jjinomu · 5 years
Is the Drumsy model in Real Pastor in Virtual Reality Baptizes an Anime Girl video made by you? I saw the thumbnail and freaked bc i wasn't expecting your models to show up in my reccomended videos skbsdkdj
HAHA yes!!! drumsy’s avatar is made by me i was p surprised when i saw it on syrmor as well HAHA
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wackos-of-the-mmdc · 5 years
Hey guys. I know it’s been a while, but I wanted to share my grief concerning the death of wowaka.
If you didn’t know, on April 5th, 2019, wowaka died of heart failure at the age of 31.
wowaka produced hit Vocaloid songs such as Rollin’ Girl, Unknown Mother Goose, Unhappy Refrain, World’s End Dancehall, and much much more. He was also a guitarist in his band, Hitorie. Hitorie disclosed the news of his death to the public on April 7th.
wowaka’s music means so much to me. I discovered Vocaloid in 2014, when my entire life seemed to have fallen apart. Rollin’ Girl spoke to my then ongoing pain, as my home life was full of discord and disorder. I spent about an hour listening and crying to the song today, if I’m honest.
Because I discovered Vocaloid, I discovered MMD, and because I discovered MMD, I’ve made friends, grown as an artist, and grown as a person, as I’ve learned so much from all my experiences in the community—good and bad.
I hope that wowaka’s in heaven with samfree and powapowa, making sweet bops with the angels, where he belongs. I hope he knew the impact of his music on fans across the globe, and how grateful we all were for his existence. I hope in his final moments—even if they were likely painful—he felt peace in knowing that he had a positive influence on the music industry, so he was able to finally rest.
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alicehato · 6 years
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I did it !  I model a face. A bit weird but I’m really proud of myself.  I will probably do something else. It's super relaxing to do.
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maynomu · 6 years
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i am inactive but i did make some 10/10 good ART
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jananimefreak · 7 years
Eye Opener
I have no where else I can put this, so since I rarely use this website, I think I’ll post it here. 
My whole life, I’ve been raised in a homophobic household. I was raised to be homophobic. I am not. By some miracle, I grew up to be very accepting and loving of people. Of every single human being. It was hard at first, because my parents are very strict. 
I would have never admitted this, but I found out: I was in love with a girl. I was in love with a girl for a few years actually. I thought I was strictly straight. Most likely, I thought this because of how I was raised. Because of the circumstances of my house. My life dilemma. But I was, for a fact, in love with a girl. 
I’m only realizing this now because I have fallen in love once again, and these same feelings have come to me. Only for a guy this time. It’s the same feelings for that girl that I had. There are very little differences between the two feelings. 
It hit me like a bag of bricks. After a long conversation with a friend of mine, I’ve come to terms that I am bisexual. She told me that how I feel, and what thoughts have crossed my mind about this would explain a lot about me. About my quirks, my insecurities. My anxiety.
This isn’t something I can feel safe talking about anywhere else. My parents could never find out, I’m afraid of what they might do hearing my feelings. The last time I stood up for a friend of mine who was pansexual to them, I was punished severely. When I had my first panic attack, my dad broke down my door and screamed at me to shut up or he would let the cops take me away. When I became depressed and anxious for most days, my dad thought it was because I was doing drugs, alcohol, pregnant, or doing “homosexual activities”. Which he was relieved to hear none of that was true. It’s so scary to think I could be abandoned so easily by my own parents, the people that brought me into this world. So I cannot imagine what punishment I would have to endure if I were to have come out to them. 
This is something that people fight with every day. It’s not that I didn’t know that before, but it’s more like: I comprehend the situation way better. It’s horrifying and emotional and at times life-threatening. 
I have gone through many phases of trying to accept who I am, trying to accept what I’ve become. And now, I’m starting to.
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jjinomu · 5 years
Hey! I was lookin at your original models on your twitter and I'm just!!! so stunned!!! at how gorgeous they are!! I'm floored;;;;;I'm actually sending you an ask bc I was curious on how you model animal ears/tails,,,I've recently gotten the hang of modelling, and I wanted to try making some animal accessories for an OC! Any advice you have to share would be awesome!
AW THJANK U heheh im glad you like them!!! 
but oooo man animals ears/tails are quite difficult im not really sure how to begin explaining? it’s always been trial and error with me, but i’ll try to be as basica as i can??
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for like ears that are pointy usually i just make a cylindrical primitive, and then join the top so it’s like a cone shape, and then push the bottom of the cone backwards so it resembles this kind of shape
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usually i add a spline and then i cut a lot of lines through and shape it into a more organic ear shape, depending on your reference it might be completely different but idk i dont have a lot of experience doing animal body parts so i just dont think HAHA
and likewise for tails!! if its a cat tail, i’d use a cylinder and splines and get a nice curve or something, usually width doesnt change
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for fox tails it’ll taper and be thick at the top of the tail, and any fly away hairs i usually makedo with extrusions and joining those verts 
but yeah i hope that helps? it’s kinda rough but it’s probably the best thing i can do to explain aside from making a video but i dont have time for that rip
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jjinomu · 5 years
aa i just wanted to pop in and say that you are my biggest 3d inspiration and when i get discouraged i look at your work and it cheers me up again! i hope to release my very own full original model soon! (even if im still kinda struggling hfjdf) so thanks a lot!
aw sankyu!!!! im excited to see them if u wanna share hehehe 
modelling takes a while but the more u practice the better u will become!!!! and im honoured to inspire u hehe
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jjinomu · 5 years
hey, whatever happened to the res of yur Horror RPG girls models out of curiostiy? Just wonderin'
idk why people still ask me this but....... it’s been 3 years since i’ve done anything with them
so it’s kind of safe to say they’ve been abandoned HAHA
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jjinomu · 5 years
Hey jjinomu! i adore your work a ton, i was wondering if you have any tips for editing TDA hair for a slicked back sorta look?? :o
hi i think i’ve answered something similar before
it’s probably not that super helpful but i don’t work with tda that much anymore so that’s about as much as i can give ya
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jjinomu · 5 years
Hi! I was wondering if you had any advice on making clothing your way? (You know how you use part of the base mesh for it!) I am kinda rusty at it, and I'm really struggling at making a tank top and suit jacket for my male mmd characters. x3x
hi!! i think this super old speed-edit of mine might be useful for you :) 
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jjinomu · 5 years
nomu-nomu!!!!! aaahh i love seeing your original models and seeing your progress it's so amazing. tbh just a reminder that i love you and please drink water!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
ahh thank you!!! im glad you think so hehehe also yes!! definitely!!! i will DEVOUR WATER since ive been on a rly sad diet of cola and coffee omg
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jjinomu · 5 years
You doing anything special for Meiko’s 15th this year?
yeah!!!! im thinking about it but im also graduating around that time this year so im a little concerned about time management @.@ but i will try
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jjinomu · 5 years
So I noticed that a dA user by the name of MerKaito got your new(er) Tda Kaiko edit. What's up with that? It was never distributed...Right?
ya it was never distributed but merkaito was an exception 
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jjinomu · 5 years
Hi Jjinomu! Always have loved your stuff through the years
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hi!!! i’m sorry to say i probably won’t be avaliable for public model commissions for a while HAHA i do a lot of private commissions amongst my friends and close recommendations and the flow for that is pretty one-after-the-other and i can’t take more than one at a time right now since i’m back in uni (hence my lack in personal projects as of late) :(((
HOWEVER when they do open (or i really hope they do) ill be sure to make a post about it!! though i will say it won’t be first in first serve- i’ll most likely be picking what characters i wanna work with based on design/amount of detail im given since that seems most fair??? aklsdjlakjsd
but thank you so much to u guys for ur kind words!! i appreciate that u enjoy my work and expressed interest hehe i’ll definitely seek into looking how ill make it work when i open- but it wont be anytime soon because of uni alksjdlka
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jjinomu · 5 years
In regards to that ask i sent a while back, I think its this one?????? /jjinomu/art/DL-Tda-MEIKO-hbd-13th-meiko-713690048
yeah these cool kids are still tda so the answer is still the same HAHA 
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jjinomu · 5 years
I just had an idea. Instead of constantly worrying about looking at your old tda stuff and having to listen to people blab on about them, what about just releasing them in some big dump on stash or mediafire, then deleting them from your computer and never speaking of them ever again?
sorry i appreciate ur suggestion and dont mean to come off as rude but that seems a bit… inconvenient for me? and also anyone who wants to download those edits individually?? all the edits i want to be up are still up, i only took like a few down for my own reasons so i dont see why i have to make a big file????
unless you’re suggesting that i release all the tda edits i have kept aside and have said multiple times that i won’t ever release for personal reasons…. then that’s way out of the question im sorry- but please respect that decision haha
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