fallout-lou-begas · 27 days
Murderfreak Death Toll
Doc Mitchell (tried to stop murderfreak from stealing everything in his house)
Joe Cobb (thought it would solve the problem, created a new one)
Ringo (thought it would solve the new problem, created a new one again)
Trudy (got mad at me because of how i solve problems)
The rest of Goodsprings (got REALLY mad at me because of how i solve problems)
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sas-afras · 1 month
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donation sketch for @fallout-lou-begas, who requested "draw the murderfreak murdering and/or freaking pls"
(if you dont understand the reference)
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This is them, too me <3
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sylvibullet · 2 months
The first time I watched through hxh (I only watched up to episode 90 or so but still) I did not have shipping goggles on beyond the obvious killugon boyfriends moments, but hearing your takes on mc+ has opened my eyes to a whole shipping matrix of problematic murderfreaks and it's been a delight. Modern day phantom troupe would be a 13-person polycule living in a Portland apartment and they would be equally as Like That.
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eastgaysian · 2 months
Can I just say I love dak wai and they're what got me to finally play a durge run after seeing one million goth baddies and being convinced that durge was going to be boring edgy bullshit. You truly opened my eyes by having your durge be Some Weird Butch. Some Weirdo Durge Solidarity
YIPPEE i'm glad you like dak-wai and they inspired you :) i wanted to create a durge that engaged with the concept in the way most interesting to me personally, bc i do think the durge storyline gives you a lot of fun morsels to play around with and create a complicated character. the metanarrative does anyone care about the metanarrative. the existential horror. like fully evil murderfreak durge and fully redeemed goodguy durge are both kind of one-note and not compelling to me. What if they were just kind of an offputting weirdo with no memories and no concept of how to interact with people and they had to reconstruct a moral framework from scratch while hanging out with a bunch of freaks. What if they were butch
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l48yr1nth · 1 month
hwello brother labbie :3c i'm going up to a few of my mutuals and asking this but which bittersweet sentence protagonist do you think i'm like the most based off this image
( uu do nawt have 2 be into studio investigrave stuff to answer its just based off at least a few of the personalities of the characters shown on the sheet below ^__^ lalalaaa )
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probs na-hun because you are NAWT murderfreak or crippling anxiety. or... sands from undertale...
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beetlemage · 9 months
Moira's Mistake Adventure
the gang saves a caravan from some gnolls
the caravan walks over to thank us but get to Astarion first, meaning the conversation happens with me playing as Astarion instead of Moira
because he's a rogue, he's able to recognize they're actually Zhentarim
i get Astarion chummy with them by hatching a plan to claim the cargo as lost so we could keep the profits to ourselves
caravan guys like the idea so much they give us the password to their hideout
the gang arrive there and it turns out the plan didn't work and the caravan has all been tortured nearly to death
Moira personally shoves all the Zhentarim off a cliff, managing to save a captive artist and one of the caravan members
the gang presses further on into the hideout to discover a FAKE WALL behind which is an elevator that leads to the FUCKIN UNDERDARK because the Zhentarim were using it as a storehouse
the gang presses yet further, kill some minotaurs, and encounter a circle of myconids
turns out a neighboring circle got decimated by some duergar and they want us to get revenge
moira attempts to talk it out because hey she's a dwarf too but it turns out these duergar are all necromantic murderfreaks and she's forced to kill them in self defense
the shrooms are like thanks we'll let you hang out and take some of our prizes in the mushroom kingdom
IN the mushroom kingdom the gang discovers a hobgoblin wizard, a member of a society dedicated to making the underdark safe
moira tells him about the brain worms and he's like hey i have the perfect solution. so he calls over his friend who is a FUCKING MIND FLAYER THAT ESCAPED HIS HIVE MIND AND IS NOW A COOL GUY
cool guy mind flayer tells moira he might be able to help and to go find some mushrooms another member of the society has
in the process of finding the other member the gang runs into a fairy ring that teleports them back to the surface in auntie's backyard swamp and they're forced to break into her house through the back door to leave
then auntie turned out to be a hag but that's beside the point
this all happened because a caravan accidentally talked to astarion instead of moira this game is out of its fucking mind insane
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disasterbatfamily · 3 years
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Gotham Gazette: Bruce Wayne Declares Undying Hatred for Returned Son's Murder Spree Folk Music Career
["The Return of Jason Todd" by pupeez4eva]
"You never gave me the chance," Bruce snapped, forcing himself to set aside his confusion and disbelief. If this was the game Jason wanted to play, then fine — he would play along. "You jumped to your own conclusions."
"Please," Jason snorted. "You made yourself abundantly clear about your views on…folk music."
Bruce clenched his fists. "It's not my fault I don't agree — I mean, enjoy folk music," he snapped.
Jason glared at him. "Oh, how the fuck would you know anything about it?" he spat. "Maybe if you actually gave it a try, you'd realise that it's people like me who make this fucked up world just a little bit better."
"He really likes folk music," Tim told the reporters (who were starting to look more than a little confused).
"I'm helping purge the filth in this world!"
"…A lot." Tim shifted uncomfortably. "He likes it a lot."
"It's just wrong Jason!" Bruce snapped.
"Bruce!" a reporter yelled. "Why are you so against folk music?!"
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mummer · 3 years
i dont think jon will come back to life significantly more bloodthirsty and savage or whatever the fuck.... but if he did, i would still see it, i would still enjoy it. go full dimitri fireemblem on em babygirl
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neuromantis · 2 years
i uh. started playing planescape again around 2 pm today? and i just got out of my reverie. it's midnight.
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fallout-lou-begas · 27 days
so i have a mod that makes it so that Malcolm Holmes, instead of trying to talk to you as soon as you find a star cap, has a 20% of spawning somewhere in the wasteland every time that you pick up a star cap, and upon spawning, will stop at nothing to track and kill you. the mod describes him as relentless, heavily armed, and highly capable. this was my first experience with him (you can see me try to figure out where the shots are coming from at first) and it looks like murderfreak got out-murderfreaked
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i think it's very funny (if annoying in the 'this has no material effect other than being annoying' way) that people are interpreting the subway guys this way because it is SO obvious that 1)theyve only seen Ingo in action in PLA and simply googled Emmet's existence and 2) they are falling SO hard for their appearances and assuming their personalities on that alone
There's nothing really super wrong with this and, like, honestly its probably understandable given that BW/BW2 are like 10ish year old games you have to go out of your way to see them in, its like "this is fun and hilarious youse guys, but this are Not how these characters act at all :/ ". Ingo is NOT brooding or 'cool' in the slightest and neither is Emmet a barely contained superkiller murderfreak.
idk the point of the rest of this but yeah agree w. the post yo made abt this. Kind of tiring to see fandom warp two funnydudes again (especially w/ the agreed fanon consensus of them both being autistic like. can y'all stop with that lol)
I like unhinged Emmet sometimes in like, specific situations, because its fun to see and fun to write
but most of the time outside of that hes literally just a funni train nerd
And ppl need to learn to see a difference between wildly fanon behaviors and actual canon personality instead of assuming This Is Just How Emmet Is
I wanna give him a big hug and shield his face away so he won't see how the fandom makes him a scary murderer and thinks its canon
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Ah we have arrived at the kinksters are insane murderfreaks part of the evening entertainment
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aquacobalt · 6 years
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Church of Misery, Transit Bar, Canberra, 4 October 2018 video: Murderfreak blues, Candyman
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disasterbatfamily · 3 years
ACTUALLY, Dick has been Bruce's son since 1940, plus the Teen Titans are HIS friends. The Death in the Family writers (KNOWN Jᴀsᴏɴ Mᴀʀʏ Sᴜᴇ Sᴛᴀɴs™) teased Jason as possibly Asian-passing and Lady Shiva's child to blatantly rip off Tim and Cass. AND Jason's entire post-Crisis origin story is literally copying Tim from BTAS and Titans 2018.
Why are Jᴀsᴏɴ Sᴛᴀɴs™ always trying to STEAL from other characters?? 🙄
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