#markiplirr egos x reader
112-darling · 2 years
Egos with a reader that simps for them? There reaction?
:000 SIMP
hahahahah alr alr bet.
*laughs in all-knowing author* my guy your fucked 6 ways to sunday. [not literal goodness! mind out of the gutter! people can hear your thoughts here!!]
your gonna be hit with. ”Host tilts his head and laughs saying he questions your sanity and attraction.”
*laughs in touch starved* He’s a big puppy. Simp or No Simp, just give him lovins. and kisses. kisses are required <3
“aww youse Simp for me? whats a simp?”
*laughs in immortal demon enitity <3* he’s seen it all. nothing you can do will bother him. Finds it *pulls out fancy people book* Endeering <3
“just keep yourself in check. Darling.”
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