#mooblooms. just. mooblooms/pos
kkilljoys · 2 years
YOU HAVE A PACI?? OH MY GOD?? /pos we don't have one! Core's mom says we have to get a job if we want one (WHICH FAIR. we have been. draining their money because of our regression nbfg. We just see the toy asile and we buy something.) AND PONYTOWN IS SO FUN /pos so many pretty places. ALSO DECO SIPPY BELOVED. -cam ougf. kinda wanna promo the agere discord core made. maybe. AND HH FAIRY!TOMMY. Also speaking of kins; were you a regressor in any of your timelines?? I know i have like one BEN timeline where i was a regressor. and what i remember from it was I would not take no for an answer bfg. -Cam
i dont aaactually know?? i have a few tls where im pretty young (pirate!tommy tl and a tl ive labelled as my sunflower tl, some others too) i probably do but i havent been making any attempts at like. figuring it out yk?? fkjdgh
i actually bought the paci online for like. 2-5 bucks?? risky play cus i think it was aliexpress dkfjgh but it worked out in the end !! i wanna get a deco paci so bad,, ive found my favourite colours when im little are pastel yellow and orange,, ALSO PONYTOWN SEEMS COOL ive seen a lot of folks talk about it recently so,, might try play it,,
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mighwnt · 2 years
🦙 (llama) and ⛏ (pickaxe) for the ask game? :O
🦙 (llama) give us a list of your favourite Minecraft mobs! Why are these ones specifically Your Little Guys?
omg hiii parker u gave me such a hard question!!
i like mooshrooms bc they were my fav as a kid, their eyes are funny and creepy.. i like their islands
i like axolotls bc theyre the coolest mob ever!!!! they come in so many diff colors and they like you and just wanna be ur pal theyre so cuteee
i like glowsquids bc i like glowy things but if im honest i wouldve liked mooblooms more...
i like bees bc theyre so cuteeee!!! and i have really pos memories of them bc tubbo like-a da bee... thats how i learned they got added to minecraft hehe
and i like piglins/zombified piglins bc theyre so fucking mysterious and sad within the lore... like who are they? what happened to their civilization?? their music? do they feel sad for the zombified ones?? i wish i could talk to them
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 years
i know dream is normally seen as a dogboy, but i swear- i have met cows b4 and he is so much more reminiscent of a cow. like. not in a bad way, just in a 'hes calm most the time, but can be crazy (/pos)' way. fuckin mooshroom or moobloom dream for the win!
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the-final-sif · 3 years
SIF TUMBLR IS INTO MINECRAFTERS??? (/pos just wow didn’t expect to see that out of nowhere!) I could be happy with any of the new mobs, I’m most partial to the glare bc hes a cute little bush buddy but the copper golem seems really unique and fun too :)
Yeah! I've been getting into some of them recently, and it's fun. I've also been playing more minecraft again recently which probably has something to do with it. I've been playing it off and on for years now, since back before wolves were released, and it's really neat to see people still having fun with the game after all this time. I'm also enjoying the chaotic nature of a lot of the
Personally I like all the new mobs, I think the Ally might be my favorite, but I do like the copper golem too! Both seem like something that could be used to cause Chaos.
I'm not too concerned with what mob gets chosen. Minecraft has a huge modding community, so I feel confident that no matter which mob gets chosen, the other two will be available via mods soon enough.
Hell, for the last vote there were already mods to add the moobloom in before the vote happened, and mods for the moobloom + iceologer came out well before the glow squid was released. So depending on how fast development moves, we might end up with the non-winners available (in mods) before the winner.
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hinderr · 3 years
ahaha……..crying anon is back after chapter 15…..
and so my theory was right!!!! very happy but also Terrified bc of that! i wish we could put images in asks bc i have so many reaction images from this fic 😭😭
now for the gritty shit! holy FUCK that chapter HURRRRRT!!!!! pissbaby my beloved :(( i’m glad she survived :’))
the crow…..squints. kristen could save pissbaby but not tubbo /lh
AND THE FUCKIN VIDEO???? EXCUSE ME???????? I!!!!!!!! IVE NEVER SEEN SOMETHING LIKE THAT DONE BEFORE AJD IM BEYOND IMPRESSED HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!! i like to think the small white text was tubbo telling ranboo not to go to the end and the large white text was ??? i’m not sure yet but MANNNNN!!!!!!!! you continue to impress and amaze me with ur storytelling skills holy FUCK!!!!!! genuinely started tearing up at the end with ranboo and phil’s moment :(( not excited to see the family’s reaction when yet another member is gone 😀 (that is….if we even SEE their reactions…..)
lord i’m worried about mr boo :( maybe. maybe he and tubbo will be reunited :’)) or ranboo will just stay in the end, locking himself away for eternity :’))
anyway i’m just!!!! MAN this fic is so good!!!!!!! i could ramble for AGES on the entire set up!!!!! i’m realizing now that you literally foreshadowed tubbo’s death??? when they were talking about birthdays and how tubbo and tommy would no longer be respawners….can’t remember which chapter but i do remember tubbo’s b-day came first 🥲 unless i’ve briefly become ranboo and my memory has gone to shit LMFAOOOO (i need to reread the fic tbh i miss the happy moments :’) plus it’s just. a banger fic in general)
i’ve rambled enough so i’m just gonna sign off with this!! very good chapter and i’m excited to see how the story continues!!!! :D
// notus, notus spoilers
AHAHAH PISSBABY SURVIVED!! That's not like, a metaphor or anything. The crow?? Kristin?? Oh yea definitely-
I'M SO EXCITED YOU LIKED THE VIDEO!! Sometime during writing I decided to take a break and put that together for....reasons I'm not too sure of myself, but it was so much fun!! I was so excited to post the chapter just because I wanted to do that video bit!! Love the music choice, too :)
oh yeah, now's definitely a good time to worry about Mr Boo...
One funny thing about writing that chapter was the sheer amount of times I'd be writing something emotional, only to have to write "Pissbaby" right after. Love that moobloom
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30 31 33
30. What was the first major event that happened when you joined MCYT ?
Again, not super sure how to answer this one, but I'll go with a big thing that happened when I started engaging with the community online, which was Doomsday on DSMP. But if we're talking before I started posting about MCYT, I remember the CrazyCraft war being wild!
31. Are you team moobloom, team iceologer or team glow squid ?
Honestly I'm not really on a specific team, I just know that I'm definitely not team iceologer. Ideally it would be nice to have both mooblooms and glow squids, but I'm happy with the glow squids!
33. Have you ever sent letters and items to a CC’s PO box ?
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kkilljoys · 2 years
just mod things but. something seriously insane(/pos) about still having a drafted post of a self indulgent request someone sent in on moobloom as a way of celebrating 150- which was like a month ago. and we just hit 300 today (shh dont tell anyone if ur seeing this, we're trying to figure out some sort of thing we could do that people would be interested in)
mod things,,,/pos
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