#no let me wax poetic bc
kindahoping4forever · 5 months
Ash IG Story
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authenticaussie · 9 months
Memories that I still keep in the back of my mind regarding crossover skills between sports...the wall climbing place I used to go to (I go to a new one now) had a parkour set, with a web rope and gymnastics blocks and soft landing pads. I am not good at parkour but I liked flopping around on the landing pads and throwing myself at the blocks and swinging on the bars.
When I was there, a guy was trying to land a forward cartwheel & flip and he would get almost all the way there and then eat shit (it was very funny to watch,) and one of the reasons he kept eating shit was because he'd keep his head ? In a weird spot? I'm not entirely sure how to describe it, but I looked at it and it just. Clicked in my head that he wasn't spot-picking.
So in ballet when you do turns you pick a spot as you are turning and then whip your head around and hit that same looking spot. It allows neater turns and better balance.
And he'd tried, I'm not kidding, like, twenty or thirty times by this point. And every time he'd done it I'd seen him do the head thing. Not tuck in. Not spot.
So I was like. Hey. I know I can't do what you're doing, and I don't know if this is your actual problem, but I think maybe this technique from my dance lessons may help you get fully through your somersault?
And like. He didn't have to trust me. I was like 20! But he did pull his head in and spotted, and flipped (and landed!) and whenever I think about that I think about the crossover in skills between different sports, in getting one skill that makes you better at something so entirely unrelated and how sometimes you don't even realise that something you've learnt somewhere else helps you with this new thing. Which I just think is so cool! And so fun! And how many other physical skills do people have and learn that exist in crossover? Did this ballet technique help him land better in the future too? It fascinates and delights me. New things influenced by old knowledge.
Anyway knowing about the teenage mutant ninja turtles just helped me identify a fraud case at work. 🫡✌️
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collegeoflore · 8 months
the thing about xarrai and astarion is both of them are looking at each other and saying “here is the knife lodged between my ribs. it’s been there as long as i can remember. you won’t be able to pull it out but you can hold it if you want.” and they’re trusting one another not to just start twisting. and of course astarion Does twist it because he knows no different but xarrai lets him because they can’t bring themself to hate him no matter how much easier that would make things. :)
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moomoomooing · 2 months
oh jingrenheng and haikaveh, why do you have the best angst/comfort and introspective fics out there
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erythristicbones · 9 months
ive done next to no editing on my book for several months now bc mental illness sucks, BUT ive written like 4 paragraphs today. i am clawing my way back into productivity
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floweredhalo · 11 months
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this is me writing my fic rn
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coldgpa · 2 years
Trying to like stay strong but my two closest friends never said happy birthday to me
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
How to react to you longtime girlfriend regaining her angelic wings: a guide by Charlie Morningstar, proud girlfriend of said girlfriend.
Things you SHOULD do with her new wings!
Notice them! (this is easy bc they are BIG and BEAUTIFUL with the soft grey faded colors of an overcast sky right before it rains and gives you an excuse to stay indoors snuggled in soft blankets drinking hot coco together back when everything was simpler and safe which is exactly what getting folded up in them will feel like later and- what? oh right! The list thing, um-)
Complement your girlfriend's wings! Maybe don't overwhelm her with a whole paragraph just yet though. Saying "They look nice!" works perfectly good. (waxing poetic can wait until Alone Time)
GENTLY touch the wings. But not too gently!!! Maybe hold the upper joint place, like a little handshake hello. (the feathers are attached to very VERY sensitive bundles of nerves for feeling out air pressure and drafts and stuff, Vaggie says, but they are TOTALLY NOT TICKLISH supposedly and the reason you shouldn't run your hands across them all nilly-willy whenever you get caught up in how pretty and soft they are is it messes them up and means they need preening again to make flying work right, and THAT'S why she jumps and squeaks about it. She likes keeping things tidy! That's all! No other reason. Noooope)
Things you should NOT do with her new wings!!!!!
Blow a giant raspberry right between them, where the feathers get all small and super extra downy soft, just to see what will happen.
Do the above in the middle of maybe KINDA making out....?
Tell absolutely everyone in the hotel about it directly afterwards.
Thing you WILL end up doing if you complete the above list
Spend the night on the bedroom couch: because you keep remembering the noise she made during the raspberry blowing incident, and giggling yourself and her awake about it.
Wake up in bed anyway: snuggled in your girlfriend's arms the same way you do any time you fall asleep in the wrong place and she has to come find you and carry you back with her so SHE can get some sleep too- only this time she also has WINGS!!! And her wings tuck around you so warm and strong, you'd swear you've felt this every time waking up with her before- only now the feeling is all around you, instead of just wrapped around your heart <3
You're still sleeping on the couch tomorrow though: At LEAST for the first part of the night. Or however long it takes before you stop giggling over hearing your totally an angel very serious former solider and absolutely Not a BIRD girlfriend Squawk.
Things to KEEP doing now your girlfriend has wings again!
Try better next time with the rule following??
Hope you're doing okay so far????
Help her with the preening!!
Stop giggling. Somehow.
Staring at them and spacing out is also okay as long as you say you're "acclimating" yourself to the "sudden change in a core aspect" of your life when someone catches you at it. They won't believe you- But! They'll probably just roll their eyes and let you get back to the staring. Acclimating. Whatever!
Anyway, good luck to whoever needs this! Hope this helps things go smoothly for you, Cherri Bomb!!
Also- Angel Dust, if you've read this far, then PLEASE don't tell Husk. Me and Vaggie PROMISED him not to give you ideas, and we don't wanna get banned from the bar again :(
Sincerely, Charlie Morningstar, princess of Hell, Vaggie's girlfriend (!!!)
Note from Vaggie: You're doing great sweetie. And you're lucky you're cute when you laugh, even in your sleep. P.S. There's no 'supposedly' about it, my wings are NOT ticklshkSkk .... P.P.S. from Charlie: are you suuuure? <3 <3 <3
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chainsawmascara · 5 months
Figuring out where every companion fits in my Suddenly A Thing art school au doodle world is. Going to be interesting.
God's favorite princess who started it all is in general fine arts. She loves charcoal, painting feels like a necessary evil but it's secretly what she's always wanted to do.
Lae'zel is clearly in metalworking/sculpture.
Astarion is in textiles, specifically embroidering and fashion design/history. He has an entire brand built in his head. He works at an upscale fashion store part time. He judges EVERYONE.
Wyll???? Wyll's studying art history and debating going into curation. He's a trust fund kid and his father is deeply disappointed THIS is what he's doing with his college fund. He spends free time in the dark room. Darkroom photography has no place in the world these days, but he loves the classics and waxes poetic about 35mm film and its versatility - he does some oil painting over certain photos for flourish. It's phenomenal. He doesn't think it's that great. Everyone disagrees.
Gale is. Gale is the english major from the sister university who decided a double major is a good idea (it isn't, he is suffering) and hurled himself into abstract/surrealism. (It works very well in his favor when tara steps in his paint and walks on the canvas. He had a three hour anxiety attack and decided he did it on PURPOSE.
(Part of me wants to slam him into dark room photography and i will not elaborate. Maybe he sneaks in to hang out with wyll. He cannot be good at everything but he NEEDS TO BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING. He's a recurring subject of wyll's work.)
Where the FUCK do i put karlach. She's on a roller derby team outside of school. But what does she DO. She's in there somewhere but WHAT DEPARTMENT.
Dammon shares classes with Lae'zel bc that's The Most Obvious Thing. He's a natural.
Isobel? Pottery. Aylin doesn't go here. She's just The Girlfriend also on the roller derby team and hangs around.
Rolan is obviously into impressionism. He's the manet of the school, trying every artist's style in a desperate attempt to find his own despite cal and lia both knowing he HAS his own style and it's GORGEOUS but he just can't see it himself.
Alfira is also in the textile department. Astarion hates everything she makes. She plays music at local clubs on the weekends. Lakrissa is her bartender girlfriend who studies sequential art.
I need to keep this going, I'm on to something here.
But where the FUCK do i put KARLACH.
Edit: 9 fingers is the drug dealer. I went to art school, i promise you there are so many gatherings based solely around that, she'd be there constantly. Jaheira and Halsin are figure study models. Jaheira probably has her hand somewhere else in the school, she'd definitely have something to do with installation pieces, I'll get there let me cook on that one. Minsc is. Fuck. I need to figure that out. We're GOING SOMEWHERE HERE, WE'RE MAKING THIS HAPPEN.
Someone is in the jewelry department it's someone it's SOMEONE maybe lae'zel dips into it bc metal casting NO IT'S MINTHARA. MINTHARA. YES. I WILL JUSTIFY THIS WHEN IT'S NOT 2AM BUT TRUST ME IT'S MINTHARA. Intricate wire wrapping with gem stones she gets from 9 fingers, she has 5000 tools for it and no one realizes how violent whitesmithing tools are but I've BEEN THERE TRUST ME and the wire wrapping gives big spiderweb vibes, it's perfect, i love it, yes, she's in cahoots with astarion on a future design house and the bickering is CONSTANT.
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thy-valhallen · 6 days
Batfam Voices as Instruments
Batfam voices as instruments bc i think of things very musically and it struck me others don't
Bruce: bass guitar. he's low and deep and when he speaks, you feel it in your eardrums, straight into your jaw. his words are like injections into your skull, feel intense and impossible to ignore-- but he has softer moments, too. quiet, gentle plucking of strings, the careful, slow strums of a man who plays only for the ears who will know what the notes will mean
Alfred: viola. slightly deeper than a violin, but mostly just warmer. a voice you hear and want to hum along to, a voice that sits in your ears before it sinks into your chest. it's gentle and sways with grace across strings and notes, it plays a harmony that supports and compliments, that is a steady through-line for everything that surrounds it
Dick: trumpet. brassy and loud and present and fuck do you KNOW when he's in the room. he's so bright and warm and MEANT to be heard. you hear him in your heart, every time he speaks, feel it deep in every vein like he's writing gospel into your DNA. and usually it's jazzy, it's excitement and riffs and improv and leaping off the page and doing cartwheels across a music staff-- but he's just as capable of whispersoft confessions of heartbreak and loss in D minor, can let loose a lament of all he's lost in an elegy of epic proportions
Barbara: harp. a challenging instrument to understand and play, and one she plays with ease. she is plucking strings with careful fingertips, strums across them all with a single hand. she's a melody that glides past your ears, a song that doesn't sink in-- if you're not paying attention to the hooks that latch into your brain. she is careful compositions and sweeping songs arranged for each audience with care. yet when she feels wrath, she shreds herself to make sure you feel it-- she takes scissors to her own strings to cut deeper than the song could alone
Jason: cello. deep and contemplative, with a sort of vibration that bites into your bones from the moment he opens his mouth. waxing poetic is his native tone, and it sounds like a bow dancing across strings and fingers traversing the frets like they were made for it, a soothing melody that could be a lullaby. when fury comes, the sound alone is so sharp where it's settled into your joints that you can't fight back; it's vicious strokes across the strings that shred the bow's hairs without care, wrath in every pull like it's a sword. he can settle into the orchestra or he can sweep them all offstage to stand alone against the conductor that dared to direct him
Cass: marimba. light and soft and so very deliberate. all those bars close together, and each hit with precision, because when Cass speaks, each sound and syllable is effort and choice and control. she is range and gentle dancing note to note and a sound that settles on your skin like a gentle rain, clinging and soft and so very present. to hear it is to hear if a storm could sing and serenaded the sky it calls home. she is echoing in an empty room until she fills it herself (i think of this specifically)
Tim: piano. it's all about the force put into it-- he can be the most careful, calculated guy in the room, playing with all the rigor and rigid professionalism of a NY Symphonic pianist. but the real Tim is the one who's fingers flutter playfully over the keys, who's voice cracks from laughter and sleep deprivation and stress, who trembles between octaves as his fingers tire but makes the leap anyway. he is clear ringing notes in a crowded room and rambling words like a glissando back and forth across the ivories, he is a song quiet enough to fall to the background but a complex and delicate tune if you care to listen
Steph: drum kit. she is all intensity and living in the moment and sharp impacts and a beat that never stops, never waits for the rest. she can get lost to the rest of the voices in a room, but you'll never shake that she's in your head, that her voice is there and present and presses against the base of your skull like it wants to worm straight in. she's rhythm and motion and changing things up just to do it; her voice hops from the snares to the bass to the snares and back to bass and never lets you think between notes, she's moving so fast, because it's all her, nothing she ever has to question, even if she makes you question with every slam on the cymbal
Damian: violin. he is careful in his every motion, ever meticulous with all he does; he lives in fear of being out of tune, of off-key notes for a long time, and so each one is practiced and known to the point of monotony. but over time, he thaws and the notes become more loose, more free-- he speaks less like his eyes are glued to the page, furiously tracking each note he'll play and more like the natural he is-- he becomes sharper in a different way than the rest of him, notes out of place that jut from the rest and it's okay that they do, a hum of songs that don't follow classic melodies and don't feel the need to. don't mistake it though-- his voice has always been as regal and pointed as the rest of him was raised to be, and his voice grabs both your ear and your eyes, dragging you to look at him, for him to be seen and noticed and given attention
Duke: saxophone. he is deep and rich and resonating. his voice is emotion and expression and honesty. his voice sits on your tongue because hearing him makes you want to speak, want to talk and chat and ramble with him, to reply to his melody with any harmony to match. he is a voice meant to be heard by many, who may not stand out in a room naturally but makes himself stand out by the passion in his voice. he is a slow, experimental hand that plays notes with hesitance until the rhythm hits him and suddenly, it's a melody of energy and power and a presence that he doesn't even know he has
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nevermorered · 2 months
I don’t want to see Pen with Debling. I don’t want to see them touch or kiss or anything intimate. It has nothing to do with me not wanting her to have options. It means I ship Polin. I’m in it to see them together.
I also don’t want to see Colin touch or kiss or have a fucking threesome either. It doesn’t have to do with saving himself for Pen or kink shaming bullshit. I don’t want to see it for the same reason I don’t want to watch Pen with Debling.
Let him have sex, I don’t care. Let him have had threesomes foursomes and moresomes whatever I DONT WANT TO SEE IT! Mention it, allude to it, whatever just don’t fucking show me. Have him have a voyeur kink bc obviously he does but I still don’t want to see him jack it to two women who are not Penelope when we already spent one season listening to him wax poetic over his love for another woman.
I am ssooooo entirely over the tired and overused rake trope. Let Colin be soft and Demi. Let him learn intimacy alongside his partner, Penelope. Let that intimacy stem from a place of knowing and trusting each other like they can’t anyone else. Just for the love of Mother Earth, don’t make me sit through another whoring montage.
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takami-takami · 1 year
hii I love all ur posts and writing !! (bare with me english not my native language but talking with people helps)
just wanted to ask what do u think hawks would be like when thinking abt getting married, some people think he isnt that type of person more like douchebag / playboy etc but hes a sweetheart deep down considering everything that happened to him (and "mean!hawks" too IDK hes prob just a annoying tease in bed) anyways i was thinking about it earlier and i was like wtf would he do, im sure he would do it in private but other than that idk because the commission, planning, what are ur thoughts? maybe he would be really anxious thinking about it but he knows ur the one? nobody has written about this like for real ( i THINK) if u or someone else has tell me PLEASE. i"ve been thinking about it for a while (a Lil embarrassed ngl)
just asking what u think in general what he would do bc like said havent seen anyone talk about it
at the start of the relationship, he's probably like nervous to even be in one but after like 3 months or something he probably wants to be with you forever and never let u go, it would be a bit hard for him to plan it all out because he barely has anyone to talk about it other than you unless he hired someone which no.. i think because he wants to make it special from his heart + the commission giving him any time to do anything let alone a honey moon and blah ya know?
other than that im stumped no idea
(u can ignore idm !! )
(MHA season 6 episode 3 spoilers ahead!)
People say Hawks is a playboy, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He's such a sweetheart. Self sacrificing.
I think he falls hard. It is extremely difficult for him to trust, given not only his childhood, but his time with the commission, too. With the amount of undercover dirty work they made him do, there's no doubt they taught him from very young to trust no one. The message from his parents and the commission is clear: he can only trust himself.
But... We know Keigo still feels; so, so strongly. Dabi mocks him for it, mocks him because he can't stop himself from being "distracted by his emotions". Even when he knows what he's "supposed" to do in the Twice scene, he hesitates because it fucking hurts, he still feels pangs of empathy. Despite all he was taught about shutting off your emotions, that's something he still can't do completely, even if he ultimately decides to do the opposite of what he feels.
So. It would take a very, very long time for him to truly open up to you, much less recognize his feelings as romantic (he goes through a stage of denial, because he never saw himself actually being "selfish" and allowing himself a real relationship). But once he has his mind made up, and really makes that decision to be yours, he will not give that up for anything. He follows through to the end.
I think he always wanted to get married. Not in the way his parents did; he never did have a good example. But the way people on TV did, the way they wax poetic about in songs he never understood. He is definitely the marriage, soulmates kind of guy. He craves that slow, that domesticity, to protect.
You make such a good point that he wouldn't know what to do because he has no one to talk about it with... But he knows he wants it to be special. He would fret and fuss so hard about it being perfect, trying to impress you and stressing over it so badly.
Until one day, you grab his hand and tell him, "lets get married, right here. Right now." It doesn't have to be official to be entirely authentic and in love and you. To the backdrop of the dim light of a summer evening, under the flourescent glow of the string lights adorning your back porch, you have your first dance to the tune of the creaky wood beneath your feet. You dance to the tune of a love song he finally understands.
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padfootastic · 1 year
if you were to summarise sirius' personality and character traits, how would you do it?
hi hi hi! so sorry for long this took but okay, so, let’s do this.
so, his CORE trait for me will always be loyalty, hands down. i once waxed poetic about sirius’ devotion to the potters to my friends for like, half an hour straight (one of them actually teared up). the way he talks about james even after so many years, how his first instinct is always to look out for harry, how everyone talked about him & j even when they believed he was the traitor—all of it just really drives home how he gives all of himself to someone when he decides to. if someone’s his person then he’ll do whatever it takes for them (if you’re not, tho? ur lucky if u even get a look in ur direction)
he’s also very competent. he was probably brought up as a pampered heir, with access to all the resources his little heart desired, so coupled w his innate ability/potential/aptitude, it becomes a deadly combination. he uses logic to work through things, prides himself on his intelligence, and probably wouldn’t like hanging out with people who can’t atleast match him in some sense (so laziness/incompetence grates badly).
as a corollary, he’s also pretty arrogant, in that casual sense that old money people are ykwim? he’s had the world on a silver platter his entire life, and even when he’s cut off from it, it’s still a part of him. there’s also the fact that he’s got a lot going for him—looks, power, smarts wise—and that just adds to it. so it can be off putting or it can be hot or both, but he has a superiority complex and he doesn’t exactly hide it. less interaction with the plebs, the better for him.
irreverence and dark humor!!! sirius copes using morbid jokes and making people uncomfortable; he has slight control issues and this way, he makes sure everyone’s always on their toes. it’s also like,,,a way to kind of gauge how others will react to him based on how they deal w his humor. bc he’s not sunshine and roses, right? and he doesn’t want anyone treating him like it or expecting him to be so. and in a way, their reactions to his jokes correlated to their degree of acceptance for him.
intense. when it comes to things he likes, he’s very passionate about it, almost with a single minded focus. and it can get A Lot. he operates in a lot of extremes, right? so either 0 or 100 and this comes across in the way he interacts with people, the level of interest he shows to things, and how much effort he puts in, if it’s His Thing, then he won’t leave a stone unturned but if he doesn’t care? then he will not give a single shit
soooo, these are some of the things i very strongly believe in for sirius 🙈 tell me what u think? (and as always, @artemisia-black has some great metas on sirius’ character so i’d recommend checking those out for sure!)
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absolutely obsessed with your drunk headcanons bc how you imagine kuai is basically me when i’m lit 😭 you have any more for the whole roster?
Oooooo boy do I!
I did a list of the roster earlier but I can’t remember most of those headcanons so apologies in advance if I contradict them (all of my headcanons are true to me in like a schroedinger kinda way, yknow?) anyway
I’ll start with Kung also bc he’s one of my faves and does not get enough love
This man makes moonshine and it is Strong (he nearly blinded Bo Rai Cho with it once that’s how strong it is)
He drinks it like it’s water, which terrifies everyone bc How?
Johnny took one sip and declared it to be jet fuel, nearly hacked up a lung
That being said, put it together with some good mixer and you’re gonna have a great time, so Kung Lao usually gets asked to supply any parties with a bottle or two
It is really hard to get Kung Lao drunk but if you do, he gets really sappy, like he’ll wax poetic about pretty much anything that crosses his mind.
Once spent the entire evening with his head in Liu Kang’s lap trying to count the colors in his eyes while Kitana laughed on the sidelines
He then started complimenting Kitana a lot which is the only reason she likes him now
If he isn’t drinking moonshine then he’ll usually go for a beer, he’s not really picky. Drinking is mostly a social thing for him so he doesn’t usually set out to get drunk
On to the next!
Hanzo has a pretty standard tolerance, he burns through alcohol pretty quickly tho so when it hits him he’s never drunk for long
Does not like most alcohols, he really just can’t stand the taste of it. He’ll tolerate Sake if it’s on offer, but usually he just refrains.
But! He has a secret fondness for Chuhai that he refuses to ever let anyone find out about. Johnny knows and sneakily stocks his parties with a few cans (well disguised ofc) bc he might like to tease but even he will allow people their secrets
No brain to mouth filter when drunk (which is why he stays sober around Kuai Liang) and did once call Raiden a bitch to his face bc of it before being dragged out of the room by Jax to avoid a fight
Despite hating the taste, he did once chug an entire bottle of Kung Lao’s moonshine in one go to prove a point
He then proceeded to have the worst hangover of his life and stayed in bed the entire day
Usually the designated driver, not In the actually driving sense, but bc he’s the only one sober at most of the parties he’s usually in charge of putting people to bed.
After chugging the moonshine he did blackout only to find himself in the Lin Kuei temple the next morning (hangover and all), in Kuai Liang’s bed (sans Kuai Liang) and panics
He basically just shouted that he missed Kuai Liang in the middle of the party, teleported to the temple, and fell face first onto the bed as he passed out while a worried Kuai Liang made sure he didn’t die
Johnny started a betting pool on when they’d get together after that
That’s all I can think of rn, which character should I do next?
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thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
oh god OH God right so crowley's comment about the richard curtis film? just hit me that he's possibly (probably? im assuming crowley is talking about screenwriter credits here) talking about the ending of four weddings and a funeral (bold choice) and i am reeling bc if im reading into this correctly neil really is letting the narrative punches fly
so i dug through the yt archives to find the ending that id all but suppressed in my memory (andie macdowells acting in this brings me out in hives, crowley is such a hero for making it through this film) and-
right fuck it let's just basically do a basic transcript of it:
carrie: "i just wanted to check you're okay, not busy... killing yourself or anything, but you're fine so... i shouldn't have come to the church this morning. im sorry-"
charles: "no, no, wait- it was all my fault, i- i- im the bastard here! and it definitely sorted out one thing; that marriage and me are very clearly not meant for one another... sorted out another big thing as well- there i was, standing in the church and for the first time in my whole life, I realised i totally and utterly loved one person, and it wasn't the person standing next to me in the veil, it was the person standing opposite me now, in the rain."
carrie: "...is it still raining? i hadn't noticed..."
charles: "the truth of it is that i loved you from the first second i met you... you- you're not suddenly going to go away again, are you?"
carrie: "no... i might drown, but otherwise no!"
charles: "okay, okay, we'll go in... but first! let me ask you one thing... do you think that after we've dried off, after we've spent some more time together, you might agree not to marry me? a-and do you think not being married to me might be something you'll consider doing for the rest of your life?... do you?"
carrie: "...i do."
okay so now that you and me, reader, have had to suffer through that, i am just in shock that this, this, is the scene to which crowley is potentially referring. im not saying that he takes it as absolute inspiration for his romantic scenario idea, bc i think he is just covering for what is his own personal fantasy... but boy is it potentially insightful. as ive said before im fairly certain that whilst he was fascinated and amused by aziraphale, i certainly don't think he fell in love on the Wall like he would like to think, in retrospect, that he did.
so let's board this train hurtling along the rails of that particular thought (ie stick with me), crowley really seems to be deluded as to the love story he and aziraphale share... to the point that in ep2 when he makes the curtis remark, we can infer that whilst he may have been subconsciously reconciling his actual feelings of More with aziraphale for a long time, and only fully accepts and declares them in ep6, he's looked over their history as being more than it actually is. because this script? is not even close to what happened on the wall.
like, first of all - aziraphale is not at all andie/carrie (a divine mercy, truly). aziraphale is not passive, however much he plays into it with his damsel-in-distress syndrome, and certainly is not dim and virtually silent. aziraphale always has Things To Say. and crowley, until ep6, does not wax lyrical about his feelings, his innermost thoughts, and certainly not as 'poetically' (see: cheesy af) as a curtis script. in his playful moments he is an outright dork, but not like this.
now this bit? im going to be fanciful and fanfic-y, and very clumsy in how i put this across... but replace the context for a moment:
charles: "no, no, wait- it was all my fault, i- i- im the bastard here! and it definitely sorted out one thing; that belief and love for god and me are very clearly not meant for one another... sorted out another big thing as well- there i was, standing on the wall and for the first time in my whole life, I realised i totally and utterly loved/believed in? one person, and it wasn't the person standing in front of me when i fell, it was the person standing opposite me now, in the rain."
im not going to double down on the red bits, because it is ridiculous, but the vague idea? insane! insane to intimate that he replaced the void that was his belief system, the divine love he now lacks after falling, the betrayal he feels from god, with aziraphale! goodness crowley, this is not healthy, my guy! and then:
charles: "the truth of it is that i loved you from the first second i met you... you- you're not suddenly going to go away again, are you?"
no, i don't think you did, crowley bud- but you are definitely lonely. and lonely not even in the sense of isolation, but lonely in the sense of lack of purpose, possibly guilt and shame, and the inability to understand (or accept that you do understand) why you're currently in the position you're in. but aziraphale is not the replacement for that.
he's not there to fill the spaces where you're barely holding yourself together. you literally end up spending millennia apart in between your run-ins, and get along with it just fine... or maybe aziraphale does, but do you? is why you do the things you do, did what you did; because of this fear?
(when did i suddenly start addressing crowley directly, ah well i cba to rewrite)
charles: "okay, okay, we'll go in... but first! let me ask you one thing... do you think that after we've dried off, after we've spent some more time together, you might agree not to marry me? a-and do you think not being married to me might be something you'll consider doing for the rest of your life?... do you?"
the arrangement? aziraphale be in crowley's company all the time, stop him feeling lonely and make him feel wanted, but not commit to anything more than crowley can handle?
all im saying is that i hope noone dares show crowley the confession from julia roberts in notting hill without giving him a bottle of talisker and a litre of häagen-dazs first 💀
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redstrewn · 8 months
Ugh stop youre making me enter kuras loving hours (hes my uquiz soulmate <3) anyway, my hc is that he will wax poetic on shakespeare level when he finally lets us into his heart/is horny and its genuinely hot bc hes so sincere and intense about it
(i firmly hc that kuras equates feeling save and in love with horniness/ theres no sex without trust and respect)
— Musa
The realest...he's a silly menace for sure but there's no denying he definitely has centuries of losses and pain and he's cared so much that he became closed off. He knows how to treasure someone and feels very deeply, and being "burned" when he was close to others caused him to be cut very deeply. Kuras you are an angel but you feel so deeply with your guilt and coldness. Love u, u quack doctor who will impart the brutality of an angel's judgment ♡
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