#mildly losing my shit
anothercrisis · 1 year
Thinking about the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) campaign. You know, as you do. And I realized something.
At a fork on their first mission together, Soap and Ghost disagree about what they should do: pursue Hassan or secure the crash site. Soap, being the heart that he is, wants to assist their teammates. Ghost, an obedient soldier to his core, wants to keep on task and pursue their target. I don’t remember how, but Soap wins the argument. The crash site gets secured and Hassan gets away.
Right? Right. Stick with me.
Weeks later, Ghost Team is trying to reclaim Los Vaqueros base. There are so many things going on at once since the team is divided as they try to conquer. Ghost, Soap, and Rudy are on Graves’s tail. But Price has gone down in a helo.
And Ghost chooses to leave Graves to Soap and Rudy so that he can go help Price and the pilot. He makes the exact opposite choice that he did at the beginning of the game.
Pre-Soap Ghost wouldn’t have. He would’ve stayed on task and finished the mission, no matter the cost. He wouldn’t have gotten sidetracked, no matter who was in danger.
So what was that about, Ghost, hm? Is there something you’d like to share with the class? Is that self-proclaimed cold heart of yours thawing?
TL;DR, Soap is rubbing off on Ghost. His compassion is contagious.
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radiantmists · 3 months
man especially having now read the flashbacks i think about how hard xie lian always tries and how many people have told him that he tries too hard, that he never should have bothered and that doing so made things worse, or even more commonly just hating on him for not fixing things or being arrogant or whatever they think his problem is. and some of those people are probably even coming from caring places!
but before hua cheng, had anyone ever sat next to him and said, you tried and that's good, it matters that you cared, you did your best. nobody could have done better than you.
how badly must xie lian have needed that?
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waterwindow · 3 months
You're getting old (positive) (affectionate)
Nice try. I mean if disliking stuff getting stolen, retooled and reposted out of context irreverently as an inferior version of itself makes me old then I'm embracing my new primordial status wholeheartedly.
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"if I swing, you'll swing with me" -> "if we burn, you burn with us"
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lavender-eyed-lies · 1 year
Man I'm getting real sick of this autism shit.
One moment I'm fine, the next moment someone tries to talk to me while I'm typing out a reply and it's just like I'm engulfed in the flames of fury that would put the sun to shame!
But noooo I gotta be DOMESTICATED and DOCILE and CIVIL
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busylilbee · 10 months
I finally bought a real trash can for my kitchen after 5 years of living on my own and I finally feel closer to being a Real Adult
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tafadhali · 5 months
Me coming home from the con with a hangover, a black eye, and my second third cold this month: That was fun!
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i think my life is improved significantly when i follow a silly little poll blog with drama that i can read and enjoy and have nothing to do with
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teabookgremlin · 11 months
oh god oh no i’ve gotta figure out a way for me to be able to join the rewatch party tomorrow night bc i’m going to a family thing where we might be eating an hour before the rewatch but i might not be able to be back in time to join but i simply refuse to miss doomcoming AAAAAAA i’m a bit too stressed about this
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O o o f should not have showed the folks everything everywhere all at once
#One of those classic 'puts piece of media that basically represents my heart and soul and innermost feelings in someone's hands' things#I did think that they wouldn't be a fan of how Much it is but they loved swiss army man and I thought they'd appreciate the sentiment#But mum stopped paying attention immediately bc I'm pretty sure she's got sight issues she won't address and her eyes glanced off the subs#And dad enjoyed it a bit more but still had sort of a mildly disapproving face on for a lot of it#And idk ten years ago mum and I would've discussed a movie like that all night#Even if she didn't care for how it was done we would've chatted about the themes for hours#But she just.... Didn't really care#Or get it#Bc she doesn't have the memory/attention to absorb something with so much going on anymore#And always misinterprets if you try and bring up something that's on your mind#And just hums whatever music's in her head no matter what else is going on#And I'm fucking sad and angry that this fucking movie came out too late for the phase in my life when anyone might've given a shit#And at some point my bro is gonna watch it and I hope he'll find it comforting but lbr he's gonna be on the joy Wang nihilism train#And idk I feel a bit like lil waymond getting perpetually divorced and yelled at here bc I'm trying to connect and just not connecting#Looking on the brightside and finding moments of joy and connection is basically my only weapon too and it just#Feels like the people in my family are resisting at every turn#And it's not always their fault!!! Mental health and shit isn't anyone's fault#But even the most neurotyoical of us just isn't interested really in any attempt I make at reaching out#Guys I'm fucking here I'm here for the long haul bc I feel like if I turn my back you're gonna lose the rest of your marbles and disappear#Can we stop!!! Acting!!! Like strangers!!! Sharing a house!!!!!#*screams into pillow*#OK tag over share over#Delete later maybe idk#mr. bees speaks
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orowyrm · 2 years
ok so the absolute worst thing i could have possibly done for my anxiety and compulsive skin picking was watch several videos about necrotizing fasciitis and how it works and how it’s treated. i am being tormented by the horrors
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marsixm · 2 years
being in a polycule lowkey ruins me bc i should not be having this big of a crush on someone i know irl whos married fdkdjkshxsk
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the-king-of-lemons · 3 months
#vent post if i speak im in trouble lol#i think this fandom has a genuine issue w toxic positivity#esp in regards to ignoring problems and dismissing others neg feelings#like whenever people wanted to even mildly criticize the way admins were running the server they had to add disclaimers like-#''0 hate to all the admins they are doing their best'' like? honestly if they were actually doing their best then there wouldnt be an issue#(and to add my own disclaimer (because i have to. lol. lmao even.) i mean the admin team as a *whole* not some singular specific person.)#and recently the dismissal of others criticisms with shit like ''q already adressed it'' when in reality hes barely said anything?#sorry i dont completely trust the guy who self-admitted that he wasnt involved in the running of *his own server*#like idk hot take if you wanna run a server maybe you should. be running it.#also the way ppl use ''he wasnt involved'' to absolve him of responsibility?? you get how thats worse right??? that makes it worse???#like its just straight up negligence sorry (not sorry)#(also the way some stans act like they are somehow better than everyone bc their guy created the server? man it really takes me back...)#(make me nostalgic even...)#(fun fact im comparing to multiple times)#also the toxic positivity ''things will get better if you just wait'' isnt new btw its been happening to the french part of the fandom-#-for basically the entire time theyve been on the server (i mostly lurk the frsubtwt bc besides ftmc i only rlly keep up w the fr ccs)#(and its hard to find fr fans on tumblr bc combo lackof translation meaning everyone speaks eng + ''smaller'' section of fandom overall)#(<- ignore the fact that they had the second highest vote % in the preselection)#(other reason i lurk is bc i speak french and need a reason to use it day to day so i dont lose it lmao)#(<<canadian)#(i lurk bc i dont use twt and im not reviving my old acct)#citric complaints#<< new vent tag#edit to make clear the disclaimer point: i mean in regards to the server functions not lore shit thats a whole seperate discourse
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unsquished-apricot · 8 months
Thinking about how much i love my uncle's elderly beagle
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delicateimage · 1 year
the way i only know like three words in korean  😭
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ultravioletrayz · 4 months
soccer dad!miguel who despises that shithead #10 for being too rough with his precious baby girl on the field. He can't wait until Gabi's old enough for the all girl's team, but until then, Miguel would have to cope with watching the boys on the opposition get away with completely barreling through his little angel.
soccer dad!miguel who yells over all the soccer moms on the sideline, making sure his booming praise reaches Gabriela and his childishly cruel berating throws off whoever's trying to tackle her as she dribbles the ball up the field.
soccer dad!miguel who loses his absolute shit when Gabi is elbowed to the ground by that #10 kid. His fatherly instincts consume him and without thinking, he storms onto the field cursing at the ref and yelling all sorts of profanities in both Spanish and English. His veins bulge in his biceps and head as he rushes over to console Gabriela, but he swallows his outrage momentarily to crouch down on the grass.
soccer dad!miguel who carries himself with such tenderness when checking to make sure his daughter isn't injured, sighing heavily with relief when he's met with a reassuring smile from the mildly frazzled little girl. That soft demeanour completely transforms into pure protectiveness and anger as he stands up and turns to glare at #10, his tall, tan, muscular body towering over the little boy.
"¿Qué demonios fue eso? Just because you want to win doesn’t mean you have to push and shove. That kind of behaviour is for losers. Weren’t you raised to treat girls with respect?" He scolds, his voice dripping with judgement as his sharp red eyes bore into the poor kid.
soccer dad!miguel who can't help but scoff, unimpressed, when the little boy starts crying, his stature and harsh words obviously scaring the kid as he sniffles and looks back and forth between Gabriela and Miguel apologetically, but he's unable to find his words in the presence of such an intimidating grown up. Miguel’s attention shifts to the young woman rushing onto the field towards #10, a scowl on his face.
“Watch your mouth, asshole. He’s just a kid playing a game, it’s not like he was trying to hurt her!” You yell at the tall, stoic man. You reach out to comfort the little boy, wiping away his tears.
soccer dad!miguel who hasn’t seen such a beautiful girl in his entire life. His ex-wife was okay, but their relationship turned nasty, all remnants of feelings completely soiled by her tendency to lie and cheat. He finds himself checking you out, sharp red eyes lingering on your curves before he feels Gabi hugging his leg and he’s immediately snapped back into his state of disdain and rage.
“Your kid has been roughing my daughter up the whole damn day. Doesn’t seem like a fun game to me.” Miguel counters, patting Gabriela’s head as he glares at you.
“For starters, he’s not my kid. And also, she’s not even hurt! I’ll admit, it wasn’t a clean tackle, but you’re overreacting and you’re making an innocent kid cry.” You scoff, finding this grown man’s behaviour unbelievable as your nephew cowers behind your leg, leaving you and Miguel staring each other down.
soccer dad!miguel who’s aware that he can be a bit overprotective of Gabriela at times, and begrudgingly decides to back down. Especially when you’re looking at him with those beautiful eyes. He’d let this random woman do anything to him as long as she’s looking at him with those eyes.
“Shit… look, I may have come off more aggressive than I intended. I didn’t mean to scare your…?” Miguel begins, shrugging his shoulders as he looks down at Gabi and then back up at you.
“Your nephew. He just needs to watch out not to do any damage to the other players, especially the girls.” Miguel says softly, trying to be the bigger person for Gabriela’s sake (and also because he wants to distract himself from how hot it was when you told him off)
soccer dad!miguel who forgets about being nice and friendly when you shrug him off with a frustrated “whatever” and walk off hand-in-hand with your nephew. That’s when he looks around in confusion to see that the game had ended and everyone had left the field. Miguel picks Gabi up and kisses the side of her head, although he's still seething at how that #10 got off unscathed and you didn't even attempt to acknowledge his attempts at an apology for losing his cool. He spends the entire afternoon silently dreading the next time the two teams have a game together, because he'll have to endure the sight of that little shit and his aunty with the fat ass.
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