meatball-soup · 2 years
Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines
(but nobody shows up lol)
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nathanielthecurious · 8 months
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returning to the officeless graduate student life by getting to know the department library workspace
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globalnewsafrica · 2 years
Why Mudavadi could be 'officeless' in his new Kenya Railways office
Why Mudavadi could be ‘officeless’ in his new Kenya Railways office
President William Ruto has issued his first Executive Order (No. 1 of 2022) setting out how his government shall be organised and to assign functions and institutions among Ministries and State Departments. The executive order is also sought to address a reported push-and-pull over the Office of the Deputy President, held by Mr Rigathi Gachagua, and that of the Prime Cabinet Secretary, a position…
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How The Gig Economy Is Impacting Employers
How The Gig Economy Is Impacting Employers
by Lauren Winans, Chief Executive Officer and Principal HR Consultant for Next Level Benefits There was a time when the promise of a corner office was one of the chief motivations in the workplace. That time has passed. The new dream job is officeless. It involves a laptop and the freedom and flexibility to work from anywhere. And the gig economy has allowed many to seize that dream. When people…
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souhugosantos · 5 years
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Obrigado pelo carinho #beofficeless e pela bela iniciativa de apoiar os profissionais remoto. - Hoje luto todos os dias para alcançar o meu sonho de ter uma empresa de excelente totalmente remota. - Quem deseja se tornar um profissional parcial ou 100% remoto, não pode deixar de seguir o perfil da @beofficeless e seguir todas as dicas. - - #homeoffice #nomadedigital #influweb #desenvolvedorweb #desgin #influenciadoradigital #trabalhoemcasa #marketingdigital #empreendedordigital #homeofficerecife #socialmedia #wordpress #adobe #setup #officeless (em Recife, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkVgwEB8Mc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v5sst64n7qrc
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padaouane · 6 years
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Step into ma office.. #officeless (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
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gundammeisterlyra · 7 years
Hey guys! I need your help with something!
So I have a design project for class about remote workplaces. We have to design something for the user to use in this environment, but to do that we need to do some research. My partner and I made a survey and we need at least 50 responses. If you don't mind could you guys take this really short and quick survey? It's cool if you don't want to. Thanks in advance!! The link to the survey is below https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedd2ZAwCqOmXROCZYZB0g7J9b591aUNw6vGSGB_jHLkKK2Dg/viewform?c=0&w=1
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batfam-bot · 3 years
Barbara Gordon, officeless? You just made this whole trip worth it.
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moldescostura · 4 years
Centros públicos da região reúnem 182 oportunidades - Diário do Grande ABC - [Blog da Solange Pereira]
Centros públicos da região reúnem 182 oportunidades – Diário do Grande ABC – [Blog da Solange Pereira]
Nas últimas cinco semanas o volume de oportunidades de emprego disponíveis pelos centros públicos das prefeituras do Grande ABC vem diminuindo. Em 20 de julho havia 301 vagas, passando para 263, 213 e 180, sucessivamente. Nesta semana, são 182 postos de trabalho. Em tempos de pandemia do novo coronavírus, em que há crise na economia, a oferta é mais tímida, e, conforme os postos vão sendo…
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deepfinds-blog · 6 years
Distributed teams are rewriting the rules of office(less) politics
Distributed teams are rewriting the rules of office(less) politics
When we think about designing our dream home, we don’t think of having a thousand roommates in the same room with no doors or walls. Yet in today’s workplace where we spend most of our day, the purveyors of corporate office design insist that tearing down walls and bringing more people closer together in the same physical space will help foster better collaboration while dissolving the friction…
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– due process. pt 7
hello friends! i am very much alive, just insanely busy. i will definitely try to update more, meanwhile enjoy! xoxo mira
tag: @abcreid @mattiemurdocksvoicemakesmesplosh @krazy-katt-lady
Foggy was rambling about something, having segued from your initial conversation about your request for discovery from the prosecution having been rejected. Yet, the only thing you could focus on were the cuts on Matt’s hands that were still healing. It had been over a month since you two had had that conversation in your living room, you having held Matt on pepper spray point as you interrogated him. Once he had answered your questions to your satisfaction, you had told him to get the hell out. Surprisingly, he hadn’t objected at the time but did when you proceeded to ignore his calls for the next couple of days.
Finally, you had to clear the air when he practically cornered you after leaving the courthouse and you had told him that you needed space. For the moment, the five feet of distance between the two of you wasn’t enough. However, Ben was here at Nelson and Murdock, neither of which were the names of his lawyers, but you were jobless and officeless at the moment and didn’t object when Foggy had offered up space. Karen popped her head in, clearing her throat to signal Foggy to stop yakking but you hadn’t noticed until Matt had put his hand on your arm. You pulled your arm back quickly, mostly out of sheer surprise, having snapped out of your trance, and partly because you didn’t want that little jolt of warmth you felt whenever Matt was near you. “Sorry,” you muttered, nodding to Karen. “It’s Ben’s mom,” she said, holding the phone out to you, “She just wanted to talk to you about the case.” “I’ll talk to her,” Matt chimed in, to which you rolled your eyes. If the man wanted to act like Ben’s lawyer, you didn’t know why the hell he just didn’t take his case on to begin with. “Mr. Murdock,” Ben interrupted just as Matt was stepping out, “Please just tell her everything’s okay.” Matt gave Ben a reassuring pat on the shoulder before taking the call. Karen called Foggy over as well, something about another actual case that belonged to Nelson and Murdock.
You took in a deep breath as you sat in front of Ben, trying to figure out what sort of tone to take with him. The boy had been through hell in the last few months, first the sexual assault charge and now this. “Ben,” you started, clearing your throat before continuing, “You have to take this seriously.” Immediately, you knew it was the wrong thing to say and you tried once more to adjust your tone. “I mean,” you started again, softer this time, “You have to be honest with your mom, she asks because she cares, and you’re honest with people you care about.” Before, you’d have been struck with Matt’s timing, him entering the room the moment you said that last part. Now you knew that the fool had super hearing or something like that. You only looked up at him briefly before turning back to Ben, “This is a lot to take in. This whole case is, but you can’t do it alone. That’s what we- That’s what I’m here for, that’s what your mom is here for.” Ben nodded somberly, sniffling a bit. You began to feel dread, you were never one to be a comforting figure at times like these. Ben had teared up in front of you before, the stress of the case having gotten to him, but that time, Matt had patted his back until Ben was calm again, and for a second, you felt glad that Matt was in the room with you.
“I just don’t want her to worry,” Ben said softly, “I don’t want this to be a burden on her.” “Ben,” you replied just as softly, uncharacteristically reaching to place your hand over his, “You can’t put this burden on just yourself either.” “She’s right, Ben,” Matt chimed in, placing his hand on Ben’s shoulder and squeezing. As tears rolled down the nineteen-year old’s cheeks, you couldn’t help but notice how young he looked.
“This whole mess is my fault,” Ben continued, this time his voice shaky as he tried to maintain composure, “It’s my mess so it’s my responsibility.” “Ben,” you said as his shoulders began to shake. Suddenly, you found yourself moving from your seat to move towards Ben, putting your arms around him as he cried. “It’s okay,” you said, awkwardly patting his back. It took a minute or so, but Ben quieted down while you kept your arms around him. Ben’s tears subsided, but you held on, his head resting against your shoulder, feeling tears of your own welling up as you struggled to will them back. “It’s okay,” you repeated, “You were not made to be that strong.”
“Let me walk you home,” Matt said, an hour or so later after Foggy and Karen had left to take Ben home, having offered you and Matt in on their plans for the night. Perhaps they were oblivious to the tension between the two of you, or maybe this was their attempt at easing that tension. Either way, Matt had brushed them off, stating he had work to do. Turns out, the work was going over your motion for discovery. You hadn’t rejected his help for Ben’s sake, but this is where you drew the line. “Talk about the blind leading the blind,” you remarked, feeling a tiny bit guilty for having said that. “You’re blind, too?” Matt called back, flashing a grin. You sighed, your attempt at a jab at him having failed, “Don’t you have vigilante things to do?” “The good thing about being a vigilante is that you make your own hours,” he said, much to your disdain. You wanted to stay mad at him, but it was that damn charm that made it so difficult. You held back a smile, not wanting him to hear it or anything like that, but shook your head, “No thanks.”
“What you said to Ben,” Matt called as you were about to turn away, “I didn’t tell you because I do care about you, Y/N.” You looked back at him, at the man who you had spent the last few months pining over, and shook your head before making your way out the door, “Goodbye Matthew.”
There was something incredibly interesting about your bowl of oatmeal, otherwise, you wouldn’t have been staring at it for the last 20 minutes. Having no official office to get to, you weren’t burdened by a specific time to get into the office, enabling you to spend mornings staring into your breakfast. Today was almost like every other day, other than the ringing of your apartment’s buzzer. You headed over, pushing the button to speak to whoever apparently decided to show up for a visit at 9 in the morning. “It’s Matt,” the grainy but familiar voice called back from the intercom. “Why don’t you take the fire escape, Matthew?” you called back, nevertheless pushing the button to let him up. Within a few minutes, you heard a knock at your door and you answered, fully intending to tell him off for showing at your place for the sole purpose of telling him off. To your surprise, he was not alone. With Karen and Foggy in tow, Matt carried boxes into your apartment, expertly navigating past your armchair to set them down on your living room. “Nice place,” Foggy commented, “Wesley Randall pays well.” “Not anymore,” you remarked as Karen delivered a swift jab at Foggy in your defense. You shot her an appreciative smile before gesturing to all the new furniture in your apartment, “What the hell is this?” “Discovery,” Matt supplied, which you should have figured as your motion for discovery had been approved by the judged a few days ago. “And we brought all of this to my apartment because…” you trailed off. Foggy piped up to answer you, “Well, our office is actually worse than this.” Your brow creased in confusion until Karen chimed in, “The prosecution buried us with the discovery.” You shook your head in disbelief, feeling overwhelmed but not because of the situation at hand. The district attorney’s office had a tendency to bury the defense in evidence with big cases like this, especially at Wesley Randall due to sheer spite, but back at the firm, there were a dozen associates that could sift through this while now it was just the four of you in the room.
“This is all the important stuff,” Matt said, to which you shot back, “How do you know?” “I went through a lot of it last night, they were kind enough to deliver some documents in Braille,” Matt replied nonchalantly as if his easy tone would not make you mad at what he had done. “So discovery came last night and you’re telling me now?” you cried, practically ready to lunge at him. “Easy now,” Foggy said, laughing as an attempt to cut through the tension, “Let’s not shed any blood on these important documents.” You sighed but relaxed your shoulders at Foggy’s behest.
And so, the four of you spent the day at your apartment going through the documents Matt hadn’t been able to read, sorting them into piles of important, could be important, and useless. Before you knew it, the sun had gone down and you were urging Foggy and Karen to head home. “Are you sure?” Foggy asked, gesturing towards all the paperwork you still hadn’t gone through, “You might drown in all this paper, Y/N.” “I’m fine, Foggy,” you reassured him, “Besides, this is my case.” He nodded, grabbing his coat as Karen did the same. “Matt?” Foggy called to his friend and partner, who was sitting with his tie loosened on your couch and almost quite literally knee deep in paperwork. “I’m gonna stay just a bit longer,” Matt replied, to which you shot him an incredulous look which Karen caught. “Let’s go, Fog,” she said, ushering him out the apartment. Now you were sure that the two knew of the situation between you and Matt and this was their attempt at making things better.
“You can go,” you said to no one in particular but also specifically to Matt a few moments after Karen and Foggy had left. “I don’t want to leave you all of this to handle alone,” he replied, his fingers moving across the paper he was reading. “How kind,” you said dryly. “Here,” he said, placing the paper in his hand down to push a package towards you, “This was by your mailbox and Foggy said it had your name on it.” You reached over to take the small box, curious to see what it was as you hadn’t ordered anything recently. “Geez, maybe it’s a bomb,” you said after shaking it lightly. “It’s not,” Matt replied, having taken his hands back to the paper he had been reading before. You were about to ask how the hell did he know, but then remembered that conversation in the same room you had had a couple of weeks ago. “Whatever,” you muttered, standing to take the box to your kitchen. You carefully took a knife to cut through the packing tape to open the box. Once open, you parted the delicate tissue paper that lined the inside to find a jewelry box. “What is it?” Matt called from the living room. “It’s from my sugar daddy,” you shot back, opening the box to find a delicate necklace with your initial hanging off the beautiful chain. You inhaled sharply, in sheer awe of the beauty of these piece of jewelry that couldn’t possibly be for you. You were so awestruck that you hadn’t noticed Matt coming over to you, so you jumped when he broke your daze, “What is it, Y/N?”
You shook your head slowly, placing the jewelry box on the counter to examine the box it came in to make sure it had your name on it. Sure enough, your name was printed clear as day on the box. Matt let out a long whistle as he examined the necklace with his fingers, “You really have a sugar daddy, Y/N?” You scoffed, pulling the tissue paper out of the box as to look for more clues, telling off Matt as you did so, “You know what Matthew, you don’t get to joke with me.” “Y/N,” he said, turning to face you, “I said I was sorry.” You shook your head, spotting an envelope that had fallen out of the box when you had taken the tissue paper out. “Sorry is not enough, Matt,” you replied, pulling the notecard from the dainty little envelope. Whatever Matt said after that fell on deaf ears as you read the handwritten note inside.
To my special girl. All my love, B.
soooooo who is this mysterious past lover(??) of y/n’s??? I WONDER!!! 
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reporterbetoribeiro · 3 years
Conheça o movimento officeless das empresas
O officeless pode ser traduzido como “menos escritório”. SAIBA MAIS! Compartilhe e comente!
O officeless é uma tendência que tem como base a autonomia, a confiança e o foco nos resultados. Conheça e saiba como ele funciona nas empresas. A autonomia dos colaboradores é um assunto que sempre gerou muita polêmica e dissonâncias de opinião entre os gestores de empresas. Entretanto, nos últimos anos, tem-se notado um movimento de mudança de certos paradigmas, como o relacionado ao home…
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globalnewsafrica · 2 years
Why Mudavadi could be 'officeless' in his new Kenya Railways office
Why Mudavadi could be ‘officeless’ in his new Kenya Railways office
President William Ruto has issued his first Executive Order (No. 1 of 2022) setting out how his government shall be organised and to assign functions and institutions among Ministries and State Departments. The executive order is also sought to address a reported push-and-pull over the Office of the Deputy President, held by Mr Rigathi Gachagua, and that of the Prime Cabinet Secretary, a position…
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hackernewsrobot · 6 years
Distributed teams are rewriting the rules of office politics
https://techcrunch.com/2018/08/18/distributed-teams-are-rewriting-the-rules-of-officeless-politics/ Comments
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mymlake · 4 years
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Amanhã começa a Semana de Liderança @beofficeless . Estarei ao vivo a partir das 9:20 da manhã. Nos vemos lá. inscrição no link: http://bit.ly/officeless-lideranca #officeless #trabalhoRemoto #TrabalhoRemotoSeguro @witecit @1teamcloud @falandoemnuvem @carollagoa (em Witec It Solutions) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCR2uuenbMG/?igshid=1pqarr9c1g312
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souhugosantos · 5 years
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Não temos que resistir às mudanças, o mercado que conhecemos mudou e devemos acompanhar as mudanças. - Com o avanço das tecnologias e com a possibilidade de trabalhar em qualquer parte do mundo, temos em nossas mãos a chance de ocupar cargos incríveis em grandes empresas, ou mesmo abrir o nossa própria negócio e ainda usufruir do conforto da nossa casa e com isso passar mais tempo com nossos familiares. #Repost @beofficeless • • • • • Olha só o destaque do mês de fevereiro da Época Negócios! 💥 A edição traz a revolução dos ambientes de trabalho e mostra como eles devem ser pensados para as pessoas em primeiro lugar. 💜 A revista visitou alguns escritórios que são referências no "layout como ferramenta", ou seja, quando o ambiente tenta moldar-se às pessoas e não ao contrário. Eles também mostram como essas mudanças impactam na produtividade e eficiência dos times. Vale a pena conferir! ;) . . . #beofficeless #officeless #trabalhoremoto #remotework #futureofwork #office #escritório #ambientesdetrabalho #épocanegócios (em Recife, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/influweb/p/BufdgT8Au-p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u3xieyiafzno
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