#no legacy post tomorrow sorry
buglaur · 2 years
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britechester’s newest cuties
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ktysh · 4 months
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it's the first day of autumn in my game, which means joshua's birthday!
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well it's not like it's your first time, charlie...
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you overworking yourself. working day and night, even during your spare time. getting ahead in everything for no particular reason- maybe it's because you're bored. trying so hard to relax but feeling crushing guilt that you're not working, not being productive when you could be completing things. feeling nervous whenever you're not working, because what if you don't really have enough time tomorrow and the next day to get it done? what if you fall behind? there's a little satisfaction when you complete something, but it's always replaced by the need to continue, to do more, until you've been working so long that the sun has gone down and your eyes hurt. working so much that you're constantly aching, spine popping at every movement, and find it hard to breathe when you try to sleep, your frantic thoughts consuming you. Foul Legacy Childe noticing how silent you've been, the way you immediately go to your office once you get home. he tries so hard not to worry, since you're always doing your best and working hard, but he still can't help but see how stressed and ill you look. when you start forgetting to eat, he decides that's enough, and heads to your office. you're in there, as usual, scribbling on some papers, and when you look up Childe's heart breaks from how tired you look. a whine builds in his throat as he approaches, kneeling beside your chair, concern flooding his gaze at the sight of your flat, exhausted expression. his hand raises to your head, gently cupping your cheek with his claws, and after a moment you lean into his touch, shaking fingers gripping his talons when he tries to pull away. your breaths come out erratically, and Childe sweeps you into his arms and turns your head towards him, slowly inhaling and exhaling deeply in hopes that you'll mimic him. he nearly croons in relief when your breathing eases, leaving you clinging weakly to his fluff to stay upright. with a weary smile you try to dislodge yourself from his arms, but Childe's hold merely tightens, pulling you away from your office and those horrid, cursed papers. he sits you on the couch and vanishes into the kitchen, your knees against your chest as nasty thoughts begin to fill your head, your nails digging into your skin. there's a worried coo to your right and you look up to see Childe with a plate of snacks and water, close to tears at your current state. he nudges the plate to you, leaning on your shoulder and letting out encouraging chirps and trills whenever you take a bite or sip. when you've eaten your fill he wraps a blanket around you both to create a little nest, cradling you in his arms and rocking back and forth. Childe places one clawed hand delicately over your heart, soothingly pressing down to calm its rapid beating, and your guilt slowly begins to wash away as you yawn and cuddle against his chest, listening to his happy purrs fill your ears. for the first time in a long while, you sleep peacefully in Foul Legacy's arms.
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shinyhappysims · 6 months
We had a day of celebration in the Onyeka house! My Kelechi is 6 years old! He has so much passion for God’s word and is already looking forward to being a good masculine influence on his little brothers. We might have a future pastor or minister in our hands!
(Kelechi rolled the self assured trait.)
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solargrove · 1 year
i am thinking about converting my live for something legacy into just a regular legacy without any challenge rules, is that something people do? it's what i am thinking about doing because even though the challenge has been fun, it honestly weighs on me a lot having to follow such specific and difficult rules and i think that my motivation to play would be a lot higher if i didn't have any lol. so from now on it will just be my random legacy :D
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ingridsims · 1 year
i'm so tired i need a break *starts to build a house in ts4*
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Tagged by @palepinkycat to take this quiz for some of my OCs, thank you!
I've taken it many times, but for some of my characters it didn't fit that much or at all, so I'm going with only 3 characters who are close to the results.
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animal intuition
loyalty is the saint you pray to. if you ever were stabbed in the back by your beloved, you'd probably apologize. to your enemies, you're fierce. to your allies, even fiercer. you cultivate a thick inner circle built on promises and devotion, fit only for the best of the best. it's impossible for most to even begin to dissect the type of person you are, owing to your unbreakable emotional walls and confusing philosophies. dream careers? bodyguard, movie star, unwitting pawn. don't let people get the best of that loyalty.
It's an interesting result because it sort of fits? I think it's closer to her leadership style during the class story and first expansions (before Fallen Empire), when she's loyal to the Republic and willing to go through any lengths to protect it from the Sith. It's true that Airistan are harsh even to allies, since she expects the best results. She definitely leads by example, but not everyone can keep up with her, and she tends to forget this. Also, her behavior and morals are definitely confusing to people around her.
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rippling sunset
you're the nicest person i'll ever meet, probably. with an undying passion to protect those who can't protect themselves. you're energetic and bubbly to a fault. it's cute, watching you run around trying to tie up loose ends. i feel bad for you - out of everyone you know, you probably have some of the deepest trauma, more than anyone's aware of. this isn't something that you want attention for at all, and you'd really just rather forget it exists at all... even then, it seems like you can never escape it. i wish you a pleasant rest of your life, full of rippling sunsets and free of prying eyes.
Hoo boy this is so accurate. Nevanor went through a lot before he could become a proper Jedi. He was a slave before a Jedi found him and agreed to teach him, but to do that he had to leave his closest friend behind. That decision always haunted him and caused a lot of emotional problems. The Jedi who found him was a Sith spy, and he recognized Nevanor's potential in the Force and used his guilt, insecurities and negative feelings to bring him closer to the Dark Side, planing in future to bring him to the Empire and turn him Sith. The spy got caught, and Nevanor had to do a lot to convince the Jedi that he wasn't a spy as well and wanted to be trained as a proper Jedi. His desire to use what power and possibilities he has to help and protect others ultimately convinced the Council to agree to train and help him.
It's just the basics of his character, but yeah, the result fits well.
(and if you're wondering when did I get a whole new Jedi Knight - he's not a new character, I've just barely mentioned him, but he ties closely with my next character whom I'm currently hyperfixated on)
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cauterizing rage
the house has burned around you, and you're the only one left standing. is it gratifying to be the survivor? fear and anger are weapons in your capable hands, used only to serve your agenda of fighting back when deemed necessary. you're a powerful person, built from the ashes of your despair and your family's mistakes. with time, you'll bloom into someone softer, like the full blossoms that grow each spring and wither away with the leaves in fall. they won't disappear if take your eyes off of them. you're enough
Not surprised I got this result for her character, it fits perfectly. All the trauma she went through - her mother considering her very existence a mistake, having to pretend to be nobody to her own father, life as a slave (and everything that comes with it), her friend leaving her there (it's a long story) - all that pain that she had to endure alone led to hatred that she was more than willing to use upon arriving to Korriban. Throughout the class story Imely has learned to use her anger and pain against her enemies while not being a complete jerk to everyone else. And as the story goes, she does become softer (in a good sense).
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f0xgl0v3 · 5 months
Octavian headcanons :3
Another round of general Octavian headcanons, family edition! Would first like to state I’m not touching the legacy strands currently because stuff like Augustus Caesar and his demigod status in Pjo and all of that messes stuff up and I need more time to think about that and actually reading ToA and stuff.
Anyways, motivation for the Octavian post is to settle pre-audition jitters. Drama club beauty and the beast production, and auditions are tomorrow :,] gonna have to weasel my way through the singing part and hope my acting carries me the rest of the way through (in the words of Perseus Jackson; if I tried to sing I’m pretty sure it’d cause an avalanche.)
*Update because I’ve been writing this post for a day; we had dance auditions first! Pretty much just seeing where we are in dancing skills for this, it was really chill and fun and vibes were immaculate! Sorry this post is kind of ajifnsdb and I couldn’t get names down for these people, but I’d want to do that after figuring out.. naming work?
But ajdienajdjfneb whatever onto the headcannons!!
Big family, BIIIG family. In my head he has 8 other siblings (he is indeed the eighth child just for my amusement and it works for the little time before I work on how I think New Rome does naming, and I’m not touching that with a 39 and a half foot pole)
Old money family too. They’re descended from Emperors and they’ve managed to continue that legacy and have a family business, aware of Triumvirate holdings, may even have positive work relations.
Octavian is the 2nd youngest, in order his siblings go; 1st eldest, 2 kid, 3 child, 4&5 were twins, then 6,7,8,9. His poor mom has so many kids- but got solid breaks between them, though I don’t want to calculate ages at the moment.
Staring with his youngest sister. It’s Julia, that Julia. The one that’s Terminus’s little ‘assistant’. Octavian likes getting the opportunity to see her more often than most of his other siblings. She’s a little menace but gets away with it, nothing bad though, just mischievous.
Skipping Octavian we go to child 7. Who doesn’t have a name but just got out of the legion a few years ago, and moved out of the legion/New Rome. Bit of a rebel, but just wants to settle down with a family of their own and distance themselves from the family. They had a neutral-to negative relationship with Octavian. Octavian doesn’t like his siblings distance from Rome, and sibling likes Octavian but can’t help worry over him.
Kid 6 would be probably Gaius or something (again. Not about to go think too hard about what is gonna end up being Octavian’s Oc siblings. I can think about them later) he got out honorably after Mt.Tam, I like to think he’s still looking for a job and drifting in that University stage.
Kids 5&4 are twins, fraternal (maybe identical but I want more fraternal twins) and absolutely wild?? Jobs set up probably as something like loan sharks, they help upkeep the family fortune. Think like Ebenezer Scrooge or how Bob Marley are described in Christmas Carol. Taught Octavian everything they knew about blackmail, manipulation, etc. but they’re generally silly. Both usually try to charge people for various scams, think of the cartoonish dealer with the giant trench coat.
Child 3 has their own family and works for Bombillio’s (?) pretty comfortable with life. Fascinated with the mortal realm, slips on trips their parents take for business.
Child 2 and 1 have significantly branched off and live sort of anywhere, I feel like 1 is supervising that outpost in Canada (that’s another Hc I have that I talked about a LOOONG time ago) and then 2 probably lives out with their partner in San Fran and cats.
Okay a sorry I’m a little jittery because it is SNOWING!!!!! Where I am at least but still, SNOWING!! Sorry I couldn’t name anyone but still, wanted to get general family stuff down and writing posts like these calm me down when I’m feeling a bit aaaaaurgh.
Octavian has mostly good relationships with his siblings. Though he feels like he’s the only one really invested in being a citizen of New Rome and upholding the family name.
I’ll probably change around the siblings and their order whenever I decide how their ages work. But I feel they’re all relatively close in age and then Julia is just the odd one out.
His mother is a legacy from a newer family in New Rome, she’s pretty silly and generally just wants the best for her family.
His dad inherited the unnamed, unspecified family business/company and currently runs it, preserved his old crown awards and has them framed in his office, takes his family very seriously.
Okay, I’m working on the rankings research. It’s… a thing, but for now I might just make more of these random little hc posts, in between larger posts and passion stuff y’know?
Also maybe other fandoms? I’m still very much a Pjo person but I still wanna talk about other stuff lol,
Anyway here’s a quick Octavian thing I did, I’m still messing with his design, I feel like this might stick but I’ll still mess around with his hair, but I just wanted to add a little more to this post because it felt… pretty empty lol.
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Also possible post on how some of the weapons characters have look? Would love to draw actual referenced things like IVILIS(? Don’t wanna go check but the Juno sword I think- Jason’s sword-) Reyna’s spear sword & dagger. Octavian’s Pilum & dagger, some hc stuff, maybe actual Camp Half-Blood stuff (because I wanna draw Backbiter)
Okay, I think I’m done now :3
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buglaur · 1 year
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myfairkatiecat · 11 days
kotlc x hamilton??????????
“That would be enough” is Sokeefe…
The fact that you’re alive is a miracle, just say alive, that would be enough and also I don’t pretend to know the challenges you’re facing
And also this whole section
If I could grant you peace of mind
If you could let me inside your heart
Oh, let me be a part of the narrative
In the story, they will write someday
Let this moment be the first chapter
Where you decide to stay
And I could be enough
And we could be enough
That would be enough
Like it’s saying SOKEEFE
Also @sasharcyreal has already pointed out how good “Wait for It” is for Fitz
Also actually all of wait for it could be keefe as well
I think if we’re reading wait for it as being about Fitz, the ending part about Hamilton is Fitz commenting on how Keefe’s recklessness keeps somehow working out, and if we’re reading it as being about keefe, it’s about the neverseen and general always winning just by being ruthless
Here’s some wait for it lyrics:
Love doesn't discriminate
Between the sinners and the saints
It takes and it takes and it takes
And we keep loving anyway
We laugh and we cry and we break
And we make our mistakes
And if there's a reason I'm by her side
When so many have tried
Then I'm willing to wait for it
I'm willing to wait for it
I associate this part with Keefe more because it’s giving post-stellarlune sokeefe? I mean obviously it’s angsty but also it’s an acknowledgement of what he has AND what he’s lost. Also the “we laugh and we cry and we break” the use of the word “break” used so often in this song makes it HEARTBREAKING to compare it kotlc
Here’s more:
My mother was a genius
My father commanded respect
When they died they left no instructions
Just a legacy to protect
Okay so their parents are alive but this works for either keefe or Fitz actually cause they’ve obviously both got weird legacy stuff going on
Some more
Death doesn't discriminate
Between the sinners and the saints
It takes and it takes and it takes
And we keep living anyway
We rise and we fall and we break
And we make our mistakes
And if there's a reason I'm still alive
When everyone who loves me has died
I’m willing to wait for it
This just in general with KOTLC is AHSKDJDJJS
Also this is the ending part about Hamilton I was talking about
Hamilton doesn't hesitate
He exhibits no restraint
He takes and he takes and he takes
And he keeps winning anyway
He changes the game
He plays and he raises the stakes
See this could be about different things from Fitz or Keefe’s perspective. Like obviously it could be about the neverseen but it could also be Fitz ABOUT keefe
I know that we can win
I know that greatness lies in you
But remember from here on in
History has its eyes on you
I may not live to see our glory
But I will gladly join the fight
And when our children tell our story
They’ll tell the story of tonight
Raise a glass to the four of us
Tomorrow there’ll be more of us
Telling the story of tonight
That’s such a Black Swan coded song honestly 😭😭
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ok Wifi sleepy it is time to hopefully get a good night of sleep this time
please send brainrot for me to read tomorrow i will consume it ravenously <333
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android-anathema · 2 months
i was tagged by @scholar-of-envy and also (retroactively) @dorkichiban to post 6 songs that ive had on repeat!
Getting Sodas by the world is a beautiful place and i am no longer afraid to die (or, any song by them really. i really really like TWIABP)
1,000,000 people died to make this sound by Thee Silver Mt Zion (not zionists) (fifteen minute long song so you KNOW its good) (god i fucking love post-punk bands, this shit is so funny) (band is also known as A Silver Mt. Zion, Thee Silver Mountain Reveries and Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra and Tra-La-La Band with Choir) (one of their members is also in Godspeed You! Black Emperor)
Yoshi's Island by glass beach (trans indie/emo music) (glass beach is such a good fucking band, please listen to them. their entire album plastic beach is so good too but i particularly recommend the CIA)
Your Ex Doesn't Mark Treasures by FUCKING WEREWOLF ASSO (fun fact: they were indirectly responsible for the creation of hotline miami. you can find this on wikipedia but the band isnt notable enough to themselves be on wikipedia. that's such a funny legacy to have as a musician)
Into the North Woods by Panopticon (black metal anarchists) (again, pretty much any song by them is incredible)
Battle Anal Lolita by Cheerleader Concubine (i'm sorry, this isn't even a joke. i can't stop fucking listening to this stupid band) (i couldn't get a youtube link because theyre probably not allowed on there) (self described "guro grind" artist)
Tommorow is a Trap by Street Sects (TOS friendly alternative sixth option, cool industrial music :3) (blacken the other eye is probably a more accurate choice but tomorrow is a trap is what i'm going with for other reasons) (apologies to any transfems named tomorrow that may end up reading this)
A Disclaimer To the Self by Circle Takes the Square (not a part of these six, however i desperately need more people to know about CTTS. they were a formative band for my teenage years and no one knows they exist) (their album decompositions vol 1 is really good and a bit less painful to listen to if this sounds cool to you but you want something a bit more refined) (also what the fuck is this slideshow i found for this song xD this is incredible. were all youtube videos about obscure screamo bands like this fifteen years ago?)
and um, i'm tagging... the girl reading this 😌
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being the new girl isn't too bad - xavier thorpe
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Summary: You’re the new kid at Nevermore Academy and you’re dreading every second of it. Until you run into one boy who makes it just a little more bearable.
Word Count: 1,033
As you drive through the gates of Nevermore, your nerves begin to pick up. You come from an... interesting family. Not up there with the Addams, but just enough to get you kicked out of every school you've attended. Your parents had made an agreement with you that as soon as your telekinetic powers came in you would go straight to nevermore. You knew this day was coming but you didn't dread it any less.
Here's to new beginnings.
I guess.
You're packing your drawers when you hear a knock at the door. You set your clothes down to go answer. Swinging the door open you see a bubbling teenager with pink and blue hair.
"Hi!! I'm Enid" she exclaims practically jumping up and down.
You extend out your hand "y/n".
"So Thornhill sent me here just to help you get settled in. I totally think you're going to love it here!!" Enid says with a shining smile.
"Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm just a little nervous I guess" you share.
"Oh don't worry about it, that's why I'm here!! I'll show you around the school y'know give you all the deets. I practically know everything and everything about everyone here. You Included!! I mean... not in like a weird way. I just looked you up on the internet. Speaking of that I kind of stalked your insta and got you this CD. I saw you posted their music a lot." She says extending out a CD of your fav artist.
"No way this is sick thank you" you say, a smile spreading across your face.
"Of course, I am just so excited to have you here. I'll be back tomorrow morning to give you a tour of the school and everything" she says giddily while lunging for a hug.
You hug her back suddenly feeling 10x better than when you got here.
"Goodnight!! See you tomorrow bright and early!" Enid exclaims while leaving your room.
You stand there for a moment looking down at the brand-new CD in your hands.
"Maybe it isn't going to be too bad here" you say going back to your clothes with a smile plastered on your face.
You got up a little earlier than usual to get ready and prepare for the day ahead of you. You slip on your platform docs as you hear a knock at your door. You know it's Enid, so you quickly grab your backpack.
"Hey y/n! You ready?" Enid asks with her usual smile.
"As ready as I'll ever be I guess" you say following her lead to the school grounds.
Enid takes you out to the quad showing you all the different outcast groups. You can feel dozens of eyes on you as you walk around.
"What is everyone staring at?" you ask Enid.
"You!" she answers.
"Why me?!" you say with a newfound sense of insecurity.
"Well, we don't usually get transfer students mid-year. Especially ones with telekinesis. Also, you're just super pretty" Enid says with a slight laugh.
"Off to a great start" you sigh. You stop to look around for a second when someone catches your eye.
"Hey Enid, who's that?"
"Oh, that's Xavier Thorpe. His dad is pretty famous. He doesn't exactly fit the family legacy but he's pretty cool" Enid says half uninterested.
Your eyes linger for just a few more moments watching the boy paint as Enid pulls you away to your first class.
The boy turns around just in time to watch Enid pulling you away. he was immediately intrigued by your presence.
You and Enid have different schedules for the second part of the day, so you had to navigate classes on your own.
Books in hand, you try and make your way to Thornhill's class. You were running late from being lost so you were speed walking trying to make it to class on time.
You sharply turn a corner colliding into something, or someone.
"Oh shoot I'm sorry" a voice exclaims as you bend down to pick up your books.
Both bending down to pick up your books you look up to apologize to the poor person you practically just body slammed.
Your breath hitches in your throat as your eyes meet with his. Xavier Thorpe. You stare at him for a couple seconds, mouth dropped, not knowing what to say or do.
"Are you okay? Should I take you to the nurse?" Xavier questions with worry.
"Um... no yeah I'm good. Sorry" you say still a bit shaken.
Xavier chuckles giving you back your stack of books.
"Y'know you look cute when you're all flustered. I'd like to think I played a part in that" Xavier teases looking you up and down.
You stand there wide eyed.
"I-I sorry I should've been paying attention to where I was going" you say.
Xavier picks up a book from the top of your stack, flipping through the pages.
"Oh, that's just my sketchbook" you say slightly embarrassed.
"This butterfly is really good, but it looks like it's missing something." he smirks pulling out a pencil from his pocket. He scribbles for a moment while you study his face.
Why was this man so fucking gorgeous.
Xavier finishes whatever he was writing and hovers his hand over the drawing. The next moment the butterfly comes to life. Flapping its wings around your head. A smile spreads across your face as you watch the butterfly you drew fluttering around your face.
Xavier's eyes travel your face taking in all your features.
The butterfly lands back on the book and this time keeps its wings spread. As you peer down at the creature you see a phone number etched across its wing. You quickly look up at Xavier who's already looking at you with a smirk on his face.
"I suggest next time you walk a little slower or look where you're going" He teases, slowly walking away.
You stand there for a couple moments completely shocked by what just happened. The bell rings and you quickly enter the classroom, taking a seat. You can still feel the blush spread across your face.
It definitely isn't too bad here.
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Jason and Dick reunite
Part 7 of Sirens Scream Names Forgotten by Tomorrow, Laid to Rest in Infinity
(also posted under cut)
“Sometimes you kiss my cheek and tell me that devotion is just your ability to endure.”
- a.dp
“Jason?” A knock sounds on the door of his apartment. “C-can we talk?” Jason’s hand clenches, involuntarily closing the book he was holding without marking his spot, fuck. Dick knocks again. “Please?”
(Don’t, he never came for you.)
(He’s my brother.)
(You’re his replacement.)
He opens the door, pretending like he’s not gripping the knob tight enough that his fingers are white. Denting the metal.
He’s tired, that’s the first thing to cross his mind when he sees Dick for the first time in five fucking years. Sees the familiar, warm blue eyes that crinkle with his smile, sees the dark circles beneath and the way his messy black hair looks like he’s done nothing but scrape at it with his fingers for hours. Dick looks tired.
“How did you find me?” It’s not really a question, but it can break this awful silence wide open with an answer they both know.
“Bruce told me you…” Dick swallows, then steels himself. “You were back.”
“Nice way of putting it.”
“I-” Dick’s shoulders roll forward, arms wrapped around his middle, shuffling his stance in the hallway. Small. “Jason, I’m so sorry.”
(No you’re not.)
(What if he is?)
(He never did anything to help you, all he helped was Bruce. Joker’s still alive.)
(I need to ask him, he’s my brother-)
(You’re his shadow, his reaper, his greatest mistake after leaving the J-)
“-ason?” He shakes his head, clearing it, but that thing still lingers in the back of it. “Are- are you okay?”
“...No.” For all of the Pit’s whinging and whining, this is Dick. This is Dick. Jason’s always trusted Dick, from the time he was a shifty-eyed kid until right now. The Pit had taken so many things, it’s not going to take him too. “No, I’m not.”
“Talk to me,” Dick’s hand is gentle as it fits into that familiar place around the side of Jason’s head, the same way it used to tilt him to better see an injury, to get a petulant child to look up at him for a lecture. Only now, it’s tipping his head down, into the solidity of Dick’s shoulder that had held Jason up so many times before, the shoulder that had held blood and pain and legacy and betrayal and- “I’m right here,” Jason’s face presses against the familiar shape, forehead resting along Dick’s clavicle as his breathing get shaky, uncertain, uncontrolled- “I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.” Jason surrenders then, losing his battle of wills with a tsunami of Dick, this is your brother, you love him.
Burying his face in Dick’s shoulder, he let the tears come as he clung to the closest person he’d had in his life for the longest time. Is there a way for me not to feel like a child when he’s the one talking? The golden son, the infallible Robin-before-Jason, the unattainable standard of Bruce’s love-
“That’s it,” the kindest person I know, “let it out.” The familiar hand in his hair was a bittersweet memory made flesh, a reminder of happier days and more innocent times, when his knuckles were bruised from a sparring match rather than a killing spree. When the only red on his hands was dyed fabric, not viscera.��
It hurts something deep in his chest, the undeniable reality of change. For all that Jason feels thirteen again, in the protective bubble of Dick’s presence, it’s impossible to ignore that he has to look down now. That Dick no longer crouches to be at the same level. Jason’s a man grown and Dick is too and he has never wanted to be a child again so badly. For all that the memory of his previous life angered him, he’s never wanted to trade his current one until this very moment.  
There’s no price he wouldn’t pay not to be Dick’s little brother again. Even if he got nothing else, he just wanted to be clinging to Dick’s trail, following wherever he leads, no matter what Bruce said or wanted. I just want my brother back.
It’s not fair. Not to either of them. Because Jason Todd isn’t what crawled out of that coffin, Jason Todd isn’t the one crying on Dick’s shoulder. Jason Todd is dead. Neither Dick nor the carcass carrying a stolen name can ever get their brother back.
“He didn't even tell me you were dead,” Dick whispers against Jason’s hair, grip tightening as Jason tries to jerk away. “You'd been in the ground for months before I knew anything.”
“If you're trying to get me to empathize with him, you're failing.” He’s able to break free then, stalking back into his apartment and not even caring that Dick follows and shuts the door without permission. No, I’m not going to forgive Bruce. Don’t ask that of me. That’s the one thing you can’t ask, please- “I’m not gonna-”
“Would you shut up and listen to me?!” Dick's voice rings off the walls around them, silencing Jason just as effectively now as his frustrated disappointment had in training years ago. He was here first, this is his mantle that you've dared stain. “I-” Dick's voice breaks, shoulders slumping like the steel beam of rage holding them straight had just snapped. “I didn't know. By the time Bruce told me, Joker was in Arkham. Or else he never would have gotten there.”
“I don’t think Bruce would like you admitting murderous intention.” But his heart thaws a bit at the admission, the perfection of Dick Grayson, of Nightwing, collapsing to reveal the grief underneath. The care, someone cared.
“Bruce doesn’t get a fucking opinion.” And Jason’s silence must be the answer Dick wanted because he huffs, shaking his head and leaning his head against the steel next to him. “It's been a long, complicated road since you left, Jay-bird." The nickname hits like a gut punch with a knife. "None of it's been easy. But in the end, you were my brother. You still are.”
“Jason Todd died in that warehouse.” 
(Don’t give him the false hope that he crawled back out.)
“And Dick Grayson died when his parents did. And again when Bruce replaced me with you.” That shuts Jason up again. Shuts his insidious little hitchhiker up too. “And again when you died and again when he shoved Tim into your spot that used to be mine. I've died a thousand times, Jason. But I'm still Dick Grayson. And you're still Jason Todd. You're still my brother, and I still love you. Not even death can change that.”
“I didn’t come back right.” It’s the one truth Jason knows. Wiping his eyes, he can’t bear to meet Dick’s. “There’s… it’s in my head, Dick. The Pit. All the time. Whispering. It’s just poison and lies and… sometimes it’s right.”
“Talk to me,” Dick whispers, drawing him closer again.
“I don’t know how to make it make sense.”
“It doesn’t have to. But you can’t bottle it up, Jason. Talk to me. Worry about sense when it’s all out of your head.” He’s never been able to tell Dick no.
“There’s a dinner tonight. At the Manor. Alfred’s making risotto with mushrooms.” It’s one of Jason’s favorites, but that part goes unspoken.
“Say hi to him for me, will you?” He doesn’t pause cleaning his gun. Maybe if he calls Silena, she’d be up for trying to make some. Maybe she can make it and he just doesn’t know. Wouldn’t be the first time she pleasantly surprised him.
“You can come, you know. No one’s going to kick you out.” Poor wording.
“Okay, that came out wrong. I want you to come and everyone else wants to meet you. Properly. Bruce will behave, I promise.”
“I’ll still pass.” He stops cleaning to pull out his phone, intending on texting… Someone he’s currently not speaking to, fuck his entire life. It’s almost a relief when Dick covers the phone with a hand.
“Will you come?” Stubborn, it’s a Wayne family trait. One that Jason hates with every fiber of his being when he’s being matched blow for blow with it.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he relents. I don’t know if I can behave. If I can play the game today. If he can walk into the Manor, see the trappings of his old life and see Bruce smiling at someone else like his sons are cookie cutter replacements for one another without doing something that violates the Geneva Conventions.
(Dick did it when you were the newest cookie.)
(Fuck off, he left. I died.)
(Keep making excuses for your own cowardice.)
“Please? For me?” It’s a goddamn hammer blow against the iron wall of Jason’s resistance.  
“That’s a low blow.” A killing one really.
“Jason…” Dick blows out a heavy breath, shoulders slumping. “I don’t care if you bitch at Bruce or ignore Tim or do anything you feel like you have to do. I just want you there. I lost you for five years. Please, even if it’s just once-”
“Fine, fine,” Jason waves his hand like it’s nothing but they both know he’s lying. He’s not looking Dick in the eyes because there’s the unfamiliar and shameful burn of tears welling up in his own, his shoulders are rolled forward to make himself smaller and his voice is cracking like he’s a child again. 
He goes. He goes for Dick and everyone knows it. No one addresses it and he ignores Bruce completely. He spends most of the night in the kitchen with Alfred, barely resisting the urge to poison food as he helps prepare it. But he goes.
“Will you come?” Dick asks again, another day. 
“Fine.” They both know he can’t say no to Dick. Not ever. If Dick asks, Jason will be there.
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igglemouse · 4 months
Song of the Day! New Music Friday!
I realized something...this year will be my 10th...yes, 10th year here. I'll probably make a post about it later but it has given me a thought.
I've been here a long time! I feel like a simblr elder, not sure if that is a good or bad thing but...I am surprised to have been here for so long now that I think on it. Even through some times where I wanted to quit. Each time I restarted my legacy was a moment where I felt like just quitting, except the one with the technical issues. Especially that time where a simblr I was very close mutuals with just stop interacting with me and then blocked me. It was very odd. It always made me feel like someone was saying something about me behind my back which was also odd since...I literally just post my stuff here, reblog other stuff, and try to keep positive energy. I remember thinking at the time, was it something I had done? I couldn't figure out why, I'm socially awkward so I thought maybe that was it...
When I started this simblr, nearly ten years ago, I was not in a good place. I was dealing with pretty bad depression, medicated, suicidal, the whole bit. I might have mentioned that over the years here, I doubt it because I'm pretty guarded, but I think back on it posting was the best thing I could have done then. It was a fun escape and knowing that people saw some value in my writing, even if just a little bit, really helped and it pushed me more and more into writing, which was a good thing. It was something I could focus on. I discovered through this that I have this ability to write and write a lot and here I could play out any story idea I had and I've always had so many come and go.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this one! Sometimes, I just have a thought and it turns into something longer. I would say I'll be here ten years longer but honestly who knows?! I think that's more on tumblr than myself lol as I do love tumblr but I hope there's a better platform in that time to migrate to.
I will say, to all the people that complimented me. That said I inspired them to do this or that, reached out to me, to even those that complimented my writing. Even those that did so and seemed really into my stories until just randomly unfollowing and ignoring me...well, no take backs! I've absorbed all the nice and positive thoughts. Not that they would be reading this any way lol.
So, I guess if you wonder "Why does she keep saying stuff like that!" I guess that's why, maybe its being dramatic but since tumblr/simblr played such a big role in me writing in general I know it meant a lot to me when people have shown me love in any kind of way. Taking things a day at a time is also important to my mental I guess that's why I've always tried to post daily. It's something I've been told years ago to always look forward to something tomorrow and keeping my little legacies going is one small thing in my life that has been pretty consistent.
So yeah! Ten years here will be a cool achievement! If I have the time and have the health maybe ten more years! I feel like even if I became a millionaire I'd still be posting >.&lt; and that millionaire thing is ahem...might be a possibility...life is much better for me now then when I started doing this!
OH! For those new followers, sorry, I do this like 2-4 times a month. I do used my SOTD posts for venting, ranting, talking, whatever!
Also Maria and Araceli tomorrow!
It's always too early to quit. ~ Norman Vincent Peale
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transandersrights · 9 months
Would love to see some m!Lavellan x Dorian with the prompt "It's so easy to forget that there's magic in all of this" -Sleeping at Last, Body
(I take prompts! See info here)
Thank you for the prompt to this lovely song! (I wrote most of this p late at night two weeks ago so I don't remember how this premise was linked to the song. It is, though!)
For @dadrunkwriting, 1k of post-canon Pavellan angst into fluff :)
The end of the day rolled around, and Dorian was alone yet again.
It was like that yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that… endless halls of an endless legacy-palace-prison, echoes of past crimes baked into the shining bricks that welcomed him home. It would be like that tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that — constraining walls and the same office floor to pace over and over again.
He was tired. He was always tired, at the end of the day, what with the endless wheedling and scheming and all those things he used to think would be so exciting if he actually got to use them for something he believed in. Turned out it was just dangerous, and that wasn’t nearly as thrilling as he used to think it was when his father came home in the rose-tinted robes of boyhood idealism with another tale of an assassin in a covert meeting place.
Dorian could walk through to his library, if he wanted. Ages of history watching him, judging, and a book he could lose himself in if his eyelids weren’t already drooping. If he wanted to walk instead to the garden there were the plants he had to hire a gardener to take care of, roses he chose but had no one to give to.
At least, no one who’d be able to receive them before the flowers shrivelled into nothing. Funny, how long a distance really was. The other side of Thedas was the same as the other side of the city when it came to someone as busy as Ilassan, but endlessly more of a chasm when Dorian just wanted to know what he was doing today rather than three weeks ago.
If he went to the kitchen, he could eat a meal alone, prepared by the chef he hired on the weekends to cook his meals for the week. In the sitting room, he could sit with no one at all, just like he had for the last few months because his friends were usually around for business, not pleasure.
In his office… no. Not so late, with the moon already high in the sky and half the city in bed. There was always work to do — he had to draw a line.
Bed it was. Just like yesterday, the day before, and the day before that. Just like tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that. The endless cycle of his life, so rarely interrupted by anything worth noting. The wheel he’d turn for the rest of his life in the hope that someone, at least, was feeling the effects of his hard work.
At least he was tired enough to sleep well. Probably.
So Dorian climbed the lonely stairs, walked the lonely landing, and opened a lonely door to his lonely bedroom and tried, really, not to feel too sorry for himself. He wasn’t good at it, but he had to try. For his—
For a fraction of a moment, Dorian was convinced someone had replicated Ilassan’s form in a perfect doppelganger meant to catch him off guard. And then Ilassan smiled, that tiny, wry little thing, and everything else in the world melted away.
“Surprised?” Dorian’s feet moved unbidden towards his voice. His face had to be an absolute picture in that moment. Yes, he certainly was surprised.
“You didn’t say a word!”
Ilassan’s face creased again, and in the lamplight his freckles were as constellations to a sailor, guiding Dorian home again. “I didn’t know when I’d be able to get into the city,” he admitted. He gestured to the pack on the ground, which almost certainly did not contain anything resembling his official credentials as former Inquisitor, one of the most important southern figures in the entire Imperium.
“I could have got you in with a click of my finger,” Dorian pointed out. Ilassan shrugged. He looked good, happier than the last time Dorian saw him. That wasn’t hard, seeing as last time they were parting, and that always… well, it never got any easier.
“And then everyone would know I was here.” Rather than just Dorian. And rather than having all their time to themselves, this would turn into something else entirely. Dorian could understand.
“So you… how did you get in?” Dorian knew that, when it came to the man in front of him, assuming there was anything he couldn’t do was ludicrous. Still, there was always something. Another surprise stacked on top of the near-impossible feat, his brightness so blinding Dorian could almost imagine what dwarves felt, coming to the surface for the first time.
“Oh, you know.” Another shrug. Always the shrug, the nonchalance, like he wasn’t about to say something utterly ridiculous and make Dorian fall in love all over again for the thousandth time. “Climbed over the wall? Disarmed an enchantment. Unlocked the door with your key.”
Unbelievable. Wonderful. And his Ilassan, same as ever. Dorian could only make a noise of exasperated fondness, ripped straight from his heart up through his throat, and jolt towards him like he was no longer in control of his body. “Come here already.”
They always waited to close the distance between them. Dorian didn’t know why; the tradition had developed at some point, over the years, and he’d long since missed exactly when it just became what they did. But now Ilassan launched forward right into his arms, letting Dorian lift him (just a little) and spin him around (not all the way — Dorian had never quite had the upper body strength for that).
“I can’t quite believe you’re here.” He’d thought it would be months before they’d manage to carve time out of their respective schedules to get any time worth having.
Which begged the question: did Dorian have the guts to ask how long he was planning to stay? Would he rather count down the days, or wait until Ilassan felt it wouldn’t be too sad a prospect?
“Well, I am.” Ilassan smiled again, leaning in until their foreheads touched and their lips were only a whisper apart, and Dorian decided he didn’t care.
The night stretched out ahead of him, and he wasn’t alone anymore. Nothing else in the world mattered in that moment.
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