#norman reedus x femreder
littlegodzilla · 1 year
Request if you want to:
Single dad Norman falls for his son's friend's single mom.
I appreciate your writing
Hi anon!!
Thanks for your request! I really enjoyed wtiting it, of course we can say it's an AU from real Norman, I'm not going to talk about Helena or something like this, I took some liberties, hope you don't mind!
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Norman's Secret.
SingleDad!Norman Reedus x SingleMom!Reader.
One shot. Anon request.
Warnings: none.
Words: 5000
The alarm clock goes off that damnably early morning. A grunt of frustration echoes through the room as he fumbles to turn off the infernal sound that has awakened him that morning. He huffs lying face up in bed as he rubs his eyes trying to wake up fully. He has never been a morning person, at least not out of obligation, but the week has started again, and he has to be responsible. After a few more minutes of standing still, he gets out of bed looking for some old sweatpants and a sweatshirt. He walks down the hallway of the apartment and opens the door to another of the rooms, doesn't turn on the light, leans over the small body resting under the sheets and touches his blond mane.
"Good morning buddy, it's time to get up." He whispers softly to him receiving a whimper in protest. He smiles and when he feels he's already awake, he lifts the bedroom blinds to let the light start coming in.
"Daddy, it's too early." Protests the little boy again, pulling the covers over his head.
"I know, but we have to go to school, so there's no excuse."
"I don't feel well..." he mumbles under the sheets and he smiles from his position.
"Mingus, don't make me use force..." He threatens him, but when the boy pulls the sheets down, he sees his father grinning mischievously and knows he's lost.
"Daddy, no!" But his father throws himself on the bed, trapping his little body and starts tickling him getting Mingus to squirm laughing. "Okay, okay!"
Norman laughs, kisses him on the head and gets up to fix breakfast warning him that if he's not there in ten minutes, he'll be back with more. Mingus laughs but gets out of bed to get ready and go to breakfast with his father. It has always been just the two of them, Norman and Mingus, Norman has always loved children and has cared for and protected his son the best he has known and knows how, Mingus is now only nine years old and Norman knows that to a lesser or greater extent, his son will always turn to him if he needs him, or so he hopes. Norman had his difficulties with his father when he was young and things didn't get better until the man was in a serious situation and then he was gone, Norman has always regretted not knowing how to fix things sooner and he doesn't want something similar to happen to his son. He is not a spoiled child, or at least Norman tries not to spoil him, but gives him the freedoms and independence he thinks he needs, of course the boy is still learning and his father has to stop him on more than one occasion. But he still thinks he's not doing badly at all.
When the blond boy appears through the kitchen door, he is already dressed for school and is carrying his backpack in his hand, leaving it on one of the free chairs. Norman has prepared breakfast; a bowl of cereal plus some cut up fruit and juice. He sits in front of his son and looks at the notifications on his phone, most are work stuff that he puts aside to check later, others are things from the parent group at school, sometimes he regrets a bit about giving them his number because sometimes they bombard him with unnecessary information, others it is a great help because the parents discuss activities or future important school dates that the child may have forgotten to mention.
"There's a field trip next week." He mentions reading one of the messages and Mingus hums. "Why didn't you tell me about it?"
"Next week you have to travel for your job, remember? I was staying at Uncle Andy's on those days." He tells him with a shrug, chewing his cereal.
Norman stands quietly watching his son, Mingus doesn't seem upset, just indifferent, it's not the first time he's missed an activity because his father can't accompany him, at first his protests led to an argument, but as he got older, Mingus came to understand that sometimes things didn't go the way you wanted and he just accepted that fact, others, like the child he is, he kept protesting and insisting sometimes he got what he wanted and sometimes he didn't.
"It's a multi-day excursion." Norman keeps saying and looks sideways at him, Mingus nods.
"That's why I didn't say anything to you, Uncle Andy can't go with me."
"Sure..." He nods as well putting the phone down on the table and takes a last sip of his coffee. "Finish that and brush your teeth, I'll pick this up and we'll go." He instructs him, Mingus finishes his juice and gets up from the table to get lost down the hallway.
As he watches him leave, hhe looks back at his phone and as he picks everything up, putting it in the dishwasher, he sends several messages. Mingus returns minutes later, ready to leave, Norman picks up his backpack and gestures for him to leave the house, but not before grabbing the bike by the door. Mingus smiles excitedly, he likes it when his father rides behind him on the bike or the motorcycle, it's fun and he feels his stomach swirl when they go at high speed, especially on the motorcycle. Mingus stands upright on the back of the bike and holds onto his father's shoulders as he pedals off in the direction of the school.
"Good morning Norman, good morning Mingus." They are greeted by several parents as they arrive at the school gate, Norman holds his son's hand as he pushes the bike with the other.
"Good morning." They greet at the same time.
The school doors have not yet opened, people are clustering at the entrance waiting, some who have more limited time due to work schedules, leave the children in the care of other trusted parents and leave, Norman makes his way through the various groups until he feels a tug on his shirt.
"Dad, there's Riley, can I go say hi?" He asks pointing to the little girl.
"Of course." He can't help but smile in amusement and lets go of his hand to watch him run over to her friend.
Riley and Mingus have been friends since they started school, somewhat scared of change, they connected right away and were almost inseparable. He slowly approaches watching as you, Riley's mother, greet Mingus with a warm smile and ruffling his blond locks. At first Norman found it hard to talk to you, making friends between parents wasn't something he was particularly excited about either, but children made friends and had to have at least a respectful relationship with each other, for the younger ones, with you it was harder, always surrounded by other mothers, curious and gossipy, maybe too interested to know why you were always alone, Norman doesn't deny that he is curious too, but he keeps it to himself. Mingus and Riley were the ones who helped you talk for the first time, it was going to be Mingus' birthday party, the boy had invited all the kids in the class, luckily there weren't many, and some had the privilege of staying over at the apartment, Riley was going to be one of them, but first he had to ask permission from her mother, you.
"Hi, I'm Norman, Mingus' father." He introduced himself to you formally.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Riley's mother." You introduced yourself as well by shaking his hand.
"I guess Riley must have already shown you the card, but we're celebrating Mingus' birthday at home this weekend." He explained and you made a surprised face.
"That cool card was made by you?" you looked at Mingus who smiled proudly.
"Yup!" Norman laughed wanting to find out from whom he had inherited that confidence.
"Mingus wanted to ask Riley if he could have a sleepover that day." He spoke again catching your attention. "There will be other children staying as well, I will be with them at all times and will personally drive them home the next day." He explained to put your mind at ease, you looked at him doubtfully just the same, they were still very young and leaving your daughter with a stranger made you uneasy.
"Mom, please!" Riley tugged on your sleeve, pouting exaggeratedly.
"Well, I guess it might be fun for them." You agreed, watching as the little ones jumped for joy.
"Great, anyway, on the card I've written my phone number, in case there's an emergency or you need to know if Riley's okay, you can call anytime or text me." Norman wanted to calm you down and you smiled gratefully.
"Thank you, Norman, that's nice of you." You assured him honestly.
From that day until today, it has been easier for the two of you to talk and connect. Norman feels that there are still strained issues between you, that you're not quite comfortable, but it's not with him, it's a situation in general, like you can't trust people just like that. Norman tries to always give you your space and not bother you, but he has to admit that his curiosity for you has been increasing every day. It's more than just a physical attraction, he doesn't deny that it's there too, but he feels good talking to you, being close, sharing little moments with your kids, telling anecdotes from school or your day to day life, you don't meet for coffee or drinks as if you were lifelong friends, but every now and then you share a message just to make sure each other is ok, if the day has been hard or just to say you're there.
"Good morning." He greets you both when he reaches you and you smile.
"Good morning, Norman." You respond and Riley turns her attention back to his friend. "Working out since first period?" you joke pointing to the bike with your chin and Norman laughs.
"I'm a sporty guy, I can't help it." He follows your joke and you both let out a chuckle. "I have to go to work later and it's across town, with this it's faster than the subway or car."
"I see, you want me to stay with Mingus? If you're in a hurry..."
"No, no need, I always have time, no problem." He shrugs. He has to admit that being a single parent sometimes at work gives him a certain advantage with the scheduling issue. "I'd like to talk to you about some business..." he tells you, lowering his voice a little, glancing sideways at the kids who are engrossed in their business.
"Is something wrong?" You ask him in the same tone of voice.
"No, it's just... I heard that next week there's a field trip with the school."
"Oh yeah, it's three days, we're going to some museums and an amusement park... Do you want me to take Mingus with us? Riley doesn't have a bus buddy yet so I'll be able to watch them both no problem."
"I actually want to go, but I have to talk to my bosses about letting me have those days off, but I want to surprise Mingus." he smiles and you look at her excitedly and nod. "Anyway, if I couldn't go..."
"Of course Norman, count me in, Riley and Mingus are thick as thieves, so it'll be great if you can go together."
"Thanks, will you keep it a secret for me?" he smiles and you laugh.
"Of course, count on it." You hold up your pinky as a sign of promise, Norman smiles and intertwines his pinky with yours to seal said promise.
Norman feels a strange current running through him, he stares at you, but lets go of your hand and takes a step back not wanting to make the situation uncomfortable. The school doors open, you all say goodbye to your children and when they are inside the building you slowly walk away, Norman walks with you to the nearest subway station, pushing his bike, the two of you plan how you want to do about next week's trip.
"You really don't want me to give you a lift?" he offers, pointing to his small vehicle.
"No offense, but I don't think it can handle both of us." You laugh nervously and shake your head. "But thanks, see you later, Norman."
"Sure, see you later." He waves goodbye to you by hopping on his bike and as you disappear down the subway stairs, he rides away towards his work.
Norman needs to pull several strings to get the days off he's asked for, he's had a bit of a falling out with his bosses, but they've finally granted him the full week on the condition that he makes up those hours and works from home during the field trip. Norman doesn't plan to do shit those three days, he wants to enjoy his son, but he will take advantage of the hotel time to get organized. He has made payment for the trip, some parents didn't seem too happy about this, it had been planned in advance and some things had to be modified, you stepped in to defend his situation.
"Riley and I are going alone, we don't need to book another room, or count more bus seats, we all fit right in."
It didn't take long to hear whispers and gibbering about how two adults were going to share a room without being a couple, what would the kids say or what would they think, even Norman's heart skipped a beat at the thought of it, but he really wanted to go on that trip. Once that was settled, he talked Andy out of worrying about taking care of Mingus those days, that he had solved the problem and was going with the boy on the trip. Andy wasn't the little boy's biological uncle, Andrew had been a good friend of Norman's for many years, almost like a brother and he knew he could rely on him for things like that, that he and his wife didn't mind taking care of the blond boy for a few days.
"Are you sure things will be all right at work?"
"Yes, I've arranged it and will go another partner for me, I'll have to make up those days, but I don't mind."
"That's okay man, enjoy the trip and have a good time with Mingus." Andy encouraged him.
So that morning the alarm clock rings earlier than usual, but Norman has no trouble getting up, he is excited thinking about the reaction his son might have when he finds out they are going on a trip. He gets out of bed, finishes packing the suitcase with clothes for the two of them, not much, after all it's only three days, gets dressed and goes to his son's room.
"Wake up, champ, time to get up!" He tells him shaking his little body.
"Dad, it's too early!" He protests seeing on the clock that it's not even time for school.
"I know, but if we want to get to the bus, we have to get up early." He smiles when he sees Mingus' eyes widen.
"Yes, we're going on the field trip with the school."
"But...you had to go on the trip..."
"I talked to work and another co-worker is going for me." He shrugs.
"But Dad, won't they be mad?"
"Of course not, come on, get dressed." he urges him out of the room to prepare something to eat for the trip and a light breakfast so the boy doesn't get carsick on the trip.
Of course Mingus doesn't stop smiling and bouncing, as if he had suffered a sugar overdose, he squeezes his father's hand, walking quickly, today they had to take the subway to get to school since they couldn't leave the bike there for so many days or take the bike to the excursion. Norman lets his son's excitement wash over him, allowing him to pull him along impatiently, listening to all the plans he has in his head.
"Who will I ride the bus with?" He asks curiously and his father smiles.
"With Riley and her mother, we'll be sharing a room with them at the hotel too." He warns him, Mingus' eyes snap open.
"Dad!" His cheeks take on a ruddy color that make Norman can't hide a giggle.
"Are you embarrassed?"
"Of course not!"
"It's the only spare room left and they don't mind, but if you want I can ask for a room just for us." He says pulling his cell phone out of his pocket and quickly Mingus grabs it by the wrist.
"No, no, no, never mind." He shakes his head and Norman wraps an arm around him, pinning him to his side.
"Come on or we won't make it."
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The school entrance is full of parents and children with backpacks and different suitcases, some bigger, some smaller, all waiting for the bus to arrive to start the field trip. Norman gestures to his son as you and Riley spot them. The boy greets his friend effusively as they walk over to you, Norman drags the suitcase over and takes the backpack off the boy so he can go play with his friend and the rest of his classmates.
"Good morning." You greet him, Norman shakes his head in greeting coming to your side. "Are we still waking up?" you poke him laughing.
"Hush, don't think it didn't cost me." He snorts rubbing his eyes.
"How did Mingus like the surprise?"
"I think he's still processing it, he got quite a surprise, but he loved the idea."
"I'm glad, I would have loved to see his face." You comment watching the kids play.
Norman has to bite his tongue in time to keep from saying that to himself too. He doesn't want to do anything awkward, but for a while now Norman notices that the friendship you two have, for him is becoming something more, he likes you, he finds you a very interesting woman, funny, off topic attractive, but he has never made a move for fear of not being reciprocated and that it could affect the friendship between the two children. He's an adult, he knows he can control the situation without it being violent to either of them.
"Everything okay at work?" you ask him then, Norman nods.
"I'll have to work at the hotel, when we have a moment, but I'm not leaving Mingus alone." He shrugs. "I'll make up those hours any way I can."
You look at him curiously, you have to admit you love to see Norman pouring himself into his son like that, work is important, they have to get ahead, but no more so than his family, Mingus is now at an age of absorption and growth, having his father figure around to teach him and take care of him will be meaningful to him. Sometimes you'd like to ask why it's just the two of them, but then you remember that he might ask you the same question and your body aches just thinking about it. Norman takes out a box of cigarettes and lights one, moves a little away from the group of parents so as not to disturb anyone, and fiddles with it between his fingers. You approach him, placing yourself next to him, you have never liked tobacco smoke, but it's funny how that same smell relaxes you when traveling, your family has always been smokers and the smell of a new car makes you more dizzy than the smell of tobacco.
"Sorry, but it's going to be a long trip and I don't think we'll be making many stops." He apologizes pointing to the cigarette.
"Never mind, we all have our vices." You joke but he nods.
When the bus arrives, the children are placed with their seating partner, the teachers number them and the parents do their own mental head count to make sure no one is left behind. You and Norman sit together in the seats behind Mingus and Riley, all the kids can't wait for the field trip to start, they can't stop laughing and talking, chaos is assured, but it's a good thing. The parents keep a silent eye on them, making sure they don't get into any mischief that might disturb or distract the driver. You and Norman can feel the eyes of the other adults on the back of your necks, but you don't say anything. Halfway through the trip the vast majority of the children have fallen asleep and all the parents relax at the same time.
The first day's excursion is educational, they will go to several museums, an aquarium and have a little guide around the city, in the evening they will go to the hotel to check in and have dinner and the next day they will go to the amusement park, then the last day will be educational again stopping at several places on the way back home.
"It's going to be a tough day." He says to Mingus as they get off the bus at the first stop and loads up with the boy's backpack.
"We're going to the aquarium." He tells him with a huge grin and Norman laughs low.
"That's right, I forgot." He pretends to apologize and strokes his hair letting his go with the rest of the kids.
"I think someone is regretting the trip." You prod him and he laughs.
"It's not that...it's just that I'm amazed at the energy they always have, no matter what, there's always something good."
"That's why they're kids." You smile giving him a touch of encouragement on the back and fall in line with the rest of the group.
The morning is long and intense, the kids have enjoyed themselves, the museum has been a bit boring for them, Norman likes art, in fact when he has some time he always likes to paint or go out to take some pictures, but he understands that maybe for some kids seeing so many paintings has been a bit dense, the aquarium was more exciting, even Norman had fun, there, being careful not to disturb the fish, he took out his camera and allowed himself to take some pictures, the children, his son, Mingus with Riley, the installations, even some animals that he found curious. He also took some pictures of you, without wanting to look creepy, but he found you so immersed watching the main tank, your curious smile, your eyes shining with intensity, the reflection of the water on your skin, he couldn't help it and had to shoot a couple of pictures, maybe he will show them to you later, or maybe not and keep them as a little secret for himself. He hasn't decided yet.
At the hotel, dinner has been a complete chaos, the children, tired from the whole trip, wanting to go to their beds, have become hyperactive and noisy, although you try to calm them down and put some order, the rest of the hotel restaurant does not seem very happy with all the commotion. Finally you can go to your rooms, drop your bags and rest from the day. Norman opens the door and lets the kids in first, there is shouting and cheering all around the room. You roll your eyes and walk in asking them to calm down.
"Oh, shit..." Norman hears you behind you and he peeks over your shoulder.
"Oh shit, what?" he asks and then sees it. "Oh shit..."
The room only has three beds, two singles for the kids and one family size possibly for the two adults, thinking you were the parents of the two kids or there were no more rooms left with single adult beds. You fidget nervously and Norman chews his lip several times.
"Hey, never mind, I'll sleep with Mingus in the small bed." He says to calm you down.
"What? No! Dad, you move too much, you'll knock me off the bed." He protests and Riley laughs.
"That's not true." Defends his father.
"It's okay, it doesn't matter, the bed is big enough for both of us." You shrug and Norman looks at you in surprise.
"Yeah, well, unless you're uncomfortable..."
"No, no, no, not at all." He shakes his head. "It's fine like that, yeah."
"Okay then Riley and I are going to shower first...is that okay with you guys?"
"Sure, no problem, I'll take advantage and go over some work stuff." Norman says pulling his laptop out of his suitcase.
Agreed on the shower time, you grab your stuff and your daughter's and both of you go into the bathroom so as not to keep your companions waiting, as you're sure Mingus is just as tired as Riley and will just want to go to sleep. Norman sits on the edge of the bed pulling his son's pajamas out of the suitcase and an old t-shirt along with some shorts for him.
"Dad..." Mingus' voice makes him look at him curiously, his heart flips at the sight of his exhausted eyes, but he still fights to stay awake. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, champ, what's up?"
"Do you like Riley's mom?" he asks with complete sincerity and Norman feels himself lose the color from his face only to explode an intense heat in his cheeks.
"W-what?" he mumbles trying to search his mind for a good answer. "Who told you...?"
"Riley and I have been talking about how cool it would be if you and her mom were together...we'd be brothers." He comments again and Norman doesn't know where to jump in.
"Re-Really?" he swallows hard and is thankful that the noise of the shower is maybe muffling that conversation for you guys, mortified enough he feels already. "B-but that's not how it works, kiddo..."
"Why not, do you like any of your friends?"
Oh his friends... Norman has had girl-friends, not many, but like everyone else, sometimes he needs to have contact with other humans, adults, and he has had the odd date, he hasn't introduced Mingus to all of them, they have always been nice to him and Mingus has been curious, but it has never ended up being anything serious. Norman has never had this talk with him because he thought he was too young yet. He sighs scratching the stubble on his chin, thinking about what he can say to him.
"It's not about that, it's been a while since I've had those kind of friends, but you see..." He chews his lip again, searching for the right words. "Even if I liked Riley's mom, it doesn't mean we're going to be together."
"Because maybe she doesn't feel the same way." He shrugs.
"Why don't you ask her?" He looks at him confused and Norman purses his lips. Of course to a child everything is very logical and he understands, but we adults like to make things complicated.
"What if I asked her and she didn't feel the same way? Imagine if things got really weird and you and Riley would never talk to each other again."
"That's not going to happen. Riley is my best friend."
Mingus' crushing logic completely disarms him. He loves his son's honesty and sincerity. He smiles and hugs him warmly, kissing him on the cheek.
"Don't ever change, kiddo." He asks him, confusing the boy some more.
After everyone goes through the shower, the boys stay talking some more in their beds until sleep overcomes them and they fall completely asleep. Norman walks out onto the terrace of the room with his laptop and his box of cigarettes, he's been a good father, he's gone all day without smoking, he deserves a break. He sits down at the table outside, turns on the laptop and while it's charging, he smokes a cigarette, the smoke slowly coming out of his nose. His mind still spinning from the conversation with his son, he feels like he still has goosebumps from it.
"Aren't you going to sleep?" your voice startles him, lifting his head like a spring, you're in the door frame of the terrace, already in your pajamas, watching him.
"Not yet, I have to get some work stuff ready." He denies and takes another puff on his cigarette.
"Okay..." You look at him and walk out sitting in front of him.
"No need to stay, if you're tired go to bed, I'll come later." He assures you, feeling a little nervous.
"No, it's okay, I'll wait for you, the kids are completely asleep."
"Yes, it's been a long day for them." He nods and you both laugh.
The silence that forms between you is quiet and pleasant, you lean back against the table as Norman's fingers and eyes move fast focused on his work. It's not too much, a little editing work, he just has to download the documents and tomorrow he'll take care of it, he sends a draft of a presentation to his bosses and texts his partner to find out how the meeting went. When the documents are downloaded, he turns off the laptop.
"Okay, I'm done..." His voice drops when he discovers that you are asleep on the table. He smiles watching you, he knows it's nothing special, but he sees you beautiful at that moment. He reaches out and squeezes your arm gently. "Hey, wake up." He whispers. "Let's go to sleep."
"Okay..." You whisper, more asleep than awake.
The two of you walk noiselessly into the room, the kids not even flinching, totally submerged in Morpheus' arms, Norman rolls the bed around to his side, opens the sheets and pulls off his shirt, laying face up on the mattress. You curl up on your side, hugging the pillow, turning your back to him.
"Good night, Norman."
"Good night..." He replies, but he doesn't know if he'll be able to sleep, his heart beating so loudly he's afraid even you might hear it.
The trip is proving to be really interesting and Norman is glad he was able to get away from work.
The End.
Okay, I think I'm going to pass here, I'm making the story too long, sorry.
Hope you liked it!!
See you all in the next stories!!
Taglist: @green-eyedladywrites @minervadashwood @livingdeadblondequeen @bringinsexybackk69 @phoenixblack89
103 notes · View notes
littlegodzilla · 1 year
One more chapter from Strangers.
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Norman Reedus x Reader.
Part 4.
Warnings: slow burn. Confusing situations. Fluff. Drama and romance.
Words: 3000.
Summary: Andy confenses something that Norman never expected.
Taglist: @green-eyedladywrites @minervadashwood @livingdeadblondequeen
That morning the office is quiet, Jeffrey works at his desk putting the finishing touches on an article he has to add to that week's magazine, Andy does the same with his own section. He looks at his phone and checks the time on his watch.
Norman is late.
He's not seriously concerned, he knows his friend has his own schedule, if he's not there the most obvious explanation might be that he's out on the town looking for new photographs and news to write about, but he usually informs them of his outings so as not to worry them too much.
"Have you heard from Norman?" He asks Jeffrey who lifts his head from what he's doing.
Like Andrew just did, his partner looks at his phone for any notifications from his friend, but nothing. He opens his mouth to respond when he hears the building door open and slam shut followed by a few quickened footsteps down the stairs.
"Sounds to me like here he comes." Jeff scoffs making his friend laugh.
Andrew's smile falters for a second, however, when Norman comes through the newsroom door like a hurricane. He drops his stuff, his helmet, his coat, his backpack. His hands grip tightly on Andy's shoulders and Andy feels his feet float seconds later before his body slams into his own desk. Jeffrey stands up from his own desk at the sight, ready to pull Norman off of their mutual friend.
"You knew that!" Reedus roars and Andrew looks at him confused.
"What are you talking about?"
"Her! Your drawing, you knew perfectly well who she was!" Jeffrey holds Norman pulling him away. "Get off me!"
"Calm down, man! What are you talking about, the girl of your dreams again?"
"Of course I knew who she is!" Andy then says. "She's my cousin, how could you not want me to know her?"
He can't give credit, he's panting like a wild animal, even Andy is agitated. Jeffrey feels a little lost because he doesn't know exactly what that's about, it's been a few days since they had talked about it again, after so many years, but now Norman seemed really angry.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Why? because I thought you were making fun of me!" He explained and tossed his hair back. "When you came in that day you wanted me to do a portrait of her, every time I was perfecting it I kept realizing it was her. I thought you were joking, that at any moment you would burst out laughing." He explains with a nervous sigh. "I thought you had seen some picture of us together and that you were pulling my leg, but suddenly you stopped talking about her, as if nothing had happened and I let it go. I kept the picture to myself and we carried on like it was nothing."
Norman curses through his teeth and rubs his face with both hands, nerves on edge, breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling at full speed. The situation had been so strange.
Flash Back
"Why do you have this picture?" you insist with an increasingly tight frown.
"I-it's a picture of a friend..."
"Do you know Andrew?" you ask again and the name of his best friend surprises him.
"It's... And how do you know him?" He doesn't want to sound abrupt, but his words have come out of his mouth like a bark and he quickly sees your walls go up.
"That's not your problem. But this is me." You insist, setting the phone down on the table. "I'm an idiot, I don't even know what I'm doing here." You say getting up from the table.
"No, no, no, no, no, wait." Norman quickly gets up too.
His body blocks your path, preventing you from leaving. You take a couple of steps back and press your bag against your chest. Norman wants to stop you, to explain what's going on, but you look at him scared, once again, he's managed to anger and frighten you. He takes a step towards you, but then he feels a hand tighten on his arm and pushes him back. Norman wants to fight but discovers that it is one of your companions.
"It looks to me like it's time to leave." He tells you politely. "Your companion, my co-worker, is clearly not comfortable with you, so leave or I'll throw you out myself." Zach makes it clear to him.
Norman can't protest, he grits his teeth hard, looks at you, but you're staring at your feet, trembling. He mumbles a curse, gathers his things and walks out feeling the gaze of the rest of the people in the restaurant on him.
End Flash Back
"Your cousin..." He gasps without taking his eyes off Andy.
"I don't understand, Norman... Why now?"
"Because I always thought she didn't exist, but the other day I found her in a restaurant." He explains.
"Restaurant? You mean the cafeteria?"
"Yes, didn't you know she worked there?"
"Of course, that diner belongs to our family, but she doesn't want to be the manager and they hired Ross." He rubs his face still in disbelief. "How do you know?"
"Never mind." He shakes his head and grabs his things again.
"Norman, wait." Jeffrey asks him but Norman is already out the door slamming the door loudly. "What the fuck just happened?"
"I don't know... but I'll have to talk to him again..."
"What about your cousin?"
"Yes, I'll have to talk to her too... come on, let's keep working, let Norman come back when he wants to."
But Norman doesn't come back to the newsroom all day. His mind is going a mile a minute, he needs to get his thoughts in order, he has too many doubts, he's too confused.
His heart pounding in his ears.
He stops the bike looking at the building he stops at. He knows he is pulling the old couple too much, but it is his only alternative to find answers that might appease his insecurities a little. He gets out of the vehicle by removing his helmet and walks to the entrance, waits to be let in and walks up to the third floor where old Norman is already waiting for him preparing some coffee.
"Sorry to come unannounced." He says as he walks through the door, squeezing the old man's hand affectionately.
"Don't apologize, I understand how you feel and I'm glad I could help." He smiles as the two sit down at the table.
As the coffee begins to bubble, Norman helps his elder with everything, they sit back down and he begins to tell him what has happened to him. He tries not to rush, not to let anxiety and anger get the better of him again. He is nervous, his hands shaking with all the emotions he is holding back. The old man says nothing, just studies his words, letting him vent completely, but he feels some relief and excitement for the young man. The pieces are starting to fit together even if he doesn't know it yet.
"So it's Andy." He says at last when Norman finishes.
"What do you mean?"
"We all have a turning point." He explains to Norman. "For me it was in high school, that coffee shop where your girl works. Others those same dreams reveal important data to you, sometimes it's just a word that gets you both to realize it." he lists him and scratches his wrinkled forehead. "On every occasion there is always someone, or something, that channels our steps to the right place."
"But Andrew never told me she was his cousin. Maybe if I'd known sooner..."
"It doesn't work like that, Norman, everything takes time, everything needs a process. You guys were supposed to meet in that coffee shop. It had to happen that way."
"I don't like it." He protests like a child. "I'm being the bad guy in all this, she thinks I'm stalking her, she thinks I'm crazy, how am I going to make things work?"
"You will, trust yourself, things will find their way on their own."
Norman has always trusted the old man's words, but now he can't help but have some doubts. He acknowledges that things were going well until you found that photo and again thought Norman was a freak, the few steps he had managed to make progress, quickly regressed back to square one. Long sigh rubbing the back of your neck trying to think positive, to hold on to old Norman's words.
"How was it for you?" He asks him and the man smiles excitedly.
"It was for the high school Christmas dance." He explains to her. "My wife loves to dance." He assures him and laughs quietly. "Even now, when her old bones let her, we go dancing." Norman nods remembering that he has accompanied them on occasion. "I took her dancing and then we went to the coffee shop, we talked for hours, always seemed to play the same song, ours..."
"That was your moment?"
"We haven't been apart since that day."
Norman feels a shiver run through him at his words. He feels envious, but with admiration, he'd like to get that too, the old man seems utterly convinced he'll get it. His phone rings in his pocket, he looks at who it is discovering a message from Andy asking him to return to the newsroom. He sighs, he knows he has obligations to attend to, running away from work like that over a tantrum like a toddler, doesn't say anything in his favor.
He thanks the older man again for being patient with him and especially for telling him his story and leaves the house to get back to work.
"I think we should talk about some things, don't you think?" Andrew asks him when he arrives at the newsroom, Jeffrey is no longer there, his schedule is over.
"I'm not in the mood, Andy, besides I doubt you'll believe what I can tell you." He growls low going to his desk.
"We've been friends for many years, Norman, do you really think I have so little confidence in you?"
"You believed it years ago when you thought I was making fun of you."
"What else was I to believe? You came in saying you'd dreamed about her and when I saw who it was about..." He rubs his forehead trying to calm his own nerves. "You understand it's a hard thing to fit in."
"Well, you don't have to over think it, it's none of your business."
"It's not..." he looks at him puzzled and advances toward his desk. "none of my business? She's my cousin, and you're my best friend, my brother, do you really think it's none of my business?"
Norman stops what he's doing, his gaze riveted on his own hands that are now trembling slightly at his friend's words. Of course it is his business, at the end of the day if all went well they would end up being more family than they already feel, but how to explain it to him? Even for him some things are hard to understand. He sighs tossing his hair back, trying to get his thoughts in order before saying anything that would sound too strange.
"Look, I don't know how to explain it without you thinking I'm crazy." He hones in. "I just dreamed about her, and one day I found out she worked at that coffee shop and it turns out she's your cousin." He enumerates with his voice a little shaky. "I'm just trying to fit the pieces together, man."
"You and everyone... Have you talked to her?"
"I haven't been very eloquent, truth be told... every time I try to get close I mess it up more and more." Now he does speak truthfully.
"You're still hell-bent on meeting her, dating her or whatever." Andy understands as Norman nods his head. "You know, I'd rather you be the one hanging around her than that asshole Zack." Norman raises his head, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Come over this weekend to the house, we're having a potluck, Jeffrey's coming too and her of course." He invites Norman and shrugs. "Maybe you two can talk more calmly if you're somewhere quiet and familiar."
"Really?" Norman is still surprised, but Andrew's smile is sincere and kind, despite the initial anger that morning, they are friends and they are not going to let something like this break so many years of good relationship.
"Sure, I was going to invite you anyway, I have something important to announce, but you won't know until then."
Andrew holds out his hand in a sign of peace, Norman smiles getting up from his table, walks around it and hugs his friend with infinite affection, grateful for the invitation, curious about whatever his friend has to announce, impatient and nervous for the day to come, but most of all to see you again. How will you react to seeing him there?
"Do you think I'm going crazy?" You ask Mandy, looking at her uncertainly.
After everything that is happening to you throughout this week, you needed to talk to someone you felt complete confidence in. All the encounters with Norman are leading you into a situation that you are unable to control. You don't know how it's happening, but the man appears everywhere.
Even in your dreams.
You didn't think anything of it at first, but there was one scene in particular that kept repeating itself, that trip to the beach, the scenery, the feel of the leather of the car, the smell of the sea breeze, it seemed so real that some mornings you would wake up with a strange sense of anguish and emptiness when you realized Norman wasn't there.
"I think you're getting caught up in that guy." She assures you, but her voice doesn't sound comfortable with it. "I don't know what he's done, but he's obviously been following you and spying on you, he had a picture of you on his phone."
"He said Andy showed it to him...that he'd seen it before at college."
"He knows Andy?"
"They work together at the magazine, I didn't think they might know each other, there are more people there..." You try to justify yourself feeling a little nervous.
"Do you think he must have given it to him on purpose?"
"No, no, Andy would never invade my privacy like that, he would always consult me first..." You say confidently, but it's true that you have some doubts.
"Maybe you should talk to your cousin, find out what this guy is all about."
"I'm seeing him this weekend, he says he wants to surprise us..." You shrug. "I'll talk to him there."
"You know if you don't, I will." He assures you and you sigh with a smile.
"I know, but it's not necessary, I trust Andrew, I'm sure there's an explanation for all this."
But Mandy doesn't seem very convinced and you prefer to change the conversation to something more lively. You know your friend cares about you, but you decide to leave the conversation your dreams, maybe for another time. You yourself are not sure how to deal with those images your brain puts up while you sleep, they are always peaceful moments, but when you wake up you are always anxious and uneasy. You really need to talk to your cousin or you'll end up going really crazy as Mandy assures you so much.
"And you say Zack stood up for you the other day in the cafeteria." Your friend's voice reaches your ears snapping you out of your thoughts. You roll your eyes at the memory and nod your head.
"I hate it when he does that, I got all worked up and Norman wanted to talk to me, but I was nervous and he stepped in like he was a guardian angel or something." You snort wearily. "It was totally unnecessary."
"You know Zack likes to lurk around so the customers will leave you alone."
"With Norman he didn't need to, he hunted him down from the get-go." You shrug, remembering that.
"Doesn't it creep you out to think that maybe he knows you too well? And you hadn't seen each other before."
Maybe it does creep you out a little, but at the same time, that's what manages to capture your attention to him more, new questions pop up in your mind wanting to know why and how he knows all that. On the one hand the answer is simple, maybe Andrew has told him about you on some occasion and he has kept that information for himself. On the other hand, your hypothesis is more crazy and stupid; what if he has also dreamt about you? What if he has also shared those moments in his imagination, the beach, the walk, the sea breeze? You remember that night when he showed up at the coffee shop, he seemed so excited and relieved when he told you he had found you.
To be continued...
Hope you liked it!!
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