langemark-pens · 3 months
Prøver igen
Det volder mig en del kvaler, at begribe og acceptere, at jeg skal se mig selv som forfatter. Det er svært. Det er prætentiøst. Jeg kan høre min mors ekko … Og så var det jo HENDES domæne. Det plager også. Jeg har ikke villet tage det fra hende. Hun var tegner – og ‘gik ned’ med sin forretning; efter legenden fordi min far smed hendes sidste kunde ud. Jeg tror egentlig hun var så selvudslettende,…
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maxwellshimbo · 1 year
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Mein Review zur neuen Folge
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zigraves · 2 years
A bunch of you are really getting into Interview With The Vampire And I would like to introduce you to one of *the* most Lestat songs I’ve ever heard in my life.
Style Over Content, an early 2000s goth rock song by UK band Manuskript, featuring lyrics like “Style over content/ I promise you my best behaviour! Just give me an audience/ I’ll be throwing my toys out the pram again” Does anything encapsulate Lestat better than this collective theme of being very pretty, making a lovely promise, getting a modicum of attention, and then being a massive tantrum-throwing brat all over again?
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foxghost · 1 year
this is moving far too slowly orz
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(those are default targets.)
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Weltraum Staub
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Weltraum Staub
.. das im OP Saal kein Tageslicht durch die Fenster dringen kann, bis auf ein paar Lichtstrahlen durch die Hölzernen Spalten. Mein Beatmungsgerät piepst im Sekunden Takt. Meine Handgelenke schwer wie Blei, werden genommen, mit Kabeln & Pflastern versehen. Eine der Schwestern fragt:"Hätten wir es NeonLila nicht doch noch sagen sollen bevor es los geht?" "Was soll schon passieren? Das ganze Ding ist ein Experiment. Soll NeonLila uns doch erzählen, was sie auf ihrer langen Reise gesehen hat. Lass sie uns beide zu Ende verkabeln, ehe Dr. Sable wieder zurück ist." "In Ordnung", sagt die andere Schwester, dabei weinende Hunde im Hintergrund, das Lachen von Dr. Sable & schreiende Affen. Darauf folgt ein tiefer aber enormer Knall & Dr. Sable, läuft pfeifend den Gang in unsere Richtung. Ich wehre mich längst nicht mehr. Im Gegenteil zu meinem Sprachvermögen, kann ich sie noch alle sehr gut sprechen hören. Mehrere Köpfe mit hellblauen Mützen, laufen an meinem Fußende, während ich zusammen, mit NeonRot zur Hälfte im finsteren Gang stehe. Es weht ein leichter Wind über mein Gesicht. Wir hören Tiere schreien. Affen, aber scheinbar von weiter weg. Ich versuche meine Fingerspitzen zu bewegen, doch mein Körper insgesamt fühlt sich nur schwer & benommen an. Irgendwer hat irgendetwas gerufen. Es klang wie ein langes; Nein! Solange bis ich es in meinem Unterbewusstsein, mit der Angst zu tun bekomme, kurz denke ich an den Punkt 3. in meinem Vertrag zurück der besagt, dass es sich hier an Ort & Stelle, um ein Menschliches Experiment handeln soll. Mein Krankenbett beginnt zu ruckeln & ich werde in den OP gefahren. Nun strahlt mir das Licht der OP Lampe gänzlich in die Augen. Durch die Tür des großen & kalten Operationssaals ertönen klagevolle Laute von Hunden, mehrerer Hunde & wieder ertönt dabei das Pfeifen des Chefarztes, welches ich bereits anhand seiner Melodie auswendig kannte,: ”bringt NeonRot schon rein & schließen Sie, sie zusammen an & vor allem schließe die beschissene Tür! Zwar müsste das Mittel bereits wirken, sodass NeonLila kaum mehr etwas mitbekommen dürfte, aber sicher ist sicher, ich stecke ja nicht drinnen.” Sein Gesicht kommt meinem immer näher & sein Grinsen wird immer breiter nach dem er hinzufügte; noch nicht. (...)
 #Weltraumstaub #Titanic #NeonLila #Drama #Lesen #Manuskript #Bücher #Ebooks #SchriftstellerLeben #ShayenneMelittaKupfer #SeidenerVorhang #DieRegenKönigin #HeartofCourage
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by-glass-and-waves · 11 months
curse you @catatombi your ask is fucking me up I opened two pages of tumblr and my Manuskript document where I shoved what notes I did have of Depression Quest to answer it
ugh I want to find my sketchbooks for my old stuff! I also want to write my ideas not like type them up!! fml maybe that's why I'm still hanging on Courtship....
currently trying to find things I can convert written shit to text that work on SteamOS or I might just make an install of Windows
while I'm trying to answer this askboxxu I found a prototype to Leshy quest for Depression Quest (which made its way to Courtship), enjoy its unedited greatness or grossness because it looks like I wrote it when Depression Quest enjoyed more sunshine before Courtship took it away
The One Who Waits and the Lamb looked down at the bouquet of flowers that were thrown onto the ground. The Lamb looked back up at the old god and said "I bring them to you all the same," before walking away.
The One Who Waits continued to regard the camellias. Damned lamb. What was the point of that? He had no use for such useless, fragile things.
Then he remembered Leshy after he found out how much his brother favored the flower. Memories of making flower crowns and sticking red flowers onto their heads. His shrines surrounded in a sea of crimson. How he appreciated how their shade matched that of his crown. Baal, one camellia pinned to his cloak to remind them of the lands they would take back.
He picked up the flowers and turned to Leshy's crown. The first trophy. He tucked some into the top of the crown and made a wreath of the rest at the base of it. His fingers fumbled with disuse of such delicate handiwork for over a thousand years. At last his work was finished and he stepped back to inspect it.
Sloppy. Disrespectful to Leshy's memory.
The One Who Waits shook his head, long forgotten feelings swirling into his head. There was no need for such foolishness. All that meant nothing after their betrayal. To give in to such sentiments would be another burden alongside his mortal needs, another form of torture. The Lamb desired to break him in this gilded cage of theirs, and he would not let them.
He was better than that.
"Why camellias?" the Lamb asked one day as they pulled weeds out from their garden. Aym and Baal looked at each other, Baal unconsciously touching the one pinned to his cloak. Even now in their weakened form and surrounded by the flowers did he insist on wearing one. The One Who Waits frowned.
"It is none of your business to know. They simply are."
"There must be some reason," the Lamb responded. They leaned forward to look at them before reaching up to the crown and inspecting it. Its red eye stared right back. "Ahhh, I see. They're the same color!"
"It's not just that-" the old god started before cutting himself off. He had fallen for their trick.
"There's more, isn't there? Might as well tell me now lest I ask until you trip up again." The smile on that damned lamb's face unnerved him.
"..." He had no desire to be annoyed with this. It was not a serious question. He supposed he could give a simple answer and leave it at that.
"... I told Leshy that I liked the flower when he first showed me. A mistake. He ended up flooding the Darkwood with it to impress me." That was kind of true.
He told Leshy it was his favorite flower, the color of his crown, the color of mortal blood. A symbol of life itself, ironically for a god of death. He liked to think it became a symbol of death when mortals saw that shade of red pouring out of their bodies. His youngest sibling, of course, eager to impress, pulled him into the Darkwood one day to show his handiwork. Camellias everywhere.
He was ashamed to remember that he was ecstatic at the time.
The Lamb quickly jolted him out of his thoughts (a small mercy, he thought) by asking if he was even paying attention. He shrugged them off, mumbling "this conversation is over" and going back to his flowers.
"It may not seem it, little Lamb, but he is grateful for what you have done," Aym told them. Baal added, "He doesn't show it very much, obviously. [add something to transition here] But is death truly just a violent end? Is it not peaceful as well, like a mother caressing her babe? Our lord has known much violence these many years, he does not remember those quiet moments where a soul passes to the other side. For too long has he embraced hatred and pain. Even now he thinks that he is being punished, or that he must be punished. He must remember to embrace all aspects of death." "Or perhaps you have done it for him. You have overcome us, after all."
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writergeek · 2 years
Things I learned today:
Google Docs is an *awesome* writing tool... as long as you don't write anymore than about 94K of words in the one doc. :D bc that's when the online grammar tools start whimpering in distress breaking.
so i may or may not now be quietly on the lookout for writing software that works on Linux that also saves to the cloud, and can handle large docs, bc I'm the mad fiend that also writes on my Android phone as well. :D
just sayin'
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helendalibor · 6 days
Schreibblick 22/24
Die Woche begann gut, aber dann verlief sie eher schleppend. Ich musste mich erst um andere Dinge kümmern und manchmal wurde mir dann selbst das Schreiben zu viel. Ich muss auch mal schlafen und wenn man bereits um 21 Uhr total müde ist, da bringt es wenig, sich vor das Chromebook zu setzen und ordentlich in die Tasten hauen zu wollen. Geschafft habe ich trotzdem einiges, auch wenn ich mich…
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geschichtenimperium · 2 months
Überarbeiten, Überarbeiten, Überarbeiten
Die Elefantengeschichten mögen fertig überarbeitet sein, das heißt nicht, dass ich mich jetzt auf die faule Haut legen und an einem alten Projekt schreiben kann. Nein, nach der Überarbeitung ist vor der Überarbeitung. Dieses Mal sind es drei Projekte, die den letzten Schliff brauchen. Da sind die beiden Minutengeschichten-Projekte, die ich bis Ende Mai fertig haben muss, damit sie im Juni…
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apebook · 8 months
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anthonymhowellblog · 10 months
Manuskripte publishes two stories by David Plante
The Austrian literary magazine has just published two stories by David Plante – translated by Gwendolyn Leick before she passed away. Both stories were first published by Grey Suit Editions. Grey Suit also published two books by Gwendolyn Leick – Gertrude Mabel May  and Franckstrasse 31
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jesterjamz · 11 months
can you guys give me some good last name ideas
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this-writer-d · 1 year
I've started using Manuskript to help me plot and flesh out my catradora fic "scream my name like you mean it" and it's actually helping me A LOT. I highly recommend using it (and am so excited to continue this fic)
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Weltraum Staub - Space Dust
>>Neon Rot sag uns wo du bist, denn da müssen wir hin, beeil dich, na los!<< >>Ich bin hier mit dir, aber eigentlich bin ich in einem Gasthof & wo ist dein Zwilling?<<
Neon Blau:>>Ich bin nicht mehr hier, aber eigentlich bin ich überall. Nicht wahr Schutzengel, Ellen?<<
Ellen:>>Mit nur einen einzigen Flügel.<<
>>Neon red tell us where you are, because that's where we have to go, hurry up, come on!<< >>I'm with you, but actually I'm in an inn & where is your twin?<<
Neon Blue:>>I'm not here anymore, but actually I'm everywhere. Isn't that a guardian angel, Ellen?<<
Neon Blue:>>I'm not here anymore, but actually I'm everywhere. Isn't that a guardian angel, Ellen?<<
Ellen:>>With only a single wing.<<
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by-glass-and-waves · 1 year
What is it about writing something and trying to sort out a weird block between scenes that totally throws shit off the rails lmao
Like actually I do appreciate it because it does introduce a possible interesting but at the same time oh fuck how to navigate this
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helendalibor · 7 days
Die Zeit wird knapp
Ende des Monats soll Paris24 fertig sein. Anfangs lag ich gut in der Zeit, dann kam kurz was dazwischen. Ab und an kam ich nicht wirklich voran und jetzt sehe ich mit bangem Blick die Tage verstreichen. Der Juni nähert sich immer schneller und ich weiß nicht, wie ich noch rechtzeitig fertig werden soll. Ich setze mich jeden Tag hin und schreibe, aber mehr als tausend Wörter werden es nie. Das…
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