fictionkinfessions · 5 days
omg omg kin game!! canon signs waves arms around
I have a few things I did actually that I totes relate to <:3
For once as a child I always wanted to be a singer or rockstar or some popular performer which is so (checks kinlist) half of my kins core (Klavier Gavin, Rin Kagamine, Glamrock Bonnie, Shiver Hohojiro, Ibuki Mioda, etc etc. to name a few)
And maaaybe this is totes normal for only kids but I was always like. "I should have a twin I want an older sibling" and to that in hindsight as Klavier Gavin. No you do not little me /silly
A more recent sign actually I've realized is a weird mix of otherkin realizations that happened by fictionkin stuff? I've always related to/I am lust/love and impish creatures (I'm Lychee Dragon cookie and like, for the lust aspect I'm Mettaton and Klavier) and I've recently realized I'm a lust demon. So that's an interesting development
I also think the biggest sign for at least one of my biggest main kins is that I loved playing The Normal Elevator. Every time I logged on roblox I would play 'Normalvator' (as me and my girlfriend dub it, as opposed to Regretevator) for hours and hours at a time even though I'd already seen all the floors and all the secrets. I loved being in that cramped elevator seeing the same few floors over and over and over. And I'm Party Noob. fork found in kitchen, the Poob kin likes sitting in an elevator because it feels like home /silly
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 2 years
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self care for : mettaton (undertale) with hot pink things
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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kin-poke-teams · 3 years
Could you please do a Pokémon team for either Mettaton from Undertale or Taako from TAZ: Balance? Either way, my most favorite Pokémon is Mimikyu if you could include it. Thanks in advance!! 💜
I can do both! For Mettaton I'm thinking
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Alolan Raichu
As for Taako, probably:
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{can't do more gifs/images cause Tumblr's stupid}
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utkinaesthetic · 4 years
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updated pastel moodboard for mettaton ex (original was for @doctoreff-blog). enjoy!
- mod chara
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hello there!! is it alright if i request a moodboard for a mettaton who was in love with papyrus and was a parental figure for frisk? my apologizes if this is oddly specific, i hope you two have a lovely day!! ❤
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Here you are! This isnt my best work, due to personal reasons- but I hope this works. :)
- Mod Chara/Rouxls
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hi hello yes i shifted mettaton in the year of our lord 2019 and i’d like to take this moment to say: trans rights! gnc trans rights especially!
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I keep seeing Sans being idolized as a god on the internet and being the mostly highly favored character in our fanbase and then I remember many times where I’ve come over and Sans has been stuffing his face with Cheetos after not moving for hours. Literally every time I hear Megalovania my fight or flight activates because that’s how deteriorated my mind has gone being afraid of Sans. Good lord. - Your Sexy Rectangle
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kinfoodie · 4 years
Hi there! Would it be possible to get some recipes for Mettaton (from undertale)? Especially dorm-friendly recipes for someone without a stove or oven?
Hey anon! Of course. ^-^ I did my best to compile a list of no-stove/oven recipes for someone living in dorms whilst staying in theme for you. I hope it works!
Creamy Coconut, Berry and Chocolate Bowl
Microwave Breakfast Cookie in a Mug
Blueberry Overnight Oats
2-Minute French Toast in A Cup
Microwave Macaroni and Cheese in a Mug
Quick and Crispy Microwave Quesadillas
No-Bake Nutella Energy Bites
Microwave Chocolate Chip Cookies
Pizza Quesadilla 
Risotto Cups
There ya go! I hope you enjoy these and they work for you, if not of course feel free to come back and ask again. I’ll try my best for a do-over! :) Cheers and happy eating~! <3
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goatmompositivity · 5 years
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A MTT ex who was with Papyrus and adopted Frisk moodboard for anon!
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moni-kinnie · 5 years
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Some misc. Underfell Mettaton and Sans aesthetics
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underkinaes · 5 years
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aesthetic for a mettaton working on self confidence
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
Once again, been a while since I commented here but I did wanna share some things with the blog since a few things have happened kin wise.
I'm not gonna go tooooo deep into personal history (the things I'll be confessing here are just the tip of the very deep iceberg) but like. if my friends or people who know me don't already know that this is my tag, it'll be a dead giveaway H
This will be a bit of a ramble but maybe it'll give someone some sort of insight maybe???
A while ago, I kinfirmed Josuke Higashikata from JJBA. Doesn't sound like a big deal at all. Just another, "woohoo! Another to add to the list of lives I've cycled through, I suppose." But in this life it was... rough to accept at first. Lemme explain.
For years it was hard to accept that I may be that flamboyant zesty 90s kid (which is REALLY funny said out of context) due to some bad experience with someone I used to be friends with. We were in a JJBA roleplay together that me and another friend (that I'm still friends with) ran. I played Josuke, they played Kira. Said roleplay fucked me up bad, to say the least.
From that point on after the whole ordeal, I didn't even want to think about kinning Josuke. I think it's because in my mind at the time, that roleplay Josuke that I played was the one I was gonna be, and I didn't want that as my canon. Oh, god, I wanted nothing to do with it. I was so scared of becoming the woobified version of me that this 14 year old roleplayed as that I was essentially blinded by my own bias against me.
Mainly, I was scared of it because what I saw and felt was accurate to things I didn't know were details from my canon were projected onto the characterization. This further pushed the idea that if I somehow kinfirmed Higashikata, then I must be the one I roleplayed as (not true at all).
Some of the things included: I was a lot more caring than canon is, I remember I got a job as a hair stylist, etc etc. It's only natural when you end up a character you roleplayed as has the shit you headcanoned revealing itself to be parts of what you used to be. It's projection. Again, I was so blinded and scared that I was gonna be that woobified uwu pastel one that I played as 14 and didn't even stop to think that maybe, just maybe, I could think about the feelings I had about certain people and events and realize.... whatever angst shitstorm that happened in that roleplay was purely fictional, and that my canon is my own and not what me and some other people made up on the spot as an angst fest.
I harbored this distain for years because I couldn't NOT associate JJBA with that roleplay until one of my friends started to get into it. It was at first to me, "Oh, okay, cool. People can like what they like :] /gen"
And then one of my other friends kinfirmed YOSHIKAGE KIRA. shit was absolutely shocking because one of the main reasons I was so turned away from part 4 was because in aforementioned roleplay, the person who played Kira and was absolutely toxic to me. The weird ass interactions between rp Josuke and rp Kira had like fucked me up pretty bad and as a result I couldn't see Kira the same way for years.
Again, all up until my friend kinfirmed the man and, while not of my canon (unsure what they did in theirs) it clicked that. I NEED to let go of that and see things in a different light. That's my actual friend, a real person, and not some weirdo that another 14 year old roleplayed as and essentially woobified the shit out of. Real ass person, not the same. I needed to drop the grudges.
This is what also made me start to accept--not realize, I'm pretty sure I knew for a long time--that I was Josuke, specifically part 4 Josuke. Everything clicked so hard, for years all the complaints and headcanons I had made so much sense because it WAS me. That abhorred rat episode? Didn't react like that at all. I tried to help those people (and failed). The fact I was so turned away from the 'Josuke becomes a cop' headcanon that I used to see all the time back in like 2019/2020 or something? It was because I didn't become a cop at all! Josuke was like, in essence, my first kin before I even knew what kinning was.
It feels more at peace to leave the trauma behind and instead holding onto it and despising a media that didn't really wrong me itself, but instead the people I used to know back in the day. Leaving it behind and accepting it leads me to new discoveries on all ends, like the fact that the memories I have as Josuke are as vivid as the ones I have as Klavier Gavin. Or, the fact that Josuke feels like a super close kin...
Maybe because for some reason I like to kin really zesty motherfuckers such as Mettaton, Klavier Gavin, and Josuke Higashikata... Fits right in with my kintype flawlessly.
Anyways, I share this all not only to kinfess but to say that, hey if you read it all the way down here... Hi :] I genuinely hope that, if something similar has happened, you're turned away from a character or a media you used to enjoy because of someone... It's okay. Let yourself recover, and don't be afraid if you feel it may be you. It probably is. And if so, whatever headcanons or complete characterization you used to have isn't what your canon's going to 'turn into' when you kinfirm. You are complex and you are your own person. You can't get it all right, especially when you didn't know it was you. Give it another shot, and like I said, take your time to recover. Have a great day!!
(sorry for any bad grammar or misspellings I may not have caught)
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 2 years
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fashion for : mettaton (undertale) with hot pink stuff
sunglasses | shirt | jacket | shoes gloves | overalls | choker | legwarmers
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trashmouth101-blog · 6 years
Hey, you!
Yeah you! Are you okay with doubles, 19 or younger, and kin with a character from Undertale or it’s many AUs? If so, join the Underkin server! We’re always welcoming new people.
By the way, do you mind giving this little old thing a reblog? Thank you!
Sincerely,    Asriel Dreemurr 🌼
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quartzpills · 6 years
Sanses: All of you are brilliant and great in more ways than one even if you don't see it! You're puns are amazing and never fail to make others laugh or smile!
Papyruses: Hey, you are all the best and most amazing brothers and i love you so much! you always see the good in everyone and everything
Frisks: You always seemed to strive to do what was right, whether it was for others or yourself! you were a great friend to all!
Charas: Even if you did some not so good things, you've grown from your mistakes and i’m sure that you are a better person now!
Toriels: My favourite pun-buddy and the best mom ever!! you’re always so kind and caring and motherly towards everyone you meet! You’re super amazing!
Asgores: You waged a war on human kind because of what they did to your children. Sure, it might’ve not been the best decision but it made sense! You’re very caring as well, and a big, fluffy gentle giant!
Alphyses: A super cool reptile!! No matter what happened in the past with the experiments, you were trying to help monsterkind! and that’s a very brave thing of you to do!
Undynes: You’re super brave and extremely heroic!! Even though you’re impulsive you always tried to keep everyone safe from any and all dangers that made themselves present. You’re very selfless and so many monster looked up to you!!
Mettatons: All of you are absolutely fabulous with big hearts! You were always loyal to you’re friends and i respect you!!
Napstablooks: You’re all super talented musicians!! Even if you think you’re a bother, keep on pushing through!! You’ve got this!
Asriels: Don’t let what happened in the past bring you down! You are super amazing and valuable and you deserved to be saved!
And to everyone else who i didn’t mention or who is noncannon: I love you all!! You’re so grand and valid as heck! And even if you’re obscure, that doesn’t mean that anybody’s forgotten you or nobody cares, because we all do!!
Everyone deserves love and positivity, no matter who you were!! -Your Local Sans/Asriel
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I wish napstablook kins would stop being weird and incestuous towards me. I’m your fucking cousin, you don’t deserve me back in your life if you’re going to call me your Husband try to pursue a romantic relationship with me. -Mettaton
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