#nothing caused it in particular i just. got depressed on that day and then my brain has been different since
eggmeralda · 9 months
happy 10th anniversary to when I started remembering everything forever
#the day i watched that video#that led me to another video#where i heard that song#that got me into that band#and i became obsessed with that genre#and 13yo me was like ''this seems like a significant moment. maybe i should remember it'' and then i have done so with#every memory since then#anyway apparently 6 sep 2013 was when i liked the video#also while we're at it. happy 9th anniversary to the depression day 1#nothing caused it in particular i just. got depressed on that day and then my brain has been different since#idk what i was doing 8 years ago. probably depriving myself of sleep to get high and probably listening to the who#actually wait no the day before i read about the catcher in the rye and 15yo me was like wow he sounds soo <3<3#so i imagine the next day i was Thinking about holden caulfield. even though i didn't read the book until december#i know this day in 2016 i was listening to the monkees. nothing specific i just know i was going through another massive monkees phase#2017?????? no recollection#2018? also idk#2019 i feel like despite being a good year some bad vibes were starting to settle in#2020 i was on a camping trip :)#2021 i was also on a camping trip :) but this one was dead. first one was good though#2022 i was probably at work. thinking about swag. eating honeycomb bites. and watching breaking bad i imagine#and 2023 i am in the sad thoughts bc i need to get a job but my executive dysfunction is preventing me from doing anything#anyway happy 10 years of weird obsessive memory hoarding <3#ramble
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charmedreincarnation · 6 months
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Hey guysss! A lot of people have been asking for me to make a challenge for a while now. I honestly didn’t want to, not because I’m against them or anything but because the law will be different for everyone. Sometimes, it feels like tumblr needs a reminder - you are the only person who knows what you need to do to succeed. I wish I could imprint this realization on everyone's minds. I’ve also gotten so manyyyy asks about things that genuinely just feel like your doubts repeating in your mind constantly so I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs bc y’all are spiraling really hard. I get it you want your desires for Christmas and new years. It’s okay take a breath, you're alive and will be okay.
Firstly: at the beginning I used to spend countless time spiraling into depression, constantly changing my methods every time I saw a new success story, and every time I found a new foolproof' tumblr method. Methods that were supposed to guarantee results in a day so when they didn’t I felt rlly useless. It was annoying, to say the least, and I don’t want to help others do the same thing, but really all I can do is reiterate what I always say and hope you apply it to everything!!
A lot of you guys wanted something that didn’t involve the void state, so that’s what this will revolve around! But feel free to make this void orientated if you desire, and I’ll also add a void section so all my babies can eat!
Ok so you’ve over consumed, you have dropped the void, and now have switched to just assuming and knowing that you would wake up with your dream life - embracing states. Great! At first, it will seem like you're doing nothing but you aren’t! For example, I knew I was dwelling in the state of wish fulfilled when I went to work without shedding tears, when I looked in the mirror and didn't think I was ugly because, well, I'm beautiful! I didn't care abt not performing well on a test because I could revise my past etc. this isn’t to say ignore the 3D: don’t do that, please try and make sure you’re safe and okay. But know life is malleable. Slowly, things that used to bother me—my parents, grades, anxiety, self-deprivation—started to fade away. Even though my dream life hadn't reflected in my 3D yet, I felt the switch. That's when I decided, I know what to do.
I also remember finding this cute website a long time ago that I want to share that summarizes it in such a great and simple way.
So Before I knew or understood what LOA was, I found this gem of an article on I am Love'- "How To Shift Into A State & Stay There". I think I have a post abt it somewhere on my blog but I’m too lazy to find it so here it is again.
Basically it explains that the essence of shifting into a desired state and staying there. What resonated with me was her choice to dwell in the state of knowing that her desires are hers, no matter what.
The way she used colloquial language made the content relatable and easy to understand. It's like having a conversation with a friend who's guiding you through hard concepts with “dumbed down” language because at the beginning states made 0 sense to me.
Posts like this really helped me particularly because when I discovered Neville, it required three attempts on my part to not only intellectually grasp his teachings, but also to truly comprehend him as a whole, given his non-contemporary speaking tbh.
I recommend it if you find yourself stuck or not really grasping the law yet (which is more than okay) but, if you're looking to understand the loa better or just learn more give this article a read.
There’s also a particular quote from Neville that really got me to dive into his work after finding this article and it was- “The being that you really are, descended to the weakness of the flesh, causing you to experience the state you are now in. Contemplate another state, and the same being who brought your present form into being will restore and make alive the other state, the state desired. This he will continue to do until his purpose is fulfilled. That purpose is to follow a certain pattern back into the unity of being. You see, in the beginning we were drafted. We did not volunteer to fall into these states. We were made subject into futility, not willingly but by the will of him who sent us. But when we return we will discover that we are the very being who subjected us. We are now the sons, destined to return as God the Father!”
Now that you understand and are ready to apply state, Here’s a routine I’ve created to hopefully help you guys! It is very simple and not time consuming at all.
Scripting and writing: I love writing and feeling like the author of my own story, literally bringing my creation to life. I would write when I felt like it. Whenever I wanted to dwell in my state, I would simply write, "I have my dream life." It's so simple, yet it embodies everything I need. If you’re more of a picture girl, use Pinterest instead. Or both if you prefer it doesn’t matter.
Edward arts' "I am creator meditation": Again, do this whenever you like it. It's one of the few meditations that didn't bore me to death and seemed to work with my ADHD. I also love reading, so I would read his pdf whenever I felt like it and take mental notes. Reading his work was a reminder I was doing everything right, it resonated with me very well.
During doubt and overstimulation: When things get overwhelming, close your eyes and let the emotions pass. They’re just thoughts! repeat the words "I am" until your heart returns to its normal rhythm. It's a simple yet powerful way to ground yourself amidst the whirlwind of emotions. And guess what? You can use this technique for doubt too! So the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, remember the power of "I am". It's a gentle reminder of your existence, your resilience, and your capability to be whatever you want despairs any emotional turmoil.
Thank god: (yourself!!) When reminded of your desires. Thank you god. When you see your desires, (eg:Pinterest, online or you’re just reminded) thank you god! When you see an image of your desires, thank you god! When you dream or think about your desires. Thank god! Always thank the person fulfilling it aka you ;)! If you’re religious just thank the god you actually follow.
Nightly reflections: At night, ask yourself , "What would I do if I woke up in my dream life right now?" repeat this question throughout the night. Then, imagine whatever scene you want. What would you do if you could not fail? What would you do if you had all the money in the world right now. What if you looked in the mirror and saw the most ethereal being and it’s just you? What about if you woke up in your dream house with your dream family and pets? This is inspired by one of the first shifting methods I created that helped me fulfill my imagination before I knew what that meant. When you’re ready to sleep just remind yourself it is done, and drift off into your desires.
As I've always said, I've been a great daydreamer. I knew exactly what I wanted my life to look and feel like. I envisioned my walk-in closet filled with luxurious outfits, waking up in my dream room on a soft mattress with my pets purring nearby. I saw the decor reflecting my personality in every corner of my large, and pretty room. I imagined walking into my bathroom, seeing all my cool Sephora products lined up for my skincare and shower routine. I love taking care of myself because I know I deserve it. I saw myself looking in the mirror, knowing I'm "that girl" who turns heads wherever she goes.I visualized going downstairs in my boujee dream house,and seeing my family stress-free, smiling, and eating well. I saw plans being made on my phone, my friends were excited to see and talk to me. I went to my kitchen, filled with expensive ingredients ready for me to cook meals for my loved ones - because I love cooking. I saw myself checking my bank account and seeing multiple seven figures in my savings, checking, and investment accounts and opportunities easily presenting myself to make more if I wanted. I saw myself running errands in my car, shopping, getting Starbucks, having expensive lunch with friends, and making a trip to Target. Despite the simplicity of the day, I would come home and be like, "Ugh, what a long day!"like that one khloe kardashian meme. What if all this happened today? Visualize and feel the scenes so clearly that it felt like it's already happening.. not just in your imagination.
Most importantly: Define the law for you! Stop parroting bloggers and intertwine your own beliefs with the law. The only principle of the law is that through persistence assumption will harden into a fact. Other than that anything goes except for facts that are wrong.
Here’s old notes I found in my phone lol just so you know what I mean by define the law for you: ignore the writing I was kinda dumb and new to the law 😭😭
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Now this is for my void babies if you made it this far.
Read this post.
This is it copied bc the links are wonky sometimes
“My previous method is based on the persistent assumption, which a lot of people don’t know how to do right and it might take some time even for those who have the right self-concept and the mindset, so today I was in the process of manifesting this method.
And I was successful!
This method is for everyone. It’s the easiest Void method.
Do you know that you get into the Void state at night automatically? At that time the whole perceived world disappears for you. Every single perception and assumption you have disappears while your consciousness in the calm and natural Void state.
Use it to your advantage. Now that you know about the Void that you enter when you sleep, the perfect state to manifest anything that you wish to perceive, with no “resistance”, no illusions of annoying solid things around, you only need to remember your scripted starting point in your DR and practice watching it all coming out of the Void.
Practice that scene with your eyes closed, say to yourself:”That is what I perceive. Next time I’m in the Void, I’ll experience this”. You won’t even need to be fully aware of yourself that way when you get into the Void while you are asleep. Your subconscious would do all the work as it now would have the instruction and a clear image of you expecting it.
Personal experience: as I was receiving information on this method, I almost stepped into my DR! I wasn’t even in the absolute void state, I was only creating the scene for this method and I felt it materialise with my senses!
I have great feeling that it’s going to give fast results for others! Try it, teach your subconscious what it needs to bring forth while in the Void, let it do your work for you!”
Lastly, I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs real quick bc the fear of shifting vs manifesting makes me sad for y’all. I understand you don’t wanna leave behind the people you love and that’s not fear to feel ashamed of having! I personally hate the npc mindset a lot of have people have adopted. The only thing we know for sure is that assumptions create realities, and consciousness is the real reality. Everything else boils down to assumptions, except for principles. For example, shifting is not lucid dreaming, even if you assume it to be. That is the principle. I’m just going to copy what I told my mutal bc I’m lazy and need to finish Christmas stuff 😭😭 but Our imagination and the 4D realm are products of our consciousness, which is indeed real. Our view of reality is shaped by our consciousness, since we can't experience everything all at once.
Unless, of course, you shift into a super omnipotent god. Even then, you’d probably still struggle with the concept of infinity because, well, infinity is infinite. And it’s constantly a never exnding expansion. As humans, we're finite beings, and our understanding of the infinite is naturally limited. Because you can’t and won’t ever experience everything at once, infinity is always expanding. Our awareness can be thought of as fragments of consciousness; it's like being a drop of water in a massive ocean. Even though our perception is limited, the infinite is always there, always existing. We simply adjust our awareness to perceive this infinite reality.
And through our consciousness, we are able to tap into other realities or 'multiverses', which give us a broader understanding of existence. This exploration of consciousness and the multiverse is a significant part of my journey into the world of manifestation.
The law of consciousness explains why, when you "shift" or change your perspective, you don't physically move. It's all about altering your state of awareness. This is also why time doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. You can become aware of any time or day you want, as long as you choose to be aware of it. It's like having a mental time machine. This law is why infinite universes exist. As long as you can be aware of it, you can assume and embody the state of that person. Whether that's someone with a billion dollars on Earth, or a person who lives in the Attack on Titan world, it's all about your awareness.Our awareness is just a fragment of the larger consciousness – hence the idea of the multiverse. Each universe is a different fragment, a different state of awareness. And we have the power to “shift” into any of these states, therefore shifting into any of these universes.
I’m telling you this bc there’s no need to be afraid of manifesting or being in a reality with robotic versions of the people you love. Ariana grande and Marilyn Monroe for example talk about loa without acknowledging it and we see their success. Neville Goddard and his followers saw each other’s manifestions and I manifest for my friends and they mnaifest for me.
Take a deep breath and let go of the tik tok clone mindsets y’all have they don’t exist. You can manifest and assume anything you want in your imagination. Y’all literally want to manifest things like millions of dollars, revising deaths, living in new countries, having immorality in your waiting rooms, and never aging which is all possible of course. So be for real, why assume and know that you can achieve all that, but it won't manifest exactly how you want? I've also wondered about what happens to the "old version" of people when they manifest their dream life. As far as I'm concerned, they dont exist because you choose not to be aware of them.
I really want to talk about this too, as I've received similar questions and, oh my god, I thought I was alone. I've always been a bit delusional and lived in my head, but when I became conscious of the law, did anyone else feel a sense of self-embarrassment? I don't know what that was, but I'd genuinely feel my soul wanting to throw up envisioning my desires that aren't mine, even though I've always been a daydreamer. It's kind of like when you feel you can't have them or it's strange to envision yourself with something you can't have, so you just purge yourself. 😭
I was thinking back to why that happened and laughing at myself because we need to be serious right now. Why are you getting sick by your own mind? Imagine if Van Gogh, anytime he pulled out a canvas and held a brush, was jump-scared by the brush. Picture him holding out the brush and just staring at the canvas crying because "well, the painting is going to suck 😐," "I don't know what to paint☹️☹️," "I already know it won't be like what I envision in my head 😡😡." Like, bro, the canvas is blank, just fucking paint. That’s why I really like his quote that's like...
“If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” So If you’re scared of failing, if you’re scared of your desires, or scared of how it will come to fruition, for that reason alone is more so to and manifest it anyways.
But happy holidays guys! make some tea, scroll through Pinterest, read a good book and watch some Christmas films and remember if you can imagine/think your desires you can embody them bc where are you getting it from??
Here are some helpful documents I have read plus a cute vid I saw on insta reels : (let me know if the links are being weird)
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herofics · 5 months
One and Only, Always
A/N: I’m not having the best time right now and I wanted to vent so here’s some comfort with Geto. I’m in uni currently and it’s causing me a lot of stress right now, also depression spiral and shit like that basically
“What do I keep doing wrong?” you muttered as you laid on the floor of the bedroom.
You didn’t understand. Everyone else could do it. All your other classmates could go to school, work and take care of their family at the same time. You couldn’t even manage school, and to take care of yourself at the same time. Geto being so busy all the time was kind of a relief, honestly. You were so tired all the time, and managing the relationship was hard, so it was easier when he wasn’t there. You hated that you felt this way. You loved him so much, but being around him, around anyone really, was just extremely tiring.
“What are you doing down there, love?” Geto asked from the doorway.
You hadn’t even heard him come in.
“Thinking… I guess” you answered reluctantly.
“What about?” he asked as he sat down on the floor at the end of the bed.
“Nothing in particular, I’m tired so it’s kinda hard to keep my thoughts in order, so I’m not really sure either” you sighed.
You crawled to Geto and rested your head on his thigh. He was wearing sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt. You were so used to seeing him in his monk robes that it was a bit odd to see him looking so casual.
“Why are you home so early anyway? I thought you had meetings the whole day?”
“I wrapped them up quickly, besides it’s not really early, it’s seven in the evening” he chuckled.
“Oh… I knew that”
“What’s going on with you? You’ve been a bit distant as of late” Geto noted.
You sighed, he never missed anything. He didn’t always say something right away, he sometimes observed the situation for days, weeks even, before saying anything.
You pushed yourself up to a sitting position and sat next to him. Geto wrapped his arm around you and caressed your shoulder with the tips of his fingers.
“I don’t know, honestly. I don’t have any good reason to be depressed again. Like fuck, I’ve been in uni for a year, and I’m already on the verge of burning out. I don’t understand what I keep doing wrong, because there has to be something.” you said.
“Oh love” Geto sighed sympathetically.
“I can’t just be this-this broken piece of shit! I can’t just be this useless!” you exclaimed in frustration, banging your head against the end of the bed.
Geto placed his hand between your head and the end of the bed, so you wouldn’t hurt yourself.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself, stop” he said kindly but sternly as he forced you to lean your head against his shoulder.
“I don’t know what-what to-to do Suguru. I don’t want to be here if I can’t be useful to someone” you started sobbing.
Geto pulled you into his lap and you buried your face into his chest. You didn’t mean to break down like this. You didn’t want to be a burden.
“You’re not useless love, you’re not. You saved me back when we were in Jujutsu High, if it wasn’t for you, I probably wouldn’t be here right now. You’re my rock, and my light, the love of my life” Geto said as he peppered kisses on top of your head and embraced you tightly.
He hated seeing you like this and maybe even more than that, he hated that he wasn’t sure how to help. Geto let you cry it out. He held you until your tears ran out and you got your bearings again.
“I’m just so tired of this, I don’t want to feel like this anymore. I want to be able to do things like everyone else can, and not just be left behind every fucking time. If I can’t even do that, then what’s the point?” you said quietly, fiddling with his shirt.
“Honestly, that’s something you’re going to have to discover for yourself. I don’t think any of us get a straight answer anyway, we all have to find our own meaning” he said, looking at you softly.
You met his eyes, those beautiful amber eyes that always looked at you with such love. You searched his expression for any signs of dishonesty, but you never found any, not now, not ever before. His honesty towards you was one of the big reasons you loved him.
“I can tell you this though, you’re a big part of my meaning. I don’t know what I would do without you, I feel like my life would be lacking if you weren’t here” he smiled.
“I love you Suguru, I think the only reason I’ve been able to keep going for this long is because of you” you said and placed your hand on his cheek.
“I don’t think I deserve the credit for that. You’re the one that’s kept fighting and pushing through all the obstacles” he said, moving your hand that was on his cheek so he could kiss your palm.
“But you’re my reason for fighting, you’re a part of my meaning too” you smiled tiredly.
Geto pressed his forehead against yours and whispered: “You’re my one and only, and I love you, don’t ever forget that” before kissing you softly on the lips.
His one and only, always.
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Would you be able to write one with reader defending George to her friends and soft boi overhears and practically melts. If you would be so kind.
Low-key got excited that you did you might start writing for Fred as well as I'm a slut for both twins :) (Most definitely George thou but Fred kinda close second 😉)
I love this! Thank you for requesting it, anon. I hope you enjoy it!
Wonderful You
Warnings: cursing, depression
There are some days that just lay on you like a stone. Today was one of those days for George. Nothing in particular caused it. It was just something that happened to him from time to time, and he didn't know why.
George pushed the covers off, already exhausted. It was as if his body was made of lead. He could barely lift his head from the pillow, and it ached, no... hurt, to pull himself out of bed. To get dressed. To put one foot in front of the other. But it would hurt more without you by his side. So, he did all of it and made his way downstairs.
It was Thursday, which meant you were already up for your volunteer shift at the library. He'd get there just in time for your shift to end. Then you could go cuddle for hours on end, as the two of you always did when he was having one of his black days.
He could hear voices outside the library before he rounded the corner.
"I just don't understand what you see in him," one said. "I mean, he's cute, I'll give you that. But he's such an annoying prat."
It didn't occur to George that they were talking about him until he heard his girlfriend's voice.
"Well, it's a good thing he's my boyfriend and not yours," Y/N snapped.
"Look, Y/N were not trying upset you," said another voice. "We just think you could, you know, do so much better."
George peeked around the corner to see Y/N standing with her arms crossed, facing two of her Ravenclaw friends, Abby and Lydia.
"Excuse me," Y/N retorted. "But, you don't know a damn thing about him or our relationship."
"I know enough to know the only thing he cares about are his precious pranks and ridiculous inventions. He'll never amount to anything. Even his own mother knows that." Lydia said.
George slunk back into the shadows, sinking down on the nearby bench, head in his hands. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but it refused to budge. What if Lydia was right? What if his mum was right? What if he was nothing more than a series of disappointments?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if he didn't deserve someone as wonderful as Y/N? What if he'd only bring her down?
He was seconds away from shuffling back upstairs and burying himself in bed when Y/N's voice stopped him in his tracks. George turned and peeked around the corner again.
"As I said," Y/N's voice was steady, but there was an edge to it that hinted at the rage seething just beneath her skin. "You don't know a damn thing about him. You only see what you want to see. So, until you get off your high horse and make an effort to get to know the most amazing, sweet, brilliant human being to ever come into my life, I suggest you shut the fuck up."
Abby snorted. "I'm sorry Y/N but, brilliant? Brilliant? Really? He can barely be bothered to do his schoolwork. I shudder to think of his grades."
George watched in awe as his barely five foot girlfriend rounded on the very tall, wide-eyed Abby and backed her against the wall.
"You should have stopped at 'I'm sorry,' she said. "But, that's ok, because now I know who you really are. An arrogant, elitist snob. George is more intelligent than ten of you. He actually knows how to use his brain instead of just parroting back facts."
"But..." Abby started.
"Nope." Y/N cut her off. "I don't want to hear anything else you have to say. You've lost the privilege to talk to me."
Abby looked like she might cry. Y/N didn't care. She whirled around and ran smack into Lydia.
"The same goes for you." Y/N tried to go around the girl, but Lydia stepped in front of her.
"Please, Y/N, don't be like this," she pled. "I know we came off a bit gruff, but it's only because we care. We don't want to see you--" Lydia's words trailed off.
"What?" Y/N asked, stepping closer. "You don't want to see me what?"
"Well, it's just, you have so much potential and we just don't want to see it wasted on a--"
"A Weasley? Is that what you're saying?" Y/N was now almost nose to nose with Lydia, who stumbled, trying to back away from the irate witch.
"Let me tell you something, both of you," Y/N began. "I'm am the luckiest girl in the world because George Weasley loves me. And I'm doubly lucky because his family loves me too. And I ever catch wind of either of you saying one word against George or his family again, I will hex you with so many spells it'll take decades to untangle them all."
Y/N bent down to pick up her cloak, which had slipped off her shoulders and onto the floor. "Stay away from me," she warned her ex-friends. "And away from George." Then she turned and stomped away.
Y/N was so furious that she didn't even notice George when she rounded the corner. A yelp escaped her lips before she realized it was her boyfriend who'd grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.
"Oh hi, sweetie!" Y/N gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I love you so much, Y/N," he mummered into her ear. "How are you even real? How are you even mine?"
Y/N heard the tremor in his voice and pushed back a little so she could see his face. "Georgie, have you been crying?" The question was rhetorical, of course, because his bloodshot, red-rimmed eyes gave him away.
"Uh, maybe a little."
A little, my ass. "Did you hear any of that conversation?"
George nodded, releasing his hold on her to wipe his eyes.
Dammit. "Now, you listen to me, George. Don't you dare believe one word they said. They're stuck-up idiots who don't deserve a second thought. Ok?"
George nodded again. "Will you marry me?" The question came completely out of the blue. "I know we're only seventeen, and we still have to finish school, and I don't have ring, and--"
Y/N silenced him with a kiss. "Yes," she said, eyes sparkling even in the dim light. "A thousand times, yes! But let's graduate first, ok," she added with a smile.
George nodded and gathered her up into another bear hug. "I love you, and I promise I'll take care of you and never disappoint--"
"Georgie, sweetheart," she gently interrupted. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"No," he whispered. "But I will be."
Y/N looked at him, really looked at him, and it hit her.
"Oh lovey," she said. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I am--I was," he stammered. "I came down to find you, but I heard those things being said about me, and it hurt. I started to think that maybe they were true and I almost left. But, then you said all those wonderful things, and you made me feel like the most special person in the world."
Y/N smiled up at him. "That's because you are the most special person in the world. And, to me, you always will be."
A smile spread across George's face for the first time since he woke up. "Just when I think I can't love you anymore than I already do." He leaned down and kissed her gently, their foreheads resting together even after they pulled away.
"Now, how about we grab some breakfast and go find a quiet place to snuggle the day away?" Y/N asked.
"Yes, please." George smiled sheepishly. "As long as you don't have anything more important to do."
"There is nothing and no one more important than you, my sweet Georgie."
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enassbraid · 1 year
mkay so hurt comfort request...what if rui/mizuki end up meeting the reader on the rooftop (by coincidence) only to find they're there for the exact same reason, to avoid bullying/teasing
“𝐈𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡..”
A chance rooftop encounter and..?
Featuring Rui Kamishiro & Mizuki Akiyama
Hi anon, ask and you shall receive. Tried to keep the hurt and comfort well balanced here, so I hope you like. also this was supposed to be a lot longer but tumblr crashed and I lost my old draft…
Cw) themes of depression, brief suicide mention, brief transphobia in Mizuki’s part, cursing, isolation
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Rui Kamishiro
Rui had a routine, one that was rarely broken. Even if he hated it, he’d always return to that loop of nothing. He chose the rooftop as ‘his spot’ specifically ‘cause it was rare for anyone else to visit it, a perfect escape from the cruel ridicules form his peers.
On this particular day, he realized someone was also on the rooftop. Though no where near him, rather, the whole other side. He didn’t bother speaking to you, not knowing what your intentions were or why you were even there. But at the same time, it sparked Rui’s curiosity.
Over the course of the next week, he noticed you were still there. It wasn’t a temporary thing? As selfish as Rui felt, he felt like his space was being invaded, despite it being a public area. But usually it was only him in this public area, like it was his. Ignoring all the screams of “don’t do it” ringing in his head, he decided to go up to you. Whether you wanted to talk or not was on you.
“Purple hair with a blue streak… unkempt appearance… are you, by any chance, Kamishiro Rui..?”
‘Unkempt appearance’ and a hair description felt a bit better than ‘weirdo guy,’ but could they ever just refer to him as his name?
“Yeah, that’s me. I’ve never really seen you around before, what’s your name?”
“(Full name), and you probably haven’t seen me around ‘cause I used to hideout in the bathroom… but I got found there, and it didn’t feel safe anymore, so I came up here. I heard this is the freak spot of the school, you and some other kid are who they talk about most when they bring it up.”
‘Some other kid’ rang in his ears, that’s Mizuki. He wanted to bring them up and how they haven’t been coming to school recently, but he refrained. He could tell you later, it didn’t feel appropriate talking about someone else with the current topic.
“I came to the rooftop one day to meet a friend, but it became a habit even if they aren’t on the rooftop on days. What do you mean hiding in the bathroom? And it didn’t feel safe anymore? If you’re okay with telling me… that is.”
You hesitated for a moment. Could you really tell a guy you just met about your whole bullying situation? But he also didn’t seem to know you, or even of you. It’s not like he’d get the idea. But the words couldn’t help but escape your mouth anyways.
“I get bullied a lot, y’know, the usual “Hider in the bathroom” story. Um… yeah, this school year hasn’t been the best… or the last few for that matter..”
Rui’s eyes focused on your face, your eyes held a solemn look as you spoke, as if there’s a deeper story you don’t wish to tell. He respected that, of course. This whole ‘first encounter’ is already deep enough.
“I can see where you’re coming from, I’m sure you already heard of me. I’m the weird guy who has sick and twisted ideas that are always harming people, as they say. I don’t think I’ve physically harmed anyone..”
His face scrunched up into a thinking look, making you chuckle softly. The rest of the lunch period went by without another word spoken. The silence was quiet, but a comfortable one nonetheless. When the bell rang, Rui didn’t bid a farewell, instead he only nodded his head and smiled, not giving you much time to return it.
The next few weeks went by as normal, boring and empty. But at least Rui had a new friend, someone to look forward too seeing. It felt a little less lonely on that rooftop now that it wasn’t just him and an occasional Mizuki. Although, if he did have one complaint, it’s that you didn’t talk a lot. Which he could understand, but in the back of his mind it felt like it was your way of saying “leave me alone.”
Which made him realize, he never got your number, or any other way to contact you outside of school. And Rui was far too anxious to talk to you in the halls or classes, worried about bringing unwanted attention to himself that could give more material for newer rumors. If you weren’t initiating more communication, did that mean something?
He tried not to think about it, he really did. But what if you were just as weirded out by him as everyone else? And you were only using him for company too feel less alone? What if…
“Hey, (Name), are we… friends?”
His question caught you off guard, it was so.. random. Not only was it the first thing he’s said to you all day, but you thought it was clear you guys were somewhat close enough to consider each other friends. Did he not see it?
“Of course we are Rui. I’m sorry if this comes off weird, but you’re honestly my only friend..”
Your only friend? He didn’t know whether to feel bad or honored, maybe both? Your response reassured him, visibly relaxing a tad bit more into your presence.
“We graduate soon, don’t we? What school are you planning to attend?”
He almost forgot you were in the same grade as him, and that graduation was slowly creeping up on you two. He never really thought about the future that much, not even knowing if he’d make it or not. Where did he wanna go next..
“I’m not sure, I think my mom is enrolling me in some random school around here, I don’t know which one though. What about you?”
“Kamiyama, I think. My parents were pushing me towards the girl’s academy, so they could have enrolled me without letting me know.”
He knew he wasn’t going to Kamiyama, the name didn’t ring a bell nor did he think of it. So this was most likely the last school year you’d see each other, isn’t it? For some reason, Rui felt genuine sadness. Not an “oh this is the last time we’ll see each other in school” feeling, but an “oh…” feeling. He didn’t know you nearly as long as Mizuki, but something about your rooftop meetings meant more than they should have to Rui. He got too accustomed.
That was one of the last times you two talked before graduating. There was never a number exchange, only a “nice knowing you.” The farewell was bittersweet, but it is what it is, you thought.
The first year at Kamiyama went by faster than you’d have liked. There was a weird classmate you had that you acquainted yourself with. He was… loud, but friendly. Having someone like that as your friend made it easier to get to know others. After all, this was a fresh start. There were more students at Kamiyama than your junior high, potential friends were everywhere. It was a sweet reassurance in your mind.
The break before second year was a lot less lonely than the previous year, but there was still something missing. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but there was something you yearned for that wasn’t there. It felt selfish, after so long you aren’t being ridiculed, and you’re still looking for more than that.
You didn’t like thinking about junior high, it was too painful to relive. But you knew it had something to do with it, but what? You start your second year at Kamiyama tomorrow, maybe you could pin point it there.
The new first years were… interesting. Individually they were all okay, but if you group them, it’s certainly a unique group. But one of their names sounded familiar, so maybe it would be worth your while talking to them. This year was looking good so far, really good. But…
“(Name), I knew you looked familiar. You’ve grown a lot, how have you been?”
That voice was one you knew all too well. Slowly turning around, you easily identified the owner of the voice. Rui
His hair is shorter, and he doesn’t look unkempt at all compared to when you last saw him. His eyes aren’t lacking the light they lacked before, and he’s tall.
“Rui? You said you weren’t going to be at Kamiyama, what are you doing here?”
“Well.. there was an incident at my last school, and they had to transfer me. Apparently explosive aren’t okay to use on school property!”
“You didn’t think that before!?”
The two of you broke out into laughter, genuine laughter. Not the awkward laughs or chuckles you’d give on the rooftop. It was only now you realized how depressed both of you were back then, not even capable of giving real emotion back to each other.
“So why did you choose Kamiyama? Did you miss me?” You were joking, kinda. You do wish he missed you though.
“Ah, well that and I know a couple others attending here. My one childhood friend and another friend from junior high, I believe I mentioned them too you before. Their names are Nene Kusanagi & Mizuki Akiyama.”
So that was the familiar name, Akiyama. It was better to introduce yourself now then later after so long of knowing of them.
“I’m sure we have a lot to catch up on, what do you say we go out to eat after classes?”
The way Rui spoke softly and with a smile made you understand that empty feeling you had before. You were missing Rui. He was the missing puzzle piece.
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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Mizuki Akiyama
You’re not sure if meeting Mizuki was the best or worst thing to ever happen to you. You always tried to steer clear of others, avoid any cruel remarks at all costs. Lunchtime was the worst time of day if you couldn’t run away. For a while, you just endured being bullied during the free period, slowly starting to not care about food getting thrown at you or being humiliated in front of everyone.
At some point, you heard of a ‘freak who can’t comprehend identity’ hid on the rooftop ‘like a pussy’ to avoid humiliation. These words spiked your interest, were they seriously just bullying people to the point of hiding outdoors? And not ashamed of themselves?
Your mind wandered to this ‘freak.’ What made them consider them a freak? You knew from experience they couldn’t be too bad, just looking at the situation they put you in. If they’re hiding in the rooftop all the time, then maybe…
Slowly, you made your way up the stairwell, all the way to the top. The rooftop. With hesitation, you opened the door, met with the cool breeze from outside. It felt a lot less stuffy up here, and wondered why people didn’t come up here usually, it’s a nice view and comfortable. I’m getting off track you thought.
Your eyes scanned for this mysterious kid, not exactly knowing what you should be looking for. Did they have long hair or short hair? Sweater or no sweater? But judging by the way your peers said it, there should only be one person up here. And you think you just found them.
“What do you want.. here to tell me what I am and what I can’t be?”
They spoke first, annoyance clearly lingering in their voice. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea…
“I um, heard about you.. the kids that were bullying me said you hide up here a lot, and I just wanted to, yknow, meet you? I guess..”
“Meet me?”
Mizuki never knew people thought they were someone worth wanting to meet. But at the same time, their guard was still up. What if they sent you so they can keep getting picked on? Of course those guys would stoop that low.
“Yeah, I know I shouldn’t jump to conclusions like this, but it seemed like you were in a similar situation? With being ridiculed and bullied. We don’t have to be friends or anything, just… acquainted.”
Acquaintances, friends, companions, so many different words to describe someone who keeps you from being alone. Is there really any difference in the end? Mizuki was full of reluctance, but their heart told them to ‘go for it, meet someone new.’
“You can sit here, I don’t have lunch though, so if you don’t and you’re hungry, you’re out of luck.”
“Actually I do have something, yakisoba. Do you wanna split it?”
Splitting yakisoba wasn’t anything Mizuki hasn’t heard of, but it’s not something they’ve ever seen people do in front of them, let alone be the one apart of splitting it. It was certainly new. But, today they’re already on a roll with trying new things.
You pulled out the container holding the yakisoba, keeping it warm and fresh throughout the time it was in your bag. Opening the lid made the strong scent hit yours and Mizuki’s nose almost immediately, it smelt good. Really good in fact it reminded Mizuki how they should have ate something today by now.
“Doesn’t it smell good? I made it myself. But I haven’t tried it yet, so I don’t know if the flavor is as good as it’s scent..”
“Well that makes me your food critic doesn’t it? Lemme get the first bite.”
They moved closer holding their utensil over the container, careful not to get anything on their uniform. Taking a medium portion into their mouth, the flavor exploded on their tongue. This was really good.
“You did such a good job! This tastes amazing… um..”
Your name, they were going to say your name, if they knew it. Your face twisted with concern, was the aftertaste terrible?
“Is there something wrong? Sorry if I messed something up…”
“No no! You didn’t mess anything up, I just don’t know your name. If.. you don’t mind sharing it?”
Right, you guys never properly introduced yourselves. This was a slightly random meeting, but you could have sworn you introduced yourself.
“I’m (Full Name), sorry I didn’t tell you sooner…”
“It’s all good, I’m Mizuki Akiyama, you can just call me Mizuki. Although I would have thought you heard my name around cause of how much everyone talks about me.”
Their name suited them, a lot. It was a pretty name for a pretty person. Only now are you able to get a better look at their face. You averted your eyes before Mizuki could catch you staring.
“Uh, well then, Mizuki. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
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yelenasdiary · 7 months
I hate that I am making this post but I am simply making it for the others to be aware of this particular person.
Below the cut there are mentions of suicide, nothing explicit but just a heads up x
Please know I am not making this to humiliate this person or cause them any harm, this is simply for others to be aware and to be able to lookout for themselves!
I’m not 100% confident on their name but they have used Alice before, but again, can’t confirm if this is actually their name. But I can confirm that the person I’m talking about has in fact done the same thing to another person & I can only imagine there are others.
This person gets a kick out of seeking help from others. They will tell you how sad and depressed they are, they will send you detailed messages on how they want to hurt themselves or how they have currently hurt themselves then suddenly stop replying, leaving you to worry and hope they are okay.
They’ll return a day or so later and apologise over and over how it wasn’t fair for them to put that on you and within minutes the conversation will shift and return to how depressed they are etc.
I started talking to this person around late March, I noticed rather quickly how odd I thought it was that they would message me around the same time every night. Thursday & Friday nights around 9-10pm, sometimes on a Saturday. They would then deactivate their blog out of nowhere or without a word and come back a week later acting like a different person but the story and detailed messages were the same.
Eventually they deactivated once again and I didn’t hear from them for a few months then 2-3 months ago I received an anonymous ask stating they were going to take their life and so on. I could tell this was the same person from the detailed information in the ask and decided to ignore it and reply to another ask of theirs asking them to kindly leave me alone. I blocked them and the next day I received asks saying that I had killed a girl.
“She reached out to you and you ignored her” etc etc. Of course I didn’t believe this at all so I blocked and deleted the asks. This person has shown me before how quickly they can become angry if things don’t go their way. They got upset with me once because I didn’t agree with them on their opinions on the police force and how they handle at risk people.
Then last week on Tuesday night, after I finished work I saw I had a spam or asks on my side blog (sokoviansecret) saying they hated me and what not, at first I didn’t think it was the same person and just another troll but the more asks I read after replying to 2 of them I knew it was them.
I told them that I wasn’t buying into their behaviour and to call a helpline if they seriously need help. On Wednesday night I came home from work to a spam of 20+ asks from 6:30pm to 7:45pm saying how a “Sydney girl was found dead by family” and that messages between me and then had “leaked” and that it was my fault that they “took” their life.
This is the second time this person has done this to me. So I again, told them I wasn’t stupid and I knew that they were not dead that they need to stop using this as a way to gain attention. I also mentioned that if they didn’t leave me alone for good I would take things further. I blocked them once again and I didn’t hear anything until the other night when somebody reached out to me with a screenshot of an ask another blog received.
“Yelenasdiary killed a girl
She had an OD she’s dead”
This is where I gave up. This person is now trying to tell people I am responsible for the death of somebody who isn’t even dead. Unfortunately I am not the only person this has happened too. I’ve had another person reach to me and tell me their experience and they confirmed the one of the blogs they were contacted from is the same blog I was contacted from.
The blog is now deactivated but if you ever spoke to a blog under the names: introvertedmoths, wandamaximoffspuppup or hellhoundskiss please know that everything they said was nothing but a lie. These are the 3 blogs that I currently know of and unfortunately I don’t know what their current blog is.
This person lies and abuses your trust. I never ever want anybody to feel the pain and suffering I do so of course I wanted to help and be somebody they could count on to be there for them but when I noticed it was all for their benefit, for the attention, I had to stop. They’re made because I stopped, because I don’t believe a single word they say.
If this person sounds familiar to you or you think you’ve experienced this person, please don’t let their behaviour have any effect on you! They are a sick individual person who needs help, help we can no provide.
Please be safe and look after yourself & others.
I’m sorry again to make such a long post but it seems tumblr won’t do anything and I refuse to let this person make me out to be a cruel individual.
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rocknrollbabe14 · 2 years
Rainbow in the Dark
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Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of bleeding, grief, loss, depressing behaviors, sexual situations, smut, sex (p in v sex), breeding kink? maybe? (depends how you look at it I guess but I intended it to be more like a husband just really wanting another baby with his wife because that's both of their end goals). If I forgot anything, let me know. 
Author's Note: This part one. There will be a part two to this. I am working on several different things right now so please bare with me and be patient. :) This is the start of a Dad!Joe series. I will be making a separate section on my master list. This follows my "Stuck With You" series which can be found on my master list :)
@josephs-quinns @kellysimagines
It had been one week past Amelia's third birthday. It was hard to believe your baby girl was three years old. To you and your husband, Joseph it felt like it had just been yesterday. You and Joe had been keeping a secret from your three-year-old daughter—you were pregnant again. You were ten weeks pregnant. You had begun to experience morning sickness—the first sign you were pregnant again. That was one of the first signs you were pregnant with Amelia.
Your last check-up was perfect—Baby Quinn was growing on schedule, and everything looked great. That's what your OB had said. At your daughter's third birthday party you had to sneak away every few hours—becoming nauseated at the slightest thing, especially certain food. You were living on saltines and water that particular day. Some were worse than others. His mom would come in the bathroom and check on you while Joe was busy trying to help with the party. Joe would make his way in the bathroom a few minutes after his mom, however, saying he was never too busy to check on you. 
You'd smile even after throwing your guts up, knowing Joseph was an amazing dad. You had picked an amazing man to be the father of your kids. Joe was super excited that you were pregnant again. You all had decided since Amelia was getting ready to turn three, it was a good time to start trying again. It didn't take long for you all to end up pregnant. Today, you felt super fatigued. No nausea or vomiting. You hadn't had those in a few days. Joseph was leaving to do an interview, stating he should be home fairly early.
You decided to start cleaning the house—Joe insisted on light housework. Only sweeping, laundry, dishes, and tidying up rooms. No mopping, vacuuming or lifting heavy things. He would do those for you. You had a load of laundry started, Amelia was down for a nap for the time being. You decided to close your eyes just for the length of her nap. 
Your eyes shot open at the sound of your alarm going off—Amelia's pediatrician recommended an hour nap now that she was three and would be starting preschool next fall. You raised off the couch, feeling a slight gush. Nothing major, but enough to cause concern to grow. It felt more like a period that you wouldn't be having right now. Your face crinkled in confusion, placing a hand on your stomach easily. You were cramping worse now.
Ascending the stairs, you made the first stop in the bathroom. Just to check everything. You were paranoid. You couldn't help it. You slid your sweatpants down easily, immediately seeing bright, red blood. 
"Oh shit.", you sighed easily. A sick feeling pooling in the pit of your stomach. You gulped down your emotions quickly.
You had never bled like this with Amelia. A little spotting, but nothing in comparison. You quickly debated what course of action to take. Within seconds, you decided going to the emergency room was the best choice. You'd call Joe once you got there, not to worry him right at the second. You slid out of the bathroom easily, going to Amelia's room. She was still sleeping. You took a deep breath, trying to find Joe's mom and dad's number.
"Hello dear.", his mom sing-songed into the phone. 
"Hey, is there a chance you could watch Amelia for me?", your voice was shaky, on the brink of tears but you were choking those back. 
"Absolutely dear, is everything okay?"
You silently shook your head but realized she couldn't see you. You'd have to use words. "No, I'm bleeding."
His mom was silent on the other end of the line. "Oh—okay dear, are you home?"
You could tell the change in her voice. She was concerned, realizing this situation was serious. 
"Yes, Amelia's asleep but I'm gonna wake her up and I can bring her to your all's house.", you sighed, wondering what was going to happen. 
"Okay, sweetheart. Just don't rush. Do you want me to call Joseph? Are you sure you're okay to drive? Do we need to come and get you?"
"No—not yet. I'll be okay. I'm going to go to the emergency room and see what they say."
"We'll just come to you, dear. Just stay home and we'll be right there.", his mom insisted.
"Okay, thank you.", your voice broke, and you felt the tears coming.
"Alright, honey. We love you. We'll be right there."
"We love you.", you sighed, the tears finally sliding down your cheeks.
You quickly wiped them away with your long sleeves as you opened the door to Amelia's room, immediately putting on a brave face for her. She was starting to wake up, rubbing her eyes. 
"Hey baby.", you sniffled slightly, eyeing her.
"Hi, mommy."
You kissed her head, brushing through her shoulder-length curly hair. It was just like Joseph's. Identical. 
"Did you sleep good?", you asked her.
She nodded excitedly. 
You kissed her head again, hugging her. She looked up at you with her big brown eyes. You felt like you were looking at a small copy of Joseph. You may have carried her for nine months, but she was Joe made over. Even some of her mannerisms. 
"Listen, nan and grandad are coming to watch you for a little bit, okay?", you eyed her.
"Okay, mommy."
As curious as children usually are, you were glad she wasn't asking more questions. You sat there just watching her grab her teddy bear. The one she almost cried over—Joe caving and buying it for her. He couldn't stand to see her cry. When her lip trembled, he caved. Almost every time. She was his baby girl and she has him wrapped around her little finger. Ever since the day she was born.
"Do you want to come with mommy in her and daddy's room?", you asked her.
She nodded easily climbing off her bed as you both headed for your bedroom. You grabbed a few things just in case they decided to keep you. The photo of you and Joe with Amelia that was taken right after she was born caught your eye. You swallowed the lump in your throat. Eyeing your phone, you were timing how long you figured it would take Joseph's mom and dad to get to your house. 
Before you knew it, your doorbell rang and you perked up instantly. You and Amelia headed downstairs and you opened the door, revealing Joseph's parents. 
"Hey dear.", his mom smiled sympathetically before hugging you.
You exchanged hugs with both of them before Amelia popped out from around you.
"Nan! Grandad!", she smiled excitedly as she ran to them, her grandad picking her up and kissing her head. 
"Do you need one of us to drive you?", his mom asked you quietly as Joseph's dad took Amelia and went into the living room and tickled her, causing her giggles to fill the room. 
You shook your head. "I think I'll be okay."
"Dear, we just don't want anything to happen to you."
Part of you just wanted to be alone. You were beginning to instantly feel isolated, your emotions running wild inside of you. If something was going wrong with your pregnancy, you didn't much feel like having an audience. You loved Joseph's mom. She treated you like her daughter but you didn't want to cause her any more grief or pain in the process. If you were losing your baby, you just wanted Joe.
"I think I'll be okay. I don't feel dizzy or weak. I'll call you as soon as I make it to the hospital. Amelia wants to spend time with her nan."
His mom gave you a concerned, sympathetic glance. "Call us and let us know you made it. And if something else is happening, call Joseph. Please."
"I will.", you promised.
She hugged you again, you closing your eyes, listening to Amelia's giggles and her grandpa laughing with her. 
"We love you, Y/N."
Her words replayed in your head as you drove to the hospital, the cramps becoming increasingly worse. You winced as you turned off, the hospital fifteen minutes away. Those fifteen minutes felt like an eternity. The hospital finally came into view and you pulled in near the emergency room entrance. You locked the car, grabbing your purse and small bag before going inside. You registered at the desk, telling them your symptoms.
Even the registrar's expression appeared concerning. The sick feeling in the pit of your stomach grew, realizing this probably wasn't going to end well. However, part of your mind wanted to remain positive. You waited in the waiting room for maybe three minutes before a nurse called you back. She took you to a private room, getting your vitals, height, and weight. She asked what brought you in today. You told her, describing your symptoms in detail. 
Her eyes widened as she asked, "How far along are you?"
"Ten weeks and three days.", you sighed, looking at the tiled floor. 
The nurse nodded. "I'll be back." 
She vanished. You called Joe's mom very quickly in the meantime, letting her know you had made it safely. It was five minutes before the doctor came in. 
"Mrs.Quinn, we are going to do some lab work if that's okay with you. When did your bleeding start? We are afraid you may be having a miscarriage.", the female doctor eyed you. 
Miscarriage. That word knocked the wind out of your sails, sucker-punching your gut. You didn't want to believe that. You didn't want to admit that it was happening to you.
"Yes, that's fine. And today. Just today.", you sighed, trying to ignore the last sentence. 
"Alright, we will be back, okay?"
You nodded, deciding it would be best to make the phone call to Joseph now. Your hands shook, tears threatening to fall as you grabbed your phone, unlocking it. You eyed your last ultrasound picture before moving to your call log, hitting Joseph's contact. It rang just three times before he picked up, startling you.
"Hey love, is everything okay?"
"Um you're not busy are you, Joe?", you sighed, your voice threatening to break.
"No, just finished up. What's wrong?"
He immediately sensed something was wrong in the sound of your voice. 
"Is Amelia okay?", he asked, quickly.
"She's fine but I'm at the hospital."
"What happened, baby?", he asked suddenly, worry and concern evident in his voice.
"Um,", your voice cracked, tears beginning to fall. "Well, they're getting ready to do some lab work. They're afraid—just can you come to the hospital, please? I need you.", you begged.
"I'll be right there. Where's Amelia?", he asked quickly and you heard him shuffling on the other end of the line.
"At home with your mom and dad."
You heard him unlocking the car and getting in, starting it. You choked tears back, not wanting him to worry and speed trying to get to the hospital. You sighed, just wanting to hide under a rock. You hated this. This was something you had never dreamed would happen to you. 
"I'll be there as soon as I can, baby. Just hold tight. I love you.", he said breathlessly.
You nodded, your voice breaking. "Okay, I love you too."
You clicked off your phone as the phlebotomist came in to draw those dreaded labs—the one that would test how much HCG was in your blood and would tell you whether you were losing your baby. Another part of you and Joseph. You watched your blood run into the tube, praying that your baby was alright and they could do something. They finished drawing your blood, and the phlebotomist slipping out of the room. 
Joe slid into the room. His brown eyes were wide with concern. His was face crinkled between concern and confusion. Silent at first, he slid over to you, taking a seat in the chair beside the stretcher. He silently grabbed your hand, a sigh finally escaping his lips.
"They think you're losing the baby, don't they?", he asked quietly.
His words sent a pang through your chest. Seeing Joe hurt was the icing on the cake—the thing that was finally going to do you in.
You nodded.
He closed his eyes, rubbing behind his ear. This was a coping mechanism for him to try and focus on something else. His face was blank, no emotion evident. You wanted to break down and cry right then and there. He opened his eyes, water filling them now. It killed you to see him like this. If you were losing your baby, that was hard. But this was also hard—watching the man you love crumble in front of you. 
He blinked several times to try and stop his tears from escaping. His face was growing flushed. You finally lost it, beginning to sob in your hands. You heard him begin sniffling, feeling his hand rub up and down your back, him kissing your head. You drew your hands away from your face. Joseph had tears in his eyes, one even sliding down his cheek. He took his free hand to wipe it away, keeping his eyes focused on you. 
Truth be told, he felt gutted. But he was more worried about you. He knew this would hurt you, and make you feel like less of a woman. He knew he had to hold it together for you. It was okay to show you he hurt, but now he'd have to reel himself back in. You all had a three year old at home who needed you both. She was your all's life. 
"I would have come immediately."
You looked up at him. "I didn't—I didn't want to worry you."
He smiled weakly as he wiped the tears sliding down your cheeks. "Baby, you have went through most of this alone. That kills me."
You sighed sadly. "It's okay. I just—did what I needed to do."
"It's not okay, I'm your husband. I want to be there for you."
He eyed your all's hands, admiring your wedding rings. You all said for better and for worse. This was worse. He placed soft kisses on your cheek, hoping to convey how much he loved you. There was absolutely no lust behind them. Joseph was one of the only things keeping you going right now. Amelia and Joseph. That's who you had to focus on. 
"Mrs.Quinn.", the doctor's voice finally spoke, her entering the small room, causing you and Joe to immediately look in her direction.
"I'm Dr. Thomas. We're going to order an ultrasound to be sure and send you to the OB unit for tonight. We've reviewed your labs in comparison to your last doctor's visit. Your levels have dropped. There's no easy way to say this, but this leads us to believe you are indeed having a miscarriage."
You and Joe immediately exchanged glances, sobs beginning to escape you as you leaned over into him, crying. Joe took his free hand, covering his own eyes and doing his best not to cry. You heard small sobs he was choking back. 
It finally clicked in your head—the cramps, the bright red, bleeding, nausea, and vomiting disappearing almost immediately. 
Dr. Thomas eyed you both sympathetically. "I can imagine this is very devastating news. We are going to go ahead and transfer you to the OB unit. They'll get you settled in and do further assessments. I'm so sorry.", she spoke, leaving the room to give you all time to process this loss.
It was no time before two OB nurses came to take you both to the OB unit. They took you via stretcher. Joseph held your hand the entire way. He made the phone call to his mom that they were keeping you overnight. 
"Hey mom, it's Joe. They're going to keep Y/N for the night. Yeah. Yes. Unfortunately, they think she's losing the baby.", his voice broke. "Tell Amelia we love her. Give her kisses from us. We love you too. Bye, mom."
You could only hear the one-sided conversation. Hearing him say it made you feel even worse—feeling like you failed as a mother. Your job was to keep your baby safe and you couldn't even do that. What kind of mom did Amelia have? The thoughts made you feel worse, slowly beginning to slip you into a depression. One it would take you a while to get out of. 
The nurses gently helped you over into a bed. They helped you into a gown and change clothes. You prayed Joe didn't see where you had been bleeding. But it was so bad, it bled through your sweatpants. He noticed but didn't say anything. They took your vitals again, asking you the same questions the nurse had in the ER. The story was the same. You felt a gush and went to the bathroom, noticing bright, red bleeding. They assured you the OB would be in shortly. Dr. Bennett who delivered Amelia and had been with you from the beginning.
Dr. Bennett came in, her expression was more somber than usual. She greeted you both before explaining she was going to perform the ultrasound to see if it was a complete miscarriage. She put the cold gel on your stomach. The situation was so different in comparison to just a few weeks ago. You both were so happy to see your second baby. Joe's face was filled with excitement like it was Christmas morning, causing you to giggle at him. He had kissed your head, telling you how Amelia was going to be so jealous of her brother or sister. 
Now, you both were anxiously waiting for her to say the word 'miscarriage'. Joe looked at you sympathetically as she began to run the transducer over your stomach, scanning your baby. It was still, not moving. Not bobbing about as it had been weeks earlier. A small whimper escaped your lips before you covered your face, beginning to cry again. You felt like you were losing a part of yourself. You were. It killed Joe to see you cry. He brushed his hand through your hair easily, before kissing your head, sniffling, and fighting his own tears back. 
"I'm so sorry but you are having a miscarriage. Some tissue is left so we will be giving you some medicine to help you pass it since your body is having some issues doing it on its own. I'm so sorry, dear.", she eyed you. 
Your all's worst fear was confirmed. She left to give you all some privacy. The world felt like it was crashing down on top of you all. You knew you needed to be thankful you all had Amelia but it didn't fix the fact that you'd never know who this baby would have been. Would it have been a boy or girl? Would it have acted like Joseph or you? Looked more like you or him? You'd never get to hold it in your arms, kiss its head, or rock it to sleep. It was a harsh reality to come to terms with.
The night was long, you or Joe barely sleeping. The medicine made you feel like you were in labor again but it was helping you pass your baby. Joe would go to the bathroom with you each time as you sobbed looking at the sight you left behind you. You all would stand in front of the mirror, him holding you in his arms as tight as he could, rocking you back and forth. 
It was the same he had done when you were struggling, in labor with Amelia. You were in a lot of pain, trying to decide if you wanted an epidural or not. At that point, you were still unsure. He would just rock you back and forth in his arms, your IV pole in tow, kissing your head and telling you how strong you were and how amazing it was what you were doing for him—for you both. However, right now, you felt anything but. You felt weak and broken. 
You were released the next day and told you had passed the majority at the hospital but if your bleeding was heavy and extended into another week to come back. Dr. Bennett wanted you back at the office in a week. Joseph's mom had brought some more clothes for you since the ones you wore in were soiled. You didn't need a more painful reminder right now. Joseph helped you put your clothes on, you wincing every time a cramp came. Joseph said you could go to bed when you got home. He'd get his parents to come back for your car.
Joseph held your discharge papers as they wheeled you down in a wheelchair. He had parked out front in anticipation for this moment. The last time you were wheeled out of this hospital, you had a baby in your arms. You had nothing this time. He opened the passenger door, careful to help you inside. You eased down, wincing and trying to keep from being weak and crying some more. The nurses and Joseph had seen enough of that in your opinion. 
Joseph thanked the nurses for everything before he went to the driver's side and climbed in. He eyed you carefully. He could see the pain in your eyes and on your face. 
"I love you.", he spoke softly.
"I love you too.", you turned to look out the window. 
You dreaded going home in a way. It felt bad to say but you dreaded having to put on a brave face for Amelia. You didn't know if you could. Everything was ripping apart at the seams. Before you knew it, you had arrived home. Joseph shut the car off and got out before coming over to help you out. You hated moving as it hurt extremely bad.
"I'm so sorry, love. I wish I could take the pain away."
"It's fine, Joe. I'll make it.", you whimpered easily as he helped you stand up. 
"I'm so sorry baby."
He helped you up the steps of your porch before he unlocked the door. You had missed the familiarity of home. Your favorite candle burning. It just smelled comforting. You heard Amelia and her grandpa playing which caused a small smile to spread across your lips. You stepped in first, sliding your shoes off, just ready to go to your all's room and go to bed. 
"Go on and lay down, love. I'll take care of everything down here.", Joe smiled softly.
You could tell this was hitting him hard too, but he had a better way of reeling himself back in as to not show his emotions so much. 
"Daddy?", Amelia called out loudly, instantly turning her attention from her grandparents. 
You gulped, knowing she would come running for Joseph. She knew his voice even though he was trying to be quiet. Joseph's parents watched as she ran to you both.
"Daddy! Mommy!", she squealed as she ran to you both, Joseph picking her up instantly. 
She kissed her daddy's cheek and it was the most adorable thing—the thing that usually made your ovaries ache. Now, it was making you ache differently. Trying not to ruin Joe and Amelia's moment, you turned away and held back tears. Joseph eyed you, noticing your silent pain.
"Daddy? Is mommy sad?"
Joseph looked back at Amelia. He was stunned and didn't know what to say. 
"Well, yes. Mommy just had something sad happen to her.", he answered honestly.
She reached for you. "Baby?", Joe asked easily, causing you to turn around.
"Mommy.", she reached her hands out. 
You couldn't help but come over to Joseph and allowed her to hug you while he held her. The doctor instructed you not to lift right now as it would make your bleeding worse. 
"I love you.", Amelia smiled.
"Mommy loves you, Amelia.", you eyed her, choking back tears. 
"Let's go play with nan and grandad, why don't we? Mommy needs to lay down and rest.", Joseph eyed her as he kissed her head again.
"Okay.", she agreed easily. 
Joseph kissed you before telling you he loved you and he'd be up to check on you shortly. You immediately heard his mom and dad greeting him and asking him if you were doing okay. Continuing up the stairs, you opened the door to your bedroom, instantly feeling fatigued. You closed the bedroom door, slid into your bed, covered up, and lay there in silence. You were finally alone and cried in solitude. Joseph had been very supportive but they said mothers grieve differently than fathers. 
This routine would go on for a couple of weeks before you finally found the strength and courage to get back to yourself. Joseph worried about you for two entire weeks. You barely ate and when you did, it wasn't a lot. You seemed very complacent. You weren't yourself but he understood. You both were suffering a loss. Somehow, he found strength in all of it and you admired him for that. That was one reason you married him in the first place. He always found the brighter side of things. 
He was keeping Amelia very occupied. You felt guilty, feeling like Joe was playing both roles for those couple of weeks. Joseph insisted he didn't mind. You felt as if you were failing Amelia in the process. You were letting a baby you didn't know cause you so much grief. Joe reminded you that it was your all's baby and it was okay to grieve. Dr. Bennett cleared you and recommended you wait a little while to try again just for your mental health. There was no certain reason you miscarried and Dr. Bennett assured you not to blame yourself. 
Joseph didn't push you to be intimate with him. Matter of fact, you worried you were growing apart. You knew sex wasn't everything but you hated lying in bed beside him and just sleeping all the time. Joseph sometimes fell asleep with Amelia after reading her a story. You tried to understand. But at times, it felt like he was rejecting you too. Every time of the month just reminded you that you lost your baby. You couldn't keep it safe no matter how hard you had tried.
Ten weeks had passed since you lost your baby. Joseph's mom and dad had agreed to keep Amelia for the evening so you and Joseph could go out to dinner. Dinner went fine and you felt as if you both reconnected after the tragedy you had faced. By the time you got back home, Joseph's mom and dad informed you Amelia was asleep. You all thanked them for watching her before you both went upstairs. Joseph sat on the bed, taking his shoes off before undoing his tie. 
Quiet was thick between you all. 
"Baby?", Joseph asked, turning to you. 
"Yes?", you asked.
This was it. This was the moment he was going to tell you it was over. He couldn't do this anymore. He had been too stressed out taking care of Amelia and doing everything. You had failed them both too.
"Can I ask you something?"
You nodded, feeling the sick, anxious feeling rise in your stomach. 
"Do you think maybe—we could try again?", he asked, unbuttoning his dress shirt halfway, revealing his chest. "Do you feel ready?"
You looked down at your bed. "I couldn't keep the baby safe."
Joe sighed easily before taking you in his arms. "Baby, it's nothing you did wrong."
"I've been such a shitty mother lately. I've let you and Amelia down. What makes you think I'll be a good mom to another baby?", you sighed, feeling pain in your chest.
Joe took your face in his hands easily, causing you to look directly in his eyes. "You're an amazing mother. You're so strong. You gave Amelia life, that's more than I could ever do. If it happens, it's going to be great. You'll be so adorable pregnant.", he chuckled, causing you to smile. "If not, we'll keep trying. This isn't a race. I just love seeing you as a mother. I love you, Y/N."
You couldn't help but let happy tears come into your eyes. "I love you too, Joe." 
You both hugged deeply before sharing a kiss—one that was deeper. 
"Why don't we relax first? They say it happens when you're relaxed and least expecting it.", Joe smirked at you, breaking the kiss.
You smirked. "You really did your reading?"
"Of course, love. I'll be right back.", he hopped off the bed, kissed you on the cheek, and headed straight for the bathroom. 
You heard the water running as you stood up, sliding out of your dress. You let your hair down before taking your earrings out. The bathroom door opened, causing you to eye the door. Joseph was standing there in just his boxers. A smirk across his face. You felt your cheeks heating up. It had been around three months since you all had been intimate. He walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, coming over to you. 
"Ready baby? The water's warm.", he smirked at you, feeling his breath on your cheeks. 
"Yeah.", you smiled as he allowed you to walk in front of him.
The bathroom was warm, bubble bath in the bathtub, he turned the lights down and lit some candles. You were surprised. He came behind you wrapping his arms around your waist, before kissing your neck and laying his head on your shoulder. You sighed easily as he reached for your bra, beginning to undo it. You leaned into him, the final snap undone, and your bra found itself on the bathroom floor. He kissed your shoulder blades as his hands began roaming over your chest, finding your breasts, him giving them a gentle squeeze.
"So beautiful.", he breathed in a sigh as you felt your nipples perk up under his touch. 
"You think so?", you hummed. 
You had been self-conscious of them since you had Amelia and breastfed her. You didn't feel like they had ever turned to their normal before you got pregnant. They had grown while you were pregnant with Amelia. Nothing too major just a couple of bra sizes. Joseph didn't mind it, however, you felt self-conscious. Your clothes didn't fit like they did before you got pregnant. Joseph reminded you anytime you got frustrated about your size that you were growing a baby—specifically his baby.
"Mhmm, you always look beautiful."
You rolled your eyes at him playfully as you slid your underwear down, his hands moving to your hips. His eyes went wide, finally seeing you. It was a huge step for the both of you since the miscarriage. Joe was happy to see you returning back to your normal self. Joseph followed suit and removed his boxers, you catch the first glimpse of him in three months. 
You watched Joseph climb in first, sinking himself down into the water, closing his eyes, and instantly relaxing. All he had on was one of his chains and your eyes widened, the familiar hot, aching feeling returning to the pit of your stomach. He was scooted towards the back of the tub, ready for you to join him. You gulped instantly as you threw one leg over into the bathtub, him holding onto your waist to steady you as you eased down into the water, your back turned to him. 
You fit right between his legs, laying back against his chest. You heard him exhale a sigh of relief. The water was up to your breasts once you leaned back against him. The water sloshed as he brought one of his hands and wrapped it around your waist and the other near your breast. He hummed softly, resting his head against the wall, giving you a little more room to lean back into him. 
"How does this feel?", he asked, softly.
It was very romantic and tender. You couldn't help but lean back into him further, really sinking into him and the water. 
"Good.", you lightly moaned.
He smirked as he rubbed your waist. "You know what we should talk about?"
"What?", you hummed, the water warm and relaxing.
"I just want you to know that I know you've been stretched thin.", he kissed your ear, sending chills down your spine.
You could hear the water lightly splashing as you both barely moved, the bathroom quiet otherwise. You prayed Amelia would stay asleep. You just needed a little longer. It felt so euphoric to be this close to Joseph, nothing standing between you all. The water didn't take away from being able to feel his touch or the sensations between you all. 
"Uh-huh.", you sighed, begging him to continue. 
You felt his breath against your cool neck as he lightly chucked, continuing. "And I just want you to know what an amazing wife and mother you are."
"Is that so?"
He nodded. "Absolutely, love." He placed both of his hands on your hips, running them up your stomach before they both encompassed your breasts, easily rubbing your nipples causing you to moan softly, filling the bathroom.
"Just amazing what your body has done—don't you think? Carried our Amelia for nine months, gave birth to her, breastfed her—must I go on?", he breathed as he softly kissed your neck, moving one of his hands down your stomach. 
"You're praising me for just doing what women are designed to do."
His one hand remained on your breasts, his fingers rubbing your nipple, perking it up. The other rubbed your thigh and you knew where it was about to go. You felt him poking you easily, he was hard. It made your breathing hitch. You just wanted to melt into him. 
"I find it very amazing. You made it look so easy. It just made me want you that much more that you'd be willing to do all that so just we could have a baby.", he lightly groaned as his hands inched from your thigh towards your core. 
You mewled at his words and he was only just beginning.
"And honestly, it's why I'm so damn determined to put another baby in you."
Your eyes shot open at his words, your core burning so hot. The room was starting to feel hot but you couldn't distinguish whether it was you or truly the room.
"You are?", you asked lightly. 
"I am.", he cooed as two of his fingers slid into your folds causing you to moan. "Careful, not too loud baby or Amelia will wake up. I love when you moan loud but I really want to try to impregnate you tonight, don't you want that?"
You moaned quieter this time, nodding against him. "I do, Joe."
"Good. How does this feel?", he asked, working his fingers in and out of you slowly as he switched to your other breast, perking that nipple up causing you to squirm slightly, splashing water. 
"So good.", you moaned lightly as you felt him getting harder against your back. 
"Do you want me in you?", he asked. "Buried deep inside of you?"
You inhaled sharply, tossing your head back against his chest, feeling his leaning into yours. "Yes."
"I'll grab a towel and we'll go to the bedroom, sound good baby?"
You nodded.
Joe slid his fingers out of you just as quickly as they had entered you, causing you to mewl at the loss of contact. You needed him—-you were craving him. You leaned up enough to let him out of the bathtub, coming off your small high and realizing the water was becoming cool. You watched the water drip from his muscular physique before he grabbed two towels, wrapping one around his waist but it was impossible to miss his hard penis. It caused you to bite your lip. 
He held the towel open for you as you pulled the plug, allowing the water to begin draining. You raised up, feeiling overly exposed as you stepped onto the tiled bathroom floor, Joe instantly wrapping you in a towel and pulling you in his arms. Your nipples were hard now from the cool air. He rubbed your back easily, kissing your head multiple times. You laid your head on his chest, just feeling relaxed from being in his embrace.
You both finally warmed up and were ready to shed your towels. You unwrapped from yours first, your wet hair touching your chest. Joseph eyed your body easily and you slightly felt like a bug under a microscope. Every morning when you looked in the mirror all you could see were your imperfections—specifically your stretch marks. There weren't many and they had faded but they were still visible. 
Joseph seemed to read your mind. "Baby, they're not ugly."
"Are so.", you sighed, running your hands over them.
"Far from—just a reminder you carried our baby girl.", bent down on his knee, looking up at you before kissing them, causing you to close your eyes and run your hands through his damp, curly hair. 
He came back up easily, his hands on your waist as he began to kiss you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling the cool metal rubbing your forearms. You both had to be thinking the same thing as he slid his under your butt, lifting you up. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss. He carried you out of the bathroom, kissing you deeper before you both came to the bed. He leaned over the bed, easing you down on the mattress with a soft thud, careful not to put all his body weight on you. He broke the kiss, looking deep in your eyes, a stray curling hanging down. 
"Ready for me to put a baby in you?", he asked softly. 
You nodded feverishly. "Yes.", you gulped.
That's all Joseph needed to hear. "Tell me how bad you want it, baby."
If you could sink further into the mattress, you would. You were blinking in anticipation for him, eyes hazily looking up at him. Maybe the heat had gone to your head. He was asking you feel under the influence. His hand ran through your hair before cupping your cheek, his brown eyes looking intently into yours.
"Joe, I want you, babe, so bad—make me pregnant, please.", you sighed under his touch. 
This drove his desire further. He smirked as he leaned up and kissed your neck, down your chest, down your stomach. He looked up at you as you ran your hands through his curls. He groaned softly, closing his eyes. He wanted in you so bad he could hardly stand it. He had craved you for months but he understood you needed time to heal mentally, emotionally, and physically. He wasn't going to rush you. This was hard for you to understand and cope with. 
Joseph leaned up easily, stroking himself in front of you, never breaking eye contact with you. You kept your eyes steady on him before looking down and seeing him take himself in his hands, stroking up and down his length, hissing easily. 
"God, you're just so beautiful. I've been waiting for this night for months.", he smiled down at you.
His words caused a sigh to escape your lips before you ran a hand softly down your chest, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. He chuckled softly continuing to stroke himself. He was fully erect, his length never ceased to baffle you. It was like rediscovering him each time. 
"Careful or you're gonna end up cumming on my tummy and not in me.", you mocked him from earlier. 
He snickered at your coy response before throwing his head back. "We don't want that."
You shook your head. "Nope."
He suddenly stopped stroking himself, eliciting a groan at the loss of contact. "All I can think about is how adorable you look pregnant. I swear.", he groaned as he lined himself up with your entrance. 
He nodded. "And how amazing it is that you're carrying our baby—a part of both of us.", he eyed you as you felt him, without warning, shove himself deep inside of you, instantly stretching you. 
You closed your eyes, gasping at the sensation of him stretching you. The slight burning soon turned to pleasure faster than you could imagine. Things seemed to tighten back up when you didn't use them. Joseph smirked, knowing this was affecting you. He give you a moment to adjust to him before beginning to thrust deep inside of you, holding on to your thighs, sinking his fingertips in them. The bed quietly squeaked with each thrust, a sign he was giving it to you deep and hard.
You weren't complaining. It felt good as evidenced by your moans and need to grip the bedsheets. 
"I love you.", he groaned as he rubbed his right hand up and down your thigh, sending chills up your spine.
You moaned easily in response. "I love you too."
"You're gonna be such a good mom to Amelia and—and this baby.", he stuttered.
The sounds of you both having sex filled the room and you continued to hope Amelia would stay asleep. The worst feeling was being interrupted in the middle of sex with Joe. It had happened right before you found out you were pregnant last time. You both were so close to finishing at the same time until you both heard Amelia's cry come through the monitor before she began sobbing which instantly stopped you both in your tracks and killed the mood. Joe had slid out of you before sighing, throwing a pair of pajama pants on. 
You both loved Amelia more than life itself but it was hard to make time to be romantic at times. This was one of those nights. You slid your panties back on with a sigh, trying to forget the feelings Joseph had made you feel as you slid your nightgown on. You went to Amelia's room and picked her up out of her crib, her clinging to you. You felt her wet tears against your skin as she clung to you and the teddy bear Joe had gotten her. You carried her in your all's room. 
Joe's hard-on had disappeared quickly as he sat on the edge of the bed. You kissed Amelia's head.
"Did you have a nightmare baby?", you brushed through her curly hair as you let her climb in bed between you and Joe.
She nodded, pouting before reaching for Joseph. He took her in his arms and kissed her head. You flipped the lamp back off as you all settled down in bed, Amelia between you both. She was sniffling as Joseph held her in his arms. You put an arm around them both. You loved them both more than anything in this entire world. 
"You really think I will be?", you asked shakily, looking up at him as he continued to thrust himself into you. 
"I—I know you will be, baby. You're so strong—and loving—and I just love watching you with Amelia.", he grunted, thrusting deep into you, hitting the spot that made you forget your name.
"Joe.", you moaned out. 
"What, baby? I have so many pictures of you both on my phone—I just look at them when I miss you both. I just can't help thinking how bad I want to give you another baby.", he sighed, closing his eyes. 
You eyed him as he continued to thrust into you with soft groans, he was waiting for your reaction. You ran your hands over his back, gently sinking your fingertips into his soft skin. Just touching him and feeling him this close to your made you fall that much more in love with him. 
"Yeah?", you smiled.
"Oh yeah—it was so hard to wait this long to really try for another baby—and know that we are really working towards getting you pregnant.", he groaned.
His words sent chills all over your body, the twisting, aching feeling returning to your stomach. Joseph was going deep—so deep you could feel him in the pit of your stomach. You were moaning in spurts as he continued to thrust himself into you. He smiled, throwing his head back easily and closing his eyes. This lasted for just a few moments before his eyes opened, desire laced in his brown eyes. 
"Baby.", he moaned out. 
"Yes babe?", you moaned back. 
He chuckled lightly. "Are—you—ready?"
"For?", you teased lightly. 
He bit his lip, chain lightly dangling before he took a free hand, brushing it through his curls while he admired your body. Yes, your body may not be the same as before you got pregnant but he didn't want it to be. When you got married, you may have been a little smaller, breasts a little perkier, and no stretch marks. You were beautiful then. Now, your body showed signs you are a mother. You had retained a little bit of your baby weight, your breasts were a little less perky, and you had stretch marks. But Joe loved you the way you were. 
After Amelia turned three months old, you decided to try and go to the gym or go on morning walks or runs to try and get off the excess baby weight. Joseph convinced you that you didn't need to do that. He still managed to make you feel beautiful even when you were frazzled after being woken up at three in the morning, attempting to get Amelia to latch and eat. She was so fussy when she was hungry or needed a diaper change. Joseph never left you up alone with Amelia. He would run his hands through her hair as you fed her, sinking back into the pillow you had propped up against the headboard.
"For me to put a baby in you—God, I'm so close baby.", he groaned as he continued thrusting, deep and soft.
"Yes.", you whispered, smiling up at him.
He knew that look in your eyes. They were glossy, pupils were blown from the feelings he was making you feel. You were closing in on your orgasm. Your climax was building and soon, you'd release. He couldn't wait. Feeling you tighten up around him, your juices spilling around him. Your fingertips sank deeper in his skin, toes curling around his waist as his thrust became a little slower, more sensual. 
"Babe—", you moaned. 
"Yes, love?"
"I'm gonna cum—I swear I'm gonna—", you choked, swallowing as if that would keep your orgasm at bay.
"Do it, baby. I need to cum in you and fill you so full.", he groaned.
Those words spilling from his tongue caused you to hit your orgasm head-on. Your back arched, fingernails sinking into his skin as you felt your walls tighten around him, muscles contracting and pulling him in deeper. His eyes widened as your body reached its high, your eyes becoming heavy and blurred. He loved watching you have an orgasm—all because he did all the right things. 
"Such a great wife—God. Baby, are you ready for me to fill you full? To give you a baby?"
You nodded groggily. 
"So—good.", he thrusted deeper twice before you knew it was over for him.
"Oh fuck, here it comes baby—I'm gonna feel you full——give you a baby—I promise.", his chest heaved with his final words as he closed his eyes, you feeling his warm, hot liquid shoot inside of you with the pumping of his member. You lay there, allowing his member to stop pulsing. It was several pumps before he felt satisfied enough to pull out.
"Wait, before you move baby.", he breathed as he grabbed a couple extra pillows you all had in your bed.
"Why babe? You got it deep in me, I promise.", you chuckled, placing a hand on your lower stomach.
"Because they recommend you prop your hips up on a pillow to help my babies reach your womb.", he smirked as you allowed him to slide them under your hips. "Gets them closer to your cervix.", he smiled.
You giggled. It was cute how serious he was taking this and how determined he was to get you pregnant. It was actually sexy that he was putting this much effort into this. He sighed deeply, a sign he was beyond satisfied. You turned your head to face him, smiling from ear to ear. You were love drunk and it was the best you had felt in a long time. 
"I love you.", you smiled.
"I love you too, baby.", Joe smiled as he kissed you, cuddling up to you so you could keep your hips elevated.
Several weeks passed. You and Joe continued to be very intimate and try for a baby. You all did it as often as you could. Whether it was when Amelia was down for a nap or right before you both went to bed. Amelia slept with you all a few nights but other than that, you both had been working very hard on getting pregnant. Joseph was getting ready to go out of town for some interviews and red carpet events. He asked if you wanted to go, however, you opted to stay home with Amelia and prepare for Christmas.
Joseph's family came over to your house since you and Joseph had been together. You remembered the first Christmas you spent with Joseph and his family. You were so nervous, but they instantly had made you feel at home. Joseph was helping Amelia with her dinner as you sat down with just a salad. You had made lasagna and a salad for dinner, however, your stomach was turning. 
Joseph eyed you as Amelia ate her chicken nuggets. "Babe, are you going to eat?"
"Feeling a little nauseated.", you eyed him. 
He nodded as he eat his lasagna. Your nausea didn't lift until you ended up in the bathroom, throwing up. Joseph came in and made sure you were alright, careful not to leave Amelia to her own devices. She was in her curious stage and would make a mess if you let her. You stood up easily from the tiled floor of your bathroom, eyeing yourself in the mirror. You looked a little exhausted. You wiped your mouth but did not return to the kitchen table. 
Joseph didn't pressure you to test or tease you about a possible pregnancy. A few more days passed and it was the night before Joseph was leaving. You all were in the middle of foreplay when another sign popped up.
"Ouch—", you hissed, recoiling from him.
His hand had been roaming your body, running his hand over your breast before taking your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. That's when you felt the dull, achy pain shoot through your entire breast.
"What, baby? What did I do?", he asked, his eyes immediately changing from lust to concern.
"Just my boob hurts—really bad.", you hissed, carefully massaging your own breast with your own hand gently and tenderly but you could still feel the dull, achy pain.
Joseph kissed your cheek. "What do you think's causing that?"
"Probably just hormones—maybe I'm getting ready to ovulate or have my period."
You had tried to keep up with your ovulation and period on a period-tracking app, but it was a little difficult to follow.
"We can just cuddle tonight, but will you let me try to put a baby in you when I get back home?", he brushed through your hair as he kissed your cheek tenderly, a hint of seduction in his voice.
You nodded, smirking. "Of course."
Joseph left the next day, nearly crying when saying goodbye to you and Amelia. It was hard for him to go, but you understood. You were proud of him. Amelia hated to see her daddy leave and often went and sulked for a few hours. Joseph always checked in and made sure she returned to her old self. You were on your computer, googling the symptoms you had while Amelia took her nap. You hoped she wouldn't be so fussy and agitated when she got up.
Looking back, it was dumb and naive of you to google your symptoms. You hit 'enter' on your laptop as you awaited the search results to come back. All signs pointed to yes—there was a possibility you were pregnant. Your eyes widened as you clicked a link and followed it, all the symptoms listed matching up with yours. Part of you panicked because Joseph was out of town, but you needed to know. Were you pregnant again? 
A nervous feeling rose from the pit of your stomach as you shuffled around your kitchen, trying to focus on something else. Particularly the store list of what you needed for Christmas. You eyed it before slipping it into your purse. A perfect excuse to go to the store and pick up a couple of pregnancy tests. The wait for Amelia to wake up seemed to take forever. 
Finally, your alarm went off and you went to wake up Amelia. She adjusted after a few minutes, a little grumpy at first. After giving Amelia a snack, you helped her get dressed. You opted for a hoodie, leggings, and a messy bun for your trip to the store. You bent down, helping Amelia get her winter coat on. She instantly made a pouty face, disgusted and a true copy of her daddy. 
"Amelia, stop looking like your daddy.", you laughed at her. 
"No.", she frowned further pouting and crossing her arms.
You could only imagine how she would be in a few years as she began to grow up. 
"Amelia, please do this for mommy. It's cold outside.", you eyed her.
She reluctantly uncrossed her arms slowly before letting you escort her out the door and to your SUV. You buckled her in before getting into the driver's seat, shuttering from the cold. Snow lightly began falling as you and Amelia entered the store, you placing her in the shopping cart. Distracting yourself, you headed for the groceries. You picked out everything on the list. Amelia was behaving fairly well.
However, in times like these, you still missed Joe. You picked out some Christmas decorations before saving the best for last. You went to the health and beauty section, hitting the family planning aisle. There they were, the little test that would determine whether or not you were pregnant again with your rainbow baby. You bit your lip, eying them nervously. You gained a few glances from older women. What was the big deal? You were a mother and could be pregnant again. It wasn't like you were a baby yourself. 
You were a grown woman and married to the love of your life. He was such a good provider for your family and took care of you both. Both of his girls. You finally selected a First Response pregnancy test— a box that contained two. You tossed it in the shopping cart before getting ready to check out. The snow was picking up as you and Amelia pulled into the driveway. Snow had lightly covered the ground, beginning to lie on. 
You grabbed as much as you could before getting Amelia in the house and putting the groceries in the kitchen. It took you two trips to get all your items. You quickly put the groceries away as Amelia watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on television. This was a perfect opportunity to sneak off to the bathroom and test quickly. You gave her milk in her sippy cup and her favorite blanket to satisfy her. 
In the downstairs bathroom by yourself, you opened the box and quickly reviewed the directions. It could take two minutes. You opened the test, preparing to pee on this little white and pink stick. You took a deep breath, your nerves coming to a head as you performed the test. You easily laid it on the counter. Now, you had to wait. You ran out of the bathroom, checking on Amelia. She was still glued to the television. You told her you'd be right back to join her. 
You closed your eyes as you entered the bathroom, the moment of truth. Your hand began to shake nervously as you reached for the pregnancy test. Keeping it angled enough to not see the result, you brought it closer to your face. You closed your eyes and took another deep breath before eyeing it. You gasped, placing a hand over your mouth as you noticed two pink lines. You were pregnant.
Tears filled your eyes as you gasped in disbelief again, a smile coming across your face. Joe had done it. He had given you a baby.  
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Mike character analysis - Season 2
This is a continuation of my in-depth Mike character analysis. The first season can be found here, here, and here. I am basing this off the theory that Mike started realizing his feelings for Will were different than Lucas and Dustin by the end of season 1. By season 2 I think Mike realizes that he's gay and in love with Will. His behavior honestly makes no sense to me otherwise. This is in 5 Parts.
When season 2 picks up, it has been almost a full year since the end of season 1. We learn 2 key points right away - that Will has been having flashbacks to the upside-down since he got back and goes to the doctor regularly. This seems to frequently interrupt his school days and causes Mike in particular to worry. And the second point is that Mike has undergone some serious behavioral changes. This is understandable considering the trauma the group went through in season 1, but it's important to note here that the trauma isn't over. They are still going through it. And it's because of my first point - Will is back but still not ok. There is no resolution or time to grieve and it's one of the main reasons for the change in Mike.
Mike is getting in trouble at school a lot, his grades aren't good, and he has an attitude problem. A thing his parents are losing their patience with. His punishment is to get rid of his toys and when he suggests they have too much emotional value, he gets mocked by Ted who says they are just toys. Mike not only has to get over his feelings about what happened but he isn't allowed to be attached to things. Something that stands in stark contrast to Karen's behavior toward an 18 year old Nancy in season 4, when she tells her she can keep her stuffed animals. Nancy is allowed to be emotionally attached. Mike isn't. He is being sent a clear message. His emotions are an inconvenience to others. And the reason for this brings me to my next point.
Mike is shown to talk to El on the radio regularly. He's counting days and seems to just be talking about random things i.e. telling her about his day. Now he doesn't know that she's listening. As much as he says he believes she's alive there is no proof he actually believes this. He does absolutely nothing to go look for her. And he has no reason to. He saw her "die". There is no indication that this isn't true. And the most important note that I think I will make in this whole analysis is this - This behavior isn't cute or romantic. It's grief. And we know this for A FACT because we have seen this exact same scene before - with Hopper in season 1. Hopper calls his ex-wife repeatedly. He is often shown popping pills and drinking excessively. He isn't coping with the death of his daughter well. It lead to his divorce. His ex-wife moved on, re-married and had another kid. And Hopper is stuck by himself with his grief. So he calls her sometimes. Just to check in and he tries to reminisce. It's his way of holding on to his daughter and their life together. And no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, interprets Hoppers behavior as cute and romantic. He is clearly struggling and depressed. And the fact that he's an adult here combined with the fact that we know he has substance abuse issues is enough to help the audience realize that Hopper isn't ok. He's not trying to get back together with his ex-wife. He's trying to keep the connection to his daughter alive. EVERYONE WATCHING UNDERSTANDS THIS.
So then WHY is it that when we see this same scene play out with Mike, it's suddenly just adorable. Because of the only thing that is different - Mike is a little boy. Between his parents and the GA, Mikes feelings are once again oversimplified and dismissed. He's a little boy of course he must be in love with El because why else would he call her? He's a teen of course he has an attitude. This way of thinking is seriously problematic and it's a large part of the reason why Mike isn't coping well - because no one notices or understands his pain, and certainly no one is helping him go through it. It is emphasized by the Wheeler parents that Mike needs to just get over his attitude. They've been patient long enough. And while he's at it, he needs to get rid of his toys - parts of his childhood - because it's time to grow up now (the phrase "man up" is heavily implied in these conversations). Because the Wheeler parents have this attitude, the GA does too. We've seen this EXACT THING before, too. Lucas and Dustin suggest in season 1 that Mike has feelings for El, so he must even though there is no indication from his behavior that he does. Mike has a bad attitude, well his parents say it's time to get over it so he must. He calls El all the time - must be because he's in love with her. Couldn't be grief. Doesn't matter that we saw Hopper do it, doesn't matter that we know this is normal behavior for grieving people. People often talk to or write letters to the dead. It can be a coping mechanism, but it can also be unhealthy if the person can't let that go and this is exactly what we see Mike doing.
It's a way to over-simplify Mike's feeling and it's entirely because it makes people uncomfortable. So if the GA (and his parents) don't want to see his grief, it's easy to dismiss it as just a little teen angst. It's easy to dismiss it as him having a crush on El - because why else would he be talking to a girl. I know I say this a lot but it's because it's important. People can't understand why anyone talks to someone of the opposite sex if it's not because of romantic interest and it carries over into their interpretations of Mike and El's relationship. They can't understand why he would be talking to her and the reason he does is this - he feels guilty that she "died" helping him find his friend. This is less palatable than a simple crush. Grief is complex and ugly so we need to hide it away.
It's so much easier to dismiss his feelings as the most simplistic answer, but this not only is the reason why Mike is struggling to process his emotions, it's extremely insulting because it implies that he doesn't have any complex feelings to think about. And people dismiss it because he's a boy. They don't dismiss Hopper - he's an adult and is entitled to his grief. They don't dismiss Nancy's attachment to her stuffed animals - it's cute that she wants to keep them. It's Mike specifically who isn't allowed his feelings. Which is why I will never accept or respect the point of view that Mike loves El because he called her a lot. Because Mike's well-being and what he wants and needs isn't being taken into consideration at all. This is a theme that continues through the rest of the series with every character and the audience - except for Will. Part 2 here.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE Animate Tokuten Drama CD “Diabolik ★ Negligent Lifestyle ~ The Eldest Son’s Depression ~”
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Original title:「ディアヴォリック★自堕落生活~長男の憂鬱~」
Source: Diabolik Lovers Chaos lineage Animate Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Takahiro Sakurai & Tomoaki Maeno
Translator’s note: ‘The eldest son’s depression’ is a very accurate way to describe this CD because it’s basically half an hour of Ruki suffering which leads to his eventual mental breakdown, haha. If there’s anything I learnt from tokuten CDs over the course of the past two years, it’s that if you’re a ‘serious’ person by nature - for example Reiji and Ruki - then there’s a 99.9% chance that you’ll get the short end of the stick. :p These boys suffer so much because the other boys are just pulling random shit.
Ruki: ( My coffee break after finishing all daily tasks around the house. While enjoying the deep fragrance of the coffee beans, I browse through one of the philosophy books I have been reading these past couple of days. To me, it is moments like these which spark the most joy. Today in particular, my younger brothers left early in the morning, so it is nice and quiet in the house. While feeling just a tinge of loneliness, I decided to enjoy this rare moment of free time to the fullest. )
Ruki: …Haah. 
*Caw caw caw*
Ruki: …Hm? There seems to be a lot of commotion going on outside? Somehow I have a bad feeling about this. Let’s hope I’m simply imagining it. 
Ruki gets up from his seat and heads outside. 
Ruki: …Hm? What is that large shadow?
He approaches.
Shuu: Zzー … Nn…
Ruki: Shuu…!? Is he asleep…? I can imagine they would try to use this guy as a decoy, giving Reiji and the others a chance to ambush our manor…However, I do not sense any other presence. I suppose I will simply have to confirm directly.
Ruki draws his weapon and carefully approaches. 
Ruki: If you have come to kill me, then let us battle it out fair and square, Shuu!
Shuu: Nn…Hm? …Nnh…Zzー...
Ruki: If you continue to sleep, I will end your life! 
Ruki threatens with his sword. 
Shuu: Zzー... Zzー...
Ruki: Could it be…Is he really just sleeping? …Hm. In that case, I suppose killing him would be a rash move on my part. After all, I could think of a million things I would like to ask him. About Reiji’s tactics, as well as what his other siblings have planned. I suppose I have no other choice. I’ll carry him to the living room for now. 
Shuu wakes up.
Shuu: Nn…Nnh…Pwaaah…Huh? Where am I…? ーー Hm? Why am I tied up?
Ruki: This is my manor. I tied a rope around you so you would not be able to cause any harm. …Shuu, there is something I would like to ask you. Why were you sleeping by our doorstep? Did Reiji send you here? 
Shuu: I got sleepy while out on a walk, that’s all. What are you going on about?
Ruki: Hah! This smells like something Reiji set up. I suppose you won’t spill the beans so easily, huh? However, we have all the time. You shall tell me everything you know.
Shuu: I don’t know anything at all. Could you please listen to me? 
Ruki: I don’t believe you. From Reiji’s plans to what we can expect from your other brothers…The information you have will surely prove to be useful to us in our future fights.
Shuu: Gotcha. I mean, I’m not gonna run away so do as you please, I guess? For now…Pwaah…I can’t be bothered telling you all of that, so I’m gonna go for a nap instead. 
Ruki: Do you…realize that this is enemy territory? 
Shuu: I’m aware. So what? You’re the only one here right now, aren’t you? So I have nothing to worry about. I can make quick work of just one person. 
Ruki: …!? Excuse me!? Are you trying to insult me!? 
Ruki gets up from his seat.
Shuu: …Someone’s at the door. Shouldn’t you go let them in? 
Ruki: Unfortunately for you, we are not expecting any visitors. It could all be part of Reiji’s plan in an attempt to rescue you now that you have been imprisoned. 
Shuu: You think so…? I can’t imagine that guy would try to save me. 
*Ding・dong・ Ding・dong・ Ding・dong*
Ruki: …!? 
Shuu: You’re not gonna answer the door? It’s pretty clear by your expression that you’re dying to know who’s ringing the bell. 
Ruki: Tsk…You better not try to remove the rope while I’m gone. You do realize what will happen to you the second you try to escape, correct? 
Shuu: Pwaah…God, do you ever shut up? Didn’t I tell you earlier that I have no intentions to run? Zzー... Zzー...
*Ding・dong・ Ding・dong・ Ding・dong*
Ruki: Haah…The one time I get a free day…
Ruki heads towards the entrance hall to open the door.
Ruki: Who is it?
Kino: Hey there, Ruki! Geez, a little late, huh? I thought nobody was home for a second because it took forever for you to answer the door!
Ruki: …!? Kino…! …Tsk! So it was all part of Reiji’s plan after all!
Ruki attacks but Kino manages to dodge just in time.
Kino: Woah there! …God! That was close! What are you doing all of a sudden!? 
Ruki: You are here to save Shuu on behalf of Reiji, are you not!? Just so you know, I will not give up the prisoner that easily. 
Kino: Eh? What are you going on about? …So Shuu’s over at your place as well right now?
Ruki: Huh? So you don’t know anything…?
Kino: What am I supposed to know? I’m just here to pick up something I forgot at your place. Let’s just say I accidentally left my smartphone behind when infiltrating the building yesterday. 
Ruki: Wha…!? Infiltrate!? 
Kino: Oh well, who cares about the small details? Anyway, I’m letting myself in, okay? 
Kino walks inside.
Ruki: …!? Wait!
Kino: I’ll leave as soon as I get what I came for, so relax. Let’s see…Where’s my phone…? 
He starts walking around. 
Kino: Hmー The bathroom? This is not the place I’m looking for. 
Kino: Um…Not here either. 
Kino: Hmー Here, maybe? 
Kino: Wrong again!? Hmm~ I guess this absolute mess of a room must belong to Ayato? Which means…
Kino: Haha~! I guess this would be Shin’s room? Heeh…Shin’s more of a cleanfreak than I expected. 
Ruki: Oi! Don’t go around looking inside our private rooms without permission! Do you have a death wish!? 
Kino: I mean, you’ve got a target on my back either way, don’t you? In which case I don’t see why I would need to be extra careful about everything I do. 
Kino continues looking around. 
Kino: …There we go, finally found it. So here’s the living room. With a house as big as this one, it’s so easy to get lost, don’t you think? 
Ruki: ーー Oi! That’s where he…!
They both enter the living room.
Kino: Let’s seeー My smartphone…My smartphone…Wait, huh? Shuu! You’ve actually been taken captive!
Shuu: …Hm? Perfect timing. Could you undo this rope?
Kino: I mean, sure. But you better thank me later, okay? 
Kino removes the rope.
Kino: There we go!
Ruki: Kuh…Stop that at once!
Shuu: Oh please, just pipe down already, will you?
Ruki: It being two against one puts me at a disadvantage, but I suppose I have no other choice. I shall take both of you at once!
Ruki draws his weapon again. 
Kino: Haah!? I didn’t come here to fight today, you know…I told you that I only came to get my smartphone, right?
*Rustle rustle*
Kino: …Got it! Anyway, I’m kinda tired so I’ll head home now. 
Shuu: Me too. The noise here is driving me crazy. 
They head towards the door. 
Ruki: Wait. I will not let you leave. Either you fight me and die, or you will become prisoners to lure out Reiji…Now choose your fate.
Kino: Haah…!? (mumbles) Hey, what are we gonna do now, Shuu? You’re the older brother of us two, so do something about it!
Shuu: Don’t ask me.
Ruki: I hate to break it to you, but coming up with a plan won’t get you anywhere. 
Kino: We’re not! …I’m really not in the mood to fight right now, you see? Reiji nagged me about my bedhead first thing in the morning today, I’m honestly exhausted. 
Shuu: I’d rather not bother with something as troublesome as fighting either. 
Ruki: In that case, you’ll behave and become my prisoners? No complaints there? 
Shuu: Sure? But don’t tie me up again, okay?
Kino: Hmー I can live with that. We’ll let ourselves be captured, but at least give us that freedom, okay?
Ruki: I suppose I have no other choice but to agree with your wishes in that regard. 
Kino: Okay, that’s settled! Well then…
Kino plops down on the couch.
Kino: I’ll be over here playing on my phone. 
*Beep beep*
Shuu: I suppose I’ll go for another nap…
Shuu lies down.
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: I shall get back to reading theー …Wait, hold up! You agreed to becoming prisoners earlier, remember!? So what’s with that leisurely attitude!? 
Shuu: Zzー... Zzー...
Ruki: Ahem! You agreed to becoming my prisoners earlier, did you not? 
Kino: Hmー Did we? I don’t remember. Anyway, I’m kind of in the middle of something right now, so can we talk later? 
Shuu: Zzー... Zzー...
Ruki: Haah…Hah!
Kino: Uwah…!? 
Shuu: …!? 
Ruki: Rule number two of this household! All members should participate in household chores such as cleaning and cooking whenever possible! When in Rome, do as the Romans do! Now that you have officially become my prisoners, you two will also have to follow the rules of this family! Well then, we will be starting with the laundry!
Kino: Haah…!? What are you saying?
Shuu: Haah…Too much trouble. Why would I ever…?
Kino: …Hey! That hurts! Don’t tug me…!
Ruki: There are only so many hours of sunshine per day. We have no time to waste on idle chit-chat.
Kino: Haah!? You’re seriously a pain in the ass! (mumbles) …Oi, Shuu! Why did we agree to this!? Now we’re in deep shit!
Shuu: Don’t ask me. It’s not my fault. I didn’t think this would happen. 
Kino: Um…Now I just have to put some laundry detergent in here…There. 
Ruki: Wrong! Everyone knows that you first have to measure out the amount with the bottle’s cap before putting it in! Don’t be so wasteful!
Kino: How am I supposed to know that!? I’ve always left all of the household chores up to Reiji after all. If all you can do is complain, why not do it yourself!? 
Ruki: Then what’s the point in keeping you as my prisoners? Furthermore, everything you need to know about the laundry detergent is written down in the house rulebook which I handed you earlier. I told you to properly read through it, did I not? 
ーー Shuu, please read to him the part on the laundry detergent found on page 12.
Shuu: Haah…Why me? 
*Flip flip*
Shuu: ‘Rule 8.2: When using laundry detergent, one must use the bottle cap to measure the right amount at all times. One may not go over this set amount by even 0.1 milliliter.’ 
Ruki: Yes, exactly! Have you ever heard of the saying: ‘many a little makes a mickle?’ Our family is always very mindful about saving money, that is exactly whyーー
Kino: Aaah…I’ve had enough! I can’t keep up with this. I’m passing! Shuu can do this one. 
Shuu: Once again, why are these tasks being pushed onto me? Weren’t you the one who said we would help out? I won’t do them.
Kino: Eeh~? But I personally believe that only idiots work themselves. Besides, I like making other people do the dirty work for me, so do it!
Shuu: Nope. I don’t want to bother with labor either. 
Ruki: Heh. That truly sounds like something a bunch of NEETs would say. You losers. 
Shuu: I mean, if that means I can have an easy life, sure. …Anyway, I’m sure you could have figured that making us do household chores wouldn’t end well? 
Ruki: A lot of my younger brothers aren’t natural-born housekeepers either, yet we have continued to help each other where we can. As captives, you should at least put in a minimum amount of effort! 
Shuu: I don’t think that way. Besides, I don’t like getting scolded. Hence, I’m stepping down. You can do the rest. 
Kino: I’m throwing in the towel as well. I thought it’d be a fine way to kill some time, but I’m already tired of it.
The two of them walk away.
Ruki: …Wait! I shall not let you get away!
Shuu: We get that we’re supposed to be imprisoned. So we’re simply returning to the living room, that’s all. 
Kino: Exactly! Rest assured! …We don’t know the secrets to our Family, but I guess I wouldn’t mind informing you about Reiji’s weaknesses later on. 
Ruki: Reiji’s weak points, you say…!? 
Kino: Yup! You’re curious about those, aren’t you? That being said, we’re leaving the rest up to you. Good luck!
They leave the laundry room.
Ruki: Che…This is exactly why lazy people grind my gears! I wasted precious time on them for nothing. Damnit!
Kino is playing one of his games again.
Kino: Hmー I guess there’s no way to connect to the wi-fi here. 
*Ding・dong ・ding・dong*
Kino: Oh? Is it already this late? Hey, Shuu…Do you think Ruki is still doing the laundry? 
He gets no response. 
Kino: Hey…! Shuu! Shuu…!!
*Rustle rustle*
Shuu: Ugh…Shut up…What do you want? 
Kino: Once again, I asked when Ruki will come back. 
Shuu: How am I supposed to know? If you’re that curious, why not go take a look yourself? 
Kino: No way! Then he’ll force me to work again, won’t he? ーー Actually, pwaah…I’m bored. Play with me. 
Shuu: I refuse. I don’t see why I would need to entertain you. 
Kino: You’re really not the most sociable guy around, huh? 
Kino gets up from the couch. 
Kino: Oh well, whatever. Is there anything around which I can play with…? 
Kino: …Oh! Could this be Ruki’s favorite book? 
*Flip flip*
Kino: Uwah…! It’s all words and no pictures, how boring. I guess he became such a hardhead from reading this stuff all the time? 
Ruki enters the room. 
Ruki: My bad for being a ‘hard-headed Vampire’. 
Kino: Oh geez, I was just joking…~ …Anyway, you took forever. When will dinner be served? 
Ruki: Hah? 
Kino: Like I said, I want to know when we’ll get some food. Don’t tell me you guys are so poor, you can’t even afford daily meals? 
Ruki: Of course not. …However, those who do not work, do not get to eat. There is no food for you two. 
Shuu: Hmm~? You’re just as stingy as one would expect. 
Ruki: …! S-Stingy? …Damnit…Fine. In that case, I’ll heat up some of the leftover soup we had for dinner last night. That’ll do, right? 
Shuu: A rare steak. 
Ruki: Steak…!? 
Shuu: Grade A5 wagyu beef. I won’t eat anything else. 
Ruki: Do not be ridiculous! Beef!? And a top quality cut on top of that!? Do you truly believe that you are worthy of such a dish!? 
Shuu: Yeah? 
Kino: Ahaha! Shuu, you say the funniest things at times. 
Ruki: Che…I cannot believe you would go as far as to demand such food after refusing to work. I understand why Reiji calls you a ‘good-for-nothing’ now. 
Kino: Hey, Ruki. I’d like a steak too. …Oh, also guava juice made from 100% real fruit, please~ …Ah! Don’t mix it with other ingredients like bananas, okay? Alsoーー 
Ruki: Hah! Ridiculous. I fail to see why I should listen to any of your selfish demands. 
Kino: Oh~? I thought you wanted to know Reiji’s weakness? 
Ruki: …! …Ugh…Che…Kuh! I’m making an exception just this once, okay? Furthermore, do not try anything funny. Do you understand? 
Kino: Yeah, yeah, all clear. Well then, Ruki, off you go~! 
Ruki: Haah…It took me quite some time to find a guava. …I suppose it is about time I rearrange our food storage. 
Ruki: I suppose the steak I took out of the freezer earlier should have thawed by now. I better hurry back and prepare it for them. Haah…How did this happen? They have been less useful to me as prisoners than I anticipated. I need to hurry up and find out about Reiji’s weakness…then kill them, I suppose? 
Ruki: …!? What was that sound just now!? I believe it came from the first floor but…Could it be…!? 
Ruki rushes to the first floor.
Ruki: Ugh…! Oi, you two! What are you doing!? 
Shuu: Can’t you tell? 
Kino: We found the steak, so we figured we’d get to cooking. Ahー About the explosion from earlier…Well…Yeah…You know, we went around pressing some random buttons and then something went boom?
Ruki: Explosion!? 
Kino: So yeah…There might be this slight ー No, relatively big hole in the wall now. 
Shuu: Just so you know, this isn’t our fault. You shouldn’t have taken forever to gather all the ingredients. 
Ruki: …
Kino: Ah, Shuu! The meat! It’ll overcook! 
Shuu: Hm? Ah…You’re right.
Shuu takes the meat off the fire. 
Ruki: You have to be kidding me…This crosses the line…I’ve had enough! You blow a hole in my kitchen wall and go around acting like you’re king of the world! Also what’s with the AC running on full power!? …Huh? It’s set to 18 degrees…!? The AC should be on 28 grades at all times! 
Ruki adjusts the AC.
Kino: Ah! What are you doing!? 
Ruki: Furthermore, don’t use the teppanyaki plate here! It’ll cause a power outage!
Shuu: …!? Oi…! Don’t touch my meat!
Ruki: Che…! Move! You’re in my way!
Shuu: And you are in mine. If you turn off the power right now, it’ll ruin the meat.
Kino: Haah…I’ve worked up a sweat from you yelling at us. Better turn on the AC and the fan. 
Kino starts messing with the AC again. 
Ruki: …!? Did I not tell you to wait! Don’t just do as you please…!
Ruki: …!? 
Ruki: …M-My…My manor…What did I do…to deserve this…? 
Shuu: Aah. It really improved the ventilation of this place. 
Kino: Ah…B-But…It’s not my fault, okay? 
Shuu: Guess we should head home now.
Kino: Y-Yeah! Good idea! I’m kind of sick of being a prisoner.
Kino: …Uwah!?
Ruki: Where…do you think you’re going…? 
Kino: W-What do you mean? Home? 
Ruki: And who gave you permission to do so? Not only are you my prisoners…There is something you have to take responsibility for, no? 
Kino: Eh? Did I do something bad? 
Shuu: You’re the one who made us do the things we did, remember? In other words, we’re not to blame. 
Ruki: …! …However…All of this happened because you two came here, did it not? Don’t get ahead of yourself because I’ve gone easy on you so far! Hah!
Kino: Wah!
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: You can start by fixing all damage dealt to the living room and kitchen. And once you’re done with that, you will clean the bathtub and the toilet as well as clean the windows! 
Kino: One second! You can’t expect a homebody such as myself to do physical labor like that! Have you lost your mind!? 
Shuu: Cut it out…I’m not doing any of that. …Ah, right. You want to know Reiji’s weak spot, don’t you? I’ll tell you that right now soーー 
Ruki: You can tell me in full detail after you’ve repaired my manor. As long as you stay here, my word is law. Haah…Come on…Let’s go…Ugh…
Shuu: Haah…This sucks…I guess there’s really no place like home, huh? 
Kino: Noo~! I don’t want to work…~~! Let me go! Oh come on! Ah, god…! I hate you Rukiiiiiiーー!!
ーー THE END ーー
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voltfruits · 1 year
aubreycore playlist for auby enjoyers
paramore - "ignorance"
the beths - "whatever"
sonic youth - "catholic block"
neko case - "middle cyclone"
mitski - "townie"
car seat headrest - "something soon"
sleater-kinney - "dig me out"
green day - "having a blast"
fiona apple - "criminal"
liz phair - "crater lake"
guided by voices - "game of pricks"
beach bunny - "promises"
hop along - "waitress"
be your own pet - "black hole"
indigo de souza - "real pain"
EMA - "butterfly knife"
the new pornographers - "letter from an occupant"
phoebe bridgers - "graceland too"
bikini kill - "rebel girl"
i'm not expecting anyone to read this far but. explanations. lol
ignorance: i think the possible time frame for omori is situated a few years before paramore's popularity really took off, but they're the patron saints of bratty emotional 00s teens and it's easy to imagine aubrey being a fan. this particular song is just brimming with righteous fury, and the lyrics are pretty obviously relevant: "I'm not the same kid from your memory, well, now I can fend for myself / don't wanna hear your sad songs, don't wanna feel your pain when you swear it's all my fault, 'cause you know we're not the same"
whatever: this is an aubybasil anthem to me!! but it's an angsty one. it's about being let down by a friend over and over until you finally snap. i can imagine aubrey belting "we're blood and water but my back is blown, your shoulders slumped saying 'you should have known I'd let you down again'" as basil guiltily cowers/whimpers before her lol
catholic block: as aubrey grows up postgame i imagine she leaves behind pure teen-angst emo in favor of more sophisticated indie rock (maybe this is just me projecting my musical hyperfixations onto her lmao), and i headcanon sonic youth as one of her eventual fav bands. the exact lyrics here are hard to pin down, but it's clearly about having a bad relationship with catholicism, so it's fitting.
middle cyclone: a lovely, vulnerable, stripped-down ballad from one of the most badass vocalists in music today. acknowledging aubrey's softer side is just important as capturing her power and anger, and no lyric is better suited for that than "i can't give up acting tough, it's all that i'm made of / i choke it back, how much i need love."
townie: i know i'm not the first person to associate this song (or mitski in general) with aubrey. it's just. ugh. so good. "i'm holding my breath with a baseball bat, though I don't know what i'm waiting for / i am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be." fuck yeah man.
something soon: car seat headrest is my favorite band and i think aubrey would like them lots too, both for the rawness and explosiveness of their tunes and the insightful way their lyrics explore queerness, depression, and feeling trapped. "something soon" is one of the fiercest and gnarliest songs in their catalogue, and it it captures feelings of young adult desperation like nothing else. we've got lyrics that capture aubrey's more impulsive and violent tendencies ("i want to break something important / i want to kick my dad in the shins") along with a laundry list of poor, abandoned teenage grievances ("i can't talk to my folks / all my fingers are froze / only one change of clothes"). i mean, have we ever seen present day aubrey wear more than one outfit? (i am escorted off the premises for being too silly)
dig me out: sleater kinney is so aubreycore. they are THE girlboss indie punk band. my reasons for choosing this one are mostly based on vibes, it just sounds nasty and desperate and in terrible pain
having a blast: if you're a mentally unwell 16-year-old in a miserable US suburb there is a 100% chance discovering green day's dookie will change your life. i mean. "no one here is getting out alive, this time i've really lost my mind and i don't care / so close your eyes and kiss yourself goodbye, and think about the times we've spent and what they meant." church fight, anyone?
criminal: a photobomb anthem all the way through. just listen to it.
crater lake: underrated bop from the queen of 90s lofi. "and oh, all the tears in four tiny years / well, look at me, i'm frightening my friends." she even got the number of years right, bravo!
game of pricks: my favorite song right now, i've listened to it so much this week!!! it's like. the platonic ideal of a pop song. it's all melody. it's sounds so joyful and yet so melancholic. the lyrics capture a more subdued bitterness/disappointment that i think suits aubrey super well, since she isn't just a rage monster all the time. the one i really wanna draw attention to is: "i'll climb up on the house, weep to water the trees / and when you come calling me down, i'll put on my disease." idk i just. think it's touching how aubrey privately "weeps to water the trees" (uses her grief to elevate mari's memory and try to embody her after her death) but the moment she crosses paths with her past, she can't help being overtaken by the "disease" that is rage and disgust. she's trying so hard to put her pain to good use but she can't control the impulse to wreck everything instead. idk that's what that means to me
promises: beach bunny makes music that's cute and sunny but also rocks hard, which i think would appeal to aubrey. this is a song about being abandoned by an old friend/partner ("a minute you're there, a minute you cared, now you're gone / it's so unfair, keeping me from moving on") that i think functions especially well as an angsty sunburn song, knowing aubrey would confide in sunny when they were young.
waitress: this is a song about the crushing indignity of the service industry which isn't very aubreyesque LOL but i just fucking love hop along and i think aubrey would love them too. painted shut is an all time classic album and its combination of driving guitars, caterwauling vocals, and a vaguely haunted and musty atmosphere just sound the way aubrey's character feels. also i wanna single out the lyric "call you enemy 'cause i'm afraid of what you could call me" because DAMN. that is so her.
black hole: pretty self-explanatory rager about small town boredom. cheesy as hell, but it's what you need when you're 16.
real pain: this song, to me, is about aubrey trying in vain to convince herself that mari's death (and in certain endings, sunny and basil's deaths) are not her fault ("i don't believe the things i've done, i don't believe the weight i've been"). she clearly can't convince herself, though, because the song bottoms out in a storm of gut-wrenching screams like all a person's inner demons pouring out. sorry aubs :(
butterly knife: not really the closest match from a lyrical perspective, unless you count the line about pet rabbits, but i'm putting it on here because it's the best song from EMA's past life martyred saints, which is another album that sounds so much like aubrey to me. it's written from the absolute depths of mental fucked-upness, but it sounds so cool and subtle, almost ambient. it's the aural equivalent of aubrey's usual vibe; aloof, tense but subdued, keeping that storm of emotion just under the surface. just.
letter from an occupant: another all-time classic from one of my favorite bands, this is the perfect concoction of beautiful melodies, sugary guitars, and belt-your-heart-out vocal performances that i think does a good job capturing the cute-but-intimidating dichotomy of aubrey's vibe. the lyrics are mostly nonsense, but "with a shower of yeahs and whatevers, you trade me away long gone" is a wonderful line that captures aubrey's abandonment and her frustration with her old friends' apathy.
graceland too: oh god. this one. is based on my headcanon that aubrey moves out from her mother's house postgame and lives with polly and basil. i'm just gonna drop the whole first verse and try not to cry. "no longer a danger to herself or others, she made up her mind and laced up her shoes / yelled down the hall, but nobody answered, so she walked outside without an excuse / she could do anything she wants to, she could do whatever she wants to do."
rebel girl: during the time the game takes place, this is aubrey and kim's favorite song. they sing it to each other to hype themselves up. they know all the lyrics by heart. it's Their Song. listen to it and it's probably pretty clear why.
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57sfinest · 4 months
The ask you got about Jean and the anons mother (“your Jean post has me thinking about my mother in particular.”) reminded me of my father and how I interpreted Jeans actions.
My dad was emotionally abusive and distant because he was depressed from when I was 10 to present.
He developed his depression at age 20. Mine came in full force at age 9. I was also dealing with debilitating anxiety and a learning disability. When I was 12 I also started abusing drugs to cope with him.
My father mistreated my mother and I because of his depression. I grew up wishing he would divorce my mum or die already so we’d stop having to deal with him. I thought he was so selfish for not leaving or changing and for making it everyone else’s problem. I didn’t give a fuck that he needed help, especially cause he wouldn’t accept any. He wouldn’t even admit he had a problem.
So you’re me, age 12. You’re on speed, you haven’t slept in a days and haven’t eaten in a little under a week. Then this fucking guy is here, treating you like shit, treating your mum like shit, and he doesn’t even realise what a dick he is or what he’s doing to y’all cause he’s so caught up in his own head. You fucking hate this guy! You’re dealing with the same issues as him and more. You’ve tried to kill yourself! He’s not done that but he’s the subject of everyone’s concern because he’s loud and horrible about his issues. And you’re 12 and slowly falling into invisibility next to this cunt.
So now you’re still me, now age 20, and your dad is acting less horrible. You don’t trust him as far as you can throw him, but it’s slow progress so maybe you will.
But if I was in jeans position? Fuck no! I wouldn’t trust him! Yeah of course you realised you were awful to us then you conveniently lost your memory right after, that makes sense. You totally aren’t shirking responsibility just like you always have.
Then he seems like he’s being honest? I’d be so mad! You had to suffer for years and he just forgets it all like it was nothing? Fuck no! He can go fuck himself.
So yeah Jean is a dick. But I kinda get it. When people with issues (whatever they may be) don’t even realise they’re being shitty, or if they do they don’t admit it, it’s really easy to hate them, and there’s not a lot of reason to try and have sympathy for them, especially when you’ve spent a long time thinking of them as selfish for the way their issues manifest.
yeah and that's the thing, we can try to understand the cause of a character's behavior and even sympathize with it without necessarily condoning it, you know? i can definitely see where jean's behavior towards harry comes from, but that doesn't make it okay for him to be outright ableist and hypocritical, AND during a public confrontation to boot. jean was being shitty in a lot of ways in the ending and he topped it off with humiliation.
but i'm glad we have enough perspective on jean to understand where he's coming from when he acts this way. it turns him from a 2D caricature that just exists for us to hate to a real developed character who belongs in the setting and who has a distinguished, meaningful(ly bad) relationship with harry. and part of that is being able to look at him and go "yeah he's a complete asshole and the way he's acting isn't acceptable... but i do kinda get it"
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 8 months
age regresses you (respond whenever you want. i saw a free mess with someone with magic anons and i took it)
[...and you're sure it'll be alright? i know you and whatshisname know what you're doing but---]
[I hope. You can see the cracks getting deeper every day. She's overextending herself, she needs a reinforced foundation.]
[okay. and will she know any of us? 'cause if not she might run off---]
[Though the age and memories will be... fuzzy, indistinct - she will remember you from school at the very least.]
[that's. not as positive as i expected---i'll trust you on this one. just. ceasefire on the pranks, okay?]
[Agreed. ... Maybe I should never have given her access to that world.......]
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//picrew link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2058617
hey i guess? simon said this network was safe to use so uh---
they say don't reveal your real name on the internet but i don't have a real name. i'm just me. i guess call me holly. that's what everyone else calls me. it's not me but i'm used to it so.
i was running away and it hurt and i tripped over and hit my head on something and now i'm here. dude from school says i got a concussion or something. i guess 'dude from school' is sorta rude given he's one of the only ones who was actually nice to me. he's. taller than i remember but that's probably the concussion....... he keeps calling me blackthorn though. sounds like some edgy hacker name. or, well, the city in johto but i'm not a city
there's a lot of people in this house. it's scary. at least the house pokemon are nice even if the beldum won't leave me alone
//ooc under cut
so yeah we knew this was coming eventually. thanks anon for being patient :)
this is a prelude to something that happens to coincide with 100 followers (??? how) so i'm calling it an event for that even though the actual goal is to help me brain through something :v
despite the technical deadname, she's still she/her. she just hasn't chucked gender out of the window yet, it still sucks though in terms of medical conditions, all she's acutely aware of is autism/anxiety/depression, not that she'll admit to any of them.
the time period is very hazy and may be inconsistent because she repressed the majority of this time. she also thinks she's in and native to pokeworld (specifically some version of galar), due to the games being one of the only things keeping her going during this time. the 'concussion' will make her see demons as pokemon if needed.
pelipper mail etc is on, though magic anons are a lot more limited. in particular simon has negotiated immunity for the duration :v if i can't deal with something i'll filter it out, but otherwise same as anyone else
these posts will be tagged with 'holly kidthorn' if i remember.
(guess who simon is talking to and win absolutely nothing :D)
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thevividgreenmoss · 2 months
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I was 16 during the mavericks one title run in 2011 and since that monkey got off my back thankfully when watching this sport the overwhelming draw for me is just like I want to see good games like I root for the dance between teammates and between teams to culminate in great basketball and past that I have a contingent interest in seeing certain players and certain squads do well but it's not really tied to the fate of a particular franchise like sometimes i have a matchup dependent rooting interest but nothing consistent for or against any individual team (except fuck the warriors). Like this abysmal first half of game 1 I'm kinda bummed cause I want Luka to stop having his ceiling limited by what until this season had been a consistently depressing lineup around him but also I love seeing Mark Cuban and Jason Kidd eat shit and I loveeeeee seeing James Harden cook whether it's against my supposed home team or anyone else at the end of the day it's about the joy of seeing hoopers hoop #ballislife
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withlittletrust · 3 months
an ode to "Daily Dose of Sunshine"
trigger warning: mentions of suicide, depression, other mental health illnesses and spoilers to “Daily Dose of Sunshine”.
some time ago, i told myself that i wanted to finally share some highlights from last year. why now - almost a quarter of the way through the new year - you may ask. well, no reason in particular. i’ve wanted to do it for a while; i just haven’t gotten around to taking some time to sit down and organize my thoughts until recently. i figured, what better time than now?
the first highlight i’d like to share is probably something unexpected. it is not a place, it is not a moment in time, but it is a piece of art that i discovered sometime last year. shortly after my last birthday, i went on a trip with my beloved sister to strasbourg. she was feeling a bit unwell at that time, so instead of exploring the city until late, we decided it was best to return to the hotel and get some rest.
i turned on netflix because i had nothing else to do, and there it was: a new korean drama, titled “Daily Dose of Sunshine”.
having seen the trailers in passing before, this work was something that i had been looking forward to — albeit not in an overly excited kind of way. in my defense, how was i supposed to know it’s a heartwarming story, when the director made the trailer into some kind of m. night shyamalan situation?
well, i’ve never been more glad to be proven wrong.
this is something i would like to recommend to anyone interested in gaining insight into mental health issues and/or illnesses. it is suitable both as a first point of contact with these topics, and as a deeper, more insightful and eye-opening experience for those already somewhat familiar with them.
this story begins by introducing us to our main protagonist, nurse jung da-eun. she had just transferred from internal medicine, and we got to experience the station through her eyes. ones, that were somewhat unfamiliar with mental illnesses, that is.
now, as a medical student who did a 1,5-month internship in psychiatry, i already somewhat knew what to expect. nurse da-eun, however, understandably felt like she was thrown into cold water. from her first patient who slapped her before proceeding to (while running around naked) urinate in the corridor, causing nurse da-eun to fall and get soaked in (what i presume must have been still lukewarm) smelly kind of human secrete, all the way to being accused of theft and terrorized by a patient dealing with her own trauma, nurse da-eun was overwhelmed.
but all of that did not last too long, because the next moment we see her, she had already found her footing. it wasn’t all too difficult, because she was, at her core, a nurse who loved her job so much and cared deeply about her patients.
maybe, if i’d believed it were a thing, i would have said that she cared a bit too deeply. :-(
it all came crashing down when one of her patients committed suicide. it was a patient whom she had built a great rapport, who was discharged on her (through extensions) recommendations — adding to the guilt she felt. the cherry on top was the fact that this guy called her and asked her to meet up directly before he committed the act — a final request she was unable to fulfil.
depression hit hard.
at first, nurse da-eun tried to bury herself in her work. then, it was days of sleeping and nothing else. ultimately, she was forcefully committed to a psych ward after attempting to run into active traffic, because the pain she felt was so great, she couldn’t feel anything else.
in the psych ward, the first thing she felt was overwhelming anger. toward her mother, the doctor, other nurses, everyone. she was in complete denial - no, she was not depressed. no, other nurses shouldn’t treat her like a patient - she was also a nurse! a psychiatric nurse, goddamnit!
the resolution came slowly, not rushed. not in a, suddenly, everything’s good again, kind of way. not that now she’s happy again, problem solved, kind of way. she had to learn to slowly and painstakingly love herself, to see herself in a kinder way. she made the decision to choose happiness and was willing to put in the work every day, every step of the way.
now, WHO estimates that globally 1 out of every 4 people will be impacted by mental illness at some point in their lives. 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. if you’re lucky enough to have made it through life unscathed so far — well good for you, but there is absolutely no guarantee that it will not happen to you or people closest to you in the future.
i think it’s important to recognize that being healthy is a privilege. while mental illnesses might not be as visible as physical illnesses, they are, as the name suggests, illnesses. just as you need to see a doctor when you get a cold, mental illnesses are medical conditions that often require treatment. the least we can do to help people that are affected is to destigmatize mental illness and promote access to mental healthcare. it is our responsibility as a society to recognize that everyone deserves the opportunity to attain and maintain good health, and it is our responsibility as fellow human beings to fight against the inequalities and disparities associated with having mental illnesses.
obviously, it can sound overwhelming at first. and no one person should bear these burdens alone. i guess what i hope you can takeaway from all of these are the simple things: educate, listen, validate, encourage treatment, and provide emotional support. be decent human beings. call me naïve, but i feel like the world could be a better place if we all followed these principles. <3.
alexa, play imagine by the beatles. :-)
bonus part: the juicy stuff
this work also features what is probably my favorite love story of all time. the other half of the pair is made up by one mr. dong go-yoon, a colorectal surgeon who fell for nurse da-eun. he was sweet to her while being a dependable, emotionally stable figure throughout the series. he always seemed to know exactly what to do and what to say, to support her just to be her.
now i have to admit, i initially thought he was somewhat of a weirdo. he received consultation for his ocd, because he couldn’t stop cracking his fingers so much, they became callous. he also seemed kind of like a stalker when regularly hid and waited for her at bus stops. but the later we got into the story, the more admirable and adorable i found him to be.
dr. dong go-yoon was the reason nurse da-eun got the help that she needed.
i mean, i’d like to believe that it probably would’ve happened nonetheless, sooner or later. but he was the actual reason she made a successful recovery. i feel he was a kind person, truly. he always seemed to know how to help, but not in an overbearing kind of way. he always gave her space. he let her figure things out at her own pace.
he also has a love rival in one song yu-chan, but instead of overstepping his boundaries with the childhood best friend of his crush, he deals with it like an (awesome!) adult. he even manages to be a big brother figure for the latter. he has such a kind heart and such wisdom, it leads his brain to be able to reach places i couldn’t even fathom existed.
to conclude, this guy really had the perfect response at all times. he could understand she was still hurting, he didn’t preach even though he probably knew better. he got a black eye getting into a fight with demonstrators who wanted nurse da-eun to be fired for having been admitted into a psych ward. he went out of his way and gets up early to take her on morning walks, because some days, she still stood on the border between depression and hope. but to her, he was someone who visits her before depression ever does (even though he might fall asleep during breakfast time).
it was so heartwarming to see nurse da-eun found someone like him to rely on.
tonight, i wish for everyone find love and companionship as solid as what they had. calm and unbothered, with roots so strong, the storms never stood a chance.
feel free to strike up a conversation with me regarding this topic! i’m always interested in broadening my knowledge and listening to stories from other people!
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itsjustastory · 5 months
January 2018
It's strange, I don't know what to write. I practically begged for this pen and paper and now look, I have nothing. What is there to say? I don't know where I am, or how long I've been here. But I know exactly why I'm here.
I'm here to die.
I'm chained in some rancid basement, sitting on a cement floor, waiting to be killed by a man I didn't know. He told me his "name" who he was after a few days, he said he's the Cleaner. Someone people call when they need something cleaned up, like it never happened. Like it never existed.
I keep replaying my last day of freedom over and over, trying to see if there was anything different I could've done to avoid...this. But the truth is, it wasn't anything I did on that particular day. I'm just unlucky. Always have been.
My bad luck caused me to leave work later than normal one night, my bad luck placed me on the sidewalk right as Dario Bonetti was performing an execution on a rat, my bad luck let him see my face illuminated in a beam of light from a streetlamp. My god damn bad luck. So, he called the Cleaner. For me.
I just wish I knew what was taking so long. Why won't he just do it? It's been days, possibly weeks. My daughter probably thinks I'm dead, my mom too. And I can't help but to wonder...if they'll ever know how long I sat and agonized over them before I finally did die. I've been looking for that special connection people say parents have. The one that tells you if they're ok or not, alive still. But maybe it's not for me to feel because I'm the one missing, cuz I don't feel anything. I think and think so hard about Melody, I remember her smell, the way she puffed out her little lips when she was a baby, her first day of school, but no matter how hard I think, I can't feel her.
The things I can still feel, well, I dunno. I accepted a long time ago that my wires were crossed. I wasn't normal, not as a kid and not now as an adult.
I got the Cleaner to talk a little the other day. He seemed...almost normal. I have stitches on my head from trying to escape. It was a stupid attempt, and it failed, obviously. Well anyway, when he brought me breakfast that morning, he checked my head. I tried not to laugh at the absurdity of it, and he asked me what I found funny.
"You. This. Why do you care about my head?"
He didn't seem to have an answer right away. He was crouched down in front of me, he withdrew his hands and for a moment he just stared at me. He didn't look so scary then. Down at my level, even with his grey eyes appearing black in the dim lighting, he looked human.
"I'm a lot of things, but negligent isn't one of them."
That was all he said about it. The few times he did speak that was how it went. Short, to the point. But I dunno...it was different that time. The way he looked at me. It felt like there was something there It made me think maybe I wasn't going to die.
But that's stupid. Of course I'm going to. He was hired by the Bonetti's for fuck sake. There isn't a way for him to not complete the job he was brought in for.
I read once about the stages of acceptance and how they were similar to the stages of grief. Denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and finally acceptance. Am I still in stage one? Am I just denying the inevitable and seeing things that aren't there?
Maybe I'll write more later, I hear him upstairs. I guess it's noon.
𝓗𝓪𝔃𝓮𝓵 ♡
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
Alright, jokes about my own predictability and the flat circle that is time aside, here are my thoughts about this last stretch of Shadowbringers.
I've been informed that these ancient beings have been dubbed "ween woons" by the fandom and I... genuinely, unironically, wholeheartedly love it. I'd just been calling them the Mr. Burns Aliens, but no, they're ween woons. They go ween woon with their creepy lanky swaying and they say ween woon with their haunting vocalizations.
It's pokemon rules, THAT'S a ween woon
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In fact, that particular ween woon, uhhhhhh, is a.) self aware and b.) recognized my character.
I'd already figured out that Ardbert was likely your character's reflection here in the First, you both being shards of the same soul. Fits in with my theory that the echo in Warriors of Light is just, like, people who swore themselves to Hydalen the way Ascians did to Zodiark. Also, Ardbert looks identical to John Final Fantasy from all the cinematics and shit (which I did finally watch, to no one's surprise, I like the Heavensward one best), so yeah, that helped solidify that theory. Nice to have it confirmed.
This ween woon called Talia his "new old friend," and also described themself as "close friends" with Emet Selch, and Emet then ALSO recognized Talia once Ardbert did the fusion-ha dance to help stabilize her, with a "No... it CAN'T be," kind of shock to the recognition. So that's got some potential to be juicy "We were friends in another life" drama, peel it and feed it to me like GRAPES, I love it. ESPECIALLY if my theory is correct and that your old soul was one of the ancients who disagreed with the plan to sacrifice 3/4 of the population to Zodiark.
Also, yeah, it makes sense that the Ascians' plans will be to sacrifice everyone who survives 6 more fucking Calamities and trade that life to restore the ancients they lost. Otherwise, there would be people like Zaris, who think that they should go along with the Ascian's plans and allow the rejoinings to occur to become stronger themselves.
I also love the implication that their calamity, their "Final Days" was uh, just their own power to manifest their thoughts into reality turned foul. They didn't seem to have much reverence for individuality, to the point they wear cloaks and masks and share everything with everyone, spending days at a time discussing topics. They're beings of thought, not action. So if one of them, god forbid, has depression, and starts Thinking The Morbid Thoughts as any being with awareness is prone to do, that's gonna spread like... well, fire.
It is VERY interesting to me that Emet was earnest in his assertions that he wanted to see what would happen with the Scions and the WoL in particular because he is, I think, just looking to REST. He's lived "a thousand-thousand lives" and continually found humanity (for want of a better word) wanting. He does not feel like he can entrust the world and whatever disaster befell it to the hands of beings so flawed and myopic. That's why he needs the Exarch to go back in time and try to undo this MESS that is the world's shattering, because he doesn't think anyone but his people are up to the task of securing their legacy, of protecting the world. The people whom he mourns so freshly after what must be tens of thousands of years that he creates a city of shades just to feel the hollow familiarity of it. He straight up asks, "You think yourselves our equals? You think yourselves worthy to be stewards of this star? You think if you were threatened with a crisis like THIS that half your people would gladly sacrifice themselves to save the other?"
I'm really hoping it all comes back to Alphinaud's revelation back in Heavensward; no cause is ever worth sacrificing the people we love. We fight to SAVE them. Maybe we fail, maybe we lose, but at no point along the journey does forsaking the person beside you become an acceptable path forward. The good of the whole is worth nothing if it does not still value and treasure the good of the one. That's the mission statement. That's the thesis.
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