all. Looking over at the time, you got off of Ez after releasing all on his dick, you wanted to go longer but you knew it was time for you to be getting home and get dinner prepared. You didn’t even care what Rio had going on at this point, you were so focused on getting even. “How long you gonna stay with him, huh? Just leave him.” Ez says, kissing your neck and shoulder. “He don’t deserve you.”
“He’s my husband, and despite what’s going on. I do love him,”
He smacked his lip. “You love him but you in bed with me almost every night.” He scolded, pulling my blouse over my head and my hair out the blouse, I looked back at him. “Would you rather I stop coming all together?” You raise an eyebrow, picking up your pencil skirt off the floor, standing up fixing yourself. He sighed heavily as he sat up on the bed frame. “Well, no.. but I’m say—” you cut him off. “I’m not leaving Rio.”
“How long you gonna play this game huh? He obviously don’t give a damn, because if he did, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”
Grabbing your blazer, you walked around kissing him. “I had fun. Thanks.” With that, you proceeded out your hotel room. Little did you know Rio had found out about Ez getting back in town a week ago, and he wasn’t happy about it. He had soon put two and two together and realized it was him you were seeing. He was going to let you have your fun for a little while longer, until you calmed down but he didn’t know how much longer he was going to be able to hold his composure, this wasn’t him. Ez would’ve been dead by now but Rio was smart, he knew the minute Ez was taken out, his brother Angel would be on his tail and especially with this cop hanging around.. Rio didn’t need that heat and of course— you knew that.
He watched you come out the five star hotel, with your shades on and doing your walk of shame. He ran his hand over his face in frustration, he looked at his gun that was hidden inside the air vent department, he nodded his head. He knew. He knew he was gone take Ez out, someone had to die and it wasn’t about to be you.
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“Where you been?” He asks flipping the light on.
He had made it to the house about forty-five minutes before you did, ordered take out and set a little romantic setting. Something he only did for you. He rubbed his hand together, just looking at you. You closed the door to you and his new home, tossing your blazer on the coat rack and kicked off your louboutins. “Business.” You answered dryly with a slight smirk, he nods. “Ah, so we still playing those games?”
“You still working with Beth Boland?”
He sighed deeply. “Mama, listen–” You cut him off by walking up the stairs, not listening to another word he had to say, you admit, you were acting childish and unreasonable but hey, you loved this little game but you also knew it was dangerous. Rio stood to his feet, blowing out the candles on the table, he fixed himself nicely, jogging up the stairs. You dropped your skirt. “You wear those for him?” He pointed to your thongs. Rio’s favorite. You looked down at them. “Mm, no. I wore none for him.” You smirked
“You really want to fuckin try me, y/n? Huh?” He was now in front of you with his arm around your throat, you just smirked at him.
He bent you over on the bed, dropping his pants. He pulled your hair and entered your pussy from behind, fucking you hard, aggressively yet passionate. You moaned pulling at the sheets as his rhythm and pace speeded up. “You giving my pussy away huh?!” He shout in your ear. You couldn’t utter a word, you were too busy trying not to give in to his temptation and him. But it was proving to be quite difficult, “To him?? Huh? You gonna stop?” He pulls out, only to slam back in. You cried out in pain. “Ah Fuck! Rio! You’re hurting me.”
“Huh?!” He shouted
He slowed down, he didn’t want to hurt you, he realized his anger was overwhelming him. “You going to stop seeing him?” You whimpered. He thrusted in and out of you hitting your spot from behind. He trailed kisses from your spine up to the back of your neck. “I don’t like to share.” He warned. “And I don’t want to have to kill him…” you looked back at him as tears of pleasure and pain rolled down your face, pulling out your vagina, he slipped into your ass. Putting one foot on the bed, he started thrusting in and out, rolling his hips as he fucked you anal. Your whimpers turned into moans. “You gonna stop?”
“I-I just got started,” you pushed him the best way you could, trying to get him to get out of you.
You were playing a dangerous game. But you wasn’t nearly finished. It might’ve been dangerous but Just like Rio wasn’t to be underestimated. Neither were you. Rio found himself becoming more angry, he pulled out before he hurt you. He pulled up his pants. “Get in the shower. Foods getting cold. Don’t make me wait.” He fixed his belt buckle. You looked at him, going to shower. He reached over grabbing your phone, he clenched his jawline as he scrolled through your phone. Messages, phone calls; emails… hell even photo album. But what pissed him off the most was the sextape you made with someone that wasn’t him.
@skyesthebomb @laylasbunbunny
Taglist requests below 👇🏽
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riofann · 2 years
Revival Ch. 2
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Revival Ch. 1
“Damn bitch finally!” Didi, your brother Santiago’s girlfriend comments as  you approach them at the club house. The place was packed as usual for any party that was thrown.
“Where you been?” Didi asks 
You smile “Working, what else would I be doing?”  
“You looking to get into trouble?” Chantel your best friend comments as she takes in your outfit
You look down at your short shorts/ cute top/ heel combo outfit “It’s not that bad” 
“Yah okay wait till he sees you” she adds
You roll your eyes “Whatever, how are you bestie?!”
“I’m good, but happier that you’re finally out of the house!” Chantel was Juan’s girl. You smile and grab a beer from the bucket.
“Soooo you two fixed things?”  Didi asks 
Sara walked up to the group “What’s up with you guys?”  Sara is Diego’s girl 
You shrug “just making it through!” You look down at your ring
“Awww why don’t you just forgive him?”  Chantel asks 
“Because I don’t play that shit! Manny knows that!” 
“It was for a sting” 
“I don’t care Chantel!” 
Out of all the men Manny is the best and that was saying a lot. Even in regards to your brother Santiago, who knew he couldn’t come to you for support on his shenanigans. 
Manny is loyal, he was until recently faithful, he always put your family first, oftentimes getting into arguments with the President of the club Domingo because he wanted to get home to you and Aurelia. 
Sara rubbed your back “Just talk to him” she tried to bargain. Manny was the epitome of the man they all wanted. Often telling you just how jealous they were of you. But he just made himself like any other guy and so you weren’t going to forgive him so easily. 
“I have!” 
“Y/N” Chantel called to you
“Let's discuss something else I came to join the celebration for my husband not be questioned for some shit I didn’t cause” 
Chantel hugged you “Mi culpa (my bad) mami lets turn up!” she raised her bottle up for a toast 
You smile and hold your bottle up to clink before chugging it.
It doesn't take long for you to find Manny. His voice alone worked as a compass for you. You don’t make yourself known to him watching as birds crowded his space as he told his stories. You weren’t a fan of the groupies but you knew he wasn’t really interested in any of them and sometimes he would brush them off or tell them to fuck off. They knew he was off limits, and nothing more than a light touch to the shoulder was all that was permitted. 
“Y/N! Hermana” you hear from behind you causing you to turn around, it’s Santiago
You look down at your outfit again “shut up!” 
“Santi! What’s up baby brother?” 
“I see you showing out tonight” 
“What you doing back here?’ He raises his arm up “AYO MANNY!” 
You duck down “STOP IT!” 
Manny looked up at him
“What you doing?”  he asks laughing at you
“Never mind bro” 
Manny nodded and got back to the conversation 
“Damn it's your hubby’s birthday and you not trying to be with him?” 
He put his hands up “Shit okay!” 
“I’m just watching!” you said standing up slowly
He chuckled, “You still mad at him? Damn what my bro gotta do to get you back into good graces?”
You roll your eyes “not this again. I’m going to get a drink if you tell him I’m here I will kill you!” 
You smiled at a few people that you knew on your way back to the girls and grabbed another beer from the bucket. 
You hang out with Chantel and the girls by the bar. Semi flirting with some random men who walked up and quickly left after they realized who your husband was. 
“I don’t know how you stay away for so long. Diego has me dickmatized” Sara spoke as she looked Diego in the circle where Manny was sitting 
You roll your eyes “it’s easy, just have to be mad enough.” 
“I mean the make up sex is about to be bomb” Chantel commented nudging your shoulder 
You wave her off “Please I can fuck myself better than he can!” 
You watch as the girls look like they’ve seen a ghost “Oh shit!” Didi whispers 
“I said nothing, I think you’re hearing things!” you grin at him 
“What you say mi alma (my soul)?”
You feel your stomach immediately knot up, before you turn to face Manny who stood behind you, slowly looking you up and down taking in your very risky outfit
You snicker, trying to move away from him, is beard tickling you “think you have wax in your ears Manny” 
He bit down on his lip and reached for your hand pulling you in “Nah I think I heard you right”
“Oh yea? What did I say?”
He leaned in close to your ear “That you can fuck yourself better than me” 
“What’s up with y’all?” He asks the girls
“Hey/Hi Manny!” 
“How come none of you came to wish me a happy birthday? That’s cold” 
“I already did” you comment stepping away from him 
He grabs onto your waist to stop. He bends down again and continues to whisper in your ear “You come to my party and cant even say hi?” 
You wrap your arm around his neck “You were busy” 
He smirks removing his hand from your waist and running it up your torso to your throat, where he gave it a gentle squeeze “you must want me to punish you in front of everyone” You gasp and shake your head looking at him “answer me Y/N” He says as he pulls you in closer
“Oh word?”
You lean back to get a good look at him “YAH!” You imitate Aurelia who has taken it upon herself to start saying ‘yah’ probably got it from Chantel 
“Mhmmm you ain’t made up yet”  You turn to see Didi making a face and it causes you to laugh
He scoffs “she ain’t going nowhere” 
“Yea we see!” Sara teases 
His attention on your lips “Why aint you come say hi?”  
He leans in closer lips almost touching “Answer me mi vida, hmmm?” he licks his lips “respóndeme ahora mami”
You smile “noo” you feel yourself blush 
“You were busy” you stress again 
He nods again taking a step back to look at you all over again “Who told you could wear this?” 
“I guess we’ll talk later chica!” Chantel yells 
You gently remove his grip from your neck and hold his hand “I did thank you very much you like?”
He nods and lifts up his hand so you can twirl. “Vamos,” he orders without turning to look back at the group and starts walking away. 
You turn to face them “I’m coming right back!” 
Manny turns around briefly chuckling “She ain’t!” 
“Ugh! Manny!” you complain as he pulls you through the crowd 
“Now sit!” he orders as he pulls a chair close to him. You fold your arms and sit next to him. He leans in closer. “Fix your face unless you want me to fix it for you” You bite down on your lip imagining that ‘fixing’ part. 
You get bored listening to old stories from adventures. The new ones seemed similar; it was always the same thing. Some randos fighting, shooting, new connections, new jobs, more money. You’re glad when the cake is brought out by strippers and people start chanting ‘speech’ as Manny decides to entertain the crowd. 
He gets up on the pool table “Oh man”  he lifts up his cup “shout out to the Mayans mi familia.”
“FAMILIA!” The men roar in unison
He chuckles “I don’t know where I would be without y’all forreal, the Yuma chapter and now our brothers in arms Santo Padre!” There’s cheers around the room, he motions his hands for the room to get quiet  “But more importantly” He looks down at you  “to my lovely wife Y/N”
“HERMANA!” Santiago yells from the crowd.  You begin to blush. 
“Mi vida, mi alma, mi todo!” You feel yourself blushing “Without you baby I think I would be back in prison” he chuckles and blows you a kiss before turning to face the crowd. “I couldn’t have asked for a better party!” He lifts up his cup again  “toast to family!” he looks down at you “that's all you need, that's all I need. DRINK UP!”
“TO FAMILY!” Domingo yells and the crowd echos as there’s cheers and whooping going around the room
As he gets down from the table, Manny pulls you in close not wanting you too far from him. “I love you baby!”
“Awww you’re drunk!” you tease 
He pulls you in closer “Then tell me” 
He frowns, pouting a little “You don't want to say it back?”
You scoff faking offense  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn't love you silly!” 
You wipe the sweat from his forehead “It's just so trivial Manny why do I ne...” 
He cuts you off, grabbing your chin and kissing you intensely. It takes you by surprise and the noise around you goes silent until you hear the crowd cheering, making you pull away and turn from them as you blush. 
He leans down and kisses his way up from your collar bone to your ear. “I still got it huh?”  he whispers 
You laugh trying to push him off. “Ugh! I’m going to find Chantel!” 
“Nah text her ass tell her Juan’s flirting with other bitches!” he says as he peppers you with more kisses.
“Where I left him!” 
As time progresses he becomes invested in yet another story which gives you the opportunity to step away. Pretending you were going for another drink.
“Where's your man?” Chantel asks 
“Girl you know Manny is crazy please go back to him” Didi adds knowing he would be looking for you soon 
You put your hands on your hips “Why can’t I hang out with y’all? I wanna know who your new friends are!”
“Hi Jeremiah” He introduces as he puts his hand out, but you wave to him instead
“And you are?”  you turn to face the other guy 
“I’m Matias but you can call me papi” he says licking his lips 
You grimace “Ooh corny” Sara snickers 
Matias chuckles “It's like that?” 
You smile “Yes”  
“I bet you i can have you screaming my name” he flirts 
Sara interjects “I think not!
“Oh yea? You haven’t even given me a chance bebita” Matias turns to flirt with Sara now 
“Who are you guys again?” You ask knowing they didn’t look familiar at all 
Matias licks his lips and goes to step closer to you. Before he could step any closer he felt a hand on his shoulder yanking him back “what the fuck is wrong with you?” 
“Manny calm down” You say as you see the other guys were now there too, Santiago, Juan, and Diego 
“WHO THE FUCK ARE Y’ALL?” Diego asks now also curious 
“What y’all doing out here?” Juan asks.
The vein on his forehead was making its way to the surface “You stepping to my wife?!”
Jeremiah helps his friend stand up straight “Our  bad bro we didn’t know” 
Manny lifts up your left hand “You can’t see this ring on her finger?!” 
“I said my bad! Fuck!” Matias complained rubbing his shoulder 
You place your hands on Manny’s chest and push him away “Manny calm down he didn’t know“ 
“Chantel we don’t know who these men are, they don’t have on a kutte, they outside lingering away from people!” he turns to face you and the girls “Why the fuck are y’all outside and not inside? Y’all using your brains or what?!” Santiago retorts 
Manny glares down at you and without second thought he pushes you to the side. “Who the fuck are you?” He asks while grabbing his gun “better get to talking before you find yourself talking to a bullet!”
“MANNY!” you pull at his arm to stop. This split second anger is what irritated and frightened you about him.
Manny turns to face you “Go inside”
“No! They didn’t know! It’s not that serious ” Chantel tries to reason with boys as well as she watches them reach for their guns 
“FUCK ARE Y’ALL LOOKING AT?!”  Juan yells at the small crowd that had gathered around 
“Fuck you Santi! You act like we can’t handle ourselves” Didi argues back
“TAKE YOUR ASS INSIDE DIMETRIA!” Didi gasped at the sudden change in tone, she pushed her way through stomping away with tears in her eyes
“Santi!” you complain to your brother “Didi!” You call to her trying to catch up, with Sara and Chantel right behind you
“Stop manhandling me!” you complain removing yourself from Manny’s grip 
“Y/N!” You hear your name coming from Manny as he entered the club house
“Fuck me!” you say to yourself
“Good luck” Chantel adds before you walk through the crowd. Manny grabs your arm and pulls you towards a secluded area 
“What the fuck were you thinking Y/N!” 
“I know I do Manny! I was asking those guys who they were too! I wasn’t just going with the flow!” 
With a deep scowl he says “Watch your fucking attitude!”
“Oh my god! Manny all I did was walk out to where the girls were! I didn’t do anything!”
“You know better” 
“I’m sorry” you sulk 
He sighed “I just don’t want anything happening to you, you know that'' it was typical for people to sneak in during parties like this. The prospects would keep an eye on the door but even they couldn’t scan everyone if they were drinking themselves. 
“I know! And I’m sorry, but literally not even five minutes passed before you showed up!”
His scowl disappears and he pulls you in close “Because you were supposed to get a drink not go find your bird ass friends” Manny wasn’t a fan of any of your friends except for Chantel. 
He remains silent and you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him down for some kisses “don’t be mad at me” 
He bites his lips, “Nah unless you wanna walk with a limp tomorrow” he reaches down and grabs your ass as he pulls you in for another kiss. 
He smirks, raising his brow “You gonna make it up to me?”
You bite your lip “I’ll think about it” 
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Manny Mayans Masterlist
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The Softer Storm 
Let it Rain 
What a Man 
Gemini Rising (Manny/Reader/Rio from Good Girls threesome)
The Silk of Sin
Runaway (Manny/OFC)
~*~Drabbles & Shorts~*~
Art of Ruin 
Until the Storm Breaks 
I Love you
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ravennaortiz · 26 days
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Summary: You find Manny sulking over his daughters first boyfriend.
As always my stories are 18+!
You frowned as you caught sight of your husband on the porch looking sullen as he sipped his beer. "Everything okay?'" you inquired as he stood and kissed your cheek, taking your work bags from you. Manny nodded before opening the door for you.
"Just a long day" he sighed as he caught sight of your raised brow and frown. You knew him to well, no point in pretending he was fine. You nodded as you made your way to the kitchen to get yourself something to eat. "Its hard having a job and being a parent while holding the house down to huh?" you replied a hint of sarcasm to your voice.
Manny's lips twitched slightly into a smile as he hit you with his signature look that made you weak in the knees. "You know damn well that I didn't mean it like that ma" replied Manny as he smacked you with the dish towel on the door. "Sit your pretty, hard working ass down and I'll get you something to eat."
"Anyone ever tell you that you are super bossy and a bit controlling?" you sassed as you did what he told you.
"Anyone ever told you that you are mouthy and argumentative" replied Manny as he looked through the fridge pulling out the foil covered plate he had set aside for you from earlier.
"Careful" you warned. "I would hate to have to beat up the Yuma Presdiente"
Manny snorted as he shook his head at your statement. "After what happened today I welcome being knocked out cold mami" he added as he put the plate in the microwave and grabbed you a glass of wine.
"A bit dramatic. Can I get some context?" you inquired with a laugh after a couple of minutes while you sipped your drink. Manny nodded as he set your food in front of you before kissing your forehead.
"My baby girl is a married woman and she told me she doesn't need me anymore. Her exact words were -I gots me a new man daddy-. I thought I had more time to prepare for this you know? Maybe get her to think of being a nun or some shit." explained Manny ignoring you choking on your wine as he continued. "I mean boys ain't shit ya know? What's the point of them? Also the audacity of this little asshole to not even talk to me first" finished Manny as you caught your breath and wiped at your eyes from your laughter.
"Manny. Babe they are in first grade its not that deep" you stated as you shook your head. "I'm so glad her first "boy encounter" you are handling well" you stated as he rolled his eyes as he smiled.
"All I'm saying is I got beef with lil Joey and he better hope his pops can fight" replied Manny making you laugh more.
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newmysterygirl · 3 years
Imagine: Being in a locker room with them.
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Credit to @carriefisher
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My Heaven
I @ the one I know. If it's your let me know.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Postcards: Manny x Reader
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Tagging: @darqchilddaydreamz @theesirenteller @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx @wnbweasley @bonni-98 @skyesthebomb @delightfulbelieverwerewolf @redpool @trublu2u @fleureeee @yezzyyae @jeybae @thiashazzywriting @lauraaan182 @hatersaremymotivators @fanfic-n-tabulous @ravennaortiz
Ties in with Times Are Changing
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Manny thinks of you often. His days are full of club business and adhering to elementary school schedules, but his nights are full of you. The feel of your skin pressing against his as he makes you say his name in that sinful way of yours, how tight you grip him when you come on his cock. He jerks off in the shower fantasising about it.  
More than anything, he thinks of that breathless laugh of yours when he drew you to him that night in the Casino, the way the glow of the fireplace illuminated your skin as you dozed on his chest after the whiskey tasting.
When he receives that postcard from Thailand, he smiles to himself because he knows that you’re thinking about him too. You’ve written your phone number on the bottom and signed it with a kiss. He snaps a picture of it on his fridge before Whatsapping it to you with the words ‘Where to next?’
He receives a text later on in the evening with a picture of Tokyo Tower followed by several Japanses flag emojis. He checks the time difference on his phone, it’s your morning over in Thailand, you’ve just gotten up. He finally puts his phone down at midnight because he needs to be up early to take his daughter Melina to school.
Sweet dreams, you text him and that night he dreams of you in his bed, his fingertips ghosting over the tattoos that decorate your body.
It becomes the highlight of his day after spending time with Melina. Things with the club are complicated. Canche’s death has highlighted some discrepancies with their accounting, Downer’s still chasing down the missing money whilst Bishop is putting pressure on them to buy into the pipeline because Santo Padre are going completely legit.
On top of that there’s been a change of leadership in Stockton after Ramos orchestrated an attack on Nestor Oceteva and his girl. The ramifications of it have sent shockwaves through all the charters due to a change of bylaws by El Padrino. Manny’s lucky, his club are more tolerant and open minded compared to some of the others, his members have always treated their women with respect, it’s the other part some of them are having trouble with. Manny believes in tolerance; he welcomes the change.
Your communications are a reprieve from all of this. He thinks you must be able to sense he’s having a bad day because you video call him that night. It’s the first time the two of you have spoken face to face since you parted in Lake Tahoe. You’re in a hotel room in Japan, the sun shining in through the window when you appear on the screen. He finds the weight in his chest loosen just a little when he sees you.
“Hey.” He says softly.
You’re still as pretty as the day you left; he can tell you’ve just woken up. You have a mug of coffee cradled to your chest and your hair pulled back into a messy bun.
“You wanna talk about it?” You ask him. His lips purse together grimly because he can’t and that was always the point of contention between him and his ex. He could never discuss what happened with the club but she would see the fall out from it. He’d withdrawn from her, so he didn’t have to see the hurt in her eyes everytime he refused her.
“Club business.” He says, his voice rough.
Already he can see how this ends. His silence will be the thing that kills it, the same way it did his marriage. He wonders if it’s better to cut off contact completely because already he knows he’s falling in love with you. That it started in Lake Tahoe and now it’s playing out in the months that follow.
“Ok.” You say, leaning back against the headboard. “Tell me what you and Melina got up to instead.”
He’s surprised by the change of topic, but he welcomes it. He explains how excited she is about the science fair, that he has no idea where she got that enthusiasm from. The two of you discuss STEM programs, how the world needs more female pioneers. You make him promise to send you the video of her ‘Elephant’s Toothpaste’ experiment before you hang up. He goes to bed with a smile on his face and a lighter heart.
When the postcard from Japan arrives a few days later, his fingers trace over the writing as he studies the message you’ve written.
Twenty Third of February – Los Angeles x
Love Manny? Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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westcoastcreative · 2 years
So F***in Sweet
Manny finally arrives to make good on his post-work plans with his wife — but she’s got a little teasing to do first.
(Part 1 of this: Yoga and Coffee on a Quiet Morning w/ Manny • Part 2 of this: On His Way)
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Manny got home about 11:30, stepping quietly through the house to ensure Bella stayed asleep for them.
The light glowing onto the wood-floored hallway beneath the door of he and his wife’s bedroom and hint of marijuana smoke he smelled as he approached made his lips curl up in anticipation of the scene that awaited him on the other side.
He slowly shrugged his kutte off, folding and draping it over his forearm before reaching for the doorknob.
The slightest peek at his perfect front teeth couldn’t help but reveal itself when he caught sight of her.
A mint blue silk robe covered her arms and torso, one of his bongs nestled between her strong bare thighs. Her big mane of curls was freshly coiffed, still lightly streaked with subtle summer highlights though it was now deep into fall. Her brows were brushed up bushily, face clean of makeup and dewy from recently moisturizing.
He loved her like this and she knew it.
“Oh you think you funny, huh?” Manny’s strong voice stayed soft.
His wife tried not to smile the same way he was, pushing the joy that teasing her stoic biker husband brought her into a pinched sideways smirk as he stalked closer, setting his kutte down at the foot of the bed.
“You want one?” she lifted up the pipe, keeping her bright eyes on the surprisedly thrown off expression in his own dark, gorgeously set pair.
He ignored the invitation, coming to stand right in front of where she was seated on the bed. His jaw clenched before a low utterance gritted from between his mustached lips.
“I know I told you to be naked.”
His wife glanced up in wide-eyed apology, placing her lips around the bong, lighting it and sucking in the hit she’d set up as she continued to coyly feign a plea of forgiveness. Manny watched her blow the smoke to the side before setting the pipe on her nightstand and raising up on her knees to place her hands on his shoulders.
“I know you did. But I needed a bath after your call got me turned on and then I got myself a little… sticky.”
Manny couldn’t help but offer a bit more generous smile at that. “Mmm…” he nodded once.
His wife ran her fingers down the edge of the robe, opening it slightly when she reached her breast so Manny could see what she’d layered underneath it: a one-piece lace teddy in the same light greenish-blue shade.
“This was hanging in the closet waiting to be put on for this first time and I couldn’t resist,” she said, her lips inches from his, eyes maintaining her innocence.
“Right…” Manny brought a hand up to swipe two fingers inside one of the cups of the lingerie’s bra. “And it had to be a color that makes your skin glow like this, didn’t it?”
His wife giggled playfully in response, her chin lifting slightly and eyes squinting victoriously at how easily she could get him to soften.
Manny didn’t let her gloat for long, ripping the robe down off of her shoulders and inhaling her flowery scent as her small frame shook closer to him with the force of his movement.
“You always gotta look so fuckin sweet,” he growled against her lips.
She drew her hands up his neck and scratched into the short hair at the back of his head, humming softly. She could feel his tempered frustration pulsing just below the surface.
Manny inhaled steadily — bracing them both for what was about to follow — as his fingertips circled the apple of one of her naturally rose-blushed cheeks. The look in his eyes turned from patient to commanding.
“Now, this is the last time I’m gonna tell you, amorcita…”
His touch ran slowly from her face down her chest and stomach, stopping at her lace-covered slit. With a slightly vengeful pursing of his lips, he pulled his hand back to slap directly against her clit.
“Quitatela para papi.”
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A Gentle Kind Of Love Masterlist
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Comment if you want to be tagged or follow #a gentle kind of love.
Mayans MC Masterlist
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Contains: Fluff, angst, longing, pining and yearning, Angel being a shit-stirrer, Manny being dumb, cats, violence, mentions of drugs and drug addiction, shooting and death, Canche, smut. There will be more, and I'll do my best to tag chapter by chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me if I've missed something.
Any mature chapters will be marked per Tumblr's community labels, you will need them turned to show to see them. 
More than one emoji dictates how graphic it is. Smut💦 Angst😨 Fluff ❤ Violence🔪 Gore🤢 Medical/forensic💉 Triggering material🚩
You and Coco meet overseas when you are doing aid work. When you move to Santo Padre to settle down, your life changes forever when you and Manny strike up a friendship.
Part One - Oh Hello❤❤😨
Part Two - There's Gotta Be Some Butterflies Somewhere.😨❤❤
Part Three - Been Known in is Aching😨❤😨❤
Part Four - On Yearning❤😨😨
Part Five - Like Real People Do😨❤😨❤
Part Six - I Adore You😨❤💦
Epilogue - Fell in Love with the Fire Long Ago❤💦❤💦
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 2 years
wait wait wait... Danny Pino plays on mayans mc...and now Manny plays on mayans mc..it’s mean my dream of them playing together on a tv show gonna happen?????
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riofann · 2 years
Revival Ch. 1
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You hold your breath as you hear the engine of the Harley Davidson come to a stop. You were always on edge before you heard his familiar footsteps walking up towards your shared home. Even still if you didn’t hear the keys jingle you would still be on edge. 
Today was special. It was Manny’s birthday and like typical he was late even for his own celebration. “Daddy!” Your 6 year old daughter Aurelia screams as she sees Manny walk through the door. 
He smiled wide as he looked at his kid bouncing up and down in her seat waiting for him to fully be in the house. “Hi baby girl!” 
“Hi daddy!” She would sing as she walked up to him he picked her up and placed a kiss on each of her cheeks and forehead as she giggled. No one could tell her she didn’t have the best dad in the world. It warmed your heart. 
When he turned to face you he tensed up, expecting you to go off on him like you did so many other times before. But all you have to offer is a simple “Hey” from the other side of the kitchen counter. He sighed, placing Aurelia or ‘Lia’ for short on the ground and making his way to the bedroom to shower. That was the routine. Every time he returned no matter how long he was gone, he would love on Lia and go change clothes or shower not wanting any more contaminants entering further into his house. You would then place his old stinky boots (as Lia would describe) on the back porch and put fresh ones by the door along with a change of clothes in case he had to leave the house quickly. 
As the water splashed on his body all Manny could think of was the fatal flaw that created this tension between you two. You found him in one of the brothels in a neighboring town. Apparently it was one of Vickis’ girls who you found on top of him riding him like her life depended on it. From there on things have been a blur. You disappeared going to your relatives' homes in Tijuana, that was the hardest week he ever had to endure, when you returned you demanded he leave your home, which he did. He vowed to make it up to you and he meant it. The ring you threw at him at the brothel. He saved and just last month you agreed to put it back on. There was hope after all. But this silent treatment thing that you were doing ever since that night at the brothel, he hated it. He would rather you two had a screaming match than for you to simply be silent.   
Your daughter doesn’t wait for him to make his way back to the living room, instead she runs and jumps in his arms as soon as she hears his house shoes sliding across the floor. 
“You been a good girl baby?” “Yes!” Lia smiled showing her missing tooth 
“What did you learn in school today?” She would gesticulate counting on her hands “Today we watched a movie and we colored and we did numbers” 
“Wow!” he said as he reached the dining table 
You smiled as you plated the food “Lia can you come help me please?” 
“Yes mommy” 
You smiled as she skipped her way to you and grabbed her plate as you carried the other two. 
“Thanks!”  Manny would say to you as he looked up at you
You avoided eye contact “welcome!” 
“Daddy,” Lia called to him wanting his full attention 
“Yes baby girl” “A man came to fix the house today!”  You loved your daughter you really did, but she was such a tattletale 
Almost immediately he turned to face you “Oh really?”  you could hear the irritation seep through his voice
“Uh huh mommy said he came to fix the house!” 
“What did he fix mommy?” Manny asked you 
You briefly looked up at him “The AC, it broke” You turn your attention to Lia  “remember it was really hot this afternoon Lia?” “Yes! I was sweating, mommy was sweating even the man was sweating!”
You focus your attention on your plate not wanting to look up to meet his eyes, because if there was one thing Manny didn’t like, it is strangers in his home 
He chuckled “okay baby girl glad it’s not so hot any more” 
“Yea!” she would move on from the topic and go on about what she learned in school this week since he had been gone for a few days 
After dinner you and Lia disappeared into a backroom before coming back 
“Daddy you have to close your eyes!” 
He chuckled “Why?” “It's a surprise!”  She giggled. He would do anything Aurelia asked of him, so of course he would close his eyes with a smile on his face. “Open them daddy!”  As he opened his eyes Lia screamed  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” while throwing confetti up in the air filling the room with sprinkles and glitter.
Manny immediately picked her up “All this for me?”
“I think I did I’m an old man” he joked 
“I remembered! Mommy too! She remembered!” 
He smiled. “Thank you baby girl I love it!” “Here we got you this”  you say handing him the bag filled with gifts 
“You got this for me too!” he asked as he sat Lia on his lap She giggled, hiding her smile behind her hands  “YES!” 
“Oh man! I’m a lucky dad huh?” “Uh huh! Open it!” He reached in and pulled out an oddly painted mug. “I painted it for you in class” 
“Aww thank you baby girl I love it” he placed a kiss on your cheek 
He reached in and pulled out another box when he opened it, it was filled with pictures of him and Aurelia,  from past events. “Oh man,”  he felt emotional as he looked at the pictures “I love it baby girl!” he said wiping the tear from his eye 
“Mommy helped me with this one!” She laughed and pointed to a picture where they were laughing with paint on them. “Remember that day!” He chuckled “Yea I do baby.” When he looked up at you, you offered a tight lipped smile in return. As he observed the pictures he realized many of them were missing you. You had cropped yourself out. 
“You got one more present daddy” Lia said reaching into the bag 
“Oh really men you really want me spoiled rotten huh?” 
Lia beamed “Yes just like me!” He pulled out another box, this time it was filled with a watch and gun holster that he had mentioned months ago that he wanted to get but just never got around to it. 
“Aww thank you baby” 
“You’re welcome!” Lia turned to look at you “can we eat cake now mommy?” eager for dessert 
You smile “Yea let me bring it to the table” 
Lia bounced on his lap  “Mommy and I made cake for you!” “You also baked me a cake too!?” 
“Oh that's just too much!” he would tease “How am I going to make it up to you?” 
Lia flung her hands around his neck “It’s because we love you daddy” He hugged her back “I love you guys too, so much” 
“You wanna sing happy birthday to daddy Lia?” you ask as you place the cake on the table “Yes mommy!” 
“Happy birthday to you,”  you started the song and Lia jumped in “Happy birthday to yyyooouuuuu”  Lia would hold the note longer than you which made both you and Manny laugh 
“Thank you baby girl” “You have to make a wish daddy!” Lia insisted 
“Okay I will baby” Manny closed his eyes and blew out the candle, all he wished for was his family to be whole again. 
You smiled as you cut the cake giving him a slice of the marble cake (his favorite) without icing he was never a fan of icing. 
“Is it yummy daddy?” Lia asked as she licked the icing from her fingers 
“Yes it is! I love it! Thank you baby girl,” he leaned over and kissed her cheek. He looked up at you “thank you mommy” 
You smiled at him “You’re welcome!” 
Lia would stay up just a little longer before you convinced her to go to sleep because tomorrow she was going to the beach with her cousins. As always whenever Manny would be around she would insist on him tucking her in and reading a bedtime story. 
“She’s out for the night” 
You chuckled to yourself like father like daughter all it took was their head hitting the pillow before they were out cold 
“What’s funny?” he asks you 
“Nothing” you said walking around him with dishes in your hand. 
“So...”  he would start with your back to him and you felt your stomach drop “thanks for the watch and holster” 
You relaxed a little because at least he wasn’t grilling you about the AC being fixed. “Yea like I said you’re welcome” 
You hear him smack his lips and you didn’t turn around like you normally would to ask him what that was about. 
“Why did you crop yourself out of the pictures?” 
You turn to look at him briefly “It was a daddy daughter gift Manny” 
You turn back around to put the dishes in the dishwasher “It was a gift from both of you”  you hear as he moves closer “I wanna be able to look at it and remember all of us” 
You shrug “Well shit happens” 
He smacks his lips again “Why you acting like this? Its been long enough I have done everything you wanted me to!” 
You sigh and look out the window, catching his reflection on the window. “Manny I don’t want to argue its your birthday” 
He licks his lips while looking back at you “Then don’t” he pushes himself against you making sure you feel his hard dick. “Let me make you feel good. Let me make us feel good” he moves the hair from your neck and places kisses
You hated the effect this man had on you and he knew it. Which made it worse. “Manny” you call to him in a stern voice 
He hummed at the sound of his name leaving your lips, attention still on your neck “I miss you Y/N, it’s been too long” he whines 
You giggle “It hasn’t even been 4 months” you swallow hard as he drags his hands against your waist towards the front and down your thighs. You curse at yourself for wearing such a short spaghetti strap dress, or maybe you wore it just for this to happen. You did miss him after all 
He grips your thighs rocking into you “It’s too fucking long, you know ever since I got out of prison it’s been you!” 
You scoff “Yea until rec...” 
He interrupted you by pulling you flush against him  “It was one time Y/N!” 
“One time too many Manny!” You push against him for him to give you space
“Just tell me what you want from me I miss my family” “Should have thought of that when you were busy balls deep in some bitches pussy”
He groans and takes a few steps back giving you space “I told you it was for a sting!” 
You turn to glare at him “What sting has you fucking other women?” 
“Don’t start this shit Y/N!” he warns not wanting to have this argument yet again “Okay!”  You throw your hands up “it is your birthday after all, why don’t you drink something” you hand him a beer from the fridge 
He begrudgingly grabbed the beer from your hand but paused looking down at your empty left hand. 
Taking a sip he tilts his head “What you do today?” You shrug “Work”  you were a tattoo artist and that's how you two met he came in for a tattoo 
“After that?” he asked eyes not leaving your hand “Got Lia, I came home the AC was out and I called the guy to come fix it” 
“Who’s the guy” 
You shrug “Some guy I found online, then I cooked and the rest is history” 
He raised his brow “That's all you did?” 
“Yes!” you give him a look wondering why he was questioning you 
“So where is your ring?”  the vein on his forehead starting to make itself known. A sign that he was angry. 
You looked down at your hand “it’s around” you shrug
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean Y/N?” “That it is  around, duh!”  This was a dangerous game you were playing with Manny. The man was prone to getting irrationally angry in the blink of an eye. 
You feel yourself being yanked back as he grabs you and pulls you towards him “Y/N! I’m not fucking joking around!” You push at his chest to get away from him “Get your hands off me first of all and I said it was around” 
He doesn’t budge at your pushing instead grabs tighter “Why’d you take it off?” 
“Because I can!” you manage to maneuver out of his grip
“So who did you really have up in my house Y/N?” 
You chuckle sarcastically “This isn't your house Manny! Remember? Or did you forget you were swimming in another woman’s pussy?” 
He took a deep breath and through gritted teeth he said “Answer the fucking question Y/N” you stare at him in response. He takes a step towards you in a threatening manner  “you must want me to fuck you up” You roll your eyes and wave him off “Can’t hurt any more than what you’ve done” 
He grabs your hand “Y/N” he calls you in a threatening tone You stare at him for a moment and burst out in laughter “Can you relax?” this was comical to you “it's here!” you chuckle as you pull the necklace from your cleavage showing your ring swinging.  
Before you could register what happened the necklace was yanked and snapped from your neck and you watch as Manny removes the ring and angrily shoves it back on your finger “Don’t fucking play with me Y/N.” You smile at him “Sheesh calm down! I had it all along and you owe me a necklace” you place your right hand on his shoulder With a mean mug he says “Don’t take that shit out no more!” 
“Okay! Calm down!” you rub his shoulder “I’m serious Y/N” 
You roll your eyes “I know! I can tell ! You’re no fun!” 
He sighed “I’m trying to fix this shit and you walking around town without your ring?” 
You cross your arms “It was literally for one day and stop having your minions spy on me!” 
“I wouldn’t have to if you stopped pulling shit like this!” 
“It sucks huh?”  you laugh as you walk away. You have to admit you were being petty but you were going to milk this as long as you could. 
Revival Ch. 2
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Patter - A Manny/Reader Smut Drabble.
Had to write some soft smut. He was the perfect muse for such.
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Words - 496
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
The patter of rain announces itself against the glass of the window pains, streaking down from the greyish blue clouds shrouding the early morning sky, the fog lying low over the ground, swathing the land in its dense, white blanket. 
Everything is quiet and still, except for you and your lover, although what you share seems to match the sleepy, tranquil, languid scene the weather sets, warm beneath the comforter, his body atop yours, kissing your lovingly, while the length of his cock drags sumptuously through your soaking, tender walls. 
Hands explore, tongues tease, breath hitches and moans softly bathe the air in sweet song. His sharper edge is that of razors, blood and brute force, but for you, he’s sometimes soft, usually when he’s still sleepy, when hours of restful slumber still hang over him like the fog outside clings to all it touches, groaning with bliss as his lips find your throat, caressing with tender kisses, rutting into you a little harder. 
You wail, a soft cry that makes him throb, his smile finding your eyes through the near darkness of the room, bathed in only the briefest hint of morning light. “That woke you up.”
You hum a little giggle, stroking his beard, hips swaying against the motions he sets, slow and rolling, like a vessel undulating over a calm sea. “I thought the whole point of this was to send me back to sleep?”
He kisses the tip of your nose. “And I will, butterfly.” 
Lifting up off you, the soft cotton of the comforter slides from his back, Manny holding your legs bent and wide, adding a little more power to the purpose of his fuck, but not too much. Not enough to take from the soft delirium of barely awake, but need-to-have-you-now sex. Your centre is glossy, bathing his gorgeous, long cock in the silk of your want for him, his thumb moving to stroke some of that aqueous silk in a soft rub at your clit, smiling when you cry out, winking as he begins to plunge faster. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
He shifts his weight forward a little, that sudden tilt sending him deeper. “I know, baby. I can feel it, and god, it feels so good.” Your bodies rock together with the ignition of urgency, skin becoming clammy, moans a little louder, the bed creaking beneath you as he sends you there, touching the edges of glory before the light rolls and illuminates your body, the stuttering of his hips losing their focus now he’s gotten you there, his own release both chilling and gilding his veins in ice and fire. 
The aftermath is breathless, sweet tingles ebbing away slowly, mouths wandering, lips pressing velveteen kisses of affection, Manny slipping from within you to lie at your side, the comforter pulled back over you, his arms embracing you in your little world of warm and content. 
You both doze sleepily. Anything else can wait until the fog clears. 
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