#muku x reader
imaginesfora3 · 1 year
Furuichi Sakyo
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Sakyo
He definitely thinks you’re a little crazy. What’s so appealing about a worn out, money grubbing yakuza like him? Surely it’s not the late night B movie marathons, and certainly not the way he shed tears at the slightest sentimental moments that let you know he cherishes making memories deeply. He held himself at such a distance for so long that his descent was inevitable, it was hard to be a tough guy when one person always managed to wrangle out your hidden affectionate side. But being brave enough to even search for it earned you brownie points, so Sakyo almost felt like he had no choice but to give in lest he create more trouble for himself.
Hyodo Juza
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Juza
No ones seen him the way you have. Even when he stumbled, or messed up a line, or proved he’s hopelessly awkward when it comes to expressing his feelings, you had never laughed at him. He doesn’t feel deserving of your friendship or admiration let alone your love, not when you had done so much to defend him and more while he simply existed in your world with no clue on how to show you how he felt. He had never understood any of Muku’s romance manga but he was slowly starting to understand what it meant to want to protect someone’s smile.
Sakisaka Muku
Falls First: Muku
Falls Harder: Muku
When a true romantic falls in love an angel gets their wings, as well as there being an extra layer of dedication added into the mix. He’s so specific with courting you right, making handmade crafts or homemade food as presents, wanting to give you everything he could possibly get his hands on. He wanted you to see the best parts of him not realizing that life was not a fairy tale; to truly love a person, you needed to know their flaws as well. Knowing you wanted to love him to the fullest extent possible made his heart stop in his chest, even while he still had plenty of growing to do. He hoped that was an adventure you could make together.
Settsu Banri
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Banri
Hardly one to fall for a traditional romance, Banri was stubborn as a mule when it came to giving his heart away. For all the flirting he did with you there was still a carefully crafted gap, a purposeful distance, a man who was shockingly considerate of what a relationship with him might do to a person. He had never felt loyalty so strongly like he did to you, the complicated dance you partook in all the more invigorating for him. Finding someone who could match his rhythm, meet him step for step without faltering, was a partner that Banri couldn’t simply ignore.
Takato Tasuku
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: You
You are bold to take on the challenge that is Takato Tasuku. Even more single-minded than Tsumugi, you might have to take more drastic measures to draw his attention. It’s almost like he’s unwilling to see what’s right in front of him, but he wasn’t a fool. He’s not afraid of change either but he doesn’t want to partake in a relationship with impossible standards. He can be thoughtful and display his honest feelings, but you had to understand that he’s human above all else. He’s not the charming prince persona he was forced to play countless times in his Godza days; he didn’t always know what to say, and sometimes he might be too blunt, but it didn’t make the love he felt for you any less real.
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starclast · 2 months
I was checking my old drawings and found an old Pucca one. It has an original character I was planning to use in a fanfic back there...But apart form the fact that he can read peoples minds I...don't remember anything else from the story 😅
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Summer Troupe's kisses
Tenma Sumeragi, Yuki Rurikawa, Muku Sakisaka, Misumi Ikaruga, Kazunari Miyoshi x gn! reader
Currently workin on that Nico x male reader oneshot while typing away bit by bit on other requests as well
Just did this to keep my fingers goin
Spring Troupe's kisses
Autumn Troupe‘s kisses
Tenma Sumeragi...
...kisses you as if you are the one asking for it. It's the embarrassment speaking when he rolls his eyes and leans in to kiss you. He's attempting to tease you to avert any and all attention from how flustered he actually is. Oh, you missed him so much that you want a kiss? Okay, fine, come here.
But believe me when I say he's overjoyed on the inside. You can feel it in every kiss, since he makes it his mission to put all his feelings into it so you can feel the things he's too embarrassed to say.
Yuki Rurikawa...
...kisses you when he feels like you deserve it. He's a critic and will tell you his mind without much of a filter, if any at all. There is just no reason to sugar coat it. And since he wants you to do your best and realize how much you can do, he made it a rule to give you a kiss everytime you did something good. Only in private though. It's light and soft, innocent, and always aimed to your cheek. He's not ready for kisses on the lips yet.
Muku Sakisaka...
...kisses you with much hesitation. His heart already beats 10x faster than normal when he grabs your hand, so imagine how he feels when it comes to kisses. Cue him overthinking about anything there is to overthink. Location of the kiss, kind of kiss, lenght of the kiss,...
He wants every kiss he gives you to be a good one to you, so you still want to kiss him the next time. So he forgets his age and that a peck on the cheek is already more than enough.
Misumi Ikaruga...
...kisses you three times. Three is the number of corners and sides triangles have. And triangles equal love. And you are the one he loves. So see it as an extra sparkle of affection besides the kisses themselves. His kisses are loud, and with that I mean the 'mwua' he makes whenever he kisses you. It adds a certain playfulness to the kisses which he really enjoys. His kisses are just loaded with energy, having the goal to make you giggle and hyped up as well.
Kazunari Miyoshi...
...kisses you a lot. Good morning kisses, goodbye kisses, hello kisses, goodnight kisses, and everything in between. A day with him is just filled with smooches and pecks. He just loves kissing you that much, and isn't shy about it either. Whenever he thinks you're being cute, mwua, there, a kiss to the cheek, no matter who is watching. Let them look and see what a lucky guy he is to have you as his partner.
If you are being just as kissy as him, prepare yourself to be blessed by the sight of the lovestruck smile on his face.
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: tenma sumeragi | yuki rurikawa | muku sakisaka | misumi ikaruga | kazunari miyoshi | kumon hyodo summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: some allusions to bad home lives, insomnia rating: sfw a/n: i have really nothing to say this time, nothing much has really happened while i was writing this so it was all very straight forward. i think the summer troupe is just too sunny to create really conflicted alphas for. they are a comedy group after all.
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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≿━━━━༺❀ tenma sumeragi ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an amateur actor, who'd just recently joined the summer troupe. you'd explained to izumi that you were there to learn more for your craft, though in truth you'd just ran away from home and needed a stable place to stay away from your parents.
✿ you were 17 at the time, though you told izumi that you were 18 so that she wouldn't want to call your parents. tenma was 16, a good year younger than you.
✿ you got to meet tenma after his audition, as you'd been been staying at the company for a week already before anyone else joined. you weren't there for the audition, so it came as a huge surprise when you were told that you'd be rooming with a famous actor. tenma's arrogance immediately soured the relationship though, which lead to some shenanigans with the rooming.
✿ the first day of rooming together, you locked tenma out of the room, to which tenma responded by hiding all your beddings. your mutual messing with each other continued for a week before the two of you came to any kind of understanding with each other.
✿ tenma wasn't really impressed by you upon first meeting, and he fully expressed that. after the bedroom incident, he was rather certain that he hated you though that changed after sharing that room with you for a while. you thought that tenma was an arrogant brat, and frankly you couldn't stand to be around him for any longer than necessary. you somewhat softened your view on him after spending time with him, but you still considered him to be a complete prick.
≿━━━━༺❀ yuki rurikawa ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the young heir of an old money family company. you'd just recently been "disinherited" by your parents, temporarily, as they felt that you needed to experience normal life. so, you decided to join the mankai company as acting was a huge interest of yours.
✿ you were 15 at the time, in izumi's opinion far too young to try and live independently. you didn't really understand her point, so she gave up trying. yuki was 14.
✿ you met yuki during the audition, when you spotted him and started gushing over his outfit. yuki was sort of off-put by it, especially since your own clothes were name-brand and extremely expensive looking. seeing you get along so "well", izumi paired you up to room together.
✿ you and yuki's room soon became a hub of creativity, especially once you were appointed as the company's official stylist. it was to the point that the rest of the summer troupe wondered where the two of you slept since the beds were usually covered in fabric and make-up kits.
✿ yuki liked you quite a bit, surprisingly. while you were definitely a snobby rich kid at times, you were also naive in a way that made you completely sincere and honest with everything you did and said. not to mention how you didn't question his way of dressing at all. you thought yuki to be the most stylish person you'd ever met, especially once you discovered that he made his own clothes. you'd never even considered that that was a thing that you could do, and couldn't help but admire his talents.
≿━━━━༺❀ muku sakisaka ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were looking for a place to live, as you'd be starting medical school the next year to become a paramedic. you happened upon a flier for the mankai company audition, and as acting had been a hobby of yours you thought it was the perfect place.
✿ you were 16, having just recently turned prior to moving away from home. you were a bit young to actually start medical school, but you were given special permission as your mother was a famous doctor. muku was 14.
✿ as you were arriving to the audition, you saw muku walking to the theatre. you didn't really draw any attention to yourself, but muku noticed you and got startled, which almost ended up in him falling over and hitting his head against the curb. thankfully, you had quick reflexes and managed to stop his fall and shield his head.
✿ muku became extremely shy around you, but after the audition when you were both accepted into the troupe you were paired together for a room, which is how muku found out about your cute med-kits and decorations.
✿ muku admired you immensely, the moment you saved him he thought that you were one of those dashing princex's from his manga. that, and your dedication to helping other people made him grow a big fat crush on you very quickly. you thought muku was rather cute, though you were very confused about his muteness around you. but you thought it was fitting that you were set to room together, as the small omega fit perfectly within all your decorations.
≿━━━━༺❀ misumi ikaruga ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were just a little kid, experimenting with photography and living with your grandma. your parents weren't really fit to take care of you, but you'd been given a polaroid camera by your mom, which left you with a curiosity for the craft.
✿ you were six years old. you'd been staying with your grandma for a year at that point. misumi was five years old, though in actuality he was almost two years younger than you.
✿ you were outside taking pictures with your camera while your grandma was entertaining a friend inside. while taking a picture of a tree, a certain triangle-loving kid popped into frame and scared the hell out of you. turns out, your grandma's friend had a grandson that he'd bought along that was now attempting to save you from what you were certain was a heart attack.
✿ now, obviously you were not experiencing a heart attack. and after misumi managed to get your breathing under control, the two of you got along rather well. and so the two of you would often start to be found together, having play-dates outside.
✿ misumi thought you were so fun and cute, even after the scare of your (not really) heart attack. you were always nice to him, pointing out triangles for him and even having pictures of them ready every time you'd meet up. you were certain that if you were not looking after misumi he'd manage to get himself seriously hurt or worse... lost. so you made it your life's mission to take care of him, and it definitely wasn't because you thought he was really cute.
≿━━━━༺❀ kazunari miyoshi ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a social media influencer looking for a theater company to join. your mother had been a theatre actor in her youth and you wanted to get a taste of her life that she described so dearly. though you weren't really interested in it personally.
✿ you were 19, you were still in university though you didn't attend it all that seriously. kazunari was the same age as you, though miraculously you'd never come across each other on campus.
✿ you'd made an innocuous post on one of your less-known socials about looking for a theater company to join, which kazunari as a fan of yours happened to see. he, knowing you went to the same school, tracked you down and invited you to the mankai company auditions. you hadn't really been expecting anyone to understand what you wanted, so you were a bit shocked by the sudden invitations to say the least.
✿ when you did actually attend the auditions, you got the part and as you were recommended by kazunari the two of you were paired to room together. izumi would soon come to regret that when you started getting along like a house on fire.
✿ kazunari had been a fan of you for a long time, your cute aesthetic and your joyful personality that radiated sunshine everywhere drawing him in long before he actually met you. and discovering that most of it wasn't fake just made him like you more. kazunari was a... lot, at first anyway. he was sort of confusing, showing up out of nowhere and solving your problem, but after spending some time together rooming you realized how similar the two of you were.
≿━━━━༺❀ kumon hyodo ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an aspiring actor, with a bit of a problem. you had an extreme case of insomnia that often ended in you either not being completely there during performances or straight up passing out. but you had determination to achieve your dream.
✿ you were 16, the same age as kumon. you'd both been attending the same high school, but your social circles were so different that you'd never actually met before.
✿ you were out seeing a play by the mankai company, a local performance that kumon was helping with. unfortunately you'd not been properly sleeping for the last week so you fell asleep during the performance, right onto kumon's shoulder as he'd sat down next to you to watch. while surprised, he gladly let you use his shoulder as a pillow and woke you up once the troupe was leaving.
✿ after that whole bit, you decided to pursue joining the troupe as you thought theatre acting would suit you and your insomnia better. and surprisingly izumi took you in gladly, and set you and kumon to room together.
✿ kumon thought you were cute! especially your sleeping face, you just look so peaceful. and after starting to room together, he thought he'd get to see you sleeping even more, but to his surprise you spent most of your nights completely awake, often scaring him when he woke up in the middle of the night. kumon was... a lot for your tired brain. his energy made you seem even more tired and done, but it was also comforting to be around him. though you also thought that he was far too jumpy, in a cute way. not that you'd ever admit it.
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lcs-library · 3 months
Pomegranate tea prompt with Muku please? ^^
Of course!!! Thanks for the request, and have a lovely day!
Request rules
Request game
Pomegranate Tea: At what point did they know they loved their s/o?
👑 God, Muku knows love when he sees it, huh?
👑 He’s always on the lookout for it in others, actively seeks it in media, and loses himself in princely fantasies about it. You can imagine it was a surprise when he found it for himself.
👑 It was the end of a tiring day at school, and Muku was waiting outside the gate for Yuki to exit the building. He knew he would be waiting there for a while, so he made sure to bring a manga to read while he waited for Yuki to finish cleaning the classroom that day.
👑 “No way, is that My Love Across Time: Romance 500 Years Ago?! I love that series!”
👑 Muku jumped, startled by the voice, glancing up from the book.
👑 That was when his fearful eyes met your sparkling ones, a grin starting to spread on your lips.
👑 “U-uh, yes! Are you a fan?” He asked nervously.
👑 “Totally! It’s one of my favorites! Did you know that all of the warlords are actual historical figures?” You replied excitedly.
👑 “I did! In fact, I did a lot of research on the time period, and it’s really, really interesting!”
👑 “No way! You should tell me about it sometime, I wanna hear! Do you have LIME?”
👑 Muku nodded, a shaky smile starting to form on his own features. The two of you exchanged contacts, and you managed to make a swift exit.
👑 He couldn’t help but stare after you, his thoughts racing with how he would get to know you, which character he would talk about first, how he was even allowed to talk to you, and just how enamored he was with you, even after only a few seconds of knowing each other.
👑 His heart was pounding just a bit too quickly, his legs felt like jelly, and he wasn’t sure what to say. Was this love? They just met, how could it be? They should really become friends before he decided anything, and even then why would they want to be friends with him, he was just a lowly peasant, soon to become a soldier only to be yelled at and useless on the battlefield how could they even-
👑 “Hey, wonder boy. You ready to head back?” Yuki’s voice interrupted his thoughts.
👑 “O-oh, sorry! Yeah, let’s go,” he agreed, hurriedly putting away his things.
👑 “What’s with the dorky look?”
👑 “It’s nothing! I just- uh- got lost in the book again! That’s it!”
👑 “Sure…”
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️ your fics are actually amazing and they are such a big comfort for me!! Could you please do hcs of hisoka, taichi and muku with an s/o who is strong and picks them up at random times like they are just practicing and their s/o walks into the room and picks them up que everyone just looking and waiting for them to put him down like: 🕴🏽
Sorry for making this so specific please have a nice day and say safe!! :]
(if this makes you uncomfortable in anyway or your reqs are closed please delete this req!!)
THANK U THANKU THANKU SMMMM.....THIS,.,,REQ,..,.,SO CUTE,,,.,.EEIUGHGJ.,.,.[please pretend u dont see me digging around in my room to find my dumbbells again,.,.i have forsaken my workout routine.,.]
ragdoll FR
he reeeally like being carried :”) he falls asleep sooo quickly when you’re holding him! he feels safe with you :)
he wiiillll go totally limp tho, he’s not even gonna try to make it easy on you
absolutely will try to convince izumi to let him go through with practice like this but she’s too worried about you getting tired so she kinda shuts it down after a few mins
she does think you two are really cute tho <333
she will audibly go ‘awwwweee’ if she sees you carrying him around the dorms
anyways! imo hisoka is totes the type to really like how his partner smells, so if you’re being all cuddly with him but gotta leave at some point, he will demand you give him your sweater or jacket or soooomething just so he can hold onto it while you’re gone
OKOKOK HE THINKS UR SO COOL….but this???? picking him up??? in front of everyone???
ww.,,.www,., pleading eyes emoji
you make him feel so SPECIAL OMG… like he knooows banri is laughing at him a leetle bit [lightheartedly <3] but he does not CARE he feels like your SPECIAL BOY he feels CUTE and LITTLE
he will make sure to give u a big squeezy hug before you go! [or you could stay for practice >:OOOO! sakyo knows ur a good kid so he doesn't particularly mind]
after the first few times taichi will try and pick you up too!! he wants to be a cool boyfie!! if he cant manage it the first time, no worries! he’s on his way to tasuku to get advice on strength training 😌
dont be surprised if he picks you up too >:333 he’s a strong boy!
pleaadignnjvjf eyes emojinvjf part twoo,.,waaughf HE LIKES U SM,,,,
he’s actually totally squee-ing :”) full on baby mode activated
this is just like that one scene in that shoujo manga he’s been reading lately where the main character’s love interest picks them up because a pipe burst in their classroom and the floor was flooding and the love interest didnt want the mc’s shoes getting wet and they had a scene where they carried them outside and!!! and!!!
he’s so cute pls listen to him,..
kazunari Will whistle at you two just to see muku get all blushy and try to hide his face in your shoulder [feel free to make fun of him for being single, it will make yuki laugh for the entire practice]
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ramen-lord-baku · 2 years
i forgot to add A3! in the fandom art reqs so i just fixed it. pls A3ders where r u
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mashuhiso-writes · 2 years
Hello! If it is okay, may I request either Muku or Sakuya and some fluffy dating headcanons? :3
I hope that you have a great day!💕
Tysm!! I decided to do Muku for this one, if that's okay!!
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Muku Sakisaka Fluffy Dating Headcanons!
He was a bit shy at first and it took a lot of courage to confess to them, but he warmed up to them after a bit of time!
Lots and lots of picnic dates!! He made the food himself with the help of Omi and some others :)
They do homework together that they're struggling with and come up with solutions together!
Occasional dog or cat cafe dates! The animals are so fluffy and nice, their stress from their homework melts away immediately <3
Muku makes small animal plushies made of soft felt for them!
They make daisy crowns for each other :)
He appreciates their presence so much, and he always looks forward to them watching his performances!
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pink-alstroemeria · 1 year
✿ rules & tags ✿
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—✿ what i will write:
fluff, angst, and suggestive content (to an extent)
oneshots, headcanons, and character interactions
x reader (and sometimes character x character)
AUs/crossovers (as long as I know the other media well enough)
romantic and platonic/general relationships
—✿ what i won't write:
gore/descriptive injury
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—✿ characters i'll write for:
i'm sorry if there's a character you wanted to request but isn't on the list! some of them are just harder for me to write than others </3 (the genshin list may be updated when new characters are released!)
bold = strictly platonic only
◦ genshin impact ◦ — amber, bennett, fischl, kaeya, razor, diluc, jean, venti, klee, albedo, beidou, chongyun, xiangling, xingqiu, zhongli, xiao, yelan, thoma, gorou, heizou, kazuha, ayaka, itto, tighnari, cyno, wanderer, childe, dainsleif
◦ twisted wonderland ◦ — riddle, trey, cater, ace, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, epel, idia, ortho, lilia, silver, sebek, che'nya, neige, grim
◦ a3! ◦ — sakuya, masumi, tsuzuru, itaru, citron, tenma, yuki, muku, misumi, kazunari, banri, juza, sakyo, omi, taichi, tsumugi, tasuku, homare, hisoka, azuma, izumi
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—✿ special blog tags:
random posts (i.e. me posting random thoughts, ect) — 🌸.stray flower
non-request asks i answer — 🌸.small bouquet
writing (both requests and non-requests) — 🌸.floral arrangement
romance — 🌸.red rose
platonic/general — 🌸.yellow rose
fluff — 🌸.forget-me-not
angst —🌸.bleeding heart
suggestive — 🌸.jasmine
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yuzenji-archive · 3 years
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the manga store muku visits all the time was a bit more crowded than it used to, and it made it just a wee bit hard for him to get around and grab his favorite series.
he was constantly knocked over by other customers zooming through the aisles, and when he realized someone was standing directly in front of his favorite series, muku zoomed away.
maybe they’ll leave soon? he thought. muku comes to check again, and sees the same person standing in the same spot. he sighs a little, biting his lip before beginning to walk over to where his favorite manga is located.
to muku’s surprise, they were holding the same manga he loves. “y-you like that series too?”
you were so invested in the manga that hearing a soft spoken voice ask you had brought you back to reality; a pink haired boy with a smile that could cure the world was standing next to you. he was adorable. “y-yeah! i wanted to explore a little more outside of my usual genre and thought this one was interesting.”
“can i recommend some of my favorites then? i-i think.. you might enjoy them as well...” muku was awfully shy, but he could feel all of it melt away as he spent the short evening bonding over manga series with you. he lost track of the time, and so did you. “i-i really liked ha-hanging out with you tonight! i..”
muku trailed off, bottom lip caught between his incisors as he works up the courage to ask you if you would like hang out tomorrow. but what if you thought he was weird and a creep? he’s nothing but a shrimp, anyway. “i-i was wondering if you’d like to hang out with me tomorrow..? s-same place, w-we can also get food if you want?”
you thought it was so cute that he stumbled upon his words quite often when he asked you, and you nod your head. after giving him your number, you fled back home, leaving a starstruck muku in the store.
“muku? muku, where are- oh, there you are. why do you have that weird smile on your face?” yuki had five bags total in hand, and muku grabbed the other three to help him. “let’s go home, the director will worry.”
“when did you start worrying about the director, yuki-kun?”
“let’s just go home, muku.”
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bananasquash · 3 years
Request: muku sakisaka x reader, royale AU, shhhh you dont know me (male reader)
Prince!Muku x Knight!Male!Reader
Muku paced back and forth in his room, the evenings ball being the main source of his stress.
"Muku~" Came the silky smooth yet somehow masculine voice of his own personal Knight in shining armor. Though this time, it wasn't armor he came in. It was a very princely tuxedo, casual when going to a ball.
Said prince turned towards the door way, only to come face to face with a smirk. The prince blushed lightly, still not used to the littlest of gestures his favorite knight gave only him. "Yes [Y/n]...?" He said shakily, trying to put on his clothes. He, the knight, just sighed wish a smile, kicking off the doorframe and striding over with such Grace in order to help his beloved Muku.
"Your highness, for thou thees' beauty is incomparable to any singular word of the humane language, thee seems to find it hard to do the simplest of works~" He winked. Muku grew more flustered word by word.
"S-Stop with the poetic wording and please help me!" He pouted, the knight laughing at the prince.
"Anything for you Muku~" He smirked lightly, pulling on the corset Muku wore. The prince truly did look stunning in the knights' eyes. Oh how he'd love to look into Muku's oceanic eyes. He swore that if he could, There'd be no more work needed to be done due to the wonderful amount of motivation it'd give him.
Muku sighed, relieved to know that the corset was on. "Thank you, [Y/n]. I'll make sure to make you proud tonight!"
The smile his knight once had fell lightly, though not terribly noticable, to a normal person. Of course the prince had to choose his princess tonight. Why did society have to do this? 2 males, plus a knight and a prince??? That's beyond shameful! Society would surely derail them of their statuses.
"Anything for you, Muku. Shall we head down?"
The pink haired beauty nodded, taking off for the ball. After all, who wouldn't wanna get this over with?
Oh holy lord's from above. There's nothing the knight wished more than to drop dead. Why couldn't he control himself? Curse his jealousy.
Muku, being the polite person he is, allowed a dance with a fair maiden from afar. How dare she propose after? How dare he blurt out his feelings and disapproval toward the action?
"No! I will not allow it! Muku my love, I swear by anything I'd protect you, and I'd prefer it be with you as my prince!" Oh how the blush arose on both parties faces.
"[Y/n]..." Muku breathed out. He soon broke into a smile all the while tears outshined it. "I'd love to!"
The weight lifted off the knights shoulders, deciding the best course of action was to kiss the prince. Although some were supportive, most everyone voted them off their positions. It was sad, sure, and it was tiring working endlessly, but two people in love can make anything work if they try and promise to cherish one another for all eternity.
LOL @ko-ffee02 not the best~ but I tried🤷
I finished at 11:03pm💀 I'm tired and paranoid but oh well. As long as I finished it
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emilycollins00 · 3 years
Hey, if you want to (you don‘t have to through) could you maybe write a Muku x Reader, in which Muku‘s crush writes him a anonymous love letter but he recognizes his crush’s handwriting? But if you don’t to write it for Muku, than it can be somebody else! Like idk... Juza or Sakuya (that would have been cute too). Everybody’s just great🥺❤️ Have a great day!~ (*´꒳`*)🌸
Sorry for the delay, love. You are the sweetest thing! I don’t really mind if reader is the same age, also crushes are the cutest thing so... Muku it is! 💕
Hope you enjoy!
Title: Love letter
Pairing: Muku Sakisaka x reader
“I don’t know Yuki-kun, I’m sure Sakyo-san also wants the play to be a success. Why would he try to make it difficult?”
With school hours finally ended for the day, both middle schoolers talked as they prepared to go back to the dorm.
Yuki clicked his tongue “If he wanted the performance to be good he should at least be more lenient with the budget” he mused opening his locker, already making a mental list of the materials he would have to buy to make up for the cut he had been informed in the morning “That money grabbing yakuza… he could at least think how much work is to piece everything together”
“I-I’m sure you’ll do an amazing job! We’ll all make sure to help if it gets too much!”
“Of course I was already counting on it. I haven’t been training you all for nothing”
Muku laughed nervously at his retort.
His heart made a leap at the unexpected sound of your voice. Turning around, he found you running in his direction from the crowded hall.
Once you managed to catch up you held a hand up, asking silently for a few seconds to regain breath. Finally you lifted your head, cheeks slightly flushed from the sprint “Sorry, I wanted to give back the volume you let me before you left!”
“Ah, you shouldn’t have had to bother coming all the way!” Muku stuttered, taking the manga from your hands and holding it against his chest. He glanced at you hopeful “Um... What did you think about it?”
You clapped your hands, beaming “Oh, I couldn’t put it down! The main character was so sweet it made me want to cheer for them so much!”
Muku felt his previous tension being released. He had been the one who had recommended it after all. He smiled happily “I thought so too! T-the way the festival had…”
As always happened when he talked to you lately, Muku hoped he wasn’t blushing too much or sounded too weird. It had been a few months since you both started exchanging romance novels due to mutual interest and the more you got to know each other, the more Muku noticed he had developed quite the crush on you.
“I see you guys are leaving already. Practice?”
Muku played with the string of his schoolbag, self-consciously “W-well, spring troupe is next so we usually make street acts for the time being until Tsuzuru-san writes ours- ah, he’s the person I told you that writes such wonderful stories!”
“Oh! I hope summer comes soon then” you chuckled, making Muku’s stomach stir “I have to go now too, see you both tomorrow!” .
Once you were out of sight, Yuki glanced at the former athlete sighing with a hand placed in his chest and rolled his eyes “Why don’t you just invite them somewhere? I doubt they’d say no”
“Y/N” his pointed the way you had left with his chin “You are painfully obvious, you know”
Muku waved his arms neglectingly, flushing “I-I can’t! If only I had the charismatic aura of Itaru-san or the elegance of Citron-sama b-but I don’t have any of those qualities and...!
“I keep telling you those two are the worst examples you should be trying to learn from”
He kept shaking his head stubbornly. You had become someone he truly admired for always doing their best. Your approach and attitude were so nice, so warm...  The thought of dating was too much! “A-anyway, shouldn’t we hurry to get to the dorm?”
Yuki squinted his eyes, but opted to shrug it off “Sure, I need to change before going to that thrift shop by Veludo Station. Last time the worker there showed me some…”
Muku relaxed inwardly, seeing Yuki was already on work mode. As he opened the locker to change his shoes though, something white fell from inside. He crouched down to the floor to retrieve it “A letter?”
He turned it, but saw no sign anywhere, which made him tilt his head confused. Why was a letter inside…?
Something clicked in his head as he stood up, blue eyes staring at the white envelope.
It couldn’t be real. He must be daydreaming.
“Maybe I could even- Muku?”
Oh god, what if he had been transported to one of his mangas? What if he now had to overcome the plot of the story to be able to get back and…?
“Hey! Earth to Muku, geez!”
Snapping out of it, he finally focused on the annoyed green-haired in front of him “Yuki-kun…? Have you also been transported into the manga world?”
“What are you talking about” the young designer sighed, crossing his arms over his chest when he noticed the envelope “Was that inside your locker?”
“You can see it too?!”
“Of course I can idiot. You didn’t have that before”
Muku nodded to himself blinking at the letter. So he wasn’t imagining it…
“Well, aren’t you going to open it?” Yuki leaned his back on the lockers, bending curiously.
“I-I can’t”
“Mucchan received a WHAT?!”
“Could you say it any louder, you idiotic dog? It’s just a letter, who cares”
“Mukkun, I’m shook!” as Taichi kept crying about wanting to find love too, Kazunari jumped in completely elated “Isn’t this like the highlight of your school life mangas in real life? You def have to open it!”
Taichi’s reactions and Kazunari’s comments didn’t reach Muku, still zoning in and out of the conversation. After a long banter in school, he hadn’t had the guts to open the letter, so Yuki decided for him to take it home and give him time to process the situation.
Which is the reason he was now sitting on the couch in the middle of the lounge, surrounded.
It was true he had often dreamed of love letters. Who wouldn’t? They were so romantic! To receive a handwritten confession maybe even in poetry professing an undying love, rushing off to a midnight rendezvous with one’s true love… the mere thought made Muku swoon.
But one thing was his imagination, and another one real life, as much as he sometimes mixed both.
To think something like that actually happened to him didn’t feel real.
“I…I already told Yuki-kun this must be a mistake” he murmured fidgeting, not able to take his eyes off the yet-to-be-open envelope on the table “Who would want to write to someone who is a half-pint, small, dried-up stale beansprout like me?”
“You sure s’not a letter for a challenge, right” Juza grumbled from the other couch, throwing daggers to the letter.
“Why am I not surprised that’s your first thought, Standard Gangster”
Muku lifted his head gasping with eyes wide open, scared “I-I hadn’t even think about that! What if I did something and now they are looking for revenge and…!”
“S’okay, Muku” Juza stopped him, cracking his knuckles “I’ll take care of ‘em if that’s the case”
“Whoa, whoa, hold on, dude!” Kazunari laughed nervously, placing a hand his shoulder to calm him down “Before we decide it’s something like that, how about opening it?”
“Mr. Extrovert is right for once” Yuki rested his chin on the back on his hand “You are taking too long”
As everyone watched expectantly, Muku glanced at the letter once more, swallowing with difficulty. Even just looking at it made his heartbeat go wild. He shook his head, took a deep breath, and carefully tore the edges apart.
The first thought that came to his mind was the fact that the colour of the paper was the same as his hair.
Then, the fact that his whole face was probably heating up after he read his name.
“Just tell me who I have to beat up”
The summer troupe member lifted his head flustered, forgetting where he was “S-sorry I- it’s okay, Ju-chan! um, it’s not that type of letter!”
As he kept reading the content, Muku felt his heart ringing in his ears as well as the heat reaching and warming his cheeks. The message of the letter was definitely a confession worthy of a manga and the way he was being described… nothing could compare to what he was feeling at that moment, eyes fixed on the letter, practically glowing.
By the second read though, he noticed something weird. A somewhat familiar feeling, as if he had read this before.
He read it again. What was it?
“Let me see, let me see!” Kazunari soon moved to his side, reading with him and whistling “Mukkun whoever this is you have to find them, this is totes cute!”
He didn’t answer, still in deep thought. This handwriting… where had he…?
A flashback of him looking at your notes in class and thinking how beautiful your handwriting looked crossed his mind. Muku covered his mouth from the sudden revelation.
“You okay, Mukkun?”
If he was blushing before, his face must now be a downright crimson mess.
Could it be a joke? Or was he daydreaming again? B-but that WAS your handwriting. He had caught himself so many times staring that it.
He checked once more afraid. No, it definitely was yours.
“B-but Y/N-san, they…”
“Y/N?” the surprise on Yuki’s face when he heard your name was palpable. He grabbed the letter, smiling at the end “Well, aren’t you lucky Wonder Boy”
“Who’s Y/N?”
“Ah, Muku’s crush”
“Muku, you…”
“W-wait, what if they did this as a way to test my acting? O-or to try to recreate a scene for a new manga?” his mind kept rejecting the idea “They said they wanted to see our performance, what if tomorrow they keep asking me what happened today and I can’t act naturally and then they think I was spying on them only to be told that-!
“Muku, please” Yuki rolled his eyes “As if someone like them would do this as a prank”
The young actor looked around everyone in the room insecure and then again at your letter, taking it with both hands carefully “It’s just… I’m just me” he finally whispered.
Kazunari chuckled softly, ruffling his hair.
“Well, that’s plenty for us, you know it! And judging by the letter it’s the same for them”
Next day Muku paced around the entrance of the school, waiting for you. No matter how many mangas he had read, nothing had given him the answer for how to act. 
Was this how the heroines felt? His lower body was barely being able to sustain him.
“Muku-kun, you called for me?”
Okay, stay calm Muku. Y-you got this! He forced himself not to let his nerves show as you walked up “Y-yeah! Um, do you have a moment to talk?”
“Sure?” you tilted your head curiously.
He had to avert his gaze “t-The thing is, um; yesterday this was on my locker…” Muku took out the letter from his pocket, praying for a reaction.
You stared at it dumbfounded, and for the first time, Muku saw your cheeks growing slightly red. He kept talking “I… I somehow recognized your handwriting! S-so I wanted to say that I too-!”
He couldn’t finish as he watched you covering your face, which caused him to frown confused “Y-Y/N-san...?”
“Please hide me” Muku could tell your ears were bright red at this point “Sorry, this is not… it wasn’t…”
You groaned to yourself. You worked so hard to not let it show, appearing even before he saw the letter and your handwriting was what gave it away in the end…? Talk about embarrassment.
“Ugh, I’m so lame”
“It wasn’t lame! Not at all!” Muku’s heart squeezed, talking louder than he had imagined, but he wanted to make his point clear this time. Lame was the last thing that could have crossed his mind when he read it “You are so cool and the letter was beautiful!”
“I-It was…?”
He nodded although you couldn’t see him “Y/N-san” you felt his hands holding yours, taking them away from your face. Once you couldn’t hide anymore you looked up, a blushing Muku welcoming you with a warm smile.
“If you are okay with me, would... would you like to meet up sometime?”
He really looked like a prince.
Wishing you all a wonderful day! 💕
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uwua3 · 4 years
request: “Nice! I really want to see a Muku and Juza dating HC (they are my favourites and they are cousins too do syajdn)” — @meegeemee26
i love muku & juza’s dynamic as cousins! i think they’re so cute and have the best sibling–esque relationship ever so i’m glad to write for both of them~ sorry for the delay, i hope you love it!!!
summary: who said romance couldn’t be a little cliché?
warnings: fighting, robbery, tripping
author’s note: i found it funny how similar i thought muku and juza would act as boyfriends~ just a small thing to point out! nothing to say except i researched every shoujo manga cliché in the book i swear... expect All Of Them in muku’s (i apologize for using kabedon T___T, that is all)
word count: 5,105 (total) — 2,698 (muku), 2,407 (juza)
music: adore u – seventeen (muku), dumb dumb – jane jang, giant pink perc%nt (juza)
🌻👑 sakisaka muku
muku felt like he was in a shoujo manga
except, you were the bishounen prince!
you were a shoujp cliché: you were st. flora’s resident prince~ you were treated as royalty and had the largest following ever known to the school
you could say muku was apart of your fanclub, apart of the adoring students who crowded around you with presents and gifts just to see how cool & suave you were
although he always admired from afar, muku definitely dropped everything he was doing to watch how effortlessly awesome you were at making everyone fall at your feet and swoon over your natural charisma and charm
he wanted to be just like you! you were just like a manga prince, muku wanted to learn everything about being the most popular student at st. flora and become the shoujo prince he always wanted to be!
but, you were always with someone. whether it be at your locker and spilling tons of flowers & chocolates on the ground, or signing autographs at lunch with a flawless smile, or even competing at seasonal schoolwide events and winning without fail, you were never alone
muku wanted to be friends with you! you were so cool and everything he aspired to achieve, but he resigned himself to complimenting you to others and making heart eyes across the room at your dreamy persona
it wasn’t until he was walking to class before he tripped, bracing himself to hit the floor but to no avail. instead, a strong arm was wrapped around his waist as he heard the loud slam of a hand beside his head. he was being leaned against a wall, it couldn’t be...
when muku opened his eyes, his books pressed tight against his chest, he swore you sparkled in the sunlight. oh my god, you were basically pinning him to the wall! you had your arm outstretched to support him as you looked down on him like the true royalty you were
you had did it! it was muku’s first kabedon!!! (experiencing the sound a character’s hand makes when it slams into the wall and pins the protagonist to the wall)
“uwah... you saved me...” muku was amazed, practically speechless. everyone at st.flora’s crush was holding him in their arms. he wanted to squeal and roll around on the ground, he knew his cheeks were red and his eyes were hearts but he liked you so much! you were a real prince!
you smiled, like you’ve done this a thousand times before you gently let him go, helping muku steady to his feet while insisting on carrying his books to class
“i’m so glad you’re not hurt~ a cute baby face like yours must be protected at all costs!” you sweetly said, and muku’s heart skipped a beat. he couldn’t believe it, you, his crush, were helping him! you wanted to talk to him, he must’ve hit his head and gone to heaven because this could not be real!!!
“muku, right?” you carefully asked, adjusting the grip on his bag as you made sure nothing fell. the corridor was filled with hushed whispers and jealous rumors swirling past the duo. both you and muku walking to the same homeroom class that morning, easily making comfortable conversation despite muku’s shyness
“you know my name?!” muku squeaked, unaware you even knew who he was. you giggled, brushing your hair out of your face as you smiled, a light blush dusted across your nose at the shock
“of course, i’ve gone to your track meets before, you’re so fast~” you complimented, going to pat his head with sincere affection. muku nearly passed out—his crush used to go to his matches! his crush just said he was fast! was he, oh my god, your friend?!
“i... i, thank you! i’ll become even faster for you!” muku spluttered, trying to get the right words out as he nervously glanced down at his uniform, trying to keep his composure. how were you so cool? you effortlessly laughed, shaking your head with absolute kindness as you waved hello to the underclassmen practically begging for your attention
“no need, muku! i like you the way you are, it’s so nice to finally talk in person.” you comforted, walking side by side as you two had the entire school’s attention. every student was gossiping, wondering how muku was friends with the school prince
muku was about to become overwhelmed with all the praise he was getting! flustered, muku shyly laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye–contact even though both of you were in the same grade
you weren’t his senior by any means, you were just so popular it felt like you were in a completely different social level
muku couldn’t believe it! you, the most popular prince with the biggest fanclub ever, was walking him to class! it was the most perfect day ever, he wished he fell more just so you could catch him!
when you two arrived, muku couldn’t help but feel disappointed. you must’ve noticed, because you hummed a concerned tone as you rested your hand on muku’s shoulder, looking at him like he was the only person in the world (muku swore he was never going to wash his uniform ever again)
“muku? are you alright? i can take you to the nurse if you’d like.” you offered and muku’s lovesick heart almost said yes even though he was completely okay, he just wanted to be by your side again
“n–no! i’m okay! thank you so much!” muku slightly bowed his head, trying to show respect as you placed his books at his desk and strapped his bag around the back of the chair with ease (oh my gosh, you knew his desk?! you knew where he sat?)
“call for me anytime you want to chat, muku! you’re such a nice person!” you said before you went to your seat in the front row, immediately getting surrounded by your fans and friends alike as they all fought for your undivided attention
muku let out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding, dropping in his seat and focusing on the board to remain as invisible as possible. his heart was pounding rapidly against his chest, his hands were shaking, and muku was sure his whole face was red and sweating from the short encounter
you knew he existed! you knew his name! you knew you two shared the same homeroom! you even knew he used to be on track and came to his meets! muku put his hands against his cheeks, trying not to scream as he felt how hot his face was. you knew he was a real person!!!
unknowing to muku, you barely focused on the crowd as your eyes naturally fell upon muku’s frame, smiling and missing the way everyone swooned over your affectionate expression
(“who are they smiling at?! i bet it’s at me!” “no, they’re clearly looking at me, do they like me?!” “aaa!!! our prince is so cool and royal, we’re so lucky to be graced with a smile!”)
you always liked muku, you found him to be so cute and adorable that you wanted to be friends. but, muku was an anxious wallflower who didn’t want to have the whole school know who he was. you wanted to support him, but you were uncertain on how your reputation as “st. flora’s prince” would affect him
but rescuing muku this morning was necessary, you didn’t hesistate to drop your items before running down the stairs to catch the cute boy. when he opened his shiny blue eyes with a fond but shy smile, your heart soared and it felt like meeting prince charming for the first time
his pink hair was soft, like cotton candy. muku was made of everything sugary sweet and nice, you wondered why he didn’t follow you like the others. you wanted his adoration, his love, his romance because he was so cute!
you looked at muku again and smiled when you caught his eye, holding in a light laugh when he nearly yelped and looked straight down at his paper, hiding his shaking hands in his lap with an extremely embarrassed blush
you wanted to be friends with the nicest boy at st. flora!
the next time you talked to muku was during gym. you had finished sprinting your last lap, accepting a water bottle from someone as you took a chug, automatically looking around for a certain pink–haired boy
he was no where in sight, before you remembered how he significantly finished the mile much faster than you. you told your friends you were going to change, leaving the field with a peace sign as your fans collectively broke into excited squeals
you were about to go searching before you caught sight of muku’s book bag, turning your head to see he was reading something under the bleachers
you casually went over, dropping down next to him despite being sweaty from the run. muku jumped, tensing up once he saw it was you as he smiled nervously, shutting his book quickly
“hi! you did so well on the run today, muku!” you praised him, leaning over to look at the cover of what he was reading, not noticing how red his face was from how close you two were
“oh? you read manga?” you innocently asked, noticing the sparkles and roses decorating the front cover as muku put it back in his bag in a hurry, laughing nervously as he tried to make up every excuse
“n–no, not at all! i’m just, i um... i found it!” muku blabbered, not sounding very convincing as you slowly nodded, trying to comprehend whatever he was saying. you just looked again and shrugged
“that’s too bad~ i, myself, really enjoy that series, i haven’t read the latest volume yet, though.” you sighed, pretending to push yourself up before muku caught your wrist in his soft hand with a surprisingly strong grip, you felt your heart nearly explode with confetti
“you can read it! i just finished, actually! i love it, i didn’t know you liked manga, too!!!” muku quickly offered it to you, and you carefully took it to make sure you didn’t bend or damage the pristine copy. muku really took care of his manga, huh?
“muku! you’re the best!” you exclaimed, pulling him into an one–armed hug. his uniform shirt was ironed to perfection and smelled like flowers, just like what you thought! you turned your head to grin at him, but pouted when you saw him freeze up
“muku? are you okay?” you asked, unintentionally moving in closer as you examined his red face. muku.exe had stopped working all because you were too cute for your own good!
you glanced at his lips, about to ask if this was okay, but...
before you two knew it, the bell rang as the clasd started heading back inside to the gymnasium. you stood up this time, holding your hand out with a wink like an elegant prince would
“let’s go back in~ i’ll walk you to class!” you offered again, excited when he gently took your hand and walked side by side. it didn’t take long before you began waiting outside his classroom door when the schedules differed, automatically taking his books and asking muku about his day
one day, it wasn’t until muku was at his shoe locker until he noticed a heart–shaped love letter placed inside. as always, he opened it, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering from the familiar signature
“meet me at the school rooftop, i have something i want to confess — your secret admirer ♡”
muku had been receiving small letters and gifts from the same person who signed their items with a heart at the end. for some reason, muku treasured this anonymous person much more than he’d like to admit; they brought up details only a friend would notice, gave thoughtful gifts that actually related to his true personality, and made him smile for the entire day
so when muku came up to the rooftop after school that day, he didn’t expect to see you waiting for him with another white envelope with a heart–shaped sticker holding it closed
“please accept my letter~” you held it out with both hands, trying to stop your hands from shaking as you smiled. muku stood there, jaw dropped from the shock as his head started spinning
how could you, the person he liked so much, end up liking him back?! he wasn’t a prince like you, but here you were, taking him to the school rooftop to confess your feelings like you were afraid he was going to reject you
“you like me?” muku choked out, staring at the letter as the sun started setting, the golden sunlight illuminating your shadow as you nodded, your confidence beginning to falter when you noticed how flustered muku was
“i like you, muku.” you confessed, about to put your hands down before muku pulled you into an abrupt hug, causing you to drop the letter as he put his head on top of yours
“i like you so much, i like you, too.” muku mumbled, keeping you in his arms as he leaned back to place a very gentle kiss on your cheek
as the polite and nice prince, you continued being constantly kind and proper to every student, but reserved much more affection and love towards your boyfriend, muku
but he liked doing everything a prince would do for you: buying you bouquets of red roses, gently holding your hand through the hallways, cheering you on the loudest at events, baking you chocolates on valentine’s day, making you bento boxes for lunch out of the goodness of his heart
he was much more of a prince than you could have ever been!
muku liked serving you like you were the ruler of his kingdom. to him, you weren’t just any prince, you were the monarch of his heart and he was your faithful, valiant knight that would have done anything to protect you
but sometimes, he got insecure over if he was good for you. you were so cool and loved by everyone, so he doubted why you even liked him when you could have dated anyone in the entire school
“i don’t understand... why do you like me?” muku once asked, shyly staring down at his feet as you whipped your head towards him in shock, stopping yourself from eating lunch. you two were sitting underneath the cherry blossom tree on top of the hill, alone as you stared at him, trying to understand why he’d ever self–deperecate on himself when he was the sweetest boy alive!
you were about to respond with all the reasons why before you stood up, about to go on a rant before you accidentally tripped over your own shoe lace. you accepted the fate you were assigned: which was falling onto the dirt before a strong arm looped around your waist, a hand slamming into the tree bark to keep you from falling
it felt like the first time rescuing muku all over again, except this time, you were the one being saved. you opened your eyes and smiled, kissing him on the lips before pulling back. muku was sparkling like a 90s glitter shoujo scene, making you swoon for your perfect boyfriend
“that’s why i like you, because you’re my prince.” you said, brushing your hand through his hair like you couldn’t believe you were in his arms. before you knew it, muku picked you up princess–style and gathered the bags with ease (you always forgot how strong he really was)
“muku! put me down!” you giggled, ignoring your own blushing cheeks as you playfully slapped his arm. muku just continued down the hill, turning to look at you with all the love and devotion in the world
“i can’t, you’re my prince.” muku winked this time, and carried you to school as the cherry blossom petals fluttered around you, your love blooming like the spring season
you were st. flora’s prince, but muku was your prince forever & always
🍁🍰 hyodo juza
juza didn’t let anyone pull anything on one of his own, especially you
the first time juza met you was when he was going out at night to buy some extra supplies for the dorms. he heard someone yelling before he snuck into the dark alleyway, catching sight of a robber that stole your bag
without warning, the robber slumped to the ground as juza knocked them out with one punch, not hesitating to let them fall as he picked up the bag and turned towards you, who was sprinting down the sidewalk panting as you gratefully smiled at him
“thank you so much, you completely saved my bag!” you said, not reacting to his serious expression. juza blanked as you took your bag back, self consciously pulling his hat lower over his eyes as he glanced at you
weren’t you scared of him? he was wearing a dark jacket with the hood over his baseball cap, with his sharp piercing yellow eyes staring at you. he knew he looked like the big bad wolf, but you just smiled at him and oh—you were saying something?
“—where were you going at this time of night?” you asked, ignoring the passed out man on the ground as you examined your bag to see if anything was missing. juza glanced at the convenience store down the street, unable to miss its bright LED lights as he tilted his head towards the store
you noticed his hands shoved in his pockets, but he must have been fidgeting the way he was avoiding your eyes. he didn’t look like he was an adult, like a rebellious teenager who ended up scared of the dark
you clapped your hands together, excited from the coincidence. “me too! do you want to go together?” you offered, walking towards the store as juza trailed behind you, unsure of how to react or respond to your lack of distrust against him
you two entered the store like you were friends. although it was the first time you had ever met, you talked to him casually like you two had known each other for years as you got two carts, giving him the other as he forced out a quiet “thank you” embarrassingly enough
walking down the aisles, you liked pointing out foods you thought he’d enjoy. he had a rogue, tough thug reputation even if it didn’t seem like he had a bad bone in his body. in fact, his grim expression the first time you saw him was gone now, instead he looked... flustered... as he just nodded at your suggestions
you hummed, considering your options as you glanced back at the tall boy. he didn’t seem to be interested in any of the bitter, dry snacks. in fact, he even grimanced at one of your recommendations but quickly masked it with his stoice features once again
it wasn’t until you walked past an ice cream freezer towards the back of the store that his eyes lit up. you grinned, knowing you had discovered an unlikely trait of your savior’s taste palette as you smiled
“do you want some ice cream, uh...” you trailed off, unaware you never got the stranger’s name. he shuffled around, looking around to see if anyone was watching you two before he sighed, nodding like it took all his energy to admit he wanted something sweet
“juza.” juza stated, not saying anymore as you nodded, opening the freezer and feeling the cold brisk air hit your face
“okay, juza! what’s your favorite flavor?” you asked, taking two out of the fridge as he responded bashfully. juza glanced around again, like he was oddly nervous for the first time as you shut the freezer with the two best ice creams in the house
“bingo! come on, i’ll pay.” you insisted, hurrying to the register to greet the tired cashier, who boredly scanned your items without another word
before you could pay, juza slapped multiple bills onto the counter, making both you and the employee jump from the sudden sound as juza just stared down at the worker
“juza... it’s—” you were about to put your own money on the table but juza just shook his head, not offering an explanation as he took the change (but tipped the cashier regardless, wow, he really was nice)
you and juza sat outside the 24/7 convenience store on the bench, placing both your grocery bags down beside you. the plastic red happy face staring back at you rustled in the light night winds as you two opened your ice creams with childish excitement
unexpectedly, juza began wolfing down the treat without warning, sparing no modesty as he indulged. you almost giggled at how cute he was acting, like his true personality that loved anything sweet didn’t match up with his gangster appearance at all
juza paused when he noticed you weren’t eating, holding the stick mid–air like he hadn’t noticed you were there. juza cleared his throat, about to make up some excuse before you ruffled his hair, smiling again
“you’re so funny, juza! let’s do this again, sometime!” you said, retracting your hand when you were aware of how red his cheeks were. juza didn’t respond, just stared as you rummaged through your bag to pull out a pen with an “aha!” as you looked at him expectantly
juza blanked. did you want something? what did you want? before juza could ask, you just took his hand and his entire body froze. he shutdown, he had no idea how to react, why wasn’t he pulling away?
you scribbled a set of numbers, writing your name below the phone number as you doodled a smiley face on his hand. you pushed his hand back, letting him regain his consciousness as juza blinked rapidly, trying to keep his composure
“text me, okay?” juza just nodded as you gathered your things to go home, saying goodnight as you were about to walk away. juza quickly got back to his senses as he took his own bags in a hurry, rushing over to you as you looked back with surprise
“did you forget—” you were about to ask before juza shook his head, trying to find the right words as he let out an exasperated sigh
“it’s dangerous at night. let me walk you home.” juza demanded, giving no room for arguments as you fondly ruffled his hair again, laughing when he had enough sense to whack your hand away lightly
you two walked to your house, and as soon as juza arrived home with the snacks, he texted you
juza: i never got your name. let’s go out again tomorrow.
you agreed, not knowing how badly he reacted to you sending “it’s a date” as he flopped onto his bed. juza hid his blush in his pillow, kicking his legs uselessly as banri just figured he had a cold or something
you two began having daily night visits to the local convenience store, becoming regulars as you two shared your favorite snacks
you were never scared to be out at night anymore since juza was intimidating enough. anywhere you went, all juza had to do was glare at them unintentionally for everyone to leave you two alone at night
(it was hard to explain to juza he had a natural resting bitch face, though he didn’t buy it)
one night, juza was walking you home again but this time, you guys were taking your favorite route. it was the one along the common park, where the only thing that illuminated the streets besides the lamps were the bright vending machines at every corner
you stopped by one, insisting on having juza taste this coffee brand by dragging him by his arm. you didn’t even have to describe it before he already pushed in a coin for you, refusing to let you pay for anything even if it hurt his wallet
you didn’t even question it at this point anymore. you punched in the number and took it from the machine, popping it open with a smile as you held it out to him
“come on, juza! just one sip, that’s all~” you begged, putting on your best high–pitched cute voice and puppy dog eyes just for him to budge. he protested, saying it never worked on him, but juza begrudgingly took the can and sipped, immediately grimancing
“why do you drink such bitter coffee?!” juza spluttered, trying not to spit it out as you laughed, taking it back. you had paid for a strawberry milk this time, passing it to him as an offering of forgiveness. juza just pretended to glare at you as he quickly took the drink, too distracted by the gross taste to question why you paid
sitting down on the bench, you and juza quietly observed the homely street, underneath the flickering street light as the odd car drove by every now and then
“you know, you’ll have to get used to what i like if we’re dating.” you joked, nudging his arm but juza whipped his head towards you with an alarmed look, like he completely missed something
“wait... are we dating?” juza asked innocently, oblivious to the fact he had been going on night dates with you for the past month
you blanked, staring at him with the most incredulous expression ever as it took all your power to not burst out into laughing right then and there
“juza...” you started, trying to keep your face serious as he just owlishly blinked at you, still holding onto his tiny carton of strawberry milk in his huge hands. it was comically gold, but you pushed through, trying to not scare him off
“when i said these were dates... what did you think i meant?” you slowly enunciated as juza’s mind flashed back to all the texts you said confirming if these were dates, and he just agreed without thinking it over
oh my god. juza had been going steady with you, and he hadn’t even realized it
“oh.” juza just said, and he wanted to smack his hand against his forehead. he had been so dense! all these times, all his gestures, of course you thought you two were dating, it’s everything a boyfriend would do!
“juza, it’s okay, we don’t—” you dejectedly started, hiding your disappointment at misreading the signs as juza shook his head, placing his drink down as he fully turned his body towards you
“no, no. let’s date, i want to—” juza insisted, holding onto your wrist before you tugged him in and kissed his strawberry lips gently, afraid he was going to run away and close himself off
when juza quickly pulled back, your heart dropped. was it too soon? did you move too fast? oh no, did juza hate you? what could you do to apologize? before you could profusely say sorry, juza grimanced again as he wiped his lips
“ugh... black coffee.” juza grumbled, muttering something about how you just had to torture him before you snickered with relief, thankful he just hated savory foods and not you
(next time he bought you something was strawberry chapstick, you use it every day)
from that moment forward, it felt like a new relationship. now that juza was aware you two were dating, he did everything in his power to make sure you didn’t left a finger
he was the type to lay his jacket down across a puddle just so you could walk across (despite just being able to walk around it), he shared half of whatever he ate with you even if it was his favorite, and he began picking you up at your house with his motorcycle (he even got a customized helmet for you and always strapped it tight before speeding off) (under the speed limit of course)
(juza even tried liking bitter food, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it no matter how many times he saw you eat it)
it was as if the night was to claim as your own, where no one could disturb the new couple as you two had all the time in the world to hang out and discover more local areas to gaze up at the stars
juza was dense, but he tried his best in every way he could to show he cared about you. that still included paying for you every chance he got, and one time, when you asked where all his money came from, his nonchalant answer almost made you turn the entire vehicle around
“fights?!” you exclaimed, shocking juza to skid to a stop in the middle of the road as he glanced at you with wide eyes. he looked surprised at your angry reaction, frowning in confusion
“yeah, people like betting and i always win, so.” juza reasoned, but it literally made no sense to you as you smacked his arm for real this time, not even feeling sorry as he winced and complained about how he regretted teaching you self defense
“juza! you hate fighting!” you were appalled, knowing your boyfriend was never interested in fighting and people only approached him because of his street cred. he was truly a gangster, but he didn’t care about it, just wanted to see you and have some sugar
“yeah, but they make good money.” juza shrugged, about to drive off again before you yanked on his helmet strap, pulling him back as you narrowed your eyes at him
“no more fights, got it? i love you, not your money.” you said but it was too late. juza shifted his head so he was looking over his shoulder with a flustered blush across his nose
“you... you love me?” juza choked out, as if he couldn’t believe it. you were mortified, unable to believe you just let the l–word out like that before he had an attempt at a smile
“i, i love you, too.” juza mumbled, pretending like his first love confession wasn’t a big deal as he didn’t give you time to respond, just driving off into the night with the load roar of his engine
you responded by wrapping your arms around his waist, leaning your head on his shoulder with a wide smile. juza didn’t need any more answers, just wanted to keep you safe as you two drove to your next date
you were definitely one of his own, even more than that, now
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eccentricpony · 4 years
Hi can you do hc of summer troupe after great sardine search w/ reader who loves their ears?
Hi there! I sure can! These ended up being long so I’m splitting them up. First up, Muku + Yuki!
UPDATE: Check out Tenma, Misumi, and Kazunari’s imagines for this request HERE!
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·        If Muku was a cinnamon roll (note: he is), then those cat ears added at least 2 layers of icing. He was precious beyond words.
·        Muku was already the softest romantic soul you had ever met, but when he did his tiny kitty mewling on stage, you felt yourself falling in love with your little prince all over again.
·        When he saw you backstage following the premiere performance, his mouth split into a huge grin. He still could not believe that he had someone like you in his life. You were sooo so cute, and sweet, and funny, and he wasn’t even sure if you were real because you were just so perfect and he literally pinched himself one day because he thought he was dreaming but he wasn’t because nothing happened it just really hurt and he did absolutely everything he could to maintain good karma because he really didn’t think he deserved you.
·        Only he did; he treated you like an angel, and you returned all of his sweet, thoughtful gestures in kind.
·        You were totes sympatico, at least that’s what Kazu had said.
·        Muku’s cheeks flushed as he approached, and you closed the space between you and curled your arms around him. Even after a hundred hugs, you were still surprised at the feeling of the wiry, athletic frame beneath you, reminding yourself once again that your shoujo manga loving dreamer had a history as a track star.
·        Pulling back, hands still clasping either side of his upper arms over his furry vest, you looked into his bright eyes, a pale powder blue that stole your breath, especially when they were gleaming as brightly as they were just now. You could not be prouder of this boy for the immense confidence you could see building within him every day, and you could sense that he was pretty pleased with himself, too.
·        You were both speechless for a moment, just drinking in each other’s glee. Shyly, you broke the ice by bringing attention to his costume.
·        “These are soooo so adorable!” you exclaimed, running your fingers over one of Muku’s gray cat ears.
·        He couldn’t feel it, of course, but the physical attention made his breathing shallow.
·        “I know, I want to keep them! Yuki always makes the cutest costumes!”
·        With the mention of the sharp-tongued costume designer, you lifted your finger from an ear for a moment and peered over Muku’s shoulder to ensure that Yuki wasn’t giving you the stink eye for touching his creation. All clear.
·        When you returned your attention to Muku, you noticed a thin wet streak dividing his cheek.
·        “M- Muku, are you crying?” You kept your voice low, quickly wiping the tear from his soft cheek with the backs of your fingers, not wanting to draw attention. You knew how emotional he could get, but you had not yet dismissed the possibility that these weren’t happy tears.
·        “Sorry, I- “ Sniff. “I’m just so happy!”
·        “Aww, my cutie!” you wrapped your arms around him, and he collapsed into your embrace.
·        He had heard that super cool Itaru had cried tears of happiness after the Spring Troupe’s production, so it wasn’t an unmanly thing to do it, right?
·        He glimpsed over your shoulder to where some of his fellow troupe members- no, his friends chattered excitedly about the night’s performance. He was accepted here, he was a valued member of a team, and now with you in his arms he had the fairytale love that he had never thought he deserved.
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·        Yuki already knew the cat ears he created for “The Great Sardine Search” were adorable….because he made them, of course!
·        HOWEVER
·        Yuki did not expect you to become as starry-eyed as you did when you saw him wearing them.
·        He knew he made adorable clothes, but he was still coming to terms with the fact that you thought him to be adorable.
·        And ohmygodhewassocute. Those ears integrated into his neatly combed hair perfectly, and he looked just like a little kitty. A testy, super grouchy, spatty little kitty. Yuki was such a cat.
·        “Can I give them a tiny smooch?”
·        ^@#$%^$^@!! You didn’t deserve a response for asking such an outlandish thing. Did you know how many hours it took for Yuki to sew these to perfection? Fine, Taichi helped. A little.
·        “FINE, no tiny smooch.” You reassessed your approach.
·        “Can I pet them a little? Carefully?” Time to pull out all the stops “They’re just so perfect, they look so REAL!”
·        Of course they do; I made them. Mentally denying the swell in pride at your approval, Yuki consented to this with a curt nod.
·        You give him a hella big squeeze, and then stroked one of his floofy little peach ears with a poorly suppressed giggle.
·        Everything about the costume was indeed perfect. You knew how high Yuki’s standards were, and somehow he never failed to exceed them.
·        There were just far too many embarrassing things going on right now and Yuki.exe was experiencing an infinite loading screen.
·        “Careful!” he’d finally hiss, cheeks reddening. He reached up to ensure that the cat ear you touched was intact (he’d have to check for stains later)
·        “Sorry, Yukichi!” you offered dismissively, still transfixed on the soft, angular protrusions from your boyfriend’s head. You met his eyes with a warm smile. You were so proud of how talented he was, and you still couldn’t believe you were able to gain his affection despite his perpetually icy shell. It was a rare occasion, but there were moments (usually over-worked, over-tired moments) when you got a private little snuggly Yuki all to yourself. So you didn’t mind snappy Yuki - he wouldn’t be Yuki without that sass, after all - and you knew that tucked deep into that stony exterior, there was a softer, loving Yuki that you knew was for you and you alone.
·        “You’re the cutest, Yuki. I just love your little nose,” you cooed in a softer tone.
·        “Uh, I’m not wearing a cat nose?” he replied with a huff, ignoring the acceleration of heart palpitations thumping gently in his ears.
·        “I know that, it’s your nose that’s just too cute.
·        The apples of Yuki’s cheeks are now a lovely crimson red that match his scarf in a way that he would appreciate.
·        “Okay, no more touchy,” he said brusquely, but gently removed your hand from the accessory on his head, holding your fingers just a tad longer than necessary. “Do you want me to have to spend all night mending these when we’re supposed to be hanging out?”
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
Summer Troupe
- script annotation hcs
- robbing a bank (hcs)
- got any grapes?
- affectionate and positive s/o (hcs)
- fairytales
-yuki sewing hc
- script annotation hcs
- robbing a bank (hcs)
-cuddles n comfort!
- script annotation hcs
- robbing a bank (hcs)
-muku, saku, homare, and shakespeare (hc)
- muku’s pottery
-texting habits
-strong s/o
- robbing a bank (hcs)
- script annotation hcs
- tech week (hc)
- got any grapes?
- robbing a bank (hcs)
- script annotation hcs
- got any grapes?
- he’s....a theatre kid
-stick n pokes
-sandwich time!!!!!
-cosplayer s/o
-sibling shenanigans
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jjuzoir · 4 years
Could I get some first kiss headcanons with Summer troupe? They're my faves and I absolutely adore each of them!
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A/N: i get you anon,, they’re so cute;; summer group filled with softies
Summer Troupe First Kiss HC!
- You two were hanging out at the park near the dorms!
- It was a sunny summer day, summer break had just started and the sun seemed brighter than ever in the clear blue sky.
- Tenma had bought you two some ice cream and now you laid on the soft, watered grass protected from the sun under a big tree.
- “Can’t believe you didn’t want vanilla, [Name]- you can’t go wrong with vanilla,” Tenma rolled his eyes at you while shoving a big scoop of ice cream into his mouth.
- “And I can't believe you chose vanilla when they had like, I don’t know, a thousand different flavors?!” You snorted, “Vanilla is for the basic bitches, Sumeragi.”
- “H-Hey! It might be basic but it tastes good.”
- “Oh, really? Then let me taste it,” you prop yourself up in one arm and look up at him.
- He smirked slightly before picking his plastic spoon- one fittingly orange- and scooping out a big chunk of vanilla before nodding along with your plans.
- “Fine but give me your spoon,” he rolls his eyes as he shoves another spoonful into his mouth but a small drip had fallen from the corner of his lips to his chin.
- Then, you attack; you go kiss him smack straight in the lips aiming at the melted sweet.
- You pull away before nodding in agreement; the vanilla ice cream really was as good as he said.
- The kiss tasted of cold, ice cream and sweet vanilla plus the hint of lip balm added a sweeter feeling of lemons to the mix.
- And that’s how you had your first kiss with Tenma, who in the end, turned so red everyone around you two though he had a heat stroke.
- You were helping him with the costumes for the newest Winter troupe costumes late at night.
- Sakyo and Izumi were making rounds at his room to make sure you didn’t do anything stupid but it was already 11PM on a Sunday night and you both had school early tomorrow so que whining from you and scolding from Yuki.
- “Can’t we put it on hold, Yuki? We’ve got school tomorrow, we can’t skip or-“
- “Stop complaining and sew those buttons,” Yuki rolled his eyes at you before redirecting his focus on the sewing machine in front of him.
- “B-But it’s so late! You have to be kidding me,” you rub your eyes tiredly, “W-What about that skin-shit you’re always complaining about?!”
- “We need to have these done by Tuesday, [Name], we can’t stop now.”
- “Yes we can, instead of working now and possibly screwing up why don’t we just finish it up in the morning!”
- “Because.”
- “You can’t just say because!”
- “Less complaining, more sewing.”
- You huff annoyed before continuing sewing the buttons on Hisoka’s blazer, fucking Yuki and his need to get things done fast!
- “What if,” you mutter under your breath, “I give you something in return for my sleep?”
- “Gah, stop-“ Yuki blinks slowly as your words settle in, “What could you possibly give me that would make me wanna stop now?”
- You stand up, leaving the materials- especially the needles- in place before skipping behind Yuki’s chair and hugging him from behind.
- “A hug-?!” He goes to mock your choice before being cut off by your lips giving him a quick peck.
- “No, a kiss!”
- “A KISS?!”
- Congratulations! You’ve managed to corrupt Yuki to the point of shortwiring, he’s now malfunctioning :(
- His lips were soft, he tasted of coffee- probably from the 3 cups he had drowned that evening….
- You felt him attempt to kiss you back but before anything could happen you pulled away smirking.
- He’s now red in the face, a red as bright as the fabric he was using as he tried not to squeal in shock.
- “So, can we please bring Muku in and go to sleep?”
- “... Fine but you tell anyone about it- Ack!”
- You shut him up with another kiss on the lips, but this time- you could feel him kiss you back properly.
- It was during one of your anime marathons!
- One of just favorite series had finally gotten its long awaited anime adaptation, and through a rough month of no-spoilers you two had finally gotten together to binge watch it all.
- It was another romance anime, one of the millions that Muku had read throughout his short life- but you had to admit that even if it was kind of cheesy it still somehow made your heart race.
- By the end of the penultimate episode it was already 2 in the morning on a Friday night and sleep was crawling unforgivably into your brain.
- “Muku… how many episodes… left?”
- He yawned before looking at the list, “I think… one?”
- “Already?!” You gasp shocked before sitting up, okay- you can do it! 25 minutes, no ads- you could do it, right! Right?... Oh no… you’re falling asleep!
- You pinch yourself awake, come on!!! It was getting good!! The protagonists were finally kissing after being apart for years!!!
- Muku was your struggle against sleep and laughed to himself before covering his mouth in fear of hurting your feelings.
- Just then, he remembered a scene you two had previously watched… episode 17, where the boy kissed the girl awake after she had fallen asleep in the library… could he do so too?
- A pink rivaling that of his hair crept into his cheeks- what if you hated it though? What if he smelled bad? Or if he was a bad kisser??
- He was too caught up in his mental-torture session he didn’t realize you sneaking up on him and kissing his lips.
- He felt your lips touch his and his eyes opened wide, you had done it!! Did this mean you liked him- wait, did you like it?? He liked it but that doesn’t mean you did too-
- “A-Ah! [Name],” he shrieked as the blush deepened, he touched his lips- he could still feel yours in them.
- At least now he didn’t have to worry about messing up, “Thank you, hehe.”
- You were helping him on one of his triangle hunts when you two had your first kiss.
- He had insisted you two go to the park nearby since, and I quote, “Had heard the crows talk about triangular treasure!”
- So, 2 hours into the hunt and you were exhausted from attempting to keep up with Misumi and his treasure hunt.
- “Oh my… it’s too hot for this, Misumi,” you rest your body on the ground.
- “Nope! We’re not leaving until we find the Super Rare Ultra Triangle Treasure!”
- You sigh tiredly and close your eyes before waving the blue haired boy off , “Give me 5 minutes.”
- “Okay but I am not gonna share the treasure with you,” he jokes before practically disappearing from the air.
- You turn around in the soft grass, it felt so nice against your skin- you wondered if you could find some water or something cold.
- You opened your eyes only to find a small cart stationed near the edge of the park; a shaved ice cart!
- You practically jump in line and count your money, you’d order two and bribe Misumi into coming home by asking it to be triangle shaped!
- And by the time Misumi came to drag you back to the hunt you had two shaved ice cream in your boyfriend’s favorite shape!
- “You found the treasure!!”
- He jumps you with a hug and takes the cone into his hands and takes the biggest bite ever.
- “And what’s my reward, Misumi-kun?”
- “Reward… reward, what could [Name] want for finding the ultra rare super triangle?”
- You smile at his scrunched up face, he looked so cute concentrating like that you could help yourself from kissing him.
- He’s shocked at first, he quickly smiles into your lips before kissing you back.
- “I’m fine with that.”
- “Hahaha, me too~”
- You two were shopping for supplies to help Kazu for his next assignment, some weird yarn or whatever art students needed, when you found a photobooth.
- “Yah, let’s get some dope pics!”
- “I’m not feeling too well, Kazunari,” you shyly deny him but he doesn’t listen- or maybe he just doesn’t care- because he’s soon shoving you into the seat before you can hear his reply.
- “It’s just for you and me, ain’t no one gonna see ‘em,” he smirked before inserting some coins, “Let’s see, how should we pose for the first one, eh?”
- “Maybe a heart? I-I don’t know, I’m not good with- Ah!”
- Before you can finish your thought when you hear the countdown starting, you quickly rest your arms next to Kazunari forming a big heart; an eye-smile follows and boom! First picture done!
- “Kay, next! Maybe some peace signs?”
- “Oh- uh, sure? It’s starting,” you quickly pose and you feel Kazunari’s arms circle your waist and boom!
- “Second pic’s done,” Kazunari smiles, “But I can't think of what to do for the last two- oh, it’s starting, any ideas-!!”
- You panic and simply kiss him on the lips, that’s a good picture… right?
- By the time you hear the camera click Kazu pulls away blushing a deep red, how the turned tables have oh.
- Before any of you two can think of another pose a photo is taken where your boyfriend’s blushing red and you’re smirking up at him in victory.
- “Guess I came up with the best picture idea, ha!”
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