nebulous-rain · 5 months
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HAPPY LATE HOLIDAYS @ruebeary !!!!!!!!!!!!
you want lewis ur gonna GET it babeyyyyy. but i didn't wanna leave everyone else out so i kinda sprinkled them all over :) HOPE U ENJOY !!!
(thank you sm to @msaholidayspirits for hosting !!!)
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huppupbup · 5 months
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My gift for @tsuki-tariyo! Hope your holidays have been amazing!
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transientday · 5 months
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It's that time of year again! Merry Christmas and a happy @msaholidayspirits Secret Santa! This delightful little art is for @bonthebanana who requested a cute lewvithur drawing!
It has been a while since I drew these sad adults, but I couldn't resist making a drawing of my favorite ot3~
Hoping you enjoy this drawing, Bon! It was so much fun setting these three up.
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solitaria-fantasma · 5 months
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((Happy late holidays, @nebulous-rain! :D Sorry for the delay in posting!
You mentioned in your event app that you wanted just about anything to do with the MSA characters, so how about Lewis, Arthur, Vivi, and Mystery hanging out after a stressful few videos and just watching some falling stars?))
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tsuki-tariyo · 5 months
Happy Holidays, @bluescarfvivi! I’m your secret Santa for this year! I decided to do the Lewvithur Christmas fluff prompt cuz who doesn’t like Lewvithur, amiright?
Anyway enjoy the pals in ugly Christmas sweaters
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djinik0w0 · 5 months
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MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU @silebee-draws !!!
Happy holiday to all 💕🎄🎉
Good luck and happiness and success ! Also good luck with your exams. (if they are not finished, because I don't have them yet :_)
And thank you so much for hosting such a great event @msaholidayspirits
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lewvithur · 5 months
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happy holidays and merry christmas @robozombii ! i am your holiday spirit this year!
tbh i saw the words lovecore vithur and my brain short circuted. then i started combing through pinterest looking for all of the fashions that i could call lovecore. but i was also on a bit of a 90s kick so i put a dash of that in there. an early draft of this had arthur with butterfly clips in his hair, but i couldn't make it work for the life of me. i also took your nblw angle on it because sapphic vithur is so galaxy brain i am upset i didn't think of this sooner.
also here's a speedpaint!
bonus under the cut!
originally i was gonna draw a bunch of vintage/lovecore themed items surrounding them ie red rotary phones, love shaped candies, pink casette tapes, but it didn't look right so i gave up on the idea. but then i saw an episode of the simpsons and decided fuck it let's draw this little extra image
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It's my first msa Christmas event and I got to make a drawing for @msa-brainrot-time
I decided to go with the prompt of having everyone opening Christmas presents. I also added Sakura as a surprise, if that's okay of course.
This was really fun and I hope to do it again next year.
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robozombii · 5 months
happy holidays @solitaria-fantasma !! heres an animation from your secret santa :D
i checked your roleplay account and character lore out of curiosity and found what i think is such a cool msa/marvel oc??? i LOVEEEEEE arthurian tale references, and the knight and his little lizard guys instantly gave me an idea to this song.
i hope you enjoy it !!
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msaholidayspirits · 10 months
MSA Holiday Spirits
A Gift Exchange for the Mystery Skulls Animated fandom!
Welcome to the 7th Annual Holiday Spirits! Gift givers will be semi-randomly assigned to others, and gifts will be exchanged on Christmas day. Gifts can be big or small! The most important thing is to have fun!
How to join:
Submit a completed google form from the link below, before the deadline! The participant form is below the rules on this post!
Submissions will close after October 31st.
Assignments will be given throughout the 1st to the 8th of November. If you haven’t received yours by the 12th, please send us a note! If this changes at all I will make a post!
Rules and link to the form below the cut!
Gifts are due the 25th of December. Do not post them before then. If you wont be home that day, you can schedule it ahead of time so that it will post on Christmas day!
On the 25th post your gift and don’t forget to @tag your giftee! Also put it in the event tag, #MSAholidayspirits2023 so that I can see and reblog the wonderful gifts you all make! Feel free to also tag this blog.
This is a family friendly event, so no gore or NSFW is permitted. Do not use the event tag for art depicting that.
Please don’t reveal yourself to your giftee until the 25th. We want this to be a surprise! If you need any information, pass it to this blog and they can reach out to get your answer!
If you have to back out of the event, let us know ASAP so we can find a back-up! We don’t want anyone to be left out of the exchange. Also if your gift will be late, please let us know before the due date, so we can let your giftee know!
While I will be as understanding as possible, if you drop out and do not message this blog and I cannot get in contact after the deadline even after several tries, your name will be marked down, and I will be wary of you joining holiday spirits again. Life happens, but if you cannot participate, it is only fair to let others know and communicate. Dropping out wordlessly or not responding to my checking in not only affects you, but the person you were meant to make a gift for, and me, the person running this blog who would then have to scramble to get a new gift made!
If you’ve read the rules and accept the conditions of joining, then click the link below and fill out the form!
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@trashland-llamas I'm your MSA Secret Santa! One of your requests was a "Freaky Friday" scenario. Lewis gets to live again, and Arthur becomes a ghost. However, Lewis needs to get used to the fact that he doesn't have powers anymore, and scardy-cat Arthur learns that if he freaks out, so does his powers.
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huppupbup · 4 months
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Your secret santa has dropped! Sorry it took so long, hun, it has been a crazy time. A bonus drabble lies below the cut!
Extra Sweet Together
"No. I'm calling it. No way that's true."
Lewis snorted and bit into another of the plum-flavored sweets to muffle his laughter. Arthur knew immediately he'd guessed wrong.
"Sorry Arthur, it's true!" Vivi made no secret of her own amusement, digging into her slice of cake and humming appreciatively around a mouthful. A delighted wiggle followed. He wasn't sure if it was because she was enjoying the food or her victory. Barely chewing at all, she swallowed and announced: "Another point for me!"
"And that's seven." Lewis pointed out. "Vivi wins."
"Fried chicken. All that food, and KFC? Really?"
"It's good! Jiji used to bring it home every year, and Dad still misses it." She shrugged. "It doesn't taste the same over here, I don't think he's ever forgiven Texas for that."
"I think they cook it differently," Lewis considered the little purple treat--wagashi, Vivi had called them--before continuing, "So I don't think it'd taste the same anywhere. You can't blame just Texas for that."
"Watch me."
"Okay, fine, you got me." Arthur's brows furrowed. "KFC is a Christmas dinner. That's so weird."
"You made fruitcake taste good, Arthur, you don't get to talk about weird."
"You don't get bonus points for cheeky zingers."
"Lewis is the judge of that!" Vivi batted her eyes sweetly. Butter wouldn't have melted in her mouth. "Can I get an extra point for my wittisms, beloved?"
"Wow! Wow, betrayal." Arthur picked up his drink in toast. "Fine, fine, hail to the queen, she reigns supreme." He took another sip in her honor. "Also I want to take a moment to point out how we all decided we were bringing desserts to this."
"I made a drink."
"It's eggnog, big guy. It's drinkable dessert."
"I'm not giving you bonus points for cheeky zingers."
"Alright boys, take it easy!" Vivi lifted another bite of the fruitcake high, gesturing toward the ceiling. "Lets make this holiday extra sweet together."
Arthur hiccuped a laugh around spiced eggnog. "Oh my god, you didn't--"
"She did." Lewis was already looking up, a bemused smile on his face.
"I did." Vivi cackled. "You both owe me sugar!"
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bonthebanana · 5 months
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My gift for @huppupbup!! So sorry this is late, I got ill 😵‍💫😭, nevertheless, hope your holidays went well :^)!! Also yes, lewis is wearing vivi's scarf :^)
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bluescarfvivi · 5 months
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Merry Christmas to @transientday/@nerv0usm3chanic!!!
After participating in the MSA Holiday Secret Santa event for so many years, I was SO ECSTATIC to find out I FINALLY got you as my Secret Santa! I've been wanting to spoil you with some graphic goodies!!
First up is a Lucan/Vivi aesthetic board because I love those two so so much!! The punk vibes are immaculate and I had tons of fun finding pictures that matched the energy of our two chaotic muses!!
Second is a thematic promo card for the boys' blog! I tried making it look like an old, rusted sign you'd see hanging up in a junkyard, or those old local mechanic signs you find in very small, Southern towns. It was SO much fun getting to make this one and mess around with texture brushes!
I hope you like your gifts!! They were so much fun to make!! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year, Transient!! Love you lots <3 <3!!
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msa-brainrot-time · 5 months
First year participating in the MSA secret santa event, I got to make a drawing for @mysteriouslyhopefulstranger
I decided to go with the prompt of their oc Alice and Vivi fawning over baby kitsunes.
Hope you like it and have a happy holidays!
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solitaria-fantasma · 5 months
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((Happy Holidays @djinik0w0 ! I’m your MSA Holiday Spirits gifter!
I absolutely LOVE your Vampire!Arthur design, so I crocheted him! The stuffing got a little squeezed out of his neck while I was working on his hair, so he’s a little bit floppy. Whoops. XD
I…don’t know if I’ll be able to ship him to you, but if we can figure it out, I’m willing to!))
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