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The battle continues (c) @ marginai_
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wearebackbagels · 1 year
Information on the SAS ships.
A post for those who are new to the fandom and are CONF U S E D or those who want to know what this fandom has to offer. 
Timestamp for post: 17 / 12 2022, this is the current status of the ships. Mild spoilders ahead!
            Ship. Paddy Mayne x Eoin McGonigal, sometimes called Paddon.
Who??? The short, angry irishman( Paddy) and the taller irishman with black, curly hair and a wide smile( Eoin, appears in ep 1-3).
Descriptive tags. Angsty in the poetic, “one died too early” type of way, really beautiful, two-sided love, loss.
Canon content. Lots, great for all the canon-lovers out there, anecdotes found in biographies etc, new stuff is always ticking in. These two are a canon and irl couple what more could you possibly want?
Fanon content. Angst, fluff, basically all is canon complient, not much smut yet.
Widely known? Yes, this is the biggest and most accepted ship you will encounter in this fandom.
Ship status. Undead, one is deceased the other never lets go and therefore the ship is forever sailing the seas.
            Ship. Paddy Mayne x Augustin Jordan, called Maydan, MaydAn and on rare occations referred to as The Poet and The Philosopher, more of a descriptive nickname but everyone will know who you are talking about,.
Who??? The short, angry irishman( Paddy) and the lanky, french guy with dark hair and glasses( Augustin, appears in ep 5-6), they have an erotic scrap in the sand.
Descriptive tags. Brat vs Brat-tamer, love to get on each others nerves, shared love of poetry, horny.
Canon content. About as much as Paddon but every interaction these two have gives off the same vibe as a watersoaked, sparkling power outlet.
Fanon content. A lot of the fandom’s content is dedicated to this ship. Dirty as all fuck smut, headcanons, fics, AUs (so far: vampire/supernatural, modern, pirate), playlist, moodboard.
Widely known? Yes, this is the second biggest ship( at the moment).
Ship status. Alive
            Ship. Reggie Seekings x Johnny Cooper (x Mike Sadler).
Descriptive tags. Two huggable bears and their twink, super sweet and caring ship-dynamic.
Who??? The guy that looks a bit like Draco Malfoy( Johnny), the guy who is shirtless a lot, has a heavy british accent and lots of tattoos on his chest( Reggie) and the one who has a poker game in Cairo on Thursdays, is blond and is also in desperate need of a haircut( Mike, appears in ep 4-6)
Canon content.  Some, Reggie and Johnny have good chemistry and the real people the characters are based on were close irl. Interactions are subtle but interesting. Lots of anecdotes found in biographies that strengthen the ship.
Fanon content. Fluffy smut, smut, AUs (modern, supernatural, pirate)
Widely known? Yes and it is gaining recognition fast.
Ship status. Alive.
             Ship. Bill Fraser x Mike Sadler.
Descriptive tags. ? I’m not very famililiar with the ship.
Canon content. Non-existing.
Fanon content.  Some.
Widely known? Not really.
Ship status. Alive.        
            Ship. Paddy x Eoin x Augustin
Who??? See “Paddy x Eoin” and “Paddy x Augustin”.
Descriptive tags. Fix-it, more of a love-corner than a love-triangle, two of the characters never even met but that is easily fixed in fanon.
Canon content. None( ish). Two characters have a similar relationship to the third only in different periods of time.
Fanon content. Not much.
Widely known? No.
Ship status. Undead, one is deceased, the other never lets go and the third never met number one.
             Ship. Walter Essner x Herbert Bruckner.
Who??? The tallest of the french legionnairs, the one that got baptized as Mr Real Thing and got his hat kicked(Essner) and the other german, the guy from Dark (Bruckner, both appears in ep 5-6)
Descriptive tags. Angsty but in the ugly way, betrayal, friends or something more, outsiders being alone together, lies.
Canon content. Non-existing, the ingredients are there but you’ll have to squint really hard and use your imagination.
Fanon content. M I N I M A L.
Widely known? No.
Ship status. Ghost. Both died under *caugh* tragic circumstances.
             Ship. David Stirling x Eve Mansour
Who??? Adam from Sex Education( David) and the beautiful woman( Eve)
Descriptive tags. Two-sided love, really beautiful.
Canon content. Lots, these two are a canon couple.
Fanon content. Not much.
Widely known? Yes.
Ship status. ?, it is a bit muddy.
            Ship. Jock Lewis x Mirren ?
Who??? The small, eccentric guy( from GOT, Jock, appears in ep 1-4) and his hallucination  wife.
Descriptive tags. Really sad, beautiful but sad, two-sided love.
Canon content. Lots, but there are a lot of gaps to fill in.
Fanon content. None.
Widely known? Yes.
Ship status. Ghost.
I know I have forgotten some information because I can’t keep up with all of the ships being born and reborn in our conversations so if anyone could help me out with more info on Bill x Mike for example I’d be thrilled!
@rosescruensixxam @fergusfraserapologist  @homeahoy  @invisiblegargoyl @elkro  @akatsuki-rin   who have I forgotten this time?
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onyxsboxes · 1 year
Hi @SAS Rogue Heroes pals,
If any of you need help with French words, phrases or expressions, I'd be delighted to help you 👉👈. Feel free to tag or send me a message, if you want.
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kuro-anko · 1 year
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misfauxpas · 10 months
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a comic commission from BubbledGun featuring his OCs Stig (gerenuktaur) and Maydan (robintaur)
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jeffurlan · 2 months
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Maydan Nezalezhnosti (Indepedence Square)
Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦💛💙
Back to 2009 🫶
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ohsalome · 2 years
In April 2014, during a hot phase of the war, the Kyiv International Sociology Institute surveyed the public opinion among the citizens of the eastern regions of Ukraine. The results showed chaos in their heads and a rise in anti-Ukrainian sentiments, but still, the majority was pro remaining within Ukraine. The situation was objectively difficult, but not hopeless.
According to the results of the survey, 70% of citizens of Donbas considered the temporary government of Yatsenyuk and Turchynov illegitimate, but also 60% considered Yanukovych to be illegitimate. 65% considered Maydan to be a western coup, 45% believed that Yanukovych should have used violence against the rioters, and 35% were against this scenario.
43% blamed Yanukovych and his party for the murders of the protesters, and 48% blamed the opposition. 55% believed the police had no right to use violence against the protestors. Here is a paradox: 60% believed that Pravy Sektor was a "myth" and a "marginal group" that had no real power and should be demilitarized, but approximately the same amount of people believed that Pravy Sektor controls the government.
All those statements are so contradictory their co-existence can only be explained by the influence of russian propaganda.
Besides, nowhere in the regions could you find aggressive anti-Ukrainians beliefs. Only 10-15% supported the seizure of administrative buildings, and about the same percentage of people were neutral on this. But 72% in the Donetsk region and 59% in the Lugansk region disapproved of it. About half of the people believed it to be inexcusable, and about a third justified it by the precedents in other Ukrainian regions. A quarter believed it to be "the last chance to be heard by the central government".
What were these people afraid of?
Most of all people were afraid of the economy crashing (43%), breaking economical contact with russia (36%), and the rise of criminal activity (50% in the Donetsk region and 30% in the Lugansk region). Other worries - loss of pensions, nationalism and radicalism, and potential civil war worried about 27-29% each. The risk of civil war specifically worried about 40% of people in the Donetsk region. It should be noted that NATO membership, loss of russian TV, singular official language and potential visa regime with russia concerned almost nobody - only 7-10% of citizens noted these topics among the list of their worries.
The sociologists also asked directly about the separation of the eastern regions and their union with russia. Around 30% were fully or partially supportive of the idea, while the majority - over 50% - wanted to remain in Ukraine. Among 10% wanted russia to send their troops. In the middle of an active war with russia, 55% believed that there is no war and about the same percentage expected a civil war to come.
Practically no one was eager to fight either. 55% were ready to pick up arms only for self-defence, and 30% were against any fighting in any circumstances. Only 6% were willing to go to war with the "Kyiv junta". About 20% expected military help from russia, and 55% were against it.
This research was done in April, just after the takeover of the SBU building in Lugansk and Igor Girkin's russian mercenaries appearing in Slovyansk. By the end of the month they cut off Ukrainian tv, and the only information remaining for the people was russian propaganda. The main sources of info for the majority of the population were russian social networks "Odnoklassniki" and "VKontakte" (controlled by the FSB - transl. note), and russsian state TV.
The research done by the KISI is probably the most reliable we will ever have. Even if you consider the potential percentage of people who might have been afraid to talk about separatism honestly, there still is no ground for talks about the "overwhelming separatism of the Donbas region". Even the leaders of the separatists themselves would later admit it, accusing them of being too passive, not loving russia enough and not supporting the militia. 
// Denys Kazansky, Marina Vorotnytseva. "How Ukraine was losing Donbas"
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smashpages · 1 year
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‘Groot’ gets an origin story in May
Dan Abnett and Damian Couceiro will revisit Groot’s origins in a new miniseries.
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derzhava-hrozava · 9 months
The Burning Firs War - Part 1
The Burning Firs War, or the Hrozavan War for Independence, was a civil conflict waged between the ethnically Hrozavan rebellion groups, known colloquially as the Vylntsy', or Kolotnyky, against the Holy Kingdom of Ilijika, in the Hrozavan and Kladiowian duchies. The war marked the beginning of the fall of the Holy Kingdom, with the dukes of each duchy growing more and more against the High King. The war is widely known as the birth of modern espionage and sabotage, due to its heavy use in this war. The pivotal figure at the helm of this revolution was Duke Danylo Svyatskyi, an Illjikan aristocrat who had been appointed to govern the Halytska Duchy. Despite his Illjikan origins, Svyatskyi became enamored with Hrozavan culture and the spirit of Hrozavan nationalism. His commitment to the granting of equality to the Hrozavafolk was what caused the beginning of the war The war began in earnest with the fiery destruction of Nadyiv, following the estrangement of Duke Danylo Svyatskyi from the royal family of Central Ilijika, the Holy Kingdom's ruling family. The Razing of Nadyiv destroyed the city, killing nearly 75% of the citizenry, and the Duke was slaughtered in the main square, now known as Prezydentskyi Maydan. The remaining citizenry largely escaped to other cities, particularly the other duchies' capitals, spreading the news of the fate of Nadyiv across Hrozava. From the smoldering remains of what was Nadyiv, the wife of the former Duke Danylo, Duchess Katka, declares full independence of Hrozava from the Holy Kingdom, from the seaside plains of Vorohta, to the icy fjords of Morozka Secha, in the rage and despair from the events taking place. Another side effect of the Razing of Nadyiv, was the distrust of many of the other duchies in Hrozava to the royal family. Many of the dukes believed the High King overstepped his duties as a divine monarch, with causing such a catastrophic event, the exact opposite reaction the King hoped for. With that, many of the dukes agreed to meet and assist the new Duchess in Halytchyna, and later, with the Duke of Zvolyna, created the Vylntsy', creating a new army to oppose the swelling number of Ilijik soldiers attempting to subjugate the revolution. Hrozava's awakening begun.
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The Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred (c) Aviatsiya Halychyny
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wearebackbagels · 1 year
I have been snooping around a bit in the Paddy x Eoin side of the fandom and dEAR GOD how do you people survive?! Its so sad over there I only managed to stay a couple of posts before i booked it out of there like a little kid with tears running down my cheeks. I think I actually prefer the hornier side tbh.
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7ooo-ru · 1 month
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Грузию толкают в майдан
В незапамятные времена открытым текстом сказано: бабло побеждает зло. Правда, чаще всего злом называют то, что мешает делать новое бабло.
В понедельник в парламенте Грузии возобновилось обсуждение закона "О прозрачности иностранного влияния". Он обяжет СМИ и неправительственные организации раскрывать источники доходов. Если больше одной пятой – из-за рубежа, надо объяснить: откуда деньги, на что потрачены. Иначе – штраф до десяти тысяч долларов и внесение в особый список. Это куда мягче действующего в Соединённых Государствах Америки закона, принятого ещё в тысяча девятьсот тридцать восьмом году. Но СГА и Европейский Союз ожидаемо возмутились: ведь от них – львиная доля финансирования антинародных структур по всему белу свету. В Грузии четыре миллиона граждан, а организаций на импортном корму около десяти тысяч – по одной на четыреста человек, включая грудных младенцев. Им дано в разы больше всего бюджета государства.
Бывший журналист The New York Times политолог Вароли открытым текстом объяснил: "Соединённые Государства, руководящие элиты страны, хотят контролировать весь закавказский регион: Грузию, Армению, Азербайджан. Почему? Это даст им платформу для нападения на главных врагов Америки. Главные враги здесь, конечно, Иран и Россия".
В среду президент Грузии – уроженка Франции – провела встречу за закрытыми дверями с послами СГА, Британии, стран ЕС. Закон принят в первом чтении. Депутаты от оппозиции попытались сорвать голосование, за что выведены из зала. Президент уже пообещала наложить на закон вето. Правда, в Грузии его можно преодолеть простым большинством голосов. Но ЕС пригрозил прекратить финансирование бюджета Грузии. Ведь на предстоящих в октябре парламентских выборах оппозиции не обойтись без иностранных денег. Значительная часть партий получает их через формально неправительственные организации.
Открытым текстом сообщаю: любые иностранные деньги – хоть кредиты, хоть инвестиции, хоть дотации общественным вроде бы структурам – приходят в страну только в расчёте на последующие выгоды, зачастую оборачиваясь для народа убытком похлеще любых обещанных подачек.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/04/24/276-gruziyu-tolkayut-v-maydan-grss-301890561.html
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sidiabdullah · 3 months
Abu Ya’zza (meninggal 1176) disebut “Bapak Spiritual Tasawuf Barat.” Dia datang ke Marrakesh pada 1146. Beberapa tahun kemudian, dia pindah ke Fez, di sini dia dan seseorang yang bernama Muhammad Al-Daqqaq mentahbiskan seorang muda dari Seville yang kelak dikenal sebagai “Syaikh dari Barat.” Pemuda itu adalah Abu Maydan (1126-1198), yang kelak menjadi kakek spiritual Al-Syadzili. Ironisnya, sultan Almuhadiyah itu sendiri, (yang tidak ragu-ragu mengundang datang ke istananya berbagai alim-alim yang terkenal yang memiliki prestasi intelektual), merasa takut dengan popularitas Abu Maydan (-Syaikh Abu Madyan Al-Ghauts-ed.). Sultan memerintahkan supaya sang sufi pergi ke Marrakesh, tapi dalam perjalanan Abu Madyan meninggal dunia di Tlemcen. Dia menjadi wali pelindung kota itu.354
Selain dia terus popular sebagai wali yang hadir hingga di masa Ibn ‘Abbad, dan ajarannya terus hidup di disekelompok tarikat yang melihat dirinya sebagai pendiri kelompok tarikat itu. Bagi saya, yang terutama menarik pada diri Abu Maydan adalah kelihatannya dia memiliki pengaruh formatif penting pada diri Al-Syadzili -paling tidak secara tak langsung. Ibn Masyisy (meninggal 1228) adalah murid Abu Madyan, sedangkan Al-Syadzili adalah murid paling termahsyur Ibn Masyisy.
Al-Syadzili (1196-1258) lahir di Maroko utara dari sebuah suku besar yang masih memperlihatkan kecenderungan separatis yang dapat dikaitkan dengan zaman Khawarij atau zaman sebelumnya. Abu Madyan berupaya mengislamkan suku itu melalui ajaran tasawufnya. Sedangkan Ibn Masyisy kemudian terbunuh oleh seorang dari suku itu yang merasa tidak terima. Setelah Al-Syadzili menerima jubah bertambal (khirqah) dari murid-murid Abu Madyan, yang bernama Abu ‘Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Harazim dari Fez (meninggal 1236), dia mulai mencari “Kutub Spiritual” (quthb, sebuah gelar yang diberikan kepada orang yang dinilai paling suci di seantero dunia). Seorang Syeikh pernah mengatakan kepada Syadzili bahwa dia akan menemukan Kutub di Barat. Ketika pemuda itu bertemu Ibn Masyisy di Fez, tahulah dia bahwa dia telah menemukan kutub alam semesta itu. Ibn Masyisy kemudian menyerahkan jabatan penuh kebesaran itu kepada Syadzili.
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misfauxpas · 9 months
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a second comic commission from BubbledGun featuring his OCs Stig (gerenuktaur) and Maydan (robintaur) - I'll be temporarily closing commissions until October, so that I have time to work on new fan merch
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kristinzervos · 3 months
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iahaber · 4 months
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İA HABER AJANSI Jessica May’dan Türkiye ile ilgili çarpıcı açıklamalar! “Türkiye beni kızı olarak gördü” https://bbcturk.com/jessica-maydan-turkiye-ile-ilgili-carpici-aciklamalar-turkiye-beni-kizi-olarak-gordu/56522/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr www.bbcturk.com https://iahaber.com
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