#natalie's five guys outlet really cracked me up
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joylessholland · 7 years
Just A Guy I Like (Part 3/?)
(1,293 words)
Warnings: Swearing, I think i used the “F” word (not fuck the other one) like once (YES LOLA THE DRAG QUEEN IS LOLA FROM KINKY BOOT AND I QUOTE THE MOVIE, BITE ME BITCH)
A/N: Hi this part is later than i thought it was gonna be up so sorry but put that in the past cuz the next part was so much fun to write!!! IDK if i”ll do more than four parts it is still unknown to me! If you want more lemme know!
part one, part two,  Masterlist
THIS IS THE SONG LOLA SING (i’ll add a link when its time for the song too) SONG LINK  there might be an add not my song or vid!
The last week with Tom was amazing, he was so sweet and funny and when the two of you were together there was endless smiles. Your feelings for him got stronger every day and you think his did to, but one thing about him has been a huge road block in your relationship, his sweet face was still buried deep in the closet. Of course, you were supportive of his choice to take thing slow but you weren’t going back into that dark cesspool of self-hate people call the closet for any man no matter how sexy!
           Three knocks came at the front door and you flung it open “We paid rent you fat asshole, oh sorry Tom” you say shyly as he walks in “Well good-morning to you too” he snickered unpacking a breakfast from a brown paper bag “What’s all this” you ask sitting at the tiny table “This is a celebratory…” he checks his watch “Brunch” he finally says “What are we celebrating exactly” you asks dipping your finger in a cup of maple syrup “I came out to my mum and dad last night” his voice raises you off the chair “Oh, Tommy that’s amazing,” you pull him into a tight embrace “I couldn’t have done it without you!” he whispers into your ear “I’m so proud of you” you smoosh his face like grandma “Alright, Alright, They took it well thanks for asking” he laughed pulling your hand down “Where’s Maggie I brought her some”  “I don’t think she came home last night, Some people go to church on Sunday Mags and I usually get SHITFACED and do stupid shit” you giggle “SO you have no idea where she is” he ask a bit of concern in his tone “Well she could either be sleeping at a friend’s house, or she could be in Mexico being a drug maul for the cartel, either one she’ll be home for diner” you say buttering your toast “Let’s go out tonight, to a club” a long silence come after your statement, Tom never wanted to go out because in public a famous actor is heavily watched  and if he slipped up he could be outed in a second “You know I hate going out, I feel like I have to be so straight out there, and you don’t help every time we’re out together you do cute shit” he huffed “What can I say I’m just so naturally charming and beautiful, come on, I know this great little club in west Hollywood, come on, Please.” You stick out your bottom lip. He stares at you for a long moment before finally agree to a few drinks and a dance “I’ll pick you up hear at seven?” he asked “Pick me up in the alley it won’t be a long drive!” “Good plan.”
             “I don’t know about this” Tom said “We’re here already and I do not want to waste an outfit” giving in, he exits the car pulling his hood up another part of your plan to make sure no one knows who he is till your inside. The line is long but it’s no matter you called a friend, passing the line you saunter up to the larger door man. “Lines back that way” he said pulling his sunglasses down “Your new aren’t you” “Yup” his monotone voice means you’re not gonna have any fun toying with this one “I’m a friend of Lola” the large man tenses “Mr. Quinn” “Last time I checked” the man moves aside “Enjoy your evening boys” “Thanks Sweetheart” you pat his large chest as you walk by.
             Inside the club queens of all shapes and sizes walk the floor some with trays of drinks, some dancing, some prepping the stage. “Drinks?” you ask tom who has shed his hoodie and is marveling at the shimmering lights, the small stage, all the fancy gays wearing body glitter “Uh, sure” you walk to the bar and order four shot taking them you hear music start to play “She about to go on lets go” you pull him along to the dance floor where everyone is gathering in front of the stage “Who” he laughs “Lola” “Oh, your friend”  your response in drown out by the crowds cheers as a beautiful Queen walks on stage clad in thigh high red leather boot, a matching red dress, her chocolate skin shining with glitter and gloss. Her boots click against the hard stage as she puts her hand up, the crown stops. “Ladies, Gentlemen, those of you who are yet to make up your mind. I am Lola, my club is a place where anyone and everyone is…SEXY” (SONG TIME) the crowd cheers as she begins to sings the beat picks up as dancers arrive on stage. Tom pulls you close as the music booms and the two of you begin to dance. The vodka has kicked in now and your both having an amazing time. Tom suddenly stops dancing to the beat when he sees a man with a camera snapping pictures of him dancing, when their gazes meet the man give him a sinister smirk and begins to push past the crowd. Tom grabs your arm and pulls you along as he chases the man outside “What wrong?” you ask waving to Lola on stage before you exit the club
             A car is pulled up in front of the club a small man sitting inside “Check your email ya fa-“ “There are like forty drunk drag queen outside I wouldn’t finish that sentence” you snap as Tom lunges toward the car, it speeds off. “Tom come back” you shout as he chases the car “Me running after shots this should be fun” you mumble to yourself as you run to Tom who is frantically flipping through his phone “What’s wrong” you put a hand on his arm and he shrugs it off “This is what’s wrong” he shoves his phone in your face you quickly read the email,
           ‘Give me five thousand dollars within twenty-four hours or I send this picture to every news outlet I can’
“Tom,” you start “I knew we shouldn’t have gone out tonight” he growls “Let’s go” “Tom, just calm down” you try “CALM DOWN, you want me to calm…“ he shout hitting his car “I’m about to get outed to the world and you want me to calm down!” his voice cracks as he is on the verge of tears. “Tom all he has is a picture of you dancing at a night club” you speak slowly “A drag club in West Fucking Hollywood” he shout “Look, your proud and that’s great but I’m not ready to be…” “to be a faggot like me, I get it” you turn and walk away tears clouding your vision “Vin, that’s not what I meant just please get in the car, I’ll take you home” he pleads “I’ll find my own way thanks” you try so hard to be strong when inside you feel like falling to the ground sobbing “Please” he tries again “Fuck off, Tom” you yell turning to look at him as a tear escapes you eye and falls down your face “Fine, have it your way” he barks angrily getting in his car and driving off. You enter an alley all your tears breaking free you reach into your pocket “Fuck” you forgot your phone in his car, you kick trash can. Were you really going to have to get on a bus, you couldn’t go back into the club like this and you really weren’t in the partying mood. Walking down the alley a man comes out from behind a corner, turning you see one behind you as well. “Why tonight”
if you missed the song it like really good so like just saying
 Here are some beautiful KITTENS: @midtownvaledictorian @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @tiemeupspidey @captain-katie-xx  @panicatttckiss @champagneholland @seilamigliorcosacheabbiamaivisto @mendes-holland @maggie-starz @natalie-kn  @vaeyron @wonderyoung @ging3r-fall @louisnholland @little-weirdo-13 @calumminter @sunshiineandmoonliight @m-snop @tomhstories
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