#molly blyndeff (mentioned)
ranmaru-kageyama · 5 months
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hear me out. human starlo looks like molly blyndeff HEAR ME OUT
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mimiri22-6 · 1 year
Sudden realizations about EE/POP #1
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Calliope most likely did the girl's hair before she passed but she only got around to teaching Loralai to do it herself because, well, Molly was 9-10 when it happened. Sure, she most likely knows some basics on how to take care of her hair; what products to use and not to use, how often to wash it ect ect(idk specifics or the right terminology to use, I'm white, so I just kind of let it do whatever??? But also if I have head and shoulders, I'm gonna use it. I do not take care of my wavy, curly, thick hair like I should but...¯\_(ツ)_/¯), but as a smaller child she didn't really have the dextarity or need to learn to it asap. She-*sniff* She had her moma to do it for her.
Molly has a constant afro, but her moma used to put it in puffy pigtails! Like Bear Ears! 😭 AND THE CLOSEST MOLLY CAN GET IT NOW IS TO LET SOME STRAINDS CURL AWAY MORE FROM THE REST TO MAKE SMALLER BEAR EARS NOW!! 😭😭
I need fanart of 12 yo Molly with her hair done again. I need fanfics of Giovanni learning black hair care and helping Molly with hers. I NEED THE HEALING ARC TO BE SEEN THROUGH HER HAIR TRANSITION! IM ALWAYS SO FKINF FERAL OVER BEING ABLE TO SEE DIFFERENT PARTS OF PEOPLES LIVES THROUGH STILLS AND NOTICING LITTLE THINGS LIKE THISSSSS! (I may not take care of my hair w the right products, but the length of it is Very rooted(ha) in different parts of my life)
istg, if Molly dosen't have pigtails/galaxy buns by the end of EE I'm going to-idek, cry? Maybe cry. Be very upset at least. Like. It's Right There!(Am I slow and this is just a widely known thing that I've only noticed now or did I do something for once?(no but seriously, tell me if this was a thing before I said anything))
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arospecbandgeek · 5 months
Epithet Erased - Idol! AU
Something I’m making because, as it turns out, I’m a very slow artist but a fast writer.
This is mostly just an idea dump post. The details are really messy, so I apologize.
The main gist is just the Neo trio and Lorelai but as idols. You can learn more under the cut.
I’m not committed to this AU. Nothing is set in stone. Feel free to ask questions, but this is mostly just to get my ideas out there, I am not promising anything big will come from this (Like a fanfiction or comic).
Neapolitan♡Melody, or NeoMelody for short, is the idol group containing Molly Blyndeff, Trixie Roughouse, and Phoenica Fleecity.
Even though Molly is still the MC of this AU, Phoenica is considered to be the leader of the group in the media in-universe. Their music mostly kids-bop like, but genuinely palatable.
The three debuted a couple days before the start of the museum arc.
Due to Molly’s misophonia, the trio decided that they would only do indoor recordings and virtual shows in order to minimize the amount of noise she had to hear.
LORELAI or Lorelai Blyndeff is a solo idol who debuted when she was 15 years old.
She mostly makes music based on whatever her primary obsession is at the time. Which with how quickly she moves on from topic to topic, and how long it takes to release an album, she gets bored very quickly. This eventually gets to where she primarily releases singles focusing around whatever she’s into.
Something to mention is that Lorelai still goes into her bubbles and ignores her responsibilities. She’s constantly late to almost everything and does almost none of her share, except when it’s in the public eye.
Both NeoMelody and LORELAI are primarily vocals performed by their respective idols, with synthesizers being done after the fact.
Calliope Blyndeff was a former idol in the 90s, and a really popular one at that. She eventually retired in the early 2000’s, and primarily leaving the scene once she became a mother.
Molly and Lorelai mostly became idols because of their mother, beginning training at a very young age.
Even though Martin is both of their managers in name, he rarely ever does his job, only really being in interviews. Molly primarily is forced to take over almost all of the manager duties, causing her to be tired on a constant basis. It’s even gotten to where she’d faint during recordings.
(Naven helps to homeschool the three girls instead of running a speech class)
During the Museum Arc, it’s around the time of NeoMelody’s first debut. With such a major accomplishment, Molly not only wants to celebrate with her friends, but get some alone time. She eventually ends up in the museum.
The museum arc then goes similarly, with only Giovanni recognizing her as an idol, since Trixie is related to him.
For Prison of Plastic, it has a similar structure to the canon. The trio finding Rick, Lorelai kidnapping Giovanni, etc. But the ending is different (I’m not 100% sure what it would be atp).
(I also want to put Sylvie into the PoP arc more, but I’m not sure how.)
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blackhakumen · 5 months
Mini Fanfic #1171: The Diary of Beartrap (Epithet Erased)
Dear Diary,
It's been a while, hasn't it?~ I'm sorry it took too long for me to write to you. Quite a lot has happened to me as of late: Some hectic, some exciting, a few rough patches and there, but I promise you there's a lot good after that. In fact, my life has gotten a lot better since it ever been, but I'm getting way ahead of myself already, so let's get started , shall we?
To get the bad and obvious out of the way, my relationship with my family hasn't improved at all unfortunately. Lorelai's still as lazy and self-centered ever while always constantly butting heads with me every chabce she gets, dad-no, Martin, is too investing in his own little world to even care about anything anymore, and I always had to spend the last few years of my life, watching over the toy store and keep it up float while cleaning up THEIR messes on a daily basis! And yeah, I HATE every second of it and EVERYDAY!!
.....But it couldn't be helped. The day mother left has been really rough for all of us since then, so it's not too hard to understand why our relationship became so....distant, hollow, dysfunctional and so.....messy. I should've realized sooner that things would turn out the way it did and be more prepared, but even then, I doubt it would've been any less stressful and draining than it was now and after everything Lorei put me and my friends through in her fantasy world of hers that night, I decided enough was enough and leave everything behind me: the toy store, the people I used to call my family, and.....my previous life up to this point..........
And I'm happy I made that choice, because like I said, my life really turned around for a whole lot better since then. I'm doing a lot better in school, I get to spend more time with my friends stressed-free, I even did a few other things I've never thought i would ever get to do in whole life: like being a part of school plays, attend football amd basketball games, and making these suuuuuper yummy cinnamon apple raisins waffle in cute cub head shapes~
To tell you truth, I don't think any of this would be even remotely be possible if it weren't for the two people who are working their butts off into looking after me as of late: Crusher, the biggest teddy bear of a sweetheart I have ever met (Which is pretty ironic considering he actually went as a teddy bear for Halloween last year. So freaking adorable!~ i should really remember to him again when he and the others come back), and my one and only boss: Giovanni Potage.
I honestly don't think I have the proper words to express how much he means to me or even how thankful I truly am for everything heaven done for me so far. He taught me how to be more confident in myself and become more assertive, he goes out of his way and beyond to try to help me with stuff in general, and he even went out of his way to take me our of my miserable home life and does his very best to look after me to this very. He sees a lot more value and importance in me than I even realized I have any myself. He did all of this is.....because he cares about me. Because he loves me. And......I love him too. So much that.....I wanna do whatever I can to help him out: with our new villain group, any of his newer evil schemes, and everything else in general. It's the least I can do for everything he have done for me thus far.
To this day, I still don't think I have a clue as to what the future will have in store for me or what to expect going forward, but I won't let it scare me off that easily. I won't let my past life take a hold of me any longer. I am going to live rest of my life to the fullest by my own accord and with the people I truly love and cherish. And if anyone has a problem with that, they can go screw themselves right off to the blazing sun, cause I'm not stopping one bit!
Giovanni: (In the Other Room) Ohh Beeartraaaaap!~ Dinner's finally ready!~
Crusher: And we finally return with SNACKS!
Spike: Annnnd a good amount of decent quality movies we can all watch!~ None of which were chosen by Ben thank God!
Ben: Dude, seriously!?
Car Crash: Hey, we're not the ones who brought tickets to that knock off Ice Age movie that one time, didn't we?
Ben: ('Let's Out a Frustrated Scream')
Molly: (Giggles Softly) Coming! (Finishes Up Writing on her Diary)
Okay, as much as I would love to stay and wrote, I gotta go now. We're having lasagna and a whole movie night tonight. They said they'll be a lot a movie to watch through this time around, so fingers crossed for at least a few of them to be decent. But until then, I'll try and write to you more often. It is one of my many New Years Resolutions after all, might as well make the most out of them.
Molly Blyndeff A.K.A. Beartrap
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bccfggffbgv · 2 months
If Code Stringer was indeed inhabiting Uzi's body like a parasite in the early days of the war, why didn't he just kill the heroes in their sleep or something like that?
Oh no, he's definitely tried that a few times but they always fall flat thanks to either N seeing Uzi sleepwalking and taking her back to bed, V doing something similar, and the final time was when Uzi woke up herself as Code Stringer was incredibly close to strangling Molly in her sleep but Uzi would assume she had tucked her into bed...Code Stringer would give up that idea after that since it showed zero promise.
《◇》: On paper, it would've worked...But in practice, it proved too troublesome to continue such a wasteful plan...
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Pspsps lwa x EE pspsps
Had some random thoughts about a Little Witch Academia x Epithet Erased au (with the Lwa characters in the EE world). I don't have anything concrete at the moment, so I'll just post stuff I brainstormed. I'll post more about the au in future posts. I'm considering naming the au “Dumb Little Spark”, which I like, but I don't just wanna go with the first thing I thought of. Let me know what y'all think the au name should be!
Lwa x EE Braindump!
Ursula had a large reputation in the public with the persona of “Shiny Chariot” for being the most wanted Vigilante in Sweet Jazz City. Despite this, people weren't afraid of her. If anything, most people looked up to her as someone of hope for helping more than the entire Sweet Jazz Police force. For a while, things look great. But as expectations and pressure grow, it becomes too much for her. One day, Shiny Chariot dissappeared without a trace, like a star in the sky that burnt out. No one knows what happened, but regardless of her disappearance, her impact on the city was insurmountable, bringing inspiration of hope and change to many adults and adolescents alike.
During the night, Akko takes on the role of a vigilante with the job of keeping Sweet Jazz City safe. She was inspired by her idol, “Shiny Chariot”, and when Shiny Chariot had disappeared, Akko had taken the initiative to spread the same kind of hope as her idol. Most underestimate her because she's a mundie, but those who do won't get the chance to make that mistake twice
Akko and Lorelai know each other. Despite them being complete opposites, they're actually friends with each other, though it's somewhat strained.
Sucy and Mushroom Girl are siblings, with the former being adopted into the family
Sucy became one of the chaperones of the field trip because the teacher of the class wasn't assured, with Martin being the only person to sign up as a chaperone. The teacher begged their dad, and the two managed to reach a compromise where the teacher would pay the family if Sucy signed up.
Lotte had the chance to go to college like Sylvie and get a degree before becoming an adult, but she declined as she said that it would be too much for her to handle. They told her that she could be a big-name famous person, but didn't realize that Lotte would rather dig her hand in a vase of poisonous snakes.
Giovanni gace Sucy a handmade invitation to try and get Sucy to join his boys. Everyone but Crusher didn't believe that it would work, but was surprised when Sucy actually accepted Giovanni's invitation. Till this day, nobody knows how Gio managed to convince her.
Lotte's epithet allows her to interact with the souls of others and herself. Because of that, she did gain a decent reputation for helping people with physical and mental health complications with their epithets for free. This had put her on Phoenica’s radar, and she's dead-set on meeting Lotte and convincing her to join her group of magical girls
Ben found Sucy creepy and objected to her becoming a minion, but Giovanni was having none of it and shut him down. Ben thinks she's going to poison them in their sleep
Constanze signed up for an internship with Howie, who found her inventions helpful for helping with construction
Whenever Constanze goes to the Blyndeff emporium, she just glances at Molly, and she immediately knows what Constanze specifically wants without a single word being exchanged (Constanze is her favorite customer because of this, and because she pays extra)
The Cavendish family is known as well and widely as the Fleecity family, becoming famous from a Cavendish and Fleecity working together when the Songstress first arrived. Since then, both families have had a rival relationship. They'd compete with each other but won't hesitate to team up when the arrival of the Songstress is near.
Trixie and Sucy know each other, and Sucy will sometimes help them with their potions
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aquariium-ediits · 1 year
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Molly Blyndeff Stimboard, Requested By Nobody (Self Indulgent)
Notes; Couldn't express how much I love this series if I had a century to do it,, I need to buy PoP. Really really need to. I want to give Molly a hug and let her sleep peacefully as I slap Martin a few times. Idk what else to say but uh I love Epithet Erased. And Molly is great. Yeah. :3
💚 🐻 💚 / 💚 💬 💚 / 💚 🐻 💚
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taiga-country · 1 year
Has Feenie met Sylvie?
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Prohibition AU: The Family
The Outer Circle
These members have a limited amount of knowledge into the scale or even the degree-of-illegality of Naven's empire (Bliss Ocean).
Molly Blyndeff, trudging through hard times with an uncaring family, Ms Blyndeff has been quietly emancipated in exchange for her eyes, ears, and unassuming demeanor. A little spy in short.
Trixie Roughhouse, a close friend of Molly's with a fascination with concoctions. Upon introduction, they were assigned to be apprenticed in moonshining at one of Naven's underground distilleries, though they personally prefer experimenting for unknown product.
Phoenica Fleecity, another friend of Molly's. She isn't of much use in criminal activities (also the least informed of Naven's doings), but her generous allowance does help grease the financial side of activities she has no business knowing about.
Howie Honeyglow, an engineer and construction contact of Naven's. He provides maintenance and solves any lack of facilities for 'business activities', by building them up in record time with little excess charges.
Giovanni Potage, leader of a band of misfits who broke off from another street gang; now in Naven's employ. As mentioned in a previous post, he provides the majority of grunt work in Sweet Jazz City for Bliss Ocean. His talent lies in his rousing leadership which keeps morale steady no matter the branch, much to Naven's surprise. Hosts weekly hotpot nights for his brothers (in-arms).
Percival King, the officer who chose peace. She sees Naven as a major businessman with some connections to the criminal underworld; thus a deal was struck where Percy cooperates with Naven in removing the violence on the streets (and kills off competition) while Percy avoids further investigating Naven's influence that made the deal possible.
Indus Tarbella. Formerly Mera's self-declared servant and bodyguard, he now provides security and butler-like services in extension to Naven as a means to remain close to Mera.
The Inner Circle
Everyone here has blood on their hands. These are the men and women who initiates and executes the family's plans. Aka Bliss Ocean Proper.
Zora Salazar: former bounty hunter, gunsmith, and living action film 'protagonist'. Once carried out a hit halfway across the country within a single day by jumping off a wing of a plane midair onto a passing train to cut time. She usually works alone over larger distances outside of Sweet Jazz City.
Mera Salamin, the main (once) licensed surgeon and occasional strategist. She was out of a career after leaving glass shards in a patient and former co-worker who allegedly harassed her. But her swift manner of action caught Naven's attention, and she refuses to play on the sidelines this time.
Ramsey Murdoch is the accountant and financial advisor, mainly for Naven's legitimate ventures but also reaffirms good and competitive business sense for an empire balancing its legal and illegal standings. Whilst Naven is a great dealmaker, Ramsey makes those bigger deals possible.
The Driver is Naven's eyes on the city, as well as his personal companion. Always (seemingly) a different person to outsiders, some speculate that Naven has Sweet Jazz City's private chauffeurs under his patronage. Though in reality, Yoomtah Zing is a master of disguise and has a more hands-on role in managing Naven's criminal operations alongside Mera.
Naven Nuknuk, former arms dealer to the IRA and the man who came from selling apples to apple cider. He is just a small fish in comparison to the big bosses in New York or Chicago, no need to pay heed to him! (The FBI certainly doesn't anymore)
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epithet-beloved · 9 months
Yo!! Could you maybe make a Giovanni + One of his minions, but they suffer with chronic pain and fatigue? I suffer with these but id totally still enjoy crimes so id love to see something like this! (The eepy gets to me sometimes but 🖕 it, crime time)
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synopsis… Giovanni with a minion who experiences chronic pain and fatigue
ft. Giovanni Potage, The Boys (mentioned), Molly Blyndeff (mentioned)
tags… epithet erased, can be read as romantic or platonic, reader has chronic illness, fluff, reader is one of Giovanni’s minions, crime time fun times
word count… 735
a/n… I’m not familiar with chronic fatigue or pain, so I hope I did a good job! Inclusive fanfic is very important everyone deserves the comfort character content ✧ 🦄
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He is so accepting of literally anything you tell him, it’s almost enough to make you weep.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Like the first time you explain some of your limitations or that you can have off days where you can’t do much or can hardly do anything, he just smiles and says “alright!”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 It damn near brings you to tears.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Did I say something weird?”
“No, no, just…..” you smiled, making no effort to hide the tiredness behind it. “You didn’t….ask me why I couldn’t just work around it, or ask me to make an exception for you, or anything, you just….said okay?”
“Pffft,” Giovanni scoffed at the very notion. “The hell would I do that for? You know you better than I do!”
You resume crying.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 It’s seriously such a breath of fresh air to be with somebody who isn’t constantly offering unsolicited advice the second your condition becomes inconvenient to them. Giovanni is a lot of things, but a know it all is certainly not one of them.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Whenever Giovanni has a suggestion or a piece of information he found that he wants to present, he phrases it as a question to you because you’re the one who knows most about your health and he doesn’t want to Mansplain(™). In fact, mansplaining is strictly prohibited in the Vincent Murder Bad Guy Rulez, so that sort of stuff won’t stand.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Of course, all the boys follow these rules, too! If anyone is unaware of your needs they will get a very enthusiastic interruption by Giovanni while he insists they let you explain. Yeah, he always lets you explain yourself first. It’s amazing.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You will be accommodated anywhere, anytime. Feeling faint during a walk? He’ll find the nearest place to sit. Hell, he’ll sit down and let you rest on his knee or something. Real villains know how to protect their minions at a moment’s notice.
“Hold on.” You grabbed Giovanni’s jacket sleeve to support yourself, instantly catching the tall male’s attention.
“Woah, you good?” You answered by leaning on him even further, feeling your legs fail you at the most inopportune of times. “Here, let’s sit down a minute.”
Slowly, he would sit down on the closest available bench, guiding you as to not have you collapse. The second you were safely seated, you felt him pull away from you. At first, this confused you, but your curiosity was resolved when you felt a jacket drape over your shoulders.
“There. Can’t have any of my minions freezing to death, after all!”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 One of Giovanni’s love languages is food, so if you let him, he will give you homemade soup when you’re feeling under the weather. He understands you don’t have a cold or anything — it’s just a gesture he does to let you know you’re always on his mind.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you can’t attend a Cool Crime Event(™) because you’re feeling under the weather, Giovanni will have you on speaker on his phone the entire time so you can still chat and engage with the Boys.
“Ben said he stole a bag of chips in your honor today. We can drop it off later!”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Accessible crime is VERY important to Giovanni. Villainy is an art and should be able to be practiced by anyone and everyone! This results in him getting more and more creative with his antics to include you if needed. Prank calling from Crusher’s treehouse is always a classic, and pirating a movie is one of the best crimes of all! Fun for the whole evil family!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You and Molly can be tired together. Once, when Giovanni had invited you both over, he found you two asleep together in front of the TV. He sent a million pictures to everybody he knows.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 There is also time that Giovanni makes sure to reserve specifically for you. Being included in a group is important, but so is one on one attention! These hangouts are highly customizable to whatever your tastes are and whatever your energy levels are for the day. Even on days that you may insist you’re cranky, tired or not great to be around, he’ll still be there for you if you let him!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 And if you need time to yourself, no matter what the reason is, then he’ll make sure to always have a new fun surprise planned for when you’re ready to wreak havoc again.
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TW// MENTUONS OF MARTIN BLYNDEFF, and spoliers I think
This man. Everyone hates him, right? Right. But I feel like he was a decent dad before his wife passed. Like when the fire happened that night and his wife passed he was absolutely in fucking shambles, because he was the provider for the family and his wife was the actual parent, so when he figured out he would have to do both, he tried. And failed. So now he went back to being the provider ("making money") and left Molly with everything else.
So Molly had to pick up the duties of her mother, while her father continued doing what he was doing before she passed. So now Molly's in shambles, Lorelai's in shambles because she has no reliable parent figure and is riddled with the guilt of her mother's passing, and Martin is continuing his role of provider because he's still in denial.
Overall, ALL of the Blyndeff's need a therapist and Martin needs to be a better dad (I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here, though maybe I'm giving more than he deserves.)
all mod saw in their notifications was "tw// mentions of Martin" and lost it
other than that? Martin angst could actually be pretty good to read. his wife DIED that's going to hurt.
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spellsolace · 1 year
I could not fathom how much of an emotional journey Prison of Plastic would be. So much of it shows the endless loop that Molly’s in, but I seriously expected it to just continue. Because that’s how Molly’s life is, just the same thing, imagining her out of it seems impossible. The best excerpt of the book tells you as much;
“But even her friends, with their infinite money and kindness, told her that they could not. It was against the law to separate her from her father without his consent or due cause. The man from the child protection agency refused to save her. Her father refused to raise her. Her sister refused to help. They were useless. All of them frozen with incompetence or stuck behind walls of tinker-toy bureaucracy.”
It later mentions the wrecking ball, which one can attribute to Giovanni, but even he can’t do that, you think. The book gets Giovanni out of the action for most of it. He’s busy judging cookie baking, so while yes, he loves and wants to save Bear Trap, but can’t. Naven and Phoenica couldn’t, how would he?
Until he just. Does.
It’s so sudden because that’s the most Giovanni Potage thing to do. He doesn’t care about anything else in that moment, he just takes Molly and runs. To be frank, it was probably Giovanni’s plan the whole time, since he knew she wasn’t in a good situation, but that conversation with Martin (curse his heart) was enough to leave him infuriated. And when he finally heard that she hadn’t gotten proper sleep and hadn’t eaten anything, he decided to push his plan forward. That’s what he does. His minions mean everything to him. Giovanni isn’t the most capable, he’s just a weird guy with soup powers. He’s at first seemingly reckless and stupid, but his emotional intelligence and dedication to help everyone around him who he doesn’t have a reason to be against is so amazing. He is the one thing that can prove Molly’s view of the world wrong. He cares enough to say “fuck that” to every stupid structure that everyone else is stuck in.
And when, in the end, Molly got to just be a kid, it warmed my heart. Halfway through that scene I was whisper-shouting “WE WIN THESE” like I’d just watched my favourite sportsball team make the greatest win of the century. Because it was.
Molly being happy, able to get away from work, to be the 12 year old that she is, is so amazing. I expected she would just have some quick easy-bake solution to fix her relationship with Lorelai. She didn’t have to forgive her sister. Naven and Giovanni stepped up and, while being honest that she isn’t good to Molly, gave her a chance to fix her ways. Slowly. Because it wouldn’t fix itself fast. It had to wait, because it would take time.
Molly got to rest. Her friends got a chance to take the opportunity to do something for her.
This story, this resolution, means so much to me.
@jelloapocalypse, Thank you for writing this story. Molly Blyndeff is an amazing character, thank you so much for making a story as beautiful, sorrowful and realized as hers.
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TW bad parenting
Martin Blyndeff: Father of Molly Blyndeff, Martin is a shitty dad who does not give a rats ass about his 12 year old daughter or his shop
jurgen leitner: JURGEN LEITNER?
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said jurgein leitners waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with jurgein leitner speaking one word in person on voice in podcast not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when he is mentioned or alive
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he collects books but i am just mad because i am angy
he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some rich shithead whos a fan of creepypasta and wanted the irl version ill go ham
BETTER have had a book make him kill a man cuz if he didnt Im going to make him
episodes not even about him. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be his library and I lost it
where the fuck is jurgein leitner if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt
crusty old man
ill punch leitner and his sad frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all thats left is one final book he kept on him at all times simply titled Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when jurgen died or will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who had so many fucked up if true books
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mxfishtastic · 8 months
Indie animation/game recommendations!
With a lot of recent love for indie animation, like digital circus, Lackadaisy and Helluva Boss, I thought it’d be fun to recommend some less well known indie animations and shows. Please reblog with your own recommendations!
Epithet Erased - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHACfIDFF66rxMt46cSoVxUulvL3bKluM&si=4ipz3Yl96x5p9vtN
A ‘cartoon’ where some people have powers based on the definition of a word. The show starts off with a young kid called Molly Blyndeff waking up in a museum and having to defend herself against those who want to steal a mysterious item known as the ‘Arsene Amulet’
Although minimally animated, the show supports incredible voice acting, amazing humor and an incredibly lovable cast of characters! Not to mention sweet sweet found family.
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1105: The Girl and Her Soup Dad (Epithet Erased)
9:34 p.m. at Crusher's Living Room........
Tv: ('SMACK') Anyone else wants a piece!?
Molly: (Sitting Next to Giovanni on the Sofa) I would kill to have a Grunkle like that in my family tree.....
Giovanni: I'd kill to have him and his cool looking punchy things in his knuckles. Those things must've cost a fortune to own.
Molly: Those punchy things are brass knuckles, Boss, and those things only cost thirty to forty dollars to buy. (Lays her Head Bext to Giovanni's Arm) Though knowing Grunkle Stan, I wouldn't be surprised if he stole it from a store somewhere.
Giovanni: (Eyes Starts Litting and Sparkling Up) He would've been an EXCELLENT member of our newly found crew! ('Sighs in a Bit of Defeat') If only he was real......
Molly: (Turns to Giovanni) You still haven't come up with a name for our team?
Giovanni: (Sighs Again) Not yet I haven't. Every time I come up with one it would always come out lame and weak. (Ball his Fists Up in Determination) I want our name to sound powerful, menacing, something that would be remembered and feared to those who DARE tries to cross us! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!.......Also, I want us to look more cool than we already are. (Puts on a Bright, Dopey Smile on his Face)
Molly: (Giggles Softly) I'm sure you'll come up with something~ You're not our dastardly boss for nothing, you know?
Giovanni: Damn right! But no boss is complete without the help and support of his lovely boyz, you especially, Beartrap. (Ruffles the Top of Molly's Hair)
Molly: (Giggles Ticklishly) Thanks! I'm really glad to be here. Which reminds me....
Giovanni: Hm?
Molly: Do you, Crusher and Spike wanna go out and do something tomorrow? Maybe go to the movies theater and watch that Elemental movie you wanted to watch.
Giovanni: Sure thing. Ooh! Can we finally try out that Family Discount plan I've been working on? can be the dad, Spike can be the mom, you and Crusher can be our well mannered kids, hell, we can even have four eyes play the role of the nerdy middle child who has less love and attention!
Molly: (Pouts at Giovanni) Boss!
Giovanni: What? He's a nerd himself most of the time.
Molly: Yeah and he's also as equally as loved as the rest of us. No pretend family member left behind!
Giovanni: Alright, alright. We'll give him equal love .....(Forms a Bit of an Evil Grin) Not before embarrassing the hell out of him first~
Molly: ('Sigh') Just don't go overboard, okay?
Giovanni: No promises!~ (Frowns a Bit) But uhh....Molly?
Molly: Yeah? What's wrong?
Giovanni: Father's Day's also tomorrow. Are you gonna be okay by then?
Molly: Uh...Yeah, I think so? Why wouldn't I be?
Giovanni: Just making sure. I don't want you to think of it as a constant reminder of you know who.....
Molly: Who? Martin?
Giovanni: Yeah- (Eyes Widened a Bit) Wait. You're....calling him by his first name now?
Molly: Kind of? (Turns Away a Bit While Rubbing her Arm) I'm still debating if I still want to call him my dad or not.
Giovanni: (Scoffs While Crossing his Arms and Turning Away) I'd personally wouldn't give him the time of day and call him Fatso. (Turns Back to Molly While Giving her a Small, Reassuring Smile) But whatever you want to call him is alright with me, Beartrap.
Molly: Thanks, Boss. But....('Sigh') I dunno. This is starting to get more harder I hoped it wouldn't be. On one hand, we're blood related and he was decent parent when mom was still around.
Giovanni: But you feel like everything between you guys never been the same after that.
Molly: Exactly! Ever since mom died, he became more lazy, irresponsible and has little to NO care about anything or anyone around him! Meanwhile, I always ended up doing everything around the store and clean up after him and Lori while they're out in their own lieteral make believe land without a SINGLE. THANK YOU! (Let's Out a Frustrated Groan as She Crunches her Hands Up I Front of Her) It's infuriating, I hate them both!
Giovanni: (Gently Places his Hand onto Molly's Shoulder) I know you do, kiddo, and I completely get where you're coming from in all of this. But you don't have to see or think about him or your sister anymore if you really don't want to. You still have tons of years being a kid to look forward to before adulthood comes and wring it's dumb, ugly head around, am I right?
Molly: (Starts Giggling Once More) Dumb amd ugly are understatements~ (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) But yeah, you're right. I don't feel like seeing dad or Lori anytime soon, but I do have a whole life ahead of me right now waiting for me take part of, and I'm gonna enjoy every moment of it with the people I truly care about. (Happily Hugs Giovanni's Arm) That includes you too, boss~
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) That's the spirit, Beartrap! We got your back every step of the way, you can count on it.
Molly: (Happily Nodded) Right. Thanks for listening and letting me ramble on about my problems yet again. I know it's getting redundant at this point.
Giovanni: Nah, don't worry about it, kiddo. If anyone's deserving of letting their anger out, it's definitely you. I just hope it helps you feel a better.
Molly: Oh it does. I doubt I'll ever be over it completely, but I'm glad I was able to get it out of my chest for now.
Giovanni: Good, good. (Starts Ruffling onto Molly's Hair Some More) Can't have our pretend baby girl get mad all night before tomorrow comes~
Molly: (Giggles Ticklishly While Swatting Gio's Hand Off her Hair) Will you quit already, soup dad!?~ I just got done brushing my hair for the rest of the night!~
Giovanni: Soup Dad?
Molly: Yeah. You make soup and you've been acting more or less like a dad as of late. (Smiles Brightly) Put them together and I myself the coolest Soup Dad I could ever ask for.
Giovanni: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Awwwww~ You really are a sweet kid, you know?
Molly: And you're the sweetest, evilest boss ever. (Gives Gio a Kiss on the Cheek) Happy Early Father's Day, Giovanni.
Giovanni: Thanks, Molly. You too.
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bccfggffbgv · 3 months
"Okay, we keep flying. We head back! We never talk about this again!!"
Uzi, to a few of the younger rebels (including Molly and Ross) after having taken Eda's staff for a joyride...Only to then crash into an irritated Entropy and had to fly as humanly possible to avoid being torn to shreds.
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