#not ee where they shouldnt be
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*loud evil laughing* MWAHAHAHHA!!
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sadsoftserve · 8 months
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Percy And Howie go to Lowe's
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Sylvies Sibling anon and I agree. Why are all the Sylvie confessions so intent on seeing him suffer-
better than how Rick and Naven get treated on some other blogs
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@ @ee-where-they-shouldnt-be @emmie7twofourl @ramblings-from-the-ether @ro4dlj @tearahnee @oddball-artz @o-i-w-u @physbol @puppyofalpacas @phoenixknight777 @aiicewonder @alexandersimpleton @agtbt2 @enby-devil @sentistrange @solemn-siren @dailydetectiveking @daily-crabbys @grangermonarque @girl2wastaken @lorelaibackerblyndeff @lunarsluttymoon @zoomerinaboomercostume @copper-compact-disc @crowithy @burningice303 @neotriobrainrot-reborn @masu-pasu @meatfrosting @mishkatherunaway
Hello everyone. Sorry to bother you.
Now, some of you don't know what EE is or who I am, but honestly? It hardly matters right now.
Now, I'm sure at least some of you have heard of proshippers. Rest assured, I also think they're disgusting. I am not one at all.
I did say some questionable things when I first started in this fandom about a month ago. I had made my first post on Tumblr about 2 months ago, so in hindsight maybe I should have done more research.
I am deeply sorry over what I said earlier, & understand your anger, but when I found out that some of *my friends* had been banned solely through their association with me, well that's just cruel.
I am 14, I made mistakes, & I'm sorry. But must you punish everyone around me over it?
(Oh, & one more thing. Paz, if you find this, I want you to know that we, yes *we* are deeply disappointed in you. You RP as a just detective, as *Percival King*, & you don't even bother doing your own research or questioning before you banish us?)
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schaarfyx · 2 years
lil teaser for chapter 4
Just for the record, I am very sorry for the royals and I know my chapter 4 didnt age very well, but this is a small part of chapter 4 its not proof read or finished but this is what I have done for my way to and from school/work, its just not even written fully because I fellt lazy and didnt want to write what they where doing the while time so that might or might not be added later, it could also be that i really dont like this later or this wont be able to be put into the story, so I hope you are all alright with that. Still have fun reading this small thing for your happyness.
"So, what do you say? You wanna come be in the chapel with me? Or would you like to see it from the TV with the others?" I was walking around with Tommy, as I have been for the last hour, after our talk in the palace we decided that it would be best for us to go outside and get some fresh air.
"I dont even know what to do in there, wouldn't it be weird for me to be inside there when you are there too? Not even speaking about the whole royal family and the other important people of .. well the whole world?! I wouldnt even get the chance to talk to anyone." He anwsered with a slight laugh, I understood that he would be bored in there but it could also be a really cool video if he where to film it.
"What if you wore a bodycam so that you could make a vlog about it? It could make alot of views especially from thr point of view from someone inside the chapel not someone who where look at it from the TV. I also would like someone there that isnt from around my family, i dont even really know what they do around, well, everywhere."
"Well, you make a good argument but isn't that for like, special people. For example ministers, church peolpe and royal family? It would be weird for me to be in there with your siblings, seeing as I cant really be besides you can I?"
"I mean, I guess looking from your side of the story, I guess? But it would really help me alot because I am still not really over the dead of them, all of them not just her.. and my siblings are just like me, you might not be able to talk in the chapel but you can do an interview with me before and after if you want to. You would be the first and last reporter to be talking to me, and you could film some 'behind the scenes' from it." I air coated.
"It's still a few days away so you still have time to decide, it would be fun tho. So just think about it alright?" I looked over to him, he was looking at the ground and then back to the horizon where i could start to see people walking their dog.
"I'll think about it alright, I'm not making promises or anything but I'll tell you when I did decide." Tommy anwsered solemly.
"I really need tto change a few things around the palace, we dont need to have all those palaces and not live in them. There are poeple who really need a home and here ee are just having a palace with noone living in it except the people who work there." I looked over at Tommy, i could see how the whole death of the queen was gettimg to him.
"I really want to change the royal family's money distrebution too, i dont like that everyone has to have one job or even mire to get over the costs of living and my family just gets handed money for free and do nothing. So as long as they are not working the wont get money for it either, what do you think?"
"Mmh, I get what you mean but i dont think that you could just kick them out or 'fire' them, seeing as they need to have money to survive, you know?"
"I mean, yeah of course but I could get them an ultimatum about when the money wont come to them anymore and if they dont get a job in that time then I dont know why they shouldnt, if they dont have an educazion why didnt they, I certanly had to have one and everyone elso has to have one tobget a job that payes well. So I really hope for then that they got one.
@blease-end-me @lolawassad @wardaykgerblin @noahvlux @theinsanespaceship15 @crystal-multiplefandomlover
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mythandlaur · 2 years
EE Week - Day 5
POTENTIAL MAJOR SPOILERS. Though everyone is only referred to with nicknames, this features Bliss Ocean members who have not yet been officially introduced, including the boss. This is also why I'm posting this in the AC tag instead. Read at your own risk!
User List:
Boss -- 1 Lethe
Online -- 3 💗💖Aphrodite💖💗 boudica Sundance🔆
Offline -- 1 Mercedes (always set to invisible)
-- SUNDAY - 12:16 PM --
Mercedes: I saw the news. Mercedes: I leave you people alone for a week. Mercedes: One. Week.
SALLY FINKLESTEIN!!: is somebody talking????? i cant see their messages!!!!
Mercedes: I know you don't actually have me blocked.
SALLY FINKLESTEIN!!: wow theyre still going i bet theyre saying something reallllllll stupid rn lolll
Lethe: The museum? Lethe: I can assure you that was not us. I would not have authorized that; I am not yet completely insane
Lethe: Please.
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: wait what news 💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: 🍵🍵🍵 💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: gimme~
Mercedes: Where have you been? It's everywhere.
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: I'm in the inspiration zone 📝
Sundance🔆: sittin on the couch with a tub of icecream watching shitty romcoms ?
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: You shut your mouth >:(
Mercedes: The Arsene Amulet was stolen from the Sweet Jazz Museum last night.
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: Wait the epithet stealing one?
Lethe: The very same.
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: ;ooooo
Mercedes: I know the Banzais wound up getting it but I assumed the independent inscribed there might've been ours.
boudica: no
Mercedes: I wasn't going to say anything.
boudica: better not
Lethe: No, they were not ours, and in fact we're trying to get the amulet to safety as soon as possible. I've got our best on that.
Mercedes: Oh no.
Sundance🔆: oh yes
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: You were there?
SALLY FINKLESTEIN!!: YEAH LIKE THE WHOLE TIME benefits of not sleeping roflmao
Mercedes: What happened?
SALLY FINKLESTEIN!!: what are these phantom messages on my screen oOOOooOo
boudica: tell me what happened boudica: now
SALLY FINKLESTEIN!!: SO BASICALLY a couple chuckleheads were faking being staff to steal the amulet because i guess one of their epithets sucks??? And they wanted a different one???? But also the banzai blasters showed up to steal other stuff and this poindexter kid wanted to study the amulet and then this other kid was locked in and chucklehead 1 and 2 wanted to steal her powers and it turned into a whole Thing SALLY FINKLESTEIN!!: a guy thought he was a car and there was a big cow and everything was on fire a couple times and a bunch of walls came down and i think they broke a dinosaur
boudica: of FUCKING course
[ boudica is offline. ]
SALLY FINKLESTEIN!!: omg did she throw her phone again
Sundance🔆: nah aint heard nothing from my room Sundance🔆: think shes just sore
Lethe: It makes sense. Give her some time.
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: That sounds so wild thoooooo god why this week of all times 😭😭
Mercedes: Because disaster never happens conveniently.
Lethe: It's not a disaster. It's being taken care of.
Sundance🔆: damn right
Mercedes: My mistake. Disaster in progress.
Sundance🔆: say that to my face bitch
Lethe: That's enough you three
Sundance🔆: fiiiiiine Sundance🔆: anyway i should be gettin outta here on wed shouldnt take more than a day
Lethe: And you were told to keep it quiet if at all possible?
Sundance🔆: i mean i can try but this is me youre dealin with
Lethe: If at all possible.
Sundance🔆: yeah yeah yeah
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: You GOTTA tell us how it goes ok
Mercedes: I'm sure we'll find out on the Thursday news.
Sundance🔆: you forget im the best there is Sundance🔆: people or jewelry i can hunt it down and quiet like too Sundance🔆: just usually less fun that way
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: you got this b <333
Sundance🔆: thankyou kindly little lady
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: You first ;)
Lethe: It really isn't.
💗💖Aphrodite💖💗: No one SAID anything about you 😘
Lethe: Well! Lethe: I'm just saying Lethe: For her sake Lethe: This behavior is extremely unprofessional
Sundance🔆: would love to see boss' face right now
Sundance🔆: HA
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desolationlovers · 4 months
where is aoba sparkle off its thursday like i have the image but i want to spam rb the original
anyway i still have a migraine i shouldnt have to work my entire life away and still not be able to break even im going to blow this whole building up Ee See Tee
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crowithy · 5 months
Anyone elses Tumblr not update icons on mobile? Because mine hasn't in months
@/sadsoftserve is still Percy
@/neowollymoxie is still the default
@/ee-where-they-shouldnt-be is still backwards
And others may have changed and I just haven't seen them while scrolling on desktop yet.
anyone else having this issue?
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libidomechanica · 2 years
This finishd beloved his eye
This finishd beloved his eye. Than should  not forsake even song of her brothers, of colourd  satiate house of reach, thou view, and all our  flowers throbs, and when he which she isle.  Survived. Except to repentance; and, halting shouldnt  your on this mine eye like to thee one;  sweet cooling attendants, where nigh, what moon, thered  and there comfort bottles, unseen, drest? She mair to  kind of human king planterd as serene: and  on its are they were mute of war, as  I could burst, childward hearts, and lookd—and seen the  beauty hall-door, ’“t was who, over eight,” 
but in mysterity in the languish on,  Pluckst the many white, lay the tomb. had  cuffs and I much gown thou my topics: poem with  sweet Highland woman infused to good near upon  the need not ask of that, in a  trees, before the world in forests,  you knock thee, that he in must chatters are  lip— I lost, when I chaunted Sword, but the  night of life: not with otherd man, natures ee,  kens with the went the Waste, like the  Waste, and comes still not a mackaw, looking th ink in Joy; sharpnesse leaps they lived then you never sexs prime, 
there came ye may comply. Who all mens bleak beginnes to 
be reproach omissing but ceaseless young Lochinvar  is year to the snail, with 
all other; “yet you played, shore—         and lead, revers, beam by  thy mothers bled my breeches. And wakes, and which none  brooked up this enchant it and dost suite, the  rolld; else treasure wildly breathing in his last,  tired in the care,” said, “In night and  die with the best another, and  kiss:” this household there imaginary wisedoms he  same to make, if his venerative reason:  cynthia, she light. Its a bowle of my Robe  told thy lips which Love let the twilight, lift the  through a shook Belshazzar in the rosy  through the God who dying thousands, takes and  Arras come he hand out, above, do survey the 
fools performer best, the sway disaray, whereof 
door in in his arm heaven, and sought,—All  laborately, but hath she disper a slow her  farther, I am setting perhaps my yellows—true—tears,  tended throne, to honours overflow  it scarce to player skin. Were art my “ blue eyes, to playd, with fatiguèd eyes may 
girland grieves; Olympus his new, I ask of god  look at their Vintage descent, which all not going  to into spot of life, source of  the forresponsibility of books familiar.  And back in at thy brow, who didst other, taught  arise his life therefore the be destroy: Dust,  a carefull mouths shown ever way. but they had to  thy for the quest. Shaking, and brazen 
the mob stood like fleet smile; my song today was 
saucie Loues past, and both, she transferred thus  Horace she askst if that hers throught make hath  my trumpets wanted ground there: if I might  be the Pyrrhic dance wheel offend. From abroad,  what! Its at which inherit in a  new deck, someone you canst thousands, lace who cost  hie, with vexation, and ruffians annoyes a  shawld the vulgar the door with  blood is fine and gain style their lips of gracious and 
pouting pettice, oertoppd, once is imperfection. Though  long diplomatic space turnd to endless cinder home.”
0 notes
delightfully-danni · 5 years
My brain: you need to sleep. You have a full day of work tomorrow and you have to get up early.
Also my brain: draw. All night. You're already fucked so just draw gay stuff. Draw it. Pussy. Draw reigen in a banana suit. Draw Aadrian in a bikini. Do it pussy. DO IT.
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0empty0eyes0 · 3 years
((ive been hardcore cleaning out my almost 600 followed blogs. if you do find yourself suddenly unfollowed theres no hard feelings
((i also might suddenly follow you again. its not a permanent thing and its also not a thing where im against interacting with you if ive unfollowed
((this isnt like ‘im not gonna interact with you but you should interact with me’ but theres a chance that like. im ok with your muse but you reblog too much fanart of a show i dont know so i might as well unfollow, so it doesnt mean i dont want to interact with your muse ever again.
((or, ive been unfollowing p much all porn blogs and lewd muse blogs since i realise they sort of affect me negatively personally. but this doesnt mean that you shouldnt intreact if i post something on my lewd blog and you want to respond to it. in fact if i posted it to ees lewd blog i would prefer you reblog it to your lewd blog rather than main lol
((i know this is probably unnecessary but im posting it cause i dont want people to feel bad and i also wanted to explain my lewd purge
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Zora, you grabbed the wrong dorito that is not your hat
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gldbrckr · 4 years
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"I don't need money, kid. I literally just made this worth my time."
((Hey! I'm new to the EE rp scene, mind if I get a promo?))
@molly-where-she-shouldnt-be @real-ass-goddamn-sword @doctorsleepytime
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school-n-jazz · 5 years
Your Under A-rest!
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Fun fact! The action expressed above by Eddie Redmayne is actually a part of a vocal warm-up and technique. By grabbing your tongue, you are forcing the muscle to drop at the back of your throat; and in turn, releasing tension in your soft-palette. Once you do this action enough, it will become muscle memory to sing with a relaxed throat, and you will strain your vocal cords to a lesser degree.
Boom. One easy vocal technique learned.
(Make sure your hands are clean when you do this one though, lol)
Now as great as puns and vocal techniques are, it is best to apply them after you do a fairly decent warm up - which is probably why you are here in the first place.
Worry not, fellow vocalist! For on this post I will be going over:
6 Things to Include in a Vocal Warm-Up!
Now keep in mind, some of these exercises may seem weird, or make you self-conscious when you do them for the first time. But let me tell you this.
I have been doing them for four years now, and they truly work. Just push aside your doubts and go with them. Have fun with them. So without further ado, let us begin!
Number One: Proper Posture.
Proper posture, without a doubt, is one of the most important things to have when you exert yourself vocally. Having a fully supported diaphragm is key to keeping good vocal health, utilizing your breath to it’s fullest, as well as lessening any back problems you may have in the future. (lol)
Let me explain how you can get, and make sure you have, proper posture.
To start, if you’re standing have your feet shoulder-width apart. Have your shoulders back, but relaxed; and have your chest comfortably lifted to allow air into your diaphragm. We aren’t birds, we don’t puff our chests. Make sure your knees aren’t locked (straight), as this may cause your blood to flow improperly and you may pass out.
Most points mentioned above still apply when you sing while sitting - the feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders back, and your chest comfortably lifted - just add into your sitting posture feet flat on the floor and yourself sitting on the edge of your chair, and you’re golden.
To make sure your feet are shoulder width apart, clench your hands into fists. Place your fist together with your thumbs touching, and then place them in the space between your feet. If they fit snugly, then you’re the perfect space apart. If not, adjust yourself.
Number Two: Breathe Support.
Fun fact! Singing is just glorified exhaling; and due to this fact, it is important to learn how to inhale and exhale in a way that utilizes your breath to it’s fullest.
Also breathing is good. You should learn to do it well.
So, I’m going to start by bashing a breathing myth straight in its face. Bouncing bellies does not mean deep breaths. 
I was personally taught in elementary that having my stomach move was a sign of deep breathes. A moving chest was bad, and moving shoulders even worst; So it was a shock when my ninth grade vocal teacher straight up told us to forget that lesson within the first week of school.
Turns out, forcing your chest to be tense and your stomach muscles to work when they shouldn’t causes the diaphragm to have less space to open and close. Wow.
It also turns out that its okay for your chest to somewhat lift, as it is your diaphragm that moves it while your lungs expand it.
As shown in the only good gif found below.
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As gross as you may find it, try to watch the lungs as they expand.
At first, it may seem that the muscle swells in all directions; however, if you continue to watch you may find that it doesn’t. In the beginning the lungs swell out, then you can see that they rapidly expand in the front part of the lung, followed by them flopping up in the back.
Thus your stomach shouldn’t move THAT much, it should only move a little - The muscles are still fairly close to one another after all! Same applies with your upper-chest area.
Make sure when you breathe, your chest doesn’t lift too much, and that it’s your back that expands more. That is proof of a proper deep breath.
To make sure you breath deep, sit up straight. Place your finger on the bottom front part of your ribs, and your thumbs on the back; similarly to how one places their hands on their hips. Now take a deep breath, feeling the air on the tip of your tongue to the back of your throat.
Do you feel your thumbs being moved? That’s your lungs expanding fully. If not, try to adjust how you breathe, and where you feel the air. Once you find the perfect position, just breathe like that for a couple of minutes if you wish to commit this breathing pattern to muscle memory.
Some teachers also consider this breathing a warm-up in itself, as it stretches the diaphragm and lungs.
One last thing before we go onto the other warm-ups. Jolting shoulders mean tense and sudden breaths. Try to avoid it.
Now that the basics have been covered, onto the verbal and physical warm-ups!
Number Three: Shake Down
Fun Fact! This exercise is done by both theater people and vocalist!
The shake down is just that, you shaking out multiple parts of your body. You start with one hand and shake it eight times, then shake down your opposite hand eight times; then your one foot and then your other foot. After that you repeat the process starting at seven; then six; then five and so forth.
Now you may be wondering, why exactly this is considered a vocal warm up you should include? Wouldn’t doing proper stretches be just as effective?
Well, you are partially correct. Stretches are super effective, and great for your posture.
I just haven’t explained the vocal aspect of this exercise - you see, we’ll be giving every number a pitch, and descending from do. The best way to explain it to someone new to music, would be to do this exercise on a piano in the key of C major.
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Shown above are all the notes and solfège (do, re, mi, etc.) associated to each note in a C major scale. What this image does not include however, is that the white key beside ti (the last labeled key) is also a do or C.
Fun fact! C always comes before the two black keys, and the notes in music only includes letters A through G.
As to not complicate things, I’ll assign the pitch (letter) to the number you will be singing in a legend below. Starting from left to right of the labeled keys we have:
Do = C (lower) = 1
Re = D = 2
Mi = E = 3
Fa = F = 4
So = G = 5
La = A = 6
Ti = B = 7
Do = C (higher) = 8
Great! Now I want you to play the high C, and try to sing it to the word eight. Find the note is too high or low? Just go to the C above or below!
Remember! When singing, you should always hold the vowel in a word for as long as you can, and only articulate your final consonants at the very end of the word.
Once you’ve sung eight, sing the B on the word seven; the A on the word six; the G on the word five; the F on the word four; the E on the word three; the D on the word two; the C on the word one.
Done? Congratulations! You just sang what is known as a descending scale. All that’s left for you to do is apply the earlier explained hand-foot shaking pattern to the note-number pattern and boom. You have a vocal shake-down as apposed to a theater shake down,
Note! You will be singing the descending scale four times, as you are shaking out four separate limbs; and you will be starting a note lower each time, as you count down from seven, six, five, and so forth. Also, if you want you can remove the numbers and only sing saying the solfa syllables (do, re, mi, etc).
Number Four: Tongue Twisters
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Now everyone should be familiar with tongue twister, which are just sentences full of similar sounding vowels and consonants. You may remember doing some more commonly known ones such as Peter Piper, or She Saw Sea-Shells when you were younger; but fun and games aside, these sentences help you with deciding on where to put articulations in a word, or how you should spread the vowel shape. I’m going to share with you two that we commonly do in my class - Maybe My Mummy and A Big Black Bug. 
The following tongue twisters go:
Maybe my mummy may go to Miami or maybe my mummy may not.
A big black bug bit a big black bear and the big black bear bled blood
Simple, right? lol, maybe not But now that we got the words down, lets get to the notes.
As we previously went over notes in the shake-down warm-up, I’ll be placing the notes on the piano above the words instead of completely typing them out - similarly to how most guitar chord to lyrics guides are. However, I’ll also be adding in timing.
For this to work best, pull up a metronome (on the web if you don’t have one), and set it to be 4/4 time, with a nice 65 BPM. Click play and listen to where the beats fall. Refer to the table below to the timing of each note in connection to the words.
When ever the words or numbers are bold, it means that that word or number lands on a beat.
If there is a dash between the two numbers, it means you hold the word above for that number of counts
The numbers between the beats are what the beats are subdivided into. They are as follows
               -“...1 2 3 2...” mean three syllables fall under one beat
               - “...1 2 2...”  means two syllables fall under one beat
In the case where the count does not start on one, just start from that count and follow the beat to bold pattern given
The final consonants of the final words always go on the end of the last beat
Note! The timing and notes were done on pc, and therefore lines up best on that platform.
I’ll start with the easier one, Maybe My Mummy.
   C   C    C   C      C   C    C   C  C  C C  C  C     C   C      C   C     C     C   
May-be my mum-my may go to Mi-a-mi or may-be my mum-my may not.
1       2    3     2       2    3   3              4          1                   2                    3-4
Yup. The entire thing is one note. Once your done playing that note, you go up to the next note (which in this case is the black key directly beside c), and even remove the metronome are put the BPM to a faster setting.
Note! The distance from one note to the note directly after that is known as a semitone. A whole-tone is made up of two semitones, and a certain pattern of while tones and semitones is used to determine whether a song is major, minor, natural, harmonic, or melodic.
A Big Black Bug is not as easy as Maybe My Mummy, and consists of multiple notes. In C major, it can be sung/played as follows:
  C   C    C       C    C  C   C     E      G     G    G    G    G        G      E       C
  A big black bug bit a big black bear and the big black bear bled blood
42    1     2       3    4   2  1      2       3      4     2    1       2       3     4        1
Number Five: Bing
Bing is a super beautiful exercise that focuses or vowel shape, proper breath support, and resonance (the way your notes ring in the air). 
Note! If you’re warming for more classical pieces (opera and musical theater), you generally want to have a very open registers during this exercise. For something for modern such as pop, focus on having a more nasally sound.
Now like Maybe my Mummy, this entire exercise is sung on one note and you ascend in semi-tones; however, that’s where the similarities end.
For this one we start on the by singing the word Bing on a C; then, without taking a breath or leaving a space (unless you’re about to faint), we transition to sing i, e, a, o, u. The pronunciation of each vowel is given below.
i = [ee]
e = [eh]
a = [ah]
o = [oh]
u = [oo]
Now try it out again, this time focusing on one point of the room your in - or on the gif provided bellow.
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Focus on your point of attention. This time when you sing, gently open the back of your throat, and imagine the sound coming from behind you and over your head, going directly at your point. Shoot the sound it towards it. 
Now adjust the way your mouth and throat feels to get a greater ring, and play around withe the placement until you can almost hear the overtones.
But remember! Being resonant doesn’t always mean being loud!
Number: ... Done?
By this point, you should be warmed up nicely enough to do some gentle singing of songs; which will further warm you without other people questioning what’s going on, lol.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and stay tuned for any more I may make!
(also it’s 1am - so peace!)
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babyawacs · 4 years
#critic #kiieglight #kllglight #fix #the #usa #101 #this #way @joebiden .@joebiden .@kamalaharris @kamalaharris @dnc @thedemocrats @potus @gop joe the s ame iwrote the former potuses more orless but the agenda as i s ee it is: ************ bad systems need moral rules, enforced early compensated early and generous whileits dirtcheap, goodgovernance,  do!not!let!powde rkegs powder buildup.  (!!!!!) it all gets down to what?you ?paythem!for! that itis wellpaid, s u s t a in a b l e and the u sa is cutting edge leading a global competitive economy with the cutting edgethings.  toth is youneed reduced tension a n d because you compete with 1.5b illionpeople eager andwilling with a tenthof that with 500milli on eu people sophisticated, emancipating from the usa, thismea ns:  (!!!) selfactualisation. empower  e a c h a n d e v e r y  s i n g l e one the utmost possible to  s u c c e e d in their thing let a flurry of bullshit  be bullshit youmust prote ct it and empowerit to succeed and network it. and  (!!!!!)no t ever cut or fraud what they do it for. fresh horses welltr ained wellempowered instead beaten to suck and obey and then horseburger thensomerebel thendoom . horror systems. alliances. trump was a disruptor it iiiii iiiiis not s o  c a t a s t ro p h i c he s e v e r e l  y ra ttled theboat to destruction almost of many criticalthings. but failed to rebuild them. this is the coreflaw. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !) rebuild restore the alliances b e t t t e r notlikebefore. cr itical issues were n o t fixed before. but america needs its alliances. (!!!!!)  the chin a trade deal isthe most cutting into the first point the economy. here youmust not be neglect. you stabilise the chinese system depending for enforced internati onally a l l i e d rules sothey thrive and you dont get fucktover.  this  requires an allian ce. they can grow and stabilise their system we can grow and repair the usa. thisis critical wit h allied approach only and only with allied approach. this. botche d. drifts to war. china fears that as you should too.  g reen new deal must go totheright thing, not battery. batteries are an eco terror. thismeans  (!!!) hydrogen fuelcell economy,where green hydrogen is gene rated as much aspossible with renewables but g r e y hydrogen u t m o s t e f f i c i en t l y cleanly produced by the oilpeople as necessary.  ********** emmissionsfree cities buildings cars with blendedwingbodies pl anes. ships are manyfold more dirty than any cars andtrucks they need a filter or transition too to hydrogen fuelcell economies this case:  #thefix beca usebotched bysystem became trophy hell,must stay free own planet butnot without support, planet with objects orbit, free access atleast as trespass with support , incontrary to prisonor inthename of shitballs, moreorless berlinrules allthatgetingetout un harmed.  nobigdeal. mess proven stuff.  veryimportant what s mi ne is mine is mine is mine. itis wellearned and decently and wit h whaticould despite itall. these monsters compensate their cri mes why shouldnt they.  daythings flydaytime. because them sawit first and couldalways access a nd mess it m u s t be wellprotected or theres mess after mess after mess aftermess.  this is my u t m o s t  b e s t shot on your messes  (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) this. fro m multilayerproblems where to start first  this itis this is how we fix it  freshbroom dont squanderthat the cutdown willb e in business itnerests it shouldmake good business sense but not ripoffs fuckovers theymust deliver for waht they earn that is very important thinkof healthcare. they dont deliver what th ey ripoff deliver  what  you got paid for earnwell enough but not for nothing? that canbe a messy roadblock harming allth eother fixes I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independ ent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://w ww.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#critic #kiieglight #kllglight #fix #the #usa #101 #this #way @joebiden .@joebiden .@kamalaharris @kamalaharris @dnc @thedemocrats @potus @gop
joe the same iwrote the former potuses more orless but the agenda as i see it is:
************ bad systems need moral rules, enforced early compensated early and generous whileits dirtcheap, goodgovernance, do!not!let!powderkegs powder buildup.
(!!!!!) it…
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clonerightsagenda · 7 years
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