#obama war
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Slightly more than half. They are born in marginally higher numbers, tend to live slightly longer, and do not have the males proclivity to die by misadventure in alarming numbers.
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sayruq · 5 months
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the-eyespy · 2 months
🇺🇸 Donald Trump made the statement "Obama is the founder of ISIS."
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tonsillessscum · 8 months
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chrispineofficial · 3 months
i'm definitely planning to vote but damn. it's like... constant? it's always been like this? it just sucks forever? and we just do the thing we've always done so that it gets the least bad it could get? while it all continues to get worse? that sucks.
unless you yourself are planning some kind of massive militarized coup to effect an immediate upheaval of the us government for the 100% certain betterment of the people then yeah you have to fucking vote bc positive change is neither swift nor linear and you have a responsibility to everyone around you not to act like a whiny little bitch just because you personally do not have the vision nor experience to understand that things really do get better when you exercise your civil rights
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5weekdays · 10 months
absolutely fucking bizarre to see everyone on my dashboard perpetuating the idea that men lie about being bisexual to get attention from women. shut the hell up lol
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partywithponies · 1 year
I love period works based on relatively recent decades that are built entirely out of the childhood nostalgia of the people making them, and as such end up being just as much time capsules of the time they were made as the time they're set.
Like. I don't know if I'm wording this right. But "show or film based on a particular decade but entirely from the real memories yet flawed nostalgia glasses of a writer who was a kid at the time" is always going to be very much a product of its time. Like. Grease and Happy Days, both set in the 50s, could only ever have been made in the 70s and early 80s. Hairspray (the original film) and Heartbeat, both set in the 60s, could only ever have been made in the late 80s and the 90s. Ashes to Ashes, set in the early 80s, could only ever have been made in the late 00s. And Turning Red, set in the early 00s, could only ever have been made in the 2020s.
Because none of those works are true accurate depictions of what those years were objectively actually like. They're true accurate depictions of what those years felt like, if you were twelve at the time.
And that's something future generations of writers are never going to be able to quite emulate in quite the same way.
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agentfascinateur · 7 months
"Nobody's hands are clean" - Barak Obama
Yes, Obama said Hamas’s attack was “horrific.” But, he continued, the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and “what’s happening to Palestinians” is also “unbearable.” “If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree,” he said, arguing that the entire world bears responsibility for allowing the decades-long conflict to fester.
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eelhound · 10 months
"Sometimes I see people darkly warning that prosecuting Trump could set a precedent that would be used to prosecute Democratic presidents for their crimes. My response to this warning is best expressed in the title of a classic song by the band Panic! at the Disco: 'Don’t threaten me with a good time.'
I would love to see President Barack Obama, for example, face criminal prosecution for the many drone strikes he ordered around the world — including the strikes that killed radical imam Anwar al-Awlaki and his sixteen-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, both of whom were US citizens. These strikes amounted to extrajudicial executions of terrorism suspects who hadn’t been convicted of any crime and who were nowhere near anything that could remotely be construed as a battlefield. In the case of al-Awlaki, there’s reason to think that it was an extrajudicial execution not even for clearly illegal acts but for the inflammatory words in his sermons.
And that brings us to the real double standard here. Trying to overturn an American election is the kind of crime the Justice Department takes seriously. Extrajudicially slaughtering scary Muslims in a foreign country, even ones with US citizenship, is not. Even George W. Bush invading Iraq based on lies doesn’t count. Hundreds of thousands of people died and millions became refugees, but those were the wrong kind of victims for our justice system to take an interest in them.
The solution to that double standard, though, isn’t to let Trump off the hook for conspiring to overturn a democratic election. It’s to indict George W. Bush. One president finally being subject to prosecution for some of his crimes isn’t nearly enough, but it’s a start."
- Ben Burgis, from "Donald Trump Being Prosecuted for His Crimes Is Good, Actually." Jacobin, 4 August 2023.
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omgellendean · 6 months
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themetalvirus · 9 months
sonic rush 3. silver finally meets marine in canon. theres a boat upgrade-related gameplay loop. wind waker ocean exploration but better. we need this as a society. obama get on this
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tonsillessscum · 8 months
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Oh shit. Forgot I didn’t post the sequel 😳
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bunnyhugs22 · 4 months
• @ninaturnerohio The late Senator Gravel talked about the dangers of the pro-war establishment in 2008.
His words are important today.
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toodefendorperson · 28 days
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Biden is from Satan
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claraameliapond · 7 months
Barack Obama 10 years ago on Palestine
There's only one thing he said that isn't true : that 'Israel has a right to build a state of their own in their homeland.'
Israelis did not build a state in their homeland. They built a state in someone else's homeland.
That's what colonialism is. And this has always been brutal colonialism; literally illegal invasion and settlement, illegal expansion, with added constant harassment and acts of terror against the indigenous population, aided by wealthy countries, especially Britain and the USA - centrally, and other countries too scared to oppose them.
Look at the UN vote for an immediate ceasefire : the countries that voted no, or abstained from voting are all the ones too scared to oppose the US - they're either helped by the US, and don't want to anger them, or they have hard won but still always on tenterhooks trade or other relationships with them.
America is only a champion of peace when it suits them, and even then everyone else just agrees that they're too hot headed and unpredictably changeable to properly call them out and reveal to them that they don't actually have a democracy. Their idea of it isn't what that actually is. Real equality? They don't know her.
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
ProTip: When you're a cognitively impaired self-proclaimed "stable genius", it's not a good idea to accuse others of being cognitively impaired.
Donald Trump essentially created raw material for an ad for Democrats at his speech at the Family Research Council.
In his latest gaffe-laden speech, Donald Trump appeared to suggest former President Barack Obama was running in 2024 as he warned that “cognitively impaired” President Joe Biden could lead the country into “World War Two” if he wins re-election. During his remarks at the Washington DC Pray Vote Stand Summit on Friday, the former president said: “We have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, in no condition to lead, and is now in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war.” “Just think of it. We would be in World War Two very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man, and far more devastating than any war,” he continued as dramatic music swelled in the background.
Maybe if Trump attended his history classes instead of cutting class to steal ketchup packets from McDonald's he'd know that World War II was started by his fascist icons in Europe.
Of course Trump was attempting to act as a mouthpiece for his overlord, the "savvy genius" Vladimir Putin – but botched the line.
Let's not overlook Trump's hilarious unforced error in the same speech.
The former president said he was beating Mr Obama, the 44th president, in the 2024 election polls and then appeared to suggest he had beaten him in 2016 before correcting himself that his opponent then was Hillary Clinton.
Are you really beating somebody if that person isn't even running against you? 😆
Republicans and Russian meme makers want Americans to focus on Biden's age while ignoring Trump's mental unfitness – as well as HIS age. It's time to quit being defensive and go on the attack.
If you see or hear any reference to Biden's age in the news media when, in the same story Trump's age or fitness are being ignored, it's a good idea to contact that organization and ask why they are being so obviously one-sided.
Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling
Oh, and isn't somebody who throws food around and has temper tantrums more likely to start a nuclear war?
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