#ninjago challenge
sharksandjays · 3 months
Creative Challenge Winners!!
Honorable mentions!
@fancypersonaskeletonturtle with Pain Inhibitors Jay
I LOVED the scientific reasoning behind your headcanon. I ate it right up. I see this headcanon a lot around the fandom but it never gets old. And your art is SO amazing. Jay looks super super cool.
@officercooks with colored eyes Jay
I've actually been so obsessed with this idea that I altered my Jay headcanonned design a little bit to include a yellow eye T-T. Seriously this is GENIUS and the way you drew the lightning grrr i ate it right up.
@ammo0648 with merge Jay
Dude I LOVE this idea. It makes so much sense considering what happens in DR. And again, I eat the scientific reasoning right up you killed it. Also the scars you drew on his back mhhhhhhh I love you and i love the art.
@lightning-chicken with the only submitted fanfiction!
I LOVED READING THIS!! I love the connection with Jay's mom, like, I've always thought about how his powers might be connected to her. You explored lightning in such a cool area that it made Jay so cool to me. Your writing is also just gorgeous in general.
And there is some art and a comic from a deactivated account, but it included Jay creating objects out of his lightning and that is amazing.
@taddymason's lightning striking art
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Your art in general makes me sob but THIS?? The way you draw the lightning?? And hsi hands glowing?? i love this. And I read the fic you wrote and this makes so much sense to me it could even be canon.
@vivilingriphyn's snake Jay
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I. Ate. This. Up. You really cooked a whole meal. This is such a unique idea and I may redraw it in some way just because of how amazing this is. The snake idea KILLS. I love this thought that he can influence the shape/personality of the lightning he uses. And youur art is so beautiful.
@adeleba's anxious Jay!
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This idea is exactly what I was going for when I asked for this challenge. I love thinking about how Jay's powers affect his own mind and through that his own relationships. How each of the ninja deal with his powers and how his powers react to his own emotions is DELICIOUS. You portrayed it so perfectly in your art. I love you so much Adie.
AND THATS A WRAP!!! Check in for your prizes in DMs, details about what prizes you got found here. Thank you for participating! I love you all!!!
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impulsivefanwriter · 1 year
Ninjago Focus Season Shuffle Challenge!
Ayo fellow ninjago fans, I’ve got an AU challenge for you! Shuffle the focus ninja of any season (this is specifically for the WildBrain seasons, aka Season 11 onwards, but feel free to do this with prior seasons too if you feel inspired!) and see what happens. 
The WildBrain specific challenge is as follows: 
Original Focus Order:
Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu (Fire Chapter) = Kai
Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu (Ice Chapter) = Zane
Prime Empire = Jay
Master of The Mountain = Cole
The Island / Seabound = Nya
Crystalized = Lloyd
Take Seasons 11-15/16 (Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu Part 1 & 2, Prime Empire, Master of the Mountain, The Island/Seabound, and Crystalized) and change the focus ninja (you can also edit the season as you like to match, but try to keep some of the core elements/story beats). You can reply as a reblog (and if you rather post it yourself, please tag me! I’d love to see other ideas!) and include was much or little detail as you’d like. 
If you want, you can also change the season order a bit (and write how they affect each other), or keep it in the original order!
Have fun with it! And remember to add Crystalized spoiler tags if you add that season, which you don’t have to if you haven’t seen it yet!
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dixoterin · 2 years
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my laptop went out of commission in the middle of drawing this lmao
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raishifts · 1 month
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raishifts underscore back at it w the DTIYSs yall 🫶🏻💪🏻
As always no deadline, use the hashtag #raishiftsig1k and/or tag me to see your entry!!!!!! LOVE YALL SM 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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If the adult versions of the Ninja could tell their past younger selves anything what would it be?
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Bonus Jesse as Always:
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skrimbloz · 2 months
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Art challenge I found on Pinterest!! while not an oc I sure as hell knew who would absolutely ROCK this fit
Also this is officially my last completed drawing from my old tablet :,) i’m probably going to make a massive post for all my scrapped Ninjago fanarts at some point tho, I have a lot,,
OH OH ALSO!! My Kai design has changed slightly from when I last drew him, i’ve given him burn scars now :0 I could go on a whole in depth explanation for why but i’ll save that for a diff post bc blahh blahgg i’d be yapping for days
Og image:
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froggityboingerrr · 3 months
Guys I just thought of something crazy!!!! Cinder is the Spine Breaking Bandit from ROTTMNT!!!!
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galaxyhanart · 10 months
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penofwildfire · 2 months
When did we make Zane a tech guy. Seriously. When did we decide Zane in particular would be good at tech. That's so stupid. We've got too many goddamn tech people in this show. Obviously everyone on the team has some degree of tech knowledge considering how often they might have to repair something in their line of work, but labeling Zane as one of "the tech guys" has never sat right with me. Let Jay, Nya and Pixal do their thing. And Sora.
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moonmeg · 1 year
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So uh.. Sons of Garmadon huh
Have this while I'm coping with seasons 8-10
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me actually drawing something i said i would draw?? wow miracles do happen
anyways happy to participate in @ammo0648 's DTIYS!!!! loved this prompt and i'm really happy with how this turned out :)))
i also tried to make it season 1 inspired with the outfit and everything of him passing on the torch to lloyd,, and make him look a little bit younger than i normally draw him
please click for better quality i threw a cool texture over it !!
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sharksandjays · 8 months
I've officially hit 300 followers!! Which means it's time for a creative challenge! Thank you to everyone who has supported me and continues to support me, I hope you all will have fun with this one!
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The theme of the challenge is: Flexibility of Lightning.
Basically, we all know that Jay's element is the most versatile of all the elements. It can be used in so many different ways that we are often robbed of in the show. I want you to show me your favourite headcanon about Jay's power, something unique about it.
It can be its effects on him, its effects on others, special abilities he can have with it, or even special attacks/uses. Anything is possible with electricity :).
Rules and Information:
It does NOT have to be an art piece! This is a creative challenge because I will be opening it to all forms of media. Comics, art, fanfictions, and drabbles will all be accepted! If you can find another way of doing it, then I am happy to see that as well.
Each person can only submit TWO maximum pieces. They can be of any medium, any combination. The amount you do will not put you higher than anyone else though, its just if you want to.
The deadline is TBA: I want to see how people go with this before I set a firm time limit, but expect somewhere between the next month or two.
The piece must be about Jay and his powers, or his relationship to them. (this one is self explanatory.)
When you post your work, tag me and use the hashtag #shark300challenge. I will reblog it!
Here is an example done by yours truly: This one is based on my little writing about Jay being able to sense when a storm is coming. (Though the clouds are a little telling too my dear)
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In terms of winners, first place will get a free full-piece commission of anything of their choice, and second and third place will get sketch commissions.
I hope everyone has fun with this!!! I can't wait to see what everybody does!
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jordannni · 11 months
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I’m late with this :'
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mabbbish · 1 year
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@greenflowerceo they’re posing for one of those ceiling supermarket mirrors
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ewoo · 7 months
Secret identity civilian memes part 4
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officercooks · 7 months
I have returned with part 4 of the MoTM redesigns. This time I give you Jay
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With a surprise Mrs. Benedict appearance!
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