#ninelives shorts
With how Tristamp sets up major plot points in advance with the characters that they name drop or have appear and interact with and learn more about other characters throughout the series no matter how short their screen time was or how small their role to play at the time was, I think that Meryl along with Milly might be a bit more involved in the fight against Gray the Ninelives who really only fought against Wolfwood in Trimax.
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Like yeah the girls show up but it's really only at the end and as comedic relief they literally just fall on top of them and knock them out, signalling that the fight's really over now. But like just look at how hyped they looked to fight, guns out and all.
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But in Tristamp not only has Meryl gotten to meet and get to know some of Ship 3’s residents, becoming especially invested in Luida’s project in growing enough flora to terraform No Man’s Land into a green planet to lessen the burden on the Plants and ensure the survival of both species, making her more than willing and ready to fight for them given the chance,
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but also she’s seen Gray as the both the mech suit in Ep3,
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and as the nine people who control it in Ep10,
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with her having seen and gotten to know more about them thanks to Conrad possibly setting up that she might actually be the way Wolfwood figures out that Gray is just a giant mech suit being piloted by nine people. And then they could work together to take them down.
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Which would be pretty cool to see, maybe they could take three each, given that there aren’t a lot of instances that I can recall at least where Wolfwood fights alongside the girls, plus it’d make for good team building with Milly having just joined the gang. Also, after rewatching episode 4, specifically where right before Roberto’s taken by Zazie Wolfwood makes fun of Roberto’s derringer, it just ignited a want, a need really to see Wolfwood have his ass saved at least once by said derringer.
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Speaking of which, there have also been multiple instances where allusions to David and Goliath were made in relation to Meryl in Trimax, notably in the few panels that show bits and pieces of her backstory that show how she got her first derringer, which Studio Orange expanded upon with Roberto, that lead me to believe this to be the case even more.
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On top of that, I think that she might be reason for why they're simply going to have them locked up and not killed (wonder if seven of them are still going to be killed during the fight in S2) even after the damage they've dealt and the deaths they've caused seeing as she reacted with horror and pity when she learned about them from Conrad,
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a sentiment Roberto himself doubled down on,
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which while it might have enraged Elendira and sent her to come after them with her nails, leading to Roberto's death, and possibly souring Meryl's feelings about her, the same can't be said for Gray. @tristampparty
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avee-anne · 11 months
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I just saw something in one of Trigun Stampede's reference sheets and I'm going to talk about it under the cut because it's pretty disturbing and it may count as a spoiler to the series (post-JuLai).
If you've read the manga, you would know that Gray the Ninelives is a robotic suit controlled by nine men of short stature. It's a bit different in Stampede because instead of grown men, the ones controlling Gray the Ninelives turns out to be the lab-grown clones that Conrad showed to Meryl and Roberto.
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They're Gray the Ninelives.
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valiant-if · 2 months
Future Plans
I wanted to address some plans I have for the future of Valiant. Don't worry! It's nothing bad—in fact, I'd argue that the benefits of my plans far outweigh any potential drawbacks.
No beating around the bush here: I'm planning to start subscriber benefits through Ko-Fi for Valiant at the beginning of May. I wanted to address any potential questions and what the structure of that will look like ahead of time for transparency. So, to start off...
Why will this be happening? I'm not going to lie. The main reason I'm doing this is because I'm desperate for another source of income. I live below the poverty line in my country, and with inflation and corporate greed running rampant, I'm having a hard time just making it through.
As a consumer of interactive fiction myself, I understand it can be difficult to afford paying a sub for the early access models that are fairly typical for IF authors to use. I always wanted the Valiant demo to remain free as long as possible so that it would be accessible to more people, but the reality of a 100% free demo is that I can only devote so much time to working on it.
So, while my financial situation is part of the reason I am doing this, the other part is for the overall health of the game. With supplemental income from a subscriber-based early access structure, I will be able to devote more time to working on Valiant. This means that progress will be faster and the final product will be finished sooner. That leads me to my next point.
What will the pricing be? I want my Ko-Fi subscriptions to be affordable while still being fair to my workload. As such, my plan is to have a benefit tier at $5 (USD) per month in addition to a $1 (USD) tier that will be purely donation-based. I may add additional tiers in the future as benefit opportunities for the subscribers present themselves, but for now there will only be those two tiers.
What benefits will subscribers get?
Early access to updates. Updates will happen weekly with whatever work has been completed in the interim.
Weekly developer updates to keep readers informed on weekly progress.
A monthly "Questions" post. Subscribers will be able to ask questions regarding history, lore, background info, etc of the world and its characters, and I will answer them at my discretion, avoiding any that I feel are too spoilery or otherwise inappropriate.
One character-related short story per month. These may or may not be canon, and I may on occasion run a poll to determine the subject of the short story.
How will this affect non-subscribers? In the long run, this will benefit free readers too as work will be more frequent, meaning updates will be more frequent. The public demo will be updated monthly with whatever work has been completed. Short stories released for subscribers, however, will remain exclusive to them for quite some time. I will either do small batch releases publicly a few times a year or release them in a batch alongside Valiant upon full release.
How will this affect my other projects? One of my projects, titled Everlight, which I released some teasers for on my other blog quite a long time ago, is in indefinite hiatus due to some major rewrites I need to make to the story. But I suspect since this one has never been publicly released that this is no great loss.
Ninelives, on the other hand, is the project I imagine some people might be concerned about. Don't worry, that one isn't going anywhere. Ninelives is going to remain free to read, and the goal is for that one to also receive monthly updates with whatever work is completed in the interim. It's true that, with that one being completely free to read that it won't always take priority, but on a grand scale I think the supplemental income from Valiant will lift me up enough that I will be able to devote a lot more time to writing all around.
If you're wondering why Ninelives is remaining free while Valiant is getting the subscriber tier instead of the other way around—well, I did debate on this point myself for quite a while. The simplest answer is the age rating. Ninelives was always meant to be a bit more friendly to general audiences, so it follows that there may be younger readers who don't have their own solid means of income yet. This is also my way of meeting my own wants in the middle. I still want at least one of my projects to remain completely free to play, and Ninelives is the one I picked for that.
When will this start? The Ko-Fi tiers will be open to subscriptions starting May 1st and benefits will start on that date. I will still be updating the public demo at the end of April. Early access demo updates will commence after that.
Any other questions? This is admittedly my first time setting up a pay structure of this nature, so if there's anything I forgot to touch on or any lingering questions regarding what the Ko-Fi subscription will look like, feel free to send me an ask.
Thanks for reading. I hope everyone is doing well! 🧡
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balletretrospective · 3 months
Happy 100th Birthday to Ninel Petrova
Though I have never had the pleasure of meeting this heroine of classical ballet. I owe to her all the thanks in the world. For as a young, bright-eyed yet naive student, I was no stranger to discouraging remarks from some teachers. I was assured that I would never be capable of becoming a dancer. Until one day, when I was fortunate enough to be taken with some classmates on a tour of the Mariinsky Theatre. The guides were so lovely, and told us many stories of the history of dance, they showed us the massive undertaking of the skilled craftsmen, artists, and designers and how, with their precision, care, and expertise the ballet could come to life. But it was a single pair of pointe shoes that changed my life forever. The pointe shoes of ballerina Ninel Petrova.
"they are so small" I remarked. Our lovely guide smiled down at me, "yes, ballerinas in this era were short in stature, and grand in character.' A small video of her dancing played on repeat. I could not break my gaze, my feet glued to the floor. I was in awe. She was the most beautiful dancer I had ever seen. For me, she is the soul of dance. After this experience I was able to be enlightened to such talents as Alla Sizova, Ninella Kurgapkina, Ekaterina Maximova, who I furthered aimed to emulate. No longer did I fight to "hide my shortcomings" or work against my body. I was able to start an approach to dance, first from the soul, then from the technique. There are such a great many people I have to thank for my life in ballet. But nothing will ever touch my heart as deeply as Ninel Petrova in Chopiniana.
Thank you. My deepest gratitude and most wholehearted wishes on your birthday.
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springsaladgaming · 2 years
Will there be any poly routes? It's fine if not, I just love Rene and Ansel both so much!!
Hi, anon!
This question is hard to answer because I haven't totally decided yet.
Originally, when I was still writing Ninelives in ChoiceScript, I felt like the length of the story didn't leave time to explore poly routes in an organic way. This was also before making some pretty hefty changes to the plot.
Despite that, I still always had an idea of which poly routes would be available if I ever had the room to write them.
Now that I've made some revisions to the greater plot and am working in Twine, I don't feel as limited. There's not currently any coding to allow for adding in poly routes quickly and easily, but it's not a huge issue to add it in. The possibility is much more likely than it used to be.
I have answered an ask about what the poly routes would look like in the past, but I'm having trouble finding the post, so I'll just address that again in this post. Here's the potential routes that would exist if I decide to include poly routes in the future:
Alex & Rene
Cherry & Lucia
Cherry & Rene
Teagan & Lucia
In a general sense, Ansel considers himself polyamorous, but he's not romantically or sexually attracted to any of the other ROs. ??? is not precisely against polyamory, but she prefers exclusive emotional commitment when in a serious relationship with someone. Plus, she doesn't ever get the chance to know most of the ROs very well anyway, so exploring a poly route with her isn't reasonable even if she was poly.
I wouldn't want to get into coding this many variables for this particular project, so this next bit is just conceptual, but some of the characters are also up for open relationships even if it doesn't involve forming a polycule. This includes Alex, Teagan, Ansel, and ???.
It's also worth noting that the pairings I listed above are a good representation of characters that could develop romantic or sexual attraction to each other regardless of the MC's involvement in the equation. If I add poly routes in the future, it's very likely I will also add pairings that might happen between characters that the MC is not romancing. As for how that would work—whether it would be random or influenced by player input—I'm undecided.
So that's the long and short of it! Thanks for asking!
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anggur ninel dalam pot siap meluncur ke pemilik baru #shorts #videoshorts #anggurninel #buahbuahan
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gunghogoons · 2 years
1. Monev the Gale: Monev joined because he was trained from childhood to serve Knives. He knows nothing but how to use his body as a weapon. Without that, he is worthless.
2. E.G. Mine: This is the only Gung Ho Gun whose only motivation is legitimately to kill. Sure, money. But other than that? He craves death. As much as I make fun of him on this blog, if he had as much power as the rest of this, he could genuinely have been a problem. 3. Dominique the Cyclops: General distrust towards the human race, especially men. She also wanted a challenge considering her power. This made her want to be the strongest assassin. 4. Leonof the Puppet-Master: Lost his sanity when his lover died. Somehow thought it made sense to kill Vash for that and follow Knives.
5. Nicholas the Punisher: No choice in the matter. Sold/Adopted into Eye of Michael and raised/chemically altered into a human weapon. This is not my muse. For more information on this one you can reach out to @nicholas-wolfwood or another wolfwood mun
6. Hoppered the Gauntlet: His lover died in July. He was egged on by Knives that this was Vash’s fault (and by the rest of the planet of course.) So of course hunting Vash down was the natural decision. 7. Midvalley the Hornfreak: Already was an assassin with his band. Knives thought they were cool, but they declined his offer. He killed all of them but Midvalley and basically said “Join me or them” So he kept his life.
8. Gray the Ninelives: Honestly we know absolutely nothing about them.
9. Rai-Dei the Blade: Looking for the best fight and best challenge. Spouts about honor...also cheats.
10: Livio the Double Fang/11. Razlo the Tri-Punisher of Death: Just like Wolfwood, not really given a choice. However they were also teased with the idea that they wouldn’t hurt anyone innocent anymore because of their past. Even though that’s exactly what they were then trained to do. This, again, is not my muse. For more information please reach out to @duofang or another Livio/Razlo mun
12. Zazie the Beast: Zazie is a group hivemind of insects that inhabit Gunsmoke/NoMan’s Land. They want to destroy life because Humans are destroying their ecosystem. 13. Elendira the Crimsonnail: In the manga her motivation isn’t stated other than a devotion to Knives. I have my own headcanons to her which you are free to ask about but in short, she has an abusive childhood and feels as though she has been rescued. Now she is devoted to Knives. It’s a much longer story and this is a long enough post.
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
Gotcha. Makes sense. Yes, I have never re-watched 11A, so kudos to you for braving through that. Daryl and Carol seriously are the most complex characters ever. I think because individually and together their story doesn't stick to one genre. It is horror, mystery, thrilling suspense, action, adventure, humor, romance, family/drama, so it is quite the task tackling the continuity at the level you're doing that at. Double kudos!
Definitely not in your field, so just asking. If it is safe to conclude you are not a professional prose writer, would it be better on you to write it in "short story prose" form instead? It's still a completed work, but not as meaty; not a drabble, of course, but there's the privilege you get to creatively compress some details. I read your works on ninelives and I think you're definitely an introspective writer/person, so you may have standards that pressure you into writing a particular way. I have a friend who is a prose writer but struggles with points 1 and 2 you made.
The other thing speaking to your last point but all of them is: me and other Carylers are like kittens or pups in a litter. We just want the love and nourishment of Caryl fanfiction. As long as it is readable, in the correct format and resembles the spirit of Carol and Daryl, we can digest it! We'll be happy and have no complaints! I am not a professional literary critic and I think most Carylers aren't, either. That site is a site by Caryl fans to Caryl fans for Caryl fans. I think you said it in your foreward section of the Minisodes collection you gave us: "A collection of Caryl scenes we'll never see because life is cruel". And that's totally right! I feel like that is the same situation here on your latest project. Look, "A reimagined ten part fic of an 11A that we'll never actually see because life is cruel!" See how it is the same spirit? Lol. You are definitely a competent writer from what I read on there, so no worries. But of course, it is your own satisfaction that counts too. :)
I figured out why I am so long-winded, my-mt-heart. I am in law/counseling/research, so exposition and lengthy documents are ingrained in me. :P
Well that explains your persuasiveness :P I appreciate your support, patience, and confidence in me. I'm my own biggest critic as I think is the case for a lot of writers. The minisodes are probably the closest to what I'm comfortable with and I can whip them up much more efficiently. With this "reimagined" project though, a few scattered scenes would never have done the story any justice, so I knew I had to grit my teeth and get out of my comfort zone again. Hard as I tried to suppress the idea, it just wouldn't leave me alone. Same thing happened to me with my first big fic which was basically a reimagining of 10B. 11B and 11C better be fucking flawless so I don't get inspired again.
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gunmetal-ring · 3 years
Roots update? 🌺👀
I say this to soften the blow lol
I'm working on it I swear and I promise it's just one scene that I know I have to write and I'm avoiding it bc tbh it's kind of boring but important to the story and I can't post the chapter without it. If it helps I've written more of the chapter besides that scene it's just verrrrry slow going bc I'm an avoidant person lol
I also hate proofreading bc when it's written I just wanna post it for the immediate gratification, and then naturally when I reread it on ninelives or ao3 I'm like oh wow. Huge typos and/or continuity errors lol. So I'm rly trying to avoid that bc not to toot my own horn but I'm actually rly proud of roots and I think it's probably the best thing I've written yet in terms of like actual writing.
But I'm also trying to be better about proofreading so it means taking a few days between writing now bc I don't want to get sick of rereading it and just post it out of frustration, bc I already did that with Marriage just now and immediately had to edit it after posting it lol
Short story long is it's coming! and I'm actually gonna be on a plane for a few hours in the coming days and maybe I'll do some writing then 🙃
Ilu anon 💗💗
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achierra · 3 years
Possibly where we met:
I'm going to inform you the possibility where we met and how we know each other because we know that some humans have short-term memory and me too 💔
Cyber Account.
@lovedbytwice: Suspended 😃
@oddliviate: my current CA!
The Agencies.
xTHENEVERLAND: I joined The Neverland since the first day they open the agency on October 29th, 2020 as Kim Dahyun. I once left the agency in the middle of March 2021 due to personal reasons and returned in early April 2021.
WarofTheHeirs: The account of the agency is suspended so I can't attach the link, but this agency was the first agency that accepted me after I left the roleplayer thingy for 3 months. I joined the agency since the grand opening, ofcourse because they're temporary open agency. I use Kim Dahyun as my face claim here!
YOSHI: My current agency! I joined as the new member on the last week of November 2020 and I'm still the member of Ochi until now. As usual, I use Kim Dahyun from TWICE as my face claim.
Others; such as squad or GDM.
ZEPETWICE: The squad created on October 20th, 2020 and we named the squad as enchantwice then the blue bird app hates us so they suspended the enchantwice account and after that we changed the squad account and the squad's name too. Yes, I'm ZEPETWICE's Dahyun.
NINELICATE: As you guys know, I have three Dahyun accounts (Oh, God, I love her so much) so I have more than one TWICE squad and Ninelicate is my other TWICE squad that I cherish 🥰 I'm NINELICATE's Dubu!
The Wibus: gk tau mau nambahin aja
98 liners GDM, well I used to have 4 gdms of 1998 liners
JYP GDM, I joined 3 different JYP gdms
Others GDM that I might forgot 💁🏻‍♀️
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celianightstep-blog · 3 years
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Say Hello to Jane Erickson. Or Jay for short.  LOVING NINELIVES IF So far! Couldn’t put it down! (NGL Was kind of weird at first since my real last name is Eriksen. LOL) I know tattoos and piercings etc isnt really an option in customization for this IF but i never really let that kind of thing limit me when i make OC MCs. Name: Jane Erickson (Given) Nick: Jay Eyes: Green  HC: Dyed Turquoise, wavy, shoulder length (Often tied up) Sex: Cis Female SO: Polysexual Parents: Not dealing with their shait. And does not let their actions and reactions make her feel guilty for the family drama. Sungjae: Not close and does not feel he is guilty for the family drama either. Alex: Close friend Lucia: (Definitely chosing this romance option) All other ROs: Friendzoned but likely getting real close to ALL of them. Personality: Jay will be honest when it comes to important matters, but she is also known for downlpaying many things. Therefore she does not consider her issue with her parents important enough to talk to Alex about but immideately wanted to let them know about the newfound power.  Birthday: October 5th (Libra) (Moon Pisces)
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asexualtuckerfoley · 7 years
I do | Ninelle
[ao3 link] @miraculousfluffmonth
“This is not what I expected when you said you got us a batcave.”
“But it’s a batcave!” Nino insisted. He pulled the white drop cloth off one of the pews in the church and checked the wood underneath for any flaws. He looked up, seeing Danielle still sitting on the top step of the stage. “Look, I know it’s not much, but it’s an historical site and no one’s doing anything with it. So are you gonna help or what?”
Danielle sighed and got up, walking over to Nino and grabbing one end of the drop cloth to help him fold it. “Thanks for not telling anyone about me. Especially Alya or Chloé.”
Nino nodded mutely and took the now-manageable-sized drop cloth and finished the last couple folds. “Of course,” he replied. “You’re Adrien’s cousin. That means I’ve got your back.”
Danielle let out a short, tired breath through her nose as she pulled at another drop cloth. “Yeah,” she sighed. “Thanks.”
“Look, I’m not gonna say you’re my friend because you’re not,” Nino said bluntly. “When we first met, you were callous and brushed everyone off, including Adrien. When Marinette, an absolute angel I’ve known since I was four, tried to be your friend, you rolled your eyes at her. Knowing you’re Leda, I get why you did it, but no one else does, and that still doesn’t excuse it. You’re a good person, but you’re intentionally shit at interacting with people because you think it’ll protect you from getting hurt again. I want to be friends with you one day, but you’ve got to let me in.”
Danielle pursed her lips and looked away, but it didn’t prevent Nino from seeing her rub at her eyes. “You wanna be friends?” she asked skeptically.
Nino nodded. “Yeah. I do.”
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Hiya :) First of all I love your Caryl/Sophia promt you just wrote!!! Do you have any fic suggestions about this topic I could read where Carol and Daryl already have a baby or little kid together? Even if it's just one or two maybe at NineLives? Doesn't necessarily have to be Sophia who's the kid just that they have a kiddo together, cute family fics if you know what I mean
Awhhh thank you angel!
Okay sure thing. I’ve had a similar sort of ask before which was pregnancy fics so if you’d like to look at them I’ll link them here. 
As Dixons Do by ramblinrose - So this one is featured in my other list but it’s worth mentioning again. I think she also has several more kid fics as well.
a curious speck by lilabut - This one is also on that other list but it’s such a emotional lovely series.
Devoted by youremykindoftrouble - I’ve found this author does a lot of one shot stories where Caryl have a kid called Caleb. If you have a sweet tooth these are the ones for you.
Spreading Her Wings by LeeLeeWoflpack  - I haven’t had the chance to read this one before but I know it has Sophia, Caryl having another baby and fluff!
Technicolor by Amwaaker - This is the first in a three part series of short stories, second one is smutty, third is less smutty but still warnings for that.
I know there are so many more but I can’t find them at present. Hopefully this is okay, I’ll more on if I can find any!xox
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springsaladgaming · 2 years
Progress Update 8/1/22
Hey, all!
So, I have good news and bad news.
The bad news is, I've barely had the spoons to shower and feed myself the last couple of weeks, so I got barely anything done on Ninelives. I hate making updates when that is the case, but thems the breaks sometimes.
The good news is, I was hyperfixating myself back into some dopamine and serotonin during that time, so, after answering a couple of asks that have been hanging out in my inbox, I feel ready to sit down and do some writing today. The goal: officially finish the Lucia intro branch.
I've also been considering some things about the UI and layout of the game, but I won't get into those points yet until I've decided for sure on them.
Oh, also! Welcome to all the new followers who have come to this blog. There have been quite a few of you in the last couple of weeks, enough that we're almost to a next milestone before I've even had the chance to write my short story for the last one. It makes me happy that so many people are interested in this story!
As always, I hope everyone is doing well. May we all have the spoons to do all the things we want to do this month!
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tabulampot anggur ninel #shorts #videoshorts #anggur #tabulampot #grapes #vídeoviral
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nicholas-wolfwood · 7 years
So, in a fight between Wolfwood and Guts, who do you think would win?
(sorry I took so long answering this, I had to catch up on the Berserk manga and... I’m lazy.)
Note: I’m still not completely caught up, I’ve gotten to the ship, so if anything’s changed since then, this will obviously not be the same.
Hmmm that’s a pretty good question. I think it’d be hard to say since their weaponry is so drastically different (ie: guns and no armor vs. swords and armor), though the Punisher might give Nick an edge in my opinion (since he can use it from a distance out of the sword’s reach). Wolfwood’s enhancements are also one of the only reasons it wouldn’t be an easy fight for Guts.
I think it would entirely depend on the situation; whether they were both fighting with their own preferred weapon, no weapons, an open area or tighter quarters, etc.
In short, I think more often than not Guts would have the advantage (though Nick would still have a chance), but he’d be in for one HELL of a fight either way. I will explain further and in more detail below the cut because I am a nerd and enjoy this shit.
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(Viewed here: Wolfwood taking out someone with [probably] Guts’ strength and speed, plus near-Wolverine-like regenerative abilities)
Assuming they were in a setting/using weapons that gave them an equal advantage, I think it could be an equal toss-up. It would probably depend on how fast Guts was able to finish the fight, since it’s noted that the longer a fight lasts against a member of the Eye of Michael, the faster they adapt to their opponent’s fighting style to find a weakness. And given their incredible (enhanced) stamina, they can last almost any opponent out.
Now, based on pure abilities alone, Guts does have the advantage in many areas.
He’s definitely bigger and physically stronger than Nick- for example, Nick would be able to lift his sword, but he would have to put some effort into it.
As for speed, I would assume they would be around the same, maybe Wolfwood is a touch faster, and would definitely have faster reflexes since he’s been trained against bullets.
Wolfwood’s senses would also be sharper, leading to better balance and adding to his reflex speed. He’d be able to visually track Guts even at his fastest and react accordingly.
Endurance-wise, Wolfwood would have the advantage; meaning I believe he would be able to outlast Guts in energy and stamina... Assuming the fight lasted that long.
Guts is thicker (hehe), and can probably take more direct damage, but Nick is pretty damn resilient and has his regenerative healing to make up for his slimmer frame- however I don’t think he can take quite as much of a beating as Guts can in one blow.
They have also both been trained to kill since childhood, and have been able to take out small armies single-handed. Neither are afraid to fight dirty, either.
Both of them have almost kamikaze-like attacks, reckless, unrelenting, and brutal, and they both can keep fighting even while they’re half-dead (or more).
Guts is powerful and can end a match fast, while Wolfwood is the master of comeback victories
Ultimately, Guts would have the advantage in a close-combat situation. His size and strength alone would be able to overpower Nick (once he caught him), and in close quarters it would be ideal (even if he couldn’t use his sword effectively. His general style seems to be overwhelming his opponent as fast as possible, which would be a problem for the priest (who doesn’t wear any armor either). If he was able to take Nick out with that strategy fast, he would likely win.
Wolfwood, however, is craftier and thinks quicker on his feet. Not that Guts is dumb (by any means), but Nicholas is deceptively intelligent, and is noted for being a “genius” in combat. He’s used to being the underdog, and has taken down opponents several times his size, strength, and abilities before (take his fight with Livio- where he was actively NOT trying to kill him- or Ninelives). His strategy usually alternates between reckless assaults and careful calculation; drawing out what his opponent can do while figuring out the best way to hit them to take them down as efficiently as possible, and thanks to his regeneration and resilience, he can either crush an opponent before they realize it or draw a fight out until he has the advantage.In long-distance, he would likely win; either by using his gun or (if no gun) using his speed to essentially kite Guts down and avoid his blade. I guess sort of like a mixture of Guts himself and Serpico?
So basically, assuming everything else was equalized, it would ultimately come down to how long the fight lasted probably. The more it went on, and the longer Nick was able to read and adapt to Guts’ attacks, the more likely he would win.
......OF COURSE if this were a fight to the death, it would most likely end in a draw either way since BOTH of them have a last-resort weapon that can and/or will kill them.
Guts’ Berserker Armor
and Nick’s Regenerative Vials (especially if he takes more than one at a time)
Note: I am by no means well-read in the Berserk universe (yet) so @ex-mercenary​, @white-hawk​, @gladivs any thoughts?
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