#mazzy listens
mazzy-rockstar · 7 months
The last Beatles song
Now and then is the Beatles’ official swan song. It was written and sung by John Lennon, but never fully finished. Thanks to AI, the Beatles can reunite once more 40 years later
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lamoobsessions · 3 months
In the embers of light, I see my love for you.
Newt x Reader(f)
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Summary:  Set at the Safe Haven, two people hopelessly infatuated carry a conversation of memories and the act of starting over again.
A/N: First time posting on here, so bear with me if I mess something up. Any sort of feedback is appreciated! <3 <3 <3
Warnings: No use of y/n, no reader-specific descriptions, she/her pronouns. 
Word Count: 1k
The fire crackled and popped, emanating a soft warmth in the cool night. The flames whisked in the breeze that carried off the ocean water. It was amazing the fire was still lit. The flames held a miraculous vitality, even after the continuous hours it had been burning and with little attention it had been given. 
As captivating as it was, there was something greater catching Newt's eyes -or rather someone. And that someone sat only a few inches away from him, staring intrinsically at the fire. He watched as the light danced in her eyes, illuminating every feature, every detail. Her knees to her chest and arms loosely slunk over her legs, evidently relaxed -comfortable with her surroundings. 
This wasn’t always a normal occurrence. It used to be an unfamiliar feeling, almost distant, as if comfortability itself was only a mere idea. Surely, they thought, a feeling like that was no longer felt in a world like their own. No, it would be near impossible to feel such a thing ever again. 
But here they are, sitting side by side in each other's company, not a pint of unease to be felt. Unless you considered the fluttering feeling Newt had whenever he was around her. Then, maybe there was some unease, but it’s not an unwarranted feeling. He welcomed this feeling with open arms, accepting it as a feeling of admiration. 
“Do you think memories still exist when you forget them?”
The question seemingly comes out of nowhere. Her eyes don’t even deter from the fire when she speaks, as if she hadn’t meant to ask the question outloud. 
“Where is this coming from?” He questions. 
She shrugs, mindlessly drawing small circles in the sand. It seemed the question wasn’t one derived from a sense of melancholy, but rather from a genuine curiosity. 
He smiles to himself, looking back to the fire as he ponders her question. “I’m not sure,” he answers honestly. “I’d like to think so. I’d like to think things don’t just disappear when we forget’em. They’ll still live on in someone else’s memory. Or If not in someone else’s then I’m sure it’s still there, you just can’t see it.”
There’s a moment of silence as she considered his answer, thinking it over, comparing it to an opinion of her own. 
“You think it’s possible to retrieve those lost memories?” She adds. 
“Maybe, if you try hard enough.”
The girl turned towards him with a look that clearly stated she wasn’t satisfied with that answer. 
He huffs with a laugh and perches his arms behind him, propping up his back. Amused by her persistence. “I suppose it’s a matter of significance. How important that moment was, what happened, when it happened, where it happened, stuff like that.” He thinks out loud, looking into the ocean for stability. “That is to say if half your memories weren’t taken from you in the first place.”
At that she laughs, and he feels a sense of pride that he could be the cause of such a wonderful sound. “Yeah, I know there is no retrieving those…I just mean,” She pauses a moment, looking down to the sand. “-moments like this. I don’t want to forget this moment but if I do, I'd hope it wouldn't go away forever.”
He nudges her side lightly. “Well, there’s no need to worry about that. I’m here too. I’ll make sure to hold on to it for you in case you forget.”
“Thanks.” She replies, nudging him in the side in return. “On the contrary, I have this weird distaste towards the term ‘unforgettable’. I think it’s because of the whole memory removal thing. Like, maybe there was a time before all this where I deemed something as ‘unforgettable’. But little did I know I’d be sitting here now, not having a clue what that moment was.”
“So, you don’t think something can be unforgettable?”
“Not necessarily. But usually for me when something is unforgettable it’s a bad thing.”
Newt knew all too well what she meant by that. His mind always seemed to favor trauma over moments of delight. 
“Maybe we need to start makin' more positive ‘unforgettables’ from now on then."
“Yeah," She mutters. "Maybe we do.”
A silence fills the air as the two of them reveled in the other's presence. Comforted by the fact that they have each other. With the ocean waves crashing in the distance and the flickering light of the fire, the serene scene almost made it too easy to let all their concerns melt away.
“I must admit, it’d be hard to forget moments like this. Moments with you, I mean.” She confesses, avoiding all possible eye contact. 
Though, Newt looks to her, a flattered yet nervous smile on his lips. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she confirms meekly. “I enjoy your company. When I’m with you things seem… easier. Like, life seems to become a little more bearable -and I know how dark and weirdly cheesy that sounds, but it’s true… You make me feel secure.”
Her sudden sentiments struck him, making his ears and cheeks run warm. 
Her words weren’t something new to Newt. He had known the impact they had on each other for a while. There was always this unspoken bond. A sort of mutual understanding that they needed each other. Not in a sense of co-dependency but more of a fidelity -a reassurance that they would always have each other. 
In spite of all that, the reason her sentiments struck Newt was because of her tone. There was a sense of timidity to her words, similar to one of a confession.  
“You make me feel secure too -and I’m not just saying that cause you said it. I mean it, you-” He babbles, trying to formulate his thoughts into words. “You mean a lot to me. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do with you.”
Their gazes meet and she smiles. “You probably would be off your wits by now.” She teases. “You know, dealing with Minho and Thomas is not a one-man task.”
He chuckles. “Bloody right on that one.” He looks back to the ocean, hoping to find the right words hidden in the waves. “I’m serious though. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone quite like you. You’re… astonishing.”
Her features soften, sparking a light in her eyes. 
He refuses himself to look her way, afraid he’ll lose all control and let his thoughts spill. However, he doesn’t need to see her to know a smile is still prevalent on her face. He can feel it radiating off her, like the warmth from the fire, like the salt on his skin -like her hand now holding his. 
The gesture felt natural to her. Laying her hand on top of his, she squeezes it tight as if to extend a gratuity towards his declaration. She then follows his gaze to the dark ocean water, watching the waves fold in the night. 
“I actually think it would be hard to forget this moment.”
He hums in question, now feeling it is finally safe to look her way. “Would you say it’s unforgettable?”
A grin sneaks on her lips as she cuts her eyes.  “Mm, not yet.”
Now fully turning towards the boy, who appears to be choked on words, the girl’s smile softens. Her eyes flicker to his lips, as if to test the water. He seems to get the implication immediately, leaning in closer to close the space between them. A hand sneaks up her neck as another hovers over her waist. Their lips meet halfway.
Just as fast as the kiss began, it stopped. Foreheads pressed against one another, her hand resting on his cheek, brushing light strokes under his eyes. “I guess it is now,” she breaths, unable to form any other words. 
“You guess?” He teases. 
A laugh bubbles in her throat, nodding her head once. “I guess.”
Newt pulls her back instantly, simmering in the newly created warmth between them. Her lips curve upward as his does the same. 
With desire so plentiful and the stars above abound, there would be no possible way to forget a moment like this. At least, that is what she believed. They would venture this new paradise together, side by side, hand-in-hand -metaphorically and physically. 
Though these roads are uncharted, they feel quite tranquil. She felt that something as easy as this would never be topped. 
An air of silence separates them now. The two of them mindlessly admiring the other under the silver moonlight. The girl didn’t think Newt looked real. The way his skin soothed in the light. The way his hair weaved through the salty breeze. How his eyes seemed to consume her whole. She thought he looked more like a depiction of an angel rather than a boy.
“Don’t smile at me like that.” He marveled coyly.
“Like what?”
“Like…that.”  He gestures slightly towards her before turning to the passing fire. 
She takes another moment to indulge herself with his appearance. Loving the feeling he invokes in her heart. Scooting closer to him, she rests her head lightly on his shoulder. “I’ll smile at you all I want.”
She feels a chuckle vibrate in his chest as he rests his head atop of hers. “Fine.” He relents, although it wasn’t much of a retaliation in the first place. 
“Fine,” She nudges her head in closer. 
Together they sit on the cool sand and breath in the salt air, watching as the fire’s light begins to dim. Only charred wood, fluffy ashes, and flickering sparks remained. As if the fire's job was done for the night.
Just before her eyes began to flutter shut, a pair of lips pecked her forehead. 
Maybe Newt was right. There was still much more left for them in this life. They’ve given so much in such little time. Now… it was time to receive. It was time to make new unforgettable moments. 
They would be okay.
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manicpixistonergirl · 4 months
when mazzy star starts a song with electric guitar picking, prolonged organ chords, & an erratic beat…you know you’re about to ascend
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beans-and-shet · 1 year
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A tender moment of comfort
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angelswim64 · 6 months
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look on down from the bridge
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postpunkblunt · 3 months
I was really into that song when it came out. I was probably 13-14. It hit me like a truck. I’ve always been a big fan. -Paul Banks, on 'Fade into You'
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wildspringday · 9 months
if you had to get the title of the last song you listened to tattooed on you would you do it
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marcmorrigan · 1 year
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bad news dude i just talked to the doctor and your babyface is incurable. yeah youre stuck like that. yeah its probably for forever sorry
OC, he/him for angelo, thnx!
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mazzy-rockstar · 2 months
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sewercentipede · 6 months
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not at all surprised but sad to say this broke my 3-year streak of being in the top 0.05% of lingua ignota listeners ☹️💔
is it fucking normal though to always be in the “top 0.05% of listeners worldwide” for ur #1 listened to artist or is spotify just making that shit up because it has happened again to me this year with nine inch nails
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pennyserenade · 2 years
i love you tender, intimate smut. i love you soft kisses and the feeling that this one person was made just for you, in every possible way. i love you holding each other’s hands and pressing your foreheads together. i love you being aware of how in love with this person you are and feeling so safe giving yourself to them, because you know they want to treat you well. i love you being able to express so much without saying anything; that the power of words can sometimes pale in comparison to way a lover can draw an orgasm out of you without your guidance, because your body is something that they need no map for. i love you being in love and giving your bodies to each other, not only because it feels good, but because you love this person and you want them to have every piece of you and you want every piece of them.
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cheolhub · 1 year
wonu wonu wonu!!! wonu who spoils you when you’ve been a good slut from him, wonu who made you warm his cock after an full day of performing, who buys pretty lingerie for you and ruin it when he rips it and fucks you from the back (ik it’s late but i’m sorry not sorry) -🍀
🥺 ahh i love love love this man because i just know he’d get you dressed all pretty, buying you the cutest little set in your favorite color. (the color doesn’t matter to him bc u look gorgeous to him in everything <3) all so he can rip through the thin fabric and fuck you silly.
oh oh ! and the degradation is so so sweet that it doesn’t even sound mean tumbling out of his mouth. it’s laced in that deep, honey-like voice that makes your heart lurch and you pussy tighten. :( he’s cooing at you while his hand hold your wrist, pinning them to your back while he slams into you. and he’s like, “my pretty little slut, you were made to take this cock, isn’t that right?”
and you’re just dumbly nodding, eyes rolled back and a bit of drool slipping past your swollen, puffy lips and soaking the pillow your head lays on. he’s just so in love with you he can’t even make fun of you looking so messy and brainless (though, on a normal day, he would), today’s a bit different. he feels the need to love on you, so he lets go of your arms and laces his fingers through your hand and topples over you. deep, precise strokes while he holds your hand and whispering into your ear about you being his cute slut, his cockhungry baby, his his his. (lovingly)
bonus; he leaves lil love bites on your shoulder blade and kisses over them cuz he lovessss marking and doing soft lil actions even though his cock is stirring up your insides~
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wankstain-mcgee · 17 days
I'm currently listening to one of my favourite albums on a cassette player, and it's transcendent, to say the least. Once again, I'm proving to be a sucker for analogue technology.
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usignedupforthis · 11 months
when maisie said i don’t think i wanna get better and still upset but now i’m twenty-two and what was cheap to you was all i had and still argue like my mother and surpress stuff like my dad and women’s hearts are lethal weapons did you hold mine and feel threatened and but it gets old being forever twenty, what about my wings what about wendy and was i just an idea you liked a convenient use of time with obedient blue eyes and a heartbreak in remission the universe is shifting and it’s all for me and goodbye from your biggest fan goodbye from the bigger man bye bye from your girl oh damn and i’m twenty-one and i feel evergreen and i’m doing better i made it to september and i can finally breathe and we could live off of magic and maybes and i wasn’t your cliché oh no this is my coming of age and i can write you out the way i wrote you in and it was crystal clear we are the best damn band that’s ever played right here and he stole her youth and promised heaven the men start wars yet troy hates helen and it was a far flung wish when we were young now we’re living the dream and i hope we never wake up and am i better yet?
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mazziecreo · 1 month
I don't fully understand Age Regression
Even after the hours and days of research I've committed to the subject.
But for some reason
It interests me.
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months
New favorite playlist <3
It’s got:
Mazzy Star
Weyes Blood
AND MORE obviously :)
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