#march ewn
katartna · 5 years
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I can’t be any more hyped than for this new arc of Ebon Ward!!
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romaheroic · 6 years
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relevy · 5 years
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Chapter One | Chapter Two
Ghada awoke to a thin dawn filtering in through the boarded slitted windows of the barracks. The snores of the men around her were only slightly muffled by the stalls that surrounded each cot. The mattress beneath her was stuffed with fresh straw that crinkled as she shifted and sat up. She had been provided with a small chest for her personal belongings, which were few. With muscles still sore from the spar with Mordred, she knelt down and opened it. Inside was her armor, by far the most precious thing she owned, which she had spent the last of her coin on before leaving Aksum. She sat back on her heels and wondered what was expected of her now that she was a member of the Alt Clut. The thought of orientating herself to her new surroundings had slipped her mind completely in the revelry of the evening.
A shadow passed over her and she looked up. Another redheaded knight stood above her, not only taller than Gareth, but a good twenty years older as well. He was middle-aged, with lines around his mouth and eyes that indicated he laughed often. The full beard that enveloped his chin matched the copper hairs of his head. He thrust out one hand. She took it as she stood, noticing how calloused his fingers were.
“I’m Gawain,” he said simply, “I thought you might want a tour?”
“I would appreciate that,” she said, her breath fogging in the cold morning air. 
Unused to these temperatures she had slept fully clothed.
“I brought you some things,” he produced a bundle of cloth and handed it to her. 
She unwrapped the gift delicately. Inside was a woolen tunic intended to slip over her shirt. She gratefully pulled it over her head and cinched it at her waist with a leather cord. It hung just above her knees, warming her upper body instantly. Gawain had also brought her a thick set of hose, without even thinking she began to untie her breeches. The Knight blushed and turned quickly allowing her some privacy. She slipped on the hose and then maneuvered back into the breeches before pulling on her boots.
“I have returned to decency,” she teased. 
Gawain turned back around, his cheeks still pink with embarrassment. Ghada wrapped her woolen shawl over her head and around her neck and gave him a nod to indicate she was ready.
“I’ll show you to the stables,” Gawain turned on his heel and she quickly followed him from the barracks. The courtyard was grey in the early morning light, and she clutched her arms over her chest to contain what little heat she had left.
“How do you stand these temperatures?” she asked, her teeth chattering against each other.
“You get used to it,” Gawain said over his shoulder. 
They crossed the courtyard together; many of the servants were already awake, passing by with baskets of clothing or fresh bread. She snagged a bun from a young maid who squeaked at her in complaint. The roll steamed as she bit into it, and she gave a contented sigh. Now on the western edge of the fort, Gawain led her inside to the stables, which was situated between the inner and outer walls directly parallel to the barracks. 
Inside, the comforting scent of leather, horse, and straw met her nostrils. It was a familiar aroma.
“Did you arrive with a horse?”
Ghada shook her head and swallowed the last of her stolen breakfast. Gawain made a noise in his throat and led her down the stalls. She heard the horses shuffling in the straw strewn over the floor. The Knight stopped before one of them, cracking open the gate. She craned her neck to sneak a look at the animal inside. Gawain pulled a lead from a peg on the wall and made comforting noises as he disappeared inside. Soon he reappeared, leading a horse behind him.
It was a beautiful mare of a stouter build than the Arabian horses she had learned to ride. The animal’s hide was a deep unbroken brown, save for freckles of white along her muzzle. Ghada raised a single hand and waited for the mare to dip down and nuzzle her fingers gently.
“This is Ewn,” said Gawain. “Her owner died unexpectedly of sickness a month past.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Ewn,” said Ghada, now running her hand affectionately over the horse’s neck. “I promise to take good care of you.”
Ewn tossed her head, sending her dark mane flying. Ghada laughed.
“She seems to like you,” said Gawain with approval. “You’ll find tack along the wall over there,” he said gesturing to the south. 
Before he could continue his explanation, a knight she had yet to be introduced to, appeared in the doorway.
“Palamedes?” Gawain paused, one hand resting on Ewn’s side. “What is it?”
“Artor has summoned the Alt Clut.” Palamedes had a rich baritone voice that warmed the air around her. She had no time to observe anything about him as he immediately ducked back out into the courtyard. 
Gawain sighed and led Ewn back into her stall. “We best get going then,” he said to her before striding out of the stables. Ghada trotted behind him and followed him into the great hall.
Inside most of the Knights were already gathered around the round table, each at their designated place. She found the only open chair and sat down, knowing it was hers but still feeling trepidatious about making a mistake. A few servants were laying out provisions for them. She eyed a plate of honey cakes that had been set in front of the King and licked her lips. The maid from earlier caught her gaze with narrowed eyes and Ghada sat back in her chair, crossing her hands in her lap.
“Thank you all. I know it is a bit early for serious business.” Artor stood, his hands pressed to the surface of the table. “We have received word that the Saxon settlements in Cent Lond to our east have been gathering forces. I have been advised that they may be planning a cooperative assault in an effort to expand past the boundaries negotiated with my father.”
The faces around the table were grim. Ghada caught Mordred glancing her way and held his attention for a moment. His lips twitched in a smile that he quickly stifled as he turned his attention back to the king. 
“Ser Luc and I have been in discussion. We think it best to cut off the head of the snake before it grows any longer.” Artorious nodded at the aged general. 
Ghada took Luc in. Despite his years, he was still an intimidating man. His closely cut hair glinted at the temples with silver and the scar that lined his left cheek was surrounded by mimicking wrinkles. Yet she found something comely in him, perhaps it was the profound gentle nature of his gaze as if fell upon her.
“Hengist the Younger has brought it upon himself to finish what his father started twenty years ago.” Luc’s eyes shifted slowly around the table. “He has marshaled the chiefs of all the neighboring settlements. Aethelbert, in particular, has lent himself wholesale into the fight. This cannot be ignored. We must break the spirit of this expansion before it takes even an inch of our kingdom with it.”
There was a ‘hear hear’ from many of the Knights. 
Artor cleared his throat and spoke again. “We will march to Belesduna. Our scouts have indicated that is where Hengist and Aethelbert are holding council. You have one day to prepare.”
With that, the meeting was adjourned and the Alt Clut dispersed. 
Ghada watched as her father strode away from the table without even glancing her way. She lowered her head and gazed at her hands where they were clasping her knees tightly. Without realizing it she had started to tremble, the years of questions were building up to a pressure she could not ignore.
“Do you want me to speak with him?”
Ghada jumped as Mordred spoke. His tone was gentle, but she could not help the flush of shame that appeared on her cheeks.
“N-no,” she said firmly, despite the stutter.
Mordred sank down into the chair beside her at a leisurely angle. His stormy eyes watched her expression carefully.
“I have served with Bors my whole life. He taught me everything I know about riding.” He offered up this information casually and Ghada felt a prick of jealousy, “I could...persuade him to meet with you without him even realizing my subterfuge.”
Ghada glanced up at Mordred. A sly grin had slipped across his lips. She returned her gaze to her knees.
“I would rather he approach me of his own volition.” She felt silly saying it out loud but it was the truth.
Mordred made a neutral noise in his throat. There was a moment of silence before he stood, stretching to his full, lanky height. “Well...if you change your mind.”
Ghada said nothing as he strode away. Her eyes followed his retreating form from beneath her eyelashes. The hall was empty now, and she let herself relax for the first time that morning. She sighed languidly and slumped in the chair, planting her elbows on the table. With quick fingers, she plucked the last honey cake from its platter and shoved it into her mouth.
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cryptodailysun · 2 years
Forbes has kicked off its foray into the metaverse with its ever non fungible token collection The collection is named Virtual Billionaires NFT and will launch on April 13, 2022 Major crypto exchange FTX has been announced as a partner for the collection and will power the blockchain aspect of the project Global American-based business and lifestyle behemoth Forbes has announced its Virtual Billionaires NFT collection in collaboration with Bahamian-located crypto exchange giant FTX. According to the statement released on Monday (April 11, 2022), the collection will go live on Wednesday (April 13, 2022).  Details of the announcement also revealed that all subscribers of Forbes’ paid service received early access to the NFT collection on Monday.  Forbes has partnered with FTX, a leading global cryptocurrency exchange, to launch an ERC-721 token on April 13. Early access to the collection is available to Forbes subscribers on April 11. https://t.co/NdcChvntNy— Forbes (@Forbes) April 11, 2022 The blockchain-powered digital collectibles from Forbes boast 100 NFTs featuring virtual billionaires, each with their own custom accessories and unique portfolios. Also, every piece from the collection will appear on the official Forbes.com ranking page.  Furthermore, every item from the portfolios is based on assets publicly held and traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Exchange-Traded Funds are also included in portfolios as well.  In addition, the portfolios held by these NFTs will adjust in value to match real-time prices and changes in rank on the Forbes Billionaires list.  Regarding the decision to leverage blockchain technology for digital collectibles, Chief Technology Officer at Forbes, Vadim Supitskiy, emphasized that the move represents a forward-thinking approach towards digital assets and the emergence of the Web3 economy. Last year, we turned a Forbes cover into an NFT, demonstrating that journalism is as immutable as a piece of one-of-a-kind artwork. In March, we shaped the conversation around digital assets and Web3 at our inaugural Summit. Now, we’re cementing our place in the Metaverse by launching these interactive collectibles that can be authenticated and traded on the blockchain. Finally, the collection is illustrated by Barcelona-based artists Goodog and ItsACat. Also, the collectibles are expected to hit all recognized marketplaces that support ERC-721 tokens after launch. NFTs Garner More Mainstream Adoption  The digital collectibles economy continues its barnstorming start to 2022 with several landmark moments pertaining to mainstream adoption and traction. While popular collections like Bored Apes Yacht Club (BAYC) have received patronage from pop culture figures such as Madonna, established entities are also getting in on the NFT bandwagon.  Recently, EWN reported that major sports cable network ESPN launched its first NFT collection with NFL star quarterback Tom Brady. Go to Source
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March from Ebon Ward North! EWN is the physical manifestation of that feeling you get when you are scared and loving it.
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stayingsafesa · 3 years
Latest South African Crime Statistics Truck Hijacking
Recently revealed South African crime statistics showcase an increase in truck hijackings across the country
Claims regarding truck hijackings reveal that the growing number of syndicates make use of advanced technology during heists
The prevalence of police involvement in recent truck hijacking cases, as well as possession of state-issued firearms among perpetrators, does little for business’ faith in protection from local authorities
Logistics companies and delivery services should seek the support of third-party security technology to mitigate and/or minimise the risks associated with truck hijacking
The latest South African crime statistics suggest that your logistics company is vulnerable to hijacking and cash-in-transit heists when your vehicles are in transit. Such tragedies can be a headache for business owners, including those who manage logistics and delivery services as well as the owners who put their trust in trucking partners to deliver their materials, goods, or products to satisfied clients and customers. These statistics reveal a steady increase in business robberies occurring on roads and freeways across the country, and crime trends point towards hijackers being more equipped, armed, and capable of targeting logistics and delivery companies. For these reasons, managers and company executives in the logistics and delivery industry need to respond to rising statistics with actionable plans to combat the chances and consequences of truck hijacking.
The following case study showcases the importance of securing your business’ logistics operations in response to recent crime reports as well as offers an answer in the form of security and armed response-based API solutions.
An Emergence of ‘High-Tech’ Truck Hijacking Syndicates
Hijacking in South Africa is a problem that affects citizens on a personal and individual level in instances such as car theft and business level in cases of truck hijacking. The prominence of truck hijacking has existed in some capacity for years, however, the emergence of more advanced crime syndicates willing to gamble their attempts in the trucking industry is a concern for logistic company owners and investors who are unwilling to support business in a country subject to high levels of crime.
Last year, police minister Bheki Cele reported “a 31.7% increase in truck hijackings.” Further reports from EWN highlighted that there had been 1,202 truck hijacking crimes recorded between April of 2020 and March 2021. The police minister has attributed the rising rates of truck-related crimes to more advanced hijackers with access to top technology and has claimed the police are responding to these “high-tech” crimes with significant breakthroughs in truck hijackings.
Police Involvement in Truck Hijackings
Business owners may be reluctant to get behind the sentiments shared by the police minister as the latest in a long line of truck-related crimes shines a spotlight on police involvement in the recent event.
As of Tuesday the 13th of April 2021, two cops and a civilian were arrested in Johannesburg shortly after a truck hijacking incident. Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) spokesperson Simon Zwane has since issued statements regarding the police and civilian’s involvement in a truck hijacking syndicate operating on the R59, N3, Kliprivier and other routes in Gauteng as well as their possession of state-issued firearms. Zwane continues to report that “there have been many complaints and allegations about the involvement of law enforcement officers in this heinous crime”.
If company directors and logistics managers cannot put their faith in the police, then what options are available in the protection and prevention of trucks on South African roads in 2021?
Is Fleet Monitoring an Answer?
Fleet monitoring bureaus are tasked with managing drivers and responding to alerts in order to prevent or reduce the consequences of truck hijacking, such as stolen vehicles or damaged goods. The problem with fleet monitoring, especially in the current economic climate, is the considerable investment required by companies to have access to around the clock 24/7 armed response. Thanks to breakthrough technology, there are more affordable alternatives for businesses to consider that areas, if not more, effective.
Secure Your Business With Secura
Most companies have been forced to go private in response to rising truck hijacking statistics, with a selection of businesses meeting the security needs of business owners with novel and advanced technological solutions. Secura is one such company capable of supporting the trucking industry through the integration of affordable, efficient, reliable, and private armed response measures integrated with businesses current systems. This is done through API integration of Secura for business, a unique offering that provides truck drivers with access to extremely quick security response times from armed specialists through the simple touch of a button. Truck drivers can utilise a panic button integrated with your company’s app or system to
alert both you and the nearest armed response team of the hijacking attempt. This streamlined process helps business owners mitigate and/or reduce the risks associated with truck hijacking.
It is paramount that logistics companies and delivery services seek third-party, private security solutions to prevent truck hijacking as the statistics show an upward trajectory in truck-related crime cases. Should you wish to give your drivers a safety advantage on the road, contact us to secure your business with Secura.
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odk-2 · 7 years
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                                        "I like to watch things on TV"                                         Lou Reed, "Satellite of Love"
                                   TV Shows’ Opening Theme Music:
Henry Mancini and His Orchestra - Peter Gunn Theme (1958): https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk1jgyvuf
Duane Eddy and The Rebels - Peter Gunn (1960): https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk1jg_oTw
The Cramps - Peter Gunn (1997): https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk1jg-Ewn
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Theme: (c. 1950's/'60's) (Funeral March of a Marionette / Marche Funèbre d'une Marionnette) https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk28_oyko
Delia Derbyshire - Doctor Who: Extended Theme (1963):                                (Radiophonic Workshop Version) https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk1tVnMWC
Neal Hefti - Batman Theme (1966): https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk2MaUl6I
The Who - Batman (1966): https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk1yxd6Sa
The Boss Martians - Batman (1995): https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk26D9iPG
Carl Davis  - The World at War Main Theme (1973): https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk2CTfzLv
Angelo Badalamenti - Twin Peaks Theme (1990): https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk1nqBdOg
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katartna · 6 years
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Ebon Ward North is so freaking incredible, I’m still running on adrenaline after that finale, thank you so much Will and the players for this wonderful campaign! Can’t wait to see where else the extended universe of Ebon Ward will take!
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romaheroic · 6 years
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Ebon ward north is good
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EWN News Editor Job in Cape Town March/April 2017
EWN News Editor Job in Cape Town March/April 2017
Primedia Broadcasting – EWN News Editor Job in Cape Town March/April 2017
  Jobs opening : EWN News Editor Vacancy April 2017
  New job position at Primedia Broadcasting in S.Africa 2017
 Remuneration: Cost to company Location: Cape Town Job level: Mid/Senior Own transport required: Yes Travel requirement: Occasional Job policy: Employment Equity position Type: Permanent Reference: #EWN News…
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jennifer-wayne · 4 years
Church leaders request government funding during lockdown
Church leaders request government funding during lockdown
Church leaders in KwaZulu-Natal have requested financial support from government, EWN reports.
Since March, church services have pretty much been prohibited across South Africa, after the ban on public gatherings implemented to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Church leaders feeling the financial pinch under lockdown
The KZN Christian Council says church leaders have struggled to make…
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bitcoingape · 5 years
Bitcoin (BTC) at $10,000 Coming Into View, Binance (BNB) Recovering, Ripple XRP First Facebook Libra Victim
New Post has been published on https://bitcoingape.com/bitcoin-btc-at-10000-coming-into-view-binance-bnb-recovering-ripple-xrp-first-facebook-libra-victim/
Bitcoin (BTC) at $10,000 Coming Into View, Binance (BNB) Recovering, Ripple XRP First Facebook Libra Victim
Bitcoin (BTC) had a burst energy – jumping $200 yesterday – with altcoins falling. Currently priced at $8,654, the bitcoin has returned to prices last seen 10 days ago.
While stellar performer Litecoin (LTC), touched a 13-month high at $142, it succumbed to buying pressure along with most other top altcoins. The fourth-placed asset is currently trading at $135, 16% higher on the week.
This sort of see-sawing with bitcoin the beneficiary is behaviour that was a noted feature of the previous bull market and seems to be with us.
Such trading is sometimes followed by catch-up buying by alts with a pause for bitcoin, which seems to be where we are today.
Binance Coin (BNB) hit as US regulator gets in the way
A relative underperformer was Binance Coin (BNB).
The price had been falling since the announcement a couple of days ago that it would be shutting down its current exchange but is recovering at the time of writing, up 4% to 33.19 in the past 24 hours.
The price fell from $35.74 on 13 June to a week low of $31.12, a near 13% drop.
The bleeding was staunched as it became clearer what Binance’s plans were. Indeed, it may have got some belated credit for adopting a pro-active stance. It plans to open a new exchange specifically for the US market.
Bittrex has done something similar, this time by removing certain tokens from the purview of its US customers, with the most high-profile of the delisted toekns being the Singapore-based Qtum dapp platform.
Both exchanges’ moves are in response to the US regulator taking Kik to court for running what it claims was an unregistered securities sale in its 2017 KIN token ICO sale.
Given that the US the largest crypto market, American investors selling out of tokens could be leading to forced bitcoin buying, given it is the most popular asset on the other side of trading pairs.
Bitcoin is also seen as the best store of value, and is currently preferable to exiting the market by going into a stablecoin.
Ripple’s XRP a Facebook Libra coin loser?
Before returning to bitcoin, we should note the dispiriting situation with the XRP price, down 3% in the past 24 hours at $0.405.
Although most analysts see at minimum a positive halo effect for the crypto market as a whole from Facebook’s cryptocurrency effort, it’s a difference story where Ripple’s XRP is concerned.
Facebook’s Libra coin could be an XRP killer as it threatens to go after the remittance market that XRP is also targeting. Sure, Ripple is also going after the cross-border financial transactions of banks and other corporations, but here it is pressure from banks doing their own thing – think JPMCoin – that may be narrowing that opportunity too.
The Block has got hold of the full list of Facebook’s Libra partners – eBay, Spotify, Lyft and Xapo are some of the names that you may not have known about. More analysis on this in a coming EWN story.
Bitcoin (BTC) price analysis
So, back to bitcoin, what to make of the prospects for holding at current levels and rising further?
With the relative strength index (RSI) at 61.5 we are a little way off overbought territory, but declining trading volumes on the one-day chart mean is a danger sign seen in the rally since early May.
But that’s far from the end of the story.
Volume profile is a key indicator
Staying with the one-day chart the volume profile adds important detail to the picture.
Unlike the volume data that runs along the horizontal axis of the chart and is often cited in technical analysis, if you want a surer footing on where support and resistance levels are, volume profiles are invaluable as they show the volume at particular price points.
I’ll be using them a lot going forward to provide EWN’s readers with even better price analysis.
The point of control (red line, showing the price point that attracted the most trading interest; mustard shading shows falling value area and blue the rising value) is clearly showing fair value at $3,767 on a year view, near the market bottom at circa $3,200.
(chart courtesy TradingView)
Strong bitcoin trading interest at $6,414 and $7,932
But we are interested in the next two volume profile histogram bulges, at $6,414 and another cluster at $7,932.
The first of those shows strong volume at around $6,400 coinciding with the huge parabola in the march from $5,650 to $8,155. That provides firm support, with buying interest growing.
However, the next volume profile bulge, which shows the third busiest period of trading for the year, is slightly more problematic for those with a bias to a bullish prognosis. It shows sellers and buyers initially balanced but with sellers starting to nudge out buyers at those price points.
But the bullish trend line has not been broken, so makes the breakout above $8,200 look firmer.
Bitcoin at $10,000 coming into view
Then we come to the shaded light blue area which is an area of resistance, the top of which can be drawn from the March 2018 price at $11,459. The lower part of the band  is the July 2018 high at $8,600 , that roughly lines up with where we are now.
But there is an undoubted weakening of interest seen in the volume profile as the price moves through the gears to $10,000, with a significant fall-off above $11,400.
That doesn’t mean that $10,000 is not attainable but rather that the price could get there very quickly indeed.
We might also infer that above $10,000 it is retail buying that starts to pick up, with institutional buying seen in our three previously identified volume profile bell curves.
Finally, volume profile by session volume provides a clearer view of possible support and resistance when it is extended to the right (red lines).
There’s plenty of support below current price levels – between $8,100 and $7,700.
(chart courtesy TradingView)
Gary is the cryptocurrency analyst at interactive investor, the UK’s second-largest investment platform and his contributions are written in a personal capacity.
The post Bitcoin (BTC) at $10,000 Coming Into View, Binance (BNB) Recovering, Ripple XRP First Facebook Libra Victim appeared first on Ethereum World News.
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katartna · 6 years
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The Day of the Great Feast
Trying out horror-esque and more complicated illustrations! I actually can’t handle horror so this was a good challenge though now I really regret having the bottom wendigo face the camera ;;
(Also Ebon Ward North is excellent. You can catch the series here!)
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pedimillenial-blog · 6 years
Zuma Supporters: A fandom in their own right
Fandom is gendered. Well, most of the time. There is always a specific audience in mind when a media text is created. There also always different types of stereotypes that are attached to certain media texts when it comes to who is thought to enjoy them. For example, with soccer the stereotype is that it is a sport that only men watch and that women should not be watching soccer. Another example of how fandom can be gendered can be seen with ‘Bronies’, adult men who enjoy watching My Little Pony. Those who subvert the traditional norms of fandom are often met with hostility. “When Bronies admit to liking My Little Pony they are similarly reviled. These criticisms do not just come from outside of the My Little Pony fandom, however. Reactions to Bronies from other MLP fans can be just as vitriolic, and just as gendered” (Jones 2015: 121). Bronies are an example of how gendered fandom can be and how when certain stereotypes are challenged, those doing the challenging are subjected to a host of criticism.
“But these respectable social types could also be defined as ‘fans’ in that they display interest, affection and attachment, especially for figures in, or aspects of, their chosen field” (Jenson 1992: 9). Normally, fandom is associated with pop culture. Celebrities are often at the centre of fandom, where fans are dedicated to following them and keeping up with their lives. Some fans go so far as to try to emulate celebrities in how they look and act. However, if fandoms can be described as people who take their genuine like for something or someone and extend it beyond watching that person on television/ consuming the media that person makes, then can we use the term to describe Zuma supporters?
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Former South African president Jacob Zuma was- and still remains- a controversial figure in South African politics. His followers however, are staunch and unwavering in their support for the former president, no matter the representations of him in the media. This type of fandom is somewhat different from the traditional notion of fandom which features the targeted audience being obsessed with a new phenomenon in pop culture. This is because instead of it being young girls pledging their allegiance to a boy band, this ‘fandom’ involves a more toned down version of support while still meeting the requirements of being a fandom in that the fans take their like for something/someone and then band together to show their support in different ways. Those who are fans of the former president can often be seen conducting rallies in support of him and arguing against those who are anti-Zuma. They have a role to play in protecting the former president from attacks from all sectors of society- the ANC, the media and even civil society. Anti-Zuma activists can too, to a certain extent be described as a fandom because of their devotion to being anti-Zuma.
The attitude the pro-Zuma fandom has towards anti-Zuma protestors:
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An example of a time when Zuma supporters extended their devotion to him was when the former president was due to appear in court earlier this year on corruption charges. With their ANC colours and posters reading “#HandsOffZuma”, the supporters took to the courthouse to stand in support of their president. Ahead of former president Zuma’s court appearance supporters held a night vigil “to pray an show support for the former president” (Ndenze 2018). Supporters did this despite the cold weather. They were determined to show their support. This is an example of fans who are dedicated.
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As afore mentioned, the Zuma ‘fandom’ is different from most. The fans are not necessarily homogenous but compromise of people of different demographics. There are people different ages, men and women, ordinary citizens and politicians who all are committed to supporting former president Jacob Zuma. The #HandsOffZuma campaign involved different people. The BLF (Black First Land First) movement, along with the ANC Women's League were both involved in the campaign. This illustrates the above point that the Zuma fandom is not homogeneous and thus subverts the traditional notion of fandom being only specific to one demographic.
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Say what you will about controversial figure former president Jacob Zuma, but his fan base is loyal. To stand in the cold out of support and to mobilise different sectors for a march out of the support of one individual is dedication. His fans can troll you if you say something unfavourable about him, his fans have the capacity to oppose anything that is anti-Zuma and in some cases they will argue that the former president is not to blame and that our attention should instead be on white monopoly capital. “The organisations say the problem is not the president, but rather white monopoly capital” (Sekhotho 2018). Zuma supporters are on the same level as his chill- they both come second to none.
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The former president hardly ever loses his cool, he’s calm most of the time and laughs all the attacks off while still emerging unscathed. A true art, if anything.
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Jenson, J., 1992. Fandom as pathology: The consequences of characterization. The adoring audience: Fan culture and popular media, pp.9-29.
Jones, B., 2015. My Little Pony, tolerance is magic: Gender policing and Brony anti-fandom. The Journal of Popular Television, 3(1), pp.119-125.
Ndenze, B. ‘Zuma supporters gather for night vigil ahead of court appearance’. 2018. EWN. Accessed: 10 September 2018. Available at: https://ewn.co.za/2018/07/27/zuma-supports-gather-for-night-vigil-ahead-of-court-appearance
Sekhotho, K. ‘We won’t vote for ANC in 2019’ Hands Off Zuma Movement Threaten’. January 2018. EWN. Accessed: September 10, 2018. Available at: https://ewn.co.za/2018/02/03/hands-off-zuma-movement-threaten-to-not-vote-for-anc-in-2019
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EWN Online Producer Job in South Africa March 2017
EWN Online Producer Job in South Africa March 2017
Primedia Broadcasting – EWN Online Producer Job in Johannesburg, Sandown, Sandton 2017
  New job position at Primedia Broadcasting in S.Africa 2017
  Employment for EWN Online Producer in South Africa March 2017
  Remuneration: Cost to company Location: Johannesburg, Sandown, Sandton Education level: Degree Job level: Mid Type: Permanent Reference: #EWN Online Producer
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jennifer-wayne · 4 years
Violent protests force CPUT to suspend classes again
Classes at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) have once again been suspended on Wednesday 11 March, after managing to reopen for just one day on Tuesday. 
Lectures were suspended last week due to violent protests — so violent and unpredictable that four students were eventually arrested and charged with public violence.
According to EWN, the university was operating normally until…
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