#my dear please don't worry about rambling!!! i love your ramblings!!!!
faerytreealtars · 6 hours
How To Reach Your Destined Role? ~ Advice & Guidance on your journey through life.
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Hi everyone, I'm finally back with another Pick a card! This time I am doing the PAC that the majority voted for and it is all about who are you destined to be? How can you get to that level? Or perhaps you already are there? Pick an image which draws you in and that shall be your pile!
This PAC took a lot longer to get around to than I would have hoped, but I had to put myself first as I'm sure you will understand between battling mental health struggles and then physical ailments, which have still not cleared up but hopefully I will get there soon! Still, I feel brighter and more energized mentally so I thought it was about time to get back on the horse, so to speak anyway without further rambling shall we get into the piles...
[ Image credit goes to ilikefairies ]
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Pile One ~
[ Cards drawn: The Magician, The lovers, three of swords & the sun.]
[ Top Of Deck - Nine of cups. ]
Who are you meant to be: You are meant to be a free-spirited soul so do not worry about rushing into choices of who or what you are meant to be. Before I had even pulled any cards I heard the message in my head that you have lots of opportunities in this life and you can choose to be many different versions of yourself, many people get stuck into the mindset that there is only one version of themselves that can exist in this world but that is untrue, it is up to you who you want to be, exist in a way that brings you happiness. Now based on the image you chose and the messages the cards are sharing with me, I feel you are someone who is meant to bring more love, light and hope into this world by merely existing you do this but if you wish to be more proactive then read the next part and hopefully the messages will resonate for you.
How to get there: You need to become more aware of your power in this world, and how your actions and emotions can influence your days. How your thought patterns can affect your choices and beliefs. They either will push you onwards towards happiness and success or hold you back in stagnation and fear but when you work on finding your footing, grounding more in the present moment and working on having more confidence in yourself. seeing yourself as worthy and lovable on the bad days as well as the good then you come closer to the higher power that connects you with your soul. With the three of swords present you have gone through much despair and heartbreak, it has toughened you to this world which can indeed be cruel and though those experiences however sorrowful they were gave you much more perspective and wisdom on human nature and your own inner world they were not meant as punishment or as a way to put out your light. With the sun following this card I can tell that it is your loving energy and the fact you feel so deeply that can power you on to create brighter days not just for yourself but for others too, do not fear sharing your experiences or using them in your creations or hobbies to add inspiration to others life. All in all, I can see you living a good life, not without its challenges but a life like that is unlikely and perhaps boring! The final advice I hear is to keep working on yourself, masterpieces cannot be rushed and you should focus on what intrigues and brings you happiness in the moment, don't worry about having it all figured out too soon. Best of luck, my dear pile one!
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Pile Two ~
[Cards drawn: Page of cups, Knight of cups, the Star & eight of swords]
[Top of the Deck: Ten of Cups]
Who are you meant to be: Okay, woah Pile two your energy is so happy and bright I love it thank you for letting me bask in it for a while!! If no one ever tells you that you are wonderful and lovable then let me please be the one to tell you now: You are wonderful and lovable in so many ways, thank you for existing!! Anyway on with your reading. So we have a lot of water energy going on here so right off the bat I can tell you are meant to be someone who values and uplifts your own as well as others' emotions. I keep hearing therapist in my mind and though I never intended this reading to be about careers perhaps that is a job you feel drawn to or perhaps you already seem to act like everyone's personal therapist in your day-to-day life. (I know that can get tiring so do put your own wants, needs and boundaries first if you feel that others are putting too much upon you.) I am now also hearing teacher and parent so yeah it may be in your destiny to help shape and mould the next generation into as bright and uplifting a soul as you are yourself. Now in a more general sense, I can see you are meant to be someone who always strives first to open others' eyes to truths in the world that others may want to turn a blind eye to, sometimes this may make you feel alienated and insecure of yourself but keep striving on and never back down for those who wish to put your down like to see you trapped in your insecurity and doubt it allows them to get away with all the malice they put into the world but you are far bolder and brighter than them and your presence, voice and actions help to bring forward a more hopeful future.
How to get there: Honestly Pile two I feel you are already on your way to getting there without much guidance from anyone else but I will say keep listening and feeling your emotions, honouring them as truth for it is how your intuition seems to let itself be heard. Keep working on your communication skills for I feel they are a skill you will be using quite a lot in the future or perhaps you already do. Finally don't be afraid of having a bad day, you are allowed to feel negative about things and it's totally okay to lean on others as much as they lean on you. Don't get so caught up in overthinking and doubts, or even worries about how to help others sometimes we have to let others make it through their own lessons in life, it is like the baby turtles who hatch on the beach and must make it to the sea on their own power and will, not all of them will make it but we can't intervene less we can cause more harm than good. That's all I'm getting for you pile two. I wish you the best and again I just love your energy so keep being you because it brings so much happiness to the world.
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Pile Three ~
[ Cards drawn: The magician, The high priestess, seven of pentacles, four of cups ]
[ Top of the deck: The Tower ]
Who are you meant to be: You are meant to be someone who changes, themselves and the world. You are like a phoenix who rises from the ashes and is rebirthed as a newer, better you after every fall. I am also getting the visual of a chameleon who changes to fit their environment. This at times may have left to feeling confused or a sense of imposter syndrome but do not fear it is a skill and talent all in itself and it is not a wrong thing to be doing. It allows others to feel more comfortable around you so then in turn you can aid them in bettering themselves. Now to focus more on you, who this reading is meant to be helping I can see you are meant to a more spiritually in tune individual who listens and honours their mystical power, of which you have a lot. I feel many of you have been shamed or forced into behaving "sensibly" when you try to show this part of yourself as many cannot understand it and feel it doesn't help with the real world. Please stop listening to them, you would not have this connection to your higher self and the divine if it was not meant to benefit you and the world in some way. So feel free to behave as "woo-hoo" as you wish, the ones who value and respect you will stick around and those who behave in ways that try to condition and control you will eventually leave and you will be all the better for it!
How to get there: Work on listening to your intuition more, remember that intuition is a message that carries calm energy while anxiety will make you feel frantic and in the need to rush. You do not need to rush. As the seven pentacles show you need to cultivate patience and wait for the seed to grow. Trust that all that you are doing, even if at times it is having to sit and do nothing is helping to nurture and give your dreams and goals the best chance of success. I also feel you need to take more time to give yourself mental rest, let your mind grow still and quiet, focus on one thing at a time and seek more time for meditation. This in turn may help you feel more grounded and grateful for all you already have and all you have already achieved. Finally do not fear the tower falling, in the midst of the chaos it may feel like the end but you will begin to see it is simply the clearing of the unneeded and stagnated to allow for the creation of the brighter and better. From it you will always become wiser, stronger and yes even kinder.
I wish the best to all of you in pile three, I know the days may seem long and hard but try to focus on the simple gratitudes and you will begin to see the sun beam from behind the clouds. Until next time, Love Fae.
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SAME ANON FROM THE CHILDHOOD READER WANTING TO PROTECT AJAX AAAH!! MY HEART… I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!! Foul Legacy getting love and comfort makes my heart go Q__Q <3 <3 I love the idea of FL falling for reader once he returns hELP PLEASE??? Imagine they would ruffle or pet Ajax' hair when they were young after the abyss and Legacy is just <3 <3 just little small things for him (that they'll definitely do with FL now, free affection <3)
Ajax may be strong and dangerous, same goes with big mothman, but that is not gonna stop reader from protecting them. owo (I hope it's okay to send another rambling aah! I live for childhood AUs so much and I love the scenarios you make!! ;v ;)
you being a source of genuine affection for Ajax... when he returns from the Abyss, he's clearly changed, and no one but his family wants to be near him. no one but his family- and you. all the other children your age fear his newfound violent tendencies and stay as far away as possible, but you have no shame in jumping on him in a hug, swinging your hands back and forth together, or ruffling his hair, your innocent childhood combined with your protective nature. and Ajax, oh, he craves the small things you do for him, the wonderfully casual way you spend time with him instead of walking on eggshells like everyone else. whenever you squeeze him or playfully pat his head, he feels safe, like his fall into the Abyss never happened, and he can almost believe it if it wasn't for the creature chittering ecstatically in his mind- Foul Legacy's not used to even the slightest bit of affection, and it overwhelms him at first as he falls for you as much as Ajax has
when Ajax gets sent to the Fatui, he eventually grows accustomed to the lack of contact, the way his coworkers either regard him with fear or distaste. when he returns to you and experiences your affections again, now wholeheartedly love, he feels like he's melting into your arms and nearly cries. Foul Legacy's not used to being protected- in the Abyss, life is ruthless and cold- and furthermore he doesn't really need to be protected, but when you look up at him with a slight frown and tell him that he's worth being protected, no matter what, he almost breaks right then and there. the sensation of you holding him, an Abyssal monster who only escaped by latching himself to a mortal, like he's something precious makes him tremble with emotion- so many emotions he's never felt before- and he allows himself to indulge and lean into your touch, the same soft pets you give Ajax. eventually Foul Legacy lapses into slumber and vanishes, leaving a tired, teary Ajax in your arms, who pulls you close into a tight hug, begging for just a moment longer
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alexisomnias · 5 months
— "DOVES SING JUST LIKE YOU" . . . | twst
⤷ how they love your voice
characters | overblot boys
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        he listens to your voice while studying, while sometimes its a distraction, he loves listening to you ramble while working. Too some its listening to music, but too him its listening to you. You're such a guiding voice for him and he can't help but want to cloud his head with you instead of the equations being put down. Sometimes even just the sound of your breath is sufficient to help him work more steadily. Perhaps its the overlooking hope to impress that is an encouragement, either way he's not hanging up the phone anytime soon! Nor is he EVER going to admit the affect your voice has on him!
"what do you mean, "why do you call me when your studying?" can I not worry about my dears day? In peace...!" 
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        he listens to your voice before going to bed, as obvious as it is. He doesn't like having recordings of it, he'd much rather hear your voice in person. No matter how loud or soft it is he can fall asleep easily, so speak all you want, yap away he'd still sleep. Either way its a clearing of his head, and a purify of his dreams. He adores falling asleep to the sound of your voice, and if it has to be over call you better not hang up... He's also a fan of your breath, the sound of your breath relaxes him. He loves listening to yours voice! So never stop talking hm? you'd never annoy him even if you might think so. your his relaxant. 
"don't shut up, keep talking away as you normally do."
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        he's SO embarrassed about how much he adores listening to you speak. He keeps all your voicemails to keep and listen to while he works on paperwork. The tweels tease him far too much, but even then he'd never delete them. Don't tell anyone else either, but he falls asleep to them too. Voice messages are highly encouraged, he will save them! He may never bring it up other then in smooth talking and flirting, but oh the effect your voice has on him... is this how the land dweller felt when hearing the mermaid princesses voice? He's enchanted every time you speak... sometimes he'll even purposely call you when he knows you won't answer just to hear your voice message left after the tone. UGH! The effect you have is so unfair!
"89 saved voicemails..? what about them? as a business owner its... important to hold every detail said as a reminder!"
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        Jamil will call you while he works. The sound of your voice and the knowing your presence is on the other end of the device motivates him to do whatever he's doing. Sometimes he'll invite you over, but he adores being on call too. Ramble away, please, he loves listening. He's a good listener, he swears. So please, yap away, he'll lovingly listen to it all. After all he adores listening to your voice. Don't tell him I told you, but he ADORES it when you whisper in his ear... just a thing that gets him flustered in ways nothing else could. He'll brush it off, but know he'll be replaying whatever you said for the rest of the 24 hour period.
"Would you mind repeating yourself? I think your voice is nice to listen to while cooking."
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        vil adores talking to you during routine. He'll call you in the morning, and night if your unable to stay over. Its apart of his everyday now, for you to be the first voice he hears and the last he hears that day. He wouldn't have it any other way though. He particularly adores hearing you ramble, or talk about whatever happened to you that day during makeup or skincare. Its on facetime or in person, he'll listen like your the only sound around. Conversation with you is always a highlight and he adores every word you say. Vil is also the type to hold onto voicemails if he can, he just likes hearing you speak.
"so how was your day? be sure to include every detail, I want to hear all about it."
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        idia is the type to spam call you into vc. bros desperate. the first time he heard your voice he short circuited, and oh dear now is he getting thrown into the fantasies of falling asleep on call like the normies?! ARGH WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM!? this is unfair! he shouldn't be thinking about how silky,,, and nice,,, and amazing your voice sounds. get out of his head!! your voice is nice okay?! just get in the vc! Don't leave him waiting like a fool, like a desperate blundering fool!
"ah, y..your voice?! its not bad don't worry. no please don't mute! i'm not being sarcastic i swear!!"
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        malleus loves listening to you ramble. every word you say he holds dear, and sometimes he gets needy to hear it he'll even come all the way from his dorm to yours just to hear you talk! he's not a fan of phone calls, it doesn't feel as genuine as in person. He fucking adores listening to you, no matter what the hell your talking about. He'll just nod his head no matter, he's listening sure, but your voice lulls him into a trance he never wants to be pulled out of. Keeping singing him a lullaby with your wonderful voice! he loves listening to you, and if you love listening to him then oh dear the conversations would never end. 
"I love hearing what you have to contribute, its very insightful. So please, what about that topic again?"
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thebisexualdogdad · 8 months
One Piece preferences - how they tell you that they like you (GN!reader)
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Luffy -
● Luffy is not one for shame or embarrassment yet he's always nervous around you
● he always awkwardly rambles when you're near him
● and he even asks if you want the last bite of food before he takes it for himself like usual
● he goes to Usopp first for advice which Sanji and Zoro overhears and tells him to ignore Usopp's terrible advice and listen to them instead
● which then Nami overhears and calls them all idiots and gives Luffy actually good advice
● Luffy finally tells you he likes you but rambles again while talking so you kiss him to shut him up
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Nami -
● she doesn't
● you have to make the first move
● even when you do tell her you like her she makes you work for it
● "I'll go out with you when we find the one piece"
● "I'm holding you to that"
● a couple months later when she thinks you've proven yourself she sets two plates of food in front of you guys
● "what's this?"
● "we're on a date"
● "I thought you weren't going to go out with me until we found the one piece?"
● "I changed my mind now start eating before I change it again"
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Sanji -
● He is very confident and makes it known he likes you the moment you meet
● He flirts with you the entire time you're eating in the baratie
● "Anything else I can get for you cutie? I've been told I make a mighty fine dessert, that is unless you want me for dessert instead"
● "just the check please sweet talker"
● he brings the check to you with his number written on the bottom
● "just so you know I do accept tips in the form of a date"
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Zoro -
● no matter how much Luffy points out to Zoro that he likes you he refuses to acknowledge his feelings for you
● It's not until you get critically hurt in a fight that he finally admits to himself that he likes you
● you've been unconscious for days and he never leaves your side while you're recovering
● you wake up to him sitting at your bedside and you've never seen him look this worried
● "thank God I thought I lost you"
● "you saying you care about me Zoro?"
● "yes Y/N, I care you about you a lot so please don't do that to me again"
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Usopp -
● always brings you flowers and little trinkets
● "I saw this in town and thought you'd like it"
● names one of his slingshot moves after you
● all around gentleman trying to woo you
● Zoro "you know he likes you right"
● "of course I know, I just think it's sweet how hard he tries"
● the first time you kiss him on the cheek to thank him for your gift he blushes so hard and nearly faints
● he goes around proudly telling everyone that you kissed him and that he's your boyfriend now
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Buggy -
● puts on an entire show for you
● pulling out all of his best jokes and stunts
● making the crowd cheer extra hard
● he does a huge speech throughout the entire performance about how you two could conquer the world together
● and how he needs you by his side to be the best pirate he can be
● for his final trick he uses his powers to send his hand up to you with a bouquet of flowers
● "what do you say Y/N? Want to be my co captain?"
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Shanks -
● whenever he's in town he tells you stories of his adventures over drinks at the bar
● and always gives you part of his treasure that his crew found on their recent voyage as gifts
● "You're really giving me this? Do you know how valuable it is?"
● "There's no treasure in this world that I value more than you"
● "well Shanks it sounds like you're trying to tell me that you like me"
● "I would travel the entire ocean for you my dear Y/N and I would love if you joined me on my next adventure"
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● Literally kills a guy for you
● you're complaining about some jerk you ran into at the bar
● he mumbles "he shall pay for disrespecting my Y/N" and excuses himself
● he returns a little bit later with the guys decapitated head in his hand and blood on his shirt
● "you said you had a problem with this guy so I killed him in your honor"
● "Oh thats… sweet"
● "I knew you'd be impressed. So, dinner?"
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Cabaji -
● always tries to look cool in front of you
● doing tricks on his unicycle
● like riding it through a flaming hoop
● or having you stand on his shoulders while he cycles around the ring
● or putting someone on the spinning wheel and throwing knives at them landing impossibly close to their skin
● "that was cool wasn't it Y/N"
● "sure was Cabaji"
● "So what do you say you and I get drinks together sometime?"
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signedkoko · 4 months
Signed with Love - Helluva Cast
What is this? - A valentines gift to my lovely readers! Its valentines/love letters from your favourites 🖤
Characters - Blitzo | Fizzarolli | Loona | Millie | Moxxie | Stolas | Striker | Verosika | Wally Wackford
Series Parts Hazbin Cast - Here! Overlords & Sins - Here!
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Dear, Hey, Whats up
Oh what the hell, just be my valentine, we both know its about time I just fuckin ask.
I can't promise anything lavish, but what I do have is a kitchen and a comfortable couch. Maybe you can try showing me how to bake and we can eat what we make while watching some shitty romcoms.
Whatever makes you happy,
Oh come on, you know who wrote this.
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I know you are usually the one to ask, but this year I wanted to change things up a little! Be my valentine?
While we could go somewhere crowded and wait forever for food, I thought maybe this year we could stay home, order a bunch of takeout, and spend time together?
And of course, I love you,
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Don't freak out,
I swear this isn't a ransom note, I just wasn't sure how else to ask you to be my valentine.
You know how we both wanted to go to the lovesick festival but ti was sold out? Well, don't ask how but I got tickets. Now we can go watch idiots get drunk and pass out in front of their girlfriends, and enjoy a bunch of our fav bands.
Outfit theme: Hot as fuck?
X Loona
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Hi sweetie!
I know technically it's your turn for valentines this year, but I know you've been busy and I wanted to surprise you!
My parents called and told me they need someone to house sit while they are away for the week, so we could enjoy valentines on the ranch and I can show you my home! Especially the food and festivals I always tell you about.
Happy Valentines ❣
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Hi dear ❣
Maybe it's getting old by now, but for yet another year I would love to have you as my valentine.
I don't know where I'd be without you, you make my hellish work at least a tad bit bearable and inspire me every day. I've already had to erase several rambles, so I'll save the rest of the sweet talk for the date. Just be ready in formal attire for 6, because we have a show to catch!
I'm sure you'll look amazing ❣
— Moxx
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To the sweetest one I know,
I've been inspired by the books I've been reading to handwrite a letter to you, so you have something to keep for memory sake.
To have you by my side for another valentines is a dream come true, last year you pulled together such an amazing evening that I can only hope to outdo tonight. I would like to take you to see the stars, I know you've always asked and I believe it is about time.
Thank you for being mine,
Prince Stolas
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Howdy darlin'
While originally I wasn't going to be home on time, I made sure to finish up this mission early so I can be there with ya for valentines. I'd call, but I know you swoon for romantic gestures, dontcha?
I'll handle all the details of our outing, just relax and don't worry your pretty head about a darn thing.
Can't wait to get home and see you again,
Who else?
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Miss me?
I had to head out for a gig early, so sorry I couldn't catch you at the door before I left! I hope this note will suffice in the mean time.
Since I can't bring you, I have a limo headed to pick you up around five, that should give you time to get ready for the concert! Your pass is with the driver, and you've got front row seats, kay? I better see you cheering for me ❣
Happy valentines day,
Mayday 💋
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Greetings, I say I say,
It's not everyday sheepish imps such as myself get such a heavenly opportunity to court a sweet thing like yourself!
For you, and you only my dear, I will spend such a lucritive holiday with my one and only. Should you accept, I am pleased to inform you that we have been invited to Ozzie's! Isn't he the kindest?
x x x x x x x
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Authors Note - Okay be honest with me WHO ARE WE ACCEPTING A LETTER FROM?? I gotta know,,, This is the last of the valentines series, I hope you all enjoyed!
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achelouise · 2 months
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Lies, mysteries, and tricks
Fandom: Honkai Starail
Pairing: Sunday/Gen!reader, MENTIONED Gallagher/reader
Warnings: Spoilers for 2.1 and written before 2.2! Very toxic, from both sides, I think? Maybe OOC Sunday.
Summary: You learn about Robin's death, and rush to console Sunday. He isn't the thing you should be worrying about, though.
A/N: It's been a while! Came back to write this, because I couldn't stop thinking about this idea. It's rushed, and it's not really well-written, and it's short. Please forgive me~ (I am obsessed with Gallagher rn, so if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear and write about them :D (I still don't know how to properly use tumblr btw))
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“Sunday? Are you in there?”
No answer. You drum your fingers against your sides nervously.
“Sunday, can we talk? Please?”
Still no answer. Your heart beats widely in your chest.
You ignore your thunderous heart as you slowly push the doors of the mansion open. The creaking doors echo and bounce along the empty halls, revealing a giant room, devoid of any light. A luxurious bed, dorned with lights and gems and painted with beautiful colors, is tucked away at the very side of the room. Sunday’s bedroom.
The factions had established that, other than the man himself, Sunday’s blood-related family, along with his spouse, would have access to it. Sunday himself had no permission to grant access to anyone, so you are surprised when the bellhop simply glanced at you and let you in without protest.
You could only guess it was because you two were close friends, and they were used to seeing you enter the Pavilion as children. Still, to enter his bedroom must be a breach in security…
But he wasn’t in any other room you could find. Time was slipping, lives were being lost, and you needed to find him. Fast.
You’re not exactly in the know. Most things you know, only Gallagher has told you. But you know full well that Sunday needs support.
“Sunday, please. I know I haven’t visited in… a while. I know what happened, and I’m sorry. Let’s work this out together. Don’t run away. Please?”
Only your echoes answer.
You were rambling to yourself at this point, desperation climbing further and further up to your chest. You have seen what Sunday does when he loses those he loves- and you want to help him. You don’t ever want to see him like that again. Never again.
You glance at the papers scattered on his desk. Maybe they have some information on where he went. He likes to rant in diaries.
You close your eyes, and pray to whatever Aeon you follow.
Forgive my sins for ever trespassing privacy to this extent. 
You don’t exactly have a clear mind when you start to rummage through the papers that endured wear and tear. You start to read some.
How could she do this?
It’s fine. It’s fine. Itsfineitsfineitsfineitsfineitsfine
Robin. Dear Aeons, Robin. 
When I find the traitor I will make them pay in blo o d 
Please don’t leave me please
Please please please please pleasepleas  e 
Your stomach drops. Poor Sunday.
Something else catches your eye, though. A soft reflection of a photo, pinned at the corner of the widespread desk. You lean over to take a good look at it.
You bite your lip so hard it nearly breaks skin. But even that dulls in comparison to the piles and piles of photos- all of them just you and Gallagher.
There are a wide range of those photos; from you two sitting across each other in the Dreamjolt Hostelry, to your hands linked together, faces flushed and smiles bright. All of them, with Gallagher’s face crossed out with glaring, red circles.
The words are jagged and rough, as if he had barely managed to carve it out with his bare hands. It is a gigantic contrast to the sweet and elegant cursives he writes in his letters to you. It almost made you believe it wasn’t even Sunday who wrote this.
But you’re not stupid. You swallow the bile down your throat as your stomach churns with heightened fear and uncertainty. Sunday is a clever man, which makes him infinitely more dangerous.
Admittedly, he is far more unhinged than the public understands. You’ve never had a problem with it- only crazy can recognize crazy, and that was probably how he uncovered the plan of that gambler.
This doesn’t work in your favor, though. You don’t want to know what it means when he directs this insanity towards you.
You turn to leave.
“Ah, you found me.”
A hand shoots out to grip your arm, and you have no time to react. Shock, as quick as it comes, is slow to settle down. You try to scream.
“Oh Triple-Faced Soul, please seal this traitor's tongue and palms with a hot iron, so that the traitor will not be able to fabricate lies and make false vows.”
Your whole body goes cold. You feel it- the soft waves of Harmony pulsing in your head, trapping your tongue and seeing through your eyes. You had seen its effect- seen how it slaughters and breaks those who disobey. But to receive this kind of treatment yourself…
You finally process the dangerous situation you’re in, and wrench free from his grasp. You regain your stance as you stumble backwards, a question on the tip of your tongue. “Why?”
Sunday looks… off. His clothes are askew, his eyebags more apparent without the illusion of Harmony, and a smile, out of place and out of his mind. He chuckles, far too gentle, so much so that it sends shivers down your spine.
“You know how this goes, don’t you?” he coos, berating and condescending. “Answer my questions truthfully, or suffer the rejection of the Harmony.”
“Why would I ever lie to you?” you ask, “What is there even to ask?”
His eye twitches. His voice drops an octave, laced with poison and jealousy. “You know perfectly well what I mean.”
He breathes in, regaining his footing as the questions begin. “Are you interested in Gallagher? Is he interested in you?”
You think of him. A few hours ago, he insisted he came along to find Sunday with you. You’re starting to regret that decision. “Yes- and, I… I think so.”
Sunday tsks. “Do you know what he is? What it is?”
You cross your arms. “No. He is not human, but I am not exactly a young damsel in distress myself.”
“Do you not understand? That that man is nothing but a memetic entity, with thousands of truths woven together as a lie? Do you not know that the man you hold hands with killed Robin in cold blood? Why would you want to be with a foul beast like him?”
You are taken aback at the venom in Sunday’s tone. He isn’t even hiding it anymore. His breathing is ragged, and his eyes are blown wide.
“I… didn’t.” you admit, far too overwhelmed by his genuine frustration to confirm the validity in his claims.
Sunday suddenly withdrawals, as if sensing he has taken you off guard. He draws himself to his full height, casting a shadow with the light outside in the halls. The pulses in your head die out, as if they were never there.
“You are being tricked, dearest. He is not the man you think he is. He is a monster, a murderer, that serves under a shameful stain. Join me, in the pursuit of the Watchmaker. We can make all of them pay in blood.”
He rants, and you feel your heart sink. He is unstable because of this recent loss, but he has clearly not lost his mind. There is still rhyme and reason to what he does.
“My past? Hah, let’s not get into that just yet. I’ll tell you- someday.”
You glance down at the hand he offers you. His gaze is tender, but far too fragile. His lips are quivering, a silent plea.
You want to reject him. You want to scream at him, punch him, and run away, as far as possible. Gallagher had promised he would explain himself one day, and you had not mentally prepared yourself to know.
But given the unstable state he was in, it is unwise to simply respond with violence.
You reach out for his hand- only for a blade, dark and violet laced with gold, piercing from his stomach. Blue liquid pours from his gut, and this time, you truly do scream.
You don’t hear anything. The withdrawal of the blade is defeated by the look of despair and shock in Sunday’s eyes. He reaches for your hand, in a blind desperation- only to dissipate at the softest graze into a sea of bubbles.
Your heart thunders in your ribcage. A silent dread washes over you, and you hear your breaths grow shorter.
A lighter goes out.
Strong, warm arms envelop you. 
A voice, low and gruff, tells you that it’s going to be okay. The voice hovers over your ear, gentle and sweet, almost fabricated to ghost over your ear in a way you can’t refuse. You don’t respond, though, as you feel a sharp cut to your neck, and you’re out like a light.
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rottingparts · 1 year
Cool okay! May I request some general romantic head cannons for Bay! Optimus, Ironhide and Ratchet ? Thank you so much ! :)
(SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! My internet is fucked, but only on my computer, so i'm struggling atm.)
OF COURSE!! My favorites.... I mean I totally love them all equally :) I wrote them with a Human!Reader (that's all i write but i just wanted to calrify)!
Optimus Prime:
My love... probably the most normal of them honestly
Isn't like super duper outwardly romantic when others are around. He isn't too fond of PDA. BUT he still shows affection in lowkey ways.
Like, he will gently nudge you if you seem anxious or off in general, to get your attention and when you let him know you're ok he gives you a slight nod and continues on with his conversation.
It's really no secret, because him crouching down and his giant hand descending from his side and nudging you is not very subtle.
He is way more protective over you than any other human. Will not let anything harm you. And if something does, nothing will get in his way to help/save you.
LOVES (when it's just the two of you) for you to gently hold his face in your tiny (compared to him) hands! Double points if you gently bonk your forehead against his.
If you are not feeling it, having a bad day, what have you, he will take you for a ride to calm down. his voice is so soothing! Sometimes he'll even talk to you until you fall asleep if that is what you need.
You two became an 'item' mostly because you had made offhanded comment to Cade about Optimus being attractive in a way and Cade shut that shit down immediately but Optimus heard. It was too late, Cade has to deal with this now...
Literally so sweet! Will kill for you!
Oh my... definitely the least normal (in an endearing way).
Doesn't mind/completely understand PDA honestly. Like, you wanna grab him and nuzzle his face? Please do. He will be forever grateful.
He definitely wants to show you off, he is so proud of you!! He also needs everyone to know you are taken :)
Like he will do little things to make sure the others know he is with you, like bringing you towards him when someone gets a little too close.
Wants you close to him at all times, so he knows you're safe.
If anyone threatens you in any capacity (even if its sarcasm from a close friend) his arm is around you, guarding you, while he points a gun at the one threatening you. It takes a minute to calm him down.
If you are like visibly upset/anxious/not having it, he is very vocal about pulling you out of the situation. Has zero problems taking you away in the middle of a conversation.
Will literally go into alt mode and just... drive away with you. Your friends don't like that too much.
Ironhide definitely was weird about his feelings at first. Him liking a human? No thank you. Definitely tried to push the feelings away, until getting tired and telling you how he felt.
When you lit up and said you felt the same? Oh he was over the moon!
Very protective and secretly very sweet! Will also kill for you!
My sweet cinnamon bun....
Will literally die for your hugs!! Please just wrap your arms around his neck when he bends down and hug him so tight!
Doesn't mind PDA (in a sense of like hugging and being sweet) but does get very flustered!!
Call him any pet name (honey, dear, etc.) and he will combust. If he could blush, he definitely would. Really wanna make him weak in the knees? Call him 'My love.'
Ratchet would worry about you constantly honestly. Waaay more than anyone else.
I mean, you're just a human! You're squishy and small. There is a lot to worry about!
He realized he liked you because he was so worried for you, then he grew even more worried!
He accidently confessed his feelings for you when rambling about how worried he had been for you, and when you go wide eyed he is retracting everything and ready to run away.
When you reassure him and tell him you like him too? He is even more likely to combust.
Is always wanting to check in on you, and learns very quickly what upsets you and what soothes you. he is very attentive.
So fucking sweet and will die for you!!
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rakkaseip · 2 months
Can I request headcanons for Astarion reacting to GN reader who's straightforward & always asks for consent/confirmation? Like they misunderstand easily so they always ask for clarification especially when the person they're talking is beating around the bush/being subtle, & they want to be sure with the person that they have permission/the person truly doesn't mind (because they have encountered people telling them to do something even the person is uncomfortable about it) to do a specific task even if the person is the only who requested!
Astarion With a Straightforward Reader
Notes: Hope this is right, if there's anything wrong let me know! Kept it completely gender neutral! CW: mentions of Astarion's past, sexual themes
He's very confused at first, he's not used to people caring about his consent. It's foreign to him but definitely not unwelcome!
He feels bad at first, especially after trying to use you for his own gain.
When you continuously ask if he's sure about intimacy he'll tell you you're overthinking yourself and act sassy, but it actually makes him swoon.
He loves that you care about his consent so much you have to keep asking, even if it's about kissing.
He holds your face with his hand and kisses your forehead, reassuring you that yes, it's okay.
"Astarion, are you sure it's okay if I kiss you?" you ask , slightly nervous. You study his face, looking into his eyes and body language to see any hesitation. He lets out a huff and smiles at you sweetly, "Why, darling, of course it's okay." he tells you softly, as he snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Are you sure? It's okay if you don't want to, I won't be mad I promise." He looks into your eyes lovingly, his gaze holds nothing but pure love and adoration. "I want to, my love." Before you can ask again, he lifts your chin and kisses you softly. It felt like forever, so much love and care just in one kiss, it made his heart melt. He pulls away to admire you with half lidded eyes, his thumb touching your bottom lip. "I do rather like that, you know." He whispers, before pulling you back in again.
And when he changes his mind, he worries for a moment, what if you get upset? When you tell him it's okay and you're not gonna make him do anything that makes him uncomfortable, he feels a wave of relief wash over him.
He reassures you that he won't tell you he wants to do something when he doesn't, he doesn't want you to feel guilt like that with him.
You and Astarion were in the middle of a heated moment, almost half naked, hands all over each other. Kissing lead to hair tugging, to light grinding, to full on making out. Astarion started to feel uneasy, thinking about his past victims. His stomach started to turn, he was no longer in the mood. But how was he going to tell you now? You'd be disappointed, he'd hate to upset his love. What if you abandoned him for Gale? He began hesitating with each kiss you exchanged, the thoughts overwhelming him. Sensing this, you pull away and look into his eyes with worry. "My love, why did you stop? Did I do something?" Astarion asked, almost too quickly. He was terrified in this moment, terrified you would hate him. "Are you sure you want to do this? If you're uncomfortable please tell me, dear." You speak softly as you distance yourself slightly from him and hold his hand, your thumb caressing his knuckles. "No- well, I don't know, I started thinking about.." He paused before heaving a heavy sigh, "Cazador, and his victims and-" he stopped his rambling and looked at you in fear. "Are you going to leave me because I stopped? We can keep going if it'll make you happy." He says as he attempts to reinitiate, but you stop him. "No, Astarion, I won't leave you. It's okay I promise. I'm not going to leave you, I would never leave you over this." You hold his face with both of your hands, he looks as if he could cry at any moment, he was so delicate and brittle in your hands. "It's okay to say no, I promise I'm not mad." You reassure him once more, and he smiles. He doesn't know what he was so worried about when he has someone like you.
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bunnyscone · 7 months
ok so a male yandere vampire who kidnaps fem reader but is very patient with her. he doesnt force her to do anything and lets her set the pace... until she starts her period. he just keeps eating her out over and over, apologizing the whole time bc "he just cant help himself"
Hiiiii!! thank you for your ask!! I love vampires!! Especially yandere ones! I plan on doing a little ramble/fic or whatever you wanna call it on this :) I kinda ran off with the idea, lol, but this was fun to write♡♡
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Male! Vampire! OC x Female! Reader!
kinks: Hematolagnia, Menophilia, Dub-con(?), Praise Kink(?), Pussy and Cunt (mentions). Female Reader! (MxF)
By hitting 'keep reading' you are accepting that you are 18+ and are fine with reading dark/sensitive content. (Don't like? Don't read.)
OC: Vincent (Male! Vampire!) - Words: 313 - Proofread? Nope :)
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"I... I'm sorry my dear..."
The soft whisper of his voice comes beneath you, the feeling of his heavy breath hitting your clothed cunt. His nails dig into you as he draws himself closer, his cheek resting against your thigh. A soft whimper escapes his throat as he lets out a heavy breath, mumbling out to you with a groan, "You... you just smell so good, my dear..."
You let out a squeak as he plants a heavy kiss on your inner thigh, nibbling at the soft skin. "Please... just let me have a taste...?" He mumbles out again, his tongue pressed up against your clothed clit, his thick salvia pooling and soaking the already bloody mess your aching cunt made.
It's been weeks since Vincent had actually last touched you, too nervous and worried about scaring you off and ruining his chance with you. Yet suddenly now that your cycle has begun, you're all he seems to want to grasp and hold, no longer caring about how patient he might need to be around you. Your touch-starved body seems to agree with his grasping and holding, leaning towards him unknowingly each time he moves closer, holding you to him.
"A... Alright..." You mumble out, shakingly nodding your head as you slowly grind your cunt against his face, the feeling of it leading you to feel even more needy. He lets out an excited whimper, pulling you even closer as he frees your cunt, moaning softly at the sight of the bloodied and aching hole. His hand comes up, his fingers pushing open your labia as he eagerly laps up into you.
You whimper and clench around his tongue, your cunt fluttering around him as he drinks up more of your blood and juices, his thumb coming up to circle and rub your clit as you moan.
"Good girl... You taste so good..."
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mwahhhhhhhhhhhhh love youuuuuuuuu ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა♡♡♡♡
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sinner-sunflower · 2 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 20/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 21, PART 22
Like ketchup. Slowly then all at once.
Lucifer still feels like he's underwater, floating where the current takes him. He thinks he's dreaming because his eyes refuse to open all the way.
At least he isn't burning anymore.
It's mostly quiet, the only sound he can hear is the sloshing of the water.
It's calm. He doesn't know how long has it been since he's been calm in the quiet without company.
Once in a while though, he hears voices. The waves carry them in weird intervals and he tries very hard to think who is talking.
'You'll be okay, Luci.'
'I'll do everything to make you comfortable and back to full health.'
'Big bro, if you wake up now, I'll give you a lifetime supply of my juice!'
'Okay fine, I'll change Looloo Land's name fo real, yeah?'
'You need to meet Fizzie still, Luci.'
'Don't worry sir! I didn't touch a single duck in your room when I cleaned it. No more bugs though!'
'Zestial and I give our deepest gratitude in behalf of the overlords, Your Majesty.'
'Charlie is a fast learner.'
'Oh, Your Majesty, do wake up. I don't think I can take any more of Alastor's not-rambling. I love me some romance but whooowee, a woman has her limits, yknow!'
'I don't think I can eva' thank ya enough fo' setting me free, short king.'
'Pretty badass, your kingness.''
'I want to get to know you still sir.'
'Darling, do come back to me now. I miss you so. And do not listen to any of Rosie's lies.'
'Dad, please wake up. I need you.'
The last voice caused the calm waters to turn into a whirlpool and he feels himself being pulled down. A bright light appears in front of him, illuminating the deep, dark waters. And for a moment, just a moment, he thinks- no it couldn't be;
He reaches out a hand to touch but as soon as it did, he was propelled to the surface.
Lucifer wakes up slowly and then all at once. The King blinks in confusion and trying to get his eyesight to clear. A blurry figure of white is the first to greet him; no face but it's smiling?
Charlie: Dad!
Lucifer: Charlie?
He winces at the state of his voice. Did he scream himself sore? He tries remembering what happened and-
The roots.
A ritual.
The deal.
A prophecy.
A sudden pain stabbed his head which caused him to groan.
Lucifer: Shit!
He forces himself to sit up just to relieve it a little. A rubbing hand on his back grounds him a bit. Looking up, he came face-to-face with his daughter. His sweet, lovely, Charlie.
Charlie: Woah, Dad. Take it easy. Here have water and some pain meds. Aunt Bel left it here just in case.
He doesn't need to be told twice as he took the pill, noting the bitter taste in his mouth. Pride be damned (ha! get it?), he just wants the pain to go away.
Charlie is still fussing and talking a million miles per hour and Lucifer doesn't have the heart to make her stop even though his head is about to split in half.
Maybe Charlie will forgive him if he snaps right now. Thankfully that doesn't happen as a new person comes to enter his room.
Alastor: Charlie, dear, I think your father would appreciate a quieter room.
Charlie: - Oh, Al! Right! Sorry, dad.
Lucifer: It's okay, applepie. Can you also dim the lights a bit?
Alastor: Charlie, might I ask of you to get food for your father? There should be some leftovers still.
Charlie: O-oh I- Sure, Al! Be right back, dad!
As soon as she left, Alastor moves to Lucifer's bedside. Lucifer follows his movements and only then does the King realize the insane amount of flowers taking up every space in his room. And then he realized that Alastor has some in his hands too.
Lucifer: What's all this?
Alastor: Why, tokens from your loved ones and dearest citizens. These ones are of mine.
The Radio Demon points at the golden Marigolds. Lucifer observes the other flowers and sees that every bunch has atleast a few Marigolds tucked in them.
Did.. did Alastor put them there so he could have the most flowers given? What a possessive bastard.
His endearment must be obvious in his face because Alastor huffed- freaking huffed!
Alastor: Whatever you are thinking, it is simply nonsense.
Lucifer puts his hands up in a mock surrender.
Lucifer: I didn't say anything.
Alastor: Good.
Alastor can be so cute when he wants (or not want?) to be. His lover? partner? Yeah, partner, sits down by his side, letting Lucifer lean onto his shoulder.
He's not soft like Lilith but Lucifer feels just as content. The sin of Pride stares at his arms that is now covered in runes he doesn't understand, no longer just plain black. Roo really did a number on him- her powers were far too strong it basically altered his appearance. He's more demon now than he was ever an angel. He doesn't know how to feel about that.
Alastor: Some things are to be discussed, right, Your Majesty?
Lucifer: Mmm. Yeah. But- I can't. Not right now. I'm not sure if I can.
Alastor: That's alright, mon ange. We are not in a hurry. We have our afterlife.
Lucifer bites his lip and holds Alastor's hands in guilt. This is a burden he must carry himself. What's inside him... it would be more dangerous if anyone else knew, especially Heaven. It's better to think of it as a wild card than a ticking time bomb.
Alastor hums a tune that makes him sleepy again. He doesn't remember falling asleep but he does vaguely recall being laid down again. He remembers a feeling of a kiss on his forehead, something brushing his cheek and moving his hair.
A nice calm before the storm.
Charlie took so long cos she wanted to heat it up but the microwave is missing?? (Alastor's doing)
Next chapter, Luci will wake again and have a talk with Charlie
Just wanted to get some Radioapple in there.
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mncxbe · 6 months
Hihi!! I'm not sure if my request already went it, I sent it without wifi but incase it didn't id like to request a fic where reader comforts aku after a rough day and he starts crying and about not being good enough for her!! love your work 💗
thank you so so much nonnie and this is so hhhh I loved writing this😳😳 I hope you like it too♡♡
Kiss my tears away♡
𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎! 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: light angst/ comfort♡.
It was around 12:30 when the thud of the front door closing woke you up from your slumber. You turned your head to the side and watched as your boyfriend quietly stepped into the bedroom and started undressing; a foggy, shadowy figure observed by your sleepy eyes.
"Hey Ryuu. How was today?" you inquired, voice dripping with langour but he gave no answer. He simply lay in bed beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist to bring you closer to him.
"Ryuu dear can you~" you began again but were immediately cut off by the sound of heavy sobs. Akutagawa's hot breath dripped down your neck as he buried his face in your hair, chest heaving against your back.
"Ryuu baby what's wrong?" you asked again in a concerned voice, reaching a hand to turn on the lamp on your nightstand but he quickly seized your arm.
"Don't, please". His voice was weak, a mere shaky mumble "I don't want you to see me like this."
Sighing softly, you turned to face him; you couldn't clearly make out his features in the darkness but you noticed the faint quiver of his lower lip, the light furrow of his brows.
Without a word, Akutagawa shifted closer to you and leaned his head on your chest, pearly tears tracing their way onto your heated skin. On cue, you slid your fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to you. His muffled sobs echoed through the gloom of the bedroom, your heart twisting in a helpless knot.
"Hey..." you began, gently threading your fingers through his dark tufts "What's wrong? Did something bad happened at work?"
Without raising his head from your chest, Akutagawa started rambling on about how burnt out he felt, about the mission Dazai assigned him today. You knew how desperate your boyfriend was to gain his former mentor's respect and appreciation, the lengths he'd go to just for a simple "good job, Akuatagwa" and a pat on your shoulder.
"I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I gave it all I got and it's still not enough, never enough." His nails dug painfully into your hips, as if he were trying to crawl under your skin, to find a safe space far away from all the doubt and pain. "I feel like a fucking joke. How can you even love someone like me? How can I be good enough for you when I can't even-" Akutagawa's breath became erratic, words getting stuck in his aching throat.
You gently traced your nails along his scalp, fumbling for words. Truth was, you'd never seen him like this before, so torn by his own emotions, so vulnerable and you were afraid to say the wrong thing.
"Ryuu, my dear, you're not a joke. You work really hard and I'm so, so proud of you for what you've accomplished. If Dazai doesn't want to acknowledge you that's his problem, not yours." A choked sob left his throat at the sound of your words and you softly shushed him, scooting lower under the crunchy covers so that you were face to face with him.
Lovingly cupping his face with your hands, you traced your thumb over his cheekbone, wiping away his tears. "You're so amazing Ryuu, even if you don't always believe that. I love you so much" Your lips pressed feathery kisses all over his face as you held him closely; his fierce grip on your hips slowly growing weaker.
Your saccharine affections lulled him into a hazy state, as if his brain had shut down completely. there were no more thoughts, no more doubts and worries, only you- his loving partner, soothing him the best way you could. The tip of your nose brushed against his and you finally kissed his lips, a sweet, tender kiss that conveyed all the love you had for him.
"You're very dear to me, baby. I hate seeing you like this" you whisper against his mouth, words spilling from your lips to his as he weakly returned the kiss.
By this point a warm, mellow weariness took over his body and he felt his eyes slowly closing. His arm grew limp, draping over your hipbone and he leaned his forehead against yours; his breath steadying by the minute. He truly couldn't recall the last time someone has made him feel so worthy and taken care of.
Loving, sugar sweet words and praises kept rolling past your lips, completely replacing his dark thoughts with bliss. In that moment, Akutagawa knew all his worries about you were pointless. He uttered a low "thank you dear" before losing consciousness, forcefully put to sleep by sheer exhaustion; but even after he fell asleep you refused to let go of him. You continued your ministrations, tucking a strand of wild hair behind his ear and kissing his cheek.
"Anytime dear, anytime."
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whumpshaped · 7 months
a thought : Something so awful happening to beck one evening it makes them almost welcome helle with open arms in comparison (bonus points if even they're worried)
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tw vampire carewhumper, emotional whump, mugging mention, knives mention, death threats mention, subtle mind control, conditioning, conditioned whumpee
Beck stumbled into his apartment still sobbing, clutching his bag like his life depended on it. What else? What else could go wrong in his stupid fucking life? He had one vampire constantly pestering him, he'd had another try to bite him, and now he got mugged? There had to be something wrong with him. This wasn't normal. He had to be cursed.
He leaned back against the locked door, taking panicked little breaths until he felt like he could move again. He should've gone to the police. He'd just been too scared to do so, the cold touch of a knife still lingering on his neck where it'd nicked him.
He instinctively tried to reach for his phone to call his mom — only to realise that had been taken from him, along with all the money from his wallet and his credit card. At least the guy was nice enough to let him keep his papers.
He wanted Helle.
The thought made him cry even more. He was so shaken, so utterly terrified, and he wanted the vampire? He was losing his mind. But really, who else was going to raise hell for someone wasting 'his precious blood'? Who else was going to visit him at night without having to be called? He had no one else. Nobody would even believe him at this point, there were simply too many bad things happening to him one after the other. People were getting tired of him, he could tell.
Helle wasn't. Helle came back every single night, let him ramble, sat in the kitchen while he cooked, joined in enthusiastically whenever he complained about Christie or work, held him after he woke up from the nightmares they'd caused... They were all he had right now, as sad as it was.
Yeah, because you stopped calling your family as often. You're getting tangled up in the magic they apparently 'never use on you'.
He pushed the thought aside. He didn't have the energy for it. His heart was still racing, he still felt lightheaded and detached, and if his pathetically frightened mind wanted nothing but to run into Helle's arms, well... tonight wasn't the night when he'd rationalise his way out of it.
It didn't take long. Barely ten minutes after he'd finally torn himself away from the door and set his bag on the dresser, Helle walked in, their usual cheery demeanour instantly clashing with the fearful atmosphere in the room. Their red eyes settled on his shaking figure, and Beck found he couldn't even explain anything; all that came out were choked little whimpers, making even the vampire reconsider their evening plans.
"Oh, dear." They slowly walked over to the sofa, concern evident on their face. "What happened?"
Without saying a word, Beck's hands shot out to grab onto Helle's shirt, and they sat down so he could properly cling to them. They wrapped both arms around his frail body, letting him cry it out for as long as he wanted.
"S-someone stole my stuff," he sniffled. "My– my phone, my money– he put a knife t-to, to my throat– said he'd kill me–"
"Poor thing," they murmured, and for once, it sounded genuine. It was all Beck wanted to hear. To know that they did care, and his stupid love that he'd tried to hard to sweep under the rug wasn't entirely misplaced. "Do you want me to go and get your things back, darling? Or do you want me to stay?"
"Stay," he said right away. "Please. 'm s-so scared, I d-don't wanna be alone, I–"
"Shh, alright." They began gently rocking him back and forth, whispering sweet nothings until he calmed down. Beck thought it'd take longer. He thought he'd be crying all night, driving Helle up the wall, yet here he was, quiet and exhausted in their arms after mere minutes.
Like magic, right? They have to be using something. This isn't normal. No vampire puts a human at ease naturally.
He was too tired to care. All he could focus on was the gentle way they'd asked for his preference, the way they were willing to stay with him instead of immediately going on a vengeful hunt through the city. The way they would've gone if he'd asked them to. They were all he had, and they were so much more than enough.
"Feeling better?" Their voice felt like silk against his skin, soft and smooth and so light.
"Yeah," he whispered. "Thank you. S-sorry for... all of this." Despite saying that, he made no effort to push himself away from them. They didn't urge him either.
"No need. Just breathe."
He did. He could finally take deep breaths as opposed to the shallow gasping from before, and it felt nice, like a weight had been lifted. Even being reminded made him feel so warm inside, like he wasn't a bother, like... like he was allowed to just breathe. Like Helle truly expected nothing else from him.
"Thank you," he repeated, emphatic and reverent. It felt good to give into the gratitude instead of fighting it, to simply express his feelings instead of trying to hide them out of embarrassment. "Thank you for staying."
Helle kissed the top of his head. "How could I not, when a sweet thing like you begs me to?"
Sweet thing... It was probably just the sudden lack of adrenaline leaving him sleepy and stupid, but for a long moment, he thought he liked being Helle's sweet thing.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @tauntedoctopuses @blueyellow8green @typewrittenfangs @whumpsoda @steh-lar-uh-nuhs
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lovely-showtimes · 7 months
pretty . . . ♡
character - rui.
type - scenario.
contains - male reader, reader being called 'pretty' and 'pretty boy' separately as well as 'love' and 'dear' as pet names, and ten heaping tons of self indulgence
a/n - i cant explain what spurred me on to write this other than i'm feeling a bit wonky rn and i was like "you know what will fix me. that pretty boy" please enjoy
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Rui's fingers absentmindedly play with your hair as he rambles on about his plans for WxS's upcoming show. You haven't entirely been paying attention to him talk, but that's definitely not because you don't care. Far from it, really.
It's just that he has the most calming voice in the world, at least to you. His chest, which your head rests on, rumbles whenever he talks. You're easily distracted, zoning out and listening to the sound of his voice rather than what he's actually distracted.
...You've just realise you're doing it again. Better pay attention.
"...I'm thinking after that, I'll repurpose something I made a while ago for the next scene," Rui explains calmly. "I made a bubble machine that's a lot smaller and portable than most of the machines you can buy in stores. I want to remodel it so it fits as a prop, and find a way to shine different lights on them to make them appear as different colors. Then, when Emu uses it, it'll make her magic feel more, well, magical. What do you think?"
He tilts his head down to gaze at you after asking that, his curious yellow eyes studying you carefully. His pretty yellow eyes that always gaze at you with such warmth and affection, combined with that ever-present smile of his.
Rui chuckles lightly at the prolonged silence not filled by your response, which causes your cheeks to warm up in embarrassment.
"I-I think it's a really great idea," you tell him quickly. "S-Sorry, I, um..."
"Were staring at me again?" Rui cuts in, smiling teasingly. "Don't worry, I really don't mind. It just means that I can tell you all my ideas and you'll still be surprised by them."
He leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead that makes your heart flutter. He softly caresses your head, watching your gaze grow sleepy and tired.
"Pretty." Rui speaks up after a short period of silence.
You move your head to be able to look at him. "Are you talking to me?"
A smile of amusement appears on his features. "Who else would I be talking to, love?"
He's right, but you don't want to admit it. You stick your tongue out at him, causing him to chuckle at you.
"You. You're pretty," Rui repeats, kissing your forehead once more. "My pretty boy."
Even though it's such a simple compliment, it causes butterflies in your stomach. You let out a squeak of embarrassment and hide your face in his shirt, which causes him to laugh at you again (the big meanie that he is).
"It's funny watching you get all embarrassed about something that's true," he says it so casually like it's a fact known by everyone. "You're a pretty boy."
"Shut up!" You immediately whine in response, once again drawing a chuckle from him.
"Alright, alright, I'll stop," Rui grins, speaking in that teasing tone he loves to use on you. "For now, anyway. You look tired, so please get some rest, okay?"
You shift your head to now be resting your cheek on his chest. "...Fine. Goodnight, Rui."
Rui hugs you to his chest warmly, cradling you close. "Goodnight, dear."
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theextratreefairy · 1 year
Do you think you could write something about yandere tengen from demon slayer? I’m obsessed with him!
Same, honestly he and his wives can step on me and I would apologize, I would basically write anything for him. Since it was unclear if you also wanted the wives, I chose to write a meeting scene with yandere tengen Warnings: yandere, kidnapping, reader is weak compared Tengen, Reader curses like a sailor. Reader is fembodied but uses they/them pronoun. It's the first time I'm writing tengen, so please excuse my writing, gimme some advice and if you want some more. I headcannon that everybody in Tengen relathionship love each other, because thats how I view healthy poly relathionships. (All partners love each other and chose to be together)
A destined meeting
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"You dropped this, my dear lady." Reader turned around as they were tapped on their shoulder. A man was holding out a packet of dried flowers that were wrapped in their handkerchief. "Thank you." Reader said curtly as the man looked hungerly at Reader. "My name is Uzui Tengen, what's yours?" Tengen questioned trying to engage in a conversation, Reader not wanting to be rude they answered: "My name is Reader, I use gender neutral terms."
"Oh my, I apologize." Reader took the dried flowers back and gave a polite smile. "It's quite alright, you didn't know." Tengen smiled brightly at Reader. "Could I perhaps treat you to a meal to make up for it?"
"Ah, it's really not a big deal, it's not like I am walking around with a sign saying I'm gender neutral." Reader tried as they waved their hands infront of them defensively. Tengen grabbed their hands and smiled brightly once again. "It's quite alright! To be honest, I hate eating alone, it would be a favor towards me really."
"Alright then." Reader relented, they couldn't say no to such a confession. "Arigato!" Tengen shouted happily and guided them to a small pop-up restuarant.
And with that Reader was now in a restuarant with Tengen. The two were eating in silence, Tengen asked a lot of personal questioned and they answered them honestly. But for some reason, it seemed like Tengen already knew those answers. "I got three wives." Tengen told Reader when Reader asked him about his family. "Wow, that's wow, how would they feel about you eating with me?"
"They wouldn't mind." Tengen answered. "They would most likely be excited."
"How come?"
"They want a new friend and a new added one to our relathionship." Tengen answered. "Ahh." Reader replied nodding, trying to shake the creepy feeling coming up. "Would you perhaps feel more comfortable meeting my wives?"
"I suppose, but it's not like we'll meet often, since you just wanted someone to eat food with." Reader rambled trying to get out of that.
"But my dearest Reader, this was a destined meeting."
"What?" Reader now couldn't shake this feeling. It was a feeling of danger. Tengen engulfed Reader in a hug and they felt a prick in their neck. They tried to push away but felt numb, their body was weaker then before. "Don't worry, me and my wifes will take care of you my dear."
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crispywaffles2 · 3 months
Hi I love you writing, so I wanted to ask you about some headcanons about a relashionship with The brotherhood members and a Male S/O
I hope you have a good day kisses
Of course!! Thank you for requesting, it means so much to me! I really hope this is up to par! Kisses! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)
Brotherhood with a Male!S/O
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Azure Lion:
He is the most supportive boyfriend ever
Azure pushes you to your limits and encourages you to go beyond!
He's a little less affectionate with you when you're around everyone else, mostly because he doesn't want to have to endure their endless teasing
When you two are by yourselves though, expect a lot more contact
From small things like gentle shoulder squeezes to more obvious things like peppering kisses over your face
He isn't hesitant about roughhousing with you at all, and treats you as if you're just another member of the Brotherhood (he's way more affectionate with you but yk)
He's a lil old fashioned, not in a toxic or bad way though
He's the type that believes men should be strong and capable so that they can protect the ones they care about
Best believe hes urging you to train with him or join him and the brotherhood on their silly quests
If he were to get drunk (which is surprisingly rare), he would be all over you
He would NOT be ashamed to get handsy in front of everyone else in his drunk daze (much to Wukong's demise. He's exaggeratedly gagging at you two the whole time)
He values quality time with you where he can be vulnerable without his sworn brothers teasing, so he might take you on quiet, secluded dates, just to be close and cuddly with you without the pressures of others
Their so fruity its not even funny.
They have absolutely no qualms with showing you off and letting everyone know that you two are together
They call everyone 'darling', including you, but be prepared for some other more exclusive nicknames
'Dear, love, and sweetheart' are just a few of the many they'd call you
They're always touching you in some way, whether it be wrapping an arm around your shoulders, resting a feathered hand atop your head, or leaning against you
Maybe its because they want everyone to know you're theirs, or maybe its because they like knowing that you're there beside them. Who knows
Just because you're partners doesn't mean you won't be subjected to their teasing
They always have something to say
"Hm, your hair is a bit out of place darling. I'd fix that up if I were you."
"I knew you were helpless, but I didn't think it was to the point where you had to rely on others pointing out your clothes are on backwards."
But If their quips start bothering you and they notice, their always quick to reassure you in their own.. special way
"You are such a twit. You know I don't mean any of that my love. My only real insults are reserved for that damn monkey."
They love giving you kisses everywhere except your lips (just because they like teasing you)
They think its funny when your face goes red after they give you a teasing slap to the rear
Even though it might be hard to tell, under all of that teasing and jest, Peng loves you dearly
He is so protective of you
Not to the point where it's overbearing, but he still has a tendency to be a worry wart
"Have you eaten today dear?"
Please just reassure him you're alright, don't leave him hanging
He's definitely the wisest of the group, and follows his head more than his heart
Because of this, the Brotherhood sometimes tends to drown him out
If you're willing to sit through his ramblings or stories then he's eternally grateful
He's not really one to initiate things like kisses, so you'll have to take the reigns on that part cause he's a little shy! (and he's worried he might hurt you with one of his tusks)
He has no problem initiating things like hugs and cuddles though
If you ever come into his study while he's working on something, he'll happily plop you down on his lap and explain what he's doing while he works
You two are so comfortable and casual around each other that someone could mistake you two for just friends at a glance
But Yellowtusk knows that he doesn't need hugs or kisses or cuddles to know that he's utterly head over heels for you
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Lemonade — Vada Cavell
When I was seven years old, my friend , Vada and I started a lemonade stand.  Ever since then, she and I have been inseparable.
It was a hot summer week, and quite frankly, we had nothing to do. Her mom had just gotten back from the store and asked us to unpack the groceries. Neither of us wanted to, but like I said earlier, we had nothing else to do.
"Oh my goddd the weather is killing me!" I complained, putting the milk carton in the fridge. She nodded in agreement.
"Look!" she squealed, "lemons!" She takes out a huge bag of lemons.
"That's a lot of lemons, V," I laughed.
"Buy tuh-woo, get three free," she desperately tried to read the label.
"You mean buy two get three free?" I tried to raise an eyebrow.
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes, "we should make lemonade!"
I got out her mom's fancy pitcher and a knife, and miraculously didn't get cut while slicing the lemons. Less miraculously, the juicing of the lemons on multiple occasions stung our eyes.
"Okay, we gotta add lots of sugar," Vada told me, tasting the pure lemon juice. Her face puckered up in a way that even then I knew was not good.
"I love sugar!" I smiled, pouring an unhealthy portion of sugar in.
By the end of the afternoon, we made one dollar an seventeen cents with our one sale to the boy, Nick, down the street. 
"We should go buy candy!" Vada's eyes lit up.
"Ooh! M&M's! And jolly ranchers! And gummies!"
That was also the day we learned that there's not much you can but for $1.17.
It was a devastating day.
Twelve years later...
"Hi Vada," I exclaim, running up to the shorter brunette, giving her an obligatory head pat before enveloping her in a hug.
"Hi!" she smiles widely. I love her smile so much.
"What do you wanna do today?" I ask.
"What's there to do?" she replies. We end up lying down on her trampoline for at least an hour, scrolling through TikTok's together.
"What is it with the Lana Del Rey, will you serve me Lemonade trend?" Vada says, confused.
"No idea," I confess, "but it's fun to see celebrity glow ups showcased by it."
"No, totally," she laughs, "You've totally gotten a glow up."
"No, you're literally hotter than the sun, shut up Vada!" Vada's definitely the prettiest girl I know. Everything about her is so flawlessly beautiful. She could literally wear the silliest most random outfit she found at the bottom of her closet and pull it off perfectly.
"You shut up!" 
We sit in silence for a moment, then an idea pops into my head.
"Let's make lemonade!" I decide. Vada shoots up excitedly, "yes please! Anything other than TikTok's!"
"I agree."
We set off to work, making (much better) lemonade than we made last time.
"Okay, first of all, your mom has a lemon juicing thingy now, which feels over the top fancy, but we should probably use it," I tell her.
"It's literally a thingy you put lemons on and twists them, that's not fancy!"
"Whatever, let's use it!"
We slice up the lemons and begin to juice them.
"Damn, if this is what giving handjobs to guys is like, I do not want to date guys. Honestly, not really into that even before this. Like honestly, they're not doing it for me," she rambles. Her rambles are the cutest thing. If you don't interrupt her, she can go one for hours about conspiracy theories, shows, books, songs. It's one of the many things I love about her.
"Vada, you're literally gay, you don't have to worry about handjobs."
"No you're literally gay!" she points a finger at me. I pretend to take offense, slapping a hand over my heart. Joking around with her is the highlight of any day.
"We're both gay, now work on the water to sugar to lemon ratio," I decide.
"Why are you turning lemonade into mathhhhh," she complains.
"Just work on it!" I exclaim.
"Anything for you, my dear," she winks at me.
We finally finish the lemonade after fifteen minutes of bickering. I'm excited to try it, honestly. I haven't had good lemonade in years.
"Will you give me some?" she asks, noticing I've poured myself a glass.
"Pay Up!" I laugh.
"Is $1.17 enough?" she asks innocently.
"Why, you got that much?"
"The exact same coins," she confesses. I blush at the fact that she's kept coins from twelve years ago that we earned selling lemonade this whole time. I've never seen her as the sentimental type
"Damn, I must have meant a lot to you," I tease her.
"Not as much as you mean to me now," she takes a step closer to me, booping my nose.
"Oh yeah," I say, "and how much is that?"
She smirks, taking the lemonade out of my hand and setting it down on the counter.
"Enough to do this," she cups my cheeks and stands on the tips of her toes to brush her soft lips against mine. I hate to sound like a stereotype, but I swear I can feel fireworks go off in my stomach. My arms wrap themselves around her waist before finding their way to her hips and gently pulling her closer. She tastes like lemons and sugar(unsurprisingly considering we're making lemonade). Such a perfect taste for such a hot day. I could get used to this. It's hard not to crave more and more.
It's funny that just a few nights ago we were making fun of couples on TV who were like this, and yet now we're completely totally a cliche.
"Sorry if I read that wrong," Vada apologizes after pulling away.
"You're not reading it wrong, don't worry," I reassure her, kissing her lips again.
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