#morgott has a lot of anxiety
draconic-ichor · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you were still taking requests, darling. If so, I’d really love a scene where Morgott and Lady Tarnished had an argument and the next day he was planning to apologize to her but saw her talking with a noble man laughing with each other (But he doesn’t see her uncomfortable expression and got a jelly feeling in his heart if ya know what I mean 😉) and all was resolve with loving reassurances and some *ehem* spicy *ahem* scenes. ❤️😳 You’re art and drawings make my boring days bright and shiny please keep up the good work, darling.💖💖💖
So I totally misread the beginning of this request…
There’s no argument in this dabble, I’m so sorry :(
Also, thank you! It makes me very happy to hear my stuff brightens your days :3
But here is an angsty/spicy dabble:
Always Worthy
Elden Ring fic
Morgott/ female tarnished
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, angst, heartache, mentions of trauma, suggestions of adultery, oral sex, hand jobs, tit jobs, cumshot, come swallowing
Summary: Morgott sees a young visiting Noble seemingly catch his Lady Tarnished’s eye. The tarnished will have to put things right.
Feedback appreciated, 18+
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The GodLord stood with her back facing Morgott, deep in conversation with a visiting Noble. It was a man, young and virile. Morgott paused, staying in the shadows of the hall.
His breath caught in his throat, golden eye catching the noble take the Lady’s hand. The way the man’s lips lingered on his wife’s knuckles for a heartbeat too long.
A sick feeling coiled in his gut, a tightness of chest to follow. Morgott gripped his cane tighter.
The Lady Tarnished shifted slightly, just enough for the flushness of her cheeks to be seen. It was the nail that sealed his coffin.
Morgott withdrew, retreating defeatedly. He watched his feet as he went, moving ever steadily. He didn’t even realize where he’d been heading until he stumbled through the stone doorway. Glancing up, he found himself before the base of the Erdtree.
Morgott slowly made his way up the many stone steps, steps he’d crossed thousands of times. He made it to the expanse of intricately carved white stone; passing ornate thrones, seats of demigods that were left empty as their owners laid slain before the ascension of the GodLord. He paused before the largest throne, the one for the Elden Lord… Dry leaves swirled around his feet like flakes of gold leaf.
His jaw was tight, lips a thin line as he studied every curve of the carvings. That sinking feeling in his chest twisted deeper, akin to a sharp thorn.
Was it heartache?
He cursed himself, willing away the stinging of his eyes. Morgott blinked up into the warm light of the Erdtree. It was beautiful. A shutter escaped him, trembling his shoulders as it worked painfully out of his lungs.
He never should of allowed himself to care for her…she was above him in every facet of life. It was foolish of him to want for more, to expect even the notion of coveting any minuscule part of her.
Oh, but he wanted to. He wanted to hold on to every piece. It was cruel, the way his heart craved.
He blinked away the dampness, smiling up into the branches of the great tree. Throughout his hardships, it stood proudly before him. Morgott let that idea sooth him, that even if the Lady came to her senses and grew tired of whatever perverse dance they were sharing, the Erdtree would remain. He could bask in its light.
Through the darkness, he would endure…pain unfortunately not a new feeling. He would endure.
It was not unusual for Morgott to go through periods of reclusion, echos of his long time alone. The Lady Tarnished tried to give him space, not wanting to wholly suffocate him. She realized something was truly amiss when Morgott began to avoid his bedchamber even. After being alone to eat for the second dinner in a row, she went in search of him.
Finding him in his study, she quietly entered. His tail flicked at the sound of the door, signally he knew she was there.
The tarnished took a breath, his silence deafening. “Is his Lordship well?” She ventured to ask.
“Agreeable.” He answered dismissively, never stopping his quill.
She worried her hand a bit, emotion bubbling up with the next question, “You missed dinner…”
“I find mineself without appetite.” His answer was once again dismissive.
“Alright…” she nodded, feeling dejected, “I apologize for bothering you, my Lord.”
“My Lady.” Morgott set his quill down, his voice low.
“Yes?” She took another step towards him. She saw him looking blindly forward, a heaviness gathering about his shoulders.
“There is no need to force faithfulness to this union…If it would please thee…to pursue suitors more suited to thy splendor.” He sighed, voice thick with strain, “The people would not judge, given the circumstances…”
The tarnished was stunned, his words not quite sinking in at first.
In her silence he continued, “We can uphold appearances for the public…I will hold no ill towards thee. The affection thee has awarded mineself up to this point was more that one of mine kind deserved.” Pain frayed at the ends of his words.
“Excuse me?” The tarnished blurted out.
Morgott stiffened, turning a bit more towards her. She met his gaze, golden eyes a mixture of confusion and disbelief. He swallowed thickly, her reaction not what he expected. He though she would be relieved.
“What kind of woman do you take me for?” She asked sharply.
“I simply wanted to make this situation more palatable for my Lady.” He admitted, adding softly, “I wish not to cage thee.”
“Situation?” She echoed, “When exactly have I treated this marriage, or my Lord, as a situation needed handling?”
He was the one finding words hard to come by now, looking wholly lost under her sudden ire.
She stepped closer, voice cracking a bit as she asked, “Have I upset you?”
That threw him for a loop. “I…saw the interaction with the young Noble last afternoon…” he admitted, the memory painful.
“Earl Tyr?” She crossed her arms.
“The fool that was attempting to seduce me as if I was a pliant young maiden?” She scoffed. Annoyance filtered over her face for a moment before it melted into empathy. She closed the distance between them fully now, causing Morgott to tighten a bit.
“Do you think I am so discontented to throw myself at any waiting man?” Her voice wavered.
Morgott frowned, wanting to reach out and take her cheek but he restrained himself. “Would be understandable, given my Lady’s choice of consort.” He sighed, “Thee assuredly would be much happier with one deserving of thy splendor.”
“Oh Morgott…” her voice was wounded, soft and gentle as she reached for him. Her hands found him, knotting into his robes. Her golden eyes were glassy, making his heart twist.
Taking his face, she pulled him closer. Their lips touched, chasten at first but quickly evolving into something more passionate. He knew her, knew her taste and her every curve. Despite attempting to distance himself from the idea of her, his body reacted to her affections in kind.
She pressed her body against his, drawing a gasp from his lips.
Breaking the kiss, the tarnished fell to her knees. Morgott knotted his brows, her sudden position an enigma. In his perplexed state he failed to notice the tarnished opening up his robes.
Morgott sucked in a breath, watching as her hands found his sheath.
“M-My Lady, what are-“ he started but the tarnished gently shushed him. She stood just long enough to strip away her dress, it falling into an ivory pile about her ankles. Sinking back into her previous position, she looked up to him through her lashes. Morgott flushed deeper, feeling that stirring in his gut. His cock was easily urged free and into her waiting hands.
She pumped his member, eyes big and doe-like, “I only desire you this way.” Her soft hands gliding over velvety skin as she continued, “Only you to see me like this.”
They had spent nights together, certainly, but this was overwhelmingly new for Morgott. All their couplings were conducted in very private locations, safely behind locked doors and the cover of darkness. This was in the middle of his office, door unsecured for anyone to potentially stumble on them. That thought alone both mortified him and had his cock pulsing in the Lady’s hold.
The fact that the GodLord would risk appearances in such a way was not lost on him. Her loyalty felt foreign, wanting to please him even more so. She was his god, the gold of grace, and yet she knelt before him as if in prayer. Worshiping him in the most carnal of ways.
It made his head spin, skin feverish and breath labored.
“Any way to prove it to you…” her lips dipped down to wrap around the pointed head of his cock.
Morgott shuttered, gripping the desk edge tighter.
She swirled her tongue around him before pulling back with a wet ‘pop’. Spit dribbled down her chin as pre oozed from his slitted tip.
“Just name the way.” She begged. As the words left her she took her breasts in hand, leaning forward to sandwich his cock between the pillowy mounds. The image alone almost sent him, Morgott groaning out as she used her chest to service him, sucking the tip back into her waiting mouth.
The office filled with obscene sounds; Morgott’s hips bucked up into her softness, smearing pre over her gold flecked skin. The Lady eagerly lapped at any exposed cock, eyes periodically flicking up to him. He was close, she could feel it.
“I-ah…I-“ He managed, knuckles white.
The tarnished’s mouth released his cock to coo, “It’s alright, let go for me.”
He couldn’t defy her, muscles straining with a strangled cry. The tarnished gulped down what she could, the rest of his release splashing over her chin and over her exposed breasts.
Catching his breath, mind clearing a bit, he looked down at the tarnished. She was a mess, he felt shame now that the act was done. Morgott leaned forward, using a corner of his robes to wipe her face. She sat still, letting him clean her up.
Just as he started to move away, she caught his wrist, keeping him close. Morgott tilted his head, mouth a thin line. She met his gaze, golden eyes pooling with emotion.
“Never think you are undeserving of me.” She murmured, nuzzling into his outstretched hand, “You are the most loyal man I know…and I would want no other at my side.”
Morgott regarded her for a long moment, chest heavy. Suddenly, he scooped her up, hugging her close. The tarnished smiled, cuddling into the embrace.
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lintujoki · 3 months
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Silence fell in the musty, dirty corridors of Subterranean-Shunning Grounds. To those who have recently come here, it would seem unusual if they had the strength to experience something other than bone-chilling horror. The whole body were shaking, the heart was like a drum, even for those who were not here for the first time - the feelings experienced by each Omen during the next "raid". The voices of the lepers, often howling in agony and weakness, fell silent. Perhaps their bodies will soften in the drains, not yet picked up by anyone. It's a matter of time, soon the accursed will rise from hiding, and if they don't have time, then the rats will "take care" of the corpses and will eat enough. Both used the dead for the same purpose, but some of the Omens said that it's better to be eaten by their fellows than by rodents. However, when the time comes, it won't matter.
Mohg opened the door, which had begun to decompose from moisture, and looked around warily, craning his neck. There was no one outside, only the blood, which covered the walls and floor in wide splashes, imprinted in the memory of what had happened, as if it was still happening.
"No one" - the child concluded.
- Put something under the door. I think they'll be coming out soon too.
Mohg nodded and placed a beam that had broken off from an unnamed structure between the handles. This would not save them from the attackers, probably Morgott just wished that the room would become a secluded place for the two of them at least for a while and no strangers would disturb the peace.
- Morgott... are you okay? - Mohg could clearly see his brother's anxiety. Worried, he always tried to hide, at least ostensibly, just by pressing himself against the wall, besides, his tail was quivering and fluffed up.
- Did they hurt you? - Mohg continued, sitting down carefully.
When the twins were smaller, they were more successful at hiding from the Omenkillers - they could even hide in a box. With age, it became more difficult - pipes, lower sewer levels are used, which can hardly be called safe, but even meeting with a huge crayfish seemed a better option than with ruthless killers. At least, the first ones don't always attack.
- It's all right - Morgott said in a half-whisper, as if he was still waiting for a trap.
- Don't you need my help? If so, just tell me...
- No, no, please - Morgott closed his lips and grimaced.
Knowing perfectly well what was meant by the words "my help", he didn't want his brother to hurt himself again because of him.
- This is not required now. I'm just... I'm sorry you had to take the risk because of me. At least one of us has to move on, and you know who.
This time, Morgott was unlucky to be caught by the Omenkiller. The feeling of a rough grip on the hair still did not leave, sending nerve impulses. An attempt to hit with a spiked tail turned out to be a failure - they held him tightly and pulled on themselves, as if trying to break his neck, he couldn't even really move.
Perhaps he would have bled to death by now, and his horns would have been chopped off by grotesque weapons made from it, if Mohg hadn't helped. At that moment, his own skin was the least of his worries, and Morgott's words made his chest tighten. What's the point of surviving if he's left alone?
- Stop.
Mohg squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head.
- I can't listen to this.
- Forgive me.
Thoughts gnawing at the mind, about how he don't want to be a burden, and that even a deathbed fear would be more merciful than an endless feeling of worthlessness and defenselessness - probably it's all from a lot of anxiety. Not something to depress Mohg who is already forced to bear a huge responsibility.
- I'll figure something out, we'll figure it out. Whatever it takes, I promise you won't stay here. We will be together, happy, I know!
Sometimes Morgott wondered if his twin was convinced of this himself or if he was just comforting. "Happiness for Omens" sounded like something magical. If earlier Morgott liked to dream with his brother about the world they would create together, and, overcoming a painful weakness, painted this fairy tale on the walls of the sewer, now everything seemed like a fantasy. He wanted to believe it, but reality dictated otherwise.
- Morgott... - usually, "my dearest" was added after. Mohg stopped, touching Morgott's cheeks and tousled strands with his fingers.
In response, the twin timidly stretched out his arms and hugged his brother with the tail, silently expressing acceptance and a desire to protect.
Nothing else brought such joy. Flames seemed to light up in Mohg's eyes, and it was getting warmer inside. He looked into twin's eternally sad golden-honey eyes and froze, stroking the skin with his thumbs. Morgott is a true enchantment, the embodiment of the purity and strength of life of their blood ties. "What's the point of being and fighting if I'm left alone?" - It echoed again.
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