#niko ikki headcanons
mariaace · 1 month
Can you write dating headcanons for Niko😗
A/n:another blue lock yayy!! I love this sweetheart soo muchh omg. Also this is shorter than the rest
Warnings:none Genre:fluff Type:headcanons
Anime:blue lock Pairing:Niko Ikki
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Let's start with this sweetheart
First. Just like Isagi this guy is new to relationships and will probably get frustrated on every second thing you do. But don't worry he'll grow comfortable just give him some time
As a love language i see this guy having quality time and probably physical touch, because of his trainings his time is limited, but he always makes for you. And physical touch? He likes to be close to you in general
He is totally okay with PDA, but would probably blush every time you initiate something or he does.
Now you're the only one who he allows to see him more with his bangs up. His eyes are oh sooo beautiful amd you're the only one who can get to see them for longer (you lucky)
Biggest supporter. Like in everything. You support his football career, right? Of course he'll support you in every single things you. You two are always hyping up each other when something happens
Long amd silent hugs just in the middle of nowhere. You don't have to be cuddling or anything, just when he sees you he'll give you a looooong hug
Also this guy remembers. Like if you said what your favourite flower was, like four months later he'll buy them and left them with a note. When you said you wanted to go somewhere, he'll see when he doesn't have training and take you there right ahead
Boy i feel like he convenience to much at football and he is not very good at school 🥲 don't blame me okay? It's just a feeling. So help him out with school please🙏🏻
Pinky hand holding is his type of hand holding, because he feels shy to ask for the others, but if you prefer different one go right ahead
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©mariaace 2024 do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works, please!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
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verysium · 8 months
ACT 1, SCENE 1: blue lock headcanons
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rin is the type to have hyper-fixations, except you would literally never know. this man is discreet, as in batman level of shadiness. one time, he accidentally took too much adderall at 3 a.m. and considered making a shrine of you inside his bedroom closet. he was already halfway done with printing and cutting out your pictures before he realized what he was doing. that was the only time you caught him slipping, and he doesn't even remember most of it. definitely makes little voodoo dolls and sticks pins in the people he hates (looking at you, isagi.)
sae smells like fresh linens and warm laundry. sometimes, if you snuggle up to him, you can also sniff out hints of the sea. if you asked him what shampoo he uses though, he would not know. (it's definitely a 5-in-1 though since this man emphasizes practicality above all else.)
kaiser is secretly a pathetic coward with zero pain tolerance. he had a smug smirk on his face the entire time he got his blue rose tattoo done because of how badly he wanted to impress you. definitely went home later that day and cried from the pain. he would scream and be an overdramatic baby when you tried to remove the saniderm.
rin would insist that he is not like sae in the slightest but then proceeds to act like a sore loser when he doesn't immediately win. do not challenge him to any game that involves a ball. competitiveness runs through the entire itoshi bloodline.
sae is financially illiterate. he would definitely buy you anything you looked at for longer than 0.5 seconds. when the cashier asks him where to send the check, he tells them to ring it all up on his manager. definitely does not know how much is too much.
reo tried to get nagi into houseplants once he saw how lackluster nagi's apartment was. but all of them except the cactus died since nagi forgot to water them. choki is obviously a trooper.
rin is lactose-intolerant, but his gourmand tastebuds only allow him to drink one specific brand of almond milk. would make you drive two hours back to the grocery store just because you accidentally forgot to get the unsweetened version without the artificial vanilla flavoring.
noa is very grounded, mostly due to his background but also because of his personality. definitely the type to be rich but not act rich. he would get along very well with keanu reeves. that's not to say he won't spoil you though. this man would let you have whatever you wanted, so long as it was reasonable.
sae is a horrible gift-giver. every christmas, he gives you socks, a mug, or some random overpriced souvenir he panicked and bought at the airport on the way home. needless to say your kitchen is now overcrowded with jumbo fridge magnets and keychains.
shidou would flirt with the entire female population but with an almost exclusive emphasis on teachers. if you showed up one day wearing a pencil skirt, he would go absolutely feral.
rin used to be the shortest in his class back in primary school. he went home after picture day and cried because they made him stand on the bottom row for the class picture. years later though, he now towers over both you and sae.
chigiri was very close to his older sister when growing up. she definitely forced him into some very embarrassing predicaments. one time, his sister made him model all of her dresses, and he paced around the hallway in full catwalk style for an entire afternoon. because his sister used to play with his hair, he always makes you run your fingers through his locks and do the braids for him. it's a force of habit.
chris heavily overuses cologne despite being the touchiest man in existence. he doesn't understand why people try to distance themselves from him. no one told him he smelled like an entire distilled perfumery until the day you came into his life.
rin gets jealous over sae's fangirls, especially the ones that carry around cardboard signs during games. a fan wants to get married to his brother? not on his watch. you had to physically drag him out one time because he was infinitesimally close to throwing hands.
kunigami is a firm believer in women's rights (and wrongs.) one time his sisters were bullied at school for their dresses, so he showed up fully decked in hello kitty merchandise and a hot pink bow on his head just to show the boys that feminine wear can be cool too. toxic masculinity is actually scared of him.
sae had a teacher phase as a child, except everything was football related. he sat rin down in front of a whiteboard while he took a stick and walked his little brother through every single passing combination in existence. also deliberately gave rin a failing grade because his standards are so high. rin started crying, and sae felt bad, so he changed them all into passing marks.
nagi definitely plays dress up games on his phone. sometimes when you're both rotting in bed on a saturday evening, he asks you if he should use pink or blue eyeshadow for the disney princess for whom he's currently giving a makeover.
sae keeps random hair ties on his wrists. the tabloids used to speculate that those hair ties were evidence for him dating someone in secret. lo and behold, the paparazzi later catches him shopping for groceries with his hair tied up in pigtails. those hair ties are, in fact, only for him.
niko has family issues, no explanation needed. definitely had some unresolved trauma on his mother's side. he secretly thinks he doesn't deserve you, but your kindness is always there to bring him away from his insecurities.
hiori has curated playlists for every mood. his taste is absolutely immaculate. when you go on late night drives with him, he's always in charge of the speakers. doesn't want you to know that music used to be his place of solace during the times his parents were fighting, but the warmth of your hand on his makes him believe that everything will be alright.
rin used to get a high fever at night sometimes, but instead of going straight to his parents, he would creep into his brother's room and hover above the bed like a specter. rin would stand there and just whisper, "sae, i frew up." after he started dating you though, he just climbs under the sheets without asking. please take care of this poor boy.
nagi massacres his exams with absolutely illegible penmanship but then proceeds to get every single question correct. his teacher never put his work up on the wall because it looked entirely like chicken scratch. you had to reteach him the entire alphabet just so people could actually understand his written work.
rin and sae both get sunburnt easily, except sae actually cares for his skin and meticulously puts on sunscreen beforehand. one time, you three all went to the beach and rin was the only one who came home looking like a burnt tomato.
barou used to live with his grandmother every summer, and she would force him to clean the entire house with her. that is where he picked up such good cleaning habits. his personal hygiene is impeccable, and he would love nothing more than to brush his teeth with you every morning and make the bed together. spring cleaning is his favorite hobby.
sae was on spider-catching duty every time there was an arachnid longer than 5 centimeters in the house. he would pick up the spider with bare hands while you and rin both stood in the corner of the bathroom, trying to act cool but internally screaming.
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© verysium 2023 / please do not translate, repost, or plagiarize any of my works
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cz19y · 4 months
Multiple × Bllk Player!GN!Reader
THEME: You start getting famous in the NEL. You have merches now! How'd they react? Would they buy a keychain? A plushy? Your jersey??
∆ Reader is part of Blue Lock, fluff, SFW, some of them will be extremely short, they have a crush on you, OOC[?], grammar & spelling errors.
[!] reference for plushie at the bottom.
NOTE: This has been sitting on my drafts for half a year now. Finally decided to finish.
∆ FT: Isagi Yoichi, Rin & Sae Itoshi, Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness, Shidou Ryusei, Niko Ikki.
[ Starting … ]
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ISAGI YOICHI
"Cool/Cute!" First thing he thought about when he saw the plushy.
Def buying the plushy. He also looked into the jersey but dropped the idea cuz he's just shy like that.
Silly keychain hanging from his wallet.
Gets all awkward when someone teases him(Reo + CHIGIRI).
“You got [L/n]’s merches? Can I tell them??!” Bachira was so excited to tell you.
Gets all awkward next time talking to you but pretends it's ok. (It's not ok)
Loves the fact that you're having somewhat of the attention you deserve for being the great player you are.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RIN ITOSHI
You really think he's buying it? What a joke.
He is.
Just because you annoyed him to do so, of course.
Just the keychain tho. The idea of a jersey would "decrease" his ego and he thinks that the plushie is a waste of space.
Jokes, he bought the plushie.
Almost died on spot when you mentioned that you saw the plushie on his bed.
BUT he’ll kill you if you mention it to others.
Has the keychain on his keys.
When waiting for a bus or something, he fidgets with it.
Likes to start a staring contest with the plushie.
AGHhH ok but he's so cute.
Since you're “important or whatever”(his words, not mine), I'm imagining him taking good care of the plushie.
Ok but he def drowled on that plushie.
Blushes if you ever buy his merches. Like in the Sae scene after the U20; eyes shining and all.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SAE ITOSHI
Debated if it was worth it or not.
He means, how lukewarm..
But those keychains are adorable, no?
Yeah, why not.
Keychain hanging out from his phone.
Fidgets with it too.
Ignores his teammates if they ever mention it and glares at them if they push it.
Will not tolerate Shidou.
Bought the plushie to annoy you. That's one of the main reasons why he bought it.
The other reason is because he actually wanted one.
Has it sitting near the mirror.
Poses and talk to that thing like it's actually someone.
Unboxing time was def something. Smug smile with brows acherd, inspecting the mini version and humming in approval.
Ness doesn't know how to feel about this.
NOT buying the jersey. You're a good player too, his pride is gigantic and would NEVER betray himself.
He may be pinning on ya but that's different.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ALEXIS NESS
Bro's smile got even happier when he got the plushie[HE'S SUCH A CUTIE STOP].
Has a jersey somewhere in his closet.
Shy about it.
Keeps everything clean and neat.
Finds it so cute, he absolutely loves the plushie.
Keychain keychain keychain-
Inner child coming alive once more.
Unboxing with ultimate happiness.
Loves you and all but would prefer if you don't know about it.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SHIDOU RYUSEI
The moment he heard about it, you can bet he was already ordering it.
Keychain, plushy, or jersey?... huhh.. Nah, he's buying it all.
But his favorite is the jersey.
Would start wearing it as a joke, but then it becomes part of his weekly clothing.
Shidou ordered a GG size plushy and named it "[Lame Nickname]".
Ordered a small size plushy too, and named it "[Lame Nickname Jr. The II]".
Will talk to it like it's an actual conversation when bored or when he wants to get something out of his mind and there's no one around for him to pester.
Not shy about it.
Brags, even.
Makes your and his plushie kiss in front of the whole team hahaha-
Sometimes you're worried about the plushie’s safety.
Bros 100% pleading forcing you to buy his merches so you two can match.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ NIKO IKKI
Got too embarrassed when buying.
I can picture him with his neutral ass face unboxing the plushy but inside; he's jumping and giggling while he stares at the eyes of the small goofy mini version of you.
Gets quiet the next time he sees you.
Gets embarrassed when spots the plushie looking directly at him.
*Cutely goes and move its head to another direction* /j
He’s an anime fan; probably and will make a secret collection of those merches.
Plushie sitting at the top spot of his shelf among the mangas or anime merches he has.
Will delete himself if you ever mention it.
If ever hanging out at his place, expect having to wait for some minutes outside his room because he's trying to find a good spot to hide it.
Bro has pride to keep, give him some time.
Lmao. Feels bad whenever the plushie falls off his bed and pets it to make up for it(just like me fr).
[!] Plushie Ref
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They're so cute.
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c7arisse · 1 year
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this little duo (:
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enassbraid · 11 months
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𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
-> ft some of the under-appreciated blue lock boys (Kurona Ranze, Niko Ikki, Karasu Tabito )
I know… i know i should be writing those requests. But I know if you’re one of these guy’s fans… you’re starving from the lack of food ur being fed. So take this (it ain’t much)
Gn! Reader as always, no warnings besides cursing i believe
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-> Kurona Ranze (shark boy!)
Adorable bf!! TM
He’s such a sweetheart.
Y’know how braiding is his hobby? Yeah. If you ever let him do your hair, expect all kinds of braids.
Little spoon!!! He loves feeling loved and appreciated. So even if you start as the little spoon, he’ll end up in your position at some point
Aquarium dates. Lots of them.
He’a not a shark nerd per say, but he knows more shark facts than the average person and he WILL tell you all about them if you let him
Canonically… before games, he always makes his bed so whether he wins or loses, he has a nice comfy bed to return to. But to add onto that!!
On his way back from a game, he’ll get yours and his favorite snack so you guys can relax in bed together with a movie :,)
He doesn’t have any petnames for you, though occasionally he’ll call you “love” or “sweetheart” (even though he’s the biggest sweetheart)
He’s pretty insecure about his teeth, so you’ll need to remind him that they’re what make him unique and are cute anyway
He has a healthy sleep schedule, so if you’re up at the ungodly hours of the night and he happens to wake up, he’s more than likely making you go to sleep
“(Name)? (Name)… what are you doing up? You’ll be asleep all day if you go to bed any later. Sleep, sleep. Please?”
He’s adorable. Please kiss him.
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-> Nikko Ikki (making overgrown bangs look good)
Awkward bf!! TM
Yeah. Please help him.
You’re more than likely his first relationship, and he can hardly believe it.
Thinks you’re too good to be his first lover ever but eventually grasps that it’s the real deal
Always asks “are you okay with this?” Before doing ANYTHING. Even just playing with your fingers, he just wants to make sure you’re comfy :((
He tried to cook for you one time but everything got burnt so he had to clean up the crime scene and make instant food before you came over (in 10mins)
Spoiler alert : he failed. The house was still smokey and you had to help air it out by opening all the windows
The boy was very embarrassed afterwards
He’s a canon otaku, so you’ll probably be binging an anime with him once a week
Thought you’d laugh when he told you madoka magica was his favorite movie series. When you didn’t, he swore he fells 10x harder
Loves your eyes. Pls don’t freak out if he stares too long, it’s because he thinks they’re very mesmerizing
Doesn’t like spooning that much, prefers laying on your chest or you laying on his. He feels more connected that way
Please please please play with his hair! He’ll tense up at first, but eventually melts into your touch
“Could you… keep doing that? It feels nice.”
Squish his cheeks lovingly he’s such a cutie
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-> Karasu Tabito (dipshit)
Annoying bf!! TM
Yeah he’s a little shit.
A great bf, but a little shit.
Very teasing, is always trying to make you flustered (does it work? More than half the time, probably.)
As outgoing as he is, he prefers if you do most the talking and he just listens
He will remember everything and anything you say and will let you know sooner or later
Whether he gets you something you said looked cute a few days ago or adds onto you’re comment on something
He loves you! But keels you hidden from his teammates
Specifically eita.
Pretends he’s not interested in a relationship so he doesn’t recommend cheating on you when someone else walks by
Loves going on walks with you, he thinks it’s a perfect mix of casual and romantic
Prefers holding you over you holding him in any position, it makes him feel trusted
Kisses are quick and random with this guy…
You’ll he cuddling and suddenly he’a pressing his lips against yours, then pulling away like nothing happened
“What? Did something happen baby? Why are you so flustered?”
what an interesting guy.
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ramu-ego · 1 year
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(nsfw) PERV SUBS :: x femdom!Reader
thank you anon for the request - honestly at this point fuck it if I'm in a mean dom mood I'll 100% write for Kaiser bc that man needs to be broken ♡ - askbox open cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, aged up, perverted/dubious content, sexual themes, pervs getting what's coming to them word count: sloppy headcanons character(s): Itoshi Rin, Isagi Yoichi, Michael Kaiser, Ikki Niko, Bachira Meguru, Sae Itoshi
DNI :: minors, blank blogs + m!Reader blogs
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DENIAL!PERV :: He's too good to be a perv!
watch his face go thru a rollercoaster of emotions if you offhandedly call him a perv - landing on a temper tantrum of course
will fight with you tooth and nail to have you revoke those words
but that arguing? Being that close to you? Close enough he can smell you in fact?
self incriminating and yet he's even redder in the face now thanks to you
very little can be his fault so it must be yours for how badly he wants you to do unspeakable things to him
cracking stoic façade around you is the reason he demands so much alone time
absolutely abhorrent about his thoughts about you in his alone time
he should be focusing on becoming the best soccer player and yet here he is doubled over in the shower fucking his own closed fist with thoughts of you edging him until he's sobbing regularly
refuses tp cry so he gets even more worked up at the mere thought of you doing that to him
hides his internet search history like a man with a dead body and a life time of secrets to bury
is stupid enough to leave his phone laying around though
Rin fuels his own demise when you find every degrading category of smut a human could think of
bondage, mommy/sister scenarios, milking videos, dominatrix videos, face sitting, suffocating, the list literally goes on and on
he's basically begging for you to initiate it at this point so you might as well turn his porn history into a check list for the poor idiot ♡
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INNOCENT!PERV :: This can't be anything bad it feels too good!
pervs are just creeps who like someone....Isagi likes you so it can't be counted as a perv!
deepest longing crush on you masks the deranged things he might end up doing bc after all its just a crush?
empathy and common sense is lacking and sometimes it shows...
stolen panties, too long of hugs, inappropriate comments and the one that takes the cake...finding him jerking off when he didn't think he'd be caught!
Isagi tries to make it better (?) by telling you that you're the only thing he can think of to get off
that should be a compliment bc he's so in love with you and not a perv!
if that's the truth then Isagi is no better than an pet yet to be housebroken, it'd be rude of you to leave him with no manners
can't be too hard on him bc he is a love struck mutt after all
a mutt that must be taught when and where it's appropriate to do such things and Isagi is so willing to learn he doesn't realize he's turned into your living breathing play thing
test out anything you want on him like the internet is just your dirty little check list bc Isagi will never say no ♡
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PUBLIC!PERV :: Publicly call him on his shit makes him throb!
brat brat brat - running his mouth constantly just to get you to yell at him, jerk him up by his jersey or any number of things to be reprimanded by you
and it's very obvious he's got a thing for you being mean to him
everyone else just tries to ignore it
his comments are annoying, rude and vulgar at best until you have to real choice but to put him in his place
Kaiser can show up or shut up when you tell him you can make arrangements for certain comments he has
collar around the neck, foot on his chest and spit on his cheek are about the only way to knock him down a notch
be as rough as you want with him bc this is what he's fantasized about all those times he off handedly tells you that he'll shut it as soon as you muzzle it
lowlife extras would need to stoup so low to steal things or hide away in their internet search history
he's here to be the main character at the mercy of your puppeteering hands (if it wasn't obvious with how many times he commented on wanting your hands on him)
zero shame the more it escalates
make the German star into your cock caged fuck toy for the rest of the year bc if you don't he'll be as annoying as ever in front of everyone ♡
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CALCULATED!PERV :: Tries to hide it from you!
does everything in his power to paint himself as an innocent bystander when your things go missing
really he had no idea another pair of your panties were missing!
he's adding them to his growing collection he keeps tucked away from the light of day
things that smell like you, it's all he wants
Niko isn't as slick as he thinks he is when he falls for a decoy pair of panties
caught red handed he goes from denying it to kissing the ground you walk on for forgiveness in less than a blink of an eye
swears he'll do anything to make it up
he can make it up to you by showing what a little freak like him does with all your stolen things; and as a reward you'll give him a the dirtiest pair yet
pros out weight the cons as far as he's concerned Niko will do anything and the fact that you know now turns him on even more
call him a liar when he shows you his collection and he says he just "holds onto them" bc you know that's not the truth
see how he wraps the fabric of your panties around his cock and doesn't just squirt into them but in fact choke the life out of his poor neglected cock with your panties feverishly tight around his length
some of your older pairs are so stiff with cum you wouldn't even want them back if he washed them in bleach
so pathetic jerking himself off in front of you and in front of his stolen panty collection
keeps babbling on about how he won't do it again and pls don't be mad at him
tease him about blowing his load so fast in one of your boring pair of panties
but top it off by taking off the panties your wearing and give them to him complete with your juices evident on them after you watched him jerk himself off
promise him this little game is fun and you wanna keep playing until you devour him for good ♡
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BLATANT!PERV :: Anything to do with you and then some!
not as rude as others, Bachi just literally can't stand not being around you!
touching, talking, looking, his world is a little consumed by you and that's alright as far as he's concerned bc you're the only one for him
from the way he follows you around like a lost puppy or grabs at your things until you jerk him up tight and yell at him
doesn't need you to yell at him to get him hard but doesn't hurt sometimes
Bachi is looking for any kind of attention as long as it's from you
"jokes" publicly about how he'd just die if you pull his hair or maybe choked him a little
asks for your panties right out in the open with big puppy dog eyes and no shame
at first you think he's joking, some bullshit locker room fun, until you want to see who'll break first you or him
none of your things have ever gone missing but one pair of panties or a bra is worth it to see if you can incriminate the annoying little shit
and just like his comments, Bachi has no qualms taking your belongings the first chance he gets but does it with no intent to be sneaky
he wants to get caught and you want to put the monster on a leash
nothing is off limits and nothing is hidden he wants to break under your hands
now you just have the solid proof that he wasn't joking and Bachi really wants you to choke him and fuck him raw ♡
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CLOSESTED!PERV :: He's secret is also his fetish!
calm, collected and clinical about his personal time Sae doesn't even admit to himself that the things he does to his own body are a reflection of what he wants from you
it's not a fetish he's just blowing off well deserved steam
from the way he's jerked himself off discretely in phone calls with you to the way he glues himself to any form of porn that the leading woman looks like you
much like his brother he hides everything on his personal device but is a little better at it than Rin
you might have never caught on in fact if Sae hadn't outted himself in a friendly moment of brushing his hair back behind his ear
he denies it but he's so deep in the closet he doesn't immediately realize when you start testing him
from playfully pulling his hair, to more gutsy things like straddling his lap with the excuse "something" was in his hair - doesn't take long to realize he's got a thing for roughness and you
corner him with the facts and he'll just try to deny it
but keep pressing his buttons and edging him closer and closer to the fantasies he hides away on his phone and you might just end up with the prodigy middlefielder bare bottomed on his knees like those videos he loves to jerk off too so much ♡
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iwashie · 1 year
“𝖶𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗒 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄𝖿𝖺𝗌𝗍?” |BLLK MEN
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📌 chigiri hyoma, kunigami rensuke, niko ikki, barou shoei, zantetsu tsurugi, shuto sendou, oliver aiku
𓆩♡𓆪 synopsis: After you spend the day together, you ask if they want to spend the night at your house.
➢ warnings- established relationship, suggestive content, pro players(20+), gn!reader.
🕸 CHIGIRI- He was surprised at first, his eyes slightly open and his mouth half-open, soon regaining his thoughts and smiling openly. “You don’t have to accept it,” “No. I want to stay, yes. If you will allow me.” you bit your mouth, holding back the smile and gave him room to enter your house. The two of you looking at each other, holding back a smile as you guided him to the couch.
🕸KUNIGAMI- He stood in the doorway, staring at you as you’re getting nervous. “It’s too late for you to come back and I-I” you pointed into the house, trying to find words. He chuckled, a hand scratching his nape and his eyes in any corner but you. “I think that would be a good idea.” you noticed the tip of his ears turning red and smiled, pulling him in, saying, “It’s a great idea, actually”. He nodded, hands on your waist and following you.
🕸NIKO- You thought twice before asking and when he froze, face turning red and stuttering, you thought you shouldn’t have spoken. “Forget it.”, “No. It’s just-”, “Sorry, it was too fast.” He grabbed your arm, lifting his head and showing some of the green eye between his hair. “I want to spend the night with you, too.” He said, his face turning redder and his hands shaking on your arm. You smiled, your hand sliding down his, stopping at his neck. “Don’t force yourself.” You kissed his jaw, feeling him swallow hard and sigh heavily. “I want to. Just... Can we take it slow? Inside, I mean.” You laughed softly, kissing him and muttering a ‘whatever you want, pretty boy.’ He returned the kiss and you pushed him into the house, still kissing him calmly.
🕸BAROU- You two were already a few minutes into kissing in front of your door, his hands caressing your waist, and you needed to end the night with something more than kisses. He pulled away slightly, dark eyes roaming your face before asking, “Are you sure? I can go home, I don’t have to-” you held him by the neck, standing on tiptoe and kissing him shut. “I don’t want you to go home. I want you here.” He sighed between kisses, pressing you against the door again. “I want more than kisses, Shoei.” you felt him smile against your neck, muttering something as he turned the key that was already in the door and pushed you into your own house.
🕸ZANTETSU- “But it’s not even dawned and you’re already thinking about food.” he raised an eyebrow, a little surprised. “Are you still hungry? I can get more food” he pointed behind him and you sighed, gesturing your hands, leaving him more lost. You found him the cutest man on earth, the look of someone who hadn’t understood and was still being a gentleman. Damn, he was perfect. “Tsurugi, I want to spend the night with you.” he opened his mouth but stopped him with a finger on his lips. “Together. In my house, in my bed.” you saw perfectly the moment his brain registered what was happening- his eyes widening, mouth opening into an ‘o’, face turning red. “I... I.”, “Yes or no?” you asked, hands on the collar of his t-shirt. He shook his head in affirmation and you pulled him in.
🕸SENDOU- He thought he had heard wrong, asking you to repeat, his hands sweating. You rolled your eyes and said, gesturing, “Do you want to spend the night here with me?” He stared at you for a few seconds, his hands opening and closing and his mouth open. “Oh, for god’s sake, man. I can see you need a little help.” You whispered, pointing to the bulge in his pants from a good few minutes of just kissing on the street. He turned red, pulling away with such forwardness and also embarrassed by his own situation. “Just come in.” You pulled him by the neck, kissing him back as he pushed the door close with his foot.
🕸OLIVER- He offered to spend the night with you, saying it was too late, cold, and you were so pretty and warm. “You’re so full of yourself, Oliver.” You whispered against his mouth, feeling him smile between the kiss, hands squeezing your waist. “I’m not. I just don’t want the night to end.” He lowered the kisses to your neck, making you shiver and pull him closer. “Since you’re being so romantic and offering your body-” He snorted, lifting his face to face you. “I take the offer. I’m really in need of your help.” You grabbed his chin, biting his lower lip. “Who would I be if I refused to help a pretty like you?” You snorted at the romantic line and turned to open the door, feeling him glued to your back. “I’ll help you all night if I have to.”
© iwashie 2023, please do not translate, modify or republish my works
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milaisreading · 2 months
Blue lock characters and why they joined the army:
Isagi- They told hin they had Noel Noa merch
Bachira- He joined without being asked
Chigiri- They told him the Wanima twins won't be able to enter the grounds
Kunigami- He tried to get Bachira, Isagi, and Chigiri out of there and ended up being recruited as well
Barou- They told him they value cleanliness
Nagi- Got lost on his way out of the gaming store
Reo- Followed Nagi
Zantetsu- He thought it was the BTS Army and not the real army
Niko- They said they had Yu-Gi-Oh cards there for sale
Otoya- Lost a bet against Karasu
Karasu- Decided to follow after Otoya bcs he can't trust him with guns
Yukimiya- Was dragged into it by Karasu
Hiori- The recruiter said there will be no parents
Kurona- Isagi begged him to save him, but ended up being recruited
Aryu- Thought the uniforms were cute
Tokimitsu- Aryu dragged him into this
Rin- Hoped to find Sae there (Sae was stationed in a completely different base)
Gagamaru- Told him he can take his stuffed teddy bear
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cactuscoolerr · 11 months
i wholeheartedly believe this mf would see a pair of uncovered tits and he’s cumming in his pants 💀
he’s also the biggest titty boy in blue lock - rin’s a close second with bachira trailing behind
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yeuheart · 1 year
Makes you a pocky boxed shaped heart, it’s so cute and you’re grateful for the effort. Might put a cute bow on it with a note or even gives you a letter with it or even those long love letters that are pages and pages, oh gosh u think he might literally be head over heels for you (he is).
Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Mikage Reo, Ikki Niko, Hiori Yo, Alexis Ness, Rensuke Kunigami
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verysium · 8 months
ACT 1, SCENE 3: blue lock headcanons
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sae is into skincare: lotions, serums, the whole set. he and rin used to have self-care nights as children during which they would sit in bed with matching face masks and watch cartoons on the family tablet. if they were in a good mood, they would let you join.
barou listens to classical while working out. no joke. this man is so insanely focused he will shoot goals and play paganini at the same time. his work ethic is low-key why you were attracted to him the first place.
nagi is lazy to the point he will deliberately buy five pairs of the same exact pants just to save himself the trouble of having to choose an outfit in the morning. thank god for reo otherwise nagi would still be dressing like he just crawled out of bed. he still can't do much about his bedhead though.
rin desperately wanted to join sae in the deeper end of the community pool; however, he was deathly afraid of drowning. his only logical solution was to cover himself in pool floaties while he dipped a single toe into the water. even to this day, he still has traumatic memories of that experience. you need to hold his hand every time.
kaiser acts like his football prowess comes entirely from natural talent. in reality, he trains to an obsessive degree behind the scenes. you could come home at midnight, and he would still be there replaying every single highlight of his recent game. he is the type to keep detailed notes about all the players he went up against.
isagi likes to walk around his hometown of saitama and just observe the snapshots of life around him. whether it's a street vendor, children playing on a grass patch, or a couple in the sunset, he secretly enjoys these little vignettes of human experience. he would become sentimental when it comes to you. sometimes you have to pull his head out of the clouds.
nagi has parents who work overseas, so the most he sees of them is through video calls or holiday presents. occasionally, he also gets a birthday card shipped through international mail. when you threw him his first surprise party, he secretly felt touched because his family was never big on physical celebrations.
sae is ridiculously good at anything that involves data and calculations. he participated in a math competition one time in junior high, and he would have made it to the national level had he not been entirely focused on football. refused to tutor rin in algebra though because apparently his little brother has to figure out everything for himself. if it were you though, he would begrudgingly agree.
bachira holds the world record in procrastination. his notebook, pencil, and eraser are still as untouched and pristine as they were on the first day of the academic school year. he does not know what a book is, nor has he read one. he only studied because you refused to cuddle with him otherwise.
ego eats so many cups of instant ramen noodles that his glasses begin to fog up from time to time. anri has to clean the frames and lenses weekly just to make sure his myopic self can even see. at this point, she's the real MVP of the entire series.
barou likes to open the windows right after it rains because he enjoys the sweet smell of petrichor. his ideal day would be spent lounging on a couch with some tea and a novel. it would be even more perfect if you snuggled under the blankets with him.
niko sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night, immensely insecure about his forehead. he thinks it looks giant though it really isn't. you have to brush his fringe back and pepper kisses down his face and remind him that a big forehead means a big, sexy brain, so it really isn't that bad. he believes you and goes back to sleep.
shidou would make fun of boomers. in fact, he'd ridicule every single person he considers past their prime. he does not believe in any form of authority, nor does he like being told what to do. if he had his way, he would have turned the entire world into anarchy a long time ago. the only reason why he doesn't wake up and make himself everyone's problem is because he doesn't want to upset you.
kaiser knows he is very well-endowed physically, so he purposefully walks around your apartment shirtless. if he catches you eyeing him, he will make a big deal out of it. tries to not-so-subtly flex his biceps every time he reaches for the milk carton.
reo loves cocktail dresses, especially in the wine red shade. something about the accentuated figure and natural curves gives him goosebumps. his favorite part of you is when your tummy slightly protrudes after you've eaten too much. you might think it's embarrassing, but he thinks it's adorable.
rin only uses shower gel, mostly because he learned his lesson after using the locker room shower stalls. never use bar soap, always use bottled. he's also the type to always have shower shoes. sae taught him that.
bachira is the type of student to completely misread the question and still not feel bad after the teacher points it out. oh no, he was actually supposed to solve for x, not just circle it? he'll shrug it off like nothing ever happened. at least he tried. the teacher should be grateful for his effort.
sae says he does not understand the sentiments behind cute couple traditions but then proceeds to get upset when you show up to his game without wearing his jersey. would definitely get you matching bracelets for your anniversary.
aiku has a high spice tolerance. he would definitely drown his food either in sriracha or buldak sauce. if you can't handle spicy though, he would set aside a separate plate just for you and manually spoon out the food just to make sure you have something to eat too.
aryu never has dry cuticles. he is always trimming and filing to perfection. sometimes he has beef with your nail tech because he thinks he could have done so much better on your acrylics. refuses to let you go to a salon because he already has all the tools and expertise necessary.
sae does not know how to cook. his manager has always ordered take-out for him. the one time he tried to use a microwave, he completely misread the package instructions and nearly burned the entire building down. called you up with the straightest face afterwards to tell you that the smoke alarms were not shutting off.
barou unconsciously caves into peer pressure. every single new trend makes him rethink his personal style. however, he views it all with an old man mentality. like what are these youngsters doing these days? dying their hair every possible color of the rainbow? he has to do that too. proceeds to call aryu to add red streaks into his own hair. sometimes you have to remind him that external opinion should always taken with a grain of salt.
chigiri has a major sweet tooth. if you so much as bake him one single treat, he will have made plans to put a ring on your finger before he even finishes the damn pastry. his ideal partner is someone mature and understanding who can take care of him well. definitely likes the homemaker type.
gagamaru is the seeing friend in your relationship. no matter how many trips he makes to the optometrist, he will always come back with perfect 20/20 vision. definitely a nature enthusiast, and he loves hiking. even if you're blind as a bat, he will always be there to hold your hand in the dark.
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© verysium 2023 / please do not translate, repost, or plagiarize any of my works
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theholypeanut · 11 months
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Part 2 (part 1 here)
For the record: Otoya tried to pick up chicks in cinema but no luck
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maochira · 4 months
hi mao hru? i haven't been in your blog in a while and i missed it!
can i request a transmasc reader (nagi's little brother) who is struggling bcs everyone keeps pointing that he's like "the fem ver of nagi" and that makes him feel very insecure? i would like to see the way that his bff (your election!) comfort him, ty!
Hello!! I love this request very much I've been thinking about it so much since I got it afvbff
Tags: transmasc!younger sibling!reader, big brother!Nagi, best friend!Niko, reader is referred to as "girl" at the beginning (prior to discovering he's trans), mentions of Zantetsu and Reo
-just like your older brother, you're a soccer prodigy. That was the reason why you got invited to participate in Blue Lock, despite being a girl
-starting on the very first day you only ever got compared to your brother and how you're "literally the female version of Seishiro"
-you had heard that a lot from family members and teachers as you grew up, and it always bothered you
-all this time you thought it was because you hated being compared to your brother, but around the time second selection starts, you realize it's the "female version" or "girl version" part that bothers you the most
-after thinking more about it and considering other experiences and feelings you're constantly bothered by, you start connecting the dots and realize you're not a girl. You're a boy. And that's why being seen as the "female version of Seishiro" bothers you so much
-for the second selection you teamed up with Niko and Zantetsu. You got close to Niko especially quickly because you're the same age
-Niko is the first person you come out to, and he's super supportive immediately. He doesn't really know what to do, but he offers to help cut your hair if you want it shorter/in a more masculine style and he makes sure to practice your new name and pronouns so he doesn't accidentally messes that up
-Niko also tries his best to explain your situation to Zantetsu. It takes a bit because he's a little stupid but even though he doesn't understand it, Zantetsu respects and supports you as well!
-over time you come out to your brother and Reo as well, but you're not ready to come out to everyone yet
-until you're ready to do that, Niko, Seishiro and Reo always give you reassurance and comfort that you're not the "female version" of your brother and especially Reo and Seishiro often tell others to stop refering to you as that
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babeeangel · 1 year
I love your writing!! I was wondering if maybe I could request headcanons dating kunigami before the wildcard. I hope you’re having a good day :)
Thanks a lot ! And of course, here you go~ I just finished watching the anime (i’m a manga girlie) so my memory of pre-WildCard kunigami is v fresh😎, lucky you~ I added other characters too <3 I can do a part two if characters get requested (comments or inbox)
How is Dating the BLLK boys like ?
HeadCanons about dating these cuties
Rensuke Kunigami, Niko Ikki, Ranze Kurona
Kunigami (before the wildcard)
Okay so, he might have that gentleman aura, he might be very rather daring, but in the end, it feels like it’s first time really loving someone.
Even if it weren’t his first love or first relationship, it still feels like it
He can be so awkward, not really knowing what to say, what to do… It’s new to him
Good news is, he improves very fast! 
And improving is his goal anyways: he wants to be the best version possible for you. 
Quickly, he’ll learn to read your expressions, to remember your taste and to pick up on what you like or not.
(I hope you put in as much effort to love him ;) ! ) 
And dare I say, after this adjusting phase, he becomes a rather good lover.
Like the typa lover that reads your mind. 
Seriously, he always knows which restaurant you’re in the mood for, he guesses what color roses you’d prefer, he remembers that you like weak coffee over a strong one…
When it comes to boring choices it’s like the two of you don’t need to converse, you just know for one another.
But apart from that, I feel like he’s on the talkative side.
He’s always quick to ask you how you’re doing when you meet up
Even through text, he loves checking up on you, sending you posts he likes and reacting to yours. 
He’s not the type to hesitate saying ‘i love you’
I mean, he’s proud of loving you, he’s confident in his feelings for you, he wants you to know them… Pragmatic
But he was still shy to tell his friends the two of you were dating. Why so ? Idk, maybe he felt like it was such an intimate subject to bring up.
But now that the cat’s out of the box, he’s very chill about it.
Therefore he doesn’t mind PDA, although he lets you initiate it
Apart from that, he loves to smother you with kisses.
Morning ? kisses. Cooking ? kisses. Bellyache ? kisses. Any excuse is good.
So to resume, I feel like dating kunigami is like finding support, a friend that always understands you and cares for you.
I feel like the love between you two grew over time
You used to be friends until one of you felt like it might be more
Probably him
Nothing changed tho, but you soon realized you felt the same 
Your relationship switching from platonic to romantic was never officialized tho
It just, happened. Like at some point you were too close for anyone, you two included, to keep calling each other friends. 
It was so natural you don't even remember when the first time the word ‘couple’ was employed, nor why. 
Anyway. You two are pretty alike, introverted, quiet, resolved.
You both don’t mind being silent together
If anything you love it
Good thing, cause it happens a lot
Sometimes, at the most random times, Niko tells you the most eye-opening, life-changing, sickening lore about himself. Like out of the blue. 
Then you stand in social settings, with informations that no one else have, having to pretend you know the same Niko as they do
There’s so many things you didn't expect from him, whether it’s small habits, small quirks about him or thoughts he has.
Like one thing you discovered after becoming his lover is that he’s not very resourceful sometimes ? 
Like baby boy had never thought of toasting his bread in something other than a toaster, like an oven or a pan ??  
He also notices a lot of tiny details. That’s adorable and you didn't expect it.
He for example knows that you eat farfalle over spaghetti when you’re feeling down.
Or he really seems to like watching the wind blowing through tree’s leaves. He only said it once, but now you always notice him standing under them. 
When it comes to PDA, he is a rather reserved boy.
Maybe not shy, but modest. Like he likes to keep things private
But he can’t resist holding your hand.
HandS*. He loves to take them both and play with you, especially when he’s bored.
And behind closed doors, he’s very cuddly, in a soft way. 
And for more… Let's say you’re usually the one to make the first move. He never refuses tho.
Loving him is learning that love is something that grows, not necessarily a striking intense feeling that fades over time.
First of all i really feel like you had a crush on him first
Like he’s so focused on his own world that he’s oblivious to love and stuff like that.
But the second you forced your way into his universe (no pun intended ;o), he didn't last long
Like he fell head over heels FAST. 
You kinda had to force him to notice you and consider you tho
And when he understood you liked him and not just liked him, he got super shy. 
Your persistence (in a cute not stalker way >:() got the best of him
He likes how casual and confident you are with your feelings
But at first he didn't want to fall in love, like what if it distracted him from football ?
Anyway, you two getting together kinda shocked everyone.
You form such an unusual couple
Bold yet quiet you, nonchalant yet considerate him
Even so, you guys are two peas in a pod. You do everything together
Often in silence, but together. Like brushing your teeth, revising, show each-other funny videos
But… Kurona has a secret: he’s talkative ! 
That genuinely surprised you when you got the honor of getting close to him, and being considered as a person he could trust. 
He rambled on about things. Like sometimes he goes on and on about his fav’s new song that just released, or how giving ducks bread is actually dangerous
A while after getting together with you, Kurona admitted that he hesitated doing so because it would bring so much attention to him, since you’re outspoken and good-looking…  Is that supposed to be a compliment orr ?
He can get so shy and awkward, but Kurona really loves you. He always thinks of you when seeing random things, and is the type of boy that buys you a single flower at least once a week (he can't afford a whole bouquet).
In your relationship, you’re often the one to take initiatives, even when it comes to holding hands. 
But now that he feels more at ease, he often goes for it first. 
He doesn't mind PDA at all cause he tends not to notice other people's gaze, he’s in his own world. 
But kisses in public make him blush cause it draws too much attention ;)
It took you a while to get to his heart, but it was most definitely worth it. Now you’re engraved in it forever. 
A\N: lol, as someone who’s never dated before, this almost feels ironic for me to write these TT.
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truegoist · 9 months
BLLK AS YOUR SHIFT MANAGERS;; gn reader . multiple characters . crackfic i think
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Shift? Never late. Work uniform? Accurate to the color of his underwear. Behavior? as strict as a line, this type is kind of annoying to have around to be honest. He’s so patronizing that it’s actually funny to see him get mad. Even with all the flaws, he’s the one to hide behind when dealing with rough customers as he won’t shy away from putting them in their place even for a second
— sae itoshi raichi jingo BAROU SHOEI noel noa
oh poor thing, he’s trying just so hard to blend in with the rest of you. He’s nice, funny at times but still, it’s hard to include him on the tea when you know he’s reporting to the higher ups. He’s basically the mini-version of the ‘friendly boss’. Conversations visibly die when he enters the room, even if he tries his hardest for the opposite
— karasu tabito . REO MIKAGE . ryosuke kira . wataru kuon
he’s there, but he’s not. Busy with games, women, napping at the corner; anything but work, he’s the best to have around if you’re looking to have some fun during your shift. It’s quite the surprise how he still manages to hold on to his job and honestly you’re suspecting some form of nepotism
— OLIVER AIKU . niko ikki. nagi seishiro . OTOYA EITA . hiori yo
THE ❛ :) ❜
literally just some guy. probably got promoted not so long ago and he has as much idea as you do on how to manage things around, honestly he gets bossed around more than the other way around but hey! at least he’s never denied you a sick leave right?
— nijiro nanase . ISAGI YOICHI . niko ikki . rensuke kunigami(pre wc)
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mochimimo · 1 year
Thanks for all the likes I got on the last post :) I'm going to continue with a series of posts, I plan on making most of the blue lock characters
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How would blue lock characters wish you good morning ( you are friends ) pt.2
Rin Itoshi
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• Just like his brother, he's short and sweet
• He communicates practically through pictures of his cat ( he's certainly a cat person )
• He rarely goes online
• He sends several pictures of Stella
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Niko Ikki
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• He watches a lot of anime, so he always sends you a screen shot showing what anime he's watching now.
• Lots of freaks out over character deaths.
• You usually stay up until the early hours talking
• Niko is just a very attentive boy so he always responds very quickly
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Barou Shohei
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• Takes a long time to answer
• Prefers to talk by call than by message. • Sounds like grandma texting.
• Always sends you selfies of him in random places, eg: selfie in line at the supermarket
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