#neglected feelings
zeewipark · 1 year
Love feels like
being valued
for who I am
Allyson Dinneen
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bluegiragi · 6 months
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work it out (part 1)
early access + nsfw on patreon
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redcallisto · 9 months
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A really big post of just my star rail doodles (more below)
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nipuni · 1 year
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Once again I bring you some Eriks 😊
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skylathescholar · 1 month
So I’m watching Danny Phantom for the first time and in S1 E27, the Fenton Menace (great name, btw) Youngblood makes his second appearance. When he first showed up I was like “oh my word this is a child who died, that’s so freaking sad” and like yeah, but that’s standard for the show. Now you’re telling me he only appears to kids? As in adults never see him? Never notice him?
That. That brings up some implications I really don’t wanna think about.
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werewolfsmile · 15 days
Yeehaw, have another product my hyperfixation!!
[watch it on youtube]
This was so much fun to make despite being a bit tedious at times. I hope you all get some enjoyment out of it like I did!
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ego-meliorem-esse · 2 months
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My late contribution to the beautiful bride and ugly groom trend
It pained me to make François the beautiful bride but by god and all his angels The Rat is just not it
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isbuckybarnesokay · 2 years
Steve never turns the heater on in his car when he's alone. This is something Eddie picks up on fairly quickly, as summer turns to autumn, as the air cools down. The mornings are icy, now. There's a bite to each and every breath that you can suck in almost like smoke, and it's pleasant for all of two seconds before it chills you to the bone.
The first time he notices it, there's so much noise in the car that Eddie doesn't get a chance to say anything - Dustin is chattering on to Mike about god-knows-what. Instead, he just watches from the passenger seat as Steve clocks Will's chattering teeth in the rearview mirror and immediately reaches forward to crank up the dial.
The second time, it's just Steve and Eddie, and they're driving back from dropping Eddie's van off at the mechanics. Steve meets him outside the shop at a crisp 7am, and it's fucking freezing, honestly. Eddie slides into the passenger seat and winces at the way his breaths come out in a cloud. "Shit, dude," he groans, "aren't you cold?" Steve shrugs, focused on driving. "A bit, I guess. Help yourself." He waves at the AC settings carelessly. How the fuck are you not freezing your balls off? Eddie wonders, but he doesn't voice the thought aloud, though he very much wants to. There's something here, he thinks. There's something I'm not getting.
The third time it happens, Eddie doesn't even need to get in the car to know Steve didn't switch the heating on. He knows this because when Steve saunters into the new trailer, a 6-pack in hand, his lips are almost blue. He's wearing a too-thin jacket, undone over a plain shirt. Eddie frowns. "Jesus Christ, Steve," he murmurs, immediately rushing through to his room to grab a sweater. He throws it at Steve when he gets back out to the main room, chewing at the inside of his cheek. "What's this for?" "Because you're fucking freezing, man. Are you kidding me? You're turning to ice right in front of me, look at you." And it's so wrong that Steve looks so confused. It's so wrong. Because he's so clearly cold as hell. It looks painful, damn it, the way his hands are shaking, the way he can't quite move his fingers properly when he goes to pop the cap off of his beer. I am going to take care of you until you figure out how to take care of yourself, Eddie thinks, fierce and determined. And he does.
When Steve leaves that night, after the movie, Eddie makes him keep the black knit sweater on, makes him take it with him. "You look cute," he grins, aiming for playful, aiming for the misdirect. He likes the way it makes Steve blush, anyway. It's a win-win. Eddie follows close behind Steve down the steps of the trailer, catching the driver's door with a quick hand before it can slam closed. He waits for Steve to start the car before getting to work. "What're you-" Steve begins, falling silent as Eddie leans over him and switches the heating on. "You," he mutters, pulling back, tapping a finger on Steve's forehead. "You keep that on until you get home, you hear me, big boy?" Steve looks bewildered, but nods anyway.
Eddie starts bringing an extra jacket or sweater with him everywhere, after that, and it comes in handy more times than he'd like. He wishes it wasn't the only way to get Steve into his clothes. He buys Steve a hot water bottle with a cover that's the same yellow as that sweater that he loves so much. Eddie gets into the habit of calling Steve each night, and before he hangs up, he tells Steve to fill it up. Tells Steve to use it. He checks Steve's bed one day, pulls back the duvet a bit, and can't help but beam when he sees the hot water bottle tucked there. When he presses a hand to it, it's still warm.
One day, nearing Christmas, now, Eddie slides into the passenger seat of Steve's car, and the heater is already on, car toasty and warm. His cheeks dimple when he sees that Steve is already wearing Eddie's own black knit sweater; His smile only widens further as Steve comments, "Fucking freezing today, man. When did it get so cold?" Eddie just chokes out a laugh and throws the spare jacket he'd brought with him onto the back seat. He has to turn his head to look out the window so Steve can't see the proud tears in his eyes.
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amysubmits · 2 months
Please don't let tumblr or any other BDSM or D/s community convince you that subs don't have a ton of emotional needs. As many needs as any other person. Sexual needs included. Subs aren't house plants or pet fish. It is an extremely valid thing for a sub to be in need of an orgasm, or of sexual attention that is focused on them rather than their partner, emotional affection, gentleness, to feel like a priority, the list is basically endless.
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felix-krain · 3 months
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I am very sane and normal :D
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skyberia · 1 year
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cool kids (and theo)
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camplease · 9 months
i feel like this is a hot take, but it's clear to me that so much of ianthe's outward projection of superiority is a deeply ingrained — really, formative — sense of inadequacy. it's to prove to everyone, even the people who were supposed to love her, who were supposed to inherently value her, that she does actually have value — in fact, she has the most value because look at what she can DO!
and i don't even think she's entirely internalized that, but that kind of projection kind of falls apart if you show even a moment of self-doubt
and i know ianthe isn’t supposed to be sympathetic here, or at least i’m assuming she’s not to most people, but can you imagine the body horror of being inextricably tied to and irrevocably altered by the guy you grew up with and didn’t even really like and who didn’t like you either (but who served you because that was his Role, and, who, even though you’ll never admit it, you maybe even cared about a bit because at a certain point that’s kind of unavoidable - i know she tried to convince palamedes she didn’t, but she is a known liar prone to sentimentality), but it was fine because you knew you were better than him, too?
except now you're not exactly, not entirely better than him, because he's not just fueling you, you didn't get to just use him to become someone who matters. instead, he's part of you, and you still don't matter?
like from what she says about her parents' reaction to the canaan house aftermath, even that part didn't work. she didn't earn mommy and daddy's validation, admiration, anything
and she's running his empire, but she's still third place to surrogate daddy, too. if she even places!
ianthe naberius is very much the consequences of her own actions, i’m not going full apologia here, just imagining being in that position and. goddamn
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omaano · 1 year
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My guy, smoking is really bad for you
We believe in blatant favouritism in this household, so I will just keep turning most of my Tem portrait practices into Rex until seriously motivated otherwise
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ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: this scene between splinter and donnie.
i debated cutting this clip down but i couldn't bring myself to not include the entire thing. donnie's reaction to being lied to by his dad is so raw and splinter actually fuckin apologizing to him without turning his feelings into a joke - this show is a downright masterpiece.
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kittyandco · 4 months
does anyone else get so upset when you think about all the things that happened to your f/o... all the things they went through? all the things they haven't healed from? the pain that they may still be enduring? how you can do your best to help them but you can't protect them from everything. so you just love them the ways they needed before, how they deserved. and you see them happy because they finally accept, at least in some ways, that they do deserve it. they deserve love like all beings do
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nerves-nebula · 8 months
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guhhhh. what if your. best friend was a. transgender butch alligator mutant. hwat if that happene.d that'd be crazy.
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