#nancy gets this line at the start of the episode to that fucker of a houseowner
kayzero · 9 months
My Favorite Episode of Doctor Who
tonight i wanted to rant about my FAVORITE Nine episode:
"The Doctor Dances"
Firstly, “Are you my mummy?” rewired my fucking brain, I had that echolalia going for months after the first time i watched it
secondly. it’s So Fucking Smart.
Jack Harkness, don’t much like him to be fair, he’s too flirty, but i suppose i might’ve gotten The Curse of Immortality from him subconsciously. but you could get the twist of the episode with all the clues from the previous episode
same as the Doctor did
here are the facts of the episode:
German Air Raids have poor children scrambling about stealing food—woulda died anyway if a bomb were to hit, yeah? might as well get something out of this horrible situation.
A Child Died during an air raid, Nancy’s brother, to be precise
The Bomb That Wasn’t A Bomb was actually an alien ambulance, and finally,
Something Is Going Around looking for its Mummy, changing anyone it touches or that touches it into a perfect copy
The second that the word ambulance came out of Jack’s mouth, the first time I watched it, I said to my girlfriend at the time (first girlfriend, high school senior while she was a freshman, she actually introduced me to Doctor Who), “How do you think an alien ambulance goes around healing its patience?” And you know what she did? She just smiled and said that she had already seen the episode, so she already knew the answer.
But like.
Actually, the perfect comparison comes to mind—Penny Snapcube banned the smile emoji from her chat halfway through her playthrough of Tears of the Kingdom. It’s a subset of Twitch culture, popularized in Pointcrow’s stream, I could believe.
His exact quote was, “Do not say things like ‘oh I can’t wait for him to X’, or ‘chat, what was his reaction to Y?’ That’s a spoiler too. I now know those things are coming. Just smile instead.”
So now, instead of incidentally spoiling a twist or a secret in a game that a streamer is playing, or when the streamer shows any amount of foresight and like, correctly guesses near a plot point, chat will spam the smile emoji.
But Penny got pissed by her chat doing that Every Time she would say or do anything related to the game, because, in her words, “You responding like that tells me that there’s something involving what I just said coming up in the game.”
so my gf saying “I’ve already seen this episode” not when I asked about the air raids and not when I wondered about the Time Agents and not when I said something about this being Doctor Who’s take on a zombie invasion, never any of those times, but specifically when I mentioned the ambulance?
You know how Netflix does that “hey are you still watching” prompt shit, where the only time you wouldn’t be annoyed is if you fell asleep or started making out with someone? The prompt popped up in between The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances and I clicked off the iPad, stood up, started pacing, and going like
“What’s the easiest way for an alien miracle machine healthcare system to function?”
And eventually I opened Netflix back up and turned The Empty Child back on and skipped ahead to when the doctor (not the Doctor) got a gas mask. At this point my girlfriend clearly gave up and knew I would get it eventually and wanted to go back to cuddling so she skipped back a bit to where the doctor was talking about the sick kid being brought into the hospital.
I think I said something to the effect of “It probably transforms you into a healthy specimen. But how would they know what a healthy human looks like?” And my girlfriend skipped ahead to when the Doctor was saying that something was stupid.
“Oh,” I realized. “They don’t.”
so the machine scans a specimen, heals it up to full, catalogs it as a healthy member of its race, and then shoves it full of nanobots and makes it heal every other member of its race it comes into contact with by transforming it into what it believes is a healthy specimen.
so the machine scans a specimen, heals it up to full, catalogs it as a healthy member of its race, and then shoves it full of nanobots and makes it heal every other member of its race it comes into contact with by transforming it into what it believes is a healthy specimen. except it’s stupid. it thinks a distressed child wearing a gas mask is a perfect human. don’t explain the psychic connection, neither. how come they all surged forward when Jamie found Nancy that first time? how come Jamie went back to his room when the Doctor told those sickbed patients to go to their room? eh. who knows. anyway, i felt like a proper genius when the next episode came on and the Doctor said word for word what i said
(those two skips from the gf probably helped more than a little, but i paid her in cuddles, she received her due recompense, if not the credit at the time)
oh right, the mystery of the mother didn’t get this one the first go round but i think i’d get it today. back then i didn’t know The Mystery Novel Rules—All relevant characters must be introduced in the first act. Or in this case, the first fifteen minutes of the previous episode. So now I would realize that they wouldn’t introduce a new character to serve as the mother, so the Older Sister must actually be a SA Victim and a teenaged mother to her ‘younger brother’.
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911 Lone Star Rewatch Season 2!!
I watched the season 2 premiere of Lone Star and I had ALL THE THOUGHTS!
It is season 2, and we are at a museum!
How awesome are museums….
More shows should feature scenes at museums.
The “I can’t hear with the masks” is REAL — like I know that was supposed to be oh they’re bitching about masks but I have customers at work wearing a mask and talking in the softest voice; I’m like project. Yell at me. I beg of you. I am standing over a bread slicer and I cannot fucking hear you.
A tank literally breaking free of its exhibit would be a crazy thing to see though—
Okay I know (or assume I should say) this isn’t what they were going for, but the little boy who says “they have rides?” looks like a baby TK.
Amazing Grace in action!
They really did it — with their military tank they did the action movie cliché of it out of control destruction takes out a watermelon cart for no reason. Never change, Lone Star.
You tell em Carlos! Love seeing him in action—
“And if he decides to shoot at us with the cannon?” “Duck”.
Also yay we see Carlos’s partner! He needs some coworkers who don’t suck—
Well, it was nice for him not to crush all the police cars.
Paul’s doing a thing — he figures it out.
Although for reasons to steal a tank — that is a really good reason.
This part is so good; although I am briefly distracted that the captions switched from “solemn music” to “somber music” (do those not mean the same thing?)
Everyone coming to stand beside Owen — (why is this making me think of Mulan during the battle scene)
The 126 would be so bad at social distancing — those fuckers love to hug so much.
(Can you tell I love her so much).
Okay, I might have forgot how fucking cute Tommy and her husband are together.
(And I lowkey feeling killing him off helped her character arc — but damn are they adorable together).
“Oh, so many stir sticks”. Charles Vega you are a PRINCE. 
They really are the cutest couple.
They have no right being this adorable for him to randomly die.
“Hey, doesn’t your mama look like a boss?” “Mama IS the boss!” THE AUDACITY. The gall of making this family so adorable.
They have two minutes of screen time and I ALREADY LOVE THEM!!
And then there’s Tim—
I kind of feel bad for that guy, like they brought him back for HIM to die…
That really could have been the tag line for season 2; we got a second year. So people are just going to start dying. Randomly. When we feel like it.
So you have that to look forward to…
Like I do not miss Michelle, like at all — And Tim, I feel bad I will not miss you.
Cause then we get paramedic TK!
And Tim is whiny!
But Nancy!
We see Nancy sassmaster!
She has LINES!
Paul has a giant ass book!
“I remember 2013”.
“Live concerts”.
“Hugs”. Oh Mateo…
Tommy and Owen!
I know this is just the beginning but their friendship is the cutest thing —
Like I feel like they never really figured out what to do with Michelle and Owen, it was like power trippy and weirdly flirty…
Like they did a lot with those ten episodes in most other aspects of the show but I feel that’s where it fell flat.
“I don’t know who you’ve been talking to—” Enter Judd, who is in AWE of Tommy and her badassery.
Like Tommy — you are Tommy MOTHERFUCKING Vega!! Don’t you forget that!
Judd is seriously the cutest that he’s so proud of her and so stoked to have her there.
Okay has anyone done roller derby? What is it like? Were you terribly injured?
It intrigues me so much and looks fun but I’ve never met anyone in life who has done it and I’m curious…
Also the captions identified the song as “Barracuda” by Heart and then labeled it “intense 80’s rock music”.
The Joan Jett song is captioned as “brash punk rock”.
Oh that is horrifying — my irrational fear of splinters feel much more rational now.
I do love they follow up with this and Marjan does join their roller derby team.
I do agree though that Kitten Crusher does sound like she is crushing kittens not the kitten who crushes.
Tim I’m sorry but you are annoying; you don’t tell YOUR CAPTAIN but you haven’t been in the field!
It’s okay Tommy! You can do it!
And she does! She saved her arm!
The furniture store in my area is running commercials for presidents day — they are so, so lame.
And I’m watching this on Hulu but I had to share that with ya;ll.
TK! Great shirt alert!
I love that TK has a whole speech with so much exposition for us prepared before he adds, “and I forgot”.
I’m chuckling at the idea of my store being arranged where everything orange… is with everything else… that is orange.
(Though I was making cookies this morning at work — SO MANY orange M and Ms. I was like why are there not more colors in this box lol).
Sorry, back to the show — how did these hangs start!
Cause did Carlos even know their names before they started doing these? (Like he knew Paul; did he know anyone else??)
Like his back is turned he’s busy at the counter when he comes in, and he’s more introverted anyway — does Carlos participate like out loud in group hangs at this point if TK isn’t in the room??
So many things to think about with this scene, and then—
I seriously cannot get over how good this casting is — like even from a physical standpoint.
Like how do people who are not related resemble each other so goddamn much??
Like if you put Ronen next to Rob’s actual sons, and said okay pick which one he’s biologically related to, you would not pick either of them (no offense, Rob’s real sons).
Lisa Edelstein is just so good — she made me want to try and watch House (I’m sorry I couldn’t make it past a few episodes. I understand this was a thing in the early 2000’s; the guy is a narcissistic abusive dick to everyone BUT HE’S RIGHT and they could get away with it then but it’s like if he wasn’t on it it would be compelling)
Sorry, back to this. Owen, if you hadn’t mentioned it, she might not have moved your hand towel.
Another topic for discussion; the lone star timeline, and how it is basically swiss cheese.
Why does Owen throw out the timeline of four months? She has to have been there for so much longer than four months. They establish (in the episode where they show Nancy they put Tim’s name on the ambulance) that it’s January 2021 like when it aired.
And like Owen says they’ve been sleeping together since before July.
And the thing that makes the most sense is that Gwyn came to see TK after he’d been shot, then the shutdown happened and she stayed (this was so a thing; like I remember this so vividly. My brother couldn’t come home for Christmas for 2019 so he came in March and just happened to come that second week of March and ended up staying with my mom for three months. He tried so hard to get me to like cooking. I’m just terrible at it; but I had really good leftovers those months cause he went to culinary school).
But the biggest thing with the lone star timeline. It makes no goddamn sense. It will turn you into Mr. Krabs from that episode of Spongebob where he is so despondent after losing his one millionth dollar he pulls his eyes out of his head and starts skipping rope with them.
Also — we were so robbed of TK introduces Carlos to his mom scene!
There’s a lot of good fic of it out there (@carlos-in-glasses has a particularly good one) but we were still robbed.
The fact that Owen and Gwyn really think TK doesn’t know what they’re doing; you beautiful, ocean-eyed dum-dums.
I just love Tommy so much — Charles is right. Woman is perfect.
Like this is the first episode we have Tommy and she just has so much life and drive and it’s like where were you the last ten episodes Tommy!
I’m sorry I don’t want to keep complaining about Michelle but just… Tommy.
She is just the best.
Do I sound completely stupid if I point out how call-heavy these early episodes are?
Like I swear season four they cap it at like two calls and then there are adventures.
I hate to be that person, but if she was last on the job in 2013, Gilmore Girls would have ended six years before that (@sznofthesticks why am I this person. I annoy myself actually lol).
Owen was almost hit by an arrow!
How could Owen possibly identify where it had come from? Is this a thing? Do people just… know directions?
I’m like the meme of GPS saying go north and I think what am I, a ship captain?
(Or a dumbass. I’m definitely that lol).
Paul’s doing a thing again!
Seriously imagine if Paul and Carlos and Grace all worked together to solve something — that would be amazing!
I love that TK’s reaction to his dad being trouble is “I NEED AN AXE!” Baby boy, I love you so much.
Judd and TK with the hose — the only thing that could make this better…
Gone are the days where he has the one scene an episode!
“Maybe don’t make us do your job for you next time” In case anyone was wondering if Brat TK would be making an appearance.
Judd is the best hype man it’s the cutest.
Seriously Tommy and Owen just have such a mutual respect for each other and their friendship is so sweet.
The dreaded zoom freeze!!
But yay! Cancer has gone down!
And Owen is definitely freaking out and pretending he’s not.
TK is so precious, he’s so excited.
Can I just say how unnecessary the pregnancy storyline was?
Or, more specifically, why they actually had her have the baby—
Like she was planning to leave for New York when TK was still there; she could’ve done that if it had been a false alarm pregnancy, or if something had happened because it was a geriatric pregnancy which is very risky which they pointed out;
(I know that’s several episodes away but if she was ready to leave when they were both still there she could’ve done that without having another kid, especially since said kid was not mentioned AT ALL when TK got married)
Oh, Charles Vega. I’ll miss you much more than I will miss Tim.
The cutest, most awkward cock block.
Tommy’s shirt is so, so very open.
It takes them way too long to realize what they walked in on.
But also, Tommy and Grace’s friendship.
Why would you go to a bridge with a million bats??
I need an answer to this — why are we past it already!
Ahh Rob and Lisa have such good chemistry together I can’t—
Also, real talk. Like I know they have to try because he’s technically the star of the show, but I don’t see them ever landing a successful Owen relationship.
No one beats this (again, just my opinion).
But  no Owen relationship we’ve seen have they been as connected and just…
(wow. I am so good at coming up with words. Good thing writing isn’t my main hobby/source of joy. Oh wait…)
“Who else knows?”
“Everybody”. And off he skips.
“Well, he’s a wise ass”. Yes Gwyn, yes he is. And there are two really good reasons why.
This girl with the bandanna is so cute!
She is massaging the kale and podcasting it up while there is a LITERAL inferno outside.
I do remember the next one though, and am happy no fate befalls cute bandanna girl…
Thank you for reading my unhinged thoughts! There was a lot I forgot in this episode- it's so good-
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
911:Lone Star 2x08 Hate Watch
Here we go, though I heard mixed reports that this episode was better than the OG's 4x08? So we'll see.
Diaz for strength:
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And the hate is under the cut:
Things are almost instantly off to a bad start with TK as the very first person we see
Like don't even ease us into it
We're just going right into the schmaltz INSTANTLY
"My parents got back together" oh TK you are in for a RUDE SHOCK MY MAN
No masks at this party
No social distancing
Pandemic, what pandemic?
Just when I think Rob Lowe can't be more of an asshole, there he goes, out-assholing himself
Oh do you guys call cash registers "tills" in America? I thought that was a British/Australian thing
Please let him blow up
Please let him blow up
Oh wait does Carlos have more than 30 seconds in this episode? WHAT'S GOING ON?
Damn he didn't blow up
Uh oh TK's come home to Lisa Edelstein moving out
Wait was she just gonna fucking LEAVE? WITHOUT TELLING HIM?
Oh TK you dumb fuck
God he can't act, he is such a bad actor
Everything is in a fucking monotone
It's a complicated question? Bitch you're pregnant with someone else's baby and you're also in love with that someone else
Oh shiiit TK you're so dumb
She came down to Texas, fucked Rob Lowe's brains out, rushed back into everything and now she's pregnant and fucking back off to New York – smooth move
Who is this mysterious Enzo? I would like to meet him
Ronen can't act. I know I keep saying it but he's like a robot.
Is his dad a cop? Did I know this?
I can't remember the name of the guy who plays Carlos but here's what I'm going to say – dude is about a million times better at acting than Ronen Rubenstein. There is actual EMOTION IN HIS VOICE AND ON HIS FACE
Is his dad a lawyer? What's the deal here?
I feel like this is a conflict? Should the dad be investigating the son? Oh he's a Texas RANGER
I still feel like it's a conflict, ngl
I'm bored
Dude's dad doesn't believe him and he's gonna be proven wrong isn't he
Wow this dad is almost worse than Owen, he has no faith in Carlos whatsoever
What a dick
And the lack of concern from Rob Lowe about his ONLY SON IS FUCKING STUNNING
Okay so my theory is that Rob Lowe allowed Carlos to have lines in this episode of the show provided that he was the one in the scene with him
Look at Owen actually trying to do the right thing here and not be selfish for once, amazing, we love to see it
What is with everyone in this show having terrible fathers
I'm bored AGAIN
"there should be a heart behind that shield" god give me a fucking break, you're nicer to Carlos than you are to your own son you dick
No masks anywhere at the scene, no masks on anyone at the fire
It's like they remembered about the pandemic for the scene at the bank and then forgot about it again for the rest of the show
Ooh is there going to be an EXPLOSION?
What is with me and things blowing up – look I watch this show with the understanding that bonkers things are going to happen and I'm a simple person who likes when things go boom, what can I say?
Good explosion
Oh now daddy dearest knows that Carlos wasn't lying and he didn't fuck up
I bet he feels like a right fuckhead
I disagree with the assessment that this was better than 4x08 of the OG, at least the OG has people who can act – at the very fucking least
And no Rob Lowe
Oooh Carlos' dad is as cold as fucking ICE
Yeah Carlos you stand up for yourself, you're getting lines in this episode and I'm so happy for you
TK is such a whiny little bitch
His voice just grates on me, god he fucking sucks so much
That dude don't look so hot
God damn Nancy with the sick burns (her name is Nancy right?)
Oh TK leaving a CLUE what a smart little cookie, someone's been reading his Nancy Drew books hasn't he? (is that reference too old?)
"In American" BITCH
"we're not surgeons, we're paramedics" – he SAYS EVERYTHING IN A MONOTONE, there is no emotion in his voice AT ALL
Oh no Carlos is waiting for his man
Wait is Carlos going to save the day?!
No I bet Owen does, I will not get my hopes up
They're gonna perform surgery in a restaurant? I mean I suppose Hen and Chim could do it but I don't know about this bunch
Oh shit TK just knocked the FUCK OUT
It's about TIME
You know, if he actually relapsed because of these two assholes, they would totally fucking deserve it
Rob Lowe does not seem worried literally AT ALL
His son is missing and he's just like, okay cool
Oh wait he was playing it cool – okay fine, I retract my previous mean statement
I love that TK is just knocked the fuck out while the women do the work
Can I marry Gina Torres or is she already married or… what's the go there? Would she want an Australian wife with two cats?
These two dumb bank robbers really think this dude is going to live?
Oh shit the one nearly dead bank robber killed the other one
Carlos is going to find TK's special little clue and HE DID
What a good boyfriend
Good thing Rob Lowe has Carlos here, we can see who the brains are
Carlos is just out here solving mysteries, maybe HE'S the one who's been reading Nancy Drew (does anyone read Nancy Drew anymore?)
Ooh Carlos with the trusting of the gut YOU GO GIRL, go GET YO MAN
Though real talk you could do better
I mean ngl if this was Eddie storming in to rescue Buck I would be ALL OVER THIS, this shit is MY JAM but it's TK and Carlos so who fucking cares
I think Carlos' dad is flirting with Rob Lowe
Look at him standing up for Carlos
Oh and NOW the dad is being nice, okay
How the turn tables
This Strand family drama is the most boring fucking shit ever, I legit don't care
Look obviously they’re going to be all right because they already killed Zombie Tim this season, but still. Not Judd and Grace, the two best characters on the show!
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Okay, this episode was marginally better than other episodes but it still sucked, so I’m giving it... 4 out of ten. Honestly, it does lose points because Rob Lowe is the one who shot the dude? Like actually wtf?
BUT it must be in Rob Lowe’s contract that nobody gets to do anything cool in this show but him so it does make sense.
Really not gonna miss Lone Star the next few weeks, see you after the hiatus for more hate watching!
And Eddie Diaz to cleanse our hearts and minds:
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imaginetrahs · 5 years
ST3 really messed me up last night but there are some things that I feel should have been touched on so here I go:
Billy and Max’s relationship should have had a development scene. Obviously after max told billy to leave her and her friends alone they kind of had a sort of bonding period and we should’ve got that development instead of the Billy and Karen scenes 🙄
Billy and Karen shouldn’t have happened at all in any way AT ALL and I’m so glad that he told her to leave him alone but I still feel as if those scenes weren’t need because they really didn’t do anything for the plot of the show. I’m also glad that Karen came to her senses and thought about her family and not just her hormones because she must have forgot that Billy is a TEENAGER who is around the age of her oldest two children 😕 sis was ready to catch a case over some teenage dick smh
I don’t care what anyone says Mike and Elevens relationship is cute af 🤷🏽‍♀️ along with Max and Lucas. Yes Mike and El kissed a lot but they’re young and really like each other and in the honeymoon phase ALONG with Max and Lucas. So they’ll fight and argue over stupid shit but in the end their friendship is more important (if that makes sense) idrk where I’m going with this one but they’re cute and leave them alone
MAX AND EL ARE THE FRIENDSHIP I DIDNT KNOW I NEEDED. I really loved that Max helped El find who SHE was and who everyone wanted her to be. El’s not just Mikes girlfriend, shes not just Hoppers adopted/daughter, she’s not the groups secret weapon, she’s not the girl with powers, and she’s definitely not the girl who was abused as a child. Eleven is just a teenage girl trying to find herself in a world with monsters and shit and for Max to come around and help her find herself was really what El and all of us needed
Will Byers and Dustin Henderson just needed their friends and they weren’t there for them. After all the shIT WILL HAS BEEN THROUGH HE DESERVED JUST ONE FUCKING GAME OF D&D, he deserved it. When Dustin needed his friends to believe that his girlfriend was real they didn’t until they needed her to save the world smh. THEY DESERVED BETTER.
Will Byers had a breakdown and I was here for it. Not in a bad way. I think he needed to let off that steam because of everything from his friends being more worried about their girlfriends to the MF being back to Mikes comment about him not liking girls. Which I don’t think Mike should’ve thrown that back in face ESPECIALLY if he was the only person that knew. Lucas to the time to TRY and apologize but MIKE DIDNT?
Joyce and Hopper are a dynamic duo. Joyce deserves happiness and to not have every love interest killed off. This move will be good for her and the kids even though I feel like they’re going to come back at some point.
Hopper was so accepting of death, which I guess you kind of have to be when it’s right ther but ugh it was still so sad. He and Joyce will never get to have that date on Friday at 7 at Enzo’s 😪.
Steve Harrington and Robin. A beautiful pairing although they had me fools when I thought there was a possible love relationship going to happen
I don’t care what anyone says about this either because I believe they Billy truely deserved better. This season really showed us a different side of him and for him to get redemption at the END of the season is fucked up😪. Because like I said earlier he and Max obviously had to bond over the 2 year time period and I’m pretty sure during that time there was some sort of affection between them and I don’t think El should’ve been the only one to bring that out of him. HOWEVER we did see a broken piece of him during the sauna scene towards Max, but I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️ (I’m not excusing anything he’s done cause it was all shitty af)
Eleven, 011, Jane Hopper. All she wanted was a family and a home and when she finally got it, it was ripped away from her. And then she lost her powers 😪 there was a point in time where I really didn’t think she was going to make to the end because she was just so tired and she kept pushing herself to keep everyone safe.
ERICA SINCLAIR a true icon 👏🏽 she had so many iconic lines: “isn’t it time you died” “you can’t spell America without Erica” “Commence Opperation Child Endangerment” “nerds” plus her whole speech about communism. A true icon
Maxine Mayfield, Max, Mad Max. I’ll never get over how hurt she was about Billy which goes to show that had gotten closer and we should’ve been able to see it because although they ‘hated’ each other they were still siblings and loved each other without admitting it
Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers. Really we should call Nancy: Nancy Byers because come on, it’s gonna happen 🤗. I didn’t really like the whole working for the newspaper scenes, I don’t think they did anything for the season but I guess if you look at it from a being involved type view it all works out. Many and her moms heart-to-heart was really nice because none of the other parents, except Joyce and Hopper, are around to comfort their children and be around them to ask about their days.
Can we talk about the last episode. Jeez oh man, I cried like a baby. Like a really long ugly cry from Billy’s redemption scene all the way to the Byers and El leaving. What really fucked me up was when El started reading the letter and Hopper did the voice over. It was so sad because he never got to have that talk with her and I know he really wanted to. That letter is really the last heart felt thing she has left from Hopper and it makes it worse when we don’t know who is actually in Russia
But let’s talks about that. WHO TF IS IN RUSSIA???? I’ve seen some people say Billy and others say Hopper but really it can be either one here’s why. When Joyce turned the keys Hopper was on the other side of the magnetic force field and could have got transported to the Russian lab like how El got zapped to the upside down at the end of season 1. It could be Billy because he was used by the MF and I don’t think it’s done with him just like that because if that was the case Will wouldn’t be connected to it 🙂. So maybe after billy ‘died’ the Russians came back and took him and he woke up in Russia. AND where did they get the demogorgon from which leads to believe that a little sliver of the gate is still open somehow because how are they keeping it alive out of its habitat aside from feeding it people. It’s just a theory.
I think that’s about it. All in all the season was pretty great and I- I’m just still broken over these deaths.
when I see MF I read it a mother fucker instead of Mind Flayer and that says something 😗
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