#medical appointments
perplexingluciddreams · 2 months
Appointment was fine, Mum says I did well and get gold star 😁.
New doctor was nice (and also loud, lucky for noise cancelling headphones!), he was efficient and it was a fast appointment.
No big problem I think. I didn't really know what is going on, I just follow instructions to move certain position so he can examine me. And coped well with the touching.
I didn't really process what he said, but it doesn't seem bad. Luckily the discomfort I had with it seems to calm down a bit now, so less upset about it. (Not want to explain details for this one, it is just random small thing mostly unrelated to any other health/disability stuff).
I am tired now but I coped well and I am not back in crash again I think! So that is good, lucky for appointment so quick and small wait time. I rest in bed now.
I got chocolate 😄 (Ask Dad for it and he make a joke about who gets the chocolate. He always jokes about eating my chocolate or sweets every time I get some, even mimes stealing it 😂 makes me laugh!).
I did walking the whole time (obviously sit down breaks in between for in car and waiting room and chair in appointment room, but walked between, hold Mum's hand 😊). I am proud.
Even if walking hurts knees a lot because bad joint alignment because can't wear AFOs because pressure-pain. But appointment on Wednesday is for orthotics so we will see what they say. Don't know if they can really do anything to help or give me what I need for my AFOs... I have doubt about that. (Especially because this is already second pair I have from them and still not able tolerate). But wait and see. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
Another thing I'd never had to think about before I became disabled: how utterly exhausting it can be to have medical appointments all the time.
I know they're for my own good. I know they're helping me. But they're so very exhausting, constantly.
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clown-cars-blog · 7 months
It’s been a few days after the dissociative screening appointment and it went terribly. First, we walked in and waited for about half an hour, which was fine at the beginning because we wanted to organize our thoughts and calm down.
Then, the woman who has seen us for the last couple of times came out and we knew we were screwed. We know that she’s probably not a terrible person, but every time we go into there, we come out feeling dejected and gaslighted because she blames our symptoms on tik tok or instagram, even YouTube.
We did take her advice on staying off tik tok and only watching funny, not educational, YouTube videos. We did tell her this and that we still experience our symptoms.
The worst part of this was when she asked if we had any trauma in our past life and told us we had to tell her. After working ourself up, we did tell her and immediately the trauma holders and persecutors were in the front. She then told us our trauma was significant enough to dissociate.
After a few more tests, like the reading and math, she told us that our dissociation is on the schizophrenic spectrum and depression spectrum. It shouldn’t be something we worry about and that the voices in our head as well as the problems we face while dissociating aren’t significant enough to be diagnosed.
We walked out of that appointment while having an emotional flashback and a dissociative trance.
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headpainmigraine · 5 months
You know when you go to the doctor and your body is like 'oh man, I gotta be on my best behaviour', so you're Not Symptomatic At All (TM) while the tests happen and your doctors like '...' and you're like 'it's not normally like this, I swear!' and they're like 'ok' but you know they're thinking 'Sure, Jan' and you spend the time travelling back home going 'wow, maybe I am faking constant pain' because you couldn't perform your condition appropriately for the health professional?
I had a 71 day long period.
And it stopped 2 days before my doctors appointment.
The bodies know!
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whiterosechrista · 17 days
So. You may have been wondering where I've been for the past three days. The answer, in short, is that I participated in a sleep study that ironically granted me no sleep, and then made the mistake of attempting to stay up until the next night, which resulted in me briefly dozing off for an hour or two and being very tired until I finally made it to bed at c. 5/6 AM this morning. I woke up about an hour ago and am finally having breakfast at nearly 3 PM, which is about par for the course for me, to be honest.
So yeah. Sorry about that.
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spoonielivingfree · 8 months
When Medical Professionals Don't Give You Enough Time
Yesterday I had one of those appointments where it felt like I was rushed in and out, without due care being given to me. The appointment lasted about 2 minutes. This isn’t even an exaggeration. I was in and out like a whippet. I understand that it was a strike day so there were limited junior doctors and consultants on shift, and they were running an hour late but I hate that it always seems to…
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hafwen · 9 months
Fuck my therapists office for having some weird useless calendar that when the receptionist makes an appointment it doesn’t tell them it’s a holiday or if she’s off for a vacation day
This is the third or fourth time I have made a Monday appointment and prepared physically and mentally for days in advance to get no call or even a text about my appointment being canceled
And they fucking confirmed it on Friday so wtf??? I’m going to tell her she owes me $25 for missing appointments from now on
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Being a caregiver is a noble endeavor filled with love and dedication. However, the demands of caregiving can sometimes become overwhelming, leaving caregivers feeling drained and in need of support. Life moves at a fast pace, and caregivers often find themselves balancing multiple responsibilities, from managing household chores to attending medical appointments and providing round-the-clock care for their loved ones. This is where assisted living in Tarzana, California, steps in to offer a much-needed reprieve.
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kandydinainc · 1 month
Home care services in Fort Washington, Maryland, play a vital role in enhancing the quality of life for individuals who require assistance with daily tasks but prefer to remain in the comfort of their own homes. Whether providing companionship, assistance with household chores, or helping with personal care needs, non-medical home care services in Fort Washington offer comprehensive support tailored to each client’s unique requirements.
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Today was orthotics appointment. It is at hospital I don't like, Dad not like too because bad parking. When we get there, it was very full loud waiting room. So we wait outside the room in the corridor.
The orthotist Kirsty is very nice! With nice accent. It was loud bad place at first with other patients talking loud - even with noise cancelling headphones I struggle and get very anxious but also feel stuck could not stim like I need. I could not hear what Kirsty or Dad said because the other voices noises were louder even with noise cancelling headphones ☹️.
They could see I didn't cope, so she very kindly, look in other quiet room to see if it is empty. (Usually I go to that room). Yes, it is! So we go in there.
Then talk a lot about old AFOs. And Dad show my list of what is not-good about them. She look at my walking with shoes AND without shoes, and examine look at my legs and feet and move about and feel how hypermobile I am. And where my calf muscles is a bit tight.
She agree that my current AFOs don't work. So we try something different new. Dad showed my pictures of what I think might be better for me. So, she say they can do a similar style of rigid plastic AFO on the outside, with an inner "anklet" that is thinner more flexible plastic going around my ankle and over the top of my foot. Then that part will go inside the bigger rigid AFOs. And, I can have better straps that isn't so bulky and too tough to undo by myself. (They will just go once over, instead of through a ring and double back).
Then, she do a SCAN!! Instead of casts this time :D. I have to hold very very still it takes a LOT of concentration and effort. But I did very well. Dad said the shape of my leg showed up slowly on the screen when she did the light scanner in stripes. I didn't see that because I had to concentrate very much to stay still.
They had to stick a wire to the front of my leg for the scanner. And the tape stuck to my leg hair! And ripped some off when I took it off, ouch! But it was okay, not too sore, just mostly funny. Dad joked about is his genetics for the leg hair.
Overall, very successful appointment and it went much better than I expected! I am still very anxious about it all, because we have several attempts already that didn't work. But, Dad says we will keep on trying until we get exactly what works for me.
I always feel overwhelmed and exhausted after appointment. And always feel like I didn't communicate everything I want to - even with prepare with other people and they say things for me, even if I try try try so hard to do words, it just doesn't happen at the time. And I have automatic response to just nod head "yes" at almost everything, even if I didn't process or understand. So I worry that I seem to say "yes" or agree to things that I don't mean. Especially when I know that there was a lot of talking at the appointment that I didn't process at all. I feel so utterly lost all the time - and there is no way to really express how that affects me my whole entire life.
I hate my inability to communicate ☹️☹️. It goes WAY beyond just not able to speak. Even with all the tools and aids and help from other people... majority of the time it is simply near-impossible for me to interact with another person. It is everything about how I interact with everyone, my whole life long. And then I feel like anything that goes wrong or doesn't work is my fault for not able to communicate or explain something.
Anyway. I am knackered now, so time for rest and Celtic Woman DVD 😄. I try not to think about it anymore, just distract. And try to keep hope, but not too much, so I don't get too disappointed.
I have lemonade (Dad quickly go to shop and buy so I can have my usual fizzy drink treat after appointment 😄, thanks Dad!). And I have snack. And DVD. 😊
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
I feel like I deserve a sticker for every dentist's appointment.
I wanted to get it over with so badly, I didn't even bring a mobility aid.
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developersbiz1 · 2 months
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fm45solutions · 2 months
Selecting the right Non-Emergency Medical Transportation provider is about ensuring your or your loved one’s health, safety, and comfort. By carefully considering certain factors, you can make an informed decision and access a provider that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Are you interested in learning more about this? FM45 Solutions is at your service!
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whiterosechrista · 23 days
I’ve gotten no sleep whatsoever and am currently in the waiting room for my second appointment. This should be fun.
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aheavenlyhandhome · 2 months
Do you need to go grocery shopping? Have an appointment with your dentist? Learning how to drive has been an important skill in today’s society, where public transportation can be a hassle, especially for aging adults who are already navigating challenges in their daily lives. Such situations can truly benefit from hiring a caregiver in Missouria from our team.
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