#minecraft mod ideas
melodicsiren · 11 months
Minecraft Mod Idea; Electricity Addon for Create
For the IMMERSION I'm not sure if this is even possible, but the idea is a mod (either just a Create addon, or an addon for the addon "Create Crafts and Additions") that allows you to use Wires on blocks to give them the ability to conduct energy Because in real life the wiring is inside the walls of our buildings, but minecraft blocks are already so large that a triple layered build would feel Too disproportionate The mod would also add electric lights and furnishings that when placed on or against a Wired Block would then be able to be turned on or off. Electric stoves, fans, even adding compatibility with Tough As Nails with an electrically powered heat-pump for extra indoor climate control
Basically I want more realistic immersion in that late-game stage I guess? The idea of playing in survival for me is "you and maybe some friends have been dropped in the middle of nowhere. Build a society from the ground up" I want the energy I'm creating with solar panels, windmills, and waterwheels to be used for those basic things rather than just massive factories.
So if anyone with the coding skills likes this idea, please, run with it! And if you want more ideas, designs, etc. let me know! That's the part I'm actually able to do ^ ^;;
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corvid-gae · 2 years
yknow what I think would be cool as a Minecraft mod (if it doesn't already exist of course, it probably does, but shh)
"""realistic""" (Use of the word is light) armor.
So like, obviously the only advantages armor provides is adding, well, armor to you. There's no nuance, no special benefits from certain types of armor (the only one I can think of is the turtle shell helmet and gold, and most people don't bother with either 1/2 the time anyways)
But my idea is that different armor sets give you different benefits.
So like leather for example, it's light armor, less protection from damage. It technically remains the same.
But chainmail? Added protection from arrows and swords, but less protection from tridents.
Iron? Obviously better protection overall from all weapons, but it is also loud (and heavy) so the sound-based mob like the warden is something you dont want to deal with in iron armor (as even sneaking, you are screwed) and it's heavy so a full set gives someone slowness 1.
Gold? Already has it's own debuff and buff. Speedy, but breaks quicker. Also defense from the piglins (Which, to be fair, is more a nerf to piglins than a buff to gold armor.)
Diamonds? Muffles sound better than iron, obviously better defense, but crits do more damage to its durability (since real life diamonds aren't the best as armor when standing up to blows anyways)
Netherite? Let it give fire resistantance for a short period of time, it's already lava proof anyways, why shouldnt the person wearing it get that grace? Also slowness 1 while wearing a full set as well.
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astralscholar1811 · 1 month
Mod Idea: The Plains of War (Part 3: The Gasfields)
(This is just a collection of ideas I'm keeping; I don't plan to do anything with them at the moment, but if you'd like to, please let me know so I can help you flush out the details if necessary)
The Endless War has resulted in so many atrocities that it would take a continent sized library to document them all, and the Gasfields, also known as the Gassed Graves, are one of them.
Introduction to the Gasfields + Incline to visit:
A yellow haze fills the skies, visible from chunks away as one approaches the toxic fumes produced inside of broken factories set at the heart of every one of these 'biomes'. Technically a superstructure more than a biome (working off of procedural generation), the Gasfields cannot be entered without a Gas Mask unless one wishes to constantly be Withered at double the health drain. The carcasses of work machines meant to try and clean the fetid air litter the biome, though some of them may reawaken once approached, reminded of their commands to keep all life away from the gas until their duty is finished. One must imagine a Cleaner happy
The gas has produced unique materials within itself, however: Misery Crystals erupt from the dead earth in large spires, used to craft Gas Grenades that poison even the most rotten undead. The gas itself makes toxic puddles and lakes that can be bucketed in order to craft poison spewing firearms, or distilled and evaporated to create a form of gas that is lethal to everything but the player through minor enchantments. The gas can also be reverse-crafted with a beacon in order to create a safe-zone within the gas, the range of safety extending with the level of the beacon, while still applying the buffs.
In addition, a new ore has grown within the Gasfields: Lethium (Not Lithium), able to be smelted and crafted into armor and weapons that not only are gas resistant (Or, in the tool's case, inflict the Gassed effect), but also as strong as Netherite. The cost is that it's about as rare as Overworld emeralds.
All but the Standing make a part of their lives (or unlives) within the Gasfields, though only a handful truly live within the waste.
Gasforms- The gas has lingered in some places so long that parts of it took a more solid form. Gasforms are ghostly yellow beings able to float through walls and floors like Vexes, and fire poisonous balls of gas that cause the Gassed effect. They can be bucketed and cooked in a furnace in order to kill them without wasting weapon durability, turning them into Buckets of Toxic Waste. Said buckets can be poured to summon several neutral Gasforms.
Cicada- Buzzing metal drones that linger around structures, Cicadas observe and record the data from blocks and entities, and flee when attacked. They drop iron ingots and an Information Reel that gives a large amount of XP when used or can be crafted into an Allied Cicada that passively generates XP as long as it's alive.
Desecrators- A giant species of heavily armored insects that scuttles around the Gasfeilds poses a very large threat to player's living. These insects come in 5 Castes, all with unique mechanics and purposes:
Drone: These spider-sized bugs are the only caste to sport wings aside from the Queen, and they use them to pick up living or unliving flesh to take back to their hive pits, wherein they simply let go. They will also collect players, only letting go once they die. They do not otherwise attack. Drops Chitin and (rarely) Drone Wings. Chitin can be used to craft armor and tools (But not weapons, the tools do enough damage to substitute), and Drone Wings can be used to repair Elytras.
Warrior: Powerful insects with reinforced carapcace armor use their tremendous strength to dig the tunnels within the dead stone. Found guarding any Drop Pit, Warriors attack with their crushing front legs, or send intruders flying into the pits with a smashing headbut. Warriors drop Carapace, used to upgrade the Shield (Giving bonus Knockback resistance).
Incubator: Chock full of eggs, Incubators never leave the safety of the hive, and defend themselves by simply melting into a puddle of boiling goo that the larva can feed on. Killing an incubator before it melts gives a Living Heart, used to make a tamed Twisted (See previous post) evolve into their next stage. Looting an Incubator Corpse gives 3-7 Hive Meat, which restores 4 hunger when cooked.
Hive Guard: These high-class warriors never leave the Queen's side, and will defend her until their dying breath, using acid torrents, their powerful mandibles, and finally charging the intruder when at low health in a last-ditch effort to defend their Queen. Drops Guardian Plate and Undying Eye when killed, both of which are used to craft the Radiant Guardian armor, the strongest armor in the mod.
Queen: Responsible for every aspect of the hive, killing the Queen causes ALL Desecrators under her command to wither away and die. After her Hive Guard are either killed or removed from her, she will tear herself from her egg sack and join the fight herself. She can also fly, and acts like an insectoid dragon, hovering above melee reach and firing blobs or torrents of acid that melt armor. She will summon all nearby Desecrators to her side to defend her, and her Warriors will chew through blocks to accompany her in battle. Once she hits 10% health, she will attempt to flee the battle through any openings she can in order to start a new hive (meaning she just despawns). If she cannot flee, she will enrage and attack twice as fast. Drops a Queen Crest, Royal Jelly, and Regal Talons. Queen Crest and Regal Talons are used to craft the Executioner weapon set (A Sword, twin Axes, a Maul, and a Spear), all of which deal titanic damage and have powerful alternate abilities.
Cleaners- Found 'dead' in heaps, most Cleaners are out of power, and can be mined for iron, ancient debris, and even crystals normally found within the Tunnels. There is a 25% chance, however, that the Cleaner is simply inert, and will reawaken upon being hit with a pickaxe. All Cleaners sport a Piston Hand, and an Absorber, and will suck the player in with the later in order to launch them away with the former. Upon death, live Cleaners will drop all aforementioned materials, as well as a Cleaner Mother Circuit. CMCs can be crafted into either one of the Cleaner's weapons to be used themselves, or repaired with Netherite and slotted into a Cleaner that doesn't try and kill you in order to "tame" one. One tamed, it can be accessed and outfitted for transportation (With lots of carry slots and the ability to sort stored items into chests), terraforming (Cleans out a small portion of Gas to live in), or combat (Deals additional damage, and can't damage/knockback the player. Tamed Cleaners can also walk through portals.
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the-scrombler · 6 months
Minecraft Mod idea because GOD I’ve had this idea since forever and I needed to put it on paper.
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I have always been a sucker for ambience in Minecraft, but almost every weather mod I find is more focused on the survival aspect of it so, for the longest time I’ve thought about what a more ambient form of weather mod would be like.
I would absolutely love to make this into an actual mod myself, but my 0 experience in coding and modding is unfortunately hindering that idea. >_> Though if there’s anyone out there with modding experience that actually wants to help make this a thing, I’d be more than happy to help out in any way I can with it.
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teethands · 4 months
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little snapshots of a mod i have been working on for a few days, cenozoicraft, understandably based around adding cenozoic animals to the minecraft world along with neolithic tools. its heavily based around hunting and utilizing animal parts. most of what is here is tamable and rideable with fun little taming mechanics, so dont expect to be able to waltz up to a smilodon. more to come soon
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nocinovae · 6 months
Minecraft feels like it doesn’t know what to do for big updates any more so they’re doing like small miscellaneous updates collected together. I wish they’d move on from trying to give them a theme bc I feel like that’s just confusing.
One thing I wish they’d do is do updates from time to time and go back and add pieces to old update. Like maybe add more fish or tree types.
Specifically what made me have this thought is that I’d love if they’d add more to the geodes. Like the amethysts are lovely but I’d love if there was a whole range of crystals to find in geodes!! I feel like that’s along the line of the archaeological stuff they’ve done recently! Digging into the earth for history and stuff!
Also if they ever do a forest update I’d freak out. I’d love if they revamped their nature bc I feel like that part of the over world specifically has been the same since the beginning era of minecraft. Like ocean, nether, caves, villages, NOW FOREST. And end.
Feels like natural progression of their universe growing! And I like feeling like the updates can have a “story” like aspect to me. Especially bc worldbuilding. Favorite idea when it comes to minecraft lore
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tellioari · 8 months
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Brainstorming a potential mod that would focus on adding imaginary biomes, using our dye mod as a base!
The first concept, shown here, would be called the Bubblegum Tropics and would consist of two biomes: the Bubblegum Desert and the Bubblegum Marsh.
The bubblegum desert would be rolling dunes of bubblegum, with the occasional Chewiflowers (the white double tall flowers) and cyan weeds being spotted. Along with that, the Sugar Cactus could also be found here, growing grains of sugar on it's cyan surface. Occasional Bubble Vents can also be spotted blowing bubbles and adding particle effects to the biome.
The bubblegum marsh would be mainly the same on the surface, however the normal dunes of bubblegum would be interrupted every so often with chasms leading to a marshy, wet, mushroom-filled underground layer. You can find hanging gum here, as well as the glowing Gumfeeder Mushrooms and mycelium. When exposed to the hot sun's light, they will stop glowing and turn a vibrant pink.
At night and in dark overhangs, you will find the Gumwalker, a type of zombie variant. While walking slower than usual zombies, they will hit harder and apply the slowness effect for a short period of time.
What do you think? If you have any suggestions for more blocks/items, please let me know!!! I'd love to hear them :3
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cowardlybean · 5 days
cut out the middleman and just draw reigen as the Wall of Flesh from terraria
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yeah ok I’ll bite. Close enough welcome back wall of flesh!!!!!
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flightyquinn · 7 months
hey, minecraft tumblr, can we talk about something for a second?
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this is what "horror mods" in minecraft look like right now. some long-limged oogabooga creature, usually black and with a big mouth, that chases you down while flailing and does a bunch of damage.
and yeah, i know that there are differences in mechanics between them, but in the end it still comes down to "you see an oogabooga in the distance, and then it chases you"
i'm not saying that this can't be scary. i'm just saying that it's getting a little oversaturated at this point, and there's other kinds of horror than just being chased by a model from spirit halloween's big & tall
if you want to stand out, you need to bring some new spooks
let me give you an example from a mod i've thought up, but probably won't end up making
i call it "The Innocent"
The Innocent looks like a baby villager with black eyes and a tattered robe in the nitwit colors. that's it. it doesn't even chase the player normally. in fact, it doesn't even move except to turn and face the player if they look at it. and that's where the fun begins...
The Innocent naturally spawns in uninhabited biomes, far away from both villagers and illagers. if the player looks at it for more than a second (so, long enough to be actually looking at it, and not just mousing past without noticing) it "bonds" to that player. once bonded to a player, it will keep appearing near them at random intervals, never under solid blocks (so not in caves or your house), spawning out of line of sight, watching them. it can and will watch through windows.
whenever it watches the player, The Innocent is also judging them. if the player kills living mobs, hits villagers, tramples crops, or other "bad" actions, this lowers an invisible karma score, while trading, building golems, breeding animals, and other "good" actions raise it.
if the player attacks The Innocent, it disappears in a puff of smoke, and this naturally lowers their karma a lot.
as The Innocent becomes more displeased, and it will over time become more displeased, bad things start to happen.
the sounds of crying, and eventually screaming children can sometimes be heard in the distance
baby zombie spawns become more common
nearby plants may turn to dead bushes when the player sleeps
paintings may change to others of the same size
rain and lightning become more frequent
zombies detect the player from farther away
if the player's karma is too low, then The Innocent may even turn into a (still black eyed) Drowned version of itself and attack. it's actually weaker than a regular baby zombie, though just as fast, so killing it isn't too hard. however, killing it doesn't make it stop, it just lowers your karma more, whereas dying to it is a Very Good Act. after all, you deserve it
but if killing it doesn't work, how does one get rid of The Innocent, i hear you ask. well, that's simple, after a certain number of encounters, every time you have a positive gain in karma by the time it disappears - that it to say, your karma at the end of the encounter is higher than it was at the start - there is a chance that The Innocent will be satisfied, meaning it will stop being bonded to you, and won't come back. there's just a couple of catches.
the number of encounters before it can be satisfied is random.
the player won't always be aware of when an encounter is happening.
"neutral" encounters - ones with no net change in karma - don't count towards the number.
the player doesn't get any direct indication of when The Innocent has stopped haunting them
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neproxrezi · 11 months
i figured out how to get cocricot working again! i haven't played in aaages but here's a quick lil house
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melodicsiren · 11 months
Minecraft Mod Idea; A Magic Mod with a Building Focus
It would be like a weaker, vanilla plus version of world edit a bit, using spells that take the blocks from your inventory to build various sizes of walls and spheres, and maybe also take said walls down just as easily (though that might be a late game thing), and maybe a secondary applied spell for randomization, using all the blocks in your hotbar instead of just the one in your hand
Also I was thinking of having various schematics for basic buildings as something you could find in loot chests- it would be a bit like litmatica or minecolonies, where the blocks needed would be listed and you would have to put the stacks in the slots in the schematic to then cast it. A cool to way to customize these could be having those blocks listed as "roof, walls, trim" etc. allowing the player to use their own pallet in the build
And finally three new fantasy tamable mobs;
One for digging holes that can be found in caves underground One for flattening land that can be found in tundras or maybe plains And one for carrying and placing large amounts of water that can be found in coral reefs
I can do all the designing, and model making if anyone wants to do this!
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theo-grayson · 19 days
i NEED an avm friday night funkin mod that focuses on noteblock universe
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incyrayinc · 5 months
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Brown hyena! I might go back and tweak the texture more, as I tend to do, but hey, at least I appear to have fixed the z-fighting on the panes of fur on the neck and belly.
and as with all the other yeenas,,, I still need to figure out how to code these guys so they can you know Actually Be In-Game.
I hope they look sufficiently shaggy!
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astralscholar1811 · 2 months
Mod Idea: The Plains of War (Part 2: The Tunnels)
(This is just a collection of ideas I'm keeping; I don't plan to do anything with them at the moment, but if you'd like to, please let me know so I can help you flush out the details if necessary)
I won't bother with the Overview or How to Access this dimension, that's in the last post under the Deadlands.
The Tunnels Introduction + Incline to visit:
The Plains of War do not have caves. Any that existed in the past were either collapsed by explosions or filled in to make room for buildings or bunkers. All that remains now are miles and miles of interconnected tunnels with rooms situated every so often. New recourses include things such as the Gunmetal and Fuelcrystal Ore, rooms made for extracting pools of Liquid Coal, or research facilities located within fields of Suffering, Wailing, or Damned Crystals
Gunmetal is used for...the crafting of firearms, Plates used in Plated Armor, or smelted again (in a Blast Furnace) to create Steel, which is used for the creation of vehicles.
Fuelcrystal Ore drops Fuelcrystals when mined and can then be brewed in a Brewing Stand with buckets instead of bottles to create Fuel. Fuel powers the vehicles and can be used in a furnace to smelt up to 500 blocks before the bucket finally drains.
Liquid Coal functions exactly like Fuel, but can't be used in a furnace.
The 3 crystals can be used in a new crafting block, the Compressor, to create a Hollow Shell. When a Hollow Shell is in the player's inventory, it will absorb all gained experience from the player similar to the Mending enchantment. When the Hollow Shell is full, it can be placed in an Enchanting Table in lieu of Lapis to select what enchantment goes onto an effected piece. Afterwords, the Shell breaks, and a new one must be crafted.
Orders can also be found within the barrels, crates, and chests within the Tunnels. Reading said Orders grants a small amount of exp, and has a chance to unlock various Plains of War crafting recipes.
The only faction that dares to step within the Tunnels are the Unknown and the Undead, leaving all sorts of nastiness to marinate within the dark, cramped subterrain.
Skitters: Tiny bugs that travel in duos, Skitters serve as a food source within the Tunnels for other bigger predators. They drop nothing.
Darkened: Soldiers forced by the fighting down into the Tunnels eventually are driven mad. Physically warped by the darkness, Darkened can attack from a much further range than would be expected. Drops a Tarnished Medal, and Rotten Flesh.
Spotlight Fowl: A light in the darkness may not always be an exit. Spotlight Fowl bear large eyes that emit light, and use those eyes to spot prey that they then run down at horrific speeds, before using their beaks to tear prey apart. Drops Black Feathers (used to brew) Potions of Blindness) and their Spotlight Eye, which can be held in the off hand as a directional light source.
Crystalisk: These large lizards make themselves home within gatherings of crystals and are incredibly violent. They are able to lunge at incredible speeds towards prey, and their level of hunger indicates what ray they can fire them their mouths. A Crystalisk's hunger is indicated by the crystals on their backs, red means it's starving, purple means hungry, and blue means well-fed. Well-fed Crystalisks are neutral but will fire a scorching hot ray of light at offenders. Hungry Crystalisk are hostile, and their rays weaken and wither targets, while starving Crystalisk rays are very powerful and slow targets. When killed, they drop their Variance Crystal, which can be crafted into a Ray Gun that is powered by full Hollow Shells.
Coalective: A mass of living Liquid Coal, Coalectives are only found within the vicinity of Liquid Coal. Coalectives are able to fire blobs of themselves at offenders, causing blindness if they hit, and allowing the blob to slowly approach for an armor piercing fist. Coalectives can be bred with Coal Blocks, and their babies can then be bucketed and raised in their own pools of Liquid Coal. Should a Coalective be kept outside of their pools for more than 2 minutes, they will revert back to their baby form, which will then die 30 seconds later if it has not been pooled or bucketed. Coalectives within Liquid Coal will make more Liquid Coal source blocks. Drops Coal Blobs, which 8 of which can be crafted with a bucket to make a Bucket of Liquid Coal.
Teethers: The Tunnels are commonly uniform, seemingly made by the same company whenever a new system is discovered. However, smaller tunnels made by a colony of Teethers can be found as well, and Teethers don't share. Resembling Mole Rats, Teethers use their enlarged front teeth to power through stone, creating a small labyrinth around their Queen's Chambers, where the Queen Teether sits and awaits food. Teether Tunnels are 1 block tall, and always consist of a Queen's Chambers, a Pup Room, and a Food Room. Auxiliary rooms such as Guard Posts, Lounges, or Mushroom farms (Such Colony Mushrooms make Potions of Absorbtion) are only available if the colony has reached Level 3. Teethers harvest Residue from creatures they kill, or certain blocks they break, which is then brought to the Queen Teether. The Queen then turns the Residue into 2 'Paste', which is then eaten by 2 Teethers, and causes them to boof, making a Chiplet (baby). Teethers will collect until their Pup Room (5 'slots' for Chiplets) and Food Room (10 Slots for Paste) is full, and will simply wait until need arrives for more Residue. Players can drop food when attacked by a Teether, which will cause them to scamper off and produce Food Paste, which causes boofing Teethers to produce 2 Chiplets instead of 1. A full Colony is passive unless attacked or the Food Room's storage hits 5/10 slots, so keeping Teethers fed is more worth it than it seems. Drops Teether Meat, which fills 3 Hunger when cooked.
Twisted: When a company of soldiers is given no other choice, they descend into the Tunnels for something resembling safety. Due to the many elevators, weak floors, or other natural causes, they get stuck down there, and eventually die together. Twisted are what happens when an unknown parasite pulls apart and reattaches those bodies together into a horrific monster that only grows the more it kills. Coming in 3 stages, Twisted hunt by hiding in the shadows until any entity comes close, or a player puts their crosshairs on it, before rushing at them and attacking. Stage 3 Twisted can fire poisonous spines at their prey to wither them down before they come in for the kill. Drops a Malformed Chunk, used to craft the Black Death (A weapon able to fire the same poisonous spines), and the Puppeteer Worm itself, able to be used on a mob to create a tamed Twisted that grows at a slower rate, and must be fed or it will turn on its master.
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dailyhinako · 10 months
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Today's Hinako of the day is: box of shame
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drinksss · 8 months
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the moonworm queen can talk??!
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