#maybe ill rewatch s1 and look for reasons to care
Honestly? I don't feel all that bad for Umbrella Pogo. I rewatch season one and I'm just like...oh no. Who couldve predicted this. Enabling abuse upsets some people. Possibly even the people who were abused.
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stanharu · 3 years
beastars episode 24 thoughts!
this post got kinda long i have Many Thoughts on this one
Overall I had fun watching this ep but I could really tell it was rushed and there was so much that got cut, which makes me super sad. our fears about the finale having pacing issues due to all the added scenes & rearranging were confirmed & it rly sucks, but i'll elaborate more on that in a bit.
this week's ep covered the end of chapter 92, chapters 93-97, and included small bits of chapters 98 & 99.
so the ep starts with the ED and the latter part of the tunnel scene with ibuki and louis. i liked the visual effect they used to show that they were in the dark. louis' voice acting was also On Point. for the most part i think this scene was done pretty well but I can tell it's being rushed also. I really wish we got more buildup and narration instead of just jumping straight to ibuki telling louis to shoot him. the way it is in the anime feels less impactful imo.
also im sad we didnt get to see this in the anime
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before i move on, i wanna talk a bit about louis and his relationship w/ the shishigumi and ibuki. i feel like in the anime quite a few of the lil moments that really endear you to the shishigumi and also ibuki were either cut or kinda glossed over, which is strange to me considering how much effort and care went into the ED. it's very emotional and good but i feel like maybe anime onlies are missing out only seeing the anime and the MV. but idk.
legosi and riz's fight was quite rushed as well. there's so much narration and dialogue missing from it and that really rubs me the wrong way. It wasn't all bad but compared to the manga I just don't think it's as good. I will say tho that I really liked the sequence w legosi and the moths. I thought it looked really nice and was pretty well done.
also i liked how the backgrounds had some anti-yahya graffiti, its a nice touch imo
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it says "high quality horse meat"
I was happy to see legosi do the "tell me more" pose but I'm honestly disappointed that the anime took out the whole exposition about why legosi did it. like i feel like without that it's just legosi being weird when he has a reason for it!!! This is just one example of the anime taking out crucial narration during the fight.
I also think it's kinda weird how they changed how louis shows up at the fight. im not sure how i feel about riz just charging at him like that, but i liked how legosi kicked him before they ran lol.
i dont have much to say about pina's small scene but I did wanna say that during my first watch thru of the ep i was too distracted trying to read the graffiti behind him that i didn't notice him getting his phone out of the dumpster and calling the cops lmao
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it says "devour yahya"
and now... here we are... the predation scene.
overall i thought it was pretty well done but, like the rest of the ep, i could tell it was also being kinda rushed. some important beats werent given enough time to really sink in, and there's a few bits of narration taken out of this part as well that i find disappointing :^(
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tho i did like how the anime called back to this scene in s1 when legosi mentions utilizing his strength.
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also this part where louis is remembering ibuki had me like😭
I also really liked seeing louis cry. I was crying too sjdflskjdflsjkdf. i thought that scene was really good, its prolly my favorite part of the ep tbh. getting to hear the whole predation scene voiced made me kind of a mess lol. i really liked louis' expressions throughout this whole ep too. studio orange used their whole louis expression budget on these last 2 eps lmao.
seeing legosi instantly get all beefed up was great too. he looked a little ridiculous but i kinda loved it lol. he's so huge and poofy. i love him.
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big pomeranian
anyway, im also sad they took out louis' line about being reduced to a flashback character lol. instead he tells legosi "be a hero" again which... im not sure about that change. i liked the part with riz thinking back about tem tho. tho imo the way riz realizes he's in the wrong feels pretty sudden. again adding to how rushed the whole ep feels.
before i move on again i just wanna say legosi looks so cute. even all puffed up and covered in blood. how does he do that
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baby boy baby. i wanna ruffle his cheek floofs.
i think one of the things im most disappointed about from this whole ep was how the fight got wrapped up. i really like how the cops show up and totally shift the tone in the manga jslkdfjskljdf. im also really sad we didnt get this interaction
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tthe anime really took out most of the sillier moments from the finale, which makes me pretty sad to think about. i know the anime and manga have different tones but pls let the boys be silly sometimes!!
the next part where legosi and louis finally establish their friendship was really cute tho ❤️ even tho it was pretty different i enjoyed it a lot.
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the wrap-up for this arc and this episode gave me whiplash sdjlfkjsdf. it literally speedruns thru legosi's predation conviction, being released, louis & haru's graduation, and legosi deciding he's going to drop out of school. that is SO MUCH AT ONCE. also i was holding out hope that legosi would have his new years call with haru after the fight instead but that didnt happen!! so it just got cut!!! kinda mad about that tbh. legosi and haru having a lil scene at the very end made up for it a lil bit but that's still one of haru's few moments in this arc that's just not included.
we didnt even get the part wher legosi learns he can't marry haru bc of his conviction.
ive been really hoping for a season 3 announcement once this season ended. with all the background allusions to yahya, the added plot point of someone stealing elephant tusks, and sebun and melon's lil cameos in this season, it seemed to me that studio orange was kinda teasing a 3rd season. but now, with the dismissive way the anime ended, and paru's note from earlier today, im less sure about the possibility of a 3rd season. i'd still like to see the rest of the series animated, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see if more anime is announced in the future.
if we do get another season in the future i just hope that we swing back around and actually address the things that got completely glossed over in the last couple minutes of this episode instead of charging forward w/o touching them again.
i really think the finale for this arc should've been two episodes at least. not including the tunnel scene. i think then things wouldn't have felt so rushed. people have been saying this season really would have benefitted from at least 1 extra episode and i cant help but agree. some have even suggested a whole 24 episodes just for this arc, but i think that this arc couldve been done properly with 12 or 13 episodes if there was some better prioritizing on what to include and what to cut.
like i dont mind not getting the parts about legosi's family if they can be addressed somehow in a future season (or if theres no more future anime seasons thats a plot thread that doesnt have to be worried about). i could have lived w/o seeing sheila & peach's chapter animated if it meant more time for the focus of this arc. and was the kangaroo red herring really necessary?
adaptation wise, i dont think this season was as good as the first. i still think it did fairly well, but i know that it could have been much better. ive been excited to watch this season with my friends once the dub releases, but now im wondering if i should just tell them to read the manga instead. sighs idk. perhaps it comes thru better as a bingewatch, or perhaps im being a bit too harsh. idk. at some point ill do a rewatch and see how i feel about the season as a whole, but that wont be for a while.
if you've read this far, thanks for reading my ramblings!! it's been fun to make these posts every week and im gonna miss getting new episodes every week.
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b-rainlet · 3 years
Gotham for the fandom ask thingy.
(I ran here so fuckin fast you have no clue)
Hello anon! :D I will answer this now, so you don't have to wait any longer but also....this would be very nice to answer through gifsets...(maybe when I am feeling up for it).
For now, have this:
(It's not proof read because I just sat at this for several hours and I don't wanna look at it anymore).
Favourite Male Character
You mean...besides the obvious answers?? :D
Ngl, it's S2 Jerome. I love that little twink with his parental issues and his tragic backstory and I wanna see him happy. There's a reason I have a bunch of AUs where he ends up having a family (mostly in the form of Lee as his Mother) and gets some actual help instead of being ostracized for being a mentally ill person snapping after years of abuse.
(This also ties into my very strong feelings regarding the fact that nobody actually helps the people at Arkham. And I don't mean the main villains there, I mean all the inmates who get treated like shit and are left behind on the regurlar (remember in S2 when Arkham was about to explode and nobody was talking about evacuating the inmates???? I do).
Other than that, one of my faves is also Jonathan. Which may be a little surprising because I barely talk about him but he was my favourite character throughout the show and he had way too little scenes.
(Kinda telling that the characters I latched onto are both helpless teens who were fucked over by the people who were supposed to protect them and can both trace their villain origin story back to Jim Gordon not caring enough about them lmao).
But the cast is big and varied enough that I actually like everyone? Butch, Zsazs, Penguin, S1 and 2 Ed, Jervis, Harvey, Jim......I like them all!!
(Special shoutout to 514A too, he was soft and baby and I wanted to keep him safe and sound really desperately).
(Another special shoutout to Barnes!! I didn't expect to like him when I first saw him, given he looked like he was gonna be mean and stoic and all, but I ended up really liking him and his story!)
Favourite Female Character
Let's just pretend Ecco doesn't exist for this answer ajdkaskaslj.
I fell in love immediately upon seeing Ecco but all! the women! are so!!! good!!!!
I especially have a soft spot for the side characters. I mean, upon first watching I got attached to Alice (even though she only features in two episodes lmao), and also Kristen Kringle - who isn't talked about much within Fandom, but she was pretty and her and Ed were actually quite cute but then she had to die for him to become the Riddler which was...pretty much telling us from the beginnning 'The woman here die to advance the men's plots'.
Barbara was also a big surprise to me because I figured she'd be the female love interest and nothing more but!! her and Jerome were the best thing in S2 and also the most entertaining thing about the Maniax Plot. (In several ways, I think I had the most fun watching this show during S2 , it was just. Good).
Also upon being in this Fandom and thinking about certain characters a bit longer I also really like Vicky Vale. And Montoya. And I wish they had kept both around for longer.
(I also wish they wouldn't have made Vicky a love interest for Jim. Or Sofia. No love interests for Jim except Lee and Barbara please).
Also Selina!! I love both Selina and Tabitha with all my heart - which may also be surprising because I barely ever talk about Tabby but I contain multitudes aklskddsm, and while I like sharing my horny thoughts about Ecco, I also love to think about Tabby and daydream about her being happy and exploring her (and Selina's) issues with showing weakness and affection and their strong loyalty regarding people that they trust.
I just.....women. Women good.
(Women also deserve to have more character than just being somebody's love interests and I have enough wips that completely sideline the guys to focus on the woman instead lmao).
Least Favourite Character
I don't have many characters that I hate??
I generally tend to instantly love everybody unless they are specifically made to be unlikeable. (I also spite-like characters who are hated for petty reasons, I just have a lot of love in my heart and not much energy for hate lmao).
But there were characters who annoyed me while I was watching.
For one, I think Gotham has a variety of super entertaining villains, but the main villains of each season tend to be....boring.
Safe for Strange they all kinda fell flat for me. Theo. Kathryn. Ra's Al Ghul. His Daughter. Mostly because their plotlines were less exciting than stuff like Jerome's carnival or Mother and Orphan's Hotel of Horrors.
Or their motives seemed a lot less understandable than the ones of the other Batman villains who pretty much always come from a place of suffering and abuse and break/snap under the pressure that's put on them (continuing this take of Gotham creating its own villains by leaving behind - mentally ill - people that need help, which I think is very true to most - if not all - Batman villains).
And then you have some characters that simply suffer from the fact that the show was cut short - which is pretty much any and every S5 character that had way too little screentime, but in this specific case means Jeremiah.
Because I disliked Jeremiah a lot while watching.
Without wanting to step on anybody's toes, him and Nygma are probably the two characters on this show I ended up disliking the most.
Mostly because Miah felt like a very cheap copy of Jerome and to this day I think it was a bad idea to replace Jerome with him, since Jeremiah - to me - seems like a super flat character.
Maybe if we had gotten him without meeting Jerome first, just having a Joker character introduced in S4, maybe I would've adored him, who knows.
But in comparison to Jerome...no. Just no.
(I will spare you from any longer rambles, but I think if you follow me, I talked about the ways Miah is lacking for me before).
My made up version of Miah though? I love him.
With Nygma it's even worse because I adored him. I instantly liked him. I was 100% behind him right up until the godawful Isabella plot happened and then it just all went to shit so quickly, I couldn't stand seeing him on screen anymore.
It's surprising that I didn't stop liking Oswald but to me, Oswald pretty much stayed the same while Ed became all bitter and hard and I just miss dorky S2 Ed you know?
It actually got so bad, I completely turned my back on Nygm/obblepot as a ship because I was so severly disappointed and I barely talk about Ed because I just can't stand what they did with him.
(Another victim of bad writing).
Favourite Ship
I'm just gonna stick to canon ships because I don't ever shut up about my Fanon ships so you probably know which ones I love the most :D
There isn't much romance going on within Gotham if I think about it - apart from Jim - which I definitely prefer. You wouldnt guess it from my blog, but I am not a fan of too shippy stuff because in most cases it just means sex scenes and I can live without those. I want action! Blood! Dead People! Not a two minute make-out session between two bland characters!
I gotta admit that Ed and Lee have some cute scenes and I would definitely ship them if I didn't dislike S4 Ed so much (S2 EdLee tho?? Yes).
Also I thought Jim and Lee was okay and Baby Batcat was quite cute at times but mostly I don't care about the canon ships.
I do ship Barbara and Jim though :D
I remember right before they hooked up in S5 I was like: 'I wouldn't mind if they got back together' and then went 'yay!' when they did and I wouldn't have minded a little more 'Will they?? Won't they??' between those two and them just having the mother of unhealthy relationships on this show.
(Also Jim/Barbara/Lee poly relationship but we can't have everything).
Favourite Friendship
So many good relationships on this show!
I need to rewatch the show soon because I probably already forgot about most of them but from the top of my head: Oswald/Butch and Oswald/Zsazs
Which were both then done dirty lmao. One by having Oswald be overly petty (one of the few times I was like...Pengy...wtf...) and the other by passing up the obvious opportunity to have Zsazs find out who really killed Falcone and just...letting Oswald and Victor never interact again. 
Then of course Ivy and Selina which also gloriously fell apart. Just like Ivy and Oswald. 
(Gotham isn’t the best when it comes to maintaining friendships). 
And the biggest and most grandious friendship of them all: J Squad. 
(Who have too little scenes together honestly and then also simply fell apart after Jerome died. Consistency who?)
Favourite Quote
I don’t know, I don’t have many quotes in my head from the show. Me and my niece mostly reference: “Yeah, that’s a spoon.” - “IT IS ALSO A FORK!!1!!!”
Also: “Gotta Go! Gotta Go! They’re after me and the Scarecrow!”
(There are some dialogue blurps I have written down somewhere because they are inspriration for gifsets but in order to be able to just recite some of them from Memory, I would have to watch this show way more obsessively). 
Worst Character Death
I don’t even gotta say anything do I? :D
But I think the character death that actually made me cry was Jerome’s first death. I clearly remember crying because...he just wanted recognition! And praise! And instead he was used as a pawn and betrayed by someone he idolized and he was only 18! My poor little meow-meow!
Seriously, the only things that make me cry on this show: Jerome’s first death, any and all mention of Bruce as a baby - told by an emotional Alfred, any and all Bruce/Alfred interaction at all and Solomon Grundy. 
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
I seriously need to rewatch this show, it’s been so long :D
But I remember being pretty excited for the J Squad Team Up - because I was like ‘If I were Jerome I would definitely work with Tetch and Scarecrow since they’re also in Arkham atm’ and then he did!!
And I also distinctly remember in S3 that I was close to falling asleep right when they scene came on where Oswald realizes his feelings for Nygma and let me tell you - it caught me so off guard, I was awake instantly lmao. 
(I knew that people shipped them but I was so used to mlm ships being popular when they only have a handful of scenes and are platonic friends that I didn’t expect them to actually have a possibility of being canon). 
From then on I was super pumped for them to deliver on that ship but well....we all knew what happened asnksnndk. 
Saddest Moment
Aside from the already mentioned scenes in the character death column, the scene where Bruce leaves and Selina runs to the airport. I always liked Selina but she wasn’t a priority character of mine (much like Bruce isn’t) but then that scene happened and in an instant, I felt super protective over her. 
She is now my baby. My daughter. My beloved wife. She deserves everything and most importantly she deserves better than Bruce Wayne. 
(Coincidentally that was also the scene where I decided I don’t care much about Bruce asldjkjlj. I absolutely adore early seasons Bruce though). 
Favourite Location
There are so many different locations, I don’t think I can adequately answer this with my spotty memory :D
But I always loved the few episodes where Alice features, because I love how her scenes are shot so probably the little carnival Jervis prepares for her.
Also!! Jeremiah's church!
Or Commissioner Loeb's secret house (Especially the Attic).
There are a lot of cool locations, I gotta gif some of them soon :D
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Alright folks, it’s been a few days now and I think I’ve finally gathered my thoughts together.( I’ll probably do a rewatch of the episode tomorrow so I’ll have all new opinions then)
Things I like  👍 
Malcolm looking disheveled/like he's been awake for the last 37 hours and is running off of coffee and pure strength of will alone. It's a huge pet peeve of mine when characters are majorly struggling with something but still look picture perfect except for one little wispy hair out of place. 
Edrissa not totally falling over herself flirting with Malcolm. Still flirting but in a more natural (for them) way.
Sex dungeon. Malcolm holding that cat’o nine tales. Good Lord. The only reason my brain didn’t fully burn out was that he kept on doing his ridiculous little dance. The adorableness evened out the sexy. 
I have a thing for guillotines. Not a sex thing. They were a special interest of mine when I was younger and even though I've forgotten most of what I once knew I still get hyped when I see them. 
Unhinged Malcolm in general is great. I like that he’s struggling. He’s human and he is coping poorly. I love that his actions have consequences!  (Sometimes at least)
Gil in physical therapy! Do I wish we got more than one episode of him going through recovery and physical therapy? Yes. Am I glad that they even lightly covered it? Also yes. (My partner was laughing from the other room because he heard me say "Daaaaang, he's looking good!")
Dani being genuinely concerned and caring about Gil. We know she sees him as a father figure and she cares about him. The insight and advice she gives him come from the heart even if it was kind of messed up and she almost did the exact thing she asked him not to do. (Also, I know I said she sees him as a father figure but daaaaamn I was getting some different vibes too 👀👀👀)
Bringing up current events. Right off the bat, Dani lets Malcolm know she's having a helluva time being a black woman and a cop in this garbage fire of an era. All the mentions of covid! And JT! Holy crap y’all, I knew they were going to address this in some way but having JT slammed against a wall by a racist cop was not what I was expecting. In a cop show where the lead actor/protagonist is white and the rest of his team is not, it would have been irresponsible for them to not tackle the systemic racism that plagues law enforcement. (also, side note, I am a light-skinned latinx person. I have dealt with run-ins with racist cops on more than one occasion. So have my family and friends. Sometimes leading to arrest, violence, and death. I have strong opinions about this. I fully acknowledge that cop shows are pro-cop propaganda. This is why I don’t watch many and am very critical of the ones I do watch. )
Things I didn't like👎
Again with the bad representation of ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy). I know it's probably me and two other people in the fandom that take issue with this but to go from S1 Ep1 where Malcolm goes off on the FBI after using the wrong terminology for his father to Martin failing to kill Jerry but giving him a good enough shock so that he suddenly speaks in full sentences bothers me in a big way. It’s knowledge whiplash. I usually love their representations of mental illnesses, therapy, and medication. They show the good and the bad and the misuse. And then they do stuff like this. This is the second time in the show ECT has been wrongly shown.
Malcolm not having consequences for his actions (I know, I put the exact opposite in the likes). What happened to the whole Malcolm getting arrested because he was being framed for Eddie’s death? Let's please not brush past this.
The killer only killed one person. This is a nit-picky one. I just wish he had killed more people. It felt like maybe at one point of the script he had killed more but because of the addition of real-world events, there wasn't room to fit them in. I'm blaming Fox as a whole for this. Give us an extended episode for season starters and finishers dang it!
As a whole, I think they did pretty good at packing so much in the episode. I know some people aren't enjoying the whole Malcolm Enjoyed The Dismemberment thing but I dig it. I like him being a weird, complicated, morally grey character. 
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temarisnara · 6 years
lily aldrin, rachel berry, emma frost?
ooo those are good ones, thank you!!
lily aldrin
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she’s SUCH a good friend. she’s supportive but so quick to call out bullshit. she has no issue with being brutally honest when her friends need it and i love it. worst quality: hmm, i think her inability to balance what she wants? like its SUCH a good character trait, dont get me wrong, it makes her such a good character. but like in season 1 when she freaked out and left marshal to pursue painting, instead of just…doing both. tbf, i dont really remember s1, maybe marshal wasnt being supportive, maybe there was a reason she couldnt do both, but whatever the reason i dont think she handled it the right way. and idk it was just present, especially after she had marvin, that she felt like she couldnt be a wife/mom and pursue her dreams, that she had to give one up. ship them with: MARSHAL! and lowkey robin and barney, especially marshal/barney/lily ot3 (thanks to this). maybe an ot4 too but i never thought about it.brotp them with: BARNEY! I loved their friendship. And her friendship with Robin was Good.needs to stay away from: her stoner ex?? Idk.misc. thoughts: she’s ME AND I LOVE HER.
rachel berry
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: i dont know if it’s her best quality (it’s not. it’s 100% not) but i fucking. love. her extra, dramatic ass personality. I’M LIKE TINKERBELL, I NEED APPLAUSE TO LIVE! so much of my personality is based on rachel berry, im not even kidding. she Inspired me to be the most Extra version of myself and not care what other ppl thought.worst quality: oh god. she’s so self centered. everything is about her, what she wants and needs. she forgets to think about other ppl.ship them with: jesse! also i thought her and sam were cute. and santana. i think if i rewatched i would ship her with quinn but it wasnt really my thing back in the day. i used to ship her with puck but uhhh, not anymore.brotp them with: i came up with the brotp of rachel and dave karofsky bc i shipped dave/kurt and i love kurt/rachel’s friendship, and i thought rachel would be a good influence to dave. also, kurt and mercedes and santana. and when she was friends with finn they were cute.needs to stay away from: finn, romantically.misc. thoughts: I LOVE HER SO MUCH i would watch a spin off about her without hesitation. 
emma frost
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: her devotion to her students. like, god. she’s such a good teacher. ill never forget her fucking destroying laura’s handler, even tho she didnt like/trust laura, because regardless of her own mistrust, laura is a child and her student and she will not fucking let anyone hurt her kids.worst quality: i guess her jealousy towards jean?ship them with: SCOTT! and jean, lowkeybrotp them with: monet, because. theyre practically the same person. also her friendship with logan is cute. needs to stay away from: namor? listen idk anything about him or their relationship but i am, Petty, and he is not scott who is her SOULMATE so i hate him. thanks. also shaw.misc. thoughts: i think emma is a good example of sexualized costume suiting the character. like some of her outfits are just impractical (the thong and corset??? what) but the white pants and cut off shirt is a good look and it suits her. emma is very prideful in her appearance and likes to be sexual and these fucking nerds on the internet acting like they need to cover her up to win feminism is so dumb to me bc all that shows me is theyve either never read a comic with her or they just dont Care and think all women are the same. sexualized costumes for wonder woman or captain marvel or power girl? dont fit bc it doesnt suit their personality, but fucking throwing emma in an ugly ass suit just bc it covers her up isnt automatically feminist! emma can have a sexy/revealing costume without it being just so nerd boys can jerk it.
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missjackil · 7 years
The Sam and Dean Dynamic as viewed by a not-so-bitter Sam Girl
I was inspired to write this after reading meta witten by @themegalosaurus . This is not to argue any of her points, but the blog was about how Sam (especially in his young age) was the taker, and Dean was the giver, and their lives formed around that dynamic. Ill just go right ahead and say I am a Sam girl, but I love Dean. I can also be critical of both, and still not love them less, because its more than obvious that even though they have a very toxic, unhealthy, co-dependency, at it’s core, its the most beautiful relationship Ive ever witness, in my personal opinion. With that being said, I will move on :) I have seen many fics and metas giving Dean a parental role towards Sam, especially when they were children, and I agree that even with going only with what canon shows us, Dean was very much “mother” and “father” to Sam, and in many ways, sometimes he still shows this side. What I would disagree with however, is that Sam was the taker and not the giver. I see Sam in many of the flashbacks to their childhood, giving back to Dean with gratitude, and he still does. When we see a childhood flashback in 1X18 Dean is making Sam’s dinner, but Sam doesnt want what he cooked, he wants Lucky Charms, Dean discards the food he cooked and lets Sam eat the rest of the Lucky Charms, but Sam also gives Dean the prize in the box. Sam is maybe 6 in this scene, he cant yet understand the value of money, or how little they have, but he already understands that Dean is taking care of him and appreciates it, and shows him by giving him “the best part” of the cereal.  In a Very Supernatural Christmas, in a flashback, Sam basically overflows with appreciation for Dean by giving him Amulet he was going to give his father. Even though Dean had been teasing him, and gave him stolen “chick” gifts, Sam appreciated what Dean had done for him and gave him the best thing in his possession. And since it was supposed to be for Dad, Sam was (un)consciously recognizing that Dean was being more of a Dad than John was. Some fic/meta writers will say Sam is taller because Dean ate less so Sam wouldnt go hungry. That’s not how it works. Like my friend had pointed out in her meta, Dean is a big dude too, Sam just happens to be taller. I could however agree that Dean may have made sure Sam ate before he himself did, and this could be why Dean eats non stop now and Sam doesnt, because often times, people who have had to struggle for food, tend to over eat when they actually have food. So yeah, that is possible. “Dean is bowlegged because when he was young and his bones were still forming, he had to carry Sam around all the time” Is a common one too, and to that I have to say no as well. Dean is only bowlegged because Jensen is bowlegged. It’s not anything ever mentioned about Dean. In any flashbacks or age swaps when Dean is younger, he isn’t bowlegged. This is much like Sam’s beautiful mole on his cheek. Young Sam never has this mole, because Sam only has said mole because Jared has it. Its not anything ever mentioned on the show, unlike his hair, or his muscles, that the writers WANT him to have. Jared isnt allowed to have his hair cut on his own, his hair is determined by whatever the show runners want it to be, but if Jared ever chooses to have the mole removed, he is free to do so.  I dont know how many of you read The John Winchester Journal, put out and licensed  by the show, but it gives some semi-canonical information about the boys’ early years. One part that I find pretty touching, and also affirming that Sam appreciates Dean and always gives back, is when John wanted the boys to take swimming lessons because it would be important for them to know how, in case they needed to on a hunt (which they did a couple times) both boys were excited about taking swimming lessons, but John could only afford to send one of them. Dean didnt want Sam to miss out on something he was so excited about, so he told Dad to let Sam go, he wasnt interested, so Sam got to get swimming lessons, and Dean didnt, BUT later that year, Sam taught Dean how to swim.  I love that! (especially when Dean does that perfect dive in Dead in the Water)  In their adult years, believe it or not, Sam is NOT the damsel in distress. My friend counted, from S1 till the end of S11 how many times each has saved the other, and Dean was only ahead of Sam by 4 saves, which is well within the margin of error even though sometimes the show will even make it sound like Dean saves Sam much more often, he really doesn’t.  Sam is needy. Is also commonly said by anti-Sam people, but he indeed is not! When he’s hurt or sick, Sam doesnt WANT Dean to fuss over him, Dean does it because he has the need to take care of Sam. Which is great, I love that quality about Dean, but Sam is just as willing to take care of Dean. In 12x4 “Baby” Sam tells Dean to let Cas heal his injuries (sustained by Cas beating on him when he was under the attack dog spell) and tells Dean to keep applying ice to his face (after the fight) and Dean says “Alright mom” to Sam.  And that end of the episode, theyre both beaten and bloody and Dean tells Sam to let Cas fix him up, but Sam says “only if you let him fix you up too” Dean says “Yes mom” again. Does Sam need Dean? No, not to fight his battles, or make sure he eats, or to have anything at all done FOR him, but Sam needs him just because he loves him and Dean is exactly the same in that regard.  Now I can completely understand favoring one brother over the other, for any reason, but Im perplexed by some of the reasons people dislike Sam, because most of the time, those reasons dont exist outside of fan fic and head canons. Sometimes I recommend people rewatch the series, with an open mind and block out everything theyve read on Tumblr and see if they really get the same idea about both of them. Put all your ‘this one is hotter than the other” and “this one would be with Castiel if it werent for the other” on a shelf, and just really look at their characters for what they actually say and do. You might really be surprised at what you find.
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