#no one ever remembers the dash
unnamedshow · 3 months
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eeveekitti · 3 months
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shoutout to this video its like the number one reason i sat down, bought, and played rain world
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thegirlmirage · 9 months
My kind friends... my kissing encounter with another trans woman... my general content feeling and happiness from HRT... things are good. They were so bad for so long but they are good right now.
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 1 month
the half slav half baltic experience
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yeonban · 2 months
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This result should classify as a threat
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smokedanced · 4 months
how i feel when i reply to something from two years ago: oh no people will see i replied to something super old and judge me for it also me scrolling dash: unlikely to pay attention to other people's reply speed, but if i happen to see someone reply to something from 2018 my reaction is not "oh wow slow writer", my reaction is "hehehehehe handshake emoji"
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
I like to believe Majima has his own personal car and you'd think it was something over the top and flashy, an expensive sports car or something but it's actually just a really shitty old 1993 nissan ultima that has a faded paint job, cheap snake skin seat covers and a fluffy hot pink steering wheel.
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light-lanterne · 10 months
what have i done to deserve this ? ;-;
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tumblasha · 11 months
every once in a while i reflect on my parents and they’re kinda the coolest. happy pride month!
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maiteo · 1 year
thoughts on red team solidarity?🤭
not the thing for me. not the life I live.
its not real actually, it’s just a result of cross club mutualism…love wins I guess?
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loverlane · 1 year
mutuals you wanna gatekeep?
No I'm gatekeeping them
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statementlou · 1 year
IYO, any red flags/deal breakers one should look out for when following larrie blogs here? already blocked the GIF making ones (cuz they're mostly blouies) and the big ones, who loves the drama.
hmmm... I mean there are loads of blogs on here that seem like cool people but who I don't follow cause they post lots of stuff that isn't what I personally want to have to scroll through, be it full on deal breakers or just stuff that's uninteresting to me and untagged- like there's just a whole spectrum going from eh not for me to holy shit I wish I could fucking delete that blog. But you're asking about the far end of that spectrum, so... um I guess for me: people who state their theories as facts/ don't seem to understand the difference between theories and fact. People who want to delete other peoples' blogs tbh, like who think that if someone disagrees with their theory they need to be Dealt With and Schooled, so I guess I wouldn't actually delete anyone's blogs. I just don't like cops be it the real kind or just people acting like them, like thinking some fanfic is Bad and needs to be censored, or believing that not thinking Louis and Harry are married is punishable, or insisting that their lyric analysis is CORRECT and the only possible one, or who think taking a job pretending to be someone's partner publicly is morally Wrong and they are Bad People. IDK though, I think I have distanced myself so far from the really nasty shit that I'm forgetting some bigger bad flags maybe? in any event my personal shit under the cut why not
My personal NOs are: if someone is super negative and hateful all the time, be it about someone in the 1D-sphere or other segments of fandom (I worry that I'm one of these kinds of blogs to someone but I do try not to be), or who publish anti anons spewing their gross hate and nasty theories, even if its to make fun of them: hate just depresses me, even directed at targets I also dislike. It truly lowers my mood in a way that is hard for me to shake. Likewise if someone's blog is all asks or posts with the worst takes I've ever seen, regardless of how thoughtful their counterpoints, it's just not my thing. You can be hilarious or very correct in replying, but I already had to read that shit and it genuinely depresses me to be reminded how terrible people (and their takes) can be. It's the same reason I blacklist Tr*mp and shit like that you know? So with fandom, like the news, I'll go looking sometimes to see what's being said or to track down something I see people referencing but I want to be able to scroll without being blindsided by it. But maybe what ruins your day is something different? I have pals who find anti trolls hilarious and seek them out to see what they're up to, but flat out blacklist totally different stuff that I might roll my eyes at but not really be bothered by. But also my YESes! When I come on here I know what I wanna see: 1) a bunch of pics of Louis cause he makes me happy 2) some funny takes and memes 3) the people I follow having funny or insightful commentary on new pics or whatever in their tags or telling me some bts type info, I love knowing all the details and gossip 4) intellectually stimulating but emotionally low stakes discourse that doesn't involve anyone spewing hate at anyone else 5) enough UA type content to know what everyone is up to 6) enough clues about what's going on with the fandom or in the non-UA type updates (like, what did people figure out from that official post) to figure out if I wanna go find the drama and roll my eyes or comment. So that's what I look for!
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fleetwood · 2 years
i’ve been active in various mcr online communities since literally 2008 and the racism towards ray has never stopped it’s only gotten more subtle and if you don’t see it you’re kidding yourself
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
Do you think he recognized you as the girl who sent him Star Wars fanfiction?
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hghtwrs · 2 years
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sezja · 2 years
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