cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
(1)Hey! Noitasilivic here. So, about that picture recently on their sleeping poses, I found it quite interesting. First thing I noticed was that both Loup and Igor has some kind of crystal on a string around their neck. I couldn't see if Iggy had one too, but I figured he likely has something to do with them, given crystals are associated with magic. Perhaps some kind of communication device?
(2)Anyway, Iggy is dozing off on a chair, in front of a pile of paperwork. Given he is stated to be very busy, this just shows how busy he is that he falls asleep at his desk, and that his main work is just all these reports. As for Loup, he is sleeping seating down, back to a large rock. He might be sleeping in the garden of the mansion, or maybe somewhere outside, given the grassy ground and trees in the background.(3)That seems to be related to his name, loup(Wolf) dubois(of the woods), another reference to the forest. Hmmm...As for Igor, he is the only one sleeping standing up, inside a house(the mansion maybe?). My guess would be that he is keeping watch over things in the mansion. Kind of funny how relaxed Iggy looks compared to the others though. Anyway, I think it seems likely that where they fell asleep has something to do with their tasks. - noitasilivic--------
(adm: Eyyyy you’re back, once again with great interpretations!! I’d say you got about 30~40% of it right, though, but that’s because I haven’t given you enough hints yet XDDDD Sometimes I forget how much you guys actually know/how much I told you about the story, because I know every single detail about it and I constantly forget I’m the only one who knows XDDDHowever, I am honestly surprised that no one noticed a very simple detail that could change your vision about them and their story entirely. Until someone realizes it, I won’t say anything, though! Thank you very much for your comments, they’re always very much appreciated!!!
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
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So uh. I tried to draw song jin but I kind of messed up and it’s very messy and I colored some parts yellow because I had to cover up a part I messed up and it seemed like the most appropriate color. Uh,  I hope you like it?? And thank you for all the work that went into your vrs of hetaoni, and now its sequel. 
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
(1)Hey it's me again! Anyway I'm going to analyse their names. So Igor's full name is Igor Smirnov, and this has a quite straightforward meaning. So igor is a Russian name derived from ingvar, a old nose name, which several sources give the meaning as warrior(tho wiki and a few others gives me protected instead). As for smirnov, this is one of the most common surnames in Russia, and it means quiet, meek, peaceful or gentle. Which makes a lot of sense. Additionally, he is represented by a rabbit,
(2)which is kind of cute, and soft I guess?? Tbh I don't know anything about rabbits. And dolphins are very intelligent, which goes with his description as having a IQ a little over 200. Lastly, he is also paired with a samoyed, which fits because it comes from russia(North West+Siberia). This breed also has a friendly temperament, which igor also seems to have. This shows that igor is gentle and friendly, but also very intelligent(but idk which meaning is the intended one for igor)-noitasilivic
(adm: Wow, this is like a super complete review of Igor’s character LMAO Omg I love this!!!! You’re correct in every single thing!!! thank you so much for this!!!! :”DDDD about the rabbit, he’s specifically the white one! I don’t know much about it either, though X”DDD thank you again!!!!)
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
Hey, noitasilivic here again! It's going to be/is le 14 juillet, or Bastille day as most of the Anglo speaking world know it as. I wonder, what is loup's thoughts on this? Does he celebrate it in anyway? Or is it just a reminder of the past? Anyway, good luck on your game!
(adm: Hey there, friend!! Good to see you here! :D Well, let’s say... he doesn’t celebrate it, but not really because he doesn’t want to. I can’t say much more than that because of spoilers, but I hope this was a good enough answer!! Thank you!! ;w;
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
Btw I do believe you were quite successful in making your 2p's name be reminiscent of 1ps without being too similar like the fandom likes to do too often (eg Francis & francois, Matthew and matt Williams) - noitasilivic
(adm: Aaaahh I’m glad to hear that!!! :”DDD thank you!!)
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
(1)OK so moving on to Ignatius Oleander, which is no longer as straightforward. firstly, Ignatius means fiery one, which might indicate some kind of temper. Fire is associated with passion, spontaneity, rebelliousness, and also a extroverted personality. Oleander is a very interesting name, because this is also the name of a hardy shrub with pink, red, or white(pink seems most common tho) and showy blooms, which some varieties emit pleasant fragrances. However, this plant is very poisonous.
(2)this would fit with his rather sweet and cheerful exterior, while possibly alluding to him being dangerous at times. Additionally, pink is also a color that appears on him commonly. He is represented by the fox, which is associated with cunning. Pinschers is a dog breed that is outgoing, friendly and clever. It is also assertive, matching with fire often being associated with leading, and with the way he acts in hetaoni, being the one to primarily interact with the 1ps, and to explain to them
(3)in addition, he is supposing the closest to master other then his right hand man, which might be related to his number of 2. This mean indicate that he has a leading position among the ex-countries, and at the end of hetaoni, master talks to him specifically, indicating he is somewhat viewed as a bit of a leader in their grp. Lastly, the fact that the Oleander plant is poisonous may also be a reference to the fact that he is very powerful - noitasilivic
(adm: Oh. My gosh. This is like??????? oh my gOD friend you did an A+++++++++++++++++++++++ job reviewing his character like jesus?? i’m at a loss for words honestly???????? holy FUCK this is really good!!! I’m enjoying this immensely like omfg, if anyone had any difficulties understanding Iggy’s character, this is surely a good way to get to know more about him!! I’m just going to add, since Iggy is “close” to Master, his responsibilities are significantly bigger than the rest of the ex-nations, so he is often very, very stressed. I think I mentioned this at the end of the game, but no harm in talking about it again!! XD Thank you so much, friend!!)
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
(1)oh god I'm so sorry that happened. But please don't stress out too much about it, this kind of people aren't worth it. If you feel too stressed out you could go take a break from this project, your health is always more important.
(2)uh im not sure if this is appropriate timing, but here's the next analysis. So, Loup Dubois. Loup is derived from Latin lupus, and means Wolf in french. Furthermore, he is also represented by the wolf, which I believe is associated with loyalty, strong instincts(?), wilderness, and desire for freedom. Interestingly, wolves are predators, unlike the fox and the rabbit. Does this have anything to do with the tasks he is assigned to by master, which he has to conceal his emotions for?
(3)Dubois, on the other hand, means lived/worked in the woods, or more generally from the woods. That could mean wildness, or taken together with his first name, perhaps in his habitat/at home?(a little dubious really) Next, Huskies are hardworking, somewhat rebellious dogs. They do not need to eat as much as other breeds as they were bred to work in harsh conditions. This breed also resembles wolves in appearances.  
 (4)From his unusual reaction to receiving compliments, it can be deduced that most ex-nations do not get along well. Lastly, Loup appears to still value love highly, believing it to be something to be protected. I do not suppose you can give any hints as to what kind of tasks the three of them performs? Anyway, thank you for creating such interesting characters and good luck on resolving your irl problems. -noitasilivic
(adm: Thank you very much for another great analysis!!! You were spot on in most of it!! Unfortunately I indeed can’t give you any hints about their jobs, that would be too much of a spoiler, and I’d have to explain much more than just that xD Seriously your reading of my characters is really great, I really want to complement and talk more about it but I just can’t XDDD but yeah! Thanks for sharing, and dw about the thing that happened, I feel better today and as long as people respect my wish then all is good!
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
(1)Hey I was curious, why did you give song jin a monosyllabic given name? (btw its written in the eastern order, right? With the first character, song as the surname?) I mean you obviously put a lot of thought into names. Nowadays, it's mostly two character given names (esp my gen), but I believe the ratio varied through history, so both are equally valid, it's just I realised Chinese given names tend to be monosyllabic in the hetalia Fandom. Eg China, Taiwan and most 2ps/nyo names.
(2) so I was curious if you had any particular reason for choosing that, and if you know why it is so overwhelmingly monosyllabic in the hetalia fandom? Also, great and thoughtful design, good job, as always! (I wondered why the leg wrapping thing, puttee(?) is yellow, but a quick search proved that I was just too used to seeing white ones) - noitasilivicWait what. I was looking at their full body portrait thingy, and. just realised that in it, loup holds up 3 fingers, and iggy holds up 2, ie their number, and I thought I was on to something, BUT igor breaks the pattern with 5 fingers instead of 8, god damnit why, was it intentional or just a coincidence?????? - noitasilivic
(adm: Yes, Song is his surname, Jin is his first! I especially wanted to give him a monosyllabic name because of “Wang Yao”. I tried to name all of my 2Ps something that would sound like the original names, yet had absolutely nothing to do with them. That’s something really hard to do, so I’m not sure I was successful in doing that with Ignatius Oleander/Arthur Kirkland, Igor Smirnov/Ivan Braginsky and Francis Bonnefoy/Loup Dubois, but I guess that was the best I could do having such little time to find a good name for them XD Song Jin/Wang Yao, however, have the same amount of letters/syllables, and that’s one of the things I was aiming for. I don’t know the reason why the fandom prefers short names or China, I’m just guessing it sound cooler? LOL because it totally does to me!Thank you for the compliment!! Yeah, I was going to make them white as they are usually seen, but thinking a little more about his character [and his own name, to be honest, since “Jin” means “gold”, I decided to make them yellow. 
If you look closely, Igor is indeed showing just 5 fingers, but he has them close to the three pieces in his headphones, so you can count them in!)
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
(4) oh and one more thing, are loup, iggy, and igor's names meaningful too? Btw can I refer to myself as noitasilivic here, in case I need to refer to my previous asks? Sorry if these are excessively long winded, and thank you for all the effort you put out.
(adm: Ooooh of course!! Thanks for talking to me, noitasilivic!!! I appreciate your comments/view on my game/character a lot!! :DDD It was my pleasure to work on this project! But yes, their names also have meaning!! Hopefully I can explain everything properly in the next game ;w;)
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
Wait so their number is actually subtly displayed there? Does that mean song jin is #5? Also I reread some of your older post, is stark #9?? - noitasilivic
Btw I do believe you were quite successful in making your 2p's name be reminiscent of 1ps without being too similar like the fandom likes to do too often (eg Francis & francois, Matthew and matt Williams) - noitasilivic
(adm: It might be, it might not be!! Sure, Iggy, Loup and Igor had their numbers displayed because they had already been revealed, but I mentioned I wouldn’t reveal Song Jin’s number anytime soon XD you can believe in whatever you want to, I guess! Also, I don’t think I ever gave Stark any number?? but that’s a nice theory! XD)
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
Nvm I assumed because in a answer to a ask, the one where igor first meets the two others, loup seemed to be addressing a figure that looked a bit like stark as #9. Tho now that I look back I think it's more likely I am too tired - noitasilivic
(adm: Ooh lmao, when I made that comic I hadn’t actually decided on their numbers yet so please disconsider any numbers I might’ve mentioned!! XD)
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