wynonnatheearp · 4 months
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naughtyhaught8 · 3 months
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Home Soon after 3 years 📬😇🛡️🍩🤠🚔📬
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sheriffhaughtearp · 2 years
Wynonna: So what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Nicole does? I mean, what if she jumps off a cliff?
Nedley: If Nicole were to jump off a cliff, she would've done her due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry. So yes. If you see Nicole jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off the cliff.
Wynonna: … you jump off a cliff.
Nedley: Gladly. Provided, Nicole did it first.
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girl4music · 4 months
NEDLEY: “No, it’s not in there. I didn't want Dolls' stuff to fall into the wrong hands.”
WYNONNA: “That's where you hid our top-secret government files?”
NEDLEY: “Nobody ever uses this couch.”
*4 seasons earlier*
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Nedley has got to stop hiding important and confidential things in the Sheriff’s office. Not that WayHaught were particularly preoccupied with observing the couch at the time. I remember that one question and answer in one of the Earp con panels.
“What colour is the couch in the Sheriff’s office?”
DOM: “Brown.”
KAT: “No! 😖”
DOM: “I wasn’t looking at the couch. 😏”
KAT: “🤣😚”
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wavnic · 6 months
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happy friday 🥰
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tozettastone · 11 months
I've been watching Wynonna Earp! The first season was fun, second season... uh, it's going. The jury's still out on whether I think it's as coherent.
Thoughts, with only very mild spoilers for s1:
I feel like, although this show is Americana, it's somehow the direct opposite of Supernatural's Americana. Supernatural has the vibe of like, misty trees, glowing vacancy lights, free-refills-and-cherry-pie, winding roads, classic rock on the radio Americana; Wynonna Earp is like, you know, whiskey at the only saloon in town at noon on tuesday, country town, gunshot gunshot YEEHAW Americana.
They are both definitely Americana though. I don't care that they're both, you know, made in Canada. This is a vibes based assessment.
I like that the main character is a woman who's clearly a massive fuckup, although I could wish she was canonically about ten or fifteen years older. Shows aren't brave enough to give us many forty year old woman fuck ups as main characters yet, and that's a shame. Cowards. But I do like a fuck up and at least she's not a teenager. Thank you, Wynonna.
I think Katherine Barrell is very cute as Nicole Haught! No notes, she's adorable.
I'm also kind of liking seeing the Waverly/Nicole relationship played straight (no pun intended). I am often kind of dubious about token gay shit on screen because, like, yaaaawn, but I'm into s2 now and I think I am satisfied that their relationship does actually have like, a level of care and attention taken in its depiction? Even if everything is shit from here on out, I can be satisfied, like, "yeah, they did try, actually," and that's a nice feeling sometimes.
Lastly, I enjoy Doc Holliday's character but I sincerely hope I never get the desire to write a fic about him because, oh my god, that dialect would kill me. I looked up some fanfic and I am getting the sense that either it changes a lot over the next few seasons, or otherwise that even the US Americans in the audience haven't figured out how to replicate the idiomatic expressions and rhythm. Oof.
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dragonbinx · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wynonna Earp (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught Characters: Waverly Earp, Nicole Haught, Rachel Valdez (Wynonna Earp TV), Wynonna Earp, Randy Nedley Additional Tags: Cats, Family Fluff, Fluff and Humor, referenced animal death, RIP Calamity Jane Series: Part 4 of Pride Month Fic-A-Day 🌈 Summary:
Nicole didn't like to think about Calamity Jane.  What happened to her was too sad, and anyone bringing it up made Nedley's face droop even more than usual, and anyway, she'd moved on.  She had a wife now, and a teenager, and a very demanding job.  There wasn't really any reason to think about cats at all, most of the time.
Until one day, as she sat in an armchair in the living room decompressing, Waverly walked in, shouted "Surprise!" and put a tiny brown kitten on the floor about a foot in front of her.
Waverly gets Nicole a cat. Nicole thinks about family and remembers why it's nice to have a cat around. And also why it's a bit stressful.
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the-gay-canary · 2 years
Chapters: 20/? Fandom: Wynonna Earp (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp/Doc Holliday Characters: Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp, Doc Holliday (Wynonna Earp) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Western, Slow Burn, Romance, 1900s based Summary:
Nicole Haught works as a handyman/ranch hand for Wynonna and Waverly
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How to fight diseases and achieve optimal health through nutrition and lifestyle.
Proof positive by Neil Nedley, M.D. it's this week's reading.
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riverofrainbows · 3 months
Randy Nedley my beloved, saving the day once more
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zephyrvos · 6 months
fanvids have me back in my Earp Sister feels so maybe I'll liveblog that after graduation
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rocrown · 1 year
When Nedley tells Nicole that she's like a daughter to him!
The tone of his voice —a man who's had to keep so much concealed and be stoic, steadfast and pragmatic in the face of so many massacres and so much tragedy gets to say the vulnerable thing he's been thinking. It's like you can practically hear him having to force the words out through all the barriers he's put up and it just wrecks me every single time.
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sheriffhaughtearp · 5 months
Nedley: I’ve never been more proud of you for anything in your life.
Wynonna: I mean, I’ve solved a lot of cases for you.
Nedley: And yet crime has continued.
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girl4music · 24 days
You know how the Earpers were annoyed that they wouldn’t let Wynonna f-bomb on the show but she and eventually everyone else did in Season 4 when they changed the age rating but Waverly wouldn’t?
Waverly was the last character to f-bomb in the show because she saved all her f-bombs until the very end which was hilarious and one of the highlights of it.
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Well, it turns out Waverly actually had the first f-bomb in the show before even Wynonna in Season 2’s finale.
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haught4sheriff · 11 months
“Hey, this is Waverly! I can’t come to the phone right now but leave a message and I’ll ring-a-ding ya right back. Have a great day!”
The message played for the tenth time as Nicole held her phone to her ear, the familiar voice dripping honey into her mind as she closed her eyes, willing her fiance back to her. It had been two days since she’d made it back to Purgatory with Rachel. Nicole’s leg had started to heal already, though it would be weeks before she could walk comfortably. For now, she walked with a limp, knowing her town needed its Sheriff, especially now. Since returning, she’d worked hard to welcome many of the townsfolk back to their homes, though some remained outside of the Ghost River Triangle, not quite comfortable returning yet. They told the citizens the fires had been put out and it was safe to return, although they were quickly realizing they had worse things to deal with; the town was rapidly filling with demons and the fog continued to occupy the forest on the outskirts of town. So many demons, and they were missing their local Demon Hunter.
Nicole had a few leads on the whereabouts of Peacemaker and vowed to get the Bluntline back for Wynonna, knowing it was the least she could do. She hadn’t realized how much she missed the whiskey-soaked woman, but Wynonna’s absence could be felt almost as much as Waverly’s.
“Hey, this is Waverly! I can’t come to the phone right now but leave a message and I’ll ring-a-ding ya right back. Have a great day!”
The message played for the fiftieth time, Nicole’s angel’s voice bringing her some much needed comfort. She thought she was as lonely as she could get, until Nedley, the only true father she had known, went missing. She’d stayed up countless nights trying to find him, following the few leads she had until they wound up dry. She worked tirelessly until Rachel stopped her at the Homestead one day, telling her she was worried. Nicole wasn’t eating or sleeping. She was barely home, spending nights at the station, hoping the phone would ring with a fresh lead, but it never did. Chrissy was in almost every day hoping for a miracle, but when none came, she started blaming everyone she could think of, including Wynonna. She had been the last person Nedley had been seen with, but Nicole couldn’t even consider Wynonna doing anything to hurt him, despite their less-than-warm history together, according to Chrissy. Nicole just hoped she could come up with a different explanation before it was too late.
“Hey, this is Waverly! I can’t come to the phone right now but leave a message and I’ll ring-a-ding ya right back. Have a great day!”
The message played for the hundredth time, Nicole too drunk to know if it was helping anymore. She’d come home late again, using Wynonna’s favourite coping mechanism to deal with everything going wrong. She’d lost everything she loved, and didn’t know what was keeping her here. She stumbled up the homestead stairs, the whiskey bottle still in her hand, her phone in her other as she listened to Waverly’s voice. God, she missed her so much. After 8 months without Waverly, she never knew she could miss someone so much her heart ached in her chest, forcing her to stop in her tracks. She finally made it to the top of the stairs and opened the bedroom door, collapsing into the messy bed, not even bothering to make it anymore. What was the point? How was she still breathing without Waverly? Would it be better if she wasn’t?
With one more drink from the bottle, she collapsed into a deep sleep, her brain too broken to torment her that night.
“Hey, this is Waverly! I can’t come to the phone right now but leave a message and I’ll ring-a-ding ya right back. Have a great day!”
The message played for the thousandth time, Nicole’s phone held close to her face as tears blurred the picture of Waverly she held in her hand. She hadn’t left the homestead in two weeks, spending the time setting up traps against the constant stream of monsters and missing Waverly. Rachel had been spending more time away from the homestead, gathering supplies but Nicole figured she was avoiding her too. Nicole didn’t blame her; she was a shell of herself and didn’t even want to spend time with herself. At least Rachel could get away.
Nicole looked around the bedroom, the closet empty from Nicole coming home the night before in a half-drunk craze, trying to find Waverly’s white tank top from that first day in the bar. She knew it had to be somewhere, needing it to remember the way she’d fallen for her immediately, getting lost in hazel eyes for the first time. They’d found the shirt a few months after getting together, laughing at their luck of Nicole walking into the closed bar, and the taps to which they’d be forever grateful. Nicole wondered if it would have been better never knowing this love, a love so strong it tore her apart now. No, she shook her head. She’d never regret Waverly. She was the best thing that had ever happened to her, the best thing she’d ever called hers.
Slowly, Nicole rose from the bed, clearing up the clothes and rearranging them just how Waverly liked them, holding onto the hope that her angel would come back to her.
“Hey, this is Waverly! I can’t come to the phone right now but leave a message and I’ll ring-a-ding ya right back. Have a great day!”
The message played for what felt like the millionth time, Nicole’s heart breaking a bit more at hearing the familiar voice.
It had been 18 months since she’d lost Waverly, and now she’d finally hit rock bottom. She’d lost her position as sheriff. She’d lost her love, her best friend, her father figure. Even her cat was gone, and she’d kicked a chicken in front of the entire town, as if that would help anything. Nicole’s brow set with determination. She had to do something. She’d spent months sitting on her ass, feeling sorry for herself. She couldn’t even find Peacemaker. She felt completely useless, and she was done. She needed to get Waverly, and Wynonna, back. She’d do anything.
Nicole set her jaw against the cold wind as she pulled the Homestead door closed, heading to Wynonna’s truck. She slammed the door and shoved it into gear, turning her headlights toward the Clanton’s.
Nicole didn’t know if it had worked. It had been a week since she’d found herself on the Clanton’s porch, teeth chattering, begging them to bring Waverly home. She’d known it had been a bad idea from the beginning, but she’d at least thought it would work, but here she was, still alone, the fire in the homestead hearth doing nothing to shake the chill from her bones as her heart cried out for her bonus blankets, her Waverly.
The sound of footsteps outside the homestead made her jump up, grabbing the shotgun from beside the door. Not another fucking-
What she saw in the blinding light glancing off the snow wasn’t the white monster she had seen around though. She blinked, trying to get her eyes to stop tricking her, but the image didn’t go away. In fact, it got closer. Nicole’s heart raced as she set the gun down.
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