#not me being like oh damn a sequel better post some gifs and write some fic
repmet · 1 month
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Alex's cowboy hat appreciation
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rainsoakedphoenix · 2 years
Little Dance
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Forgive the title, I couldn't think of anything better and I just wanted to put this out since I said I would. Kinda rushed towards the end because it's almost my bedtime and I was too excited to post. But behold, the scene of a little dance between reader and Greg Tarzan Davis (also this is one of the few gifs I could find of him?? And idk how to make gifs myself so I guess this is just what's being used). This turned out to be a lot longer than I intended cause I got carried away once I started lol
I tried my best to make this gn!reader, but let me know if anything slipped up!
Warnings: none that I can think of while writing it and reading it back, but please let me know if anything stands out to anyone and I will certainly add it
You stayed in the studio after the dance class was over, practicing your choreo for a dance you were going to be teaching a few nights later. Being in the dance community, this was a common occurance among a lot of you; even though your fellow dancers had left for the night, sometimes you decided to stay for a little while after to perfect some moves, or just being in the moment with the music.
You were fairly well known among most actors and musicians, as most dancers are, since you collaborated with a lot of them for projects like music videos, movies, and the like. That's why it was no surprise that within the past year, you had met and became friends with the Top Gun sequels own Greg Tarzan Davis, who was actually supposed to be meeting you here for a few minutes before taking a late night flight back to wherever he was filming his next movie.
As if on cue, you see a figure behind you from the mirror wall standing in the doorway of the studio, arms cross and leaning against the frame. You stand up straight, a smile on your face as you walk to your speaker to pause your music.
"'Bout time you showed up," you began to walk in his direction, as he pushed himself off the doorframe, a smile on his own face as he met you halfway, holding his arms out for a hug as he did so.
"You know I could never leave without seeing my favorite person in the world."
"Oh, I know," you rested your head on his chest, arms wound around his body as he chuckled, it causing a slight vibration to reach your head.
"Don't get cocky now," he spoke, and you looked up to see him smiling back down at you. Greg had the most beautiful smile. It always seemed to reach his eyes and light up his whole face. His happy demeanor always made you warm inside; you were so glad to have someone like him as a best friend. It was very rare you had ever seen him in a bad mood. His chipper, goofy, fun personality always affected your own mood when he was around you.
You slowly started backing away from him, hands lingering on his sides as you did so. "Come here, I want to show you what I've been working on before you leave."
You walk back over to your speaker as you talk, pressing play once more as he took a few steps towards you.
"So, you already know I'm teaching a class in a few days, and I've been practicing some of my choreo for it, but I also want to somehow incorporate some moves from the Formation dance in Will's class. And I know you know those moves, you do them with me all the time to make fun of me, so you're going to do it with me. Come here."
He rested all his weight on one hip and crossed his arms, that perfect smile of his reappearing on his face. "Oh, am I?"
You raised your eyebrows as a way of saying "duh," and pointed at the ground next to you. "Yes, you are. Get your ass over here." He did as you told him, you sending him a sweet smile as he did so. "Thank you. Now, let me start the music back over cause we missed our cue, and then we can start." You did as you said you would, and walked back over to stand next to him again.
"Ready?" you asked him. He tsked at you in a playful manner before saying "you know damn well I got this."
"Okay, then prove it."
He smiled once more, and then you both began dancing. It started out innocent enough; you watched yourselves in the mirror to make sure you were getting the moves right, you laughed at each other, and you began a silent, non-agreed upon bet to see who could dance harder than the other.
Eventually during your small battle, Greg's moves caused him to move directly behind you, and you felt the ghost of a hand on your waist as you both continued to dance.
As the song came to an end and it was time to perform your last move, you turned around to face your dance partner. Using your right hand to grab his shoulder, you threw your head back and brought it back up, touching your forehead to his as his left hand found your waist again. Only this time, his grip was more firm.
Breathing heavily from dancing non-stop for a few minutes, you looked into each other's eyes as he spoke. "Was that good enough for you?" As you stared at him in silence for a few moments, a smirk grew on his face. You let out a breathy laugh.
Tilting your head slightly, you responded "it was okay. I think I was better." He smiled at you once again, shaking his head slightly. "Yeah, you were pretty good."
Heat flushed to your cheeks, which caused you to realize how close the two of you still were. His grip tightened ever so slightly, leading you to think he noticed as well. Your thoughts were confirmed when you noticed him begin to lean in.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered. You spent a few moments looking into his eyes, thinking there was no way this was happening. His personality drew you to him very quickly, so it wasn't too long after you met him that you developed a crush on him. You've been hiding this crush for so long, thinking he could never like you back, and yet here he was asking to kiss you.
"Yes," you answered, hoping your pause wasn't giving him the wrong idea. He began to lean in a little more, and allowed you to lean in the rest of the way. And so you did.
You pulled away after a few moments, your breathing picking up as if you were just dancing again. "I'm not going to lie, I've actually wanted to do that for a while," you smiled at him again, feeling him relax at your words, in turn causing you to relax in his embrace and place your left hand on his waist.
"I'm sorry I did that right before I leave the country," he spoke softly, resting his head on yours once again.
"Don't be. I'm just glad you did it."
"I'm really going to miss you when I leave." You moved your hands to rest around the back of his neck, another smile appearing as you did so. "Well, I can always come visit."
"I'd like that."
"Just make sure you come back."
He pressed a quick kiss to your nose before responding, "I'd always come back for you."
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stuckasmain · 2 years
What are your opinions on the other Crow films?
I’ve made reviews for them and little posts as I watched- a lot of rambling but I’ll try to summarize here.
All of them have some sort of value to them. A interesting concept or a bit of added lore that I find beyond interesting and would LOVE to see expanded. (Like in city of angels it heavily implies that crows (the birds) are Crows that failed? That shits tragic and amazing) however … for the large part they’re kinda? Bad. Which I think a large part of it is not the concept itself but the studio meddling and the fact it was the early 2000s and the suffer from everything that made most early 2000s movies pretty bad.
City of angels was decent, again it had a bunch of concepts that? I wanted to be expanded but oh no “but sex cult look at the sex cult let’s spend more time with them than the main charecter” there was a LOT they could’ve done and it’s really interesting because it was his son instead of a lover? And his kid was 5 which is a whole other layer on top of it. As much as I want him to be with his son. I like the original ending where he fails and is a wandering spirt a whole lot better. It makes sense, wonderful tragedy and they really shoehorn fixed the ending literal last minute so it suffers because of it. (Also his face paint being his sons paints is everything)
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Salvation is hands down the worst of them, it had a LOT going for it? Like a man’s wrongly killed by the state instead of a gang it’s a whole other layer, but it suffers the same weakness of to much focus on the villains and how fucking bonkers they are? It’s like they just wanted to make them more insane(the orignal goes out of irs way to show they are bad people but still?? Human at the end of the day, Funboy in the comics  specifically. Salutation also had the weakest love interest? I cannot for the life of me care about Lauren. She’s- there’s nothing there besides the mystery  surrounding her and it sucks? Espically seeing how much it tears Alex apart and how much pain he feels but- it’s weakened by remembering how - plain she was, you know?
It is the weakest movie but a strong concept some of the stuff I like is that he has no makeup it’s literally just the scars on his face and how - a way of getting the power is making them willingly give it up. Tricking them into thinking they’re done. I also love this moment where Alex talks with the bird over the police files “I guess there’s nothing under crow” you can see the annoyance in a literal birds eyes and it’s hysterical. I love how Alex is the youngest of all the crows and he acts like it! I keep calling him “bird boy” he genuinely acts like one- and has the eyes of a bird it’s not even funny.
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I may sound insane by saying this but wicked prayer is my favorite of the sequels. Now it suffers the WORST by being in the 2000s and by focusing on the villains WAY to much (seriously they get more time then Jimmy, the main fucking charecter, because they got David Boreanaz). However Edward Furlong goes WAY harder then he had to. His performance is so raw, honest and just wonderful the whole movie and it sucks that it gets overshadowed by the wack ass writing of everyone else. The movie turns to comedy half way through and he’s the only one still playing it straight… it’s kinda sad because his performance and Emmanuelle’s are so good but the writing went to shit. Its love story is the strongest since Eric and Shelly. I genuinely feel for Jimmy and Lilly. Espically considering the layer of their murder and the fact he may loose her forever- without her eyes she’d be damned to the spirit world and it’s the fact he’d rather be damned to then anywhere without her and it’s - ah - it’s great. While the comedy part and cartoonish villains do suck and really don’t fit the film or the point they did get a genuine laugh or two out of me, I religiously quote “is it really you?! The original Ganster?” Because it ducking- it’s great. It’s so bad it’s a great line.
Jimmy is also just great. Emotionally and his sarcasm carry half the movie
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None of them are really….good. Or carry half the punch of the original movie or comic. Because the reasons above but also because they don’t come from the same pain? They don’t come from the genuine pain and loss James wrote the graphic novel from- they aren’t personal or  vulnerable in the same right. You can tell it comes from Hollywood, from a team of writers trying to strike gold again but failing to see the point isn’t action or violence but the fact at its core it’s a love story. It’s sad because I genuinely think they all could’ve been great if it wasn’t for everything. I don’t know.
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To all my fellow LoVe shippers who are feeling down I have one thing to say.
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I can’t make the last 8 minute of season 4 disappear but I can recommend some really great LoVe fanfiction that will make you feel at least a little bit better. So without further ado here are a few of my favorite LoVe fics!
A Hard Habit to Break  by  mskatej   Nothing gets Veronica over her failed relationships better than Logan Echolls.    
...And Long For You  by  AbsolutelyIris It was moments like those Veronica wished she could be like Lilly- storm into his house and curse and yell and damn him to hell before demanding he fuck her...and like with Lilly, he would gladly, if reluctantly, do so.      
 “Any Love Is Good Love, Baby”  by wily_one24   Apparently, Hollywood was wrong, the devil did not wear Prada, the devil wore butch black boots and tiny little skirts.                                
The Best (and Only) Kept Secret in Neptune  by  vixleonard Even when they hated each other, Logan and Veronica just couldn't stay away from each other.                     
The Burdened Vessel  by  vixleonard   Veronica needs a favor only Logan can help her with.              
Every Belt That Ever Hit Someone (Is Still Made to Hold Something Up)  by igrockspock   Logan doesn't get any votes for Most Changed at the ten-year reunion, which is bullshit when you think about it.  In the past ten  years, everything in his life has changed.  He's joined the Navy, dated a pop star, and figured out that Dick Casablancas can occasionally behave like a real human being.  Only one thing hasn't changed: he's still in love with Veronica Mars.  Oh, and he's suspected of murdering his girlfriend.
"Fear and Loathing in Neptune"   by wily_one24 Veronica Mars was going to get herself laid. Series  Part 1 of Any Love  
A Fine and Endless Cycle  by kartography A freshman year at Hearst and the cyclical nature of love                                         
Fireworks by AliLamba Veronica is technically not a virgin, and awkward results ensue. An AU version of LoVe's first time.                
For the Sake of a Friend by jacedesbff   What if Logan and Veronica were involved in a secret relationship throughout the events of Season 1?     
The Game of Trust  by Kantayra of Yore (Kantayra)   This time Veronica really did trust him, and she knew how to prove it...    
Getcha, Getcha, Getcha, Getcha  by  Kantayra of Yore (Kantayra) Veronica and Logan prank each other. Really, it's shameless the way they flirt...  
Give Me The Ocean  by scandalpants   Post Season 3 AU.  Veronica decides what she really wants.  Spoiler: it's not Piz.                                              
Home Is Where The Heart Is by: lv63   AU preseries and forward, begins in season 1. this story is all about veronica and her friends. angst, mystery, humor and romance, LoVe and MaDi. summary in prologue. 
I Hate You Because by: SilverLining2k6   Mid 1X3 - Meet John Smith.    Logan, Veronica, a pool, snark, and a made up drinking game.
i knew you were trouble when you walked in  by youcallitwinter   And, it's just—  Logan had always been her intense high-school romance, sure. But she had, somewhere along the way, in some secret corner of her mind, convinced herself that was all he was; a high-school romance. Explosive, powerful, passionate, and bound to burn itself out eventually
(Im)Perfection  by  AbsolutelyIris The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.                
In a World by: my shangri-la   A/U! Exploring the 'what ifs' that could have happened if Lilly Kane hadn't been murdered, and her secrets – and others – had come out anyway. Pairings: Lilly/Logan, past Duncan/Veronica, eventual Logan/Veronica. (Story begins with Lilly as a senior, the rest are juniors.)
In the kind of world where we belong  by  Anonymous  There was always something missing.  A Lilly Kane sized hole in both their hearts.  Instead of going to see Aaron Echolls on October 3rd Lilly decides to comfort a friend and their lives change forever.A very smutty OT3 take on what might have happened if Lilly had lived.
Kid Things  by sowell   5 years after graduation, Logan comes back to Neptune to ask Veronica for help.                      
King of Mars  by: HGRising   AU. In which everyone has a story to tell but not everyone gets the chance. And, things make more sense from a different perspective. Ever wonder why Veronica Mars was Lilly Kane's best friend? There's redemption for some and condemnation for others when the secrets come out. And everyone's got a good one.
Landmine  by  AbsolutelyIris It needed to be forgotten, and quick.             
The Long Way Home  by  AbsolutelyIris   "We should take the long way home." 
Matching Pink Bikinis  by  Anonymous Veronica and Lilly wear matching pink bikinis to Logan's for a pool day.  This is pure threesome smut, folks.                
Pink Lemonade (Logan/Veronica/Lilly)  On a trip to Honolulu, Lilly manages to bring Veronica out of her pink, frosty shell. Spoilers/Warnings: This is a threesome fic and therefore includes some femslash.        
Playing Hide and Seek With the Truth by: jenwin23   Continuation of the Truth series. The kids go back to school. Old issues remain while more secrets will be revealed, relationships will change and lives will crumble.
The Real Thing by: Josielynn   AU. Logan and Lilly are off again/on again. Duncan is dating Meg. Veronica was never friends with Lilly. Logan sees Veronica in her soccer uniform and wants to date her.
Scotch on the Rocks (A FanFic Tribute)  by kmd0107   A long time ago...there was an incredibly hot LoVeLy trilogy fic (Pink Lemonade & Sex on the Beach) started over on Live Journal that never got its third part.  This is a tribute to what that might have been.   Logan POV of the evolving sexual and emotional relationship between himself, Veronica, and Lilly.              
Scourging Fire, Blazing Soul  by Nerdyesque   What if Veronica didn't grow up with the 09ers, but came into their lives prior to Lilly's death? How would her presence affect Duncan, Lilly, Logan, the Kanes, and the Echolls? Also, who is Veronica without Keith Mars' loving protection?      
Sex on the Beach (Logan/Veronica/Lilly) NC-17 Lilly's chapter in my Drinks Series. Nobody wants to talk about what happened in Hawaii, and it's driving Lilly crazy. How could she possibly make what happened less awkward? By making it happen again, of course!        
Some Truths Hurt by: jenwin23 Jumping off point: V gets Duncan's journal in Echolls' Family Xmas. AU from there but many canon events happen too. All characters in the VM-verse make an appearance, but it is a LoVe story. In script format-but give it a try, it's well written.
The Third Kane by: Mac-alicious   Lilly, Duncan and Veronica Kane rule the social scene in Neptune. The three are loyal and inseparable. They once believed there was nothing that could come between them. They didn't count on Logan Echolls.
Time, Make It Go Faster Or Just Rewind  by  kmd0107  Logan being ‘the real-Logan’ is so familiar that she almost can’t help but give in to it, even if it’s just a one night pass.   She’ll embrace this moment out of time and the walls and armor can go back up tomorrow.AU from 1x4 Wrath of Con              
Truths Too Big to be Told  by: jenwin23 Sequel to Some Truths Hurt. It's summer time and more than the weather is hot. Neptune is embroiled in class warfare, Veronica is looking into the mystery of another dead girl, the fallout from Lilly's case continues, and more secrets will be revealed.
I’m also throwing in some of my favorite MaDi (Mac and Dick) fics because Dick needs a hug too.
The ABCs of Mac and Dick by: jenwin23   The ABC challenge with Mac and Dick. Created for Madi lover at VM Santa 2010 at livejournal. Cross-posted. In letter order, not in chronological order.
Bodycount by: BIFF1   Cassidy and Mac meet a little earlier and a little blood-lust gives him an entirely different problem when it comes to forming a real relationship with Mac. AU with MAJOR season two SPOILERS! Mac/Cass, Mac/Dick, Mac/Cass/Dick
Casablancas Kryptonite By: BIFF1   "You just don't get it. She's like kryptonite or something." Dick looked at his brother and thought about those blue eyes that cut and the way her mouth twisted around insults. Yeah maybe she was kyptonite. Casablancas kyptonite because isn't he just as weak.
Casual? By: BIFF1   It's just sex. Casual sex. no attachments, just good hot sex. But that was the summer and now school is about to start up again and Veronica's back from Virginia and can tell that something is up. They can stop, no problem...
The Charm Bracelet by: DalWriter   Future Fic. Who Knew Prince Charming Would be Dick Casablancas? Mac reminisces as she looks at a charm bracelet Dick gave her.
Commitment Buffers by: BIFF1   Dick and Mac live with Logan and Veronica in their attempt to have some sort of commitment buffer between them. Only problem with the arrangement is that Mac and Dick tolerate each other at best which is a big improvement as far as their concerned. However living in such close quarters may prove difficult when it becomes obvious that they may actually sort of like each other.
Dark Day by: BIFF1   It's Cassidy Casablancas' birthday and the two people closest to him are falling apart. She just wants to hide away from the world for the rest of the week, just drink and cry and be with someone who gets it and no one gets it more than Dick. Not as angsty as it sounds, promise. Now complete with happy ending!
Electrify by: BIFF1   A guilt trip from Logan has landed Dick in a crowded tent with Mac. With a lightening storm raging outside he can't sleep and it appears neither can she.
Rendezvous by: BIFF1   A collection of one-shots. In which Dick and Mac are forced together by fate or friends and hook up. Because I apparently really like writing them hooking up.
Secret Santa By: BIFF1   Saw this homemade sweater from hell prompt from VMficRec. It's a November challenge but I couldn't help myself. Just some fun when Mac pulls Dick's name for Secret Santa. She figures a six pack and porn until he makes a big deal about not wanting anything handmade. She can't really help herself, she spends the month knitting Dick a sweater.
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