mangosimoothie · 9 months
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This Halloween, Attica Riot presents 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝐹𝐴𝑀𝐼𝐿𝐼𝐴𝑅: a different kind of Bachelor Challenge. 
Vampire supercouple Atticus Winthorpe and Ryan Kato are looking for that special someone: the perfect mortal to join the Katowin household as their familiar. Do you live to serve? Would you die to serve? Do you perform well under immense pressure? Are you not the slightest bit squeamish? Then you might just be that one. Maybe. Atticus and Ryan are very particular.
Submissions must be sent by October, Friday the 13th
Tag #katowinfamiliar and @mangosimoothie
One outfit per category and no alpha hair
8 will be chosen
Must be human and mortal - no occults
15 skill points spent however you please
Young Adults only
The winning sim will join the Katowin household and welcome a life of servitude (plus a cushy salary) under their two new caretakers.
Will they fall in love? Will they get turned? Will they die trying? Who's to say.
In your submission, please include some background on your sim, why they want to be a familiar, any special skills they might have, and their blood type (yes, really)
Can't wait to see your submissions! Happy Halloween and reblog instead of liking to spread the call 🖤
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juvellianovo · 11 months
Ryan Wendor ∆☆∆◆☆◆☆◆
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☆☆☆"Loud noises...I don't like them. it makes me feel like someone is screaming inside my head" ☆☆☆
- "The 3rd Layer Of Earth" Day 22, year 2019| Ryan's stress diary☆
@achy-boo @yevene @amberrskiies @dxmoness @lxdymoon0357 @vtoriacore
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d3li · 5 years
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More random doodles I uhhh need to practice anatomy more, man
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putaloadintrucks · 7 years
Theres a sheriff a’comin
“So you think we will see her again?”
“Who the fuck you talking about now tiny bitch”
“Jaslo you fucking smart ass, you think she’ll come back?”
“Well according to Shayne he is, I swear that kid had such a look of certainty on his face about it, never knew that kid had it in him to be so firm before. Thought he cowered under anything and everything.”
The season continued to die along in V8 Valley, the fall colors now turning grey and dead with the colder and colder days. Temperatures now where easily on average forty to fifty degrees, and that was plummeting every week up in the hills. Soon it would be entering single digits and most cars now where stocking up on supplies to hunker down in the upcoming months. As a result, more trucks moved through the valley, supplying the local residents and the odd tourist, helping them stick up on essentials such as food and fuel.
Currently one such truck was sitting outside the station, a now empty trailer behind him as the last of his supplies had been dropped off at the station. The battered black and silver semi was talking to an equally battered looking cop car, fresh bare metal over his body where repairs had been made to correct damage.
“So, Word down at the gossip kingdom is that you are finally getting that sheriff today. Is it true or do I need to go crack some frames down there again for yapping to much again?” asked the Semi, a Kenworth named Ryan who was a veteran of the logging industry in the area and the owner of a local lumber yard that was closed for the moment due to a lack of orders coming in.
“Yeah, No need to bust some body’s today Ryan, He should be here any minute” replied the cop, a deputy by the name of Dodger. He and his boss had recently had a run in with Jaslo’s boss recently, nearly killing them both before he had been dealt with by a… winged demon. The newspapers where still running stories on what it could be, but they all knew who had saved them. He had just been cleared by the county to finally be back on patrol, though his boss Vic was still gonna be up in traction for a few more weeks it seemed while his frame recovered. Dodger was inching to get back on patrol finally, the last month of recover having been incredibly boring to him.
“Good,” stated Ryan, “Last time I had them running scared. Glad they decided to only spread the truth this time around” he rumbled, earning a chuckle from Dodger.
“Can you blame them hot stuff, you can be very intimidating when you want to”murred the Caprice, Ryan narrowing his eyes at the cheek little cop.
“You want me to hit you, don’t you bug?” he said lately, Dodger cackling in laughter as  the sound of a door opening came from nearby, Dodgers brother Rodger slowly rolling out to the scene.
“If he hits you Dodger, I will not be helping you repair the damage” he stated, Dodgers laughter coming to end as he huffed, Ryan smirking at the sudden turnaround from the cop.
“You’re no fun sometimes” he spoke flatly, Rodgers gaze boring into him as an awkward silence between the two went on, only being broken by the soft rumbling chuckle of the Semi nearby.
“ Alright you two, let’s not have a sissy fight here, At least when I am not right here” Ryan jokingly said, earning a glare from both brothers as they huffed. “You two gonna be in as best of a shape as possible for when this new guy rolls up. Y’all know nothing about him, so the last thing you guys wanna do is piss him off the first day he is here”
“Yeah sure what ever.” huffed Dodger, sinking slowly to his frame as Rodger rolled his eyes.
“Lighten up Dodger, Could be worse. You could have had Ryan as your boss” cackled Ryan, earning a soft chuckle from the cop as Rodger growled.
“Shut it Ryan” he growled, a loud rumble came from the semi as he crept closer to the duo, a frown upon his bumper.
“ You want to see that to my grill, little fuckface?” he growled out, smoke bellowing from his stacks as his engine roared in anger, Rodger giving a soft eep as he sunk down to his frame in fear.
“No sir” he whimpered, Dodger cackling in laughter as the semi gave a humph.
“That’s what I thought. Think before you disrespect your elders” he growled as Rodger quickly nodded.
“Wow Rodger, did not know you could be such a bitch” Dodger said, giggling softly as Ryan diverted his attention to him, a frown on his face still.
“You can shut the fuck up as well, you need to stop egging him on. You know he’s been stressful about this whole thing since that shit went down, He has been scurrying up and down between stations trying to keep order on these roads, and the last thing he needs is your broken ass making fun of it. Save the jabs for when the new guy comes into town and some of the workload is of his trunk. Got it? Stated Ryan firmly, earning a sigh and a nod from Dodger.
“Yeah I know, I’m sorry Rodger. I know it’s been tough for you, I’m just, you know-“started Dodger
“You’re you. Kind of hard for you not to be an ass little bro” smiled Rodger softly, earning an eye roll from the semi near them.
“Nice little sappy moment you two really makes the fuel pump fell all tingly” chuckled Ryan, both brothers groaning loudly.
“Shut up Ryan” they both said, the semi chuckling softly at them as the brothers huffed in embarrassment, mumbling softly to themselves.
“So Mr. Uptight regulations, When’s the sheriff coming?” asked the semi, earning a mumble from Rodger as he got back onto his tires.
“He came into CB range a little bit ago, so he should be here any minute. Just got off the radio talking to him when I came out here” answered Rodger.
“Does he sound like a complete asshole?” Dodger asked, earning a nod from Ryan as he too wanted to know.
“He sounded.. young. Like my age almost which is odd for a sheriff” said Roger, musing softly as Ryan gave a rumble of agreement
“It is, most sheriffs are near the mid to late thirties. They usually have a good amount of years on their built, know the laws inside and out from how long they have to be working. For a sheriff to be so young, either means he is a rule pusher, or that there was a massive change of the guard at his station and he got bumped up the ranks quickly. Something must have happened at Station 5 for that to happen. Strange I didn’t hear about it” Ryan mused softly, his eyes drawn up the road as it spiraled its way to the top. It was very strange indeed.
“Good news for us than maybe? Less likely to be an ass to us” quipped Dodger, earning a hood shake from Roger.
“If he is a pencil pusher it’s not, he could try to run this station by the books. That will not go over good with the people in this area if he does. Last thing I want is for him to be hurt by a local or multiple ones cause he tries to push his own rules on them” he stated, Ryan nodding as Dodger starred at the road in front of him, trying to catch a look at the new guy.
“ Agreed, people can be way too head strong around here. I could see someone giving him an accident for his trouble, or gangbanging the shit out of him on a back road somewhere against his will” Ryan mused, Rodger agreeing softly as Dodger quipped up.
“Well we are about to find out. I am pretty sure that RAM coming down in sheriffs colors is him. And he is very attractive” mused Dodger as Rodger joined him by his side, sighing softly.
“Please don’t fuck the sheriff on his first day” he said sadly, Dodger cackling softly next to him as he grinned.
“I promise no such thing” he said, giggling softly as Rodger rubbed at his eyes with his antenna.  He looked out at the cop as he rapidly got closer, his almost black eyes darting to them, a smile forming on his grill as he turned into the lot, smiling from mirror to mirror as he pulled up in front of them.
“Hi!” he said happily,” Names Oliver. Glad to be here” he added, smiling as Rodger sighed, Ryan chuckled, and Dodger grinned from mirror to mirror.
“Yep. Fucking him” he said, giggling softly as he licked at his lips. Rodger and Ryan groaned loudly, Oliver’s smile turning to one of confusion as he looked at Dodger.
“W-what” he said softly as Dodger kept on grinning.
“You heard me big boy” he cackled, earning a smack with a tire from Rodger.
“Bad, stop trying to make a move already” he growled, earning a snicker from Dodger. All the while Olviers hood slowly became redder and redder from the increasing blush.
“I , um, I-“he stuttred, Ryan giving a chuckle as Rodger glared at his younger brother.
“Welcome to Inline, Sexual deviant capital of the world” Ryan stated, Oliver looking up at him with a whimper.
“I’ve made an error coming here, huh” he said softly as all three gave him a nod.
“Yep, pretty much. Prepare to either be fucked or fucked while here. It sort of happens” Rodger said, his older brother giving a smirk next to him.
“Yep, and you are on my list now big boy. Be prepared” Dodger cackled, turning and driving into the station, all the while giggling to himself. His older brother and Ryan chuckled softly, all the while poor Oliver could only whimper, his blush having spread to most of his hood.
“Well welcome to the station, sheriff. Hope you have some fun here” Rodger quipped as he followed his brother back into the station to make sure he didn’t break anything important inside, leaving just Ryan and Oliver by themselves outside.
“Is it really that bad here? I wasn’t told anything about that when they asked for volunteers to come work down here as the sheriff” Oliver said softly, Ryan smirking at him as he nodded.
“Oh yeah, that’s probably why you got it. No one else wants to work here because of that reason. Probably something in the air around her to be honest” he said, The RAM softly sighing as he stared at his new favorite spot on the ground.
“ I should’a been suspicious than when I was the only one to volunteer” he mused, Ryan cackling as he started to pull out of the lot and back onto the highway.
“Yep you should have been” he yelled out, merging onto the freeway as a cloud of smoke boomed from his stacks, leaving Oliver by himself outside now. He sighed as he looked up at the station, whimpering as the thought of what he had actually gotten himself into finally crossed his mind.
“Why do I always get the shitty jobs”
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tutterypuff · 6 years
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Erica is a wreck
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mangosimoothie · 1 year
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An overlay to help your sims show off their nip piercings when they're not allowed to go shirtless 🍒
masculine and feminine frames
left lip ring category
works on most tops but some meshes will mess with the placement! shows up best on tight, white or light color tops (just like in real life)
@alwaysfreecc @mmfinds @sssvitlanz @emilyccfinds
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mangosimoothie · 5 months
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𝕯𝖎𝖘𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖑 𝐼𝐼 (2/3)
And with that, we say goodbye to another faithful mortal. Wish the seven remaining good luck.
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@hauntedtrait @saruin @invisiblequeen @gothoffspring
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mangosimoothie · 1 year
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It’s too fucking cold out for this.
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1 | beanie scarf shoes coat - Incheon Arrivals Kit
2 | top mask pants hair
3 | coat shoes
4 | coat boots hat pants
5 | coat beanie glasses
@gorillax3-cc @rimings @spiderwhims​ @turksimmer​ @blahberry-pancake @savage-sims​ @bedisfull @dansimsfantasy​ @evellsims​ @jius-sims​ @minzza12​ 
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mangosimoothie · 9 months
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Mangosimoothie.tv Presents:
The Familiar
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
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(plus Ryan, for scale)
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mangosimoothie · 5 months
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 for atticus and ryan !!!! i wanna see the ppl that blessed us with such pretty sims (besides you ;))
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Oline Keli’i (gloomy, child of the islands, creative) and Hideki Kato (perfectionist, hot-headed, loner) Ryan's estranged, semi-no contact parents who definitely should've gotten a divorce before he and his brother left the house. Ryan was always kind of a troublemaker, but his twin brother Eric was always a Gold Star kid so they were content to just let Ryan act out and focus their attention on the very clear favorite child. It made Ryan very independent and pushed him to get as far away from them as possible out of spite. They check in with him every so often -- through Eric, not directly. They know about his restaurant and success and would tell him they were proud if they both weren't too stubborn to break the ice. After the divorce, Hideki moved to Japan and Oline is never in one place for too long, so it would be hard to get in touch with her even if he wanted to.
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
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mangosimoothie · 1 year
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Happy New Year from Aja and her favorite former bachelors 😉 
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mangosimoothie · 1 year
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“There’s no point going to an event if you’re not the best dressed one there. That’s why we never miss an event.”  On their way to Count Vladislaus Straud IV’s Winter gala 
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
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What’s the matter - cat got your tongue? 
Requested by Anon: Ryan in a sexy 50s inspired animal costume 🔞👗🐰
lingerie hair ears and tail
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
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DRAGULA - Episode 4 (3/3): So Delicious For the extermination challenge, Chef Ryan Kato shows Eden and Willow how to make his favorite dish - pufferfish nigiri. Deadly when poorly made.
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