#megastarop au
transingthoseformers · 8 months
In the TFA MegaStarOp shenanigans OP goes to investigate and finds himself smooshed between two heat addled Deceptacon trying to get into his pannels because "He can top!" OP got a double hit of the pheromones. Good thing too, since he had to top both of them to prevent them from killing them all with a cave in.
OP wanders back to base in a tranced daze covered in dents and paint tragnsfers. Ratchet's looking with judgment untill he gets close enough to smell the heat pheromones. Insists on hoseing off OP before he's allowed in. Lest he start an orgey. Ratchet looks at him "which Cons went into heat?" Optimus still high off his processor on the pheromones replies, "There were two." Then falls flat on his face out cold
OP wake ups in the med bay a few days later
Sfghjk oh. ohhhh nooo.
I just love the idea that yes, they both didn't want to spike the other and they were arguing about it (whether it's because of the heat detail or personal preference, I am reminded of that one tfa fic where they roped Strika into doing it instead of either of them)
Ratchet's done with this shit because
A. I like to think he's had to deal with this type of shit before as a medic (I am remembering The Doctor Is In and drawing off of Ratchet in that fic heavily)
B. He can do math and color match. He knew where all of the autobots were except for Optimus.
"of all the things that could have happened on your night walk honestly this isn't the worst. It's fragging close though."
I wonder what the excuse will be for why he's not up and about in the morning
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cosmics-beings · 1 year
one of my personal starscream hcs is that he liked fashion and designing, and as a seeker it was something that was expressed through his heels and makeup. obviously it wasn't ever something he pursued but he'd sometimes sketch out the designs he wanted to make. he never gets to it, of course.
he is still seen as a fashion icon in cybertron, especially after the war and is a trend setter but he never gets into designing like he wanted to.
years later after the war when he is peaceful and happy, his children - specifically one of his daughters finds his sketches and decides to bring his outfits/fashion to life and he is actually really happy when he finds out and she wears them. she also becomes a well known cybertronian model and makes/customizes starscream's old sketches.
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megatron-fucks · 2 years
Chapters: 2/6 Fandom: The Transformers (IDW Generation One), Transformers - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Megatron/Orion Pax/Starscream, Orion Pax/Starscream, Megatron/Starscream (Transformers), Megatron/Orion Pax Characters: Orion Pax, Megatron (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers), Shockwave (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Alpha Trion (Transformers), the Thirteen Primes get discussed in some detail Additional Tags: green knight au, Mythology References, Seduction, Attempted Seduction, Implied/Referenced Character Death, I can't begin to say what genre this fic is, this is one of those stories about the importance of stories Summary:
When The Champion of the Arena shows up to challenge Sentinel Prime to a deadly test of honour, enforcer Orion Pax volunteers in his stead.
What follows is a deal with the devil, an invitation from an enigmatic stranger, and probably the weirdest honey trap of all time. Orion's going to be lucky if he still has his honour and essential organs intact by the time he gets to the arena.
Chapter two is up! We meet Megatron and Starscream both for obviously the first time. Everyone behaves extremely normally and unsuspiciously.
also - idk if this is important to anyone, but the tagged ships all exist individually as well as together. i.e. there is megastar with no orion, and starop with no megatron, etc. it is a complicated web of ships.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Deceptacon Horror™️
Pre-war: younglings tossed into adult frames too early
Post-war: new sparks put directly into adult frames. Needing to explain to Sentinel what sparklings, younglings, and mechlings were after he'd sired them. Megatron and Starscream learning Ratchet had had to explain the process to Optimus after the fact.
Damnnnn no yeah I can see why Blitzwing has so many opinions about this, and you can argue Things™️ about this being why autobots tend to be smaller than decepticons in tfa (probably not canon but like. We see what we're working with here and it isn't canon)
And yep yep Ratty did absolutely have to explain that and it was a bit of a trip for Megatron and Starscream to learn that Oppy didn't learn before this.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Starscream snaring at Sentinel because those are new sparks they're not ready for adult frames until a certian age. "And you dare call yourself their mentor!"
"But that's ridiculous! I'm that age now and I've been a perfectly fine grown up for ages!" Sentinel shrieked as BA hollered from the ceiling "What do you mean we're just now adults as of a few months ago! I'd have conjuxed this afthelm if he hadn't shown his real colors when this," waves at her spidery self, "happened right before graduation!"
Cue Starscream and Megatron realing the sire of their sparklings is bairly legal.
The Deceptacon atacks are now attempts to aggressively parent most of the autobots on earth. Deadlock is called to distract Ratchet. Lugnut is asking Strika how she feels about adopting a pair of Autobot younglings who have proven themselves capable warriors. "THEY ARE WORTHY, MY TERROR. WE SHOULD PROVIDE THEM SOME YOUNGLING AND MECHLINGHOOD. CURSE THE AUTOBOTS FOR FORCING NEWSPARKS IN ADULT FRAMES!"
Yeahhhh, Starscream rightfully has so many strong opinions on this and Sentinel n BA are so confused and thus are resorting to anger
Megatron feels bad about their fights with team prime now doesn't he
He does
Also, sdgssd that's fucking hilarious because considering how Sentinel Minor was Bumblebee's boot camp leader, would this mean that Bumblebee and Bulkhead are exactly teenagers in this verse
Lugnut I swear to fuck, yes. Guerilla adoption tactics time
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Starscream stopped mid rant when he heard BA and Sentinel's ages. Rendered him speechless. He's spluttering and gesticulating wildly. Total loss for words. Megatron would rib him over it but he's stuned himself.
Megatron, "We've been fighting literal children the whole time we've been on this accursed dirt ball?!"
BA who has dropped to the floor has been clasped to the bosom of a loudly verklempt Lugnut who is very upset that they turned her into a youngling soldier and the Autobot Negligence that let her get icky organic-ed when she should have been being cherished by her creators.
Blitzwing looking at Sentinel, "They put Newsparks in the care of a mechling?! This is serious. Oooh we'll need to expand zee nursery!"
Sentinel feeling lost and confused, "What in the pit are mechlings, younglings, and sparklings anyways?"
"Deceptacon specific developmental stages, you idiot." BA snarling from Lugnut's embrace.
Starscream recovering himself to give an impromptu leson in CYBERTRON developmental mechanobiology.
Bee and Bulkhead are legit early teens and preteens when they got ejected from boot camp. The Deceptacons are learning this because of a muttering paceing Sentinel. Because on one hand preposterous, on the other it explains so much.
Exactly yes yes, it takes quite a lot to make Starscream speechless but that did the trick
Sdfhhfd oh Lugnut yes, hugging BA because now the cons are thinking about all the times they sent her into battle and had her working on science shit too, and how the Autobots downright abandoned her and let her get spidery. But also because we all HC that Lugnut and Strika are very parental people
Blitzwing is over here planning yes yes (his facets may argue, but they full well agree on this. How they'll go about it however will vary)
Mmmm our favorite, unplanned biology lessons!
Yep yep, and considering what I've seen of that tfa episode I'd suggest Bulkhead is a little older than Bumblebee for the factor of him having lived on an energon farm for a little while, but with Bumblebee we get back shit of his pre boot camp life beyond "having dreamed of being part of the elite guard" which is starting to make me consider a situation where he (at LEAST him, if not him and Bulkhead) wasn't kicked out of boot camp.
This also makes me ask questions about if Shockwave would know or not, and in general his pov in this sitch
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
The MegaStarOp sparklings would be so tinny and adorable. Maybe because the sparkling are smol there are many more of them. Just tons of smol flight frames with firefighting gear and firetrucks with onbord weapons systems.
Exactly yes yes yes
Also because I just think the idea of these massive robots having comparatively smaller young (relative to human adult to infant ratios) is cute, but also more fair on their chest to hip ratios
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Tfa megastarop
Considering that ratchet and prowl are the same age, wouldn't they be considered the adults of the group?
It would be funny if, when asked by the Decepticons, he would respond with a"yes, and that's why I created my sparkling in secret, mesothulas wasn't able to help, sice he was alread out of cybertron"
"mesothulas?!Are you telling us that you know tarantulas?!"
"yeah,i fuck him"
Wait what they're around the same age???
Damn, no yeah you're right.
It would also yes be funny if Prowl hid the knowledge that he had a kid with Tara because well that would be treason material to the autobots. But also because Tara is in a similar situation as Blackarachnia, albeit of his own choosing.
The slight detail of choosing the present tense instead of the past tense leads me to believe that when he can meet up with Tarantulas they hook up, after all who knows how long it'll be before they next meet
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Tfa prowl would be a simp for tfa tarantulas (excluding a few things)
Even more so if eggs are involved and, unlike Cybertron's Autobots, he can have a large quantity
(I read somewhere that spiders that eat more produce more eggs ;⁠) )
Makes sense that well the more resources you have the more offspring you can create: easy math
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Good afternoon!
I'm the anon who mentioned the tfa megatron x starscream x Optimus fanart and was wondering what kind of chaotic plot you would put into it?
I can only put together a skeleton of the plot:
1-It would be before starscream had a fragment of all spark in his head and, consequently, no clones
2-Heat cycle, they didn't expect optimus to appear let alone respond to it
3-Multiple Sparklings, because the three of them were like cyber bunnies
Doesn't he get the Allspark fragment quite fairly early on in the series (as in, while Megatron is still a head?), So the idea would take some ~workshopping~
I need to create a bingo card for our aus because we're always finding new circumstances to get our mecha pregnant because yes of course! A heat cycle!
As well as multipled because yes yes of course (I like to imagine the sparklings are also wayyyy little because that's adorable as fuck)
Based on what information you've provided for me, you have not specified whether it was Megatron or Starscream in heat. So I'm gonna say both, and they were arguing (among other things) when Optimus found them. Now I'm gonna go for the sort of "pusg and pull" style of dynamic for them because that's fun.
But also because that is the ultimate state for Optimus, who up until rather recently with the events of the pilot had thought the decepticons were all gone and even afterward still held that image of "fucking Big Bad Scary Decepticons who want to Kill Us All". Seeing them wrestle with their panels open arguing about how the other should be the top instead broke that facade of the infamous and nigh legendary warriors.
If anything will improve tfa autobot and decepticon relations it will be this chance occurrence
(I like to think all three parties pretended to forget about it, until. Well. Yeah. My godddddd how would they handle this. Is Optimus sneaking out at night to answer the comm for updates or what)
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Soundwave knows and disaproves. But he doesn't want to start a riot. His reports have alluded to Autobots being adult framed younger and younger. But he can't say how young since they still need the Allspark and time to gain the numbers needed to take the Autobots. Autobots are smaller than in years past because new sparks cant sustain a full sized fraim and the loss of genetic diversity.
The Autobots Won by their reckoning in that they drove the Deceptacons off of their home world. The Deceptacons dont consider the fight truely over.
Ohh dumb thought TFA Lockdown as the Ratchlock sparkling.
Damnnn so Shockers knows, but he (currently) can't do shit against it.
Makes sense that they're smaller if just because their sparks aren't able to support a larger frame yet (makes me wonder if any of our mecha would choose a larger frame later on, I know multiple people have thought about that for Optimus Magnus)
With what I've seen of tfa no yeah the autobots shoved them off of Cybertron then put their hands over their ears and said "Oh Yes! The War is over, and our enemies are vanquished because we say so". Leaving the decepticons to simmer and scheme because "What the fuck, that was our planet too, and This Solves Nothing."
Okay but the idea of Lockdown being a ratchlock kid suggests that Deadlock/Drift (there's a design for tfa Drift, he's still an ex decepticon, apparently he willingly changed sides after seeing Horrors™️, and his autobot frametype design is based on Blurr's. Buuuut it is explicitly stated that he downsized from a decepticon typical frame to an autobot one) was the carrier and he raised Lockdown himself. Considering both of their mercenary roots, this somewhat tracks
This, however, upon reevaluating our timeline, would require that Deadlock met Ratchet either before the war or very early in it's progression, considering how Lockdown was in an adult frame when he met/tortured Ratchet and Arcee that one time. Which considering the first phrase in tfa Ratchet's timeline thing is "Millions of years ago,", we might have the room. Ratchet's so fucking old.
Also, apparently, tfa Drift was at one point part of the Cyber-Ninja Corps under Dai Atlas, very probably after he left the decepticons. Tfa Dai Atlas is apparently one of Yoketron's ex students and the general of the tfa elite guard. At least the wiki says Yoketron is old as shit. Lockdown also trained under him at some point or another. From what I can gather, Prowl is younger than Ratchet by quite a bit, but still definitely older than the other members of team prime.
Babygirl I'm not sure that idea will work
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
I feel like Ratchet has an old code regarding mech being "ambushed" by Deceptacon's in heat from the war.
Funnier if during the war the mechs were usually found half dead or very dead because they ran out of stamina or had poor spike game. OP just was one of the few who that good. And Defeating Megatron in the allspark debacle probably helped.
Maybe Primes are considered good lays after OP. Sentinel gets ambushed as well? Who would be good to aquire a SP as they felt their heat coming on?
Oh definitely definitely, I can see the reverse happening too!
Also damnnnn on the danger aspect, methinks a cybertronian heat in this situation is one of those things you're supposed to gather supplies and prepare for but also a Oppy my mans
Ah yes Optimus has set a new reputation, mn Sentinel I'm looking at you and some of your kinks
I'm trying to figure out who might be a good option to want to get with Sentinel, because on one hand he's tfa Sentinel but on the other hand he's tfa Sentinel. I keep running the math and I keep getting Blitzwing.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Now I'm imagining megatron and starscream in the doctor area like "What do we do now ?"
Or "I can't believe the autobot made it", or both (even though they also got on top of each other)
sdghjko ohh
Exactly exactly
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Tfa megastarop
Yes, and those who know about his and Springer's relationship don't think much about it because he doesn't have "suspicious" characteristics (beastformers/technorganic and war frame characteristics)
Fun fact: Springer has a laser sword (if I'm not mistaken) in canon
Oo okay yep yep, makes sense
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wOW SO I'M RIGHT, IT'S "Primacy (yelling all the way down)", and the only reason I didn't know it was a prime-ified ratchet fic series was because the only entries i read were pretty much pure megop smut
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Thinking about Languidly's The Assassination. I want more stuff of Optimus being insanely thirsty for Megatron. Especially when he's thinking about spiking him, which is even more unusual!
You're entirely right, yes, and I've wondered a lot about what comes next in that fic
Situations where Optimus is simping, consider:
TFA Optimus always having had a crush on Megatron but now that they're fighting on the regular these fantasies have grown more and more real, with a much different inflection. Involving his grapplers.
Beast wars Megop with Optimus not being able to sleep because he's just that horny about Megatron
Tfp Optimus who may or may not be exes with Megatron in this situation (it's up in the air) having a fantasy sequence for his "if I won the war and everything went my way" horny Megop moment
IDW Optimus having a guilty wank once in his habsuite after a rough victory over Megatron on the battlefield
G1 Optimus doodling in his diary in which he dips into some rather choice descriptors for Megatron
Remember that one comic where Megatron made a Optimus clone and "oh no he's hot" happened? That but it's SG and the reverse
In general SG Optimus pining over his ex who still looks ravishing in his opinion
Orion in the shower making up imaginary situations where he'd hit on Megatronus in the Best Way Possible ™️
Tfa Optimus Magnus trying to write his half of a pre-treaty and he's just. Lost in his thoughts about Megatron and he knows if he looks down he's gonna see he's making a mess of himself
In general we did this with tfp au Optimus flirting mercilessly with Meggsie
Earthspark Optimus embarrassed yet desperate to reignite his relationship with Megatron now that they're on the same side
I'm so torn about wanting SG Optimus to bottom for once in my life or him being an absolute service top for Megatron and him thinking so much about either
Broadwings Universe! Optimus the night after learning of Megatron's new aerial form and having ~emotions~ regarding it because I'm totally thinking megastarop for the BWU au
Orion Pax watching Megatronus in battle and immediately thinking "I need him and his body or I'm going to 💙explode💙"
Optimus Primal getting possible intel of Megatron and Inferno being a thing and having thinky thoughts. Many thinky thoughts.
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