#mat cauthon my beloved
toastandjamie · 5 months
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I found this picture of a fox in a hat and I just- yeah.
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theuncannybookdragon · 6 months
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The duality of Mat
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I’m reading Wheel of Time…. Again…. I might have a problem…. But who cares. I’m so ready for Mat Cauthon shenanigans and Lan and Nynaeve content!!!
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markantonys · 2 years
mat and elayne’s entire dynamic is “you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up” “you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” and they both spend an equal amount of time playing both roles in that dynamic, and that’s why matlayne is so godtier
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nyalesta · 1 year
When there are still no news for the release of the wheel of time s2 trailer or the start of the season so ur so 🤏 close to rewatch season one for the fourth time.
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oh-no-bummer · 2 years
The thing is I've seen the sneak peek and now I'm back on my wot bs and need season two immediately. like right now. at this moment. how am I going to survive until 2023????????
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me waiting for another mat pov chapter 
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veliseraptor · 4 months
Psst top Wheel of Time ships and characters? (Also can I ask for any of your thoughts on Nynaeve?)
I should do a whole separate post on Nynaeve honestly but suffice it to say for this one that I love her very very much, didn't appreciate her nearly enough on my first read but appreciate her more every reread since.
since I love lists, here's a couple lists for you
Rand al'Thor. I don't usually latch onto protagonists but when I do they're depressed and a mess! And that's Rand for you. I really appreciate the way that Jordan plays with the Chosen One archetype specifically by looking at the damage it does/can do to a person, and the way that Rand is gradually wrecked by the weight of prophecy and expectation such that the only way to escape it, in the end, is to become not himself. Whatever my feelings about his ending (not entirely positive), I think there's a very painful and poignant statement in there.
Ishamael/Moridin/Elan Morin Tedronai. Who doesn't love a fatalistic villain longing for oblivion and believing that serving evil is the only way to get it! I'm sure that's universal. I wrote sort of a character study of him and I think personally it is one of my underappreciated fics. Couldn't say why, I don't know how this isn't a subject that everyone is clamoring to read.
Min Farshaw. My beloved since the first time I read the series and I don't think it's just because she had short hair like me, though that's probably part of it. I think I just enjoy the way she thinks, her narration, the way she's simultaneously deeply caring and a little bit snarky, the way that she interacts with fate and inevitability. I don't know, I struggle to articulate it. I just know that I loved her first as a character and I still love her.
Tuon (Fortuona) Athaem Kore Paendrag. My problematic fave (other than, I guess, the aforementioned nihilistic actual antagonist). I just...she's fascinating. She's a cipher. She's the embodiment of an evil empire and absolutely going to oversee its downfall. She craves absolute control and copes poorly with not having it. Her dynamic with Mat is my favorite relationship in the series. What a gal.
Nynaeve al'Vere. In contrast to Min, I didn't appreciate Nynaeve enough on early reads (I didn't dislike her, I just didn't appreciate her enough), but that's thoroughly changed and at this point I do think she's one of my favorite characters. She's so contradictory and an unreliable narrator but in a very particular way that I feel like I don't run into very often. She's so much fun to read about, and also trying so hard to prove herself, and so determined to help people (even when they maybe don't want to be helped). She's a healer first and foremost and never loses sight of that, or of her resolve to protect her people. What a gal. But in a very different way than the above.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Mat Cauthon and Aviendha.
Mat/Tuon. I said their dynamic was my favorite in the series and I meant it. They have such a good courtship, the way they dance around each other and play off each other and play their relationship like a game of strategy is so much fun for me.
Rand/Min. If Min was my first favorite character then Rand/Min was my first OTP (and incidentally the first pairing I wrote porn for!). I think my favorite thing about them is the way that they're friends, or feel like it, in a way that Rand doesn't always feel like friends with the other ladies. Sometimes I appreciate that in a pairing. They just seem like they enjoy each other's company even outside of the romantic aspect, and I love that for them.
Aviendha/Elayne. Welcome to the gayest ostensibly sister relationship in the whole series!!!! No honestly though on reread I was like "how is this not explicitly a thing, I mean, I know why, but Jordan you've established some people are gay in this universe and you have Aviendha lovingly describing Elayne's naked body and, again, the gayest sister-making ceremony I've read, and tell me that they're not totally and completely, romantically and sexually, in love? Fie, I say. Lies and foolishness. They're in love and they're so valid for it.
Nynaeve & Rand. Sneaking an & ship on here! Especially as the series goes on, their relationship is soooo important to me. There's a short list of people who care about Rand-as-Rand with no ulterior motives beyond that, and Nynaeve is near the top of that list. And I love, too, that their dynamic isn't romantic in the least.
Tuon/Egwene. @highladyluck pretty much single-handedly sold me on this one and I'm so glad she did. Absolutely brilliant and galaxy brained. Egwene should've lived just so she and Tuon could have a hideously complicated enemyship. The missed opportunities.
BONUS: Rand/Min/Morshamael Tedronai.
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liptonrm · 1 year
Rewatching WoT season 1 because the bestie decided to harass me with vids.
Love how this show goes so hard right from the very beginning.
Also Moiraine's suspenders and fat little man angreal my beloved
I also love how the show lets us sit in the Two Rivers, introduces us to the people and to the protagonists.
The braiding ceremony is just chef's kiss.gif. I wish we'd gotten the longer ceremony because I love seeing how ritual informs culture and character.
Amazon Prime give us the two hour edit of the pilot you cowards.
Aging up the E5 and making them real young adults with young adult lives and problems was an excellent choice that I wholeheartedly support.
Lololol Moiraine and Nynaeve at the pool. Omg Moiraine you are incapable of a smooth sell you awkward queen.
I really appreciate how that scene gives more depth to Nynaeve's, let's say, ambivalence, re: Aes Sedai. Idk it just works for me.
Tam knows why the trollocs are there. He knows what his son is. The man's not an idiot.
Rand knows it too. Well, not exactly, but he knows his life isn't what he thought it was. Hence turning on a dime and yelling at Moiraine right after she saved his father's life.
Hate to say it, but the weird Rand-Egwene-Perrin love triangle is set up from the pilot. It's still super-weird how Nynaeve brings it up in the finale, but the groundwork's definitely there.
I will never get over Mat and his sisters. I don't want him to forget them.
Mat's luck sucking when he's desperately trying to get a little extra money but then keeping him safe through the chaos of the trolloc attack is some peak Mat Cauthon luck right there.
LoveloveLOVE Egwene's ambition. Her dreams were never Rand's dreams, not really, which is why their romance could never last.
Taking RJ's broadened world from the later books and transplanting it into the early story is one of the best decisions R2J2 made. Anyone who thinks differently doesn't know what they're talking about.
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the-invisible-queer · 8 months
Do you have any other favorite characters in WoT besides Lan? Iirc, you mentioned Perrin being one of your favorites
Warning: Includes spoilers for season 2 of The Wheel of Time under the cut
I have loved him since watching the first episode and watching the man get traumatized by accidentally killing his pregnant wife 😭
Don't care for the whole Perrin loves Egwene storyline they were going for in the first season
So glad it looks like they dropped it for s2 - but who knows if it comes back
I loved his relationship with Hopper and was absolutely devastated with him when Hopper died
I love ghe whole thing of him becoming a wolfbrother! Love how it's been developed since the beginning. Can't wait to see where it goes next
Also love when we get to see him fuck shit up
I love his brotherhood with Mat with my whole heart. The definition of a bromance
Definitely have to check out more of Marcus Rutherford's work
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I loved Barney Harris' portrayal of him in s1. I love that his main concern was taking care of his sisters. I was bummed originally when I found out Barney wasn't coming back in s2.
HOWEVER, I love the way Donal Finn portrayed him in s2. His portrayal is obviously so different. You see a different side of Mat we didn't get in s1.
He's still a bit of a fool (affectionate) but
But I am mad that they kind of dropped his concern for his sisters
Loved the scene of him and Rand talking and them both telling each other that their friends are not better off without them 😭
Loved that he did what he could not to touch the cursed blade
His absolute devastation when he stabbed Rand 😭
I love Mat Cauthon with my whole heart
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Let me start off by saying: Talented, Brilliant, Incredible, Amazing, Showstopping, Spectacular, Never The Same, Totally Unique, Completely Not Ever Been Done Before, Unafraid To Reference Or Not Reference
She is a survivor, a warrior, a protector, a healer
And she is my (and Lan's) EVERYTHING
Love that the only time she seems to channel is when Lan is in danger (more like dead or dying) because BITCH SAME - I know she's channeled besides that but let me have thus
I absolutely loved the scenes where she was living her best life with Lan and their daughter 😭
Wish we could have seen them actually reunite in reality but those scenes at Two Rivers will hold me over til s3
I'm curious to know what's behind the mental block that prevents her from channeling
I would die for her
I would kill for her
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I am lowkey in love with Moiraine - but that's mostly because Rosamund Pike intimidates me and brings that intimidation to Moiraine and I am attracted to women who intimidate me
She is such an interesting character
I'm glad we got to explore more of her past in s2 and meet her family
Also her whole thing with Siuan makes me so soft - up until the end 😭
I'm always here for any type of queer representation even the ugly side of it
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I have a big old crush on Lanfear/Selene
Give me a hot villain and you KNOW I'll fall in love with them instantly
And she is a hot villain
But also woman just wants to be loved
I need to know what happened between her and Lews Therin - it's always a bitch ass man tearing beautiful women down
I am so in love with Natasha O'Keefe and have been since Peaky Blinders
She has my consent to tie me to a wheel if she wants
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Ishamael, my beloved 🥺
Another hot villain
I wouldn't say he's a fav but I definitely was a little bummed when he got killed
I really think Ishamael, Lanfear, and Lews Therin had a throuple situation going on and I don't care if anyone disagrees
Because at the very least Ishamael and Lews has something a little gay going on 👀
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
tag game
I was tagged by @quietborderline and @kikiroo to list 10 favorite characters from 10 fandoms. Thanks for the tags lovelies.  I’ll tag the usual crew (no pressure and if you already did this then consider me liking your post as i’ve been MIA a lot lately) @radio-chatter​ @elisela​ @muffinsandsweets​ @missanniewhimsy​ @imsupposedtobewritting​ @outtoshatter​ @ninanirina​
Mass Effect Andromeda: Reyes Vidal (duh)
911: Eddie Diaz (he beats Buck by a the tiniest amount imaginable)
The Rings of Power: Arondir, my beloved. Halbrand is a close second. 
Star Trek (reboot versions): Leonard McCoy
Venom: Eddie Brock
MCU: Marc Specter (I almost said Tony… but then I remembered Moon Knight is MCU…)
Star Wars Universe: the Mandalorian (Cassian is moving up the ranks tho)
Black Sails: Captain James Flint
Ted Lasso: Roy and Jamie tie. (look I love everyone except Rupert and Nate)
Wheel of time: Mat Cauthon
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toastandjamie · 6 months
I would usually consider myself Mat Cauthon’s #1 defender and fan but then I remember Rand exists and I realize I’m a distant second place.
Tuon told him about how Mat literally kidnapped her and he straight up went “oh well, you probably deserved it. I’m sure he had a reason.”
Rand looks at Mat and goes “he’s just a silly little fella :)” and ignores all his crimes. Mat could stab someone out of nowhere and Rand’s first question would be “Mat! Are you hurt?” And the second “what did that guy do to you?”
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theuncannybookdragon · 7 months
Matrim "I'm No Bloody Hero" Cauthon really just jumped off of his horse into the middle of a pack of zombie villagers in the dark to save one of his men, then proceeded to carry said man on his horse to safety while controlling the horse with his knees, didn’t he?
God damn
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betanoiz · 2 years
tagged by @princessprouvaire 🥰🥰
fave colour: pink and black
currently reading: literally just finished ‘strong female character’ by hanna flint, which I reccomend. also currently reading ‘cult of we’, and ‘oathbringer part one’
last song: something off rina sawayamas new album
last series: s1 abbott elementary
last movie: ticket to paradise!!!! romcom trash my beloved!!
share 10 different favourite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then tag 10 people: dean winchester, eddie kaspbrak, jess mariano, ahsoka tano, jadzia dax, spike, mat cauthon, kaz brekker, sailor moon, rooster
@gullbones @246ord1 @grantairesbottle @agentgayngel @season12cas and i can’t remember everyone else’s current url sorry!
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markantonys · 2 years
mat: all right, give me your hairdryer.
nynaeve: what?
egwene: what are you talking about?
mat: don’t you carry one in your purse?
egwene: have you ever met a human woman?
mat: hey, do you carry a hairdryer in your purse?
elayne: of course, i’m not an animal.
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kevin-sedai · 1 year
10 faves from 10 fandoms
@darkfeanix tagged me to list my ten favorite characters from ten different fandoms. I'm gonna cheat and do top 10 faves in general bc I couldnt think of 10 different fandoms lol. This is super late because I just got back from being away last night lol, but I tag anyone who wants to play!
1. Rand al'Thor (he needs a hug and has been through so much I want to make him lentil soup)
2. Nynaeve al'Meara (loves everyone so much she's mad about it lol. Hope she's having a stellar day)
3. FitzChivalry Farseer (also needs a hug. Still on Golden Fool, but I love it and him even though he should think before he speaks lol)
4. Kvothe (needs a hug as well. He hates himself but also thinks he's the smartest person in the room, which is a vibe)
5. Malta Vestrit (entitled brat to Elderling Queen. The growth was 🤌wonderful)
6. Eragon (my first fantasy love. Wasn't a fan of the ending of that series, but it's what got me so into fantasy that I think of him and the series fondly nonetheless)
7. The Fool/Amber/Lord Golden/Beloved (I hope they thinks I'm cool)
8. Darth Bane (I read the first two books of Dynasty of Evil where Bane comes up with the rule of two and they were pretty good. I just liked how he determined how he'd destroy the jedi and is a-okay with the fact it won't be until long after he dies, just so long as it happens at all)
9. Mat Cauthon (always had a fun reading his chapters. His "I don't wanna do this, but if you need it done right then ... I guess I'll help" is a vibe as well)
10. The Fae Queen Maeve (she's from Throne of Glass [don't come for me] and I'm a sucker for the ancient villain hiding in plain sight deal so she makes the list)
Thanks for tagging me!❤️
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