#mlb kim
masternia · 11 months
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celestiall0tus · 11 days
Bloody Bug, Minotaur
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Kim is always a pain in the ass to design for. Anyway, used a more techwear/running wear for his hero outfit. I was going to use the blue of Minotaurox, but seeing the red of Kim's civilian outfit and my tendency to use red for Stompp, I used red instead for him.
As for the body, I used a triangle torso and gave him broader shoulders.
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darkwitch1999 · 4 months
A Random Headcanon: Why Marc Anciel Should Never Have Coffee Part II☕🚫
The madness continues, everyone! Enjoy this wild ride!
Collège Françoise Dupont: Hallways
(Marc storms down the school hallways, narrowly avoiding crashing into bystanders or metal poles, and desperately trying to escape the red-haired artist that was on his tail.)
Nathaniel: (yells out) Marc Anciel, hand over that coffee this instant!
Marc: (hisses at the artist as he continues running) NO! IT’S MINE! I NEED IT!
Nathaniel: You don’t need any more coffee, Marc! You need sleep!
Nathaniel: Which will be soon if he keeps drinking that coffee like it’s water. Marc, please-...(Marc starts hissing at him again) Stop hissing at me already!
(Nathaniel kept running after Marc, who was surprisingly even faster than he usually was. It was no secret that Marc was already more athletically gifted with his feet than Nathaniel. Heck, Marc didn’t even need the caffeine adrenaline boost to outrun Nathaniel on any other day. However, Nathaniel knew that if he could somehow get the “jump on Marc”, he would have the advantage. Utilizing a quick rush of energy and pushing himself to run faster, Nathaniel was able to catch up to Marc enough to pounce on the writer and try to hold him down while reaching for the cup in his hand. The writer then begins to thrash and struggle wildly as he tries to escape the artist’s hold while keeping his coffee out of the redhead’s reach.)
Nathaniel: Okay, he’s seriously got to knock it off with the hissing. I’m sorry, Marc, but I’m doing this for your own good!
(Nathaniel struggles to keep his hold on his frantic partner. He had almost forgotten how it was last time to wrestle the coffee away from Marc. Marc wasn’t that much stronger than Nathaniel in terms of upper-body strength, but that adrenaline rush was making it difficult for Nathaniel to keep Marc pinned down long enough for him to snatch the coffee away from him. He was kind of hoping that the fact that he weighed slightly more than Marc would at least give him some advantage over the writer, but so far it was not working out the way he had hoped.)
Marc: (frantically begs) Nath, please! I swear, I’ll stop tomorrow! I won’t drink it anymore after today! Please, just let me have this today!
(Nathaniel then starts to gain the upper hand as he shifts his body weight forward to help pin down Marc’s upper body, including his free hand that was securely clutched around his coffee cup. Nathaniel begins reaching his hand closer and closer to the blue tumbler cup.)
Nathaniel: I don’t think so, Marc! You are going to stop right here and now! 
(As Nathaniel’s hand drew closer to the forbidden drink, Marc’s mind began to frantically race with ideas of how he could possibly escape. Nathaniel’s arm was close enough that Marc could just bite it or bash his head against his chin, and then break free while his partner’s hold on him was weakened as he writhed in pain, but Marc detested the fact that idea would even cross his mind. Even in his erratic state, Marc would never want to try to hurt Nathaniel. He then thought about pretending that Nathaniel was hurting him too much, but he knew that plan wouldn’t have worked either. After all, he pulled that same trick on Nathaniel once before and the writer knew that Nathaniel wasn’t gullible enough to fall for the same trick twice. Time was running out and his options were limited. As Nathaniel’s fingers finally touched the cup, Marc decided to resort to the only trick that he could think of.)
Marc: (feigns shock and panic) OH SHIT! AN AKUMA!!!!
Nathaniel: (shocked) WHAT?!
(Nathaniel’s fingers came to a halt and he immediately started jerking his head around, looking for any dark, malicious butterflies. With his partner distracted and his hold on Marc weakened, the writer was able to turn the tables on the artist and throw him off of his body as he sprang up onto his feet. Without wasting any time for Nathaniel to recover from the shock, Marc immediately took off in the opposite direction. Nathaniel mentally cursed himself for falling for the writer’s trick.)
Nathaniel: Curse my paranoia of daily evil butterfly attacks!
Collège Françoise Dupont: Courtyard
(The comic book duo’s chase continued in the school’s courtyard. As Marc ran down the stairs with Nathaniel hot on his trail and yelling at the writer to stop, the students from both Miss. Bustier’s and Ms. Mendeleiev’s classes watched this scene in bewilderment. Many of them were confused and concerned as to why Nathaniel was chasing Marc around the school as well as why the writer’s appearance looked so disheveled.)
Nathaniel: (shouts to the others around him) STOP HIM! SOMEBODY GRAB HIM!
Chloé: (snickers to Sabrina) Trouble in paradise, I presume?
Marc: (flips the bird as he continues to avoid Nathaniel) Fuck you, Chloé, you “Walking One-Dimensional Possibly Bleach Blonde Regina George Stereotype”!
(Everyone in the courtyard gasped, not only shocked by the fact that Marc had just cussed but also by the devastating burn he just inflicted on Chloé. The blonde bitch would have retorted if she weren’t rendered speechless by the writer’s uncharacteristic roast or if the writer wasn’t running around in zigzags trying to avoid his partner. Deciding to get to the bottom of what was going on, Ivan got in the middle of the duo as he tried to help de-escalate the situation.)
Ivan: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa! Hey guys, what’s going on?
Nathaniel: (points his finger at Marc) Marc has coffee!
(Everyone’s attention immediately turned to Marc, his eyes frantically shifting all over the place as he tried to find an escape route.)
Marinette: Wait…What?!
Mirelle: Marc has coffee?!
Aurore: Oh no!
Jean: (rubs his arm nervously) Not again…
Alya: This is so not good…
Nino: Who gave Marc coffee?
(As many of the students started voicing their concerns, there were also a few students who voiced their confusion on this new revelation.)
Noelle: (flabbergasted) Wait, this is why “No Coffee for Marc”? I know he wasn’t allowed to have it, but this is why?! 
Juleka (mumbles to Noelle) His moms won’t let him have any because the caffeine worsens his anxiety and gives him panic attacks.
Max: (whispers to Noelle) While Marc never consumes large quantities of caffeine regularly, he does have a small history of sneaking the beverage whenever he is faced with more work than he can handle and tries to do it all in one sitting. And well, let’s just say that Marc’s anxiety plus overwork stress multiplied by large consumption of caffeine tends to cause his behavior to become-...
Noelle: Batshit crazy?
Max: I was going to say “erratic”, but I suppose that is another way of putting it.
Zoé: (confused) Wait, so this has happened before?
Jean: (cringes as he starts backing away slowly) Oh yeah, you weren’t here that last time….(continues rubbing his arm).
Devin: (looks at Jean with a raised eyebrow) Why are backing away? Are you-...wait, are you seriously afraid right now? You’re scared of Ancie-....er I mean Marc?
Jean: Well of course I am! You didn’t see what happened last time, either! The last time Marc went crazy on caffeine and we tried to take the coffee away from him, he bit my arm!
Devin: (rolls his eyes in disbelief) You people are acting like fools. This is Marc we are talking about. Do you really expect me to believe he becomes this unstable whenever he drinks a little caffeine?
Nathaniel: (calls out) He’s had five cups of coffee!
(Many of the students gasped again, even Devin looked taken aback.)
Devin: Well, damn. Never mind then.
Rose: (shocked) Five cups of coffee?
Mylène: That can’t be good for his anxiety! He could be on the verge of a panic attack!
Kim: Wait, so that’s his fifth cup of coffee?!
Nathaniel: Sixth.
Marc: (starts fast-talking frantically) He’s lying, guys! Don’t believe him! C’mon, Nath doesn’t know what he’s talking about! He’s talking crazy! I swear, this isn’t coffee! 
Nathaniel: (smirks) Swear on your little brother’s life?
Marc: (stomps his foot in frustration) Damn it, Nath! Stop bringing my family into this! That’s just low!
Nino: So that is coffee.
Marc: (pulls the cup closer to his chest protectively) Okay, yes! But it’s not mine, I swear! I’m just holding it for a friend!
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow) Oh really? (turns to the two classes in the courtyard) Anyone who asked Marc to hold onto their coffee for them, please raise your hand.
(As expected, no one from either of the two classes put their hand up. A few of them made comments confirming that they did not ask the writer to hold onto their coffee for them. All eyes fell onto Marc, who was becoming increasingly nervous and unraveled.)
Nathaniel: So, who’s lying now?
Marc: (starts backing up slowly) No! That’s not what I meant. I-I…I was talking about a different friend! Y-Yeah…that’s right! You guys don’t know them! T-They went to my old school and-...
Nathaniel: (crosses his arms) Okay, now we know that’s an obvious lie! We all know that you don’t have any friends who went to that school with you!
Noelle: (clears her throat) Ahem…
Nathaniel: I mean except for her, but my point still stands! 
Adrien: (holds his hands up in a placating gesture as he takes a few slow steps towards Marc) Marc, please just let us help you.
Nino: Make this easier for yourself. Put down the coffee and kick it over to us.
Ivan: We don’t want you getting hurt, Marc. We just want to help you.
Marinette: Whatever it is that’s been stressing you out, I’m sure we can help you together if we just talk about it.
Mylène: Please, you need to calm down.
Marc: Calm down…calm down?! You’re saying that I need to calm down?! I’M COMPLETELY CALM!!!! (his hands start to anxiously dig at his hair) I’ve never felt more calm in my life! If anyone needs to calm down it's all of you people! 
(Almost everyone took a step back after Marc’s outburst. They were hesitant as to what they should do next. They knew that in his caffeine-fueled state of mind, Marc wouldn’t listen to reason so easily. While they could have ganged up on him and pinned him down with their numbers advantage, many of them were hesitant to do so knowing from experience how viciously Marc fights back with the adrenaline boost in his system. Meanwhile, Marc was desperately trying to think of a plan to escape. The writer knew that if he made any attempt to run now, the others would give chase and most certainly catch up to him. He made that mistake the last time and was easily overpowered by the numbers advantage that his friends had over him despite his best efforts to fight back. Additionally, Marc also knew that attempting another akuma “fake-out” was out as well. Even if he might have been able to fool about half of his friends with the distraction, he knew that the other half wouldn’t be so easily fooled, especially Nathaniel who has already fallen for that trick once today. As Marc’s eyes searched frantically around the courtyard for an escape route and his mind raced to try to think of his next move, he failed to notice that Kim was sneaking up behind him. Before he even had a chance to realize it, Kim tackled Marc to the ground and snatched his cup out of his hand. Kim then quickly stood up off of Marc while he was still disoriented from being tackled to the ground. He didn’t want to risk a repeat of what happened last time with Jean.)
Kim: (throws the cup) Rose, catch! 
(The sweet blonde in pink caught the cup in her arms. Her eyes blinked nervously from the uncertainty of what she should do next.)
Kim: (shouts to Rose) Rose, quickly! The bathroom!
(Kim motioned his hand in the direction of the nearest girls’ bathroom. Realization then struck Rose as she understood why Kim had thrown the cup at her. Rose was the closest towards the direction of the bathrooms and there was enough distance between her and Marc that she would be able to get a good head start. Additionally, if she sprinted to the girls' bathroom and reached it before Marc could catch up to her, she knew that Marc would never follow her inside the girls’ bathroom no matter how desperately he wanted his coffee back. However before Rose could take off, her attention immediately fell on Marc when she heard the sounds of the writer getting up on his feet. A look of panic grew on the boy’s face as his eyes fell on his coffee cup now in the hands of someone else. Rose felt a pang of guilt as she saw the panicked look on her friend’s face. She felt conflicted; she knew that the caffeinated beverage in her hands was causing him to suffer but she also knew how emotionally distressed the writer would become when she dumped his coffee. Unfortunately, her hesitation opened an opportunity for Marc to try to play on her sympathies.)
Marc: (puts on his best “innocent” smile and speaks frantically) H-Hey…Rose…l-let’s not do anything c-crazy here. C’mon, y-you don’t really want to do this…
(The hesitation on Rose’s face was projecting. The pain that shone through the emerald green eyes of the writer made the sweet blonde feel even more conflicted. Even though she knew that the right thing to do was to get rid of the coffee for Marc’s sake, she couldn’t stand to see her friend suffering emotionally.)
Marc: (gives Rose a pleading look) L-Look, Rose, please! I’m sorry about lying to you and everyone else earlier! I swear Rose, I’ll stop drinking coffee after today, and starting tomorrow I swear I’ll never even think about drinking coffee ever again! Please, just let me have that last cup of coffee. C’mon…what’s the harm in just one more cup anyway? I swear, I can handle it…please Rose….
Marinette: Don’t listen to him, Rose! We all know he’s just trying to bargain by making promises that he’ll never keep!
Ivan: Marc’s lying, Rose! He’s trying to deceive you!
Max: A 100% percent certainty!
Marc: (pleadingly looks at Rose) Rose…c’mon, it’s me! You know you can trust me…
Mylène: You’ve seen this with us before, Rose! Marc can’t be trusted in this state of mind!
Aurore: He’ll say anything to get what he wants!
Noelle: (exclaims in shock) Okay, seriously! How many times has this happened before?!
Jean: Not that many. Only a couple of times. (winces at the memories) But even that much is one too many.
(Rose was feeling so conflicted that it was becoming overwhelming. Marc was practically on his knees pleading his heart out for the sweet blonde to return his coffee while everyone else was urging for her to run away with the coffee and to ignore the desperate pleas of their writer friend. It was becoming too much to bear! She could feel the pressure crushing her! Rose had to make a decision! Straightening her posture and composure, Rose took a deep breath in and breathed out. The courtyard became eerily quiet as the crowd anxiously awaited the sweet blonde’s decision.)
Rose: (immediately sprints towards the girls’ bathroom) I’M SORRY, MARC!
Marc: (eyes filled with panic) What-...NO! ROSE! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!! (Starts running after the sweet blonde)
Nino: (yells out) Somebody, grab him!
Kim: I’m on it!
(As Kim tries to grab a hold of Marc, the writer then turns to the muscular teen and hisses at him, shocking not only Kim but almost everyone else present in the courtyard. The writer used this opportunity of momentary confusion to escape the courtyard and run after Rose. Kim and many of the others stood flabbergasted in silence at what had just happened.)
Kim: (in shock) D-Did…Did Marc just hiss at me? You guys heard it too, right? It wasn’t just me?
Nathaniel: (nods in confirmation) Yeah, he’s been doing that to me too. I honestly don’t know why he keeps hissing at people.
Collège Françoise Dupont: Outside the Girls’ Bathroom
(At last after what felt like running a marathon, Rose had reached the safety of the girls’ bathroom. The forbidden zone for boys that even Marc wouldn’t dare to cross. She immediately opened the door and threw it closed just as Marc finally caught up to her. Marc sank to his knees in horror as the door slammed shut. His precious coffee was beyond his reach from this point and he couldn’t do anything to save it. He pounded on the door furiously as he pleaded with Rose to desperately appeal to her sympathy.)
Marc: (bangs on the door, his voice laced with panic and desperation) ROSE! ROSE, PLEASE! DON’T DO THIS! ROSE PLEASE! I NEED IT, ROSE! PLEASE!
(Marc began to hear the sounds of liquid being poured out as if Rose was pouring his coffee out in either the sink or the toilet. He was running out of time! Marc pounded on the door louder and his pleas became more desperate.)
(As much as Marc’s pleas pained Rose to hear, they fell on deaf ears. The deed was done. And the sound of the toilet flushing immediately made Marc’s blood run cold. The writer fell into despair as he cried in agony as if the world around him was burning down around him.)
Marc: (wails in agony) NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! MY COOOOFFFFFFFEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
(Marc’s body slowly slid down the bathroom door as he broke down into tears. He curled himself into a sobbing, trembling ball.  The trauma of losing his precious coffee replayed over and over in his mind. As the writer lay against the cold floor sobbing, he saw the familiar shoes of his partner standing in his sights. The distraught writer looked up to see the face of the redheaded artist, whose turquoise eyes were looking down at the writer. Nathaniel then began to sit down with his legs crisscrossed, his arms opened, and awaiting for Marc. Without any hesitation, Marc immediately embraced his partner, his sobs becoming increased and muffled as he burrowed his face into the artist’s shirt. Nathaniel then began to rub comforting circles on the writer’s back and speak comforting words.)
Nathaniel: (shushing as he rubs Marc’s back) Shh. Shh. Shh. Shhhh. I know Marc. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you all the help you’ll need and we’ll get through this together. Everything’s going to be okay now.
Also to clarify a few things:
This headcanon takes place when Monarch is active, so unfortunately Alix isn't around to help out with the "Marc Coffee" situation, which sucks for everyone else since she was MVP the last time they had to take the coffee away from Marc.
Noelle and Devin are my OCs for those of you who don't already know and they are part of my miraculous fanfiction universe. Noelle and Marc went to the same school together before they transferred at different points during the school year, and if you want to learn more about Noelle, I'll have the link to my fanfiction that provides insight into her backstory at the end of the post. Devin is more of a "standoffish" personality and while he's been attending Collège Françoise Dupont since the first year of junior high, he prefers to distance himself from literally everyone as much as possible and thus wouldn't know why Marc can't have coffee. He also has a habit of calling his fellow students by their last names, but I plan on that being a habit that he tries to break after the events of Icelator, which is why he corrected himself when he almost called Marc "Anciel". Another fun fact about this guy, he never called Jean Duparc by his last name and always refers to him by his first name for some "unknown reason". 😏
Well, that's just about all I have to say. If anyone wants me to clarify anything else or has any other questions, just write them in the comments or ask on my Tumblr page. With that being said, I'm out. 🚪
Link to my fanfic:
@artzychic27 @nerd-chocolate @andromeda612 @username8746489 @princessbutterflysposts @lady0lunamoon @imsparky2002
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Round 1 Side A - Pair 8
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Luka Couffaine/Lê Chiến Kim Ature
I just think they'd be interested
Luka Couffaine/Max Kante
Look, Max is a lovely kid who needs someone that loves him the way he is and maybe, just maybe, help him improve his social skills because my poor boy is not like Alix, he is too direct, yes, but usually he doesn't mean to. Max could help Luka branch out from his comfort zone in ways that no one else can. Luka could help Max relax and Max could help Luka have a little bit more inative. Just, they would look really good together (Yes, Viperion + Pegasus it's pulls something in me)
Luka/Kim - @katydoodles
Luka/Max - @florang
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inklingirl · 11 months
Kim says bilingual rights!
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chibiclem · 11 months
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"Miraculous Ladybug : How season 5 episode 24 should have ended"
I mean...I can't be the only one that was waiting for this during half of the episode right? OuO
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cray-cray-anime · 1 year
Watch "Chloé, Sabrina and Kim Prank Marinette! (S5 Leak Spoiler)" on YouTube
So i watched this and like this is just so like the show to try to use this as smth w her stalking tendencies as smth serious
Which is ridiculous given the show jokes abt it and marinette hasn't been shown to be "cautious" while stalking, just very obsessed and "quirky". Sure maybe makes sense why she took so long confessing, but kinda flimsy excuse to stalk.
Ye I think I'm just gonna stick to the niche part of the fandom that either doesn't make marrinette a stalker or actually deal w it.
Also like WHERE THE HECK THIS FRIEND BEEN 4 SEASONS??? srsly they just throw whatever convenient for the plot 😒
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statixzcoffee · 1 year
Alix Kubdel actually loves wearing make up (mainly eyeliner.) She prefers skirts than dresses, because she wants to run. Also, she refuses to wear bodycon dresses.
She just doesn't want to dress up for high and for other people. Seeing Marinette Dupain-Cheng trying to impress kinda scares her. Also, whenever she, herself, does, people act differently around her and that slightly pisses her off. It's fair, but still! Though, Kim challenges her even more, because he thinks that wearing skirts trip her up. It doesn't. The skirt is soft and flowy!
She just wants to do her own hobbies and LOOK awesome and sometimes feels pretty too. She just doesn't like when she did wore that, because it reminds her of her own friendship with Chloé and Sabrina. It just gives her bad memories, because of the relentless bullying due to being a "traitor". So, Kim actually helps whenever he banters. He is the only one that doesn't treat her differently in a way. Mostly, anyways.
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beezonia · 11 months
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Kim you absolute Chad
This is actually the funniest thing cause he’s just like “Dolphin?!” As he passes and it’s hilarious as fuck
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anchovy89freya · 1 year
woah~ so now we have an episode where they genuinely let us see why Marinette was so weird towards Adrien?
I haven't seen the episode but thanks Tumblr person who took care to summarize it~<3
• At first glance I like that they give a background of Marinette's crazy attitudes, I think that, although it continues to make me uncomfortable, now there is a justifiable reason for it. I pay it
It saddens me that it took 5 disorganized seasons to find this out, when a lot of people have left the fandom And they are not interested in knowing.
• As for Chloe, I think this sheds a new light on her as a character, much more cruel and despicable, but again, I would have liked to see this episode in at least season three, before betraying everyone in the season finale, I think the impact would have been even more devastating. Showing her in her past deeds, seeing her change a bit, getting along better with the other super heroes and then stabbing them in the back would make one feel more disappointed and better positioned as someone irredeemable
• For Kim~ I'd probably have to watch the previous seasons, but I'm surprised that under the premise that Kim kept watching what he did to Mari as a simple joke, he didn't bring samples of her feeling uncomfortable in his presence, seems a bit unfortunate to me. What he did to her generated a trauma by association, which, from my experience, generates, at a minimum, a rejection of places, situations and/or people.
With Kim being a crush who did something horrible on a date, it would have been a good idea to hint at how bad it was for her to be around him, To finally give us this chapter where they gave us the explanations for everything strange that happened.
But then again, a lot of the fandom stayed in season three because the story just went two steps forward and five steps back… Sigh.
Anyway, I'm speculating a lot since it's been a long time since I watched an episode, and the rest is mixed with recaps, tweets, and outside opinions on the episode.
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ramen8008 · 2 years
Kim: Alix gimme a drink
Alix: *annoyed* what do you want
Kim: something as unforgiving and dark as my soul
Alix: *gives him a glass of milk*
Kim: I feel insulted
Alix: you should
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masternia · 1 year
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celestiall0tus · 1 month
Gala Redraw, King Tiger
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Another one I love just with the updated physique. Also, one more gala design to draw!
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darkwitch1999 · 3 months
Simpleman AU: Marinette's Other Options 🤔
Why did Marinette choose Nathaniel and Marc to babysit the kids out of everyone else?
Tom & Sabine: Chocolate Convention 🍫
Gina: Learning Kung-fu in China; Hanging out with Fei Wu (Ladydragon) 🐼🐉
Rolland Dupain: Never wants to leave his house, but is clueless about babysitting today's youth. 🏡🤔
Alya & Nino: On a date at the movies (obviously) 🍿
Mylène: Play rehearsals with the Theater club 🎭
Ivan, Rose, Juleka, or Luka: Kitty Section band practice 🐱🎸
Kim: Swimming Meet with Ondine. 🏊🏼
Max: Busy writing new programs for a side project and has zero experience with babysitting children. ➗🧪
Alix or Jalil: Alix is practicing her skating to prepare for another race against Kim and Jalil would most likely rant about his conspiracy theories to the kids. 🛼👽
Kagami: Practice with her mother and also has no experience babysitting children. 🤺
Zoé: Also has play rehearsals with the Theater Club 🎭
Aurore and Mireille: Working at KIDZ+ 🌦️☔
Devin: Another person with zero babysitting experience, does not have the patience to tolerate children, and is most likely to cuss out Marinette for dumping four hyperactive children onto him. (raises middle finger) "Fuck off, Marinette!" 🐦🤬
Jean: Of course, he has play rehearsals with the Theater Club 🎭
Noelle: Hanging out with Lila and Marinette does not want the children around that lying fox. 🦊
As you can read, Marinette weighed the pros and cons of each option. Apparently, working on a comic book issue and already babysitting one child wasn't considered a con when Marinette decided to ask Nathaniel and Marc to babysit.
@nerd-chocolate @arny20252 @artzychic27 @andromeda612 @msweebyness @imsparky2002 @princessbutterflysposts
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lynnieos · 3 months
Why does Kim have to be such a dick
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what the fuck do you mean Marinette liked Kim
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